Visual Arts Lending Library Plan:: Animal Parade
Visual Arts Lending Library Plan:: Animal Parade
Animal Parade
Angelina Fountain
Animal Parade Watercolor
What is it?
- Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from ● ART.VA.II.4.4 - Analyze and reflect on the uses of
subject matter, symbols, and ideas to express and
details summarized in the text.
communicate meaning in artwork.
Essential Questions
Grade: 4th
● Introduce shape and highlight the use of simplified shape language in character design.
● Students will be able to break down organic forms into simple shapes.
● Students will be able to incorporate the use of patterns into their design.
Informational Text
Grade: 4th
“Pokko and the Drum is a story about art, persistence, and a family of
Johnson, R. L., & Saroff, P. V. (2021). A Walk in the Boreal Forest: 2nd Edition. Lerner
Informational Text
Grade: 4th
Animal Faces
Akira Satoh and Kyoko Toda
Satoh, A., & Toda, K. (2000). Animal Faces. Kane-Miller Book Pub.
Sequence Plan
Day One
Introduce students to Pokko and the Drum, examine the character's shape language. And examine
Presentation with artist's watercolor paintings.
During this time I plan on asking students for their opinions on the designs and if they recognize any
of the animals from the book. Alongside asking if the students notice anything else that stands out
about the book. (Repetition and Patterns).
Re-introduce materials to students, and give a small demo on how the materials are to be used/how
they work.
Introduce Both Boreal Biome books, they will not be read from start to finish. They will be used more
so as an aid for the visual development of the project. I plan on going over some fun snippets of
information from the books.
Hand out water color paper for students and prep the backgrounds for the piece.
Day Three
Continue backgrounds for the project, once that is complete Introduce my exemplar of the animal
design. This will lead into my breakdown of how to simplify the animal into shapes.
Provide students with printed copies of a few pictures from Animals Faces and Pokko and the
Drum. I will have students draw over the pictures with shapes, this will help them exercise their
understanding of how to simplify the form.
Students will then be given the remainder of the time to work on their animals.
Day Four/Five/Six
Mainly consists of a workday. I will be around to help any students that may have questions, as well
as taking time to ask students questions while they work.
This is to gauge their understanding of some of the information that was mentioned previously.
Day Seven
Is the final day for students to finish their work, once they have completed their project I will have
them write a small summary/reflection on what they had painted and why they chose the animal and
instrument they did.
Accommodations and
Test paper will be provided so students can explore and play around with their animal design before
creating their final piece.
A few animal stencils will be made ahead of time for students to trace for practice.
● I want to have students write a brief summary about why they chose the animal they did,
alongside the instrument they chose.
● Also want to have an open discussion with the class about how they felt about the lesson
and art process.