Arduino Based Gloves Translator of Filipino Sign Language FSL Into Speech and Text

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Arduino-Based Gloves Translator of Filipino Sign Language (FSL)

Into Speech and Text

A Research Study
Presented to
The High School Faculty of
Luis Palad Integrated High School
City of Tayabas, Quezon

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements in


Cabile, Charnel Faye S. Absulio, Marco Alejandro C.

Cabuyao, Lara Chantel T. De Torres, Gemila Coleen G.

Glorioso, Bea Venice A. Eleazar, Demi Anne R.

Nanong, Joy Marian V. Manungay, Jaypee E.

Rondilla, Lemuel John L. Jalbuena, Alixander Joshua J.

Saberola, Krizzshane B.

Ms. Margaret Elaine E. Calvendra

Research Adviser

June 2023
A Research Study of

Cabile, Charnel Faye S. Absulio, Marco Alejandro C.

Cabuyao, Lara Chantel T. De Torres, Gemila Coleen G.
Glorioso, Bea Venice A. Eleazar, Demi Anne R.
Nanong, Joy Marian V. Manungay, Jaypee E.
Rondilla, Lemuel John L. Jalbuena, Alixander Joshua J.
Saberola, Krizzshane B.

Arduino-Based Gloves Translator of Filipino Sign Language (FSL)
Into Speech and Text

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for


in Science Faculty of
Luis Palad Integrated High School
has been approved by the research panel for oral defense


Panel Panel Panel


Panel Panel

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Research IV.


Date Research Adviser
The researchers would like to express their sincere appreciation and gratitude to
the following persons who made significant contributions and valuable assistance for the
accomplishment of this research study.
First and foremost, their ultimate gratitude to God, for answering their prayers,
giving them strength, wisdom and courage for making this research possible and
To their family, this study would not be possible without the help, love and care
of the parents of the researchers, for endlessly supporting them including the financial
needs of the study.
To their research adviser, Ms. Margaret Elaine E. Calvendra, for her
constructive guidance, ongoing support and invaluable scholarly advice throughout their
To the Luis Palad Integrated High School Principal, Dr. Dener G. de los Reyes,
for allowing the researchers to conduct the study.
Finally, to the evaluators, Ms. Monica A. Jardin, Ms. Ladessa R. Padua, Mr.
Wendel R. Mayor, Mrs. Richilyn S. Pagana, and Mr. Marvin J. Rosales, for giving
their time to evaluate and assess the study as well as for the suggestions and
recommendations which helped in strengthening the study.





This research study is dedicated to our parents,

our friends, our relatives, teachers and

future researchers and above all

to Almighty God. Thanks be to God.






TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………………………... i

APPROVAL SHEET ……………………………………………………………... ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………………………………………………………... iii

DEDICATION ……………………………………………………………………. iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………………. v

TABLE ……………………………………………………………………………. vi

FIGURE …………………………………………………………………………... vii

ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………….... viii


I. INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………….. 1

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ……………………………... 3

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ……………………………….... 6


SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS …………………………………..... 7


RELATED LITERATURE …………………………………….... 8

RELATED STUDIES ………………………………………….... 12

SYNTHESIS ……………………………………………………. 19

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN ……………………………………. 20

SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ……………………………………… 21

DEFINITION OF TERMS ……………………………………… 23

III. METHODOLOGY …………………………………………….... 24


PROCEDURE …………………………………………………… 24





SUMMARY OF FINDINGS ………………………………….... 30

CONCLUSIONS ……………………………………………….. 32

RECOMMENDATIONS ……………………………………….. 33

REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………… 35

CURRICULUM VITAE ……………………………………………………….. 40


Figure PAGE

1 Age of the target people that will use the device ...................................... 27

2 Time delay of the generated phrases using Arduino Based Gloves ........... 28

Figure Page

1 Arduino-Based Gloves Translator of Filipino

Sign Language (FSL) Into Speech and Text .............................................. 20

2 Schematic Diagram of Arduino-Based Gloves Translator

of Filipino Sign Language (FSL) Into Speech and Text ........................... 21

3 Procedural Flowchart of Arduino-Based Gloves Translator

of Filipino Sign Language (FSL) Into Speech and Text ........................... 25



Researchers :
Cabile, Charnel Faye S. Absulio, Marco Alejandro C.
Cabuyao, Lara Chantel T. De Torres, Gemila Coleen G.
Glorioso, Bea Venice A. Eleazar, Demi Anne R.
Nanong, Joy Marian V. Manungay, Jaypee E.
Rondilla, Lemuel John L. Jalbuena, Alixander Joshua J.
Saberola, Krizzshane B.

Name of Institution : Luis Palad Integrated High School

…………………………… Science-Enhanced Program
Tayabas City

Research Adviser : Ms. Margaret Elaine E. Calvendra

Year Written : 2022-2023

Arduino-Based Gloves Translator of Filipino Sign Language (FSL) Into Speech and Text
is a study that utilized quantitative research to enable deaf or mute people to communicate
with individuals who do not comprehend sign language. Deaf people find it difficult to
communicate with people who do not understand sign language. Even people who talk
aloud frequently have a "deaf voice" that they are self-conscious about, which may cause
them to be reluctant. Specifically, the researchers sought to (1) identify the suitable age for
people that will use the device depending on their hand size, (2) determine which
innovative design is suitable for the arduino-based gloves, (3) generate basic phrases for
communication using Arduino Based Gloves, and (4) identify the processing time of
selected phrases required by the Arduino Nano. The researchers considered hand sizes,
processing time, similar hand gestures that are difficult to identify, and the material utilized
to build the glove. The materials that were used by the researchers in the Arduino Based
Gloves are Arduino Nano, HC-05 Bluetooth Module, Flex Sensor, Battery Management
System, Resistor 10k ohm. The researchers discovered that the gloves were only available
for a specified age range and that the phrases were limited. From January 2023 to June
2023, the research was conducted at Tayabas City, Luis Palad Integrated High School.

The Problem and Its Background


Sign language allows a person who is deaf to communicate. Body language

includes facial movements, hand and body gestures, and fingers. The visual conveyance

of information between deaf people during a spontaneously expressed sign language

conversation is precise. According to a 2015 study from De La Salle University in

Manila, Philippines, sign language is especially beneficial to people who are deaf or have

trouble speaking. Currently, 54% of individuals use Filipino Sign Language. Filipinos

communicate through sign language. Furthermore, FSL is an organized and governed by

rules visual communication that has inexorably grown and now encompasses the cultural

identity of the Filipino signer community. Speaking is just one aspect of communication.

Communicating has become a huge difficulty for individuals, particularly when it comes

to their everyday need to communicate with human beings. Hand signals are used as a

way of communication by people who have difficulty hearing or speaking, but they are

only effective if the other person understands them (Verdadero et al, 2019).

For thousands of Filipinos in various communities FSL is widely used throughout

the Philippines (Eberhard et al., 2020). Embracing the "FSL is distinguished by a

hierarchically organized cultural identity of the Filipino community of signers." The

speech framework was based on physical signs and nonverbal communications that add

vital language information layers (Martinez, 2012). Due to the de jure status of FSL and

its trajectory to become the official language of instruction in Philippine public schools

for the deaf, there is a knowledge gap regarding FSL that needs to be urgently filled

through linguistic research. This misconception is partly the result of the paucity of

sociolinguistic, typological, and structural research on FSL.

For a long time, the Deaf were pushed to the margins, which not only contributed

to a derogatory culture but also kept them out of most aspects of Philippine society. A

shift in perspective about deafness spreads on its own in such a historical environment.

As a result, deafness is increasingly being recognized as "a language standpoint beyond

just a disability perspective" as well as a disability issue (Notarte-Balanquit, 2021).

The R.A. recently recognized Filipino Sign Language as the national visual-

gestural language of the Philippines.The FSL Act of 2018, also known as Article 1106,

has expanded the subject matter of academic discussion on deafness and, more

importantly, has made room for FSL to exist and develop as a language system essential

to the creation of Filipino Deaf identity and a natural language of the deaf (L.N.

Balanquit, 2021).

According to Rajaganapathy et al (2015), the introduction of Microsoft Kinect,a

motion-detecting gaming device, and its SDK (Software Development Kit).On the other

hand, as technology advances, humans want flexibility in how they use their systems and

machinery.The complexity of translating sign language to speech is now being explored

and reduced using a variety of modulations and techniques. The study has been proposed

to minimize all of those complexions while attaining optimum efficiency in from speech

to sign translation with motions. Individual gestures are an important part of interpersonal

interaction and the character of human movements known as body language. Human

gestures can be tracked using a variety of techniques.

Background of the Study

The World Health Organization (WHO) claims that the deaf community is one of

the largest groups of persons with disabilities, with about 430 million people worldwide

needing rehabilitation for hearing impairments. Santo Tomas University's (UST) Faculty

of Medicine and Surgery claims that 15% of Filipinos have moderate to severe hearing

loss by 2020. In terms of work and other types of economic opportunity, deaf people in

this country have few options. Concerns about equal access to industrial possibilities

have been pervasive among many Filipino Deaf people countrywide, as seen during the

study's volunteer work with the Deaf community in many provinces over the previous ten


It becomes difficult for speech and hearing-impaired people to communicate

because they use sign language, hence, more complex for ordinary people to understand.

Speech-impaired people can interact using sign language. In addition, it is a language in

which meaning is expressed through hand gestures and movement; it also involves the

expression of thoughts, ideas, and messages. In the Philippines, one of the sign languages

used is Filipino Sign Language (FSL). It was legally acknowledged by law in 2018. FSL

is regarded as the official deaf language in the Philippines. It is also more natural since

sign language allows Deaf individuals to connect, engage in conversation, and grasp the

concepts more easily.

Due to our 7,641 islands, there are so many different signs. Sign language has

been used in the Philippines since 1604. The Philippines Federation of the Deaf published

"Filipino Sign Language: A Compilation of Signs from the Regions of the Philippines" in

2005. Because of its early use in Filipino Deaf education, ASL was incorporated into

FSL, which continues to be used nowadays. Finally, FSL progressed from the

complicated interplay of Deaf Filipinos communicating in SEE, ASL, and FSL. The

World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) estimates that there are 70 million deaf individuals

who communicate exclusively using sign language worldwide. Every nation has one or

two sign languages, and the majority of the vote has linguistic roots in spoken languages.

For a very long time, the deaf have remained on the margins, which has separated

them from the bulk of Philippine society and helped to maintain a culture of derogation.

A shift in perspective about deafness naturally spreads in such a historical context. As a

result, deafness is no longer recognized as a disability but rather as a linguistic issue in

most nations. The designation of Filipino Sign Language by R.A. as the official visual-

gestural language of the nation is a recent development (the FSL Act of 2018 P.L.


With a breakthrough sign language translator, opportunities that were previously

unavailable to the deaf community will become a reality. Engineers at Michigan State

University developed and patented a technique. Biyi Fang, a doctoral student, and Jillian

Co, an undergraduate, saw an opportunity to help the community of the hearing-impaired

and deaf overcome the communication barrier with the hearing majority. In order to

quickly convert signals into English, Zhang's invention, DeepASL, uses a sophisticated

instructional - or machine learning - algorithm that draws data from the structure and

function of the brain. The system uses a three-inch sensor from Leap Motion that is

outfitted with camera systems to reliably recognize hand and finger motions.

Translation of many sign languages, and distinctions between sign and spoken

languages are both included in sign language translation (SLT).SLT aims to bridge the

communication gap between those who sign or speak different languages, it approaches

employ sequential algorithms for machine learning. However, gestures in sign language

have been captured using wearable sensors. Galea et al. (2019) recorded electrical

activity produced during an arm motion using electromyography (EMG). Irish sign

language was captured using the Thalmic MYO wristband device. Using a convolutional

neural network (CNN, 2012) and long short-term memory (LSTM) architecture, Zhang et

al. (2019) successfully detected American sign language at the word and sentence levels.

To do this, they used a wearable device to record EMG and inertial measurement unit

(IMU) data.

The Arduino-Based Gloves Translator project aims to establish a simple means of

communication for deaf people. Persons with hearing impairments encounter multiple

issues on a regular basis, which can be infuriating and even heartbreaking. A translator

assists a hearing-impaired person's needs in practically any setting, which can enhance

many aspects of daily living. By bridging the communication gap between those who

can hear and those who cannot, they guarantee that everyone has an equal opportunity.

Objectives of the Study

The general purpose of this study is to develop an Arduino based gloves which

translate the Filipino sign language into speech. Specifically, this study sought to fulfill

the following objectives:

1. Identify the suitable age for people that will use the device depending on their

hand size.

2. Generate basic phrases for communication using Arduino Based Gloves, such as:

1.1 Yes 1.5 Now 1.9 Take care

1.2 No 1.6 How are you 1.10 What is your name

1.3 Sorry 1.7 I love you 1.11 Later

1.4 Water 1.8 Time 1.12 Eat

3. Identify the processing time of selected phrases required by the Arduino Nano.

Significance of the Study

This study was undertaken to create an aid for people who have speech or hearing

impairments. Additionally, to develop a smart glove system that can continually

recognize sign language motions and transform those into spoken words, making it easier

for people who are deaf or verbally disabled to collaborate and convey basic ideas.

Country. This study innovates a device to be known as a tool to promote

technological advancements, contributing to the overall progress and reputation of the

country. Also, this inclusivity promotes equal opportunities, social integration, and

accessibility for the deaf community.

Speech and Hearing Impaired. This helps individuals to communicate naturally

and this will help them understand and be understood. It also assists persons with hearing

impairments by recognizing and interpreting the user's signs into speech and text.

Community. For many people, this study is a crucial communication aid. This

helps bridge communication gaps between individuals and help them express themselves.

Researchers/Students. This study can help students with future research to serve

as a foundation or tool for information relevant to their study in using arduino and gloves

that translate sign language into speech.

Scope and Limitation

This study entitled Arduino-Based Gloves Translator of Filipino Sign

Language (FSL) Into Speech and Text mainly focused on the challenges faced by the

community and deaf people in terms of communication and ways to alleviate the said

problem. The researchers took into consideration the different sizes of hand, processing

time, and same hand gestures that are hard to distinguish. Through this study, the

researchers were able to identify that the gloves were only available for a certain age

range, and the phrases were limited. The study was conducted at Luis Palad Integrated

High School in Tayabas City from January 2023 to June 2023.


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This section contains the readings that the researchers used to support the current

research investigation. It also includes relevant research that has been compiled to

enhance the notions of this study.

Related Literature

Sign language is an exclusive technique of interaction offered to deaf individuals.

Yet, due to the public's lack of interest in learning sign language, an enormous disparity

in communication exists between speech- and hearing-impaired individuals and others. In

addition, sign language's intricacy, with its diverse phrase constructions and language

syntax, renders it tough to comprehend. In order to close the discrepancy and foster

harmonious interaction beyond nations, an approach designed for transforming gestures

into voice and vice versa is required, KEC Conference (2018).

According to World Federation of the Deaf and World Health Organization

estimates, around 70 million individuals worldwide are both deaf and mute. Hearing loss

affects 360 million people worldwide, with 32 million of them being children. Sharma et

al. (2013) discovered that the great majority of persons with hearing and speech problems

lack the ability to comprehend words or write in normal languages. The use of sign

language (SL) is a fundamental mode of communication utilized by the deaf and mute.

SL is distinguished by the incorporation of finger shapes, hand motions, and facial

gestures to convey message instead of spoken language.

This language contains several hand gestures, terminology, and understanding

challenges. Additionally, abled individuals are inexperienced with sign language, and

disabled people have a very difficult time conversing with people of normal ability. The

lifestyle and social interactions of deaf people are negatively impacted by this

communication, according to Vidur et al 2012. Establishing a circuit diagram with

sensors can be accomplished to create a glove. One advantage of employing a device is it

does not require complex processing of information.

A societal issue and ongoing disparity for people with disabilities is unequal

access to employment. It is really critical to understand the hiring obstacles that prevent

people with disabilities from entering the workforce. People with disabilities may

experience poorer health and wellbeing if they will not participate in paid work.

Additionally, the work environment is emerging, therefore it is important to look into

opportunities that can help people with disabilities find employment in the new job

categories available on the open labor market (Shaw et al., 2012).

In 2015, 6.8% of the population across the world—almost half a billion

individuals—had hearing impairments. These figures are significantly larger than

previous projections, indicating the growing significance of loss of hearing and

worldwide auditory medical assistance. From this study, we discussed the difficulties of

hearing impairment in this review and provided recommendations, together with others,

for decreasing and eventually reversing the continuous growth in this burden. There are

low-cost solutions for avoiding hearing loss, as well as unique opportunities to reduce the

often high treatment costs. Furthermore, a wide global initiative similar to VISION 2020

only for hearing may give an overview for support while also promoting the further

efforts required to reduce the load. Success would result in substantial individual and

communal benefits, including contributions to the United Nations' proposed 2030 Agenda

for Sustainable Development's "healthy lives" and "disability inclusive" objectives

(Wilson et al. 2017).

Development of Assistive Technology

Smart gloves have been created to assist hand and finger movements-based on

human-computer interaction. These devices have not yet achieved widespread adoption

despite many attempts and numerous breakthroughs in related study. However, in recent

years, new gadgets with enhanced features have emerged and are also being used for

studies. Despite the substantial time spent on the development of smart gloves, ongoing

failures to meet the demanding specifications have prevented this technology from

becoming widely used. In any case, interest in research on smart gloves has increased

recently, especially in the commercial sector, and has not significantly reduced. The

development of new initiatives has been fueled by the significant advancements in related

technologies, such as wearables and HMDs. Many commercial smart gloves are generally

available, which is even more captivating is that many research projects are being

established around them.

There are many methods for identifying hand motions using image processing. A

modified SIFT algorithm is used in the "Hand Gesture Recognition System utilizing

Image Processing" to process digital images. The algorithm allows for successful

decoding of sign language. The benefit of utilizing this method is its quick processing

time, which can deliver results immediately. Even though the proposed solution is quick,

it also needs pricey materials (Caeiro-Rodríguez, et al 2021).

A group of Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges Electrical Engineering students

transformed Filipino Sign Language into English speech, according to an article from

Nylon Manila, 2021. The college students who created the gloves provided a

demonstration of the invention in a video presentation that was shared on Facebook.

Along with describing the motivation and ideas behind the gloves, they also went over

their technical characteristics. According to the video presentation, every of those five

digits on the gloves features a tiny, elastic sensor. An MPU-6050 motion tracking device

that detects and recognizes fingers and hand motions. The data is subsequently collected

and transferred to desktop computers to undergo analysis and actual translation over

WiFi. "This project allows people who are deaf or hard of hearing a voice."

History of the Development of Arduino

The initial Arduino board was produced in the classrooms of the Interactive

Design Institute in Ivrea, Italy, in 2005. Hernando Barragan, a Colombian student,

contributed a hardware thesis on wiring design to the Interactive Design Institute. This

thesis was worked on by a team of five developers, and once completed, they're works

focused on creating a more lightweight and cost-effective wiring platform, which could

be accessible to the open-source community (John, 2014). Many universities around the

world have adopted Arduino as a way to introduce students to control automation.

Furthermore, because of its low cost, Arduino is very popular among individuals who

build projects for personal use or as a hobby. According to Armenta (2022), the Arduino

environment is user-friendly, making microcontrollers more approachable to the general

public and excellent teaching resources. Starting with Diecimila in 2007, as a result the

first widely dispersed Arduino board, developed several board designs over

the years. From that point, the Arduino family has expanded to include multiple Atmel

AVR MCU hardware. In terms of the speed of process and board pinout arrangement, the

Due, which was launched in 2012, differs dramatically than the other models of the

series. It is the first Arduino board to use a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 CPU; other boards,

like as the Nano and LilyPad, are primarily intended for portable and wearable

devices.The ATmega32U4, similar to the ATmega328 but has an integrated USB-to-

serial interface component, is used by the most recent Arduino models, such as the

Leonardo, Esplora, Micro, and Yn (Hughes, 2013). It removes the requirement of an

extra IC component that is present on boards such as the Uno and Duemilanove.

Related Studies
According to Bragg, et al. (2019). different individuals find it challenging to

interact and interact with others who have disabilities. Another means of communicating

is sign language. It encompasses a broad spectrum of finger gesture languages, including

American Sign Language, British Sign Language, and a number of additional languages.

Communication through alternative ways, such as sign language, is established with

concern for establishing and carrying out approaches that recognize and place a student's

ability to use (Nussbaum, Waddy-Smith, & Doyle, 2012). Symbolic communication

devices would help individuals who use sign language get beyond such challenges. These

technologies would, for the first time, make voice-activated services accessible to sign

language users who are deaf, for instance by training personal help to respond to people

signing. Additionally, they would make text-based systems possible. For instance, by

automatically switching out written text on screens for sign language movies or by

translating sign language content into written searches for search engines.

In India, P. Subha Rajam established a technique under which Image recognition

for sign language motions processing. A camera captures the gesture, and an outline of

the image is formed. The system generates a binary code for the appropriate gesture. In

relation to the finger placements, the binary code corresponds to a text, and the text is

displayed on a screen.

According to E. Flavin,K. Kudrinko, et al.(2020), many studies have made use of

the Microsoft Kinect gaming system. A camera with a depth sensor and an infrared

projector measures the distance connecting an interpreter's finger and the lens. A camera

that uses a depth sensor and an infrared projector to measure the distance between a

signer's hand and the camera. Several investigations made use of the Spring mobility

detection system, which consists of an active camera ocular setup with three laser-led

lights for finger mapping. The Spring mobility detection system and Active camera were

utilized concurrently to record the hands' movements from two angles, resulting in

successful sign language gesture recollection. Lighting, backdrop conditions, shadows,

and camera angle all have an impact on the performance generated by computer optical

programs. Devices used like sensor serves as a foundation of hand sign language systems

for identification including tension detectors, myoware gauges, sensual sensors for

pressure, and sensors that measure inertia such as accelerometers, magnetometers, and

gyroscopes. Current technical advancements have allowed for creation of compact and

economical sensors, embedded systems, semiconductors, and power supplies. Sensors are

less affected by environmental factors than camera-based systems. Portable systems are

ideal for mobile and wearable applications because they can store huge amounts of sensor


In this project, a data glove is used to collect a user's hand movements. Smart

gloves with sensors catch the user's movement and turn analog input into digital output

using the voltage divider rule. The movement is then passed to the microcontroller for

further processing. RF transmitter and receiver are now used to communicate gesture

arrays. Recognized motions are compared to pre-fed data, and if they match, they are

passed to the speaker via the speech section (Verma, Ms. n.d. 2014).

Another study from India, (Abhijith Bhaskaran K, et al 2016). Much of our study

has concentrated on the usage of flex sensors to measure finger alignment and the Inertial

Measure for monitoring finger movements in multiple directions. Ambika Gujrati et al.

provides Hand-talk Gloves, which use flex sensors implanted in a mitten to capture hand

motions. Bend detectors, referred to as dynamic capacitors, have an impedance that

varies with their radius of curvature. A microprocessor will interpret the sensor's output

and articulate a phrase linked with the motion. An Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) is

capable of being employed to recognize finger movements in virtual reality space. The

measurement unit is employed. By affixing an IMU to a human limb, we can track the

action regardless of arbitrary position. Double integration of accelerometer data yields the

position. However, they introduce noise and cause drift inaccuracies. Positional values

deviate within short time intervals due to drift.

In a study from Vismaya A. P., Sariga B. P., Keerthana Sudheesh P. C., and

Manjusha T. S.(2020). People who are deaf or mute use sign language as a means of

communication. Sign language combines facial emotions, movement of the hands, arms,

and body, as well as forms and orientations of the hands to fluidly represent the speaker's

thoughts. A non-verbal means of communicating is gesture. Sign language refers to a

collection of hand gestures and facial expressions that represent words. To interact with

individuals who struggle to comprehend these motions, linguistic recognition devices are

used to transform into written or spoken language. These systems often concentrate on

identifying hand configurations, including position, orientation, and movement.

There is no one origin for sign language. Communication becomes difficult due to

the general population's absence of education in hand gestures. It can be quite challenging

to communicate with individuals nearby in an emergency or at other times when a silent

person is traveling or among unfamiliar people. Here, we suggest a smart speaking

system that enables mute persons to communicate with hearing people by using gestures

or hand motions. The primary goal of this paper is to assist individuals in communicating

by using a glove-based interpretation system. The hand talk glove is an ordinary driving

glove made of fabric that has flex sensors on each finger, and along the length of it.

(Ahmed et al. 2018)

According to David, D., Alamoodi, A.H Albahri, O.S. (et al. 2023) as a result of

technological advancements made possible by the increasing use of smartphones, and to

bridge the linguistic disparity, diverse sign language programs are being established.

However, there are significant differences between the content quality and the services

and capabilities they provide. If these apps are to have any type of meaningful impact,

evaluation of the content's quality is required. This sort of in-depth analysis will motivate

programmers to put their all into creating new applications, which will enhance software

development and user experience in general. In order to gain a thorough overview of the

study while providing new data for future research, this study employed the method of

systematic literature review (SLR) used in this study to better identify the topic and key

discussion points used in evaluation of smartphone-based sign language apps. Just on the

basis of analysis of linked works, major issues, discussions, and methodological

considerations, these papers were reviewed. Results indicated scarcity concerning

reviews on smartphone gesture-based language apps. The findings provide a new area for

research and development of sign language mobile apps, which will benefit both users

with normal hearing and those who have hearing loss. In addition, both hearing and non-

hearing users will profit from the discoveries, which also present possibilities for future

academic collaborations and app growth collaborations with the field of study of sign

language technology.

A low-cost, high-tech glove created by UCLA researchers may use a smartphone

to translate sign language into written and spoken speech (via Fast Company).

Technology operates real-time with a promising 98.63% accuracy rate while interpreting

660 American Sign Language signs. With this approach, it might be employed to help

deaf individuals interact with hearing people and teach more people who sign language.

Each of the five fingers of the gloves has a stretchy sensor composed of electrically-

sensing yarn. The signals are sent to a circuit board the size of a bank note that is attached

to the back of the glove, and it subsequently sends wireless signals to the smartphone.

More to one word per second can be converted into text in real-time by an application of

60 words per minute (Chin, 2020).

The speech impaired employ "Sign-language Interpretation through Motion &

Action Assessment" for social interaction.. It is a language that expresses meaning using

hand gestures and motions. Several investigations have sought to employ gadgets for

identifying hand motions using a combination of a sensor glove, which employs multiple

cameras to evaluate finger stance, or an optical system, that utilizes a camera to figure out

the position of the fingers and movements. The two methods have underlying pros and

cons. To translate Filipino Sign Language for healthcare purposes, this research article

outlines a method incorporating a working model of the sensor glove along with image

processing. The accuracy rate was 80% when ten terms with comparable gestures were

chosen. (Lim et al. 2015).

Sign language interpreters are needed everywhere. In education, social services,

especially health care. However, in the Philippines, most medical workers do not

understand sign language. They serve many people every day, some of whom have

speech impediments. Remember that the most common mistakes in the medical field are

due to misunderstandings. When people from distinct sections of the world interact and

do not speak a common language acquisition, an accredited sign language interpreter can

assist them in communicating. When essential information must be delivered, they are

required. Responsibilities include taking patient histories, diagnosing, delivering medical

procedures, discussing treatment options, and responding to crises. Medical sign

language interpreters, on the other hand, are in demand.(Lim et al. 2015).

The idea isn't new to make use of computers to translate sign language into text;

numerous effective systems have been created, however, there aren't many for FSL. All

systems use computer vision to read hand gestures or an equipped gear to detect finger

placement and action. While glove-based systems provide accurate measurements yet

remain incapable of transmitting fingers against bodily position data because of the

inverse evaluation aspect inherent in gear detectors, computer vision approaches

frequently need considerable amounts of computing resources.(Lim et al. 2015) .

Image processing and a data glove are combined in Image processing and a data

glove are combined in Sign-language Interpretation through Motion & Action

Assessment. Sign-language Interpretation using Motion & Action Assessment combines

image processing and a data glove. The basic concept is to make an edge of the inherent

direct reading capability of the DLSU Research Congress Vol. The potential of an

equipped mitt with "merely sufficient" processing of video to provide minimal finger

position information in a reference to the interpreter's body, over time was showcased at

the DLSU Science Conference 2015, which occurred on March 2 to 5, 2015, at the

University of De La Salle in Manila, Philippines. Developing a system that can run

without the need for a cloud while still having computing capability comparable to that of

a smartphone is the ultimate goal. (Lim et al. 2015).


According to studies, most people with speech impairments have an unfavorable

opinion towards interactions or encounters with the general public. The majority of

people with any form of speech impediment avoided speaking to others for a number of

reasons, including the fear of being misunderstood or regarded as stupid, being in a noisy

environment, or being out of consideration for the listener. People had the sense that they

did not have the extra time required to speak with those who had speech impediments, or

that they were unwilling to take the time to do so. Sign language is a basic tool for those

who lack the ability or are unable to communicate and listen. Devices developed from a

study by Mandar P. Joshi and Anagha J. Jadhav which created a system that converts or

translates hand gestures to voice. This system includes, data glove, flex sensor,

accelerometer, opamp, AVR microcontroller, and playback voice module. According to

Abhishek, Qubeley, and Ho, 2016, commercially available sign language translators are

typically limited in portability. Because the sophistication used in detecting hand gestures

necessitates heavy computations and associated energy storage, these devices are

expensive and bulky, making them unsuitable for in-field applications.

Experimental Design

Arduino-Based Gloves
Translator of Filipino Sign
Language (FSL) Into Speech

Adaptation of
Hand gloves translator of
Filipinos with
Filipino Sign Language
this device

Filipino Deaf Community can efficiently communicate with

people without having difficulty of expressing themselves.

Figure 1. Arduino-Based Gloves Translator of Filipino Sign Language (FSL) Into

Speech and Text

The hand glove translator of Filipino Sign Language (FSL) is the independent

variable that determines how Filipinos would adopt this device. Some probably would

utilize this device to easily communicate with everyone, yet it depends on how they

would deal with encountering difficulties using a hand glove translator. In conclusion,

this device would still serve its purpose of connecting the Filipino Deaf community and

providing innovative equipment for them to express themselves.

Schematic Diagram

Figure 2. Schematic Diagram of Arduino-Based Gloves Translator of Filipino Sign

Language (FSL) Into Speech and Text

The schematic diagram of an Arduino-Based Glove typically includes the

following materials: Arduino Nano, HC-05 Bluetooth Module, Flex Sensor, Battery

Management System, Resistor 10k ohm. The flex sensor is placed in the fingers since it is

used to detect finger bending or flexing. It is used to determine each finger's degree of

flexion and is attached on the glove's fingertips. The HC-05 Bluetooth Module is a

wireless communication module that is used to communicate the data from the glove to a

device via Bluetooth. The Arduino Nano is utilized to regulate the general function of the

glove and process the signals received from the flex sensor. Meanwhile the power supply

to the Arduino and other parts of the glove is managed by the battery management

system. A battery, voltage regulator, and charging circuit are frequently incorporated.

Lastly, the circuit's current flow is restricted and the flex sensor is protected from harm

by a 10k ohm resistor.

Definition of Terms

Arduino - open-source electronics platforms or boards, as well as the software used to


Sign Language - any means of communication through bodily movements, especially of

the hands and arms, used when spoken communication is impossible or not desirable.

Impairment - the loss or abnormality of structure or function from whatever cause.

Sensor - an instrument that reacts to a stimulation and sends out an impulse as a result.

Disability- a physical, mental, psychological, or developmental condition that affects,

interacts with, or limits a person's capacity to perform specific tasks.

Hearing Loss - decreased capacity to hear noises in the same way that other people do.

Smart Gloves - a high-tech rehab equipment that uses accelerometer and bending sensors

to assess forearm, wrist, and digit motions.

Application - a software that executes a specific task or collection of tasks.

Transmitter - an equipment for delivering radio or television signals.

Receiver - is a piece of electronic equipment that acquires signals and radio waves

produced by the transmitter.

Non-verbal - missing or allegedly lacking the ability to speak.

Wireless Signal- is the transfer of information and voice without the use of a wires or



Research Methodology

This section presents the materials and equipment used in this study. The

procedures for preparation of the materials and methods were also discussed and included

in this chapter.

Materials and Equipment

The materials that were used by the researchers in the Arduino Based Gloves are

Arduino Nano, HC-05 Bluetooth Module, Flex Sensor, Battery Management System,

Resistor 10k ohm.

Procedure with Flowchart

Phase I: Generating the program to be uploaded to the Arduino Based Gloves

The researchers worked on the program for the sign language translator. At this

time, they read sensor values and try to understand sign languages generated from

Filipino Sign Language (FSL). This was done through the help of internet sources and

assistance from a programmer.

Phase II: Installation for the materials used in Arduino Based Gloves

The researcher first soldered the ground pin of the flex sensor in series to the 24k

resistor. In addition, the researchers connected the flex sensors to the microcontroller

(Arduino Nano) by soldering the ground, VCC, and signal pins. Furthermore, the flex

sensors and microcontroller were placed to the gloves and aligned. Then installed the

Bluetooth module to the microcontroller. Furthermore, the USB port of the Battery

Management System (BMS), underneath the removed USB port there are positive and

negative pins, was unsoldered. After that, the positive pin to the VIN of Arduino Nano

and ground to ground of the microcontroller was soldered. Lastly, the researchers

installed the positive and negative wire of the battery to the BMS. Xz

Phase III: Perform trial testing for the Arduino Based Gloves

The researchers collected the required parts, which consists of an Arduino Nano

N3, a Flex Sensor, an HC-05 Bluetooth Module, a Lithium ION 3.7v Battery, a Battery

Management System, and a Resistor. The Arduino-based gloves were developed by the

researchers, and paired with the program on a smartphone via Bluetooth. The researchers

wore the Arduino-based gloves to evaluate the functionality once the bluetooth was

completely connected to the application.


Arduino Nano
Battery Management
Flex Sensor


SIGN LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR Flex sensors (5) - “four”
for the fingers and “one” on the
Arduino microcontroller,
resistor, and Bluetooth module is


Had trial and errors.


Risk and Safety Procedure

The researchers reviewed the documents, plans, and other information to identify

the risks. This involves studying the project documentation for accuracy, completeness,

and consistency. Inaccurate, incomplete, or missing information and inconsistencies

could indicate risks. Therefore, the researchers discussed the potential challenges

thoroughly. The researchers went through rigorous checking and analyzing of the

information gathered, as well as the codes made by a professional programmer. Detailed

examination has been made in the study to assure consistency and accuracy of data. The

tools that were used are intended to meet particular objectives and needs.. To avoid

casualty and tool damage, the researchers choose the appropriate equipment for the study.

Correct procedures were also done in the study by the researchers. Due to the fact

that researchers identified the possible risks earlier, it resulted in minimizing dangers that

could come along the way. The researchers prioritized and focused on following

appropriate procedures because this helped the researchers to achieve the objectives of

the study. Correct tools and procedures were employed in the study. The researchers also

ensured that the environment in which they will conduct their research is clean and clear.

The device made by the researchers has a safer design, in terms of the built-in

components inside it, and has improved quality and durability.



This chapter presents analysis and interprets the data gathered. The data gathered

were arranged comprehensively to present the objectives of the study.

Table 1. Age of the target people that will use the device

Age per Category Hand Size

0–14 years old 7.03 in

15–24 years old 7.27 in

25–59 years old 7.77 in

60 years old and above 6.63 in

The device is intended for users who are 15 years of age or older. The reason for

this is because of the size of their hands. The wearable device has sensors that run along

the four fingers and thumb to recognize each sign language word, phrase, or letter. The

gloves measure 7 inches, therefore, 7 inches and above are the preferable sizes of the

hands of those who will use the gloves.

Table 2. Time delay of the generated phrases using Arduino Based Gloves

Phrases Time delay of the generated phrases

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average

Yes 4 secs 3 secs 2 secs 3 secs

No 2 secs 2 secs 2 secs 2 secs

Sorry 5 secs 5 secs 5 secs 5 secs

Water 4 secs 1 sec 2 secs 2.33 secs

Now 2 secs 2 secs 2 secs 2 secs

How are you 3 secs 3 secs 4 secs 3.33 secs

I love you 2 secs 1 sec 1 sec 1.33 secs

Time 2 secs 4 secs 4 secs 3.33 secs

Take Care 4 secs 2 secs 1 sec 2.33 secs

Later 3 secs 4 secs 3 secs 3.33 secs

Eat 2 secs 1 sec 3 secs 2 secs

What is your 2 secs 2 secs 3 secs 2.33 secs


The Arduino-based gloves created fundamental communication words such as

“Yes”, “No”, “Sorry”, “Water”,”Now”, “How are you”, “I love you”, “Time”, “Take

Care”, “What is our name”, “Later”, and “Eat” fostering inclusivity and breaking down

communication barriers. From our programmed code, the Arduino Nano allots 2 seconds

for the smartphone to utter the phrase in sign language utilized in the Arduino-based

gloves, making it available in speech and text. Speech and text are complementary in

communication. It offers numerous routes for communicating and receiving information.



This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions drawn, and

recommendations of the study.

Summary of Findings

The researchers conducted and created an Arduino-based pair of gloves that

converts Filipino sign language into speech. The aim of this study is to ascertain the

following: generate basic phrases for communication using Arduino Based Gloves,

identify the age of the target people that will use the device, determine which innovative

design is suitable for the arduino-based gloves and identify the processing time required

by the Arduino Nano.

1. The proponents determined the ideal age range for communicating using Arduino-

based gloves. The results indicate that the gloves might be helpful for people with

communication difficulties of ages 15 and above. They were found to be more

proficient at utilizing the technological aspects of the gloves and more adaptable

to them. People with disabilities, within these ages, can utilize Arduino-based

gloves to communicate simple words or phrases that they might not be able to

communicate. The use of Arduino-based gloves as a communication tool can also

be beneficial for both adolescents and adults with speech disorders or difficulties

with communication. Overall, the beneficiaries specific needs and preferences

will determine the age of the target community that utilize Arduino-based gloves.

The gloves can adapt and be programmed to each user's particular needs.

2. The study focused on generating basic phrases for communication using Arduino-

based gloves. The gloves were equipped with flex sensors that detect the

movement of the fingers and translate it into electrical signals that are able to be

attached to the gloves. The beneficiaries of the device were able to produce basic

phrases by performing specific hand gestures. An Arduino microcontroller is able

to interpret the signals and trigger built speech output using an audio device or a

Bluetooth module. The procedure involves programming the Arduino

microcontroller to interpret specified finger movements and connect them to

specific phrases or words. As the user performs the necessary finger movements,

associated pre-programmed words and phrases are subsequently activated

allowing for communication. This provides a different way of communicating

basic concepts while enhancing interactions with others.

3. The study aimed to identify the processing time required by the Arduino Nano

microcontroller in Arduino-based gloves. The total number and range of sensors,

yet, can also impact processing time. The processing time will increase as the

Arduino Nano reads and processes data from each of the gloves' various sensors,

including flex sensors. Moreover, connecting with other devices will take time

and the processing time of phrases will take up to 2 seconds that are impacted by

the methods of communication employed since the gloves are made to

communicate with other mobile phone devices.


The researchers conclude the following based on their findings:

1. Identifying the age of the target people that would use the Arduino based gloves

was an important consideration during the design and development of the device.

The design and functionality of the gloves were influenced by the age of the

intended users. For instance, if the intended users were young children, the gloves

needed to be smaller in size and programmed with simpler gestures. On the other

hand, if the intended users were older adults, larger gloves were required, along

with gestures that were more intricately programmed. The target users' physical

and mental capabilities were taken into account during the design of the gloves.

Researchers created a device that was tailored to meet the target users' unique

needs and preferences by determining their age. This ensured that the Arduino-

based gloves, for ages 15 and above, were functional and easy to use.

2. Hearing-impaired people or those who are hard of hearing can communicate with

others much more easily with Arduino-based gloves. The gloves can be

programmed with fundamental Filipino Sign Language (FSL) phrases so that

users can easily communicate with others without the aid of a sign language

interpreter. Simple commands that can be programmed into the gloves and used to

communicate with other people. The way people with hearing impairments

interact with others has the potential to undergo a radical change thanks to this

technology, which can also significantly raise their standard of living. With the

help of Arduino based gloves, individuals with hearing disabilities can

communicate more effectively and efficiently with others.

3. The aim of the study was to ascertain how much processing time the Arduino

Nano microcontroller in the Arduino-based gloves required. As the

microcontroller reads and analyzes data from more sensors, including flex

sensors, processing time might also be impacted by the quantity and variety of

sensors being employed. Delays can also result from connecting to other devices,

and the connection mechanism utilized can affect how quickly phrases are

processed (up to 2 seconds). When communicating, using a few words or phrases

might cause misunderstandings, especially for deaf people. Because the

programmer's app had few alternatives, the researchers had trouble connecting

with others. It can be tough to express oneself without utilizing complete phrases.


After the completion of the study, researchers make valid recommendations to

deaf individuals and to those interested in undertaking similar research:

1. The researchers experienced inconvenience in utilizing gloves since there were

wires, specifically the flex sensor. It causes stinging when it interrupts the

bending of the hands of researchers. They suggest looking for a comfortable

material to wear and hold components. Hence, recommending utilizing knit fabric

would help to fit one's hand.

2. A researcher from the study tested the device and observed the app, wherein

delays can occur because the app could not adequately read the hand sign

language. The flex sensor only recognizes the bending of hands, and when the

finger does not fit properly, the app will have difficulty in generating the phrases.

Thus, the proponents suggest providing various sizes of hand gloves to cater to all

individuals at any age

3. A programmed app has been restricted to Android as an operating system. Then

the researchers justify the need for compatibility between the code in an Arduino

device to a programmed app. In short, only Android users are available to utilize

the device to produce speech and text. Therefore, the study aims to make it

available for any operating system.

4. Communicating with other people while using phrases could lead to

misinterpretation. It would be a tremendous task for deaf individuals to express

themselves more without using a sentence. The researchers encountered

difficulties communicating with other people since only confined words or

phrases were available to produce and appear in the app created by the

programmer. As a result, the researchers propose future researchers employ the

study to enhance, wherein they can generate sentences instead of phrases.


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Brgy. Mateuna, Tayabas City

Personal Information

Birthdate : November. 5, 2006

Birthplace : Tayabas City

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single

Father’s Name : Nerlon M. Cabile

Mother’s Name : Luzviminda S. Cabile

Educational Attainment

Elementary : Tayabas West Central School I

Tayabas City

2012 - 2019


Member: Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O)


Brgy. San Diego Zone I, Tayabas City

Personal Information

Birthdate : March 17, 2007

Birthplace : Tayabas City

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single

Father’s Name : Wenrick F. Cabuyao

Mother’s Name : Maribel T. Cabuyao

Educational Attainment

Elementary : Tayabas West Central School I

Tayabas City

2012 - 2019


Member: Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O)


St. Jude Village Phase 1, Brgy.

Opias, Tayabas City

Personal Information

Birthdate : August 15, 2007

Birthplace : Tayabas City

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single

Father’s Name : Jojit B. Glorioso

Mother’s Name : Lina A. Glorioso

Educational Attainment

Elementary : St. John Bosco College

Tayabas City

2012 - 2019


Member: Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O)


Brgy. Opias, Tayabas City

Personal Information

Birthdate : April 21, 2007

Birthplace : Tayabas City

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single

Father’s Name : Germie C. Nanong

Mother’s Name : Amelia V. Nanong

Educational Attainment

Elementary : Tayabas West Central School I

Tayabas City

2012 - 2019


President S.Y. 2022-2023 Youth for Environment in Schools

Organization (YES-O)


Brgy. Lalo, Tayabas City

Personal Information

Birthdate : April 07, 2007

Birthplace : Tayabas City

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single

Father’s Name : Romeo R. Rondilla Jr.

Mother’s Name : Juanita L. Rondilla

Educational Attainment

Elementary : Tayabas West Central School I

Tayabas City

2012 - 2019


Peace Officer S.Y. 2022-2023 Youth for Environment in Schools

Organization (YES-O)



Brgy. Opias, Tayabas City

Personal Information

Birthdate : April 21, 2007

Birthplace : Lucena City

Religion : Born Again

Civil Status : Single

Father’s Name : Mark Anthony Z. Absulio

Mother’s Name : Maria Elena P. Casiño

Educational Attainment

Elementary : Tayabas West Central School III

Tayabas City

2013 - 2019


Member: Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-




Brgy. Ipilan, Tayabas City

Personal Information

Birthdate : September 19, 2007

Birthplace : Tayabas City

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single

Father’s Name : Pascual R. De Torres

Mother’s Name : Genalyn G. De Torres

Educational Attainment

Elementary : ADT Montessori School

Pasig City

2012 - 2019


Member: Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-




Brgy. Mateuna, Tayabas City

Personal Information

Birthdate : September 4, 2007

Birthplace : Lucena City

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single

Father’s Name : Rodel A. Eleazar

Mother’s Name : Azalia L. Rebadavia

Educational Attainment

Elementary : Tayabas West Central School I

Tayabas City

2012 - 2019


Member: Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-




Brgy. San Isidro Zone 2, Tayabas City

Personal Information

Birthdate : May 22, 2007

Birthplace : Tayabas City

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single

Father’s Name : Nilo R. Manungay

Mother’s Name : Nora E. Manungay

Educational Attainment

Elementary : Tayabas West Central School I

Tayabas City

2012 - 2019


Member: Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-




Brgy. Opias, Tayabas City

Personal Information

Birthdate : November 10, 2006

Birthplace : Lucena City

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single

Father’s Name : Edwin T. Jalbuena

Mother’s Name : Jeanne J. Jalbuena

Educational Attainment

Elementary : Tayabas East Central School II

Tayabas City

2012 - 2019


Member: Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-




Brgy. Baguio, Tayabas City

Personal Information

Birthdate : September 13, 2007

Birthplace : Tayabas City

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single

Father’s Name : Roberto S. Saberola

Mother’s Name : Riza B. Batchain

Educational Attainment

Elementary : Tayabas West Central School I

Tayabas City

2013 - 2019


Member: Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-



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