11 Biology - Full Book MCQs

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11 Biology Roll #:
Full Book MCQs Time: 35Min; Marks: 20
Taleem-o-Taallum Test Series (http://taleemotaallum.com/)
Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: Marks
i) Which one belongs to bryopsida?
A) Marcantia B) Porella C) anthoceros D) polytrichum
ii) Poisonous mushrooms are called ____
A) Truffles B) Morels C) Agaricus D) Toad stools
iii) An activated enzyme consisting of polypeptide chain and cofactor is called ________
A) Apoenzyme B) Holoenzyme C) Coenzyme D) Activator
iv) In earthworm exchange of gases mainly takes place through
A) gills B) lungs C) skin D) ostia
v) The leaves of Cassia alata are used to cure ____
A) Snake bite B) Cough and fever C) Ring-worms D) Dog bite
vi) Ustilago species are most common:

A) Rust fungi B) Smut fungi C) Mold D) Yeast
vii) Pili are made of special protein called ____

A) Pillin B) Flagellin C) Tubulin D) Myosin
viii) The plasma proteins constitute __% by weight of plasma
A) 7 to 9 B) 9 to 11 C) 11 to 13 D) 13 to 15
ix) Cell wall of Archaeobacteria do not contain:
A) Peptidoglycan B) Cellulose C) Chitin D) Cutin

x) The study of tissues is called ____


A) Anatomy B) Histology C) Paleontology D) Physiology


xi) Phycoerythrin is found in:

A) Green algae B) Red aglae C) Brown algae D) Blue green algae

xii) Tracheophyta is further subdivided into:

A) 2 sub divisions B) 3 sub divisions C) 4 subdivisions D) 7 subdivisions

xiii) Most green algae possess cell walls with:


A) Cellulose B) Chitin C) Silica D) Pectin

xiv) Golgi apparatus is concerned with cell:
A) Divison B) Lysis C) Secretions D) Storage
xv) Iron containing protein is:
A) Cytochrome B) Ferredoxin C) Plastocyanin D) Plastoquinone
xvi) Pseudocoel is found in:
A) Ascaris B) Neries C) Lumbricus D) Pheretima
xvii) Most common smut fungi (loose smut of wheat) are:
A) Ustilago B) Puccinia C) Penicillium D) Yeast
xviii) Robert Hooke reported his work in his famous publication known as
A) micrographia B) biologia C) zoologia D) britanica
xix) Cellulose is:
A) Polysaccharides B) Monosaccharides C) Oligcsaccharides D) All of these
xx) The body cavity of nematoda is ____
A) Blastocoel B) Pseudocoelom C) Hemocoelom D) Coelom
xxi) Solanum esculentum is the scientific name of:
A) Potato B) Tobacco C) Onion D) Tomato
xxii) Enzyme lowers down the energy of:
A) kinetic B) potential C) activation D) ionic
xxiii) Which one of the following is aerobic bacteria:
A) Campylobacter B) E. coli C) Pseudomonas D) Spirochaete
xxiv) Bacteriophage replicates only in ____ cell
A) Animal B) Plant C) Bacterial D) Fungi
xxv) An ovule is an integumented indehiscent
A) microsporangium B) Megasporangium C) sporangium D) seed
xxvi) The protein present in microtubules is _________
A) Actin B) Myosin C) Tubulin D) Tropomyosin
xxvii) Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is synthesized and stored in:
A) nucleolus B) mitochondria C) nucleus D) chloroplast
xxviii) Rapid phase of growth of Bacteria is:
A) Lag phase B) Log phase C) Stationary phase D) Death/decline phase
xxix) The total transpiration taking place through cuticle is _____%
A) 5 to 7 B) 1 to 7 C) 5 to 8 D) 2 to 5

xxx) Rust fungi belong to genus
A) Ustilago B) Aspergillus C) Puccinia D) Yeast
Amount of heat absorbed when a liquid changes into gas (expressed as calories per gram vaporized) is
A) Heat Capacity B) Specific Heat C) Heat of vaporization D) Latent Heat

xxxii) In respiratory chain NADH is oxidized by:

A) Cytochrome b B) Co-enzyme Q C) Oxygen D) H O

xxxiii) Poisons, like cyanide are examples of:

A) Enzymes B) Co-enzymes C) Inhibitors D) Co-factors

xxxiv) A group of similar cells that perform similar function is called:


A) Organ B) Tissue C) System D) Organelle

xxxv) Respiratory pigment present in muscle is called:

A) Myoglobin B) Globin C) Haemocyanin D) Haemoglobin

xxxvi) Female gametophyte in angiosperm is also called ___

A) Embryo Sac B) Ovary C) Seed D) Archegonium

xxxvii) In hydra ectodermal cells get food from endodermal cells by
A) osmosis B) diffusion C) active transport D) facilitated diffusion
xxxviii) Which of the following is not an accessory pigment?
A) Chlorophyll a B) Chlorophyll b C) Xanthophll D) Carotenoid
xxxix) Poisons like cyanides, antibiotics and some drugs are examples of
A) enzymes B) co-enzymes C) inhibitors D) cofactors
XL) Parotid salivary glands are situated in front of:
A) Jaws B) Ears C) Tongue D) Eyes
XLi) In five kingdom system of Robert Whittaker (1969) only unicellular eukaryotes were placed in kingdom:
A) Monera B) Protista C) Fungi D) Plantae
XLii) The product of succinic acid by the action of enzyme is
A) Fumaric acid B) Malonic acid C) Citric acid D) Pyruvic Acid
XLiii) The tentative explanation of observation is called:
A) Law B) Theory C) Hypothesis D) Deduction
XLiv) Haemocyanin is found in the phylum:
A) Echinodermata B) Mollusca C) Hemichordata D) Chordata
XLv) Pig could be the source of infection of hepatitis
A) A B) B C) E D) C
XLvi) How much air is held in lungs when they are fully inflated in man?
A) 5 liter B) 4.5 liter C) 4 liter D) 3.5 liter
XLvii) The technique used to preserve milk and milk products is called _____
A) Vaccination B) Lactation C) Pasteurization D) Concentration
XLviii) The final product of glycolysis is:
A) Citrate B) Pyruvate C) Malate D) Fumarate
XLix) According to one hypothesis, stomata opens due to the active transport of:
A) Sodium B) Potassium C) Sulphur D) Nitrogen
L) The study of distribution of animals in nature is called:
A) zoogeography B) biodiversity C) geography D) wildlife
Li) Which one is not the phase of Calvin cycle?
A) carbon Fixation B) reduction C) regeneration of CO
2 D) phosphorylation

Lii) When tuft of flagella is present at each pole of two in bacteria is known as
A) atrichous B) lophotrichous C) peritrichous D) amphitrichous
A process in which ribulose bisphosphate / carboxylase / oxygen as e (rubisco) fixes oxygen instead of
carbon dioxide is called ______
A) Respiration B) Photorespiration C) Glycolysis D) Krebs cycle

Liv) Excretory structures in Annelida are:

A) Malpighian tubules B) Flame cells C) Nephrons D) Nephridia

Lv) The reasoning from general to specific is:

A) Inductive B) Deductive C) scientific D) Theoretical

Lvi) It is universally accepted by biologists that mammals have evolved from reptilian ancestors called

A) cotylosaurs B) dinosaurs C) cotylostomata D) amphibians

Lvii) Volume of dry seed may increase up to 200 times by ___

A) Diffusion B) Osmosis C) Imbibition D) Active transport

Lviii) Bacteria increase in number by asexual means of reproduction called ___

A) Binary fission B) Budding C) Regeneration D) Multiple fission
Lix) The classification of algae into phyla is largely based on the composition of
A) cell wall B) cell membrane C) cytoplasm D) pigments
LX) Total number of amino acids in insulin are
A) 51 B) 141 C) 151 D) 50
LXi) Misuse of streptomycin can cause
A) Allergic reactions B) discoloration of teeth C) headache D) deafness
LXii) Haem portion of haemoglobin contains:
A) Mg
B) F e
C) Ca
D) N
LXiii) The first action spectrum was obtained by German biologist TW Engelmann in ____
A) 1883 B) 1938 C) 1998 D) 1876
LXiv) Unicellular yeast fungi reproduce asexually by:
A) Zygospores B) Conidia C) Spore formation D) Budding
LXv) Example of Apicomplexans is:
A) vorticella B) plasmodium C) stentor D) amoeba
LXvi) Genus of corn plant is:
A) Zea B) Cassia C) Allium D) Solanum
LXvii) In root nodules, bacteria convert nitrogen into ____
A) Ammonia B) Nitrate C) Urea D) Nitrite
LXviii) The factory of ribosome is the:
A) Nucleolus B) Mitochondria C) Chloroplast D) Vacuole
LXix) The number of capsomeres present in the capsid of herpes virus are
A) 162 B) 252 C) 262 D) 152
LXX) Cell wall of oomycota contain mostly:
A) Chitin B) Cellulose C) Glycan D) Pectin
LXXi) Which of the following were the first plants that formed true leaves and roots?
A) Psilopsids B) Lycopods C) Megaphylls D) fems
LXXii) Tomato and potato belong to the family _____
A) Poaceae B) Rosaceae C) Solanaceae D) Mimmosaceae
LXXiii) RNA is synthesized and stored in
A) Nucleus B) Nucleolus C) Lysosome D) Endoplasmic reticulum

LXXiv) Living genus of psilopsida is
A) cooksonia B) psilophyton C) horneophyton D) psilotum
LXXv) Resolution of electron microscope range between:
A) 1 − 2μm B) 1 − 5 mm C) 1 − 3 Angstrom D) 2 − 4 Angstrom
LXXvi) Spiracles are found in:

A) Fish B) Cockroach C) Leech D) Earthworm

LXXvii) The hypothesis that plants split water as a source of hydrogen was given by:

A) Van Niel B) Kreb C) Calvin D) Pasteur

LXXviii) The spiny skinned animals are included in:

A) Porifera B) Echinodermata C) Annelida D) Mollusca


LXXix) The cartilaginous fishes contain scales ____

A) Placoid B) Cycloid C) Ganoid D) Ctenoid

LXXX) Hydrogen bonds between adenine and thymine are

A) Three B) four C) five D) two

LXXXi) Citric acid is also obtained from some species of fungi called ___
A) Agaricus B) Aspergillus C) Yeast D) penicillium
LXXXii) The cell wall of most bacteria have a unique macromolecule called:
A) Chitin B) Peptidoglycon C) Protoplast D) Cellulose
LXXXiii) A bacteria with single polar flagellum is
A) Atrichous B) Lophotrichous C) Amphitrichous D) Monotrichous
LXXXiv) In cities exhaust of automobiles is adding ____ in the atmosphere.
A) Nitrogen B) Phosphorus C) Chromium D) Lead
LXXXv) If non-protein part is covalently bonded to enzyme, it is called ________
A) Coenzyme B) Prosthetic Group C) Activator D) Apoenzyme
LXXXvi) Optimum pH for action of pancreatic lipase is:
A) 3.00 B) 5.00 C) 7.00 D) 9.00
LXXXvii) Organ of voice in birds is called _____________
A) Vocal cord B) Larynx C) Syrinx D) Lipids
LXXXviii)Amphibious plants belong to group:
A) Angiospermae B) Bryophyta C) Pteridophyta D) Filicinate
LXXXix) The attachment of two sub units of ribosomes is controlled by
A) Ca
B) M g +2
C) K
D) F e

XC) The Casparian strips are present in:

A) Cortex cells of roots B) Cells of pericycle C) Endodermis cells of D) Cells of phloem
XCi) Organelle of symbiotic origin is:
A) Cell wasll B) Cell membrane C) Mitochondria D) Vacuole
XCii) In the first step of the citric acid cycle (Krebs Cycle), acetyl-CoA reacts with oxaloacetate to form
A) Succinate B) Rubisco C) Malate D) Citrate
XCiii) Chlorella is:
A) Multicellular B) Acellualar C) Unicellular motile D) Unicellular non motile
XCiv) Which one is not a viral disease:
A) Cow pox B) Mumps C) Tetanus D) Measles
XCv) Orders include related ____
A) Families B) Genera C) Species D) Classes
XCvi) Reindeer moss is a:

A) Mycorrhizae B) Bryophyta C) Lichen D) Protista
XCvii) Thalassemia is also called
A) Cooley's anemia B) Thomas anemia
C) Peter's anemia D) Mendal's anemia
XCviii) Salivary amylase acts best at pH ________
A) 4.5 B) 6.8 C) 7.2 D) 8.5

XCix) Starch gives ____ color with iodine

A) Blue B) Red C) Green D) Yellow

C) Monosaccharides, which are rare in nature and occur in some bacteria is:
A) Trioses B) Tetroses C) Pentoses D) Hexoses

Ci) Hepatic cecae are present in ____


A) Hydra B) Planaria C) Cockroach D) Earthworm

Cii) Which one is most abundant carbohydrate in nature:

A) Cellulose B) Glycogen C) Glucose D) Starch

Ciii) Lysosomes were isolated and studied for the first time by _____

A) Palade B) De-Duve C) Golgi D) Virchow

Civ) The detachable cofactor of an enzyme is known as
A) activator B) prosthetic group C) coenzyme D) apoenzyme
Cv) The melting point of palmatic acid is:
A) −8 C

B) 8 C

C) 63.1 C

D) 56.3 C

Cvi) Entamoeba histolytica causes amoebic

A) cholera B) fever C) dysentery D) migraine
Cvii) In deductive reasoning we move from:
A) General to specific B) Specific to general C) General to general D) Specific to specific
Cviii) Cotton is the pure form of:
A) cellulose B) glycogen C) waxes D) amino acid
Cix) Optimum pH for proper functioning of pepsin is:
A) 4.00 B) 4.50 C) 5.50 D) 2.00
Cx) Which animal has no need for a gall bladder?
A) Cat B) Man C) Lion D) Goat
Cxi) Hepatic and pancreatic secretions are also stimulated by hormone:
A) gastrin B) insulin C) thyroxin D) secretin
Cxii) Liver secretes bile into:
A) Ileum B) Stomach C) Duodenum D) Jejunum
Cxiii) Myoglobin occurs in:
A) Red Blood Cells B) White Blood Cells C) Plasma D) Muscle Fibers
Cxiv) The percentage of lipids in plasma membrane is:
A) 60-80 B) 30-60 C) 20-40 D) 10-20
Cxv) The heterogeneous group of compounds related to fatty acid is called _______
A) Protein B) Lipid C) Glucose D) Carbohydrates
Cxvi) Polyp and Medusa are examples of:
A) Coelentrata B) Porifera C) Nematoda D) Arthropoda
Cxvii) An aphid that attacks walnut tree is being controlled biologically by:
A) Wasp B) Housefly C) Honey bee D) Mosquito
Cxviii) The branch which deals with the study of virus is called
A) Biology B) Cytology C) Virology D) Taxonomy
Cxix) Embryology is the study of

A) fossils B) tissues C) development D) internal gross structure
Cxx) A single mycelium may produce up to a kilometer of new Hyphae in only:
A) One days B) Five days
C) fifteen days D) twenty days
Cxxi) The strengthening material in prokaryotic cell wall is ___
A) Chitin B) Lignin C) Cutin D) Murein

Cxxii) Lovastatin is fungal product which lower blood ____

A) B) Cholesterol C) Ca D) U rea


Cxxiii) An enzyme reacts only with its specific

A) surface B) substrate C) product D) inhibitor

Cxxiv) Water is more viscous than air by:


A) 25 times B) 150 times C) 75 times D) 50 times

Cxxv) The animal with exceptionally large brain is:

A) Star fish B) Octopus C) Snail D) Sepia

Cxxvi) In angiosperm, megaspore develops into female gametophyte, consisting of ____ cells:

A) 6 B) 7 C) 8 D) 10
Cxxvii) Which of the following is microaerophilic bacterium?
A) Campylobacter B) Pesudomonas C) Spirochete D) E. coli
Cxxviii) The common name of Allium cepa is
A) Piyaz B) Bathu C) Amaltas D) Chana
Cxxix) Which is found in primary wall?
A) Silica B) Pectin C) Lignin D) Cutin
Cxxx) Which of the following is a major structural component of fungus cell well?
A) Cellulose B) Peptidoglycan C) Chitin D) Lignin
Cxxxi) The most efficient and highly modified for gas exchange in aquatic animals are _________
A) Gills B) Lungs C) Spiracles D) Trachea
Cxxxii) Which of the following is not found in all bacteria?
A) Cell membrane B) Ribosomes C) A nucleoid D) Capsule
Cxxxiii) The heart of fishes is
A) Single circuit B) Double circuit C) Triple circuit D) Multi circuit
Cxxxiv) AIDS is caused by:
A) Fungi B) Algae C) Bacteria D) Virus
Cxxxv) Algae in which body is differentiated into blades, stripes and hold fast belongs to ___
A) Golden algae B) Diatoms C) Brown algae D) Green algae
Cxxxvi) Amoebas move and obtain food by means of:
A) Cilia B) Flagella C) Plasmodium D) Pseudopodia
Cxxxvii) Sea Urchin belongs to phylum:
A) Coelantrata B) Porifera C) Nematoda D) Echinodermata
Cxxxviii) The renal vein brings impure blood from ____
A) Brain B) Lungs C) Kidney D) Liver
Cxxxix) Most elaborate and efficient respiratory system is present in
A) Man B) Fish C) Birds D) Reptiles
CXL) The feeding stage of a slime mold is:
A) Mycelium B) Pseudopodium C) Hyphae D) Plasmodium
CXLi) Pilli are primarily involved in:
A) Movement B) Conjugation C) Nutrition D) Excretion
CXLii) Which of the following structures is associated with asexual reproduction in fungi ___

A) Ascospores B) Conidia C) Zygospores D) Basidiospores
CXLiii) Example of soil dwelling carnivorous fungus is
A) arthrobotrys B) armillaria
C) pleurotus D) penicillium
CXLiv) The resolution of typical compound microscope is _____ micro meter
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

CXLv) The cells that provide ATP and proteins to sieve tubes are ____
A) Companion B) Epidermal C) Tracheids D) Vessels

CXLvi) The branch of biology deals with the study of social behavior and communal life of human beings is

A) Human biology B) Molecular biology C) Social biology D) Environmental biology


CXLvii) The number of capsomeres present in the capsid of adenovirus is _____

A) 162 B) 162 C) 252 D) 262

CXLviii) In cockroach partly digested food is temporarily stored in

A) Rectum B) Gizzard C) Crop D) Colon

CXLix) In spermatophytes seed is formed from ______

A) Ovary B) Ovule C) Anther D) Embryo sac
CL) During photorespiration glycine is converted into serine in:
A) Mitochondria B) Golgi complex C) Chloroplast D) Ribosome
CLi) A neurotic disorder in slightly older girls is ____
A) Anorexia nervosa B) Bulimia nervosa C) Dyspepsia D) Obesity
CLii) Total weight of water in bacterial cell is:
A) 10% B) 30% C) 50% D) 70%
CLiii) Which one is not the layer of wall of heart?
A) pericardium B) epicardium C) myocardium D) endocardium
CLiv) Garden snail belongs to:
A) Gastroponda B) Cephaloponda C) Pelecyponda D) Arthroponda
CLv) The molecular formula for chlorophyll
A) C
55 H
77 O N Mg
5 4 B) C H O N M g
56 70 5 2 C) C H O N M g
55 70 6 4 D) C H O N M g
50 70 5 3

CLvi) Example of placental mammal is ____

A) Dolphin B) Kangaroo C) Echidna D) Opossum
CLvii) The optimum pH of enzyme arginase is ____
A) 2.0 B) 9.5 C) 7.6 D) 9.7
CLviii) Hepatic and pancreatic secretions are stimulated by a hormone called:
A) Gastrin B) Secretin C) Zymogen D) Parietal
CLix) Use of living organisms, systems or processes in manufacturing and service industries is studied by
branch called ____
A) Social biology B) Human biology C) Biotechnology D) Marine biology
CLX) The normal alveolar ventilation is regulated by:
A) Hemoglobin B) Oxygen C) Iron D) Carbon dioxide
CLXi) The smallest known viruses contain the RNA in spherical capsid are the:
A) Herpes viruses B) Influenza viruses C) Polio viruses D) Pax viruses
CLXii) Which metal atom is present in chlorophyll:
A) Cu B) Fe C) Mg D) K
CLXiii) Compound formed as a result of anaerobic respiration in body muscles is ____
A) Alcohol B) Acetic acid C) Lactic acid D) Fumeric acid
CLXiv) Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose up to the formation of __________

A) Pyruvic acid B) Sulphuric acid C) ATP D) NAD
CLXv) Algae which have shells composed of two halves that fit together like petri dish belong to:
A) Brown algae B) Diatoms
C) Green algae D) Red algae
CLXvi) Number of spiracles in cockroach is:
A) 4 pairs B) 6 pairs C) 10 pairs D) 8 pairs

CLXvii) The human stomach is situated below the ___

A) Diaphragm B) Liver C) Kidneys D) Spleen

CLXviii) One complete heart cycle lasts for about

A) 0.2 sec B) 0.5 sec C) 0.8 sec D) 1.0 sec

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