Lesson Plan-Engl 426 1 Original

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BYU English Teaching Program

Lesson Plan Template (2024 version—ENGL 426)

Date: 2/7/24 Class/Grade Level: 10th grade

Title of Lesson: Lesson Length: 55 minutes

Salt to the Sea, different perspectives

Standard(s): Lesson Learning Objective(s): Assessment(s):

- Formative: Class Discussion:
Standard 9–10.R.11: Analyze how - Students will be able to Discussing the different
an author’s geographic location, identify and discuss different characters and what their
identity or background, culture, perspectives and why different backgrounds are in Salt to the
and time period affect the perspec- people may have them. Sea (on google jamboard)
tive, point of view, purpose, and - Students will be able to - Working towards summative:
implicit/explicit messages of a text. identify the purpose/ message Exit Slip: Students will
(RL & RI) of the text in relation to who submit/ choose on a google
the speaker is. form which character they
want to focus on for their
final project.

Rationale: Students are about half way through reading Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys and they are aware that at the
end of the unit they will create a project focusing on one character from the book (Emilia, Florian, Joana, or Alfred). The
options for the final project include an essay, podcast, video, or a skit/play. Students can choose one of the four to
showcase their learning and analysis of the character. This lesson will serve as an opportunity for the class together to
dive into the characters further and decide which character they would like to focus on for their project.
Concept(s) to Be Taught: Prerequisite Knowledge: Students have already
-Analysis thoroughly discussed WWII in their history class and
- infering previously in this class we went over WWII to set the
-how an author’s background and knowledge affects their scene for the novel. We have already discussed what it
writing. means to analyze and infer so they already have a bit of a
background on those strategies.
Materials Needed: - Salt to the Sea books - google Technology Use: I will use a google jamboard to facilitate
jamboard link, writers notebooks (digital or hard copy), discussion between the class. I will then use a google form
google form, writing utensil, chromebooks, youtube video to see what character students are intending on choosing
for their final project.
Instructional Strategies: Silent time to page through and refresh in the book, group discussion, close reading, google
form exit ticket.

Differentiation and Accommodations: I will allow students who need more time to submit their google form a bit later.
to avoid any unnecessary anxiety. The jamboard allows students to participate and discuss without have to talk a ton in

Time A) Preparing for Learning
10 Minutes ● When students first come in I will greet them and ask them to take out their writer’s notebooks. I
will write the prompt on the board that today is connected to our reading. The prompt will be
“Who is your favorite character in Salt to the Sea so far? Why are they your favorite character?
● I will then ask students to go onto a specific link to a google jamboard so we can have a class
● Okay class, I know we are getting into some intense parts of Salt to the Sea. By now you have a
10 Minutes good idea of who each character is and what their backgrounds are. First, I want everyone to
list as many things on the google jamboard you can think of about each of the characters. Let’s
start with Emilia. Add your thoughts with a sticky note and then we will see what we gathered
and move on to the other characters from there. (We will go through and discuss what we know
about each of the characters so far as well as the author Ruta Sepetys)
● Well class, as you know, we’re working towards creating a project at the end of the unit where
each of you will be focusing on one character and analyzing their situations, backgrounds, and
experiences and what that tells us about them.
B) Directing the Learning
10 minutes ● First I will have the students watch this video from Ruta Sepetys so they can understand a little
bit more of her background, what caused her to write Salt to the Sea, and what her writing
process was like.
● Okay class together we are going to watch this video by the author Ruta Sepetys and see what
her thoughts and motivations were of writing Salt to the Sea as well as a little bit of a deeper
dive into her background. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8sROvInDBk.
● so I have a few topics I am going to write on the board and let’s see if we can fill in the
information that we know about Ruta Sepetys and Salt to the Sea. *Students will be raising their
hands/calling out to add things to the board*
○ Time period: Okay so we know that Ruta lives right now in 2024, so we know she is
15 minutes part of our time period, but she writes historical fiction about WWII.
○ Geographic location: Does anyone know where the author lives today? (She lives here
in the US) What people does she write about in her books? (wrote about people in
eastern europe)
○ background: Did anyone catch in the video where she has ancestry from? (she is
lithuanian american, has lithuanian ancestors)
○ perspective: What perspective does the author have? (one with different ancestors and
a different history than the typical american) What perspectives does she choose to
portray in her writing? (those that lived through WWII in eastern europe)
○ point of view: How many points of view do we get in the text? (4 different point of
views in the text)
○ Purpose: What do you think Sepetys purpose was for writing this novel? (various
answers are possible: to explore her own culture and the cultures that were intermixed
during that time, to bring awareness of the history, to help people change)
○ implicit/ explicit messages in the text: Can anyone tell me the difference between
implicit/ explicit? (implicit- must imply from the text, explicit- directly says it). Now a
lot of the characters say things straight out in the book, but there are a lot of things that
aren’t directly said in the book. This goes back to inferring right? This is what I want
you guys to be working on as you are reading the book and preparing for your projects.

C) Reinforcing the Learning

5 minutes ● Students will submit on a google form the character they would like to focus on for their final
project, why they are choosing that character, and one thing from that character’s background
that shapes their thoughts or beliefs or perspective. .
5 minutes ● Thanks so much for your participation today guys! I loved hearing your thoughts about Salt to
the Sea. I am so proud of you guys and the deep analysis you all are able to do with these
characters. To finish up class today I want you to submit a google form to me. On the google
form it will ask what character you are wanting to focus on for your final project, why you are
choosing them, and one thing from that character’s background that shapes their thoughts,
beliefs, or perspective. Please try to submit your google form by the end of the period, if you
need a little bit more time you may submit the form tonight at home.
● https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/

Activity to Avoid Wasted Time: If students are finished early, I will encourage them to think of what medium they
would like to choose for their final project and what ideas they have for it so far.


Description of Focus Student Differentiation/Accommodation Plan


Reflection on the Lesson (write within 24 hours of teaching)

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