(WIP) Yuan-Ti (Revised) - GM Binder

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Yuan-ti (Revised)

Yuan-ti are devious infiltrators, serpentine spies with an eye

to overthrowing modern societies. They arose in an ancient Size
era, humans who willingly gave themselves to malign snake Yuan-ti are Medium creatures, though their size can vary.
gods, and ruled powerful empires in their day. Modern Yuan-ti More humanoid yuan-ti tend to be similar in size to humans.
are the inheritors of those decadent kingdoms, inveterate The most serpentine may be legless, towering up to seven or
schemers in thrall to dark powers. eight feet on ten-foot-long snake tails.
Yuan-ti physiques vary widely, as the creatures themselves Speed
come in many castes, ranked according to how serpentine
they are. Still, caste can be a flexible concept, and those who Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
have encountered yuan-ti in the flesh report that their Languages
reptilian features can vary substantially. You can speak, read, and write Common and Yuan-ti.
Yuan-ti Traits Poison Resistance
Ability Score Increase You have resistance to poison damage and advantage on
Your Intelligence and Charisma scores both increase by 1. saving throws against the poisoned condition.
Yuan-ti tend to have similar lifespans to humans, reaching
adulthood in their late teens and living about a century at
Yuan-ti tend strongly towards Lawful Evil, operating in tightly-
knit secret societies reliant on vile rituals. But yuan-ti
adventurers almost by definition break the mold - some are
wicked schemers, but many rebel at their species' traditions.

Serpent's Form (7-8 pts)
Serpent's Skin (4)
Your serpentine heritage determines your physical form. You can slough off large sections of your skin at a moment's
Select one of the following options.
notice. You have advantage on ability checks to avoid being
Serpent's Tail grappled.
You do not have legs, possessing a giant snake tail in their Additionally, as a reaction when a failed saving throw
place. You gain the following traits: causes you to become restrained, you may immediately re-
attempt the saving throw. You may do this once, and regain
You may add 1 point to your Strength or Constitution the ability after a long rest.
Your base walking speed is increased to 35 feet. Serpent's Scales (3)
You can use your tail to grapple creatures while keeping Your scales are hardened enough to deflect blows. When you
both your hands free for other tasks. aren’t wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier
When climbing, each foot of movement costs 2 extra feet Serpent's Blood (4)
of movement (instead of 1).
Serpent's Fangs Your natural resistance to poison is heightened. You are
Your body is humanoid, but your head is noticeably snakelike. immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition.
You gain the following traits: Serpent's Senses (4)
You may add 1 point to your Strength or Dexterity score. You gain the pit viper's uncanny senses. You gain blindsight
Your fangs are a natural weapon which you can use to within 5 feet.
make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal Serpent's Suggestion (6)
piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.
You learn the friends cantrip. At 3rd level you learn the charm
Serpent's Tongue person spell, and at 5th level you learn the suggestion spell.
You appear superficially human, and are able to conceal your You can cast both leveled spells once, regaining their use
heritage. after a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for
these spells.
You may add 1 point to your Wisdom or Charisma score.
You gain proficiency in the Deception skill, and proficiency
with disguise kits.
You can speak with snakes of all kinds. Snakes of CR 1/8
or less are friendly to you and may be willing to perform
small favors.
Serpent's Heritage (6-8 pts)
Every yuan-ti possesses the blood of the serpent, though it
can be difficult to predict how it will be expressed. Select two
of the following abilities.
Serpent's Breath (4)
You know the poison spray cantrip. Starting at 3rd level, you
also learn the nauseating poison* spell. Once you cast it, you
can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Charisma is your
spellcasting ability for these spells.
Serpent's Venom (5)
Prerequisite: Serpent's Fangs
Your bite attack can deliver a deadly venom. When you hit
with it, you can choose to deal bonus poison damage based
on your level: 2d6 at 1st level, 3d6 at 5th level, 4d6 at 11th
level, and 5d6 at 16th level. The target must make a
Constitution saving throw against a DC of 8 + your
proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier, or be
poisoned until the end of their next turn.
You can inject venom in this way once, regaining its use
after a long or short rest.
Serpent's Eyes (3)
Your eyes are attuned to the dimness. You gain darkvision to
60 feet.

Species Feats Variant Rules
The following are options for feats which can be selected only Ability Score Increases
by minotaur characters. If you like Tasha's-style ASIs, you can just remove the ability
Get Real Snakey With It score increases and use those instead.
Some sort of bonus-action tail grapple Personally, the author's recommended method is to allow
shifting 1 point of species ASIs freely, with a hard maximum
Snake Charmer of 17 in any score. This allows any species to start with a 16
Something good for non-martials, probably snakeshaping or in any stat, but still preserves some of the species flavor.
charm magic Casting Ability
Big Nasty Poison If you prefer flexible casting abilities, you can allow
Just spray a bunch of poison everywhere all over the place characters to cast species spells with their choice of
like a big gross snake Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, and to cast them with any
spell slots they have (as well as once per day).

v0.1 Credits
Rough Draft Yuan-ti (Revised) created by somanyrobots

All art © Wizards of the Coast LLC
Molting Snakeskin, by YW Tang
Sultai Soothsayer, by Cynthia Sheppard

Background Image Stains


Fan Content Policy

This work is unofficial Fan Content permitted
under the Fan Content Policy. Not
approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the
materials used are property of Wizards of the
Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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