Managers As Lazy Stupid Cereerists

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Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 20 No. 4, 2007 pp.

(this is the final version of the article, reformatted to satisfy Emerald publishing policies, page numbers are as in the original, which can be
found at ).

Managers as
Managers as lazy, stupid lazy, stupid
careerists? careerists?
Contestation and stereotypes among
software engineers
Dariusz Jemielniak
Kozminski Business School, Warsaw, Poland

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a qualitative study of software
engineers’ perception of dress code, career, organizations, and of managers.
Design/methodology/approach – The software engineers interviewed work in three European
and two US companies. The research is based on ethnographic data, gathered in two longitudinal
studies during the period 2001-2006. The methods used in the study include open-ended unstructured
interviews, participant observation, collection of stories, and shadowing.
Findings – It was found that the majority of software engineers denounce formal dress-codes. The
notion of career was defined by them mostly in terms of occupational development. They perceived
their own managers as very incompetent. Their view on corporations was also univocally negative.
The findings confirm that software engineers form a very distinctive occupation, defining itself in
opposition to the organization. However, their distinctiveness may be perceived not only as a 491
manifestation of independence but also contrarily, as simply fulfilling the organizational role they are
assigned by management.
Originality/value – The study contributes to the organizational literature by responding to the call for
more research on high-tech workplace practices, and on non-managerial occupational roles.
Keywords Software engineering, Workplace learning, Managers
Paper type Research paper

Thus, spake the master programmer: “Let the programmers be many and the managers
few-then all will be productive” (James, 1986).

Although the managerial literature is dominated by the perception of culture as a
company’s integrative factor or even manageable asset (Hofstede, 1980; Ouchi, 1981;
Peters and Waterman, 1982; Schein, 1985), many authors show that organizational
realities are never so simple. In fact these realities abound in conflicting and
chameleon subcultures, quite often challenging the dominant managerial view (Rosen,
1991; Van Maanen, 1991; Martin, 1993). Conflict between managers (basing their
power on the company owners’ mandate and formal structures) and professionals (in
turn basing their power on knowledge) occurs in many, if not most, organizations
(Hall, 1986; Abbott, 1988; Trice, 1993). A good illustration of this tension is given by
Pondy (1983), who cites the example of accountants who have a proverb that their job Journal of Organizational Change
Management Vol. 20 No. 4, 2007 pp.
is ‘protecting the company from the managers’. 491-508

The author would like to sincerely thank Davydd Greenwood, Pauline Gleadle, and the anonymous
reviewers, whose constructive critique and comments helped in improving this paper. DOI 10.1108/09534810710760045
Kunda comments that “managers must learn to squeeze the most out of engineers and
development groups” (Kunda, 1992, p. 44). Software engineers are a professional
group that is particularly subject to constant managerial pressure and a consequent
burn-out. They also experience “time famine” having to work to constant deadlines
and tight budgets (Kunda, 1992; Perlow, 1997; Perlow, 1998; Cooper, 2000;
Jemielniak, 2005). This is perhaps hardly surprising, in view of the finding that high-
tech workers are often subject to normative control, to an imposition of values and
feelings from the “greedy” organization (Coser, 1974; Kanter, 1977; Kidder, 1981;
Kunda, 1992; Hochschild, 1997). Viewed in this light, identity shaping, indoctrination,
and “creation of emotions” are all tools used by management (Jackall, 1988; Kärreman
and Alvesson, 2004).
Indeed, it is argued that “managers and professionals (particularly engineers) are those
who most closely identify with the companies for whom they work” (Kunda and Van
Maanen, 1999, p. 64). However, as commented elsewhere, software engineers form a
quite unique and distinctive (counter)culture (Kraft, 1977; Bucciarelli, 1988; Trice and
Beyer, 1993; Garsten, 1994; Kunda and Van Maanen, 1999; Hertzum, 2002; Pin˜eiro,
2003; Vallas, 2003). They manifest their distance from organizations they work for in
many different ways (Kidder, 1981; Perlow, 1997). They form also, as some authors
claim, the avant-garde of the “brave new workplace of (the) electronic age” (Gephart,
The current study is an ethnography of a particular work group with distinctive
attitudes at odds with management. The study is interesting for the way it addresses
and illuminates the nature and implications of work-place culture and other differences
492 which co-exist within a work setting.
Method and its limitations
A longitudinal ethnographical study was conducted in three Polish and two US IT
companies. The research method was based on non-participant direct observation,
collected written stories (asking interviewees to write a story beginning with a phrase
“Once a software engineer met a manager ...”), shadowing of the selected actors, and
open unstructured interviews, lasting typically 40-50 minutes (55 software engineers
and five managers in the study). Importantly, all interviewees were salaried workers,
not contractors. However, in the companies studied the majority of programmers were
employed full-time, the sole exception being the temporary coders. Those were not
treated by the fully employed as really belonging to the group and thus were not
To assure anonymity, the interviewees’ names were replaced by a company’s fictitious
nickname and a number. The results are performative, not ostensive, as in Latour’s
(1986) terminology. In this sense they aim to understand and explain the point of view
of the interviewed, rather than at offering a definitive interpretation of the analyzed
problem, resulting from a preconceived theoretical model. Thus, the choice of
questions was very much dependent on how the interview progressed and the outcome
is to a large extent under the influence of the interviewees (Whyte and Whyte, 1984).
For structural reasons, carefully selected excerpts are presented from interviews found
particularly representative of what most of the informants said. The title of the paper,
on the contrary, reflects the author’s own synthesis of the interviews. The paper is
organized into four sections. The first addresses the most visible issue of dress code
and software engineers’ perception of this. The second covers their view of career. The
third is dedicated mainly to their comments about organizations and managers. Finally,
the last section sums up and places the findings
within the framework of professionalization theory. We conclude that paradoxically,
the rebellious role programmers play in many organizations may result from the strong
expectations organizations explicitly present them with.

Coders’ dress code

The way people dress conveys many meanings, sometimes even resulting in the name
given to an organization group. The Brown Shirts formation is one of many historical
examples, but organizations commonly have such groups. For example, according to
Johnson (1990), “suits” is a term commonly used by blue-collar workers to describe
managers. Similar tendencies can be observed in high-tech businesses. According to
Kawasaki (1990), a top manager in Apple, calls programmers “T-shirts” and labels
people from finance or marketing “ties”.
Indeed, software engineers are quite often depicted as dressing very informally (e.g.
by this group’s ethnographic pioneer: Kidder, 1981). According to an Australian
corporate stylist, Melanie Moss, IT workers are perhaps the “worst dressed”
professionals in all industries (Hearn, 2005). In the current study of five companies,
out of 55 software engineers interviewed, none regularly wore a suit or a tie. In
contrast, all managers and salespeople encountered wore both at all times. The
difference was so marked that it was decided to explore reasons behind these
differences. 493
Most of the programmers initially expressed a belief that their profession did not have
any dress-code. They also quite commonly said that the company they worked for did
not impose any rules in this respect. “You can dress however you like” “Anything
goes” “Wear something, that’s the rule [laughter]” were the recurrent comments. The
general tone of the responses is represented by the following excerpt (Wodan2):
I never really liked suits, I didn’t feel comfortable in them, but I don’t know ... My friends
who are software engineers, too, but work for the big companies, they often have to wear
suits. They have something like a policy or an agreement, about what they have to wear, and
so on. But here it’s different.
“Here, it’s different” was what interviewees often repeated, no matter which company
they worked at. Even in the big corporations studied here (American, one of the world
leaders in speech recognition, and Polish, a Central European leader in business
software solutions) the programmers not only shared this belief, but also stated that
they did not like “other big companies’ policies” that enforced a strict dress code.
Viewed in this light a suit was described as a symbol of being boring or even
uncultured (minicorp4):
[Q:] What about the way software engineers dress? Can you tell me more about this?
[A:] Well, about software engineer’s dress ...I’m not sure; I’d think what you wear is not that
related to any particular job at all. Or it is rather related to some conventions of a firm. I
mean, in general I noticed, that in today’s world a white shirt and a suit are like a military
uniform of a sort, there is some uniformity. I guess it is supposed to suggest working culture,
but it suggests the lack of it. No offence, but you wear a white shirt for some special
occasion, not every day, this is why it’s special. Here, at our company, it is a small one
anyway; we don’t have any dress code whatsoever. It is a fact, though, that when we go to
see a client, we do wear a suit, and our boss asks us to do so. But this is rather obvious, it in
a way shows respect for the client (...).

This interviewee defined a suit as a “military uniform”; consciously or not recognizing

its historical origins, expressing a very negative opinion of dress codes per se.
However, he did believe, and so did most of the interviewed, in the necessity of
wearing a suit for meetings with clients.
Although in general interviewees at first did not recognize that a dress code existed,
many of them added that their peers in fact do exert subtle pressure on how to dress.
These observations were consistent with the negative perception of formal dress codes
[Q:] If you wore a suit, how would it be received?

[A:] Well, colleagues would laugh definitely. But it wouldn’t be mean, just friendly
comments. You know, we don’t usually wear suits, so if somebody appears in one it
somehow causes reactions ...
This pressure was described by many of the informants. The dialogue typically went
as follows (Minicorp5):
[Q:] Could you tell me more about how software engineer dress?

[A:] Well, in our company you can dress as you like.

[Q:] I understand ... But in some companies people are not told what they are supposed to
wear, but they still dress in a particular way, e.g. a suit.
[A:] Sure. You can wear a suit and tie here, if you want, sure. But people prefer not to.

[Q:] Why? What would happen, if you did?

[A:] Well, people would snigger, naturally. I guess it is difficult to describe, it’s specific...
When somebody has a meeting with a client, people start commenting on it.

[Q:] Really? In what way?

[A:] They make silly remarks, like “ho ho!” and so on ...comments that you’re in a suit, and
that you look so cute, and that maybe you are going to propose to your girlfriend.
So wearing a suit was accepted only for meeting clients (Sand7):
[Q:] Do you often wear a suit?

[A:] Occasionally, and only if I am told earlier that I have a meeting with a client, then yes.
Let’s say a day earlier I am told, so I wear a tie, and go to the client. You know, you have to
look presentable when you meet a client (...)
Software engineers described, how they rejected a formal dress-code within the
organization, while observing it outside[1]. When outside the organization
programmers felt they represented the firm and so for this reason they accepted, even
if not welcoming, the external dress code. Wearing a suit was a sign of respect for the
client. Inside the firm, though, they perceived wearing a suit and tie as being beyond
the pale.
The failure to wear a suit is a sign of not belonging to certain organizational groups,
usually management, marketing and sales. Crane (1997) views bohemian dress style as
an avant-gardist aesthetic practice meaningful mainly in opposition to mainstream
fashion. For programmers, a formal dress code was not perceived as a sign of high
status, as is the case in many other contexts (Rafaelli and Pratt, 1993). They did not
emphasize their
independence by common choice of some particular clothes. On the contrary, their
status was defined rather by their freedom of preference in this respect. They enjoyed
their freedom from a formal dress code, instead joking about their peers who had to
conform. Paradoxically, dressing supposedly carelessly could be viewed here as a sign
of power and competence. But to understand the meaning of this symbolism, it is
necessary to explore software engineers’ views of management, and of organizations.

Organizing and managers

Most of interviewees did not mince their words when they spoke of big companies.
Many criticized corporations, without prompting (Wodan6):
[Q:] Would you like to work in a bigger company?
[A:] No. I get goose pimples whenever I think about big firms. I mean, well, I don’t really like
the idea of them. Even without thinking too much about it, it’s obvious that the bigger the
organization, the less flexible it is. Things take longer, everything has to go through more
people. And second of all, I was never really impressed ...I was never impressed by big
companies, all this paperwork, I think I always associated it with something bad ...maybe with
[Q:] Propaganda?

[A:] Yeah. Just think what happens in these companies ... They brainwash people: you are
the best, you are a team member, you are ... you have to achieve something, and then 495
something else, and else ...That’s my impression and this is what my friends, who work in
bigger firms, tell me. You are simply a cog in the wheel there.
The programmer described a typical big corporation. He stressed the ideological
character of managerial rhetoric by labeling it “propaganda”. Many other informants
expressed a similar distaste for managerial rhetoric (Sand1):
[Q:] What irritates you about the company?

[A:] Oh, occasionally many things...I think what I dislike most is when somebody from the
higher echelons, some big boss, comes here and blabs on about how much they care about
our work and how important we are, and when we ask about the promised raises he behaves
as if we offended him. Seriously, we had this situation a couple of months ago. And we have
this sort of blah-blah on an everyday basis.
The interviewees clearly identified the agitprop character of many of the official
organizational announcements. “Blabbing” and “blah-blah” was how they saw the
bosses’ rhetoric. Programmers stressed their anti-ideological stance. Ideology itself
was denounced, even if was not particularly striking in organizations they worked for,
it constituted the most disliked element of the stereotypical corporation. Whether it
was what they experienced in their organizations or not, managerial indoctrination was
listed as being exceptionally repulsive.
Correctional officers in Klofas and Toch’s (1982) research often shared a belief that
the “mainstream culture” of their profession does exist, even though they did not
belong to it. Similarly, interviewees in the current study, even the ones from really big
firms, unanimously said that even though the companies they work for are exceptions
to the rule, in general big organizations are unfriendly and hierarchical.
All programmers from two corporations operating in the international markets made
such statements (Sand18):
[Q:] What attracted you to this company?

[A:] Well, I’d say I came practically in off from the street, I didn’t know anyone here. But I
must say, that it is different from what people say, that the company’s big, takes advantage
of people, and so on. The atmosphere here is definitely humane, we’re a separate team
anyway, a separate cell, a bit away from the rest of the firm, so you don’t normally even
notice that the company is big, maybe just occasionally.
For a pretty neutral question about the reasons for working in the firm he worked, the
interviewee was making excuses, questioning “what people say”. He justified his
choice and emphasized that even though the whole company is big, his unit is small
and structurally independent, indeed “definitely humane”; in contrast to elsewhere.
Other interviewees, in similar tone, referred to bureaucracy as a typical and
particularly striking flaw of bigger firms (Wodan4):
[Q:] What made you apply for a job in this company, when you didn’t even know it?

[A:] Small size; that for a start.

[Q:] Why is that important?

496 [A:] Well, its not that being small is important, it’s that being big is a problem. I mean, I, you
know, have friends from university, a couple of them at least, who went to work with big
corporations, I won’t give you their names, but there the internal problems are somehow

[Q:] What kind of internal problems?

[A:] For example: a stupid boss. And apart from this there is also another, namely
bureaucracy. I mean, in particular, it happens often, that a guy gets an order ... I mean for
example, gets an order, spends two days on preparing some document, and then a bigger
boss comes and throws this away. Says that it’s something totally else. In small firms you
can communicate directly, there are fewer people in general; work is not wasted as much. In
big corporations nobody minds that somebody lost two days on some crap, that wasn’t even
used after all. And you have to spend lots of time on in-fighting. You have to intrigue and
drive people out, so as to prevent yourself from being driven out.
The inevitability of power struggles in bureaucracies was emphasized in many
interviews. Software engineers criticized the highly political nature of organizational
life and its irrationality, resulting from undue bureaucracy. They also resented the fact
that in many companies they have to engage in the game on managerial terms, so as
not to be marginalized.
Negative views of management (stupid boss) were repeated in many interviews. Large
company size was associated with inefficiency and in-fighting. There was a common
fear of incompetent bosses in big corporations (Minicorp3):
[Q:] What do you like about the company you work for?

[A:] First of all, that it’s small.

[Q:] So what’s so important about being small?

[A:] Well, a friend from work, who brought me here, put it nicely: he said there is no
dilbertization. I guess you know what I mean. And I think it’s because the company isn’t big,
you know.

[Q:] What is dilbertization?

[A:] Well, I mean, it’s not an exact term, ok? But in general, when there is no dilbertization,
you’re not talking about big companies and you’re just working faster, without problems. I
mean problems ... From what I hear, in bigger companies people have to do the same job
several times, because a manager changed his mind, a company changed its mind, and so on.
A popular cartoon caricaturing corporations’ absurd behaviour, the comic strip
“Dilbert” was used as a catch-phrase for big companies. Again, even though the
questions were focused on the companies programmers worked for, rather than on
management, the figure of the boss was brought up spontaneously, as an important
icon of the company. The manager was described as somebody who changes his mind,
and makes “people” work not only more, but also for nothing. Such negative
perception was intensified when I asked about managers directly (Wodan4):
[Q:] So, I have a final question. Could you give some advice to managers, people who lead 497
IT projects? Some dos and don’ts? What would you advise?

[A:] Well, my view of a bad manager is somebody, who knows nothing but pretends to know
a lot.
Software engineers question not only managerial competence in IT projects. They also
challenge managerial knowledge per se. People who pursue a career in management
do so because they cannot do anything else. As a result of their technical ignorance
they make unrealistic demands, the most common complaint of programmers.
Many of the interviewees expressed frustration with the fact that their superiors
perceived software as easily modifiable. A typical example is as follows from Wodan:
Tom, the project manager opens a meeting with the programming team. He refers to a
discussion with a client and describes the list of changes the client asks for. Programmers
take notes, sometimes asking questions for clarification. Occasionally they make remarks
like “Will do” “OK, if THAT’S what they want ...” However, one of the changes leads to an
astonished reaction. Peter, a member of the programming team, says “But it would require a
major revision of the program”. Somebody adds “It doesn’t make any sense; we’ll have to
start all over again”. Tom is very apologetic, he explains that the client is really important,
and the change has already been approved by the company. He dismisses all doubts raised.
By way of consolation he adds that he was able to negotiate a deadline extension, but two
programmers shake their heads, even though they say nothing. Once the meeting is over the
team stays in the room to decide what to do. Mark, one of the programmers, says “It’s just
software” and everybody laughs. Later I ask him what it meant. “Oh, you know. They never
would ask an engineer to rebuild a bridge, or something physical, right? But they think
software is like a couple of written lines, like a document or something, that you can alter
whenever you want and how you want. But it’s like rebuilding a bridge, or worse, as you
don’t really understand what one change will imply elsewhere. Once before we had a similar
situation, and there was some ridiculous revision of the specification almost near the end of
the whole project, and somebody said Take it easy, it’s just software. It was so absurd, you
know. So since then we say that and everybody knows, what it means”.
The tension described had its roots in managerial misconception of programmers’
work. Although interviewees did give some examples of knowledgeable managers,
they faced misunderstanding and even disparaging of their own work on daily basis.
But managers were criticized not only for their lack of skill. Another issue pointed out
by more than a half of the interviewed was a fundamental difference in perception of
software as a final product (Sand17):
[Q:] What could you tell me from your own experience about relations between a software
engineer and manager?

[A:] Well, it’s not too good, I’d say. I think there are two approaches. I mean, a manager
always thinks about effectiveness. It doesn’t matter how something works, it only has to
work. And among programmers, there are two groups, as I said. Some do, excuse the
expression, fart around, and follow managerial commands. But there are also programmers,
who do something real, and they want to do it well, and doing this “well” is a bone of
contention. For a manager doing something “well” means that something works. For a
programmer it means that a program works, is stable, and has additional features, and so on.
Following managerial instructions was compared to “farting around”. It was
contrasted to a stance, in which a programmer really cares about the product, while a
manager only wants it to be workable on basic level. Indeed, it is not unusual for
managers to identify with the organization they work for, and for employees to
identify more with the products they create (Sievers, 1990). Software engineers,
498 however, expressed also a deep contempt for what managers do. Much of it was
related to the way managers treated them. As one of the programmers put it

[Q:] Could you, based on your own experience, give some advice to IT managers?
[A:] I’d say...In general, a good manager does not watch over you the whole time you know.
I mean if he knows what I have to do, and I know what I have to do, and we agree more or
less when it can be done, what’s the point? Maybe it’s just me, some people like to be led by
hand, but in my view the best managers I worked with understood, that ok, I can update them
every 10 minutes or in real time, but then my job will only consist of describing why I can’t
do programming at all because of this reporting, you know? Not to mention that if you’re in
the middle of something and somebody comes and asks you to write something immediately,
you drop everything, start doing this report, and can’t return easily to what you did earlier.
It’s not that simple.
What was noticeable was that most of advice interviewees dispensed concerned the
things that managers should avoid doing. In software engineers’ view the best
managers were those who intervened as little as possible, and simply followed a
laissez-faire principle. In fact, the community of software engineers seemed to define
the managers as redundant at best.
The best manager was one notable by his absence as managers were portrayed as
stupid. However, it was recognized that managers were powerful and so programmers
have to take part in their games, much as they tried to avoid this. The software
engineers were unanimously sceptical and even hostile towards formality and
procedures, which they associated with the companies they worked for, or with the
general idea of how the firms operate. Whenever their organizations were described in
a positive way, they were praised for being exceptions to the general rule. Although
interviewees admitted the usefulness of organizing per se, they all criticized it first,
and only then added disclaimers.
Interestingly, enough, these views were recognized and even accepted by managers.
They often made an effort to minimize bureaucracy for programmers. The following
scene from the company orientation program at Visualprog was particularly striking:
Vera, the HRM officer for Visualprog is welcoming two new engineers. One of them will
join the software group, the other will be supporting the business development department.
Even though this is the first day at the company for the two of them, they both wear
sweaters. Vera, on the other hand, wears a suit. She spends about 30 minutes describing the
history of the company. Quite often she emphasizes the uniqueness of the environment they
are going to work in (...) “You’re part of a small company that was organizationally designed
to be agile. People come here and say that everything here is a chaos. But it is just different.
We’re really not big on org charts ...” Both engineers nod and read the company’s employees
benefits folder. Vera speaks fluently and clearly, quite often repeating herself, probably on
purpose. Maybe it’s just an impression, but it seems as though she has delivered this speech
many times before. She takes a piece of paper out of her folder. “You won’t have to
memorize this, it’s funny we have this on the walls, but nobody really takes any notice of it” 499
she says and recites the company’s mission. Then she goes on to describe the reasons the
company had for choosing ISO quality system several years ago. “Our quality system, all
respect due to the creators, is not very user friendly” she adds with a smile. She hands a
procedure chart to both of them. “You’re welcome to read all of our quality procedures. If
you do, let me know – I will be really impressed. But seriously, you won’t have to do so
much paperwork here; we’re kind of sensitive enough to make sure you don’t have to’”.
The company’s agility and “chaos” are presented as strong points for engineers. The
ISO system, quite strict about procedures, is depicted as not necessarily inevitable (the
engineers are ironically informed that they do not have to read all of the procedures)
and as not entailing much paperwork. Caricatured and selective as this view of
software engineers in the eyes of managers may be, it is still worth noticing that in the
companies studied, managers quite often made allowances for programmers,
commonly lowering bureaucratic expectations of them.

Deep-seated or just a veneer?

The hostility of software engineers to managers may be influenced by group
stereotypes (Gill, 2003). Many of the symbolic gestures described have only surface
meaning, and performing opposition may be in fact a sort of behavioral artifact. This
would be particularly understandable when considered that, in contrast to the
specialists described by Barley and Kunda (2004) in their study, interviewees were not
contract workers and they stayed in the organizations by their own choice, in spite of
available alternatives. This could mean that they were not exasperated enough to leave
the organization, but also that they need to channel their negative reactions within the
company. When knowing how well freelance workforce may be off, and while still
being reluctant to leave the relatively safer payroll jobs, their aspirations and
emotional reaction towards organizations could just as well be under the influence of
those “hired guns”. Itinerant programmers, reviving the Wild West archetype (and
similarly to hackers, another important icon of this profession – Thomas, 2002)
cultivate the idea of freedom and criticize “big corporations”. Interviewees might have
been simply borrowing this language and using it perfunctorily.
However, even surface actions and stereotypes show the ways in which organizational
reality is constructed. They constitute nothing more, but also nothing less than a
particular kind of stories by which actors organize and make sense of their workplace
(Boje, 1991; Feldman and Skölberg, 2004).
Software engineers, similar to architects in this respect, have to define their profession
in relation (or opposition) to the clients and organizations they work for (Larson, 1993,
p. 144; Kociatkiewicz and Kostera, 2003). Organizations exist as speech communities,
sharing an intersubjectively created system of meanings (Barley, 1983). In this light
language of the analyzed group, forms reenactment of their roles. They reproduce
sense and artifacts of daily work (Czarniawska-Joerges, 1992). Moreover, within the
current study, the main focus is on actors’ expressions, and the researcher should not
judge which of them are deep, and which is a veneer. The power of naming is the
power to shape reality. Additionally, within the methodology adopted, it may be quite
difficult to discern the veneer from the essence, as the main purpose of the study is to
analyze what the interviewees say, rather than guessing what they may mean
(Rottenburg, 1994). Indeed, in this paper surface acting is regarded as equally
important to deeply held beliefs. In the following paragraphs we interpret the
programmers-managers hostility, and the unusual denouncement of traditional career
and organizational values in the context of theories around professionalization.

It may be useful to try to apply professionalization theory to the processes discussed.
The tension between managers and software engineers could be understood as
resulting from professionalization of engineers currently taking place. In some sense
this tension is understandable in terms of antagonism between the managing and the
500 managed, based on the old strategy of struggle, resulting in redefining the relations of
organizational power (Foucault, 1982; Latour, 1986).
Originally professions were defined in terms of the altruistic provision of high
standards of service to society (Carr-Saunders, 1966; Wilensky, 1964). Over the last
30 years it has been demonstrated, that it is also useful to use this term to describe a
common trend among occupations in search of authority and recognition, and seeking
to secure their own interests and privileges (Abbott, 1988; Alvesson, 1993). In this
context, questioning managerial competence could be perceived then as a typical
struggle regarding who should define the product and its standards. In more general
terms it could be seen as an attempt of attaining social position and privileges. The
extent to which a worker has control over the process of production, as well as to
which vocational group is privileged to evaluate the outcome of work, have been
emphasized as important for the advance of professionalization (Johnson, 1972; Trice,
1993). Viewed in this light, software engineers’ dislike of their superiors would be
nothing else but a manifestation of their subculture’s struggle for legitimacy, quite
typical for many occupations. In this sense the professionalization approach could be
used then as an explanatory metaphor for understanding the interviews.
However, the traditional understanding of professions may be not fully applicable in
case of software engineers. In order to be regarded as a profession, they would have to
fulfill many criteria, including long formal and standardized education, barriers to
entry, own code of ethics, peers’ fraternities, client orientation, application of scientific
methods, etc. (Abbott, 1988; Brante, 1988). Clearly, software engineers do not meet at
least some of these requirements. For example, they very seldom unionize (Milton,
2003; Jaarsveld, 2004) and rarely belong to professional associations. Indeed,
interviewees on many occasions showed that they not only did not fulfill the
requirements of the model of professionalization, but also that they could not care less
about the concepts it emphasized as important.
Something else that was at odds with the model of professionalization was that
software engineering often calls for creativity, intuition and improvising, which are to
some extent in conflict with a strict professional training.
Finally, professionalization theory refers to a process of formalizing the status and
organization of some occupation, and this is not what software engineers favored. In
this light it is also worth mentioning that the software engineers interviewed
commonly categorize their managers, clients, but also their peers by referring to their
knowledge, rather than to their formal status as in the following interview extract:
[Q:] Can you give an example of a really good manager?

[A:] Well, once I had a project leader, who was really outstanding. He was a former
programmer, but he hadn’t written a line of code for years, and thank God he knew he
wasn’t able to do this anymore. But he had a good grasp of what is possible and what is not,
he really understood how things work. And he really knew something about projects, it was
not that he went in for micro managing your work.
In describing other programmers the interviewees also often referred to their
competences, irrespective of formal position or age (“he is quite new to our company,
but he really knows the technology well ...” “It’s ridiculous that people with such poor
understanding of the environment are allowed to coordinate the whole team at all ...”).
Even among the interviewees some programmers were perceived as “just coders” and
their work was described as purely reproductive, just as a couple of project leaders,
although high in the organizational hierarchy, were not respected because of their 501
supposed ignorance.
What is certain is that interviewees in general did not particularly like managers
showing up on the horizon at all. As the engineers said, they were able to control their
own work to a large extent, irrespective of managerial interventions and checks.
According to software engineers the managers also did not, and even were not able to
delve into the process of software creation with any competence, being able only to
judge outcomes. Moreover, other than simply communicating client’s needs, managers
rarely participated in discussions of how particular problems should be solved.
Despite this lack of understanding, management persisted in trying to exert its
authority. For example, many programmers were subject to some forms of basic
personal surveillance: in four of the companies researched the time spent at work was
tracked (both by the clock and by computer logs). One of the stories recounted by
interviewees at Sand was a particularly good example of how companies try to control
software engineers, and at the same time how they resist it. The story was about a
programmer, who supposedly:
... logged into the network in his cubicle, opened a couple of applications, left his jacket on
the chair, put a cup of water on the table, and just drove with his wife to the mountains till
Monday. The funniest thing is that nobody really noticed he wasn’t there. I mean, probably
some people knew he’s not around, but nobody said anything and the manager thought he’s
just working hard somewhere else.
Although perhaps apocryphal, this story describes both the resented surveillance, and
the hero outwitting the hated system.
In fact, the use of a professionalization discourse may actually turn out to be a
managerial device used to exert more control over the IT “professional” (Kraft, 1977;
Greenbaum, 1979), a sort of ideological device validating a given rhetoric (Prasad and
Prasad, 1994).
It has been commented that the importance of organization (and thus managers, in
opposition to vocational groups) is historically relatively new (Whalley and Barley,
1997; Winter and Taylor, 2001). Thus, currently we can observe trends in the
workplace that restore the former significance of particular occupations. The tension
discussed is described then in terms of emerging “knowledge workers” organization or
so-called intellectual capital (Bell, 1973, 1989; Mallet, 1975; Hippel, 1988; Senge,
1990; Drucker, 1993; Stewart, 1997; Styhre, 2003). Perhaps, a new culture is
developing in relation to “new specialists” – its distinguishing marks being
competence-based authority, horizontal flat structures, the demise of management and
low formalization (Zabusky and Barley, 1996). These characteristics are true of many
IT companies and may suggest that software engineers exist in opposition to
traditional bureaucracies as their occupational identity is based mainly on knowledge.
Thus, they denounce the bureaucracy, the vertical career structures, and formal
authority of managers as reinforcing the old system they want to replace. In this sense
502 software engineers could be labeled as “organizational professionals” (Freidson, 1986)
in that they exercise their competence and power within, rather than over
organizations, in distinction to the classic professions.
However, a totally different interpretation is possible, too. Software engineers may in
fact be acting as the passive carriers of organizational roles, only agreeing to assume
the role of a rebel. This view will be discussed in the conclusions.

Managerial power in many organizations can be understood in terms of their ability to
impose their definition of their own cultural terrain on other groups and so to force the
adoption of their own vocabulary (Rosen, 1991). Software engineers may constitute a
major threat to managerial rhetoric, to managerial monophony (Ho¨pfl, 1995). As
Zabusky (1997, p. 129) observes:
[T]his conjunction does not represent a simple juxtaposition of two complementary forms;
instead, it involves a contest for legitimacy, authority and autonomy within contemporary
organizations. The contest is played out particularly among these technicians who are
coming to work in bureaucratic organizations in increasing numbers.
Czarniawska-Joerges (1988) describes organizational ideology as a system of ideas
that define the local reality, including the desired state of matters and ways to reach it.
These ideas permeate the organization, imposing norms on the participating actors,
who have to react towards them, one way or another. However, these ideas do not
come from nowhere: organizations follow the ideas their stakeholders consider to be
particularly valid. In this connection Meyer and Rowan (1977, p. 341) comment:
... the formal structures of many organizations in postindustrial society (Bell, 1973)
dramatically reflect the myths of their institutional environments instead of the demands of
their work activities.
According to this perspective, in order to be successful economically, organizations
should abandon their traditional structure, decrease bureaucracy, and rely on
knowledgeable gurus. Whether organizations with the “new specialists” playing major
roles are indeed more effective is another issue.
According to Schön (1983), the myth of finally reaching the stage where organizations
will be knowledge-driven, and knowledge industries will be as important for the
economy as were formerly railroad or steel, is an old idea (Mallet, 1975). Indeed, for
many years futurologists have proclaimed the era of the technical expert. Managerial
functional literature has also gradually introduced the idea that specialists in general,
and software engineers in particular, play a significant role in organizations. This role
requires a particular approach and abandoning older management style, as
programmers are too distinctive and important, to be treated like other employees
(Licker, 1983; Prager, 1999). Brante (1988, p. 123) summarizes this point, when
commenting that:
In contrast to the old bureaucracy, their positions do not rest on legal authority but on
argument, reason, and knowledge. Therefore, they stand in a politically contradictory
relation to the “old guardians” which they regard as irrational and ignorant.
This view is arguably applicable to software engineers as they are “professionals” in
that they are endowed with high esteem and authority. However, the ideal of the
software engineer is that of the organizational rebel.
Managers treat programmers as being in the avant-garde of the future workplace, and 503
this way the programmers fulfil this role. Indeed, their rejection of managerial culture
is even expected and so required by the environment they work in. Ullman (1995)
comments in this connection:
The research is being funded through a chain of agencies and bodies which culminates in the
Japan Board of Trade. The head of the sponsoring department comes with his underlings.
They all wear blue suits. They sit at the conference table with their hands folded neatly in front
of them. When they speak, it is with the utmost discretion; their voices are so soft, we have to
lean forward to hear. Meanwhile, the research team behaves badly, bickers, has the audacity to
ask when they’ll get paid.
The Japanese don’t seem to mind. On the contrary, they appear delighted. They have
received exactly what their money was intended to buy. They have purchased bizarre and
brilliant Californians who can behave any way they like. The odd behavior reassures them:
Ah! These must be real top-rate engineers!
Similar scenes have occurred in the companies studied. Vera from Visualprog when
introducing new employees to the company, after describing the organizational
structure and ISO policies to them, still on many occasions later emphasized they will
not be “required to fill in the paperwork, as elsewhere” or “expected to spend most
time on reporting, rather than actual work”. Software engineers are expected to dislike
procedures and resist bureaucracy. Indeed, the role they assume of “anarchistic
professionals” is perhaps necessary for other reasons.
For example, their knowledge can be viewed as standardized, systematic, and
impersonal. Only then it is justifiable and reasonable to provide them with
of the needed “construction” rather than engage them in communication/brainstorming
with the client on what the program should actually do. In such a setting the
knowledge associated with software development is more likely to be perceived as
quantitative, codified, and explicit rather than qualitative, intuitive and tacit. Norm
goes before creativity, standard education before genius. As a result organizations and
managers tend to ignore individual aspects of coding, as well as its unique, extremely
contextual character (in most cases advanced IT systems require lots of adjustments
and modifications, if not revisions, for any additional client). For example, companies
treat programmers as interchangeable and they follow a misleading man-month myth,
believing that adding man-power to a project may help in finishing it more quickly (in
fact usually it is just the opposite – Brooks, 1995). The same approach leads to the
“it’s just software” principle, described by the informants. In fact, these assumptions
are, Bryant (2000) shows, a major drawback in understanding programming, and one
of the main obstacles in successful communication between managers and
programmers. This is exactly what interviewees remarked on in their stories on
managerial incompetence.

Another reason is that their understanding of their own role calls for the creation of
schedules, division of labor, as well as linear communication with the client. This
inevitably results in perceiving software as transferable, with assignable
504 responsibilities and tasks, and as designed according to an initial specification with just
minor changes introduced later. It also goes without saying that such a definition of
programmers’ position is much more convenient for managers as well. On the one
hand, software engineers are heroes of the future, fulfilling the myth of knowledge-
intensiveness. On the other they have to write programs, which are extremely complex
and contextual, as if they were easily replicable and modifiable; they are expected to
(re)produce rather than to create. No wonder that being treated this way, and explicitly
persuaded to renounce structures and procedures, they also do not particularly like
their superiors whom they regard as lazy stupid careerists.
1. The old debate on the sense or otherwise of defining the boundaries of an organization
(Weick, 1979) and on the use of notions such as “outside” or “inside” does not constitute the
subject of this paper.

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Further reading
Burawoy, M. (1991), Ethnography Unbound: Power and Resistance in the Modern Metropolis,
University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
Clifford, J. and Marcus, G.E. (1986), Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography:
A School of American Research Advanced Seminar, University of California Press, Berkeley,
508 CA.

About the authors

Dariusz Jemielniak is Assistant Professor of Management at Kozminski Business School,
Warsaw, Poland. He was visiting researcher at Cornell University (2004-2005), is currently
visiting researcher at Harvard University and will have the same appointment at the University
of California Berkeley in 2008. He is a co-editor of The Handbook of Research on Knowledge-
Intensive Organizations (2009) and of Management Practices in High Tech Environments
(2008). He has received scholarships from The Fulbright Foundation, The Foundation for Polish
Science and from The Collegium Invisibile. His areas of interest include organizational
practices in knowledge-intensive environments and he has done qualitative studies of engineers
including software engineers, and is currently conducting a follow-up study on lawyers. Dariusz
is also starting to undertake action research. Dariusz Jemielniak can be contacted at:
[email protected]

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