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1 author:
James Nweke
All content following this page was uploaded by James Nweke on 11 July 2022.
MARCH, 2014.
The control and monitoring corrosion of gas pipelines include the combination
defects which decreases the rate of corrosion, a step to step method on how to
use the impressed current which is the commonly used for pipes was stated.
Title Page i
Abstract ii
1.0 Introduction 1
3.0 Methodology 19
4.0 Conclusion 23
4.1 recommendation 23
References 25-26
resistance to corrosion such as carbon steel and cast iron. Pipelines made of
Internal corrosion processes are affected mainly by the type and properties of
transported medium and the flow character. In order to eliminate or weaken the
above hazards and ensure safe operation of pipelines one should apply effective
years of operation of pipelines. In this seminar work, a short review has been
For the oil and gas industries to successfully reduce materials costs and improve
aesthetic values. However, most metals expect the noble ones like gold and
unstable state and therefore have a tendency to their stable natural state
pipelines are by far most important mode of gas transportation because of their
stage, the proper steel must be selected to withstand temperature, pressure and
against corrosion and other damages while some are coated on the exterior to
transported. The use of proper welding techniques and procedures will avoid
Cathodic protection has long been used to protect pipelines from corrosion.
processes are in many ways predictable, for example, when a metal and some
compound of much lower free energy are in contact, an interaction is very likely
to take place once the system universally tends to seek a low energy situation.
Prediction of free energy occurrence does not necessarily indicate the rate at
and, if so, at what rate. The rate of corrosion reaction cannot be predicted from
This seminar research work is intended to cover the stated objective; one of the
major points of this work is the use of impressed current with coating to protect
the pipeline.
The challenge facing corrosion engineers is how to save part of the losses due to
has been of global concern in the oil and gas industries. “It has become plainly
and sometime painfully apparent by events of the past decade that, all materials
The study of corrosion was dated far back as the early forties. Intense research
has been made by different corrosion scientists in order to reduce losses due to
Frange (1998) studied the problems of high strength steel in oil and gas
pipelines. The effects of various environments were also studied and this led to
the establishment of boundaries in the use of high strength steel in oil and gas
production. The higher the strength the more factors became restrictive. A
larger scale line is at where they can be kept out of the most severe conduction.
However in recent times, the observations of the inner surface of transport gas
pipeline done after the long term operation in the pits especially at the bottom
reason for corrosion damage. (Slobodyan el, 2002). The difference between the
water and this has been accounted for the degradation of steels during their
Robinson (1960) reports that, the role of coating as a control measure during
production operations has become an increasingly important one for this reason
Operators have become aware of the saving and benefits to be gained from the
proper selection and use of coatings. The most frequently used corrosion
Protective coating
Cathodic protection
Chemical inhibitors
The coating system should have electrical and mechanical properties, which
will deteriorate at the lowest rate with time under in station conditions.
cost savings (Philips. et al, 2008). He further pointed out that, goods economics
Over the years, the cost of implementing a corrosion control system has proven
useful life of pipelines. He stressed that the additive for corrosion control
wasted expenditure.
Corrosion may occur internally (i.e. in the inner walls of the pipe) or externally
(i.e. on the outer surface of the pipe). The causes based on these two types
dry gas water free liquids do not corrode pipelines. Water in pipelines
ii. Oxygen: Oxygen causes the least severe corrosion when alone but has an
attack. (http;//
iv. Erosion: this can also contribute by eroding away protective scales and
reduction Sulphates.
vi. Hydrogen sulphide: This can lead to several related types of cracking
Sulphide Stress Cracking (SSC): this type affects only relatively hard
oil eg. pH, density, pressure, and temperature etc can also cause internal
External corrosion in the form of pitting and general metal loss results from the
disbanded area where water can accumulate on the pipe under coating
and permeability.
to localized corrosion.
iv. Shorted Casing; this usually occurs at cased crossings.
vi. Defective pipes and welds: the defects in pipes and welds account for
The consequences of corrosion are many and varied, the effects of these on the
save, reliable and efficient operation of equipment or these structures are often
more serious in the simple loss of a metal. Failures of various kinds and the
need for expensive replacement may occur even though the amount of metal
destroyed is quite small. Some of the major harmful effects of corrosion can be
summarised as follows:
and structural like structure and considerable weakening may result from
a. Effect on pipe: Corrosion can lead to wear of the pipe and this condition
can give rise to leakage. In severe cases, it can cause the pipe to rupture
it leads to explosion which can burn down trees, forests, wildlife and the
whole ecological habitat where the pipe is located. On the other hand, if it
human health because tire outbreaks due to its high flammability when
exposed to a little flame, this results in loss of lives, maiming and loss of
from export of gas, will be defeated. Instead, more cost will be made on
plant repairs.
explosion were human lives are lost and injured, properties are destroyed,
General (or surface) corrosion: this type extends over the entire surface
Local corrosion; this type is limited to some selected areas while the
Many factors are responsible for the corrosion of metals. These are relative
and a metallic surface tends to accelerate corrosion of metals. This effect may
be due to the rate of which might otherwise accumulate and retard corrosion are
carried away.
Impurities can exhibit or lead effect from the corrosion start point, impurities in
a stream may act as a catalyst and actually accelerate corrosion. For instance,
small amount of chloride in a process stream can cause the breakdown of the
oxide film on stainless steel and accelerate its corrosion. This is hydrogen
the corrosion process. For this reason, oxidizing agents are often powerful
accelerations of corrosion.
There are broad classifications of the various forms of corrosion in which five
major types have been identified. These are uniform, localized, pitting, Erosion
observation either by the naked eye or magnification. These forms are detail as
uniformly over the entire exposed surface of a metal. That is, all areas of the
metals corrode at the same rate. This type of corrosion is observe on steel and
This type of attack is concentrated on specific are of the metal and lead to
accelerated by relative motion between the electrolytes i.e. the corrosive fluid
(crude oil in this case) and the metal surface. The velocity, turbulence,
impingement and nature of the metal/alloy are factors that can affect corrosion.
to be considered are:
The degree to which corrosion has progressed and the cause of the
corrosive condition.
When pipeline system is open for visual access, qualified personnel should
should be identified.
b. If corrosion damage exists, the wall thickness in the most deeply corroded
2.7.1 CONDITIONING THE METAL: this can be sub-divided into two main
between metals and the environment. The coating may consist of (1)
another metal, e.g. zinc or tin coatings on steel. (2) A protective coating
aluminium. (3) Organic coatings, such as resins, plastics, oils and grease.
providing a barrier between the metal and the environment. Paints may
to the temperature to which they are exposed. This coating is classified by dry
non-metallic pipe plastic. Although these plastics does not corrode in the soil or
brine electrolyte like, but may be weakened in these environment with time. It is
therefore good to have in mind, selection of materials that will withstand the
become negligible.
If for example, electrons are passed into the metal and reach the
while the cathodic reaction rate increases. This process is called cathodic
protection and can only be applied if there is a suitable conducting medium such
as earth or water through which a current can floes to the metal to be protected.
Corrosion always occurs at the anode where current leaves the metal and enters
the electrolyte while protective effect occurs at the cathode. The cathodic
Similar protection is obtained when steel is coated with a layer of zinc. Even at
scratches or cut edges where some hare metal is exposed the zinc is able to pass
supply to a DC output.
direct current (DC). The Dc is between 10-50 amperes and 50 volts. A bed of
The electric current raises the pH level of any water that has penetrated the
Pipelines use a coating that will stand up to soil stress and one which will not be
destroyed by contact with the environment. Both organic and metallic coatings
metallic substrates, particularly carbon steel, will corrode in the absence of the
pipes during plant shutdown for a considerable period of time. It is the most
placed into the corrosion environment in order to corrode so that they can be
used for analysis. They are of the same metallurgical composition of the pipe
whose corrosion is being studied. They are of different shapes and sizes; rod,
blade, stripe, disc, and button types. Test spools are a short section of pipe
usually flanged that is located for easy removal. This is to be able to determine
the increase in electrical resistance of the probe (which is usually inserted into
the environment), this increase is as a result of loss in cross sectional area from
line reading can be made after the probe is allowed to reach equilibrium with
the environment. The common type of probe is normally made of allow similar
This process is useful in the process control, and it measured the actual metal
Chemical analysis may be carried out on the fluid stream content and insoluble
can be taken directly from the coupons or the pipe. The composition of these
product samples help to evaluate the type of corrosion problem and may also
and integrity of pipes over the years. Based on this seminar work, cathodic
protection which is the one of the most effective and economical methods of
groundwater contact the pipe the surface is still protected from corrosion
because the CP current can pass through the permeable coatings. Therefore for a
1. Based on this topic, the Cathodic Protection must be adequate to protect the
disbanded coating.
production loss.
Koch G. et al; Corrosion Control in Oil and Gas Pipelines, Vol2 2002.