Gender Neutrality in Sexual Assault Changing Trends in Criminal Law in India

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The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal ISSN (O): 2319-8338


Sumita B. Ade+ and Dr. M.B. Jameel*

It is the need of hour that laws be more gender neutral. To bring equality and to protect the rights of the people
of third sex gender and homosexuals neutral laws are imperative. These days a regular conflict can be easily
seen in the mode of the men’s rights movement in India. It is the outcome of high rate of manipulation and
exploitation of female oriented laws. These incidents are clear evident for the conflict theory of sociology and of
Karl Marx. Due to absence of proper legislation on male rape laws and less risk factor in comparison to the
involvement of girls into it the demand is high. As social stigma and fear of pregnancy is less it is easily carried
out. . Sexual assault and can be done of a female as well as male. Studies conducted mostly in developed
countries indicate that 5-10% of men report a history of childhood sexual abuse, 3.6% in Namibia and
13.4% in the United Republic of Tanzania to 20% in Peru. The evidence available suggests that males may
be even less likely than female victims to report an assault to the authorities.

Keywords: Gender neutrality, HIV / AIDS, Unnatural Sex, The criminal law (amendment) Bill,
2012, Law Commission, Indian Penal Code 1860.


 Sumita B. Ade and Dr. M. B Jameel, Gender neutrality in sexual assault: changing trends in
criminal law in India, The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal (2018) 7, pp. 307 – 315, ISSN (O):

+ Ph.D. Researcher, P.G. Teaching Department of Law, RTMNU, Nagpur

* Research Guide, RTMNU, Nagpur.

July, 2018 Volume 9 | Issue 7 Page | 307

The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal ISSN (O): 2319-8338

Introduction The concept of gender neutrality within rape

has been influential over the last four decades
Gender neutrality is an idea or a movement
in those jurisdictions that have engaged in
which encourages avoiding negative
significant reform of their rape and sexual
differentiation among people on the basis of
assault laws. The fundamental characteristic
people’s sex or gender with regard to policies,
of gender-neutral reforms is that they expand
language and other social roles. It basically
the definition of rape to recognize male
aimed to bring parity and in society by
victims and female perpetrators. Hence, they
abolishing the thought of superiority of one
are “neutral,” but only in the sense of
gender upon another i.e. equal treatment of
including both males and females as potential
men and women in various aspects. Right to
rapists and victims. Gender-neutral reforms
have an equal treatment is guaranteed to
vary across the many different jurisdictions in
every citizen of the country irrespective of
which they have been introduced; in this
sex of a person.1 At the international level,
section, Rumney explain some of the various
both men and women are equal in terms of
ways in which gender-neutral reforms define
rights and dignity without any
rape and sexual assault. Rumney has also
discrimination2. Gender is a social, cultural
consider the reasons that law reform bodies,
and political construct. It gives a range of
legislators, and scholars have used to justify
characteristics which lead to create a
the introduction of gender-neutral rape
difference between masculinity and
statutes3. Novotny’s article is underpinned by
femininity in various fields, it may be in
what appear to be theoretical objections to
politics, workplace, economy, domestic level
gender neutral rape statutes that are not
etc. Gender also has it’s legal significance as
grounded in the wider legal and social science
it is mentioned in governmental and official
literature. This carries with it the attendant
documents which is used to avail certain
danger that theoretical objections to gender
rights and liabilities on this basis. Which is
neutrality in rape will override the reality of
also different for men and women. Like
male sexual victimization and its appropriate
different tax slabs, pension status.
labeling by the criminal law4.

Across dozens of jurisdictions, gender-

neutral reforms have been adopted as part of

1 Art. 14, 15, 16, 17,18: Constitution of India, 1949 4Patricia Novotny, Rape Victims in the (Gender) Neutral
2 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Dec 10, Zone: The Assimilation of Resistance?, 1 SEATTLE J.
1948 FOR SOC. JUST. 743 (2003)
3 Vision by Philip N.S. Rumney has been “In Defence of

Gender Neutrality Within Rape”

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The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal ISSN (O): 2319-8338

a wider law reform agenda in an attempt to established fact that criminal justice system is
reflect a more modern understanding of the suffering from the misuse of pro feminist
purpose of rape law—the protection of laws like domestic violence law 498 A, laws
sexual autonomy from the harm of non- for prevention sexual harassment at
consensual penetrative sex acts5. Scholars workplace and male rape laws. Like USA, UK
have criticized traditional rape laws that only and European Union States India also needs
prescribe penile-vaginal intercourse, arguing more gender neutral anti-harassment
that these laws exclude “a great deal of behavior prevention laws. There is a huge difference
which is remarkably similar to the act legally between the rate of rape reported and the
designated as rape and…such exclusion appears to conviction rate. Only the man is prosecuted
rest on no logical or justifiable grounds6.” for adultery8. If a man has sex at the promise
of marriage and doesn’t marry, it amounts to
Need of Gender Neutral Rape laws :
rape9. If a man under 16 years of age has
It is the need of hour that laws be more consensual sex with a girl of his age, will be a
gender neutral. To bring equality and to rapist but it is not so in case of women10.
protect the rights of the people of third sex Only a wife can claim alimony and
gender and homosexuals neutral laws are maintenance11.
imperative. These days a regular conflict can
In case of death due to burns and bodily
be easily seen in the mode of the men’s rights
injury within seven years of marriage the
movement in India7. It is the outcome of high
husband and his relatives will be held liable
rate of manipulation and exploitation of
for the death12. During the Indian general
female oriented laws. These incidents are
election, 2014, Men-fiesta was released which
clear evident for the conflict theory of
dealt with the issues of men and addressable
sociology and of Karl Marx. It is an

5 In the context of the legal recognition of anal rape, also Colleen Hall, Rape: The Politics of Definition, 105 S.
Ruth Graham recently observed that “to argue that the AFR. L.J. 67 (1988); Jocelynne A. Scutt, Reforming the
harm caused is comparable is not the same as arguing Law of Rape: The Michigan Example, 50 AUSTL. L.J. 615
that the male anus, the female anus and the vagina are (1976).
similar.” Ruth Graham, Male Rape and the Careful 6 Hall, supra note 12, at 68. The similarities in terms of

Construction of the Male Victim, 15 SOC. & LEGAL psychological trauma will be discussed infra notes 152-
STUD. 187, 196 (2006). This is a rather curious point 67 and accompanying text
as Graham does not examine potential similarities, nor 7 Hall, supra note 12, at 68. The similarities in terms of

does she attempt to argue that there is something psychological trauma will be discussed infra notes 152-
distinctly different about anal and vaginal penetration. 67 and accompanying text.
See LAW REFORM COMM’N, RAPE AND 8 Men’s Rights Preservation Society, Save Indian

ALLIED OFFENCES paras. 6–14(LRC 24-1988, Family Foundation, Child’s Right and Family Welfare
1988) (Ir.), available at http:// www. lawreform. ie/ 9 Section 497 the Indian Penal Code,1860

publications /data/ volume6/lrc_46.pdf (discussing 10 Section 375 the Indian Penal Code,1860

in detail this issue, which led to a recommendation by 11 Section 376 the Indian Penal Code,1860

the Republic of Ireland’s Law Reform Commission 12 Section 37, Special Marriage Act, 1954

for an expanded gender-neutral definition of rape); see

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issues by the Govt. with regard to men’s highly probable that majority of the people
right. The other demands raised were gender with HIV in jails are also under-trails.
neutral laws, rehabilitation of men who were
acquitted, speedy trials of the accused
languishing in custody, and equal rights in In various studies it was found that

child custody. Due to this unjust gender prostitution of male children is rampant in

divide the various factors of men’s major pilgrimage centers of India – Tirupati

exploitation specially left unrecognized, (Andhra Pradesh), Puri (Orissa) and

specially in rape and sexual abuse incidents. Guruvayoor (Kerala) etc. Further due to
development of tourism without protective
Sodomy and rapes in Indian jails has been
measures leads to sexual exploitation of
unaddressed since long time. Even most
children, in the form of child abuse, child
rights sensitive and well-equipped jails are
trafficking, child prostitution, child
not freed from this problem. It has become a
pornography, child sex tourism and child
part of prison behavior. Particularly when so
labour. There is a huge rise in the demand of
many criminals lives together in the same
male children for the above mentioned
place fighting for supremacy, space, sex,
purposes. They are exploited by domestic
food, entitlements and even mere survival the
and foreign tourists and residents as well.
chances increases. As per the 75 percent of
Due to extreme poverty and less livelihood
the inmate contented that homosexual
resources they are forced to the prostitution.
behaviors are very common among13. “When
a young boy enters, the prisoners have been Due to absence of proper legislation on male

known to have bid a price for the boy. The rape laws and less risk factor in comparison

price offered is in terms of ‘bidis’, soap or to the involvement of girls into it the demand

charas. Often prisoners have been divided is high. As social stigma and fear of

into camps and the groups have fought each pregnancy is less it is easily carried out15.

other on the issue of who shall have the new As homosexuality in criminalized in India,
entrant .” Around 6-8 per cent of the LGBT and transgender communities are
inmates in Tihar are HIV positive. While the suffering by the insecurity as harassed by the
national average is below 1 percent. If 74.9 authorities. These people are sexually
percent of the inmates are under-trials, it is minorities in India. There is lacking of social
acceptance due to the sexual orientation of
them. These rape cases are rarely reported

13 Indian Journal of Medical Research article, 2010 15 Model Penal Code § 213.1 cmt. (2010)
14 The People’s Union of Civil Liberties, Tihar, 1981

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due to social stigma. The reason for using a penis, other body parts or an object.
unreported cases is provision of Section 377. There could be many effect of the rape upon
It is a fact irrespective of the social the male victim which may include mental
acceptance that the sexual abuse and rape trauma, physical trauma, Identity crisis etc.
cases against these people are increasing day Rape has been gendered for too long. Since
by day. In absence of proper legislation the very long time there was an unjust silence
danger of HIV/AIDS is increasing which with regard to male rape or sexually abused
cannot be prevented by the existing provision population. Rape is not solely dominion over
of section 377 of IPC. Males are always women. Most of the male rape victims lack
considered as the perpetrators as the system the resources to file a case. As a society, one
has no provision for men to seek legal rarely thinks of male victim rape. According
recourse if they are raped. It is a general to the American Law Institute, rape is likely
presumption that they never be the victims. the most underreported crime of violence16.
It is the time to admit the fact that males can According to the American Law Institute,
be raped. Realization is required that “rape rape is likely the most underreported crime of
victim” is not a synonym for female. The violence17. There are definitional hurdles as
objective of the penal provisions is to book well. For example, some jurisdictions
the wrongdoer and provide justice to the continue to define rape in gender-specific
Victims even though they are less in terms, specifying a female victim or vaginal
numbers. The bases of provisions in penal penetration. The Uniform Crime Reporting
codes are not statistical. If the crime exists, Program also defines rape as requiring a
there has to be a law for it. Woman can be a female victim18.
potential rapist whether it is a male or a
Need was felt to bring a new definition of
female. All humans are capable to commit
sexual offences to deliver justice to the
barbaric heinous crimes. Human psychology
vulnerable segments of the society. In 1993,
is a strange thing.
the National Commission for Women
In World Health Organization’s 2011 World responded to this felt need through a bill
Report on Violence Health in the chapter titled, ‘Sexual Violence Against Women and
titled “Sexual Violence” defines rape as, Children Bill’. The bill advocated deletion of
“physically forced or otherwise coerced Sections 354 (violating modesty), 375 (rape),
penetration even if slight of the vulva or anus, 376 (punishment for rape) and 377

16 Model Penal Code § 213.1 cmt. (2010) of gender neutrality seem to have cropped in,
17 Model Penal Code § 213.1 cmt. (2010) specifically to include the violation of male children
18 Crime in the United States 2009, at 15 (3d ed. 2009)

(2) Through the usage of the term ‘person an element

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(unnatural offences) of the Indian Penal activists, the government decided to restore
Code (IPC) and brought them under the the term “rape” in criminal law that states
broad banner of ‘sexual assault. The bill only men can be booked for committing the
seemed to be introducing two important legal offence against women.
principles: (1) Repeal of S 377, which dealt
The spirit of gender neutrality also did not
with cases of ‘unnatural sex’, and for the first
extend to another far reaching legislation. As
time, provided legitimacy to same sex
the name suggests, The Sexual Harassment
relationships between consenting adults. An
of Women At Workplace (Prevention,
attempt was there for the process of
Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 is based
redefining sexual assault. While this was a
on the premise that only female employees
positive move in redefining sexual norms of
need to be safeguarded. The women and
a predominantly heterosexual society, the gay
child development ministry, which had
rights support groups, whose concern this
broken the gender mold in the law to sexual
provision seemed
offences against children, adopted a
to articulate, were excluded from the debate. conservative approach when it came to the
issue of sexual harassment. The Act also
The latest example is The Protection of
overlooks the possibility of a male employee
Children from Sexual Offences Act of 2012.
being sexually harassed by another male
The law prepared by the ministry of women
employee. The issue of homosexuality had
and child development considered the
reached the public domain, when prevention
possibility of the child victim being either a
of the spread of AIDS became a concern of
girl or a boy. The criminal law (amendment)
public health and homosexual men and
Bill, 2012, defying the gender stereotypes
prostitutes were marked as ‘high risk’ groups
associated with rape, was in keeping with a
needing interventions to spread the message
report from the Law Commission in 2000. In
of safe sex among them. The groups working
a departure from the definition of rape in the
with sexual minorities also started
Indian Penal Code enacted in 1860, the Law
questioning their marginalized existence, lack
Commission replaced most references to
of public space and visibility and social
“man” (the offender) or “woman” (the
stigma enforced through the application of
victim) with “person”, who is either the
social norms.
offender or the victim, depending on the
context. In fact, it went to the extent of The jurisprudence consists of scientific and
bringing oral sex committed by either gender psychological investigation of the social
under the ambit of sexual assault. However, phenomenon of law and justice generally.
in 2013, pressure has been made by women Law is a social phenomenon and it is related

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with the justice. Law is the part of the society irrespective of the individual sense of
whether primitive or modern. Law both morality. In the words of British legal theorist
shapes and shaped by the society. Law puts Jhon Austin, “Law is the command of
psychological impact upon the act and sovereign”. According to Austin’s legal
thinking of the population living in the positivism, law is a social fact and reflects
society. Law lays down the rules of conduct relations of power and obedience. This two-
via its normative approach. As per the fold view, that (1) law and morality are
present context of gender neutrality there is a separate and (2) that all human-made laws
need to protect the rights and justice of the can be traced back to human lawmakers.
male victim of the sexual harassment and
According to HLA Hart, law comprises
rape via effective rape laws with penal
primary rules of obligation. Law itself holds
provisions. Under existing Indian legal
the element of obedience by the people as
system the condition of male rape law is quite
backed up by the credible threats of
problematic in nature. Criminal law even
punishment or other adverse consequences
refuses to recognize it even though equal
like sanctions in the course of
harassment suffered by the victim.
noncompliance. It plays the pivotal role in
Awareness and sensitivity in the society is
changing the mindset and social construct.
important to create a collective sense of
The idea to legislate male rape laws is a new
respect among the two sexes.
on across the world. It is the demand of the
Conclusion era not to restrict the concept of rape victim
up to the female population. Sexual assault
Law may differ from individual morals as in
and can be done of a female as well as male.
the present case the formation of gender
Studies conducted mostly in developed
neutral rape laws are aggressively opposed by
countries indicate that 5-10% of men report
the feminist activists in the country. Feminist
a history of childhood sexual abuse, 3.6% in
movements support the more female favour
Namibia and 13.4% in the United Republic
law in the name of women empowerment. As
of Tanzania to 20% in Peru. The evidence
this section is considered as oppressed and
available suggests that males may be even less
exploited one. So here is a need to rise from
likely than female victims to report an assault
the point of traditional moral and equality
to the authorities19. Theory of Scandinavian
policies of feminists. The one of the object of
realism law changes the behavior of the
law is to bring parity in the society
people. Scandinavians tried to explain the law

19 World Report On Violence Health, Chapter 6:

Sexual violence, Pg 154

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scientifically, free from metaphysical element system. So that citizens can have confidence
embedded in the traditional definitions. Via upon the rules that the courts or other state
scientific approach it was tried to find out the officials will recognize and enforce. Law in
psychological effects caused by the ritualistic inseparable part of society and society is
modes of law making by Parliament or complex dynamic and emergent order. For
decisions of Courts. the peaceful cohabitation the observation of
common rules for conduct are necessary. Set
According to Hagerstrom “A civilized life is
of laws gives the required structure of the
not possible without law”.20 Further he
society. The legal philosophers like Jhon
emphasized upon the nature of the law,
Austin and Geremy Benthem had separated
capable to guide the behavior of the people.
the law on the basis of “what law is and what
There must be causal connection between
law ought to be”.21 In the present context the
the law and the problem existing in reality. In
rape laws are there which are extremely
the present matter there is a need to bring
favouring women in all sense of sexual abuse
changes in the existing of rape and sexual
and rape cases but in reality conditions also
assault laws of the Country. Out of 96
involves different aspects. So gender neutral
countries studied, 63 have rape or sexual
laws are needed so that equal protection be
assault laws written in gender-neutral
given to all victims which may be men, gay
language, 27 have rape laws that are
men, lesbian women, bisexuals and
completely gender-specific. (i.e., the
transgender groups. As per the
perpetrator defined as male and the victim as
functionalists22 society is a system of
female) and 6 had partly gender-neutral laws
interconnected parts that work together in
(the perpetrator defined as male and the
harmony to maintain a state of balance and
victim can be male or female).
social equilibrium for the whole. In India
Law is not a dry subject, it’s not static. Law is legal system this equilibrium itself is difficult
dynamic in the sense that it is subjected to the to establish because of huge socio-political
constant change, depending upon the and economic diversity. One side feminists
variation in society such as new needs, are demanding facilities in the name of
different morals and obsolete principles. It is women empowerment at the same time
the duty of the state to make, recognize and men’s rights activists are demanding
enforce the law to bring effective legal protection of their rights via gender

20 Accessible at https:// www. legalindia. 21 Accessible at https:// www. scribd. com/.../john-

com/gender-neutrality-and-legal-complexities-in- austin-s-theory- a-critical-analysis
india / 22 Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, Talcott Parsons


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neutrality. Laws are widely used and greatly legal attention and social awareness is needed
misused at the same time. According to the in the present matter to acknowledge the
Therapeutic jurisprudence legal systems present complexities of law. So that the
affect the emotions, behaviors and mental equality and justice can be ensure to society
health of people23. as whole. The shift from gender equal
approach to gender neutrality will be more
Judicial decisions and policy making can
beneficial to a civilized society.
change the views of people with time. So

23 Black’s Law Dictionary 9th ed. (West Group, 2009)

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