Iso 6935 3 1992

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First edition
1992-l 2-15

Steel for the reinforcement of concrete -

Part 3:
Welded fabric
Acier a beton pour armatures passives -
Partie 3: Treillis soud&
ISO 6935-3:1992

Reference number
IS0 6935-3: 1992(E)
IS0 6935-3:1992(E)


IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide

federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the
work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are

circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an Inter-
national Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member
bodies casting a vote.

International Standard
IS0 6935-3 was prepared by Technical Committee
ISO/TC 17, Steel, Sub-Committee SC 16, Steels for the reinforcement and
prestressing of concrete. ISO 6935-3:1992
IS0 6935 consists of the following parts, under 51870adfbecd/iso-6935-3-1992
the general title Sfeel for
the reinforcement of concrete:

- Part 1: Plain bars

- Part 2: Ribbed bars

- Part 3: Welded fabric

Annex A of this part of IS0 6935 is for information only.

0 IS0 1992
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without
permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-121 1 Genkve 20 l Switzerl
Printed in Switzerland

~ -_-_____ ~

Steel for the reinforcement of concrete -

Part 3:
Welded fabric

I Scope IS0 10287:--J), Steel for the reinforcement of concrete

- Determination of strength of joints in welded
This part of IS0 6935 specifies technical require- fabric.
ments for factory made sheets or rolls of welded
fabric, manufactured from st~eel wires or bars with IS0 10544:-J), Cold-reduced steel wire for the re-
inforcement of concrete and the manufacture of
diameters from 4 mm to 16 mm and designed for the
of concrete structures and the ordi- welded fabric.
nary reinforcement
of prestressed concrete struc-
IS0 11082:--J), Certification scheme for -welded fabric
for the reinforcement of concrete structures.
For the purpose of this part of IS0 6935 the ISO term
“wire” also includes bars.
3 Definitions
2 Ndrmative references
For the purposes of this part’of IS0 6935, the follow-
The following standards contain provisions which, ing definitions apply.
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
of this part of IS0 6935. At the time of publication, 3.1 test unit: The number of pieces or the tonnage
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are of products to be accepted or rejected together, on
subject to revision, and parties to agreements based the basis of the tests to be carried out on sample
on this part of IS0 6935 are encouraged to investi- products in accordance with the requirements of the
gate the possibility of applying the most recent edi- product standard or order. [ISO 4041
tions of the standards indicated below. Members of
IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid 3.2 certification scheme: Ce,rtification system as
International Standards. related to specified products, processes or services
to which the same particular standards and rules,
IS0 404:1992, Steei and steel products - General and the same procedure, apply. [ISO/IEC Guide 21
technical delivery requirements.
3.3 characteristic value: Value having a prescribed
IS0 6892:1984, Metallic materials - Tensile testing. probability of not being attained in a hypothetical
unlimited test series. [ISO 89301
IS0 6935-1:1991, Steel for the reinforcement of con-
crete - Part 1: Plain bars. NOTE 1 Equivalent to fracti,le, which is defined in
IS0 3534.
IS0 6935.2:1991, Steel for the reinforcement of con-
crete - Part 2: Ribbed bars. 3.4 fabric: A geometrical arrangement of longitudi-
nal and transverse wires that are arranged sub-
IS0 10065:1990, Steel bars for reinforcement of con- stantially at right angles to each other and welded
crete - Bend and rebend tests. ’ together at all points of intersection.

1) To be published.
IS0 6935-3:1992(E)

3.5 inspection: Activities such as measuring, ex- 4.1 General requirements

amining, testing, gauging one or more character-
istics of a product or service and comparing these 4.1.1 The fabric shall be made of either
with specified requirements to determine conform-
ity. [ISO 8402) - cold-reduced wires with nominal diameters in
the range from 4 mm to 16 mm (recommended:
3.6 length of fabric: The longest side of the fabric, 5 mm, 6 mm, 7 mm, 8 mm, 9 mm, IO mm and
irrespective of the manufacturing direction. 12 mm) and with mass and geometry complying
with IS0 10544;
3.7 longitudinal wire: Wire in the manufacturing di-
rection of the fabric.
3.8 nominal cross-sectional area: The cross- plain bars with nominal diameters of 6 mm, /
sectional area equivalent to the area of a circular 8 mm, IO mm, 12 mm or 16 mm (recommended:
plain wire of nominal diameter. 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm and 12 mm) and with mass
complying with IS0 6935-I;
3.9 overhang: The length of longitudinal or trans-
verse wires beyond the centre of the outer crossing
wire in a fabric. For twin wire fabric, the overhang
is measured from the tangent line of the adjacente ribbed bars with nominal diameters of 6 mm,
wires. (See figure I.) 8 mm, IO mm, 12 mm or 16 mm (recommended:
6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm and 12 mm) and with mass
3.10 spacing: The centre-to-centre distance of and geometry complying with IS0 6935-2.
wires in a fabric. For twin wire fabric, the spacing is
measured between the tangents of the -adjacent 4.1.2 All fabric shall be machine made, and the 1
joints at the intersections of the longitudinal ‘and I
wires. (See figure 1.)
3.11 transverse wire: Wire perpendicular to the
PREVIEW transverse wires shall be made by electrical resist-
ance welding to provide shear resistant connections

manufacturing direction of the fabric. ( complying with clause 6. i

3.12 twin wires: Two wires of the same type and 4.1.3 Each sheet of fabric shall contain the nqmber
size placed adjacently and in contact with each
ISO 6935-3:1992
of wires appropriate to its specified length, width,
other as a pair.
spacing and overhang dimensions.
3.13 width of fabric: The shortest side of the fabric, The number of broken welds shall not exceed either
irrespective of the manufacturing direction. 1 % of the total number of cross-welded joints in the
sheet or half the number of cross-welded joints
3.14 wire: The material from which the fabric is along any one wire.
4.1.4 Fabric shall be free from any defect which can
NOTE 2 For the purposes of this part of IS0 6935, the be shown to affect adversely the mechanical prop-
term “wire” also includes bars within the size range erties of the steel. Fabric including butt-welded
specified in 4.1 .l. wires shall be permitted and missing wires r&ulting
from test sampling in accordance with clause 7
‘4 Form and dimensions shall not be considered as defects.

This part of IS0 6935 covers regular fabric (4.2) and 4.1.5 The longitudinal wires may be single or twin
designed fabric (4.3). wires. The transverse wires shall be single wires.

b b

Figure 1 - Wire spacing, b, and overhang, u

IS0 6935=3:%992(E)

4.1.6 The diameters of crossing wires in single- The geometry and dimensions of designed fabric
wire fabric shall meet the following requirement: shall be agreed between the manufacturer and pur-
chaser, and shall be specified on a-drawing. ~
d,nii > 036 dmax
The recommended overhang, U, is not less than
where 25 mm.
dmax is the nominal diameter of the thickest
5 Chemical composition
d min is the nominal diameter of the crossing
wire. The chemical composition of the welded fabric shall
comply with the product analysis requirements of
For twin-wire fabric, the wire diameters shall meet
the following requirement: - IS0 10544 for cold-reduced wires;
0,7d, < dL < 1,25d,
- IS0 6935-l for plain bars;
- IS0 6935-2 for ribbed bars.
dT is the nominal diameter of the transverse
dL is the nominal diameter of one of the twin 6 Mechanical properties
The tensile and bending properties of the welded
4.1.7 The dimensions of the fabric shall be speci- fabric shall comply with the requirements of
fied as gross length in both directions.
- IS0 10544 for cold-reduced wires;
4.1.8 The permitted
geometric deviations for fabric
- IS0 6935-l for plain bars;
are: (
- IS0 6935-2 for ribbed bars.
lengt h and widt h -+ 25 mm ou -+ 0,5 %, which-
ever is gre ater; ISO 6935-3:1992
The strength of the welded joints, in newtons, shall
be at least 30 % of the specified characteristic yield
wire spacing: & 10 mm or + 7,5 %, whichever 51870adfbecd/iso-6935-3-1992
is or proof stress multiplied by the nominal cross-
greater. sectional area of the thickest wire.

4.1.9 The recommended spacing of longitudinal

wires is a multiple of 50 mm and preferably not less
than 100 mm.
7 Testing of mechanical properties

The recommended spacing of transverse wires is a The testing shall be done on wires taken from the
multiple of 25 mm and preferably not less than fabric in the delivery condition. The test piece shall
100 mm. not be worked before testing but it may be heated
to 100 “C and then cooled freely in air to the test
4.2 Geometry of regular fabric

Regular fabric is characterized by having wires of 7.1 Tensile test

equal nominal diameter across the length and width
of the fabric. The spacing is also constant in each The tensile properties shall be determined accord-
direction. The wire diameters and spacing may differ ing to IS0 6892. The test piece shall have an original
for the two directions. gauge length of 10 times the nominal diameter and
All the wires in one direction shall be of equal shall have at least one crossing wire. The free dis-
tance between the grips shall be at least 20 times
the nominal diameter, and not less than 180 mm.
The recommended overhang, u, is not less than
25 mm. In fabric with twin wires, the wire which is not under
test shall be cut off approximately 20 mm from the
4.3 Geometry of designed fabric
For calculation of yield or proof stress and tensile
Designed fabric differs from regular fabric, which is. strength, the nominal cross-sectional area of the
described in 4.2. wire shall be used.
IS0 6935=3:1992(E)

7.2 Bend test piece may have one or more welds, depending on
the spacing.
The bend test shall be carried out according to
IS0 10065. For fabric with single wires in both directions, the
thicker wire shall be used as the pulling wire.
The test piece shall be taken from the thickest wire
in fabric with single wires in both directions. In the For fabric with twin wires, one of the twin wires shall
case of twin-wire fabric, the test piece shall be taken be the pulling wire. The other twin wire is cut off
from the twin wire. from the crossing wire without affecting the weld
under test.
The length of the test piece shall be at least
200 mm, and it shall be free from crossing wires in Test pieces previously subjected to tensile testing
the length subject to bending. -may be used for the weld shear test, provided that
the necking at the fracture is clear of the weld zone.
The test piece shall be bent to an angle between
160” and 180’ over a mandrel of the diameter spec- 8 Designation
ified in

- IS0 10544 for cold-reduced wires; 8.1 Regular fabric

- IS0 6935-l for plain bars; Regular fabric shall be designated in the following
- IS0 6935-2 for ribbed bars.
- welded fabric IS0 6935-3;
The angle of bend shall be measured before un-
loading. - spacing in the direction of length and width re-
spectively, in millimetres;
7.3 Strength of welded iTeh STANDARD
joints PREVIEW
- length x width, in metres;
The joints shall be tested according to IS0(
- designation of the wires in the direction of length
A test piece with the recommended minimum di- and width respectively, according to the Inter-
mensions shown in figure2 shall be cut from the ISO 6935-3:1992national Standard whose requirements shall ap-
fabric. In addition to the weld to be tested, the test
Dimensions in millimetres


Single wire Twln wires

Figure 2 Test pieces

IS0 6935=3:1992(E)

Example of designation of regular fabric: fabric not subject to a certification scheme are given
in 10.3 and 10.4.
Welded fabric IS0 6953-3 - 150 mm x 200 mm -
5 m x 2 m, Reinforcing steel IS0 10544, 8 mm in- Testing of a specific delivery shall be performed ac-
dented, Reinforcing steel IS0 10544 6 mm indented. cording to 10.3.
By agreement between manufacturer and pur-
8.2 Designed fabric chaser, 10.4 may be used.
Designed fabric according to this part of IS0 6935
should be designated in the following order: 10.3 Verification of conformity

- welded fabric IS0 6935-3;

10.3.1 Organization
- D (for designed);
The tests shall be organized and carried out ac-
- length x width, in mefres; cording to an agreement between purchaser and
manufacturer, taking into consideration the national
- drwg. No. (for drawing); rules of the receiving country.

- pos. No. (for position); 10.3.2 Extent of sampling and testing

- designation of the wires according to the Inter- For the purpose of testing, the delivery shall be
national Standard whose requirements shall ap- subdivided into test units with a maximum mass of
Ply= 25 t or a fraction thereof. Each test unit shall consist
of products of the same fabric type and from the
Example of designation of designed fabric: same production lot.
iTeh STANDARDFifteen
Welded fabric IS0 6935-3-D 6,2 m x 3,4 m, drwg. PREVIEWtest pieces (if appropriate 60 test pieces; see
No. 318 - pos. No. 3, Reinforcing steel
IS0 693592- 16 RB 5OOW, Reinforcing (
steel from various fabrics shall be taken from
each test unit.
IS0 6935-l -10 PB 300.
ISO 6935-3:1992
10.3.3 Evaluation of the results
9 Marking
51870adfbecd/iso-6935-3-1992 Inspection by variables
Each bundle of welded fabric shall have a label
stating the manufacturer, the number of this part of For properties which are specified as characteristic
IS0 6935 (IS0 6935-3) and a reference number re- values, the following shall be determined:
lated to the test certificate. For designed fabric the
position number shall be included. a) all individual values, xi, of the 15 test pieces
(n = 15);
10 Certification and inspection
b) the mean value ml5 (for n = 15);
Certification and inspection of reinforcement shall
be performed c) the standard deviation s,~ (for n = 15).

- The test unit corresponds to the requirements if the

in accordance with a certification scheme moni- condition stated below is fulfilled for all properties:
tored by an external body, see IS0 11082;
ml, - 2,33 x s15> fk
- according to testing of a specific delivery.

10.1 Certification scheme fk is the required characteristic value;

In the case of certification scheme, certification and 2,33 is the value for the acceptability index k
inspection shall be performed in accordance with for n = 15 for a failure rate of 5 ?A0
IS0 11082. 0, = 095) at a probability of 90 o/0
(1 - a = 0,90).
10.2 Testing of a specific delivery If the condition stated above is not fulfilled, the index

Provisions regarding the nature, extent and evalu- k I--

m15- fk
ation of acceptance tests on deliveries of welded S15


is determined.from the test results available. Where of 50 t or a fraction thereof. Each’test unit shall
k’ > 2, testing can be continued. In this case 45 ad- consist of products of the same nominal diameter
ditional test pieces shall be taken and tested from from the same production jot. ’
various fabrics, so that a total of 60 test results are
available (n = 60). For each mechanical property’ specified, one test
shall be carried out for e&h-test unit. Each indi-
The test unit shall be considered to comply with the vidual test result shall meet the requirements
requirements if the condition stated below is fulfilled specified in clause 6.
for all properties:
- If any test result does not meet the requirements,
%, - 1393x $60)fk
retests may be carried out, according to IS0 404.
where I,93 is the value for the acceptability index k
for n = 60 for a failure rate of 5 % (p = 0,95) at a the manufacturer shall submit a test report stat-
probability of 90 % (1 - cx= 0,90). ing that products of the delivery satisfy the me-
chanical properties specified in clause 6 and a Inspection by attributes confirmation that the other requirements of this
part of IS0 6935 are fulfilled.
When testing properties specified as maximum or
minimum values, all results determined on the II Test report
15 test pieces shall comply with the requirements
of this part of IS0 6935. In this case the test unit shall The test report shall contain the following informa-
be considered to comply with the requirements. tion:
The tests can be continued when at most 2 results a) works producing the welded fabric;
not conforming to conditions occur. In this case 45
further test pieces from various fabrics in the test b) designation of the fabric according to clause 8;
unit shall be tested, so that a total of 60 test results
are available’. The test unit complies with the re-
c) number on the bundle;
quirements if at most 2 of the 60 results do not con-
form to the conditions. d) name of the organization carrying out the test, if
ISO 6935-3:1992
10.4 Verification of .guaranteed minimum
values e) date of testing;
Tests shall be carried out according to the following. f) mass of the test unit;

- For the purpose of testing, the delivery shall be g) test results.

subdivided into test units with a maximum mass

IS0 69353:1992(E)

Annex A


[I] IS0 3534:1977, Statistics - Vocabulary and [3] IS0 8930:1987, General principles on reliability
symbols. for structures - List of equivalent terms.

[2] IS0 8402:1986, Quality - Vocabulary. [4] ISO/IEC Guide 2:1991, Genera/ terms and their
definitions concerning standardization and re-
lated activities.


ISO 6935-3:1992

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