Predictive Valve Maintenance: The Future Is Now For
Predictive Valve Maintenance: The Future Is Now For
Predictive Valve Maintenance: The Future Is Now For
PAGES 34-47
Easy End-of-Arm Tooling Kits
for any small robot arm
• Starter kits are easily assembled • Additional robot flanges are available
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Elastodur, silicone, or Nitrile in sizes up to 78mm
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vacuum • Double profile kit with minimum active
56 pound-force load (250 N), maximum • Spring plungers for vacuum cup mounting
140 active pound-force load (625 N) • Couplers in G1/8 and G1/4
Advances in digital valve controllers, diagnostics software and
network communications are enabling significant reductions
in maintenance costs and unplanned outages — resulting in
enhanced service life, increased productivity and cost reduction.
36 48
The ultimate in power density just got better. When space is at a premium, the Baldor-
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The future is now for
MARCH 2023
PAGES 34-47
Automatic Bottle
Filling Machine
Specialty Equipment’s bottle filling and capping machines
are perfect for the lubricants, oils, cleaning products,
and personal healthcare/beauty industry. Available in up
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» Runs 24/7 Without an Operator
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Publisher Jim Semple
[email protected]
Northbrook, IL 60065-3257. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Non-qualified domestic subscriptions: one
lication Wastewater Digest, follows that up with a piece year, $57; two year, $99; single issue, $10. Canadian and foreign surface subscriptions: one
Christine Banaszek, Sales Manager, ROSS Mixers | Frederic Baudart, CMRP, Senior Product Application Specialist, Fluke Accelix
Eric Maynard, Vice President, Jenike & Johanson | Jack Osborn, Senior Engineer, Airdusco | Colin Barbeau, Bulk Materials Handling Specialist, Hatch
Todd Smith, Manager, Kansas State University Bulk Solids Innovation Center | Bill Bremer, Principal, Food Safety, Kestrel Tellevate
Robert Rogers, Senior Advisor for Food Safety & Regulations, METTLER-TOLEDO | David Brewer, Mid-Atlantic Regional Manager, Sealing Equipment Products Co. (SEPCO)
David W. Sptizer, PE, Spitzer and Boyes LLC | Mike Klimes, Applications Engineer, Tsurumi (America) Inc.
kinds of connections and innovations that come
oneywell announced that ExxonMobil ExxonMobil's Baytown integrated complex is
from a world-class trade show more crucial than
will deploy one of Honeywell's carbon home to the largest olefins plant in the United
ever,” says Jim Pittas, president and CEO, PMMI.
capture technologies — Honeywell's States. The site is located on approximately
“PACK EXPO Las Vegas will provide unrivaled
CO 2 Fractionation and Hydrogen 3,400 acres along the Houston Ship Channel.
opportunities to move projects forward, forge rela-
Purification System — at its integrated "ExxonMobil's investment in carbon capture
tionships, and gain valuable insights on industry
complex in Baytown, Texas. This tech- technology shows our commitment to sup-
trends — all in one place.”
nology is expected to enable ExxonMobil to cap- porting customers in their decarbonization
Due to a significant increase in demand, The
ture about 7 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) efforts and to reducing emissions at our own
Processing Zone is currently 44% larger than it
per year, the equivalent of the emission of 1.5 mil- operations," said Dan Ammann, president of
was in 2021 and growing. This growth tracks with
lion automobiles for one year. ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions. "The scale
the increase in processing suppliers joining PMMI,
Honeywell UOP's carbon capture tech- of this project is expected to enable up to 30%
with 27% of companies joining in the last two
nology will be integrated into the design of of Scope 1 and 2 emissions from our Baytown
years offering processing solutions.
ExxonMobil's low-carbon hydrogen production facility by switching from natural gas as a fuel
PACK EXPO Las Vegas is filled with several
facility and enable it to capture more than 98 source to low-carbon hydrogen."
must-see features addressing critical industry
percent of associated CO2 emissions. The cap- "The use of Honeywell's technology enables
needs, such as a brand-new show floor destination
tured CO2 is expected to be sequestered and ExxonMobil to reduce CO2 emissions at a large
focusing on sustainability. The Logistics Pavilion
permanently stored by ExxonMobil. scale," said Barry Glickman, vice president
will make its Las Vegas debut nearly double the
ExxonMobil's Baytown low-carbon hydrogen, and general manager, Honeywell Sustainable
size it was at PACK EXPO International 2022. The
ammonia and carbon capture facility is expect- Technology Solutions. "Our ready-now carbon
Containers and Materials, PACKage Printing and
ed to produce around one billion cubic feet of capture technology works to decarbonize pro-
Healthcare Packaging Pavilions are also larger
low-carbon hydrogen per day, making this the duction processes and is effective because it can
than previous shows, offering even more targeted
largest low-carbon hydrogen project in the allow for significant emissions reduction that
solutions in easy-to-navigate show areas.
world at planned startup in 2027-2028. can play a major role in the energy transition."
“We are excited to be offering such a compre-
hensive show with features directly addressing the
trends, opportunities and challenges facing our
Processing | MARCH 2023 1 1/30/23 2:19 PM
Controlling food
production costs
By Chris Pike made simple with NIR analysis
KPM Analytics
Chris Pike is the senior global
business development director for
How food processors are navigating rising prices
NIR products with KPM Analytics. with proven quality assurance applications.
s the global food market name a few. In most cases, food proces- etc.). Most NIR instruments will provide
becomes more specialized sors take suppliers at their word regard- comprehensive data in under 30 sec-
and competitive, processors ing the quality of their ingredients. onds and in-process instruments can
are feeling the pressure to Once in production, however, they may transmit data in real time.
innovate while meeting the find that their ingredients may affect the
high expectations set by their processing of the food product, and poten- Customized calibrations to
consumers. However, with inflation tially yield a poor-quality final product. analyze ingredients or product-
impacting the food industry hard today, Then, for various reasons, ingredient specific traits
these pressures are compounded. properties can change during the food NIR is not a new technology. Because of
From flour to seasoning sprays, food production process. Routine at-line or this longevity, NIR calibrations for vari-
ingredients have always been among in-process product quality analysis is ous food products have become more
the highest routine expenses for any also necessary to maintain high stan- repeatable due to continued research
food processor. These ingredients are dards and avoid over-formulating (or and application customization.
generally sold to food processors based overusing) costly ingredients. Every NIR calibration is a mathemat-
on the availability of specific qual- ical correlation between raw NIR data
ity parameters such as moisture, fat/ Few options to control taken from a sample compared with
oil content, protein and crude fiber, to essential parameters a chemical constituent or property of
One option is to submit ingredient or interest. The product samples used to
product samples to external quality create a calibration should represent
laboratories for analysis. Over time, this future samples in all areas of potential
can become quite costly; sample analy- variability, including range(s), origin,
sis typically costs an operation between seasonal variation and others. Also,
$20 and $50 per sample. Also, it can it is possible to transfer the same NIR
take days to receive results, which calibration to multiple instruments or
means the ingredients or food products production sites. Companies can com-
could have been used in production mand consistent product quality no
and distributed to consumers. matter where the product is produced.
As an alternative, more food proces- As many companies have found, the
sors are investing in near-infrared (NIR) flexibility of NIR technologies can help
technologies to help fortify their quality spark new ideas to measure quality at
assurance protocols. In this process, the various stages of the production pro-
instrument transmits near-infrared light cess. For instance, a product calibration
onto a product sample, which absorbs for a benchtop NIR instrument to verify
at various wavelengths. A detector on moisture and fat content could lay the
the device reads the reflected NIR light. framework for an in-process instru-
Then, using a calibration, the instru- ment to measure product in real time.
ment generates data on a specific qual-
ity parameter (moisture, fat, protein, How food processors are
employing NIR technologies
Analysis of incoming raw ingredients:
The MCT466-SF on-line NIR analyzer shown here
offers real-time monitoring of moisture and oil content NIR instruments analyze incoming
in various process stages to help operators make data- raw ingredients for compositional and
driven decisions to save costs and improve efficiencies. physical parameters. These data ensure
All images courtesy of KPM Analytics the compositional profile needed to
rocess manufacturers have pursued the Proactive versus reactive repair perform the repair, and minimize production loss.
elusive goal of predictive maintenance for Automated control and on-off valves are critical The key ingredient that makes this predictive
decades because they know that deploy- components in a vast number of processes, and maintenance possible is data, and ideally the more
ing resources and focusing on equipment their unanticipated failure can cost millions of information one has, the more accurate predic-
that is about to fail, while allowing healthy dollars annually. Unfortunately, many automated tions can be. Historically, automated valve data
devices to remain in service, will save mil- valves offer no obvious hint of developing prob- has been limited to valve position, but with every
lions in maintenance costs. Avoiding unplanned lems. When the PID controller is set to automat- generation of smart diagnostic digital valve con-
outages and shutdowns would undoubtedly save ic, which is typically the case, it compensates for troller, more information has become available.
millions more. It stands to reason that every com- degrading valve performance, so the loop contin- These digital valve controllers employ an array of
pany should be run this way, yet few have accom- ues to function, albeit with reduced performance. sensors to monitor the valve and detect abnormal
plished that goal because predicting the future is Eventually the valve fails completely, upsetting the conditions as they develop. Higher-tier units allow
notoriously difficult. process or forcing a shutdown. both offline and online monitoring. Valve signa-
This article discusses a variety of diagnostic and In reality, there often are hints of an impending tures and as-installed data can be captured and
data-driven initiatives that make predictive mainte- failure, but these signs can be quite subtle (Figure 1). compared with future tests to note discrepancies.
nance possible. These efforts have been years in the Still, if these signs could be detected and acted upon, These types of online measurements capture ongo-
making and are bearing fruit in the automated valve it would be possible to gather the necessary repair ing valve performance and transient problems that
industry, with ongoing development underway. components, schedule a brief outage or bypass to can otherwise be difficult to detect.
Predicting the future is not easy, but it is pos-
sible when the right data can be gathered and
reviewed by a knowledgeable entity. Many exist-
ing digital valve controllers can provide the
required data, and next generation digital valve
controllers will gather even more data. Once
captured and transmitted to the right repository,
advanced software tools and remote experts can
translate the information into specific actions
Figure 3: When a plant lacks the proper knowledge or resources, critical valve that can be taken to resolve problems and avoid
data can be securely transferred to remote experts for continuous monitoring. unplanned failures.
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Processing | MARCH 2023 1 2/15/23 3:10 PM
Rugged, Field-Proven Solenoid
Significant advances in digital valve controllers — including newer commu-
nication technologies such as Ethernet APL and local real-time control — are Valves for a Wide Range of
already in progress, rapidly improving prediction accuracy to cut maintenance
costs and increase uptime. Processing Applications
Wise investments in equipment upgrades or new equipment specifications,
along with remote expert services when needed, will pay big dividends in the future.
Predictive maintenance is finally possible, and it will only improve with time.
• Flanged ends
or NPT threads
JOIN THE from 3/8ʺ to 3ʺ
• Temperatures to
A sanitary vacuum
conveyor keeps a
tablet press filled in
a pharmaceutical
All images courtesy
of Vac-U-Max
Vacuum conveyors:
Powder handling’s antidote to
soaring post-pandemic costs
Automating powder handling with vacuum conveying systems is one of
the fastest and most economical ways for manufacturers and processors
to mitigate skyrocketing labor, energy and material costs. | By Doan Pendleton, Vac-U-Max
anufacturers and processors have labor shortage — all converging at the same time,” conveyors. Floor space is already a focus point for
survived economic downturns and notes Matthew Moore, executive vice president plant managers, and that will most likely intensify
market shifts since the beginning and president of underwriting for Liberty Mutual as manufacturers reimagine just-in-time (JIT) sup-
of the industrial revolution. Even in Global Risk Solutions.1 In the “landscape of turbu- ply chain approaches.
good times, cost control and efficien- lence” described by Moore, automating processing Vacuum conveyors are the most hygienic meth-
cy have always been, and will always and packaging lines with vacuum conveyors is log- od for transferring powders and bulk solids. The
be, reigning topics in manufacturing. ical because it cuts costs in many ways. systems are fully enclosed, which protects mate-
The COVID-19 pandemic — much like the Great Mechanical conveyors, such as aero-mechanical rials from air, dirt and waste. Because material
Depression and World War II — tested manu- and flexible screw conveyors, are cheaper on the does not escape from a vacuum conveying system,
facturing processes in the extreme, highlighted front end but may be more expensive when con- particulates that can endanger worker health, jam
shortcomings in current practices and challenged sidering the total cost of ownership. Mechanical expensive equipment or result in cross contamina-
manufacturers and processors to rethink standard conveyors have more moving parts than vacuum tion do not escape into the environment.
operating procedures to maximize efficiency. conveyors and require regular downtime for main- Automating powder transfer with a vacu-
“We’ve never experienced inflation, recession, tenance and replacement parts. Mechanical con- um conveying system — whether it is a com-
pandemic, supply chain issues, social inflation, and veyors also require more floor space than vacuum plex PLC-controlled, computer-compatible,
With material costs skyrocketing, facilities are
looking for systems that can reclaim
expensive materials and automatically cycle them
back into the system. ”
MORE LESS and motor health. Compressed air-powered venturi systems require even less
maintenance — simply keeping the compressed air line clean and dry.
» Captured Metal » Maintenance Costs Furthermore, the ability to change out a vacuum conveying system’s hoses
» Product Purity » Plant Downtime and filters between batches results in faster changeovers and increased
uptime. In sanitary environments where cleaning takes place several times per
» Equipment Protection » Headaches day, this time-saving technique can save thousands of dollars each day.
» Employee Safety
» Plant Uptime Other benefits
Additional savings when changing from manual powder transfer to automated
vacuum conveyors come from reduced materials costs — either through dis-
counted pricing for bulk quantities, reclamation and reuse of materials, or both.
With material costs skyrocketing, facilities are increasingly looking for systems
HACCP International Certified and that can reclaim expensive materials and automatically cycle them back into the
USDA AMS Accepted Equipment. system. Ancillary equipment and innovative system engineering can even turn
the task of straightforward dust collection into fully integrated systems designed
to reclaim expensive ingredients and preserve quality formulations.
Vacuum conveyors further contribute to higher quality formulations since
weighing and metering with an automated system eliminates the possibility of
TOLL FREE 888.582.0821 human error during hand scooping.
[email protected] Vacuum conveying systems are available with a range of power options that
fit within an organization’s energy management program and are capable of
operating within sustainable industrial solar-powered environments.
Industrial Magnetics Inc.
1385 S M-75, Boyne City, MI 49712
PHONE: 1.231.582.3100 Selecting a vacuum conveying system
Properly designed vacuum conveyors have a high ROI. These systems maximize
throughput, have minimal maintenance requirements, reduce safety costs, cut
References Vac-U-Max
ilute phase (versus dense or semi-dense
phase) pneumatic conveying systems
have been used for many decades in
industry to transfer many types of mate-
rials from one or more locations to a
single or multiple locations. Vacuum (or
negative pressure) dilute phase systems are best
used to convey from one or more locations to a
single destination (Figure 2), while positive pres-
sure systems are best used to convey from a single
source to one or more locations (Figure 3), though
there are exceptions.
Unlike dense and semi-dense phase pneumatic
conveying systems, dilute phase systems are designed
to provide sufficient airflow and velocity to keep the
material being conveyed airborne (i.e., suspended
within the piping/duct). This is basically correct
whether the system pressure is negative or positive.
When properly designed, operated and maintained,
dilute phase pneumatic conveying systems are one of
the safest methods for conveying combustible dusts bustible dust. Unless electrical spark is of con- positive pressure system, air (and potentially com-
and particles. However, combustible dust hazards do cern, the test should be without inductance in bustible dust) will leak outward into the workspace.
exist in these systems, and each system must be ana- order to determine the material’s sensitivity to Also, when multiple material feed sources into
lyzed and evaluated for its own unique hazards. electrostatic discharge. the system are required, vacuum conveying is more
• In some cases, it can be advantageous to test easily adaptable. However, if the system requires
Determine the material’s for charge relaxation duration. This is the time discharging the material to multiple locations, a
explosive characteristics required for a generated electrostatic charge positive pressure system is more easily adaptable.
According to NFPA 652 Fundamentals of in a material to dissipate. Examples of where The owner/operator must determine which is
Combustible Dust (2019 version) the owner/opera- this can be important include stearates, resins best for the application.
tor of a facility handling a potentially combustible and sulfur compounds. A long charge relax-
dust is responsible for determining the explosive ation duration (hours or more) can mean that Properly bond and ground the piping/
characteristics of that dust (Section 4.1). The fol- the conveyed material will retain a significant tubing and components
lowing is the minimum information needed to suf- electrostatic charge when in storage. Confirmed and documented (at least yearly, but
ficiently determine how the material’s combustible more often for high-risk materials) bonding (i.e.,
dust characteristics will affect the design, operation, Other test parameters can be considered, but it continuity of the current carrying of the assembly)
maintenance and explosion protection of a typical should be up to the owner/operator to determine and grounding (to earth of the bonded compo-
dilute phase pneumatic conveying system. whether they will be of value. nents) is required (NFPA 652, Section 9.4.7). This is
• Determine the material’s Kst and Pmax values. The dust’s explosivity characteristics are not my minimum recommendation.
These are necessary to determine any explosion the only properties that should be considered as The main concern is the generation of a propagat-
protection and isolation requirements for the fil- important. Examples include whether the material ing brush discharge. This type of electrostatic dis-
ter receiver(s) and possibly other portions of the is cohesive and/or adhesive; whether the material charge is created by the “brush off ” of a layer where
system. Isolation is necessary to prevent the pres- is friable or subject to significant attrition, which a charge exists, allowing the stored charge to be dissi-
sure wave and fireball from an explosion propa- can lead to significant increases in combustible pated as an electrostatic discharge. This can occur in
gating back through the system and possibly dust mass when conveyed or handled; angle of any dilute phase pneumatic conveying system where
causing secondary explosions and/or flashfires. repose, which affects the design of storage vessels, components are not properly bonded and grounded.
• Determine the material’s minimum explosive etc.; and moisture content, as some drier materials Such electrostatic discharges can reach 1,000 milli-
concentration (MEC) value. The MEC is the tend to be greater risks than materials with higher joules, which is more than sufficient to act as an igni-
minimum amount of combustible dust, usually moisture content. tion source for most combustible dusts. This is also a
in grams per cubic meter, necessary to support The need to know your material cannot be over- concern where hoses are used, as the inside of a hose
an explosion or flashfire. This is imperative to emphasized. is often not designed to be conductive. Multiple ven-
show that a relatively small amount of combus- dors supply hoses that will rapidly dissipate electro-
tible dust, when suspended in air around an Convey using negative pressure static discharges from the inside of the hose.
ignition source, represents a high-risk situation. when possible
• Determine the material’s minimum igni- I tend to recommend vacuum (or negative pressure) Consider isolating the material
tion energy (MIE) value. The MIE is the low- dilute phase conveying systems for combustible feed location(s)
est energy, usually measured in millijoules, dusts. This is because if there is a leak in the system, Isolating the material feed location(s) is often not
required to ignite a suspended cloud of a com- a vacuum system will leak inward, whereas with a considered, especially with a negative pressure
system. If, during the analysis and evaluation of source. An explosion event in the hammermill or Protect and isolate the filter receiver
the various material feed locations (singular or its components (such as a dust collector) could A filter receiver (also called an air-material sepa-
multiple), a combustible dust hazard exists, then transfer to the pneumatic conveying system if no rator or AMS) is basically a cylindrical dust col-
this hazard should be isolated from the rest of the method is used to isolate the feed. A screw con- lector designed to operate at higher differential
pneumatic conveying system. veyor does not provide isolation. Using a Class pressures and material rates. Although not every
An example would be where a screw conveyor 1 rotary airlock at the screw conveyor discharge filter receiver used in dilute phase pneumatic con-
is being used to feed material from a hammer- (designed to shut off feed should an event occur) veying requires explosion protection and isolation
mill, which is considered a high-risk ignition would provide isolation. (e.g., ingredient transfer systems, NFPA 61), where
the value increases and decreases in a yo-yo pattern during conveying, this and shred organic solids entering the pump, while the rugged,
continuous vane impeller prevents the build-up of debris and
may indicate too much material feed or insufficient performance.
keeps your pump operating at peak efficiency.
• Monitor the pressure differential across the filters of the filter receiver.
Exceeding the value that the system can handle will lead to reduced per-
For more information, call Gorman-Rupp at 419-755-1011
formance from the blower package and possible plugging of the conveying
or visit to find a distributor near you.
line. Excessive differential pressure often indicates that the filters need to
be replaced, the automatic filter cleaning system is not working properly, 603 © 2023 The Gorman-Rupp Company Gorman-Rupp Pumps USA is an ISO 9001:2008 and an ISO 14001:2004 Registered Company
VAC-U-MAX • 69 WILLIAM STREET • BELLEVILLE, NJ USA • [email protected] • (800) VAC-U-MAX
269.673.2125 |
he International Powder & Bulk Solids span all three days of the expo and pair profes- & Feeding; Dust Control; Fundamentals; and
Conference & Exhibition, also known sionals just starting their dry processing careers Processing & Quality. Sessions include:
as “The Powder Show,” will take place with industry veterans, allowing intimate time • Effective Specification of a Bulk Handling
April 25-27 at the Donald E. Stephens with seasoned experts on all things powder and System; presented by Todd Smith, K-State
Convention Center in Rosemont, Illinois, bulk solids. Bulk Solids Innovation Center
near Chicago. The Powder Show is North Guests can also “Ask the Experts,” where attend- • Basics of Storage and Flow of Powders and
America’s largest event dedicated to powder and ees can approach experts on the show floor to talk Bulk Solids; presented by Eric Maynard, Jenike
bulk solids handling and processing. The event about current challenges and get advice on solu- & Johanson
will feature more than 350 exhibitors showcasing tions. These experienced leaders then will take • Feeder Selection and Design; presented by
the latest manufacturing technology and offering registrants out on the show floor to use exhibiting Scott Miller, Solids Handling Technologies
product demos across the full spectrum of bulk booths as examples, making the show more inter- • Combustible Dust Standards & Regulations;
solids processes. active than ever. presented by Ghose Dastidar, Fauske &
Attendees of the three-day expo can watch free “We want our guests to not only see what the 2023 Associates, and Jeramy Slaunwhite, Rembe
educational sessions at the Center Stage and Tech iPBS show has to offer, but for them to apply what • Basics of Thermal Processing of Solids; pre-
Theater and learn from industry leaders about they’ve learned through quality meetings and expe- sented by Karl Jacob, University of Michigan
topics such as pneumatic conveying, storage, 3D riences with the industry’s leading experts,” says • And many more.
Top: Images courtesy of Informa Markets
printing, and more. Steve Everly, Group Event Director. “We now have
brand new networking and leadership programs to In the weeks leading up to the Powder Show,
New interactive experiences aid everyone in the industry, from newcomers to Processing is speaking with conference presenters
This year’s expo will feature new interactive veterans. The educational content available is more about their sessions.
experiences where attendees can learn about interactive and hands on than ever before.” Be sure to visit to
the latest trends and innovations in the powder watch these interviews and get more details about
and bulk solids industry. Registrants who want Education conference the presentations.
more in-depth insights on the powder and bulk The two-day technical conference features six
solids trade can sign up for the new Granular tracks covering Bulk Solids Storage, Retrieval, and For more information and to register,
Guides mentorship program. The program will Logistics; Combustible Dust Safety; Conveying visit
Normally Closed, Normally Open, Slow Closing | Brass Or Stainless Steel
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pneumatic conveyor
This article explores the most common types of pneumatic conveying
system line chargers and their usual applications and limitations. | By Colin Barbeau, Hatch
simple pneumatic conveying system is • Accelerated line charger wear, which can lead in relation to the material’s saltation velocity dictate
comprised of five main components: to unplanned system shutdowns, extra oper- whether the material will be transported in dilute or
the gas mover, the product feed, the line ating costs or excessive gas leakage. dense phase. Also, dense phase conveying usually
charger, the pipeline, and the product • Excessive gas leakage, which can lead to requires a high gas pressure, and since some types
receiver (Figure 1). The line charger has reduced system capacity, plugging in the pipe- of line chargers have limited pressure differential
a very critical role: it needs to charge the line or excessive dust emissions. ratings, they are not typically associated with dense
convey line at a metered rate while minimizing the • Bridging/arching of material above the line phase conveying.
escape of pressurized gas (in positive pressure sys- charger feed point, which causes convey line The mode of conveying is typically one of the
tems). In this application, the line charger is serv- material starving or intermittent feed. first decisions made with regard to system design,
ing as both a feeder and an airlock. with decisions such as the best line charger made
Pneumatic conveying systems use several differ- Before looking at the different line charger types, subsequently.
ent types of line chargers. Depending on the appli- it is important to settle a widely held misconcep-
cation, one might be a better choice than others. By tion. While it is true that some types of line char- Types of line chargers
understanding the differences between the different gers are most commonly used in either dilute phase The following is a list of the main line charger
line charger types, you can make an informed deci- or dense phase systems, the line charger does not types used in the industry. Please note that many
sion about which line charger to select for your sys- dictate the mode of conveying in the pipeline once variations of each type exist, and it would be difficult
tem. Selecting a wrong line charger for your system the material is mixed with gas. The material-to-gas to execute a summary of all of them in a single article.
can cause many problems, such as: ratio and the velocity of the material in the pipeline
Rotary airlocks
Rotary airlocks (Figure 2) are the workhorses of the
industry as they are simple, compact and widely
Figure 2: Rotary airlock. available. They can provide an almost continuous
Courtesy of Carolina Conveying Inc. product feed, as the pocket discharge cycle rate is
short compared to other line chargers.
Rotary airlocks are not typically recommended
for use with coarse and/or very abrasive materi-
als, as the internals can wear out rapidly. However,
versions are available that include various forms of
abrasion resistance to extend the component’s life.
Rotary airlocks have a limited pressure differ-
ential rating since there is a gap between the rotor
blade and the casing. This is why they are usually
used for dilute phase systems at low to medium
pressure differentials. Some specialized models can
handle higher pressure and can be used as line char-
gers for continuous dense phase or high-pressure
dilute phase systems, for low-abrasion applications.
the application, such as flapper valves, ball valves, used in dense phase systems. They can however be Eductors must be used with free-flowing mate-
slide gates, spherical valves, and others. used in dilute phase systems if a higher pressure rials and are limited to low-capacity/low-pressure
Double dump valves can handle high-tempera- is required for the application or when handling systems. They provide low flexibility for flow rate
ture applications. Some models allow gravimetric extremely abrasive materials. control. For this reason, they can be coupled with
feed of material with load cells positioned on the a metering device upstream if an accurate control
accumulation chamber. Since double dump valves Screw pumps is required.
don’t provide a continuous discharge (long mate- A screw pump (Figure 5) is basically a heavy-duty Eductors generate a high-pressure differential,
rial discharge cycle rate), they are usually not used screw feeder with the pitch of the screw dimin- meaning that the total system pressure will be
in dense phase systems. ishing between the material inlet flange and the higher than with other line chargers.
screw discharge. This diminution in screw pitch
Blow tanks compresses the material and creates a gas seal Lock hoppers
A blow tank (Figure 4) is basically a pressure vessel between the low-pressure screw inlet and the Lock hoppers are in a class of their own as they
used to push material inside the convey pipeline. It is high-pressure screw discharge. Screw pumps are are not line chargers per se but can be used in
equipped with many monitoring devices and instru- equipped with a non-return valve at their dis- conjunction with other line chargers to achieve
ments to optimize the material discharge cycle. charge end that closes when no material is in the an optimized solution when applicable. Lock hop-
Once the bottom valve on the blow tank is screw to prevent gas leakage. pers are accumulation hoppers with an isolation
opened, it stays open until all the material is fed A screw pump’s seal quality is highly depen- gate at their inlet flange and a line charger at their
into the convey pipeline. Blow tanks are not dis- dent on the bulk material properties, and they are discharge flange. Once the lock hopper is filled
charged by gravity; the pressure differential inside therefore generally recommended only for free- with material, the inlet valve closes to isolate the
the tank helps to push the material out. Some flowing materials with a small mean particle size. upstream equipment from the convey pipeline
models are equipped with fluidizing air to help dif- With the right bulk materials, high pressure seals pressure. This keeps the line charger at the lock
ficult, less free-flowing materials flow. can be obtained, and screw pumps can be used in hopper’s discharge from being exposed to a pres-
Blow tanks have a long cycle time and can’t be dense phase systems. Screw pumps are not recom- sure differential. Only the lock hopper inlet valve
filled during their pressurization and discharge mended for extremely abrasive materials. is exposed to the pressure differential. Lock hop-
cycle. For this reason, if the process upstream pers, therefore, eliminate the pressure differential
requires a continuous material flow, two blow Eductors to which virtually any line charger can be exposed,
tanks are used, with one being filled while the Eductors create a vacuum at their inlet throat expanding the range of convey line pressures they
other is discharging material into the pipeline. from a positive pressure airflow using the Venturi can operate in.
Alternatively, an intermediate hopper above the effect. This vacuum charges the eductor with bulk Individual lock hoppers do not operate continu-
blow tank can be used as a holding tank to receive material, which is then mixed with the airflow in a ously but in batches. Therefore, if the upstream
the continuous process discharge while the pres- pressure pneumatic conveyor. process requires continuous operation, two lock
sure tank below is in the discharge cycle. Eductors basically solve the problems associ- hoppers are required, with one being filled while
Blow tanks are designed to operate at higher ated with line charger air leakage in pressure sys- the other is discharged into the pneumatic con-
pressure differentials and provide a high material tems. They are small and compact as well as reli- veyor downstream. Dual lock hoppers can be
-to-gas ratio. For this reason, they are most often able, since they have no moving parts. positioned on top of each other to reduce the total
Suction nozzles
Suction nozzles are applicable only to vacuum con-
veying systems. They are basically the air intake
side of the convey pipeline in a vacuum system
that is used to suck material. It is very similar to
a domestic vacuum cleaner. The main difference is
the ability to adjust the air intake near the material
intake to control the material flow. There are also
additional air intakes on the suction arm, down-
stream of the material intake that prevent the line
from being choked and plugged.
Suction nozzles are generally manually oper-
ated to suck material from a bag or a box, but they
can also be used on larger scales to empty trucks,
containers or ships. Since these line chargers are
used on vacuum systems, which have a limitation
in negative pressure (less than one atmosphere of
vacuum), they are usually seen on dilute systems.
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to the discharge of a hopper. A partially opened
Suction nozzles are generally manually slide gate can be used to help meter the mate-
to suck material from a bag or box, rial flow rate. Additional air intakes on the convey
pipeline, downstream of the material pickup point,
but they can also be used on larger scales to prevents line plugging by ensuring that the correct
rate of air flow is available.
empty trucks, containers or ships.
Selecting a line charger
Table 1 can be used as a guide for selecting the
right line charger for the application. The table lists
which line chargers are best suited for a given sys-
tem conveying mode and phase.
Table 1: Line charger suitability by conveying mode and phase.
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cooling water
The right instruments ensure that building and maintaining a
reliable cooling water system can be realized with a minimum
of upsets or process fluctuations. | By Cheng Vue, Emerson
t first glance, cooling water measure- the cooling process malfunctions. Any significant
ment might not seem to be an essential change in temperature can impact the process at
measurement to power generation or various points down the line.
chemical operations. However, when
delving into the value of cooling and Process control with heat exchangers
temperature control, it becomes clear it Heat exchangers are a critical component in both
cannot be an afterthought. power generation and in processes that require
There are different systems that require cool- temperature regulation, such as chemical, refin-
ing, whether in power generation or chemical ing or food and beverage processes. In chemical
process applications, and knowing the water used processes — similar to food and beverage — for
for the process of cooling and temperature regu- example, there is often a blending stage in the pro-
lation allows for accurate accounting and report- cess. But that blending can only happen if materi-
ing. Considering that most often the water used als or ingredients are at the correct temperature,
in these instances comes from municipal sourc- as temperature can impact viscosity, which will
es, it stands to reason a facility wants to know determine if a material can blend properly. This is
how much they are using and where the waste- one indication of how important a heat exchanger
water goes after it has run through the process. is in regulating temperatures.
Accounting for wastewater is also required for Cooling water is what allows the heat exchanger
environmental reporting. to regulate the temperature by transferring the
If the water used is taken from natural sources, temperature from one fluid to another, in this case
other issues come into play, such as: Will the water to the cooling water.
require filtration? How clean is the water? What Power plants that use hydrocarbon or nuclear
types of particles might be in the water that can materials to generate power rely on heat exchang-
contribute to corrosion of piping, pumps and flow ers to keep the processes running safely by pre-
measurement devices? And how much can partic- venting dangerous temperature excursions.
ulate matter impact accurate measurement? Designs may differ, but heat exchangers in one
A facility will want to look into finding a flow form or another have a long history. Often the
meter that is not significantly impacted by the dif- design features a series of tubes that allow the hot
ferent types of impurities and still able to return liquid or steam to flow through and the tubes are
reliable measurement data. submerged in cold water which cools the material
Efficiently cooling a process or maintaining a in the tubes by taking on the heat.
correct temperature is essential to the quality or That basically describes the most commonly
outcome of the process. Though cooling water used type of heat exchanger — the shell-and-tube
measurement is not generally seen as a critical design. The bundle of tubes that the hot material
measurement, cooling is an important part of goes through is immersed and then enclosed in a
keeping a process running and of what makes a shell designed to let the cooling fluid flow through
heat exchanger a valuable piece of equipment. the spaces between the tubes. In nuclear reac-
Efficiency in cooling is what keeps the process tors, the fuel rods are placed in the tubes in the
from bogging down if temperatures fluctuate or if bundle. Cooling fluid flows around the rods and
s wind and solar renewable energy tech- • Cogeneration plants at many heavy industries.
nologies continue to evolve and mature, • Combined cycle power plants that will in part,
fossil-fired power plants, and particular- or eventually in whole, operate with hydrogen
ly coal-fired units, will continue to fade as the fuel.
away. With the loss of coal-fired plants, • Biomass-fired power plants and biorefineries.
there is reduced need in the power • Small modular nuclear plants.
industry for makeup water treatment, steam gen- • Fusion plants sometime in the distant future.
eration chemistry, cooling water treatment and
wastewater discharge cleanup expertise. Yet, as many industry experts can attest from
However, traditional fossil-fueled power plants rep- experience, often the plant staff focuses on pro-
resent just a fraction of the many industries around cess chemistry and engineering to the detriment
the globe that generate steam. Furthermore, other of water and steam systems. That is until a failure
less carbon-intensive energy production methods occurs that shuts down part or all of the plant, or
continue to evolve, where water/steam chemistry — much worse, injures personnel. Some upsets may
and cooling water and wastewater treatment — are also place the plant in jeopardy regarding environ-
and will remain critical. These include: mental regulations.
Figure 1: Common high-purity makeup system for modern combined cycle power plants. Courtesy of ChemTreat
Inattention to
system operation
and maintenance
can cause serious
deposition and
corrosion issues in
steam generators. ”
Figure 2: Abbreviated data for impurity
limits in low-pressure industrial boilers with
superheaters, which shows guidelines as they
relate to boiler operating pressure.
Courtesy of American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
This four-part series will examine modern lower-quality makeup water, industry experts
water treatment and chemistry control/monitor- have seen many instances of insufficient
ing technologies to assist current and future plant makeup system operation and maintenance
employees with complex issues, where even seem- that allow poor-quality water to enter boilers
ingly slight upsets may cause major difficulties. The and cause scaling and corrosion. (Impurities
discussion will frequently have a holistic flavor, as in condensate return can cause similar issues,
often a treatment method or operational issue is which will be covered in a later installment of
not confined to one system but can influence mul- this series.)
tiple processes. This first installment will consider
makeup water treatment. The remainder of this article briefly touches on
the first item, but primarily focuses on the second.
A sometimes-overlooked unit operation:
Makeup water treatment Makeup water treatment for
Two recent Water Technology articles have exam- high-pressure power generators
ined particular aspects of makeup water treat- Impurities in high-pressure boilers can cause depo-
ID 59794141 © Jzehnder1 |
ment1,2. However, neither completely delved into sition and corrosion and can potentially carry over
two very important aspects of the process, particu- with steam to induce fouling and corrosion in
larly the second item listed below: superheaters, reheaters and turbines. Proper boiler
• The choice and complexity of the makeup water/steam chemistry control requires high-puri-
system is quite variable depending upon the ty makeup, well-designed condensate/feedwater
steam generator(s) served. High-pressure units chemical treatment programs, comprehensive on-
such as those for power production require line analytical monitoring around the circuit and
high-purity makeup, which relies on sophisti- judicious use of blowdown to maintain boiler water
cated treatment methods. On the other hand, contaminant concentrations within limits, with-
simpler makeup methods are often sufficient out wasting energy and water. Regarding makeup
for lower-pressure industrial boilers. system effluent purity, Electric Power Research
• Even though low-pressure boilers can tolerate Institute (EPRI) guidelines recommend3:
Figure 3: Layered boiler tube scale caused by multiple hardness incursions. Courtesy of ChemTreat
• Specific Conductivity (S.C.): <0.1 µS/cm When it comes to low-pressure boiler water Tube overheating is a common outcome from
• Sodium: <2 parts-per-billion (ppb) impurities, the largest potential problem is hard- scale formation. Other deposits may be porous in
• Silica: <10 ppb ness. Note the low feedwater hardness limit of 0.5 nature, which can lead to under-deposit corrosion,
mg/L for even the lowest pressure range of Figure 2. a topic for future discussion.
Guidelines from the International Association For high-pressure units the limit decreases to zero. Accordingly, for low-pressure steam generators,
for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS) The typical result of hardness excursions is a very common core makeup treatment method
replace sodium with conductivity after cation shown below. for years has been sodium softening.
exchange (CACE) to calculate the influence of car- A primary reaction is: A softener contains many millions of small ion
bon dioxide ingress to makeup, which often occurs exchange beads and each bead has an enormous
in vented storage tanks. IAPWS’ recommended number of active sites (typically the sulfonate ion
CACE limit is 0.1 µS/cm4. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) scale forms per the (SO32-)) which, in regenerated form, have sodium
As previously reported in Reference 2, a very inverse solubility of dissolved calcium and bicar- ions attached. As water passes through the resin,
common configuration for power plant high-puri- bonate alkalinity (HCO3-) with temperature. The sodium is exchanged for hardness and other cations
ty makeup is shown in Figure 1. general effect of scale deposition on tube wall tem- that have a stronger affinity for the exchange sites.
The micro- or ultrafilter minimizes particulate peratures is illustrated in Figure 4. A well-designed and operated softener can
fouling of the reverse osmosis (RO) membranes.
Modern RO units can typically remove over 99%
of dissolved ions, leaving a light load for a down-
stream ion exchange unit or electrodeionization
(EDI) system. The ion exchange polisher or EDI
unit produces the final, high-purity effluent.
Whereas this configuration or something simi-
lar is commonplace for power-generating units,
makeup water requirements for industrial boilers
When it comes to
are usually less stringent but still important.
water impurities,
Makeup water treatment for industrial boilers the largest
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) recently revised its long-standing guide- potential problem
lines for industrial boiler water purity5. Figure 2 is
an extract from that guide.
The key point for this discussion is that lower-
is hardness. ”
pressure boilers can tolerate higher concentra-
tions of impurities because of lower heat fluxes
and the reduced potential of solids carryover to
steam. (We will examine such data in more detail
in a later article in this series on boiler water Figure 5: A common softener vessel design.
chemistry, but encourage readers of this article to Courtesy of ChemTreat
contact the ASME ( to purchase a
copy of the guidelines.)
1. AlGhamdi, A., “Production of High-Quality
Figure 6: Calcium
Demineralized Water for Steam Generation
exchange for sodium Units”; Water Technology, July/August 2021.
on active sites. 2. Buecker, B. and K. Perryman, “High-purity
Courtesy of ChemTreat water treatment: Using membranes to pro-
tect membranes”; Water Technology, May/
June 2022.
reduce makeup hardness to very low concentra- Caustic feed to the decarbonator effluent readjusts 3. Comprehensive Cycle Chemistry Guidelines
tions, which leads to a key point of this article. the pH. This fundamental arrangement can reduce for Combined Cycle/Heat Recovery Steam
From personal experience and via reports seen alkalinity to low part-per-million (ppm) levels. An Generators (HRSGs). EPRI, Palo Alto, CA:
from colleagues, a common malady at plants with alternative to the forced-draft decarbonator is a 2013. 3002001381.
boiler tube failures is frequent malfunction or fail- dealkalizer softening arrangement, where a strong 4. International Association for the Properties
ure of the sodium softeners. Inspections of extract- base anion (SBA) unit would follow the soften- of Water and Steam, Technical Guidance
ed failed tubes typically reveal deposits similar to ers. SBA resin, when regenerated with brine, puts Document: Volatile treatments for the steam-
that in Figure 3. Even more disturbing are cases the resin in the chloride cycle where it can then water circuits of fossil and combined cycle/
where operators were instructed to bypass the remove alkalinity. HRSG power plants (2015).
makeup system when the softener malfunctioned The system in Figure 7 does nothing to remove 5. Consensus on Operating Practices for the
and directly feed raw water to the steam genera- other ions including chloride, sulfate and silica. In Control of Feedwater and Boiler Water
tors. Rapid boiler failures were a common out- some cases, it may be beneficial to remove them Chemistry in Modern Industrial Boilers, The
come, with outage and materials replacement from the makeup stream, particularly if conden- American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
costs reaching six, seven or sometimes even eight sate return to the steam generators is of good qual- New York, NY, 2021.
figures. Process engineering and chemistry should ity. In that respect, basic two-stage, single-pass RO
not supersede water and steam system operation is becoming more common as a softener replace-
and maintenance. This is a theme that will run ment. RO will remove 99% or greater of the total dis- Brad Buecker is president of Buecker & Associates,
through this series. solved ions. This allows the boiler cycles of concen- LLC. He may be reached at [email protected].
tration to be raised, resulting in reduced blowdown.
Softening enhancements and alternatives Occasionally, one will see references that call demin- Katie Perryman is manager of the pretreatment
Apart from hardness capture, sodium softening eralized water “hungry water,” implying that it is simi- technical team at ChemTreat.
alone removes no other ions from the makeup lar to acid and will be very aggressive towards metals,
water. In low-pressure boilers with good blow- particularly carbon steel. As has been demonstrated in ChemTreat
down control, most impurities may be manage- the power industry, with proper pH conditioning puri-
able; however, issues regarding alkalinity deserve fied water is not aggressive in that manner.
additional discussion.
In some corrosion control applications, a mild con-
centration of HCO3- may be desirable, as the ions
can form a mild protective layer on metal surfaces
and help reduce the corrosion potential. But HCO3-,
upon reaching the boiler, is in large measure convert-
ed to CO2 via the following reactions:
A closer look at
National Beef’s new
wastewater treatment plant
Beef producer constructs wastewater treatment plant to meet
ENDEAVOR BUSINESS MEDIA state standards and reduce its dependency on local aquifer with
Bob Crossen is the editorial direc- water reuse for agricultural irrigation. | By Bob Crossen
tor for the Endeavor Business
Media Water Group. He has cov-
ered the water and wastewater tricter nutrient removal require- treatment plant that would meet state An aerial view of the National Beef Wastewater
industry since 2016. ments and planned changes at requirements. Treatment Plant. Courtesy of HR Green
a Kansas wastewater treatment “The plant successfully allows us to
facility pushed National Beef to operate independently of the POTW ary clarifiers, disc filters, aerated sludge
build its own plant. while beneficially reusing up to 9,000 holding and sludge dewatering with
National Beef is a major beef gallons per minute of treated waste- belt filter presses. In total, the new plant
processor located in Liberal, Kansas. water in crop irrigation in partner- treats 4.5 million gallons per day and an
Prior to constructing its own facility, ship with a local farmer,” said David irrigation pump can redirect 9,000 gal-
National Beef pretreated its wastewater Kalscheur, vice president of engineer- lons per minute of flow to the neighbor-
with screening, suspended air flotation ing for National Beef. ing farmland for beneficial reuse.
and anaerobic treatment cells before The heaviest use of the Ogallala The facility still has the option to dis-
being discharged to the publicly owned Aquifer is agricultural irrigation. charge effluent to the POTW during
treatment works (POTW). In con- National Beef sought to reuse its treat- months with low irrigation needs, but
structing the new plant, National Beef ed effluent for that purpose in partner- for the majority of the year, the facility
discovered it could treat the wastewa- ship with a local farmer for crop pro- remains independent.
ter to a higher level and also reuse efflu- duction in addition to use within its “The National Beef Liberal wastewa-
ent, reducing its dependence and pull facility to wash trucks, belt filter press- ter treatment plant project removed
on the Ogallala Aquifer. es and other beneficial reuse options. the industrial wastewater from the pub-
National Beef selected HR Green The construction included a raw lift licly owned treatment works system,”
to assist with the design of a new bio- station, a 5-stage Bardenpho process said Eric C. Staab, P.E., Bureau of Water,
logical nutrient removal wastewater for biological nutrient removal, second- Industrial Program Section, Kansas
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Watch a video interview
about the project
“ The project reduced the nitro-
To meet state requirements, National
gen and phosphorus loading to the
Beef constructed a wastewater treatment
Cimarron River and provides the ben-
plant that not only reduced its reliance
eficial use of wastewater effluent irri-
on the Ogallala Aquifer but also reused
gation onto agricultural land while
water for irrigation of a local farm. David
simultaneously reducing the demand
Kalscheur, vice president of engineering
for groundwater used for irrigation,”
for National Beef Packing Company, and
Staab said.
Eric Staab, professional environmental
Using construction manager at risk,
engineer in the industrial programs
National Beef and HR Green created
group for the Bureau of Water in Kansas
a collaborative environment for the
Department of Health and Environment,
planning, design, construction and
explain the purpose behind the project
value engineering services for the
and how it met state requirements.
entire project. This kept costs low and
reduced scheduling disruptions.
Watch the video by visiting
Establishing beneficial reuse of Department of Health & Environment. HR Green created a plant opera-
treated wastewater with water reuse
was a primary goal of the project.
“This allows the new POTW to operate tions manual prior to start-up for
without complications created by the operator review, which helped the
industrial wastewater.” team solve problems with foaming,
The National Pollutant Discharge high oil and grease and filamentous
Elimination System permitting for the bacteria. Additionally, biological seed
POTW influenced the treatment levels was developed organically with the
MORE Visit
for National Beef. In turn, it established incoming wastewater for initial start for more on wastewater.
limits of < 10 mg/L of total nitrogen and up due to a lack of biological seed
< 1 mg/L of total phosphorus. available locally.
Processing | MARCH 2023 1 2/17/23 3:12 PM
Fortune 500 multinational conglomer-
ate that produces over 60,000 products
installed the KETOS SHIELD solution at
a 2,000,000-square-foot chemical manu-
facturing facility for specialty resins and
specialty films.
This plant had been cited in litigation related to
health and environmental complaints. As a result,
the plant operations team needed to proactively
understand the composition of its water matrix on
a 24/7 basis.
Staffing and budget constraints made it impos-
sible for operators to be on-site 24/7 to collect
samples and continuously monitor water quality.
In addition, it was impossible to add lab personnel
or lab expenses and achieve real-time water qual-
ity visibility.
The team needed to autonomously monitor
multiple water quality parameters in real-time
to make data-driven decisions and proactively
address potential issues.
Ideal for high-frequency water quality sampling,
the KETOS SHIELD solution provides operators with MONITORING The plant’s wastewater treatment process includes
lab accurate results for more than 30 parameters. primary, secondary and tertiary water treatment
Case study:
All images courtesy of KETOS before final discharge to a nearby river. The oper-
ations team implemented the KETOS SHIELD
remote water quality monitoring device at the sec-
Ensuring compliance
ondary treatment phase before the activated car-
bon beds and UV treatment.
The KETOS SHIELD autonomously monitors for
the following parameters:
quality monitoring
• Calcium
• Magnesium
or decades in the food and beverage indus- 4-20mA primary process variable. This extended An Endress+Hauser Picomag electromagnetic flowmeter digitally
try, instrument data was constrained to data, transmitted from instruments to host sys- transmits primary and secondary process variable, plus instrument
diagnostic data to a central host system via IO-Link.
single analog process variables communi- tems via digital communication protocols, helps
All images courtesy of Endress+Hauser
cated via individual 4-20mA current loops. plant personnel improve efficiency and avoid
But modern instrumentation advances, unplanned shutdowns by giving them the data variable analog output. Operators interpreting
particularly digital communications, now they need to implement proactive maintenance such a signal received by a programmable logic
provide a wealth of additional diagnostic and other and predictive monitoring (Figure 1). controller, distributed control system, asset man-
information, providing operational insights that Engineers, managers and operators in the food agement system or another host system simply
are not easily obtained using conventional 4-20mA and beverage industry are observing their peers in have no other information regarding its accuracy.
measurements alone. However, a lack of aware- other industries, who are often farther down the Each analog loop scales a single process value as
ness of digital capabilities that are already present path of digital transformation and — encouraged electrical current but is unable to transmit second-
among existing instrumentation has led to a delay by the results — are also beginning to embrace this ary variables, such as temperature on a pressure
in adoption in the food and beverage sector. digitalization trend. instrument. Additionally, communication is uni-
In today’s data-centric landscape, smart instru- directional only, so there is no way to send com-
mentation provides a wealth of diagnostic and Conventional instrumentation challenges mands from a host to the instrument.
other information, empowering plant personnel to Many factors impact and even interfere with the Traditional analog instrumentation also
get far more from their instruments than a single accuracy of a conventional instrument’s process lacks diagnostic information, making it nearly
Processing | MARCH 2023
1 2/3/23 3:46 PM
Food and beverage automation systems regularly use
process data to monitor and control operations, but
Food and beverage automation systems regularly
use primary process data to monitor and control
plant personnel often discard status and diagnostic data.” operations, but plant personnel often discard sta-
tus and diagnostic data. By dismissing this data,
facilities miss out on opportunities to optimize,
simplify and safeguard their operations.
A corn wet-milling facility was experiencing
issues with one of its processes, and it began to
suspect a flowmeter was providing inaccurate val-
ues. However, an online Heartbeat verification of
the installed Endress+Hauser Promag H300 elec-
tromagnetic flowmeter using instrument diagnos-
tic data proved the flowmeter was not the source
of the issue.
The online protocol, leveraging diagnostic
data, saved two technicians six hours of labor,
along with plant downtime, by alleviating the
need to remove, replace and bench test the flow-
meter in question. Within a matter of minutes,
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