06options3 M4 L3

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Use of English Level 3 Name: ................................................. Mark: .........

Vocabulary and Grammar (50 points)

1 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. There are more words and phrases than
you need. Make any necessary changes. (6 points)
dream ■ planet ■ develop ■ go backpacking ■ bleed ■ trail ■ poverty ■ litter ■ take part ■ faint
suburb ■ get worse ■ keep quiet ■ put together ■ sneeze
1. My family has hiked many mountain .................................................................. together.
2. My headache isn’t improving – it is .................................................................. .
3. We all .................................................................. so that my brother could study.
4. Mars and Venus are two .................................................................. in our solar system.
5. Every time Sally smells perfume, she .................................................................. loudly.
6. Our school recently .................................................................. in a volunteer project.
7. James .................................................................. of going on safari to see protected animals.
8. We live in Oakwood, one of six .................................................................. just outside the city.
9. How did you .................................................................. all the clues to solve the mystery?
10. Oh, no! Joe fell off his skateboard, and now his knee .................................................................. .
11. Emma .................................................................. in the Appalachian Mountains last month.
12. There’s so much .................................................................. in the park – let’s pick it up.

2 Complete the words to match the descriptions. (5 points)

1. opposite of cooked r................................................
2. style of a building a................................................
3. It travels around in your body. b................................................
4. People put up tents there. c................................................
5. a large sea o................................................
6. the type of animal or plant s................................................
7. This person helps to keep your teeth healthy. d................................................
8. get better after being ill or having an operation r................................................
9. very old a................................................
10. place next to a road for people to walk on p................................................

3 Complete the sentences with one word. (4 points)

1. Our tour ............................................... showed us around Venice.
2. Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty are popular fairy ............................................... .
3. The luggage ............................................... per passenger in economy class is 23 kilos.
4. As a result of eating bad meat, I have an upset ............................................... .
5. The medical examiner said the ............................................... of death was poisoning.
6. We were late for work because we got stuck in a traffic ............................................... .
7. Can I borrow your sleeping ............................................... for the camping trip?
8. Our town needs more cycle ............................................... so people can ride bikes.

Use of English Level 3

4 Add two more words or phrases to each category. (5 points)

1. Describing taste
sour ............................................... ...............................................
2. Ways of travelling
by land ............................................... ...............................................
3. Inside the body
lungs ............................................... ...............................................
4. Describing personality
friendly ............................................... ...............................................
5. People in court
murderer ............................................... ...............................................

5 Underline the mistake in each sentence. Then write the correct word/s. (5 points)
1. Right now, I lie in bed with flu. ..................................................................
2. If I was you, I wouldn’t serve pizza at a dinner party. ..................................................................
3. I never took antibiotics before I got an infection in my foot. ..................................................................
4. Amazingly, Sarah didn’t have any mosquito bites yet this summer. ..................................................................
5. Does rides at amusement parks make you feel dizzy? ..................................................................
6. Keith took to hospital in an ambulance last night. ..................................................................
7. Cake doesn’t usually make with vegetables. ..................................................................
8. If I have more money, I would take you to an expensive restaurant. ..................................................................
9. There is a piece of cake on my plate a minute ago! ..................................................................
10. Matt and I didn’t used to be friends. ..................................................................

6 Complete the sentences with one or two words in each space. (4 points)
1. Rachel is ................................................................. take a gap year before she enters university.
2. After Dave ................................................................. got off the ride at the amusement park, he was sick.
3. ................................................................. any fresh vegetables in the supermarket today?
4. This is the ................................................................. flu season we’ve had in a long time. Everyone’s ill!
5. If you have a massage, your back ................................................................. feel much better.
6. I think you ................................................................. apologise to Ben for shouting at him.
7. Vitamins ................................................................. sometimes added to children’s cereal.
8. Anna has had a bad cold ................................................................. two weeks now.

7 Complete the sentences in a logical way. (5 points)

1. If you eat too much sugar, .................................................................................................................. .
2. Simon wouldn’t have had an upset stomach if ........................................................................... .
3. White bread is less healthy ................................................................................................................ .
4. If John exercised more often, ........................................................................................................... .
5. According to this timetable, the next train ..................................................................................... .

Use of English Level 3

8 Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the original sentence.
(4 points)
1. Unless Paul returns my skateboard tomorrow, I won’t lend him anything again. (if)
2. I won’t talk to Karen if she doesn’t apologise. (unless)
3. The residents survived the earthquake because rescue workers found them. (wouldn’t)
4. Brian wants to buy a new computer, but he doesn’t have the money. (had)
5. Smoking is prohibited on the aeroplane. (mustn’t)
6. The Mayans drank hot chocolate with chilli peppers. (drunk)
7. People in England didn’t drink tea before the 17th century. (use)
8. It’s not necessary for you to wash the dishes. (have)

9 Choose the correct answers to complete the text. (12 points)

If you 1. ..... Amber Bourke years ago that a person can hold their breath for five minutes, she
2. 3. 4.
..... it. But while she ..... in Sinai, Egypt, she ..... people diving without any equipment. They
were freedivers.
Freedivers 5. ..... to see how deep they can dive on a single breath. Amber tried it and found that
she 6. ..... dive down 18 metres on one breath. Amber began competing in 2012, and she 7.
since then. In 2018, she ..... down 73 metres!

Freediving looks easy, but a lot of training 9. ..... . If you train to be a freediver, you 10. ..... how to
use your lungs in and out of the water. 11. ..... you to try it? If you 12. ..... , you will improve – but
unless your body is completely relaxed, you won’t succeed.
1. a. tell b. told c. had told
2. a. didn’t believe b. hasn’t believed c. wouldn’t have believed
3. a. is travelling b. was travelling c. used to travel
4. a. saw b. was seeing c. has seen
5. a. try b. tries c. tried
6. a. would b. could c. should
7. a. didn’t stop b. hasn’t stopped c. hadn’t stopped
8. a. dived b. was diving c. had dived
9. a. requires b. required c. is required
10. a. will learn b. would learn c. would have learned
11. a. Will … want b. Do … want c. Did … want
12. a. practise b. practised c. had practised

Competences Assessment Level 3 Name: ................................................. Mark: .........

Written Comprehension (20 points)

understand essential information • understand specific information

1 Read the health website. Then choose the correct answer. (10 points)


Our doctors answer
your questions.

JANET: Ever since I was a child, I’ve suffered from an upset stomach and
headaches. I’ve seen several doctors over the years, but none of them
succeeded in identifying the cause of the problem. And the symptoms got
worse! Then, last month, I was tested for celiac disease – and finally, the
mystery was solved! If I had only known about it earlier, I would have
avoided years of pain! Why did it take so long to diagnose me correctly?
And how do I learn to live with this disease?
DR MIKE: About one in every 100 people in the world has celiac disease, but
it can take years to diagnose it. This is because the symptoms of celiac
disease, like the ones you described, are similar to those of many other
diseases, especially wheat allergies and non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS).
Gluten is a protein. It’s found in grains like wheat, rye and barley – the main
ingredients in most breads, pastas and cereals. If you have celiac disease,
any gluten you eat will damage the small intestine in your stomach. It will
also stop your body from getting important vitamins and minerals from your
Unfortunately, there is no cure for celiac disease. A 100% gluten-free diet is
the only answer. Your health won’t improve unless you are very careful about
what you eat. Here’s my advice:
• Meet with a dietician and learn which foods you can and can’t eat. Bread
made from rice, potato or quinoa flour is safe to eat, for example. Look for
tasty gluten-free recipes to prepare, like those on the Celiac Disease
Foundation website.
• Before you buy food products, read the list of ingredients carefully. Some
“wheat-free” foods can contain other grains with gluten in them.
• Gluten-free foods often come into contact with foods containing gluten.
Small pieces of wheat toast can easily find their way into butter or jam jars –
and into your stomach! So be careful.
• Join a support group for teens with celiac. Others will be happy to share
experiences and tips. If I were you, I’d ask them where to find the best
gluten-free pizza!
Good luck!

Competences Assessment Level 3

1. Which “mystery” was solved a month ago?

a. which disease Janet suffers from
b. how many people have got the same disease as Janet
c. why it’s difficult to diagnose Janet’s disease
2. What is NOT true about celiac disease?
a. It’s the same as non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS).
b. It is caused by a certain protein.
c. It prevents your body from absorbing essential nutrients.
3. Which food is safe for people with celiac disease to eat?
a. pasta made from wheat
b. bread made from potato flour
c. rye bread
4. According to Dr Mike, how can the Celiac Foundation website help Janet?
a. She can locate the best gluten-free pizza restaurants.
b. She can learn how to make great gluten-free dishes.
c. She can get recommendations for good dieticians.
5. What does Dr Mike tell Janet about “wheat-free” products?
a. They’re completely gluten-free.
b. She mustn’t eat them.
c. It’s important to check all their ingredients before eating them.

2 Complete the sentences. (10 points)

1. An upset stomach and headaches are both ................................................................................ .
2. One per cent of the world’s population .......................................................................................... .
3. If you find out you have celiac disease, you should .................................................................. .
4. According to Dr Mike, a nutrition expert can ............................................................................... .
5. If Janet joins a support group, she can ......................................................................................... .

Written Production (10 points)

Option 1: Posts for a Health Forum
provide information • give suggestions

Write two posts for a health forum. Ask for advice about health
or nutrition. Then give advice. Include the following:
a. Post 1: State the problem and ask for help.
b. Post 2: Give advice and offer 2-3 solutions or tips.

Option 2: A Report
present main points in an organised

Write a report about a restaurant you’ve eaten in. It can be real

or imaginary. Include the following:
a. the type of food served
b. a meal you enjoyed
c. if the meal was healthy and why

Competences Assessment Level 3

Oral Comprehension (10 points)


understand main points • understand relevant details

1 Listen to the podcast and answer the questions.

(5 points) 2 Listen again and correct the sentences by
1. When did the British Nutrition Foundation do changing the words or numbers in bold. (5 points)
a survey about nutrition?
1. Four thousand people took part in the survey.
2. What did some children think fish fingers are 2. The oldest participants in the survey were
made from? 11 years old. ...............................................
3. A quarter of 5-to-11-year-olds think cheese
3. What per cent of 8-to-11-year-olds thought comes from fish. ...............................................
pasta comes from an animal? 4. Thirty per cent of 8-to-11-year-olds think
fruit-flavoured sweets are healthy.
4. What does the government advise people to eat
every day? 5. According to Dr Thomas, the results of the
survey are good. ...............................................

5. According to Dr Thomas, what do children need

to learn?

Oral Production (10 points)

exchange information • give instructions

Student A
Student B
1 You have got the medical problems below at
different times. Ask your doctor what you should
1 You are a doctor. Your partner will ask for advice.
do for each problem. Tick (✓) the correct advice for each of your
partner’s problems and answer his / her questions.
1. temperature
..... a. Drink a lot; take tablets to reduce pain.
2. headache
..... b. Use aloe vera; take anti-allergy tablets if
3. coughing
4. sore throat
..... c. Take a tablet every six hours to reduce
5. bee sting temperature.

..... d. Drink tea with honey.
Now you are the doctor. Your partner will ask for ..... e. Take cough medicine as needed.
advice. Tick (✓) the correct advice for each of your
partner’s problems and answer his / her questions. 2 You have got the medical problems below. Ask
..... a. Lie down and rest. your doctor what you should do for each problem.
..... b. Use bandages to stop bleeding. 1. sneezing
..... c. Have food like tea and toast. 2. upset stomach
..... d. Take an allergy tablet twice a day. 3. feeling dizzy
..... e. Stay in bed, drink a lot, take tablets to 4. flu
reduce temperature. 5. deep cut

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