Temperature Dependent, Large Electromechanical Strain in Nd-Doped

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Journal of the European Ceramic Society 37 (2017) 1857–1860

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Short communication

Temperature dependent, large electromechanical strain in Nd-doped

BiFeO3 -BaTiO3 lead-free ceramics
Dawei Wang a,c , Amir Khesro a , Shunsuke Murakami a , Antonio Feteira b , Quanliang Zhao c ,
Ian M. Reaney a,∗
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 3JD, UK
Christian Doppler Laboratory for Advanced Ferroic Oxides, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield S1 1WB, UK
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, North China University of Technology, Beijing 100144, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Lead-free piezoceramics with the composition 0.7(Bi1-x Ndx )FeO3 -0.3BaTiO3 +0.1 wt% MnO2 (BNxF-BT)
Received 6 October 2016 were prepared using a conventional solid state route. X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent
Received in revised form 21 October 2016 permittivity measurements indicated a transition from a composition lying at a morphotropic phase
Accepted 22 October 2016
boundary (MPB) to a pseudocubic phase as a function of Nd concentration. The highest maximum strain
Available online 27 October 2016
(Smax ∼ 0.2% at 60 kV/cm) and effective piezoelectric coefficient (d33 * = 333 pm/V) were obtained at room
temperature for the composition BN0.02F-BT. The decrease in remanent polarization (Pr ) and Berlin-
court d33 with increase in Nd concentration can be attributed to the coexistence of ferroelectric and
BiFeO3 -BaTiO3
relaxor phases. In-situ polarisation and strain measurements revealed an increase in Pr and d33 * with
Relaxors temperature and a reduction in the coercive field EC . Presumably this behavior is due to a combination
Piezoelectricity of thermally activated domain wall motion and lowering of the activation energy for a field induced
Strain relaxor-ferroelectric transition, as the Curie maximum is approached.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

1. Introduction Therefore, to reduce the leakage current, inhibit the formation of

secondary phases and improve properties, extensive studies have
Bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3 , BF) is a multiferroic material with a been carried out, including the substitution of various ions for
rhombohedrally distorted perovskite structure (space group R3c) Bi3+ /Fe3+ in BF [7–13] and the formation of BF-based solid solu-
at room temperature (RT). BF is popular for the rare coexistence tions with other ABO3 type perovskites (e.g. BaTiO3 , Ba(Zr,Ti)O3
of the antiferromagnetic and ferroelectric order with a Neel tem- and Bi0.5 K0.5 TiO3 ) [14–19]. It should be noted that multiferroic
perature (TN ) of ∼643 K and a Curie temperature (TC ) of ∼1103 K BiFeO3 -BaTiO3 (BF-BT) solid solution has been frequently studied
[1,2]. The latter property is of interest for high temperature piezo- and proved to be a high-TC lead-free piezoelectric ceramic [14–17].
electric applications. Furthermore, BF is environmently-friendly However, most of these investigations on BF-BT focus on the prop-
in comparison to lead containing piezoelectric materials and can erties at RT and rarely provide the temperature dependence of
therefore meet the regulations on protection of environment and properties, which is critical for practical applications. In addition,
human health [2]. However, BF exists only in a narrow temperature it is reported that the substitution of rare earth ions for Bi3+ in
range, making the synthesis of single phase BF without secondary BF can enhance their piezoelectricity and ferroelectricity [7–13].
phases such as Bi2 Fe4 O9 and Bi25 FeO40 a difficult task by conven- Consequently, in this work, Nd-doped BF-BT lead-free ceramics
tional methods [2–4]. Furthermore, BF ceramics usually exhibit were prepared by a conventional sintering technique and the com-
high electrical leakage because of the reduction of Fe ions from Fe3+ position and temperature dependence of the ferroelectricity and
to Fe2+ during sintering and the formation of oxygen vacancies for electric-field induced strain were investigated.
charge compensation [5,6], leading to the difficulties in obtaining
saturated polarization hysteresis loop and piezoelectric response.
2. Experimental procedure

The BF-based ceramics with compositions of 0.7(Bi1-x Ndx )FeO3 -

∗ Corresponding author. 0.3BaTiO3 +0.1 wt% MnO2 (BNxF-BT, x = 0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05)
E-mail address: i.m.reaney@sheffield.ac.uk (I.M. Reaney). were prepared using a conventional solid state reaction. A small

0955-2219/© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
1858 D. Wang et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 37 (2017) 1857–1860

amount of MnO2 was added to increase the resistivity of BF-BT

ceramics, which is commonly used in previous reports [15–19].
Raw materials, including Bi2 O3 (99.9%, Sigma-Aldrich), Fe2 O3
(99.5%, Sigma-Aldrich), Nd2 O3 (99.5%, Sigma-Aldrich), TiO2 (99.9%,
Sigma-Aldrich), and BaCO3 (99%, Sigma-Aldrich) were batched
stoichiometrically according to the nominal compositions and ball-
milled in isopropanol for 24 h. The dried mixed powders were
calcined at 700 to 800 ◦ C for 2 h to synthesize the compound and
then ball milled in isopropanol with MnO2 (99%, Sigma-Aldrich) for
12 h. The calcined powders were mixed with a polyvinyl alcohol
(PVA) binder solution, granulated and pressed into pellets with a
diameter of 10 mm. Following binder burnout at 550 ◦ C, the pellets
were sintered in a sealed crucible at 1010–1040 ◦ C for 2 h.
The density of the sintered samples was measured using
Archimedes method. The relative density of all studied samples was
higher than 95%. The phase structure of the sintered samples was
studied using a Bruker D2 Phaser X-ray powder diffraction (XRD).
For electrical tests, sintered samples were electroded using fired-
on silver paste, followed by the samples being poled in silicon oil
at 100–120 ◦ C with an applied electric field of 40–60 kV/cm. Piezo-
electric coefficient (d33 ) was measured using a Piezotest PM300 d33
meter. Polarization hysteresis and strain-electric field behaviour
were determined using a modified Sawyer-Tower circuit driven
by a lock-in amplifier (Model SR830, Stanford Research System,
Sunnyvale, CA) at a frequency of 1 Hz from RT to 150 ◦ C. The tem-
perature dependent of dielectric property from RT to 550 ◦ C was
carried out using an Agilent 4184A multi-frequency precision LCR

3. Results and discussion Fig. 1. (a) RT XRD patterns of BNxF-BT and (b) Temperature dependence of εr and
tanı at 100 kHz for BNxF-BT, inset shows TC/M as a function of Nd concentration.

The RT XRD patterns of BNxF-BT in the 2 range of 20◦ –70◦ are

shown in Fig. 1(a). All peaks could be attributed to a single per- Table 1
Comparison of temperature dependence of d33 * for various piezoelectric ceramics
ovskite phase, indicating that a stable solid solution was formed in
(PZT, Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 ; BNT-BT-BKT, Bi0.5 Na0.5 TiO3 -BaTiO3 -Bi0.5 K0.5 TiO3 ).
the studied range. Diffraction peaks shifted to a higher diffraction
angle with increasing Nd concentration, consistent with the smaller Material Temperature range Increase in d33 * Reference
relative ionic radius of Nd3+ ions compared to that of Bi3+ ions in PZT-4 RT-160 ◦ C 15% 23
the matrix composition [11,12]. Splitting of (012)/(110) diffraction PZT-5H RT-80 ◦ C >40% 24
peak at ∼2 = 32◦ was used to determine the likely symmetry of BNT-BT-BKT RT-100 ◦ C 273% 25
BF RT-262 ◦ C 258% 22
compositions. From the expanded XRD patterns (Fig. 1a), phase
BF-0.3BT RT-150 ◦ C 42% This work
coexistence in the BF-BT matrix is apparent at RT as shown by the BN0.02F-0.3BT RT-150 ◦ C 117% This work
broad multiple peaks, which have been reported to indicate a mor-
photropic phase boundary (MPB) [14,15,20]. As Nd concentration
increased, a pseudocubic phase followed by the appearance of one Nd concentration, P-E loops became slim and unsaturated (Fig. 2a),
merged peak as observed in refs [14,15,20]. with Pr , EC and d33 continuously decreasing (Fig. 2c), consistent
The temperature dependence of dielectric permittivity (εr ) with the broad permittivity maximum (Fig. 1b) and indicative
and loss (tan ı) for BNxF-BT at 100 kHz is given in Fig. 1(b). of relaxor-like behaviour. The highest value of Pr ∼ 36.6 ␮C/cm2 ,
With increasing Nd concentration, the TC /Curie maximum (Tm ) EC ∼ 33.6 kV/cm and d33 ∼ 190 pC/N was achieved for the BF-BT
decreased monotonously (inset of Fig. 1b), presumably due to dis- matrix without Nd doping due to the presence of an MPB (Fig. 1a)
ruption of polar coupling by the substitution of the less polarisable [14,15]. At the same time, the Smax and d33 * values increased sig-
Nd for Bi [20,21]. The decrease in polar coupling also manifested nificantly with increasing Nd concentration, reaching a maximum
itself by relaxor-like characteristics, with the appearance of broad of 0.2% and 333 pm/V at x = 0.02, above which it reduced, Fig. 2(d).
frequency-dependent dielectric peaks. Despite these changes, tan The enhancement of the Smax and d33 * in BN0.02F-BT is attributed
ı remained low below 400 ◦ C, but then increased sharply (Fig. 1b), to the crossover from normal to relaxor ferroelectric behaviour.
indicating an increase in dc conductivity at high temperature. The in-situ temperature dependence of bipolar P-E and unipo-
The high electric field bipolar polarization hysteresis (P-E) and lar S-E loops for two compositions are shown in Fig. 3(a and b),
unipolar strain (S-E) loops for BNxF-BT are shown in Fig. 2(a and b), from which the Pr , EC and d33 * as a function of temperature were
from which the remanent polarization (Pr ), coercive field (EC ) and obtained, Fig. 3(c). As temperature increased, the P-E loops for each
average electric field induced maximum strain (Smax ) as a func- composition became saturated and slim (Fig. 3a), which implies
tion of Nd content can be obtained, Fig. 2(c and d). The normalized that higher temperature effectively promotes the movement of
strain coefficient d33 * , representing the average strain per unit of domain walls and/or facilitates an easier field induced transition
electric field, is calculated by, d33 * = Smax /Emax , where Emax is the from a relaxor to a ferroelectric state, resulting in higher Pr , d33 *
maximum electric field value. The BF-BT sample possessed a typical and lower EC as shown in Fig. 3(c). Similar behaviour has also been
saturated hysteresis loops (Fig. 2a), indicating high resistivity and found in other lead-based/lead-free ceramics as given in Table 1
good sintering behaviour of the fabricated samples. With increasing [22–25]. For example, the increase in d33 * for pure BF-BT is ∼42%,
D. Wang et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 37 (2017) 1857–1860 1859

Fig. 2. High electric field (a) bipolar polarization hysteresis and (b) unipolar strain loops for BNxF-BT; (c) Pr and EC as a function of Nd concentration, inset shows d33 as a
function of Nd concentration; (d) Smax and d33 * as a function of Nd concentration.

Fig. 3. The in-situ temperature dependence of high electric field (a) bipolar polarization hysteresis and (b) unipolar strain loops for BF-BT and BN0.02F-BT; (c) Pr , EC and d33 *
as a function of temperature.

lower than that of BN0.02F-BT (∼117%). However, detailed knowl- 4. Conclusion

edge of the domain morphology and its field dependence is required
to fully appreciate the relative contributions of domain wall motion In this work, BNxF-BT lead-free piezoelectric ceramics were suc-
versus field induced transitions to d33 * in BN0.02F-BT ceramics. cessfully prepared using a conventional solid state route. With
increasing Nd concentration, the phase assemblage of BNxF-BT
gradually transformed from an MPB to a pseudocubic phase. The
1860 D. Wang et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 37 (2017) 1857–1860

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