The Satisfaction With Life Scale and The Emerging Construct of Life Satisfaction

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The Satisfaction With Life Scale and the emerging

construct of life satisfaction

William Pavot & Ed Diener

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The Journal of Positive Psychology
Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2008, 137–152

The Satisfaction With Life Scale and the emerging construct

of life satisfaction

William Pavota and Ed Diener*,b

Department of Social Science, Southwest Minnesota State University, Marshall, MN 56258, USA; bDepartment of
Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 603 East Daniel St., Champaign, IL 61820, USA

(Received 11 August 2007; final version received 17 October 2007)

Since its introduction in 1985, the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS; Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985) has been
heavily used as a measure of the life satisfaction component of subjective well-being. Scores on the SWLS have been shown to
correlate with measures of mental health and to be predictive of future behaviors such as suicide attempts. In the area of
health psychology, the SWLS has been used to examine the subjective quality of life of people experiencing serious health
concerns. At a theoretical level, extensive research conducted since the last review (Pavot & Diener, 1993) has more clearly
articulated the nature of life satisfaction judgments, and the multiple forces that can exert an influence on such judgments.
In this review, we examine the evolving views of life satisfaction, offer updated psychometric data for the SWLS, and discuss
future issues in the assessment of life satisfaction.

Keywords: life satisfaction; subjective well-being; assessment of satisfaction; clinical assessment

Introduction Diener, & Suh, 1996). A comprehensive assessment of

SWB requires separate measures of both life satisfac-
Research on ‘Positive Psychology’ (Seligman & tion and the affective components of SWB (Diener &
Csikszentmihalyi, 2000, p. 5) has emerged as an Seligman, 2004; Pavot, in press).
important new direction for psychology. In sharp The Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) was
contrast to psychology’s traditional focus on negative originally developed by Diener, Emmons, Larsen,
emotions, such as depression and anxiety, a growing and Griffin (1985), and was intended as a brief
number of researchers have begun to focus their assessment of an individual’s general sense of
efforts on the positive end of the emotional spectrum satisfaction with their life as a whole. Although the
(Myers, 1992). Prominent within this growing body SWLS includes only five items, it has demonstrated
of research are studies focused on the experience of good psychometric characteristics (Pavot & Diener,
happiness or subjective well-being (SWB). Subjective 1993). Since its introduction, the SWLS has been used
well-being is generally conceptualized as multi- in hundreds of studies to assess the life satisfaction
faceted in nature, with both affective and cognitive component of SWB. The last comprehensive
components (Diener, Suh, Lucas, & Smith, 1999). review of research utilizing the SWLS was published
Among the constituent components of SWB, life 15 years ago (Pavot & Diener, 1993), and an
satisfaction has been identified as a distinct construct examination of relevant databases revealed that the
representing a cognitive and global evaluation of the vast majority of studies which have incorporated the
quality of one’s life as a whole (Pavot & Diener, SWLS have been completed since that time. Thus, an
1993). Although life satisfaction is correlated with the updated summary is warranted, along with a
affective components of SWB, it forms a separate conceptual analysis of the processes underlying life
factor from the other types of well-being (e.g., Lucas, satisfaction.

*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

ISSN 1743-9760 print/ISSN 1743-9779 online
ß 2008 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/17439760701756946
138 W. Pavot and E. Diener

Across the same span of time, many studies have Schimmack and Oishi (2005), using a combination
focused on the further articulation of the life of meta-analysis of existing data and a set of new
satisfaction construct without specifically using the studies, demonstrated that the effects of substantially
SWLS. A number of these studies have important irrelevant factors such as item-order effects are
implications for researchers focused on life usually relatively small compared to chronically
satisfaction, both at the conceptual and the metho- accessible information in the formation of life
dological levels. A broader review of research on life satisfaction judgments. Schimmack, Diener, and
satisfaction provides context for a more specific Oishi (2002) presented evidence that individuals
consideration of the SWLS. tend to rely on the same types of information to
The purposes of this review are threefold. First, we create repeated life satisfaction judgments over time,
will consider research relevant to the evolving and they also found that when the sources of
conceptualization of life satisfaction judgments, and information used in the formulation of life satisfac-
evidence for the importance and the utility of such tion judgments do change, reported levels of life
judgments. Second, we will present a sampling of the satisfaction change as well. Factors such as current
diverse research that has utilized the SWLS, with mood can influence life satisfaction judgments, but in
a focus on psychometric and normative data, as well survey situations tend to produce effects that are
as findings related to the areas of health and mental small compared to the stable variance in the measures
health. Research including cross-cultural samples and (Eid & Diener, 2004).
studies representing a wide range of respondents (e.g., One likely source of chronically accessible informa-
individuals with health issues, older adults) will be tion is the personality of the respondent, particularly
emphasized. Third, we will focus on future research temperament. Temperament dispositions such as
issues and directions. extraversion and neuroticism have consistently been
shown to be related to SWB (DeNeve & Cooper,
1998). Although extraversion and neuroticism have
The nature of life satisfaction been most closely identified with the positive affect
and negative affect components of SWB, respectively
Contemporary research has assumed a three compo- (Costa & McCrae, 1980), there is evidence that
temperament is correlated with life satisfaction as
nent structure for SWB: positive affect, negative
well. Schimmack, Diener, and Oishi (2002) show that
affect, and life satisfaction (Andrews & Withey, 1976;
the influence of personality dispositions on life
Arthaud-Day, Rode, Mooney, & Near, 2005; Diener,
satisfaction is mediated by their influence on a
1984). The life satisfaction component has been
person’s chronic moods.
conceptualized as a ‘. . . cognitive evaluation of
One example of evidence for top-down effects on
one’s life’ (Diener, 1984, p. 550). Thus, life satisfac-
life satisfaction comes from a large scale study
tion represents an evaluative judgment. As a compo-
conducted in the Netherlands (Stubbe, Posthuma,
nent of subjective well-being (SWB), life satisfaction
Boomsma, & De Geus, 2005). Data from individuals
is related to, but partially independent of, the registered with the Netherlands Twin Registry (5668
affective aspects of SWB (Lucas et al., 1996). But participants) were analyzed and revealed that 38% of
the specific cognitive processes underlying the for- the variance of self-report responses to a Dutch
mulation of life satisfaction judgments were initially translation of the SWLS was attributable to herit-
unclear. Partly because of this lack of clarity, life ability (broadly-defined), whereas the remaining
satisfaction judgments have been criticized with variance could be attributed to unique environmental
regard to their reliability and validity. Schwarz and factors and error of measurement. These results
Strack (1999), for example, presented evidence that reinforce the view that top-down factors exert an
life satisfaction judgments are based on temporarily influence on an individual’s life satisfaction, but they
accessible information (i.e., information from the also indicate that unique environmental (situational,
immediate or very recent context surrounding the contextual) effects can modify the top-down
query) rather than representing a careful evaluation influence.
of one’s life as a whole. These contextual influences, The study by Stubbe et al. (2005) points to a second
such as small fluctuations in the mood of the important source of chronically accessible informa-
respondent (Schwarz & Clore, 1983), or the particular tion for life satisfaction judgments: levels of satisfac-
order in which items were presented on a question- tion with specific life domains. In contrast to life
naire (Strack, Martin, & Schwarz, 1988), were found satisfaction, domain satisfaction reflects a judgment
to sometimes influence responses to items assessing of a specific aspect of one’s life (e.g., job satisfaction,
global SWB. If these contextual effects were proven marital satisfaction, satisfaction with housing, and so
to be large, they would reduce the reliability of self- forth). Generally, domain satisfaction and life satis-
reports of life satisfaction. faction have been shown to correlate substantially.
The Journal of Positive Psychology 139

Initially, the nature of the relationship between but, over time, people tend to return to their long-
domain satisfaction and life satisfaction remained term baseline level of SWB. From this perspective,
unclear. Some researchers followed a top-down the influence of ongoing life experience on SWB is
model in which the personality or temperament of minimized, and the influence of temperament is
the individual was a strong determinant of life highlighted.
satisfaction judgments, and life satisfaction judg- Although the process of adaptation does appear to
ments in turn influenced judgments of satisfaction have a broad, general stabilizing influence on life
within various specific domains. Such models empha- satisfaction, there is mounting evidence that the
size the stability of life satisfaction and de-emphasize impact of at least some life events and domain
the situation-produced changes in various domain changes may be lasting. For example, Lucas, Clark,
satisfactions. Others, who subscribe to a bottom-up Georgellis, and Diener (2003) found that unemploy-
approach, view life satisfaction as being determined ment can have a lasting impact on life satisfaction,
by the summation of significant and salient domain even after an individual is re-employed. Stressful or
satisfactions. From the perspective of this model, traumatic experiences, such as acting as a caregiver
situation-induced changes in domain satisfaction for a person with Alzheimer’s disease (Vitaliano,
combine to produce variability in life satisfaction Russo, Young, Becker, & Maiuro, 1991), or becom-
judgments over time. In a major work, Heller, ing a widow (Lucas et al., 2003; Stroebe, Stroebe,
Watson, and Ilies (2004) used a meta-analytic Abakoumkin, & Schut, 1996) can produce long-term
approach to test the viability of several top-down negative impacts on SWB. Using data from two
and bottom up models. Their findings indicate that nationally representative panel studies, Lucas (2007)
extraversion and neuroticism, along with agreeable- found that acquiring a long-term disability was
ness and conscientiousness, are related to both life associated with moderate to large drops in SWB,
satisfaction and satisfaction within various specific and was followed by relatively little adaptation.
domains. Path analyses did not support a simple top- In light of emerging evidence that SWB levels do
down model, but did support two other models: a sometimes change over time, Heady (2006) has
temperament-based top-down model of life satisfac- proposed a modification of dynamic equilibrium
tion, and an integrative model which included the theory, identifying personality traits and life events
direct influence of domain satisfaction on life that are associated with such change. Thus, events in
satisfaction. These results indicate that situational at least some life domains appear to have the power
factors, in conjunction with temperament, influence to bring about long-term variations in an individual’s
life satisfaction judgments, and point in the direction level of SWB. For a more complete discussion of
of a need for more comprehensive explanations than contemporary research findings on adaptation, the
either simple top-down or bottom-up models can reader is directed to Diener, Lucas, and Scollon
offer. (2006).
A long-standing concept with strong implications Based on their analysis of a large (N ¼ 3608)
for research on life satisfaction and SWB has seen longitudinal German panel study, Fujita and Diener
considerable modification in recent years: the concept (2005) proposed a ‘soft baseline’ (p. 162) conceptua-
of adaptation. Several top-down models of SWB have lization to explain the dynamics of life satisfaction.
used the concept of adaptation to explain the often- Their study revealed modest stability in life satisfac-
observed finding that personality variables account tion (in this case, over a period of 17 years), but also
for more of the variance of SWB than is typically indicated that some individuals report substantial
accounted for by life events and changes in life fluctuations, and that overall stability in life satisfac-
domains (e.g., Brickman & Campbell, 1971; Headey tion was lower than the observed stability in physical
& Wearing, 1992). According to the principle of variables and personality dispositions (Fujita &
adaptation, life events or changes in life domains, Diener, 2005). Heller, Watson, and Ilies (2006)
either positive or negative in nature, may indeed presented evidence for substantial intra-individual
initially influence one’s level of life satisfaction or variation in life satisfaction, which could be system-
overall SWB, but their impact is short-lived. People atically linked to changes in life domains such as
soon adapt to their new circumstances, and their level marital and job satisfaction.
of SWB returns to a level similar to that reported Life satisfaction judgments appear to be based
before the event or change occurred. The original primarily on chronically accessible information.
conceptualization of the dynamic equilibrium model These chronically accessible sources of information
(Headey & Wearing, 1992), for example, proposed include satisfaction in important life domains,
that the long-term, chronic baseline level of SWB is as well as a person’s moods and emotions, which in
regulated by temperament or personality. According turn are affected by temperament. When university
to this model, life events or changes can exert a students were asked to report the sources of their
temporary influence on an individual’s level of SWB life satisfaction judgments (Schimmack, Diener, &
140 W. Pavot and E. Diener

Oishi, 2002), they reported thinking about life A second question is more general: does the
domains such as academic performance, romantic experience of life satisfaction and, more generally,
relationships, and family relationships. These happiness, really matter? Is SWB a valuable asset,
domains were generally rated as more important and does it influence a person’s behavior and chances
sources of information than other potential sources, for positive life outcomes?
such as the weather or the performance of the Some have questioned the value of measures of life
university basketball team. Schimmack, Diener et al. satisfaction in the assessment of well-being. Generally
(2002) also found individual differences in the use of espousing the hedonistic tradition and its focus on the
sources, and in the importance assigned to particular maximization of pleasurable experiences as the source
domains. Individuals who rated a particular domain of happiness (Diener & Fujita, 2005), these investi-
as important also tended to indicate that domain as a gators tend to focus their attention on the assessment
source of information in the formation of life of the affective components of well-being. For
satisfaction judgments. Also, this domain correlated example, Kahneman (1999) suggested that happiness
more with life satisfaction than it did for other people is best conceptualized as the experience of the most
who said it was not important. Individuals tend to pleasure over time. From this perspective, ‘Objective
draw in information from the same domains when happiness is defined by the average of utility over a
forming life satisfaction judgments; when the domains period of time’ (Kahneman, 1999, p. 3). Following
used in forming life satisfaction judgments do change, this reasoning, the best measure of SWB would
reported levels of life satisfaction also often change. involve the repeated sampling of affective states
Thus, life satisfaction judgments do appear to be across many specific moments. Further, the reports
sensitive to changes in the important domains of a of affective states should be obtained as close to the
person’s life. Schimmack and Oishi (2005) conclude moment of their experience as possible. Techniques
that ‘. . . domain satisfaction is the most proximal such as Experience-Sampling Methodology (Diener,
determinant of life satisfaction, and examining the 2000; Scollon, Kim-Prieto, & Diener, 2003) represent
determinants of domain satisfaction can provide assessment methodologies that, from the hedonistic
important information about the determinants of life perspective, provide optimal measurement of objec-
satisfaction’ (p. 404). tive happiness. From this perspective, global assess-
Perceptions of life satisfaction are likely to be ments such as life satisfaction judgments are prone to
influenced by personality traits, most notably extra- memory errors and integration errors; the gold
version and neuroticism, but changes in life domains standard of well-being is thought to be pleasant
and major life events also appear to provide salient moments.
input. The influence of immediate contextual factors Other scholars have adopted a more holistic
such as transient mood states or item-order effects approach to conceptualizing happiness. Following
must be recognized, but these ‘noise’ variables philosophers such as Sumner (1996), some contem-
generally do not eliminate the ‘signal’ of life satisfac- porary scholars see the essence of SWB as involving
tion judgments. Thus, changes in life satisfaction reflective, global judgments of life overall
appear to be more systematically tied to changes in (Veenhoven, 1984). From a holistic perspective,
chronically accessible domains, rather than being the SWB includes positive affect, but it also includes
product of random and transient contextual factors other facets of life, such as engagement with life and
(Schimmack et al., 2002; Schimmack & Oishi, 2005). meaning (Seligman, 2002; Peterson, Park, &
Because life satisfaction includes information from Seligman, 2005). From this perspective, an accurate
the important domains in a person’s life, it provides summation of moment-to-moment affect provides a
an integrated judgment of how the person’s life as a partial assessment of overall SWB, but it does not
whole is going. capture all aspects of experience that are important to
the person. Measures of life satisfaction are advanta-
geous because they allow respondents to determine
The importance of life satisfaction judgments their own criteria for inclusion in the judgment
process, and to weight them in the manner they
The effort that has been expended to articulate the choose. Furthermore, the information considered is
nature of life satisfaction judgments would be of little not limited to affective experiences (Diener, Scollon,
consequence if the validity and utility of such & Lucas, 2003), but can include nonaffective infor-
judgments could not be established. The importance mation, such as the person’s success at reaching
and utility of life satisfaction judgments have been valued life goals. It is important to note that even the
questioned on at least two levels. One of these levels is experiences of emotions can be weighted differently
specific: the level of assessment. Do reports of life by different respondents. Because people may differ-
satisfaction add to the valid assessment of SWB, over entially value different positive emotions, summing
and above hedonically-based measures of affect? emotions does not inevitably provide an accurate
The Journal of Positive Psychology 141

assessment of how people evaluate their lives. is predictive of reduced suicide risk (Koivumaa-
Although life satisfaction judgments may be to Honkanen, et al. 2001). From the perspective of
some extent influenced by transient contextual factors physical risk, life satisfaction has been shown to be
as discussed above, most of the information used in associated with reduced risk of aortic calcification in
such judgments is of a chronically accessible nature healthy women (Matthews, Owens, Edmundowicz,
(Schimmack & Oishi, 2005), and is likely to provide a Lee, & Kuller, 2006). Other studies have indicated
valid positive increment in a holistic assessment of relations between various components of SWB and
SWB, over and above moment to moment assess- physical health, longevity, and survival
ments of affective states. Thus, this perspective is (Lyubomirsky, King, & Diener, 2005).
consistent with Sumner (1996) and philosophers who When considered at the level of assessment, life
say the good life is when a person experiencing it satisfaction judgments can account for valid incre-
thinks it is, after reflecting on it. Because a person ments in explained variance, over and above mea-
may include factors in such judgments that are not sures of the affective components of SWB (Lucas
salient on a moment-to-moment basis in everyday et al., 1996). Life satisfaction judgments represent
life, life satisfaction judgments will differ system- summary judgments that likely include additional
atically from reports of pleasant and unpleasant aspects of SWB, such as evaluations relating to
affect. Feeling successful or unsuccessful in important meaning in life, not captured by measures such as
life domains can influence life satisfaction even when ESM. From a broader perspective, there is extensive
these domains do not substantially influence affect. evidence that high levels of life satisfaction and
In an examination of these two forms of satisfac- positive affect (i.e., happiness) are related to a wide
tion, the sum of good moments compared to a self- range of important life outcomes, such as both
reflective global evaluation of life, Diener and Fujita physical and mental health and social relations.
(2005) found that respondents who reported high
levels of life satisfaction, after controlling for a
measure of daily satisfaction, rated themselves and The Satisfaction With Life Scale
were rated by informants as being higher in desirable
attributes such as health, social skills, and energy, and The SWLS is intended to assess an individual’s global
lower in suicidal attempts and ideation. Thus, global judgment of her or his life satisfaction (Diener,
measures, such as life satisfaction assessments, can Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985). The authors
provide important additional predictive power, over began the development of the SWLS by generating a
and above moment-to-moment assessments of affect. pool of 48 items intended to reflect life satisfaction
An assessment that is intended to be comprehensive and well-being. From this original pool of items,
should include measures of the several separable factor analysis was used to identify 10 items with high
SWB concepts (Diener & Seligman, 2004). From an loadings (0.60 or above) on a common factor
assessment perspective, measures of both the affective interpreted as global evaluations of a person’s life.
and cognitive components of SWB are important to After the elimination of redundancies, this group of
provide the most complete measurement possible. items was then further reduced to five items, with
From a more general perspective, does it really minimal effect on the alpha reliability of the scale.
matter if we are satisfied? That is to say, is the A 7-point Likert style response scale (ranging from
experience of happiness and life satisfaction impor- 1 ¼ strongly disagree to 7 ¼ strongly agree) was
tant enough to justify assessment? Some scholars utilized in order to afford respondents an array of
have argued that happiness does not really matter, response options. The five items are all keyed in a
whereas others have seen happiness as detrimental to positive direction, so the five responses can simply be
other aspects of life, such as productivity (see added to arrive at a total score for the scale. The
Veenhoven, 1984). possible range of scores is therefore 5 to 35, with a
In important life domains such as the quality of score of 20 representing the neutral point on the scale.
both social and marital relationships, success in work Scores between 5 and 9 indicate that the respondent is
settings, physical health outcomes, and positive extremely dissatisfied with life, whereas scores ran-
mental health, empirical evidence indicates that the ging between 31 and 35 indicate that the respondent is
experience of SWB and life satisfaction can be extremely satisfied with life. Scores between 21 and 25
beneficial. Individuals reporting high SWB have represent slightly satisfied, and scores from 15 to 19
stronger social relationships (Diener & Seligman, are interpreted as falling in the slightly dissatisfied
2002), and marital satisfaction (Glenn & Weaver, range. For a complete description of the development
1981). Borrello (2005) found that college students of the SWLS, the reader is referred to Diener et al.
who reported higher levels of SWB at the beginning (1985). The SWLS was developed to be useful in the
of a semester experienced significantly greater aca- assessment of people with a wide range of ages and
demic success at the end of the term. Life satisfaction groups; other, more specific assessments have been
142 W. Pavot and E. Diener

developed for particular populations, such as elemen- fifth item of the scale (‘If I could live my life over, I
tary school students (Huebner, 1994). would change almost nothing’) shows lower factor
After the original development of the SWLS, loadings and item-total correlations than the first
subsequent research provided additional psycho- four items of the scale (e.g., Senecal, Nouwen, &
metric data on the scale. For example, Pavot and White, 2000). It appears that responses to this item,
Diener (1993) present data from six studies in which and its implicit reference to the past, involve a
the coefficient alpha for the SWLS ranged from 0.79 somewhat different cognitive search than the
to 0.89, indicating that the scale has high internal responses to the other items of the scale that imply
consistency. More recently, Adler and Fagley (2005), a focus on the present. The judgments in response to
and Steger, Frazier, Oishi, and Kaler (2006) reported the ‘present’ items reflect a horizontal evaluation (all
coefficient alphas of 0.87 and 0.86, respectively, for aspects of my life right now), or a temporal
the scale. Examples of test–retest reliability include summation (e.g., my whole life, or my whole adult
coefficients of 0.84 (Pavot, Diener, Colvin, & life), whereas the judgment in response to the ‘past’
Sandvik, 1991) and 0.80 (Steger et al., 2006) for a oriented fifth item more strongly implies a summary
1-month interval, and 0.54 over a 4-year span evaluation over years.
(Magnus, Diener, Fujita, & Pavot, 1993). These The accumulating evidence, from factor analysis
test–retest correlations indicate that life satisfaction and more sophisticated methodology (e.g., Oishi,
has moderate temporal stability, but is also subject to 2006; further discussed in a later section) indicate that
change over time, reinforcing the findings of Fujita the fifth item of the SWLS is somewhat distinct from
and Diener (2005), who examined the stability of life the other four items of the scale. Still, this item is
satisfaction using data from 17 years of a large highly correlated with the others, and need not be
representative panel study from Germany. In this dropped from the measure. If a researcher is
sample, average life satisfaction for the first 5 years of particularly interested in the respondent’s satisfaction
the period correlated 0.51 with average life
with his or her current life, the data can be examined
satisfaction for the last 5 years of the study (Fujita
without including the fifth item. Another alternative,
& Diener, 2005). A recent meta-analysis (Vassar,
if the temporal orientation of response is a particular
2008), including reliability data for the SWLS from
concern, would be to consider using the Temporal
more than 60 studies, provides much additional
Satisfaction With Life Scale (TSWLS; Pavot, Diener,
information regarding scale performance and relia-
& Suh, 1998), a 15-item measure which features the
bility across a number of different sample
original five SWLS items, reworded with specific
reference to the past, to the present, and to the future.
Several studies have examined the relation between
For some populations, normative ranges for scores
the SWLS and various clinical measures of distress.
on the SWLS are fairly well-established. Pavot and
Blais, Vallerand, Pelletier, and Briere (1989) reported
a strong negative correlation (r ¼ 0.72) between the Diener (1993) presented average SWLS scores from
SWLS and the Beck Depression Inventory (Beck, five independent samples of US college students.
Ward, Mendelson, Mock, & Erbaugh, 1961). Others Mean scores on the SWLS for these groups ranged
have replicated the depression/SWLS relation, albeit from 23.0 to 25.2, with standard deviations ranging
finding it to be more moderate, such as r ¼ 0.57 and from 5.8 to 6.4. The weighted average across these
r ¼ 0.55 over two measurement occasions samples (total N ¼ 1179) was 23.9. Thus, it is typical
(Schimmack, Oishi, Furr, & Funder, 2004). for US college students to score in the ‘slightly
Arrindell, Meeuwesen, and Huyse (1991) found the positive’ range on the SWLS. Samples of adults in
SWLS to be negatively correlated with all of the midlife (e.g., George, 1991) and older adults
symptom dimensions of the Symptom Checklist–90 (e.g., Blais et al., 1989) also have yielded scores
(Derogatis, 1977). Larsen, Diener, and Emmons indicating levels of satisfaction well above the neutral
(1985) found the SWLS to be negatively correlated point, with averages ranging from 23.6 to 27.9,
with a measure of negative affect. respectively.
Data from the SWLS have been subjected to factor In contrast to these groups, other samples have
analysis in a number of studies. As part of the indicated relatively low levels of life satisfaction.
original development of the scale, Diener et al. (1985) Average scores for male prison inmates (Joy, 1990)
performed a principal-axis factor analysis on the and sex workers (Baker, Wilson, & Winebarger, 2004)
SWLS. The analysis resulted in a single factor were 12.3 and 10.3, respectively, indicating distinctly
solution. This single factor accounted for 66% of low levels of life satisfaction. Individuals with health
the variance of the scale. The results of several concerns also typically report relatively low life
subsequent factor analyses are reported in Pavot and satisfaction, although there is considerable variation
Diener (1993). Generally, the single-factor solution between such groups (see Table 1; see also Pavot &
has been replicated. In many of these analyses, the Diener, 1993).
The Journal of Positive Psychology 143

Table 1. Representative data for the Satisfaction With Life Scale.

Sample characteristics N Mean SD

International/cross-cultural samples
1. English adults Male adults 206 23.0 6.8
Female adults 214 23.7 6.7
2. English adults 111 24.1 6.9
3. Dutch adults 1742 26.9 5.7
4. Dutch adults Male adults 1083 25.6 5.3
Female adults 1431 25.7 5.8
5. Australian adults 191 24.9 6.0
6. Australian late adolescents/adults 107 23.6 12.2
7. Spanish university students 161 24.4 5.6
8. National Taiwan university Students Male students 207 20.4 7.0
Female students 269 21.1 6.7
9. Japanese college students 78 21.0 5.5
10. Korean college students Male students 205 20.4 4.9
Female students 143 19.2 5.0
11. Belarusian university students 74 16.2 4.6
12. African American college students (USA) 114 22.4 6.4
13. Female college students (USA) Black students 150 24.2 6.5
White students 150 27.1 5.3
14. French-Canadian university students 144 25.4 5.8
15. Maasai (Southwestern Kenya) 127 27.0 3.0
16. Amish (Illinois) 52 22.0 5.0
17. Inughuit (Greenland) 179 25.0 5.0
18. Gifted adults (USA) 99 20.2 3.3
Clinical and counseling samples
19. Psychiatric patients 474 20.1 7.8
20. Individuals with traumatic brain injury 70 19.1 3.3
Injury and PTSD 26 12.9 5.5
21. Clinical clients (private practice) Intake group 27 14.4 6.7
Advanced group 16 18.3 7.1
22. Elderly caregivers Time 1 79 21.2 7.7
Time 2 79 19.7 8.1
23. Holocaust survivors Group 1 160 23.3 6.2
Group 2 87 23.0 6.0

Health-related samples
24. Dutch medical outpatients 107 23.6 7.0
25. Lung transplant candidates (USA) 93 18.8 8.4
26. Adults with spinal cord injury (12 months post injury) 33 17.6 7.1
27. Adults with spinal cord injury Single 53 16.1 7.6
Married 53 19.7 7.9
28. Older adults in visual rehabilitation program 54 25.6 6.2
29. Bone marrow transplant patients (Canadian) 25 24.3 6.5
30. Individuals with diabetes (French Canadian) 638 24.9 n.r.
31. Spouses of people with fibromyalgia syndrome (USA) 135 24.3 7.3

Notes: n.r. ¼ not reported. Some studies reported SWLS scores as the average of a single item; these scores were multiplied by five to establish
a standard for comparison. Samples: 1 ¼ Maltby & Day, 2004; 2 ¼ Hayes & Joseph, 2003; 3 ¼ Arrindell, Heesink, & Feij, 1999; 4 ¼ van Loon,
Tijhuis, Surtees, & Ormel, 2001; 5 ¼ Gannon & Ranzijn, 2005; 6 ¼ Palmer, Donaldson, & Stough, 2002; 7 ¼ Extremera & Fernandez-Berrocal,
2005; 8 ¼ Wu & Yao, 2006; 9 ¼ Oishi & Sullivan, 2005; 10 ¼ Cha, 2003; 11 ¼ Pavot & Weinhold, 1994; 12 ¼ Barnes & Lightsey, 2005;
13 ¼ Chang, Watkins, & Banks, 2004; 14 ¼ Tremblay, Blanchard, Pelletier, & Vallerand, 2006; 15, 16, 17 ¼ Biswas-Diener, Vitterso, & Diener,
2005; 18 ¼ Perrone, Webb, Wright, Jackson, & Ksiazak, 2006; 19 ¼ Arrindell et al., 2001; 20 ¼ Bryant et al., 2001; 21 ¼ Friedman, 1991;
22 ¼ Vitaliano et al., 1991; 23 ¼ Shmotkin & Lomranz, 1998; 24 ¼ Arrindell et al., 1991; 25 ¼ Rodrigue, Kanasky, Marhefka, Perri, & Baz,
2001; 26 ¼ Elliott et al., 2001; 27 ¼ Putzke et al., 2001; 28 ¼ Dreer et al., 2005; 28 ¼ Courneya, Keats, & Turner, 2000; 30 ¼ Senecal et al., 2000;
31 ¼ Bigatti and Cronan, 2002.

Data for the SWLS from an array of international/ researchers focused on a particular area (e.g.,
cross-cultural, health-related, and counseling-related individuals with health concerns or disabilities). The
studies are presented in Table 1. The data table is not selected studies were not chosen in random or
intended to be all-inclusive; it is intended to be haphazard fashion; they were chosen in order to
representative of current studies that have included give readers an idea of the full range of satisfaction
the SWLS, and to provide some benchmarks for encountered within various groups, from extremely
144 W. Pavot and E. Diener

Table 2. Correlations of personality and emotion variables with the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS).

Variable Sample reference number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Positive affect 0.47 0.41 0.44 0.36 0.55
Negative affect 0.44 0.44 0.57 0.40 0.44
Selfesteem 0.64 0.58 0.55
Optimism 0.48 0.50
Pessimism 0.45
Depression 0.50 0.56 0.57
Extraversion 0.42 0.42
Neuroticism 0.49 0.54
Perceived stress 0.56 0.52
Suicide ideation 0.44

Notes: 1 ¼ Kang, Shaver, Sue, Min, & Jing, 2003; 2 ¼ Chang & Sanna, 2001; 3 ¼ Chang et al., 2004; 4 ¼ Arrindell et al., 2001; 5 ¼ Palmer
et al., 2002; 6 ¼ Steger et al., 2006; 7 ¼ Tremblay et al., 2006; 8 ¼ Schimmack et al., 2004; 9 ¼ Hayes & Joseph, 2003.

low to very high life satisfaction. The listed studies Cross culturally-relevant studies
were also intended to present some important
comparison numbers for groups that are the focal The SWLS has been used in a number of cross-
point of much current research. Correlations between cultural studies that have examined life satisfaction
the SWLS and an array of personality and emotion and, more generally, SWB. Researchers have trans-
variables are presented in Table 2. lated the SWLS into a growing array of languages,
Many additional reports, in most cases represent- including Spanish, German, and Japanese (Suh,
ing high quality research, were reviewed but not Diener, Oishi, & Triandis, 1998), French (Blais
included in this report. We sought a balance point et al., 1989), Chinese (Shao, 1993), Korean (Suh,
between a too brief report of limited scope and a 1994), Russian (Balatsky & Diener, 1993), Czech
completely comprehensive review of necessarily (Lewis, Shevlin, Smekal, & Dorahy, 1999), and
ponderous proportions. One consideration was the Arabic (Abdallah, 1998). Early cross-cultural
avoidance of redundancy. The findings of many research on SWB and life satisfaction tended to
studies of college men and women in the USA, for focus on differing levels of SWB reported by one
example, tended to yield very similar results with culture versus another. Large differences in SWB
regard to the SWLS. Conversely, international were observed between nations; these differences were
studies of college students often revealed interesting found to be related to factors such as national wealth
differences, relative to comparison groups in the and democratic governance (Inglehart, 1990).
USA. Thus, several international samples are More recently, cross-cultural research revealed
included. Another issue involved the way in which both differences and similarities in the nature of life
data from the SWLS were analyzed. A number of satisfaction judgments across diverse socio-cultural
studies (e.g., Hindelang, Schwerin, & Farmer, 2004; groups. Diener and Diener (1995) found that people
King & Raspin, 2004; Malka & Chatman, 2003) used in individualistic nations were likely to weight self-
the SWLS as one measure among several intended to esteem more than collectivists in their life satisfaction
assess the cognitive and affective components judgments, and that financial satisfaction was a
of SWB. These multiple measures were then melded stronger correlate of life satisfaction in poor nations
to form a composite measure of SWB, and specific than in wealthier societies. Suh et al. (1998) examined
results for the SWLS were minimally reported or two large international data sets, and found that at
not reported. Other researchers (e.g., Elliot, Gable, & the individual level, life satisfaction judgments were
Mapes, 2006) used the SWLS as a basis for strongly related to emotions in individualists cultures,
constructing a more specific domain satisfaction whereas social norms (e.g., the normative value of life
scale, such as the ‘Satisfaction With Social Bonds satisfaction) were equally important to emotions
Scale.’ In a few other cases, authors cited the when predicting life satisfaction in collectivist cul-
SWLS in a discussion of life satisfaction or SWB, tures. A study by Schimmack, et al. (2002) examined
but they did not actually use the scale in their data from three collectivistic cultures (Japan, Mexico,
study. The studies that have been included represent a and Ghana) and two individualistic cultures
small but systematically selected sample of many (Germany and the USA) to determine the influence
hundreds of reports which include data from the of culture on the relation between personality and the
SWLS. components of SWB. Their findings indicate that the
The Journal of Positive Psychology 145

influence of personality on the emotional component the SWLS as a component of a large scale, global
of SWB is pancultural, but that the influence of quality of life assessment of members of the United
personality on life satisfaction was moderated by States Marine Corps. Frieswijk, Buunk, Steverink,
culture. Thus, the information that enters into and Slaets (2004) used a Dutch translation of the
people’s life satisfaction judgments can vary across SWLS in a study of the effects of social comparison
cultures. on the life satisfaction of frail older persons in the
As more sophisticated approaches are applied to Netherlands.
the analysis of survey data for cross-cultural compar- The data from many studies that include assess-
isons, it has become apparent that, in some cases, ments of life satisfaction indicate that most people are
comparisons based on raw scores on measures such at least slightly satisfied with their lives, but that
as the SWLS may be misleading. As an example, finding is not invariant. Situations such as the
Vitterso, Biswas-Diener, and Diener (2005) compared experience of severe physical injury or extremely
SWLS scores obtained from a sample of Norwegians negative environmental conditions can have a strong
with the SWLS scores from a sample of individuals in negative impact on life satisfaction. Bryant,
Greenland. Although the initial analyses showed no Marosszeky, Crooks, Baguley, and Gurka (2001)
mean difference between these groups, when item- found very low levels of life satisfaction among a
response modeling was applied to the data, it was group of individuals who had suffered severe trau-
found that the Greenlanders were more prone to matic brain injury; life satisfaction was particularly
random responding, and using extreme response low among a sub-group who were also experiencing
categories. After controlling for these tendencies, posttramatic stress disorder. Biswas-Diener and
Norwegians were found to be more satisfied than Diener (2001) interviewed people in the slums of
Greenlanders, with the exception of a specific latent Calcutta, India, and found their mean ratings of
class of Greenlanders, who were in turn more general life satisfaction were slightly negative overall,
satisfied than the Norwegian sample. Oishi (2006) and somewhat more negative for some sub-groups
examined measurement equivalence of the SWLS (e.g., sex workers, pavement dwellers). When the
with Chinese and American samples, using Structural specific domain satisfactions of the overall group
Equation Modeling (SEM), multiple indicator multi- were averaged, however, that average was positive,
ple cause modeling (MIMIC), and Item Response indicating that, even in very difficult environmental
Theory (IRT) analysis. He found only one biased circumstances, some measure of satisfaction is
item across cultures with the SEM and MIMIC possible. In a similar study, conducted in a large
methods, but found differential item functioning for city in the Midwestern USA (Baker et al., 2004),
four of the five items using IRT analysis. Further, the street-level sex workers (N ¼ 26) completed a set of
latent mean scores of the Chinese sample were measures relating to their health and well-being,
substantially lower than those of the Americans including the SWLS. Within this group the average
(Oishi, 2006). Tucker, Ozer, Lyubomirsky, and score on the SWLS was 10.27, with a maximum score
Boehm (2006) also found some evidence for the lack of 19 (the neutral point of the scale is a score of 20).
of comparability between Russian and North This group is the lowest reported average life
American groups in terms of their self-reports of satisfaction of any sample that we have encountered,
life satisfaction; their findings point to the importance undoubtedly due to the extremely bad life circum-
of testing for measurement invariance in the SWLS. stances of these individuals including violence,
These studies serve to caution researchers who are poverty, and drug addiction.
evaluating cross-cultural survey data, and at the same
time offer some new approaches for the analysis of
such data, and insights into how culture influences Studies related to clinical/counseling issues
responding to various questions.
Increasing numbers of researchers in the areas of
clinical and counseling psychology have begun to use
Data from other diverse populations measures of SWB as a complement to the more
familiar assessments of distress and dysfunction in
Studies focused on life satisfaction and SWB have determining levels of adjustment and outcome prog-
often used university students as participants, likely nosis. The idea is that interventions should not only
due to factors such as convenience and availability. reduce suffering, but should also enhance the quality
Gradually, however, the SWLS has come to be used of life, moving people upwards in terms of positive
in research involving a wide range of populations. experience, as well as reducing distress. In a review
Groups as diverse as male prison inmates (Joy, 1990) focused on clinical practice, Duckworth, Steen, and
and contemplative nuns (McGarrahan, 1991) have Seligman (2005) discuss the usefulness of including
completed the SWLS. Hindelang et al. (2004) used assessment tools from positive psychology research as
146 W. Pavot and E. Diener

a supplement to more traditional assessments when study. Other studies used the SWLS as a measure of
designing clinical interventions. In their words: ‘. . . a the psychological well-being and adjustment of
‘‘build-what’s-strong’’ approach to therapy may caregivers, spouses, and family members of those
usefully supplement the traditional ‘‘fix-what’s- with serious health conditions or physical disabilities.
wrong’’ approach’ (Duckworth et al., 2005, p. 631). For example, Bigatti and Cronan (2002) used the
The assessment of positive experiences and personal SWLS and other measures to assess the psychological
strengths, and interventions designed to enhance well-being of the spouses of people with fibromyalgia
SWB and strengthen personal assets, provide a syndrome.
potential new dimension for the process of clinical Another potential use of the SWLS in conjunction
practice. Recent research, such as the work focused with the therapy process is the assessment of risk for
on the relation between gratitude and SWB (Emmons psychopathology and self-destructive behavior. Using
& McCullough, 2003), offers potential new directions a longitudinal design, Suldo and Huebner (2004)
for interventions intended to enhance SWB. Thus, the found that adolescents who reported positive life
connection is growing that clinical practice should satisfaction are at less risk of acting out when
not just endeavor to alleviate misery, but should also confronted with stressful events. In a large-scale
strive to build rewarding lives, and the SWLS is one (N ¼ 5032) study of high school students, Valois,
tool in assessing such outcomes. Zullis, Huebner, and Drane (2001) found life
Many studies found that the SWLS is a useful satisfaction to be inversely related to alcohol and
instrument in the assessment of psychiatric popula- chemical use. Other studies (Moum, 1996; Diener &
tions. For example, Arrindell, van Nieuwenhuizen, Seligman, 2002; Heisel & Flett, 2004) found life
and Luteijn (2001) found that the average score on satisfaction to be a significant negative predictor of
the SWLS was significantly lower for a sample of suicidal ideation. Data from a longitudinal study of
psychiatric patients compared to the average for a the Finnish Twin cohort indicated that life satisfac-
non-psychiatric control group, demonstrating the tion was related to a lower risk of suicide 20 years
discriminatory power of the SWLS. Meyer, Rumpf, later (Koivumaa-Honkanen et al., 2001), even after
Hapke, and John (2004) observed a similar difference, controlling for other risk factors such as substance-
and further found that the comorbidity of psychiatric use, age, and gender.
disorders was associated with a further reduction in In addition to providing alternative assessment
reported life satisfaction. In a study with both clinical instruments, research on SWB, and positive psychol-
and cross-cultural implications, Wu and Wu (2008) ogy more generally, has implications for the creation
obtained data from people with schizophrenia in of new interventions strategies for clinicians.
several communities in Taiwan, and found evidence Duckworth et al. (2005) provide a number of
that the SWLS is a valid measure of life satisfaction examples of interventions based on the research and
for this group. principles of positive psychology. Discussions of how
One potential use of measures such as the SWLS in best to pursue strength-based research and practice
therapy is to assess changes in SWB and life are ongoing (e.g., Lopez & Magyar-Moe, 2006).
satisfaction over the course of the treatment process.
An early study by P. Friedman (personal commu-
nication, November 20, 1991; reported in Pavot & Health-related studies
Diener, 1993) indicated a significant difference in
average SWLS scores between a group of clients at A large proportion of the research that has incorpo-
the beginning of therapy versus an independent rated the SWLS has been focused on physical health
sample of clients who had received therapy for one and health outcomes. Quality of life has become a
to two months. A further group of clients completed primary concern in the evaluation of both the quality
the SWLS at the beginning of therapy and again a and outcome of health care (Moons, Budts, &
month later, and repeated-measures analysis indi- De Geest, 2006). In a review of different conceptual
cated significantly higher SWLS scores for the second approaches of quality of life, Moons et al. (2006)
occasion. These early results indicated that the SWLS found life satisfaction to be the most adequate
was sufficiently sensitive to detect improvement over and appropriate conceptualization, as it successfully
the course of therapy. Subsequent research addresses all of the conceptual problems they
(Friedman & Toussaint, 2006) has yielded similar examined with regard to health-related quality of life.
results. Vitaliano, Russo, Young, Becker, and Many health-related studies have utilized the
Maiuro (1991) used the SWLS to monitor changes SWLS as an outcome indicator for individuals
in the life satisfaction of elderly caregivers as their undergoing medical procedures and/or rehabilitation
spouses proceeded through the stages of primary therapy. The SWLS has been used in studies
degenerative dementia, and found significant declines examining the outcomes of people with traumatic
in SWLS scores over the 15–18 month period of the brain injury (Bryant et al., 2001; Whiteneck,
The Journal of Positive Psychology 147

Gerbart, & Cusick, 2004), diabetes mellitus (Elliot, research efforts. One concern is the need for further
Shewchuk, Miller, & Richards, 2001), and the research on the cognitive processes involved in the
adjustment of people participating in low vision formulation of the life satisfaction judgment.
rehabilitation (Dreer, Elliott, Fletcher, & Swanson, Although much better understood today then at the
2005). Elavsky and McAuley (2005) used the SWLS time the SWLS was originally developed, several
as a quality of life indicator in their investigation of aspects of the process remain unclear. For example, it
the effect of physical activity on menopausal symp- is unclear to what degree such judgments represent a
toms. In their study, physical activity was related to vertical evaluation (all aspects of my life right now)
life satisfaction through the mediation of physical versus a temporal summation (across my whole life),
self-worth. In another study of the effects of chronic and what factor might direct the information search
illness on the quality of life, Heckman (2003) used the in one direction or another.
SWLS (modified with a 4-point response scale) to A more general concern for SWB research is the
assess life satisfaction among people living with HIV need to further explore the process of adaptation
disease, and found gender and race differences (Diener et al., 2006). Although we now know that
regarding barriers to health care and perceptions of adaptation is not a universal process as once was
AIDS-related discrimination, and evidence of a theorized, it is still an often powerful and, in many
significant effect of social support on life satisfaction. ways, poorly understood influence on SWB.
Several studies examined various aspects of adjust- It appears that adaptation may be more influential
ment to spinal cord injury, using the SWLS among on some life domains (e.g., income) than on others. It
other assessments of quality of life. Putzke, Elliott, is also unclear whether there are meaningful indivi-
and Richards (2001) found that overall self-reported dual differences in the strength of the adaptation
quality of life was significantly lower for single versus process.
married individuals 12 months post-injury. Barrett, An important future area for research on life
Putzke, and Richards (2002) compared elderly satisfaction involves predictive studies. Investigators
individuals with late (60 years of age or more) have only recently begun to focus on outcomes that
versus early (prior to age 60) onset of spinal cord are predicted by life satisfaction. Future research
injury, and found that, although quality of life needs to focus not only on the factors that contribute
assessments were similar, overall self-reported handi- to the experience of life satisfaction, but also on the
cap was significantly greater among individuals with effects life satisfaction has on future behavior and life
a late onset injury. Sherman, Devinney, and Sperling outcomes. The indications from early research point
(2004) included the SWLS in a study of the to a wide range of benefits that are predicted by
effectiveness of past peer-mentoring experiences and earlier levels of SWB (e.g., Lyubomirsky et al., 2005).
current live-in partner on adjustment after spinal cord But there is a great need for further exploration and
injury, and found that past peer mentoring experi- articulation of these long-term outcomes.
ences were associated with greater life satisfaction,
whereas having a current live-in partner was asso-
ciated with greater mobility and economic self- Discussion
sufficiency. Elliot, Uswatte, Lewis, and Palmatier
(2000), using the SWLS as an outcome measure, Although it is difficult to completely capture the
found that greater goal instability assessed at the breadth and depth of the findings from the many
onset of disability was predictive of lower satisfaction studies that have incorporated the SWLS, some key
with life a year later. Their findings indicate that a findings seem noteworthy. Many of these findings
flexible but durable goal orientation is correlated with have relevance for the understanding of life satisfac-
optimal psychological adjustment of people with a tion at the construct level. One long-standing concern
physical disability. Thus, the SWLS has been shown regarding the construct of life satisfaction has
to be an effective outcome measure for health related centered on the factors that influence life satisfaction
quality of life research. It is an important complement judgments. Are top-down, ubiquitous influences such
to objective health assessments, and has been as personality dispositions the source of such judg-
demonstrated to have sufficient sensitivity to change ments, or are they the product of a summation of a
to be a useful indicator for the effectiveness of set of bottom-up factors, such as current mood and
interventions. one’s immediate life circumstances?
The converging evidence available to date suggests
that life satisfaction judgments represent a complex
Future research issues/directions combination and summation of both top-down and
bottom-up factors. Broad personality traits, such as
In reference to the assessment of life satisfaction, extraversion and neuroticism, tend to ‘set the tone’
several issues remain to be addressed by future for subjective experiences such as life satisfaction.
148 W. Pavot and E. Diener

Somewhat narrower facets of the personality, such as occasionally has an effect, it is not strong, and often
personal strivings (Emmons, 1991), also exert an exerts only a small influence on judgments of life
influence. It is becoming increasingly clear, however, satisfaction. A more accurate depiction of the
that bottom-up, circumstance factors such as satis- temporal influences on life satisfaction judgments
faction with specific life domains can exert a powerful incorporates a broader view of the temporal spec-
influence on judgments of life satisfaction. Although trum. Moment to moment changes in mood or the
these domains tend to be habitually accessed, there is immediate context can occasionally influence life
evidence that the set of domains that are accessed satisfaction judgments. Longer term and larger
when forming life satisfaction judgments can change contextual changes (e.g., long-term unemployment,
over time, and that the relative salience of any widowhood) produce larger and more lasting shifts in
particular domain is variable as well. Further the judgment process. Very long-term, relatively
evidence suggests that there are both individual stable influences (e.g., personality dispositions such
differences and cultural norms that exert influence as extraversion and neuroticism, cultural factors)
on the formation of life satisfaction judgments. Thus, tend to account for the slowest change in life
the influences are idiosyncratic. To be sure, mental satisfaction judgments.
illness or health can influence the SWLS score of In the same way that the factors that influence life
virtually anyone. However, many factors, even satisfaction judgments must be understood from a
internal factors such as feelings of self-efficacy and multiple-level perspective, the temporal influences on
self-esteem, vary in their importance across cultures life satisfaction judgments represent a complex
and across the context of life. amalgam of immediate, intermediate, and long-term
Given the variability in influences, we might not components. Such a structure allows for both long-
discover the true relation between PA and life term stability and also some shorter-term fluctuation
satisfaction, and NA and life satisfaction. It is likely in judgments of life satisfaction. The SWLS has
to depend on the variation within the samples, and proven to be a reliable and valid measure of the life
how they weight and value moods and emotions satisfaction component of SWB. It has shown itself to
(internal feelings) versus external factors and achieve- be useful in a wide range of research settings and
ments. Thus, for any individual person, a number of applications. Its simple structure lends itself to easy
personality variables and many situational or life translation into different languages, and its brevity is
circumstance variables influence her or his judgment desirable when it is incorporated into a larger battery
of life satisfaction. This is encouraging, as it indicates of assessment instruments. The empirical findings
that the life satisfaction judgment is very broadly reviewed here have helped to establish the validity of
based. This finding has implications for using the the construct of life satisfaction, reveal the complexity
SWLS to assess change, such as assessing the impact of life satisfaction judgments, and establish the
of a clinical intervention. Because the responses to the importance of life satisfaction and SWB in the
SWLS are so broadly based, it may not be extremely experience of positive life outcomes.
sensitive to interventions, unless they are large. Thus,
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