Flow Control August 2012 PDF
Flow Control August 2012 PDF
Flow Control August 2012 PDF
AUGUST 2012Vol.XVIII,No.8•www.FlowControlNetwork.com
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Write In
No. 2 ®
august 2012
Vol. XVIII, No.8
features 20
14 Do Your Thermowells Meet the ASME
Standard? thermowell design has become more
conservative in light of a new standard
4 VIEWPOINT the pursuit of continuous quality improvement
variable-speed drive energy savings
why scada security matters for flow control professionals Reference recorders are replacing chart recorders for a
variety of applications.
36 THE PUMP GUY ‘the energy audit’
47 THINK TANK microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)
products Epoxy coatings can extend the service life of a water pump,
24 FOCUS ON: temperature measurement >>>>> but can they actually improve the pump’s efficiency?
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On the Cover: The thermowell assembly Change of Address: industry. Contact the editor for details. Product/service information should be submitted in
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ike most organizations programs, including the American ®
I believe the constant dialogue we have about quality [email protected]
For example, last month while we were suit of quality may vary in effectiveness from Administrative Team
racing against time to meet the deadline for time to time, we are on the right path. And GENERAL MANAGER
the issue you’re now reading, we learned with this sentiment in mind, I would like to VICE PRESIDENT OF OPERATIONS
that Flow Control was recognized with an congratulate the entire Flow Control team for BRENT KIZZIRE
“Award of Excellence” in the 24th annual a job well done. Everybody on our staff— VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING
APEX Awards (www.apexawards.com). Flow John Harris, Michael Christian, Amy W. DIRECTOR OF CIRCULATION & FULFILLMENT
Control was one of nine winning entries Richardson, and Julie Flynn—is equally DELICIA POOLE
in the “Editorial & Advocacy deserving of the recognition ANNA HICKS
Writing” category in a com-
petition that, all told, received
WINNER the APEX judges have
bestowed upon us. I would
more than 3,400 nominations. also like to thank our EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD
Larry Bachus: Bachus Company Inc.
In addition to this year’s administrative team, who Gary Cornell: Blacoh Fluid Control
award, Flow Control has won does all of the heavy lifting Jeff Jennings: Equilibar LLC
Peter Kucmas: Elster Instromet
five other APEX “Awards that is required to get Flow Jim Lauria: Water Technology Executive
of Excellence” since 2006, Control’s many print, Web, James Matson: GE Measurement & Control
John Merrill, PE: EagleBurgmann Industries
including 2011 “Magazine and e-media products Steve Milford: Endress+Hauser U.S.
Series” for a six-part feature where they need to be, David W. Spitzer, PE: Spitzer and Boyes LLC
on pumping systems optimiza- when they need to be— Tom Tschanz: McIlvaine Company
John C. Tverberg: Metals and Materials
tion; 2010 “Technical Writing” without all of you, Flow Consulting Engineers
for its July 2009 “Spilled Control could never happen. Jesse Yoder, Ph.D.: Flow Research Inc.
Ink” cover story; 2009 “Best Cover” for its Here’s to another award-winning year, and I WINNER WINNER
March 2009 “In Boom” cover concept; 2008 look forward to working with the rest of the
“Editorial & Advocacy Writing” for its August Flow Control team to bring you, our readers,
2007 “How Clean Can Clean Coal Be?” a continuously improved product in the year, WINNER WINNER
recision and quality are critical
requirements for flow measurement Meter Accuracy
instruments, no matter what the The magmeter, which consists of
application or industry. From metering a detector within the flowstream
residential and industrial water use to and an amplifier for processing the
measuring flowrate in water treatment, information, is used as a reference
wastewater, chemical, food and beverage, meter for controlling the flowrate
etc., accuracy is essential. of water passing through the test
As a producer of flow measurement solu- stand. Based on the magmeter’s
tions, Badger Meter (www.badgermeter. reading, a technician opens or
com) employs comprehensive product closes a control valve to adjust the
development and testing at its Milwaukee flowrate up or down, repeating the Research control valves and electromagnetic meters
headquarters in the James O. Wright process until the targeted flowrate (magmeters) are installed on all flow test lines in Badger
Meter’s Hydro Lab.
Innovation Center—one of the largest cold for the test is displayed on the Photo courtesy of Badger Meter
water testing facilities in the world. magmeter. The control valve then
At the Innovation Center, Badger Meter remains in this position for the duration of alternately, have an encoder installed
replicates the water sources found in resi- the accuracy test. in place of the register to perform this
dential, commercial and industrial applica- While the magmeter approximates the function. A programmable logic controller
tions using a reservoir with 125,000 gal- desired flowrate, the actual flowrate for (PLC) is utilized to set the flowrate using
lons of water, assorted pumping systems, any given test is determined by weighing data from the reference magmeter. It also
and a weir tower. From basic mechanical the water after each test, applying tem- instructs the control valve to open or close
functionality to network connectivity, perature correction factors to determine its to adjust the flowrate, begins and stops
products undergo rigorous testing and density, and dividing the calculated volume the test, collects the data from the meter
improvement processes using extreme by the time over which the test occurred. output and scale, and calculates as well as
and strict standards to ensure exacting, In addition to manual testing, certain records the test results.
reliable operation. test stands are designed for automated Magmeters are well suited for most
meter testing. For an automated accu- water applications, including potable
Control Valves & Magmeters Are racy test the meter must have a register water, wastewater, or reclaimed water.
Essential to Product Testing capable of outputting real-time data or, They will measure bi-directional flow and
Research control valves and elec-
tromagnetic meters (magmeters)
are installed on all flow test lines in
the center’s Hydro Lab. The Hydro
Lab includes nine operational test
stands designed specifically for test-
ing meter accuracy using gravimetric
The control valves and magmeters
are used to set and maintain flow-
rates for meter testing. With their high
accuracy rating and dependability,
magmeters are well suited for flow-
metering tests. The magmeters pres-
ent very little pressure loss and oper-
ate over a wide range of flowrates,
while an array of control valve offer-
ings, with the flexibility for customiza- The Hydro Lab in Badger Meter’s Innovation Center includes nine operational test stands designed spe-
tion, easily meets the wide flow range cifically for testing meter accuracy using gravimetric standards.
Photo courtesy of Badger Meter
required to test various meter sizes.
Semiconductor Flow Control & Treatment Market to Reach $2.3 Billion in 2012
Semiconductor manufacturers will spend treatment products, according to a report also have to be built to eliminate contami-
$2.3 billion in 2012 for flow control and by McIlvaine Company (mcilvainecompany. nation.
com). This includes products used to One of the recent design changes is to
extract water from sources, purify it for reuse water where possible. Rinse water
World Semiconductor Flow use in chip washing and other purposes, which was delivered to a tool but not used
Control and Treatment 2012 and to purify effluent prior to discharge. can undergo less stringent treatment than
The water used in semiconductor water that was used as incoming plant
Revenues processing needs to be extremely pure. water.
Product $ Millions
Water from a river or even water already The semiconductor industry is growing
Pumps 149 processed in a municipal drinking water at rates faster than GDP thanks in part to
plant must be subjected to a series of photovoltaic production, as well as mobile
Valves 449 steps, which often include granular media communications, according to McIlvaine.
filters, cartridges, reverse-osmosis, ion Asia is the largest producer, and McIlvaine
Cross-flow Membranes 236 exchange and degasification. The water predicts it will continue to outpace other
must be carefully monitored for a number markets, as China gains on Korea, Taiwan
Cartridges 485 of parameters. For example, dissolved oxy- and Japan in the semicon space.
gen must be measured and controlled at a The demands for even more pure water
Sedimentation/ few parts per billion. are increasing as the line sizes on the
Centrifugation The pumps and valves used in pro- chips are decreasing. This aspect, coupled
cessing the ultrapure water are uniquely with the opportunity for water reuse, are
Monitoring 140 designed to minimize any contamina- creating new opportunities, says McIlvaine.
tion. This includes special materials of
Total 2,309
construction. The piping, tanks and other For more information,
Source: McIlvaine Company components of the ultrapure water system visit www.mcilvainecompany.com.
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www.FlowControlNetwork.com August201211
applications corner
By David W. Spitzer
nstalling variable-speed drives can yield significant electrical
energy savings. Every few years, I am asked to review a paper The operation of centrifugal equipment with
citing the energy savings that can be obtained in pumping
applications where the author uses the Affinity Laws to incor- variable-speed drives can provide signifi-
rectly calculate electrical energy savings when applying a
variable-speed drive. However, misapplication of the Affinity Laws cant energy savings that can often justify
can result in over-estimates of the energy savings (sometimes
grossly) associated with operating the pump with a variable- the investment for both new and retrofit
speed drive. Let me explain.
applications. Consideration should be given
✓ Flowrate is proportional to the pump motor speed;
The Affinity Laws for centrifugal pumps state that the pump’s:
✓ Pressure generated is proportional to the square of the to applying them to the majority of pumps
✓ Motor power consumption (kW) is proportional to the cube
pump motor speed; and that are used in continuous operations.
of the pump motor speed. However, the Affinity Laws can seem
The operation of centrifugal equipment with variable-speed drives relatively simple and straightforward—
can provide significant energy savings that can often justify the
investment for both new and retrofit applications. Consideration maybe too straightforward.
should be given to applying them to the majority of pumps that
are used in continuous operations. However, the Affinity Laws can
seem relatively simple and straightforward—maybe too straight-
forward. For example, consider a piping system where a motor/
pump produces 100 percent flow at a pressure of 10 meters of
water column. It would seem logical to calculate the energy sav-
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installation guidelines
hermowells are universally used in pipe and call it a day? This is primarily due to the fact that only
power, chemical, hydrocarbon In many cases the middle one-third of the system designer has all the knowledge
and other industries. In 2010, the the pipe may be a perfectly good rule of and details about the process conditions
only U.S. standard assessing the design thumb. However, depending on process and installation arrangement required for
strength of thermowells was significantly conditions there are a number of other fac- the thermowell design. The thermowell
changed for the first time in 35 years. tors that can cause a thermowell to suffer supplier only knows what the system
mechanical failure at insertion lengths less designer tells him.
Thermowell Fundamentals than one-third of the pipe. These include What could be simpler than a thermowell?
What could be simpler than a thermowell? flow-induced vibration (wake frequency The devil, as they say, is in the details.
Thermowells are metal products machined failure), dynamic (oscillating) and steady
and gun-drilled from solid bar stock to state stress, pressure, corrosion, erosion, What is a Thermowell for
encase a temperature sensor such as a material selection, and improper installation Purposes of the ASME 19.3TW
thermocouple or RTD. They are typically technique. All of these must be considered Standard?
welded into place or attached to a pro- in properly designing a thermowell for a Before plunging into the details of ther-
cess by means of a flanged or threaded given installation. mowell design it is important to have a
connection. There are three primary ther- So who is responsible for making the good grasp of the fundamentals. Here is
judgment call here? The 19.3TW standard an easy question: What is a thermowell?
makes plain that ultimate design respon- Remember the old saying: if it looks like
sibility for a thermowell well rests with the a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like
engineer designing the system into which a duck, it is a duck? Thermowells are not
the well is being installed: ducks. There are many instances where
Specification of a thermowell, includ- something may look like a thermowell
ing details of its intended installation and without falling within the design criteria for
all intended operating conditions, is the the 19.3TW Thermowells standard.
responsibility of the designer of the sys- For example, the relatively subtle dis-
tem that incorporates the thermowell. The tinction between protection tubes and
designer of that system is also responsible thermowells is an important one. There
for ensuring the thermowell is compat- are no welds in a thermowell, except for
ible with the process fluid and with the a weld necessary to attach a flange to the
design of the thermowell installation in the thermowell shank. By contrast, protection
system. tubes are commonly manufactured from
metal pipe with a tip welded onto the end. plain old solid bar stock thermowells can resulting document established a simple
Protection tubes are also commonly used be outside the scope of the standard if four-page calculation yielding a pass-fail
in power, chemical, hydrocarbon and other they do not meet specific dimensional cri- result for steam line thermowells.1 The
industrial temperature measurement appli- teria. This does not mean that any of these location of the requirements was some-
cations, often in low-velocity gas applica- arrangements is necessarily bad. It simply what unique since they were included in
tions. Sometimes protection tubes are means that their design is outside the a code for testing rather than a code for
even casually referred to as “wells,” but scope of the standard. Hence, any calcula- design (such as Boiler and Pressure Vessel
their design falls squarely outside the type tion results from 19.3TW may not be valid. Code or Power Piping).
covered under the scope of the 19.3TW In other words, the calculation results will Due to the standard’s unique status and
standard. They are welded and there is no not assure that the nonconforming ther- simple approach, over the years 19.3 was
weld in a thermowell. mowell can withstand the damage effects commonly used outside its original intended
The 19.3TW standard modernized 19.3TW seeks to guard against. scope across a broad range of applications
thermowell evaluation considerably by and industries. This was unintentionally
adopting modern bore sizes and shank History Prompting the Change enabled in part by limitations and ambigui-
constructions. However, there are a num- From the ASME 19.3 to 19.3TW- ties contained in the standard itself.
ber of common thermowell designs that 2010 Method Despite broad implementation by engi-
are outside the scope of the standard. For So how did we end up with a thermowell neering firms, field failures of thermowells
example, thermowells outside the scope standard in the first place? cropped up and persisted on an intermit-
include those that are shot-peened, coat- The intent of the original drafters of tent basis in non-steam applications even
ed, sleeve, or flame sprayed. Thermowells the 19.3 standard in 1974 was to create among thermowells assessed by and
with velocity collars, external support or requirements for Power Test Code applica- built to the 19.3 standard. Among many
welds at any point other than a flange tions to prevent steam turbine-damaging noted thermowell failures, perhaps the
attachment are also excluded. Finally, even thermowell failures in steam lines. The most famous involved a sodium line at the
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judged as possible whenever the wake frequency approached thermowell designer prior to the publication of 19.3. The setting
80 percent of the natural frequency of the installed well. Indeed, is a large circulating water line with thermowells installed on
transverse vibration is a real danger and its occurrence should be the outside elbow of the pipe. Thermowells are designed based
avoided if possible as it can be catastrophic for the well. However, upon traditionally successful engineering in-house standard and
a thermowell does not vibrate in a single plane. In reality the ther- installed on the outside of the water line following an elbow.
mowell vibrates in an oscillating fashion that includes an in-line A month following the installation the gauge installed in
component. The in-line component can begin to resonate with the well is found to be leaking water by operators. The well is
the shed vortices at wake frequencies spanning 40 percent to 60 removed and is discovered to have failed. Because the shank of
percent of the installed natural frequency of the well. the well is missing entirely, the
Recognition and avoidance of dangers posed by in-line reso- operators at first suspect that
nance is critical to proper thermowell design, but the practical a ceramic well has been pro-
effect of reducing the wake to natural frequency limit from vided by accident.
0.8 to 0.4 can be very significant. The danger of ther-
First catastrophic well failure
mowell resonance must be considered at velocities much
caused by wake frequency
lower than previously considered problematic by 19.3. vibration. Root cause: supplier
Since process fluid speeds will not slow to accom- not providing well as specified.
modate the ideal length of a thermowell, the effect is a
reduction in the maximum allowable unsupported lengths A root cause analysis is per-
for many thermowells. This reduction challenges engineers formed and wake frequency calcula-
involved in design of thermowell applications to update their tions per the original 19.3 requirements
standards to reflect appropriate immersion lengths based upon are performed providing velocity values calculated
a more conservative mechanical standard or to bulk up their from the maximum flowing condition, based on pump run-out.
thermowells to enable a sufficient immersion length. As a result, The thermowell passes muster under the calculation. Because
engineers applying the 19.3TW standard can now be more con- the investigating engineer is on the 19.3TW committee, the then-
fident in their thermowell installation integrity. For every give, unpublished 19.3TW calculation is applied to the incident. The
however, there is a take and the complexity of the calculation well also passes muster under 19.3TW. The thermowell design
required to assess thermowell designs has greatly increased. itself is examined and it is found that the manufacturer supplied
Supplier-generated thermowell design software applying an “off-the-shelf” thermowell instead of the specified design.
the 19.3TW standard such as SwiftyCalc (www.jms-se.com/ An order is issued for a replacement well. Proper manufacture
SwiftyCalc) is helpful, but like everything else in order to reap is confirmed and the well is re-installed. A few weeks later the
a full benefit it is helpful to have a fundamental understanding operators call back. The well has failed again!
of how and why the standard works the way that it does. The This time the velocity value is questioned and a computational
19.3TW standard provides two example calculations that can be fluid dynamic (CFD) model is performed. The model shows that
used to validate the software results. actual velocity at the well location is approximately twice what
had been designed for based on pump run out.
But Does the 19.3TW Really Work? The CFD model demonstrated how the fluid flow stratified signifi-
The Proof Of the Pudding Is In the Tasting. cantly along the backside of the elbow, resulting in a much higher
So here is a quick tale of two wells in a common trap for the velocity than the average. Wake frequency calculations were then
performed again using the new predicted velocity and pursuant to
Location of failed
CFD print-out showing a plan view of the piping. Fluid velocity is shown in
Typical thermowell installation on outside elbow of circulating water line. color with the highest fluid velocity in dark red.
1. ASME/ANSI 19.3 “Temperature Measurement” (2004).
2. Gibson, I.H., “Optimal Selection of Thermowells”, ISA
Transactions 34 (1995).
3. Brock, J.E., 1974, “Stress Analysis of Thermowells”, Report
NPS-59B074112A, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA.
4. See e.g., Gibson, I.H., “Optimal Selection of Thermowells”,
ISA Transactions 34 (1995) 209-216(establishing 70%, not 80%
established by 19.3, as the controlling ratio between natural fre-
Location of quency and wake frequency).
thermowell tip 5. See e.g.,“Process Measurement Instrumentation”, API
Recommended Practice 551, Sec. 5.2.3 (2007) (establishing 66
percent, not 80 percent established by 19.3, as the controlling
CFD print-out showing pipe cross section. Dark red indicates the area of ratio between natural frequency and wake frequency).
highest velocity.
6. Bartran, D.S., Frikken, D.R., Yee, R., “Are Your Thermowells
Safe?” TAPPI Journal, April 2002.
Challenges Ahead 7. ASME/ANSI 19.3TW-2010, Tables 4-1-1 and 4-2-1..
Engineers seeking an optimal thermowell design face a sig-
nificant challenge. Temperature measurement considerations
indicate that the longer and leaner the thermowell, the more
accurate and responsive will be the installed temperature sensor.
Conversely, considerations promoting mechanical strength dictate
as short and stout a design as possible. For more than 35 years
engineers around the world have relied upon the ASME 19.3
standard. Now the new 19.3TW standard will help better navigate
a solution to these opposing design considerations.
Engineers involved in the design, specification and procure-
ment of thermowells should familiarize themselves and refresh
their engineering standard to comply with the 19.3TW standard. Outstanding Flow
In the course of doing so, alliance with a knowledgeable vendor
or an experienced engineering consultant can be the key to Sensor Solutions
avoiding incidents resulting from thermowell failure ranging from
the mildly annoying to catastrophic. FC
Featuring the MFS02
Mitch Johnson, J.D. is the president of JMS Southeast (www. micro low sensor:
jms-se.com), a manufacturer of custom temperature sensors • 0 to 50m/s low range 5 mm
and thermowells based in Statesville, N.C. Mr. Johnson is a • 0.001m/s sensitivity
member of the ISA and serves on the ASTM E20 Committee,
the ASME 19.3TW, 19.3 and 40.9 Committees. Recently, he co-
• < 10ms response time
authored “Practical Thermocouple Thermometry” (2nd Ed.), and • Flow direction indicated
was named a “Control Engineering Leader Under 40.” He can be 3.5 mm
reached at [email protected].
il refineries began using the precursor to API Plan 23 to seal
Nomenclature & Units Of Measure
light hydrocarbons that had to be cooled to prevent flash-
A Area, m2 Q Volumetric flow rate, L/s
ing and short mechanical seal life. Circulating devices were
Cp Specific heat, J/kg-°C q Heat transfer, W
added to the seal design to circulate the process fluid through a
d Diameter, m ReReynolds number
shell and tube heat exchanger in a nearly closed loop. Decades
e Absolute roughness, m T Temperature, °C
later, API Plan 23 has proven to be the most effective way of seal-
f Friction factor t Thickness, mm
ing hot fluids in centrifugal pumps from a reliability, safety and
g Gravitational constant, m/s2 U Overall heat transfer
economic perspective. These systems, extended from refining to
H Head, m coefficient, W/m2-°C
power generation, are used widely today in water applications
L Length, mm v Velocity, m/s
above 80 C, such as boiler feedwater services.
M Mass flow rate, kg/s μ Dynamic viscosity, kg/m-s
Detailed design calculations are not required in most cases where
m Heat soak factor (same as Pa-s)
the application is a typical Plan 23, the mechanical seal contains
P Pressure, kPa ρ Density, kg/m3
a well designed circulating device, best practices are used for the
layout and piping of the loop, and a well designed heat exchanger The method introduced here is iterative. This is due to:
with known performance characteristics is used. But in some cases 1. The use of the log mean temperature difference (LMTD)
where one or more of these parameters is unusual, the application is used in determining heat exchange rate,
hazardous, plant critical, or a due diligence study is advisable, then 2. The determination of the mass flowrate of the recirculated
predictive calculations can be performed. process fluid as a function of friction losses,
3. Some parameters are nonlinear functions, such as:
a. Absolute viscosity as a function of temperature
(exponential curve fit),
b. Friction losses (empirical),
c. Head-versus-flow function of the circulating device
(curve fit).
In order to achieve accuracy, the following input parameters are
1. The operating temperature of the process fluid,
2. Liquid density and viscosity as functions of temperature,
3. Dimensionless factors m1 through m6, as defined by Buck
and Chen (2010),
4. The head-versus-flow curve for the circulating device in the
mechanical seal,
5. Several dimensions of the seal cooler and interconnecting
6. The flowrate and temperature of the cooling fluid entering
the seal cooler,
7. Mechanical seal generated heat.
Figure 1. Plan 23 systems installed on a high-pressure multistage pump At the end of this article, some rule-of-thumb values for quick
“back of the envelope” calculations will be included. These are
These calculations can be used as a baseline to determine valuable when one does not have a detailed description of the
if the mechanical seal is leaking, the Plan 23 tubing has been mechanical seal, the seal cooler or pump construction.
clogged or fouled, or the cooling water supply is insufficient. In
each case, one will see a rise in the Plan 23 loop temperatures The Physical System of a Plan 23
over time. If the performance parameters are measured in the The calculations in this method are based on a shell and tube
field, this algorithm can be altered empirically for further com- cooler wherein the process fluid flows through the tube side, and
parison. Altering the overall heat-transfer coefficient is usually the the cooling liquid flows through the shell side (Figure 1). (One can
best way to do this. easily modify these calculations for other cooler configurations.)
Plan 23 systems
for Drive End and perature. Density of a liquid is a nearly linear function of tempera-
Non-Drive End ture. The density change across the cooler and the mechanical
Seals seal can be 1-5 percent (particularly within the iteration steps), so
this function must be included on the hot side of the Plan 23 loop.
Graphic courtesy
So, the two terms are modeled as:
of KSB (ksb.com)
! ! = !" ! !! + !! Eq. (3)
Plan 23 Loop Flowrate
We will need a Plan 23 mass flowrate, Mhot, in order to calculate ! ! = !! ! + !! Eq. (4)
the rate of heat transfer, qcooler. This flowrate is generated by the
circulating device in the mechanical seal. There are two basic For clean water, these terms are:
types of circulating devices used for mechanical seals: radial !! = −4.7! − 4, !! = 0.0024, !! = 1009, !! = −0
circulating rings and positive-displacement pumping screws.
!! =
Each has a characteristic −4.7!
curve − 4, below.!A! radial
as shown = 0.0024,
circulat- !! = 1009, !! = −0.441
ing ring curve can be approximated by a second order curve as (These constants must be consistent with the units specified
shown. A pumping screw curve is linear, as can be expected from above.)
a positive-displacement device.
The flow velocity for a flow Q: The average temperature of the liquid in the Plan 23 loop, T, will
be an iterative value as shown later.
!! !! !" !
0.001 Eq. (1) !" = Eq. (5)
!=! ! ! !
!!"#$ !" < 2100 !"#$%"& !"#$
Where: !" ≥ 2100 !"#$"%&'! !"#$
!!"#$ = !!! Eq. (2) Reynolds numbers can range from 1,000 to 6,000 when the
Plan 23 flow is on the shell side of the cooler, so the laminar or
The Reynolds number is calculated to determine if the flowrate is turbulent check is important. The friction factor f is calculated
laminar or turbulent. The Reynolds number equation contains the as follows. A slight discontinuity will exist at Re = 2,100. Friction
viscosity term, μ, and the density term, ρ. The viscosity of nearly factor relationships that can model the entire laminar-transition-
all liquids can be characterized as an exponential function of tem- turbulent range exist but are very difficult to evaluate, and the
increase in accuracy and continuity do not justify their use.1 Hf is equal to Hscrew. Setting these two relations equal to one
64 another gives
!!"#$%"& = Eq. (6)
!" !!" ! ! !!!"#$
= !! + !! = 1000!!!"#$ !! + !!
!! 2! !!
0.25 Eq. (7)
!!"#$"%&'! = ! This can be arranged as a quadratic equation with v as the vari-
! 5.74 able and the other terms constants:
!"#!" 3.7!! + !" !.! !!"
! ! + −1000!!!"#$ !! ! + −!! = 0 Eq. (12)
!! 2!
The dimensionless friction factors, k, can be determined.
Which has the solution:
!!"#$ =!
!! ! 2!!"
1000!!"#$ !! ± 1000!!"#$ !! + !
!! ! ! Eq. (13)
!!"#$%"&! = 1.0!!"
!!"#$ = 0.78!!" !! !
!!!"$ = 0.6!!"#$ Which will produce a positive and negative value of v, and we
select the positive one. Finally, the mass flowrate, M, can be
Where n is the number of entrances or exits in the system loop. determined.
There will be two of each: in and out of the seal; in and out of the Eq. (14)
!!!" = !"!!"#$
cooler. One can add k factors for other resistive causes, such as
tees, elbows, valves, but since these devices are not recommended, The mass flowrate of the cooling fluid is calculated. Since the
they are ignored. The overall friction factor ktotal is the sum of all k’s. flowrate of the cooling fluid is assumed to be constant and rela-
tively high (0.5 to 1.25 L/s), and the temperature rise through the
!!"!#$ = !!"#$ + !!"#$%"&! + !!"#$ + !!"#$ Eq. (8) cooler should not be greater than about 10 Δ°C, the change in
density will be less than 1 percent and can be considered con-
The equivalent length of the piping system is stant.
!! Eq. (9) !!"#$ = !!"#$ !!"#$ 0.001
!!" = !!"!#$ !
And now the head loss Hf can be calculated for any flow velocity v. The Heat Transfer System
There are two main sources of heat flowing into the Plan 23
!!" ! ! process liquid—heat soak, qsoak, and seal generated heat, qseal.
!! = Eq. (10)
!! 2! There is one significant source of heat removal—the seal cooler,
qcooler. If these sources are at steady state then the heat transfer
A pumping screw device in a mechanical seal will have a linear balance equation is:
head versus flow relationship of the form:
!!"#$ + !!"#$ − !!""#$% = 0
!!"#$% = !! !!"#$% + !! Eq. (11)
From Buck and Chen (2010)2, heat soak may be calculated as
where a1 and a0 are constants specific to the screw dimensions, follows:
fluid and speed. The flow generated by the pumping screw Qscrew
!!"#$ = !! !! !! !! !! !! !"!! !" Eq. (16)
will enter the interconnecting Plan 23 tubing, which has a flow
area Aflow, calculated above. Where m1 through m6 are the dimensionless factors used to cor-
rect the equation recommended by API 682, which recommends
!!!"#$ a singular UA value of:
!!"#$% =
!! !" = 249 W/m-°C
Substituting this into the pumping screw relation !! = seal balance diameter, m
!!!"#$ And:
!!"#$% = !! + !!
!! !" = !!!"!$%% − !!!!
! Where Tprocess is the process liquid bulk temperature in the pump
The flow velocity through the Plan 23 tubing will be that at which casing and Tchm is the average bulk temperature in the seal
Combo Pressure/Temperature
American Sensor Technologies’
Model AST20PT Stainless Steel Media
Isolated Pressure/Temperature Sensor
and Model AST46PT Explosion-proof
Pressure/Temperature Transmitter
provide both pressure and temperature
outputs from a single process point.
This dual output configuration is
designed to reduce process penetration
points and leaks in critical systems such
as hydrogen, oxygen, heavy oil processing, hydraulics, analyzers, offshore, pipelines, Miniature Temperature Transmitter
and ammonia systems. They also are a good fit for low-power systems as both a pres- for Process Control
sure and temperature reading are generated with the power consumption of one sen- Omega’s TX-M12 Series of miniature
sor. Incorporating a microprocessor-controlled design, along with AST’s one-piece body temperature transmitters are a new range
construction, both the Model AST20PT Sensor and Model AST46PT Transmitter offer (-200 to 850 C and -328 to 1862 F) offer-
high-accuracy pressure and temperature measurements of +/-0.1 percent and 1.0 per- ing improved performance over conven-
cent BFSL, respectively. Both units are available in various temperature ranges from -40 tional in-head devices. Housed in a rugged
to 250 F (-40 to 125C). The Model AST46PT is offered in pressure ranges up to 20,000 stainless steel enclosure, they are designed
PSI (1,400 bar), and the Model AST20PT is available in pressure ranges up to 45,000 PSI to provide fast, secure and watertight
(3,100 bar). FREE PRODUCT INFO: WRITE IN 100 | www.astsensors.com connections for both the sensor and the
instrumentation. At a fraction of the size
Thermocouple Virtual Chart of standard head-mounted transmitters,
Recorder measuring 38mm diameter with a height of
NEWPORT Electronics’ iTCX transmitter 20mm and weighing just 100 grams, they
monitors temperature from two inde- are a good fit for a range of applications
pendent thermocouple channels over an including process control and monitoring
Ethernet network or the Internet with no equipment. Omega’s miniature tempera-
special software except a Web browser. ture transmitter can accept a variety of
The transmitter serves Active Web Pages resistance sensors, including Pt100, Pt500,
to display real-time readings, tempera- Pt1000, Ni100, Ni1000, and variable resis-
ture charts, or log data in standard data tance up to 10,000 ohms. The integral M12
formats for use in a spreadsheet or data connectors maintain IP67 protection, while
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Visual Basic. The virtual chart viewed on of sensor. Two outputs are available with
the Web page is a JAVA Applet that plots either 4-20mA or 0-10Vdc with an accu-
a chart over the LAN or Internet in real racy of +/-0.2 C + 0.05 percent of reading.
time. The iTCX transmitters can take Thermocouple Types J, K, T, E, R, S, B, C, N, and L Default scaling for the output is 0 to 100
measuring temperatures up to 1,820 C (3,308 F). The iTCX can display and chart absolute C, and other ranges can be specified at the
measurements in two locations and a differential measurement between the two locations. time of purchase. FREE PRODUCT INFO:
FREE PRODUCT INFO: WRITE IN 101 | www.newportus.com WRITE IN 102 | www.omega.com
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technology spotlight
ithin the pressure measurement industry, relentless inno- from a chart recorder in the field. Communicating or storing
vation has become the norm. New technology continu- this data electronically becomes possible only after a technician
ally supplants the old. In other technology spheres, PCs enters or scans the chart into a computer. This process typically
pushed aside typewriters. Cell phones drove out telephones. And takes several days before results become available. Chart record-
today, reference recorders are shaking up old standards in the oil ers typically claim an accuracy ranging from 0.25 percent to 1
& gas industry. percent of span, but that figure depends on changes in ambient
A reference recorder is a new class of instrument that is gain- temperature and on the thickness of its pens—which can cause
ing ground over other common pressure instruments. Chart an additional error up to 1 percent of the recorded reading.
recorders, deadweight testers, and analog pressure gauges all By contrast, a reference recorder exports digital data and records
brought several advantages in their time. Increasingly, reference with higher accuracy. Many reference recorders are also rated
recorders replace all three with a single instrument. Intrinsically Safe for use in the presence of flammable materials.
Figure 2. Any PC can download the digital data from a reference recorder. David K Porter, P.E. is the vice president of engineering at Crystal
Engineering. He has over 25 years experience; the last 12 in the
range,” says Pronge. This is where recorders vary widely. The test and measurement field developing rugged, highly accurate,
best manufacturers will provide proof of their accuracy claims, and easy-to-use instruments. He has a degree in Mechanical
with a calibration certificate from an accredited lab, showing test Engineering from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis
data at different temperatures.” Obispo where he is still active on the Industry Advisory Board.
Do You
Replacing Multiple Pressure Ranges www.crystalengineering.net
Pressure and temperature gauges are widespread and varied
Your Pumps?
their drawbacks stem from their inherent fragility and the neces-
sity to carry multiple gauges to cover a given pressure range.
According to Pronge, “Linearity and ruggedness are the two
most important features of any pressure gauge. Many pressure
Reference recorders unify the record- Larry Bachus ("The Pump Guy") is the
ing capability of a chart recorder, the co-author of Everything You Need to
Know About Pumps, one of the best
high accuracy of a deadweight tester, selling technical books on pump systems
in the world. This book is written exclu-
and the continuous measurements of sively for people who must maintain
pumps. Whereas other pump books are
a pressure gauge into one tool that is written from a design point of view, this
book is written with maintenance in
easier to use and less expensive. mind. While most technical books sit on a
reference shelf gathering dust, this book
gauges would be useful across a much larger pressure range gathers dirt smudges. Its pages get
if their sensors were more linear and predictable. Also, many creased and folded when mashed by the
lid of a photocopy machine. It gets sneezed on and splashed with snot on cold
gauges continue to display readings that appear accurate, even
mornings. It gets soaked with leaking oil, grease, and coffee. Basically, it gets
after their sensors sustained damage.” used ... because it's tremendously useful. The straightforward guidance it pro-
To overcome these challenges, reference recorders extend their vides will help you ensure the efficiency and lifespan of your pumping systems.
usability by accepting different modules, each of which covers
a wide pressure range. Within each module range, a reference To order your copy of Everything You Need to Know About Pumps,
recorder will have superior accuracy and linearity, compared to call (615) 361-7295 or order online at
most pressure gauges. The advanced self-diagnostics in refer-
ence recorders prevent the device from displaying an invalid www.bachusinc.com/books.htm.
www.FlowControlNetwork.com August 2012 27
flow update
pacing all other flowmeter technologies. What is behind the rapid 15.2%
development of these two technologies? The simple answer is 22.6% Rest of Asia
that these two markets have growth factors that are not shared 2.7% 5.2% Latin America
by other flowmeter types. In addition, they have become the
Courtesy of Flow Research Inc.
focus of conferences and workshops that consume much of the
intellectual mindshare in the flowmeter world. As a result, the
major flowmeter suppliers are focusing the bulk of their research industries, as well as other applications. Battery-powered flowme-
and development efforts on these two technologies, and this is ters offer low energy consumption independent of the main power
unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. grid and can help reduce prices on the worldwide market. Battery-
powered applications are also growing for magnetic flowmeters.
Growth Factors for the Ultrasonic Flowmeter Market
✓ Greater Appreciation of the Application Advantages;
Growth factors for the ultrasonic flowmeter market include: Acceptance as the Highest Accuracy Gas Technology:
✓ Technology Improvements.
racy technology for gas, and acceptance for liquids is following suit.
In fact, some users trust ultrasonic flowmeters so much that they
employ them with limited or no on-site proving. The acceleration
Greater Appreciation of the Application Advantages: in trust for gas ultrasonic meters began following approvals by the
Ultrasonic flowmeters have been gaining acceptance over the last American Gas Association (AGA, www.aga.org) for use of ultrasonic
10 years as end-users come to understand and appreciate the flowmeters in custody transfer of natural gas in 1998.
technology—although some end-users are just now discovering
the advantages and potential of ultrasonic flow measurement.
Advantages of ultrasonic flowmeters include high accuracy, high
reliability, high turndown ratios, long service life, low maintenance,
relatively low cost, valuable diagnostics, no moving parts, and redun-
dancy capabilities. Clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeters, in particular, can
offer redundancy by providing an easy check of an inline meter.
In addition to the traditional advantages, suppliers are sig-
nificantly improving accuracy, sensitivity and reliability. Energy,
including energy conservation, and other markets have the
potential to create even more demand, particularly as the tech-
nology improves to enable new applications. As oil prices have
increased, ultrasonic has played a more important role in the oil
patch and in custody-transfer applications.
Further sweetening the pot is the fact that average ultrasonic
prices are holding their own or even declining, which adds to their
appeal. In comparison, the average price for Coriolis flowmeters
has had upward pressure due to the recent introductions of large- KROHNE’s Altosonic V12 is a custody-transfer gas flowmeter that has 12
chords. Here is a transparent version of the meter on display at the 2012
line size models in the 10- to 16-inch diameter range. CEESI Ultrasonic Flowmeter Workshop to show its inner workings.
The increased use of battery power supplies opens up additional Photo courtesy of Flow Research Inc.
opportunities for ultrasonic flowmeters in the water and irrigation
Technology Improvements: Flowmeter bent tubes, straight-tube Coriolis meters priate for straight-tube
manufacturers are focusing a great deal of have been developed that address some meters. Most straight-tube
attention on ultrasonic flowmeters, perhaps application problems with bent-tube meters use titanium, which can
at the expense of other meters such as meters. KROHNE introduced the first leach into certain products. As a result,
vortex and turbine. Suppliers have made commercially successful straight-tube stainless steel is used for some applica-
significant progress in enhancing the accu- Coriolis flowmeter in 1994. Straight-tube tions where leaching can occur. In many
racy and reliability of ultrasonic flowmeters. meters address the problem of pressure chemical applications, pressure drop is not
This has mainly been done by increasing drop because the fluid does not have to an issue, so both straight- and bent-tube
the number of paths, thereby increasing travel around a bend. This makes them meters are used. Straight-tube meters are
the number of measurement points, and better able to handle high-velocity fluids. also widely used in the food processing and
also by adding greater diagnostic capabil- Straight-tube meters can be drained more chemical industries.
ity. The enhanced diagnostic capability, it is easily, which is important for sanitary
claimed, can reduce the need for upstream applications. Liquids do not have a bend Growth in Coriolis Flowmeters for Large
piping, as well as increase the ability of or curve to build up and leave residue on. Line Sizes: The expansion in the number
the ultrasonic meter to determine sources Straight-tube meters also have a more of suppliers offering large line size Coriolis
of error. Lately, new and more accurate compact design. Bent-tube meters can flowmeters is one of the major recent
meters have been developed for custody be quite large and unwieldy, especially in headlines in the flowmeter world. Rheonik
transfer of petroleum liquids, as well as for the larger sizes. Having a more compact used to be the only Coriolis flowmeter com-
custody transfer of natural gas. meter can be an advantage where space pany to offer meters in line sizes above 6
is a concern. inches. Then Rheonik was acquired by GE
Growth Factors for the Coriolis Straight-tube meters are quite popular in Measurement, and GE Measurement contin-
Flowmeter Market the pharmaceutical industry. However, not ued to produce the large line-size meters.
Growth factors for the Coriolis flowmeter all pharmaceutical applications are appro- In the past several years, Endress+Hauser,
the most complete JOB SitE dedicated to serving the FLUiD hAnDLinG industry.
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automation file
Under Control
Why SCADA security matters for flow control professionals
yber security isn’t just a media IP and COTS technologies, making them the adoption of TCP/IP as a networking
buzzword, or a priority for IT pro- vulnerable to cyber events.” technology saves money, but can expose
fessionals, it has become a real industrial networks to more cyber
concern for everyone who has an e-mail Major Trends in SCADA Security security risks.
account, banks online or uses a credit Byres has seen several major trends in
card. On a larger scale, recent events SCADA security over the last five to 10 Stuxnet & SCADA
have shown that industry too is not only years that deal with the convergence of Along with new technology shifts, the
susceptible to cyber crime, but could also company networks and industrial tech- computer worm Stuxnet set off another
be a favorite new target. Fluid handling nologies. Traditionally, companies devel- trend in the security community. Byres
professionals play an important role in oped distributed control systems (DCS) describes Stuxnet as a “game changer
keeping vital industrial systems operating and SCADA systems that were separated that awakened the hacker and ‘security
properly and safely. Whether for oil & gas, from other corporate systems. Today, researcher’ community to how easy it is
water treatment, chemical processing, or many control systems have become to cause damage to industrial systems.”
power generation, this includes ensur- accessible through non-SCADA networks Dubbed as a “super cyber weapon,”
ing plant Supervisory Control and Data due to the demand for real-time opera- Stuxnet was the first malware to specifi-
Acquisition (SCADA) Systems are secure. tional data and the demand for support cally target an industrial process. It was
When it comes to cyber security in access. The business demand to make designed to attack Siemens PCS7, S7 PLC
process control, SCADA can be mislead- control networks more accessible to a and WinCC systems and was successful in
ing. Nearly all of the process control wider range of users proves to be cost- infiltrating thousands of computers around
systems today, including PLCs, SIS, effective, but also comes with the poten- the world.
DCS, and so on, use Ethernet and TCP/ tial risk of making the control system Knowledgeable security experts had
IP for their communications. They also more vulnerable to viruses, worms and been advising and warning about SCADA
use or connect to COTS (Commercial- hackers. Some of the trends Byres sees security concerns for more than 10 years,
Off-The-Shelf) technology like USBs and are the shift from enterprise to industrial and certainly more strongly since 9/11.
the Windows operating system. Even network connections, the use of COTS However, management and the public
flowmeters today can be purchased with systems, and the adoption of TCP/IP net- largely ignored concerns until Stuxnet,
Ethernet interfaces. All of these factors working technology. says Frank Dickman, an engineering and
✓ COTS—Commercial-Off-The-
In order to ensure the reliability of the current province of criminal organiza-
any system, experts say fluid handling tions, nation states, foreign competitors,
engineers need to factor in cyber secu- Shelf-Technology. Industry has been and terrorists.”
rity. “Fluid handling engineers need to adopting standard equipment such as Dickman points out there were industrial
implement good cyber security practices Windows workstations instead of pro- security products on the market that were
in order to ensure high availability and prietary equipment as in the past. While capable of detecting and blocking Stuxnet,
reliability of their systems,” says SCADA there are still many industrial-specific or other advanced persistent threats, prior
security expert Eric Byres, CTO and VP technologies being used, the adoption of to the initial discovery of Stuxnet. For
Engineering of Tofino Security (www. COTS has been compelling due to reduced example, he points to the mGuard product
tofinosecurity.com), part of Belden’s costs. Again, the result is increased cyber by Phoenix Contact (www.phoenixcontact.
Hirschmann industrial networking group. security risk. com). In its wake, Stuxnet left a blueprint
✓ TCP/IP—Transmission Control
“They can’t think that SCADA does not for cyber war and a heightened awareness
apply to them. Indeed, virtually all process of both the need for more robust cyber
control systems today use Ethernet, TCP/ Protocol/Internet Protocol. Similarly, security and the increased risks faced
Industrial Control System Specific ✓ Advanced resources and expenses to eliminate it. For
Vulnerabilities in the Public, 2001–2011 Persistent Threats example, Stuxnet was aimed at a uranium
(APTs), such as the enrichment plant, but it infected thousands
complex worm known of computers around the world. Once it
as Flame, are focused was made public, it cost the “bystander”
on industrial espio- companies millions of dollars to eliminate
nage and aim to steal it from their systems.
Byres says. Honeywell was one of the “At the present time, as it has been for areas rather than spread
first, announcing in June 2011 that its several decades, IT professionals have throughout a plant. In the future,
Honeywell Safety Manager (a Safety been largely uninvolved with SCADA smart facilities will take on layered strate-
Integrated System or SIS control system) control systems,” Dickman says. “SCADA gies in which networks, control devices,
achieved ISA Secure Level 1 certification. systems remain the responsibility of and control systems are individually and
ISA Secure certification is based on a engineering and production personnel. As collectively secured.
rigorous security validation process that a result, it is imperative that engineers Going forward, Byres sees technology
starts with a Communications Robustness familiar with SCADA be involved in imple- solutions continuing to move toward more
Test (CRT) assessment phase, followed menting the security and protection of industry-focused solutions. IT firewalls
by two more assessment phases, the these systems while coordinating with and that protect against things like mail and
Functional Security Assessment (FSA) educating IT.” http breaches don’t apply in industrial set-
and the Software Development Security tings. Now there are solutions for industri-
Assessment (SDSA). According to Byres, Securing the Future al-specific protocols like OPC and Modbus.
the additional second and third assess- Looking ahead into a future where cyber These solutions also use advanced tech-
ments are where real progress in ICS and security issues will firmly remain, experts niques like Deep Packet Inspection (DPI),
a deeper investigation of communications,
and deployment of rules that takes place
Fluid handling engineers need to implement good after traditional firewall rules have been
cyber security practices in order to ensure high “In the future, SCADA systems will be
better protected through increased appli-
availability and reliability of their systems. cation of defense in depth strategies,
including use of the ISA IEC 62443 zone
and conduit model, and through the appli-
SCADA security will be found “because see “perimeter defense” models for secur- cation of technology solutions that are
they consider the underlying design, ing SCADA systems—strong on the out- designed from the ground up for industrial
development practices and vendor-recom- side, but vulnerable on the inside—falling requirements,” Byres says. FC
mended deployment of the product, rather to the wayside in favor of multiple-point
than just whether it stands up to some security. Today, sophisticated companies Amy W. Richardson is the managing edi-
bad traffic,” Byres wrote in a Tofino blog are already choosing “defense-in-depth” tor of Flow Control magazine. Contact her
post in 2011. strategies that include zones that allow at [email protected].
security problems to be contained in small
New Security Solutions for
SCADA security products are also under-
going a transformation. Until recently,
5 Key SCADA Security Resources & Trainings
security products have been designed
largely for the needs of IT personnel and Tofino Security Blog: Eric Byres and other cyber security experts blog
1 regularly about SCADA security at www.tofinosecurity.com/blog.
enterprise applications, not for control
engineers and industrial control systems.
But now a number of new products, such United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT):
2 Follow ICS CERT announcements and subscribe to receive them at
as the Honeywell Modbus TCP Firewall and
the Tofino Industrial Security Solution, have www.us-cert.gov/alerts-and-tips.
been specifically designed to secure highly
critical control systems. Unlike IT-focused National SCADA Test Bed (NSTB) Advanced Training: Red Team/Blue Team
security products, new products have
3 training exercises are held at the Idaho National Laboratory.
been developed with the environment and (www.inl.gov/scada/training/advanced_scada.shtml).
requirements of the process control world
in mind. They are specially engineered SCADAhacker: Security expert Joel Langill offers cyber security training,
to handle harsh operating environments 4 ICS (DS/SCADA) security services, and security research and development
and support industrial communications at www.scadahacker.com.
protocols. Further, new industrial security
products can be installed, configured, and Exida: This company offers cyber security certification, training, software,
updated without having to shut down the 5 resources, and more at www.exida.com.
control network.
For Liquid & Gas Measurement
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Pump Guy, and you hope people will take your rec-
ommendations to heart, let me say that
I am the principal engineer at an energy replaceable wear rings are a desirable
company in upstate New York. We perform option to consider when purchasing a new
energy audits. We have an upcoming audit pump.
on some pumps. I have some questions Cheap pumps (the pumps that normally
because I have never worked in mainte- win a competitive bid) don’t normally carry
nance. replaceable wear rings. As the clearance
What are pump wear rings? I heard erodes on a cheap pump, it is necessary
that you can improve the performance to install a new impeller and casing to
of a pump by coating the internals with repair the pump. Thus, the cheap pump
epoxy. Have you mentioned this in your lubricity) of the liquid, and any entrained becomes more expensive to own and
articles? Is there something I can read on solids (crystals, sediment, contaminants) in maintain than a well-built pump.
this topic? the liquid. The rings actually separate zones I have written about epoxy coatings in
of high pressure in the pump (discharge previous articles. Epoxy coatings are good
Ronald A., PE pressure) from zones of low pressure in the where rogue solids (sediment, crystals, fine-
pump (suction pressure). slurry) can accelerate damage and erosion
Hello Ronald, This clearance and the recirculation of to the pump internals. The epoxy provides
liquid through the gap
I’m glad to know someone in the energy becomes part of the
sector is thinking about pumps and the pump’s total efficiency.
energy to operate a pump. I’ll offer some The total efficiency
thoughts on wear rings, coatings, and con- is composed of the
serving energy. mechanical efficiency,
Wear rings are also called wear bands. the volumetric efficiency
Neither of these terms describes the func- and the hydraulic effi-
tion and purpose of these rings. The rings ciency.
are not designed to wear, although it hap- Over time, there
pens. A better word is “Efficiency Rings” or is wear or erosion at
“Efficiency Bands.” the strict clearance.
Wear rings are concentric metallic (or A small portion of the
other material) rings used on some pumps pumped liquid recircu-
with enclosed impellers to control and lates through the wear
maintain the pump’s original efficiency. rings as high pressure
The inner wear ring normally seats onto searches for low pressure (Pascal’s Law). a harder surface to the pump internals. The
the outside diameter of the eye of an The erosion is accelerated if the liquid coating should be reapplied periodically
enclosed impeller. This ring locks into carries crystals or sediment. The gap is because the coating also erodes.
place and rotates with the impeller. Dual- destroyed if there is misalignment or shaft I think it is a stretch to say the epoxy
suction impellers have two wear rings. The deflection leading to rubbing and scraping coatings will improve the efficiency and per-
outer ring is normally static and seats into between the rings. formance (head and flow) of a water pump.
a bore in the pump casing. As the gap erodes between the inner and Instead, I’ll say the epoxy coatings can
There is a gap or clearance between the outer wear rings, more liquid is recirculated recover some of the pump’s lost efficiency
outside diameter of the inner ring and the inside the pump, and the pump loses volu- and lost performance from erosion. The
bore (ID) of the outer ring. The clearance metric efficiency, and thus total efficiency. epoxy coatings can extend the service life of
is typically 0.006” to maybe 0.030”. The The wear rings can be replaced to return a water pump with periodical re-coatings.
clearance is a function of pump size, design, the pump to original factory efficiency. You ask about wear rings and epoxy
purpose, and the nature (temperature, Ronald, because you do energy audits coatings because of your energy audit. We
Your pressure and temperature readings are So whether you need a thermometer, pressure
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should all be concerned with energy and where the pump may be only 35 percent who are operating their pumps for days
energy savings. efficient. Compare 35 percent efficiency and weeks against a closed valve, or a
An eroded gap in the wear rings can to 80 percent efficiency. Over half of the totally clogged downstream filter. Some
cause the pump to lose maybe 2 percent pump’s efficiency is out the window. How operators leave pumps running long after
efficiency. Replacing the wear rings can does this compare to the 2 percent effi- the suction tank is drained and empty.
recover those lost efficiency points. Epoxy ciency loss with eroded wear rings? These pumps are 0 percent efficient for
coatings can recover some of the pump’s Low system resistance (for example, hours, days, weeks, and months.
lost efficiency from erosion and scale. inadequate pressure in a downstream Of course the mysterious vibrations go
This is peanuts and not worth 30 header, with no transducer to report it in up. This is the reason reliability engineers
minutes of banter in a Friday morning the control room) might drag the pump to invest in vibration analysis for their pumps.
Reliability Meeting. Pipe system design the right end of the performance curve, (Now I’m rubbing your nose in it. But you
and pump operation influence efficiency where the efficiency might be only 40 knew that. Didn’t you?)
and performance much more than epoxy percent. How do you feel now about your Pumps consume maybe 20 percent
coatings, or an eroded gap on a set of efficiency gains with epoxy coating? of the world’s available energy. Keeping
wear rings. I’ll offer a verbal illustration. Maybe a process engineer needs more these pumps at optimum efficiency is
Let’s say you need a pump to deliver temperature in a pressurized downstream critical. If I were performing an energy
a liquid at 600 GPM. Your pipe arrange- reactor vessel fed by a process pump. audit, and making recommendations to
ment, elbows, valves, fittings and process
devices will eat 90 ft of energy. Flow can
oscillate plus or minus 10 percent. You
need a pump that develops 600 GPM at
“If I were performing an energy audit, and making
90 ft of head. The best pump for this ser-
vice might be 80 percent efficient at these
recommendations to save energy (money), I’d look
duty coordinates.
The pumping system is designed to allow
first at pump operation and system design.”
(restrict) this pump to operate at or close
to 600 GPM @ 90 ft. Let’s say the system The back-pressure on the pump will rise save energy (money), I’d look first at pump
is designed to allow the flow to oscillate with the increased temperature. The pump operation and system design.
between 540 GPM (minimum) and 660 deadheads against the system and flow Show your customer how he or she can
GPM (maximum). The head will oscillate stalls at 0 GPM and 0 percent efficiency. save 30–60 points of efficiency on each
between 87 ft (min.) and 93 ft. (max.). (The motor is on, but no work or produc- pump in the plant. Don’t waste his or her
If the system is designed with this tion is performed at 0 GPM. Efficiency is 0 time talking about 2 percent efficiency
operation window, the pump would always percent.) savings. Wear rings and epoxy coatings
be between 78 percent and 80 percent There is no flowmeter to report the are way down on the priority list.
efficient, or within two points of best effi- problem because flowmeters are expen- Some industries like oil refineries, phar-
ciency. This is everything you might have sive. So, the operator assumes he is maceutical plants, food production (soup,
gained or lost with those replaceable wear pumping into the reactor vessel because dairies, beer, vegetable oil) and municipal
bands or the labor-intensive epoxy coat- the motor is on and the valves are open. water distribution are pump intensive.
ings, and you don’t have to rebuild the Before long, this pump will go to the Eighty percent of the monthly electric bill
pump to accomplish it. That’s why I use shop with premature seal or bearing fail- goes through the motors and pumps to
the word “peanuts.” ure. And while in the shop, the engineer move, mix, filter, heat, ferment, refine,
If the pump operators aren’t trained to tells the mechanic to replace the eroded strain, cool, and bottle liquid products.
monitor instrumentation, or if the opera- wear bands to recover 2 percent efficien- The “bean counters” need to look seri-
tors have no gauges to consult, or if the cy. Am I making sense? ously at system design and operator train-
operators don’t know how to correct the I know there are pump operators who ing. The engineers and operators, with
pump as the system changes, the system don’t pay attention to their instrumentation some training and a few gauges, can turn
can drag this pump away from these duty (gauges, flowmeters, level indicators). And all pumps into energy stars of efficiency.
coordinates. Here are three classic exam- there are many more pump operators with A good pump operator can compensate
ples to illustrate how this might happen in no gauges to interpret. They do the best for inadequate system design and system
a process plant. they can with the cards they were dealt by upsets.
Elevated system resistance (a clogged the production engineer. Remember, the driver (the operator) has
downstream strainer, for instance with no As I write these words, there are a few the most influence on a car’s efficiency.
instrumentation to report it) could drag pump operators in every process plant, The driver (operator) determines if a car
and hold this pump to 200 GPM for hours refinery, and power plant all over the world is a high-maintenance car or a low-main-
“Excellent presentation! While I have done system
calculations (i.e., “pump calculations”) for over 15 years,
I can see that what I have been doing has missed the
mark in a lot of cases. Thanks to Larry, I now know how
to provide a good calculation/analysis of a system that
will truly meet its extremes of operating.”
– Attendee comment, McIntosh, Ala. 2011
“For my line of
work, this seminar was
dead on. It met my needs fully.
Best money my company has ever
spent for a training course.”
– Attendee comment,
New Orleans 2009
tenance car. The driver determines the Incorrect clearance on a pump’s wear than you wanted. I perceived you were
ultimate service life of a car. bands can cost a pump maybe 2 or 3 looking for some guidance to help with
If I were performing an energy audit at efficiency points. This is not trivial but it is your recommendations after you conduct
a power plant, refinery, hospital, chemical inconsequential compared to the energy your energy audit on your client’s pumps.
plant, or municipal water plant, I’d recom- savings of proper system design and Good luck with the audit. FC
mend that we look critically at pipe and operator training.
process system design and pump operator Our industry dedicates much effort, Larry Bachus, The Pump Guy
training. With little effort and time, the pipe many words, and even more dollars into
systems can be improved or modified so proper alignment and balance. Laser align-
The Pump Guy Seminar will be in
that all pumps run at their optimum effi- ment and dynamic balance can recover
Los Angeles, Oct. 16-18. See the
ciency with minimal operator intervention. (not improve) maybe 2 percent lost effi-
previous page for details and visit
Cheap pumps are generally inefficient ciency from misalignment and imbalance.
pumps. A high-efficiency pump can be But it can’t compare to proper system
5–10 efficiency points better than a com- design and correct equipment operation.
parable cheap pump. A purchasing agent I believe in lubrication. A lubrication pro- Larry Bachus, founder of pump services
may think he saved his company $1,000 gram is vital. Inadequate lubrication is easy firm Bachus Company Inc., is a regular
on a pump purchase and not realize that to improve. However, a pump operating on contributor to Flow Control magazine. He
the electricity for the cheap pump will cost the extreme of its performance curve is 0 is a pump consultant, lecturer, and inven-
$4,000 more per year due to poor efficien- percent efficient even with the best, high- tor based in Nashville, Tenn. Mr. Bachus
cy. The $1,000 savings on the invoice is a est quality, synthetic grease or oil on the is a retired member of ASME and lectures
one-time savings. The $4,000 additional bearings. So why do we pay attention to in both English and Spanish. He can be
energy will hit the company every year lubrication and do nothing about inadequate reached at [email protected].
the pump is in service. And the cost per system design or operation?
kilowatt-hour will rise over time. Ronald, this may be more information www.bachusinc.com
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ETCH STOP: Allows for predetermined thickness of silicon specially related to
diaphragm thicknesses of a MEMS device.
R E D E N S S R I C C I R C S C C B E C I ISOTROPIC ETCHING: This wet etching process features chemical etching or milling
of silicon structures at the same rate in each direction.
C E T O D R O T R R S C U P A S C A L R T MASK: Photographic image of a layer for special processes such as oxidation,
E L S S C R O C R T E C H S T O P N M T N metallization, etching, and diffusion in silicon.
MICROMACHINING: Fundamental technology for fabrication of MEMS devices,
micromachining involves the process that fabricates three-dimensional
R G R R S P C K O A T D N C M G I O N S A MICROSTRUCTURE: Featuring small structures that range from millimeter to
micrometer range. This is the essence of MicroElectroMechanical Systems.
PASCAL: An international unit of pressure (Pa) widely used throughout the world.
ANISOTROPIC ETCHING MASK Pa is rapidly replacing the use of pounds per square inch (PSI) unit.
ANODIC BONDING MICROMACHINING PRESSURE: The force acting over a surface expressed in terms of force-to-area ratio.
BORON MICROSTRUCTURE RANGE: Measurement values specified by the upper and lower limits of a sensor.
SILICON: Silicon sensors made from silicon employing both electrical and mechani-
cal properties of silicon.
The terms and definitions for this word search were provided by Karmjit Sidhu, Vice
DRY ETCH RANGE President Business Development, American Sensor Technologies (AST, astsensors.
com), a manufacturer of MEMs pressure sensors, pressure transducers, and pressure
ETCH STOP SILICON transmitters.
ncreasing the temperature of a gas from 30 C to 60 C will
increase its volume by approximately: application, T0 is approximately 300 Kelvins (273+30) and T is
approximately 330 Kelvins (273+60). The new volume is therefore
approximately 1.1 times (330/300) times the old volume, so the
A. 0 percent (no volume change) new volume is about 10 percent greater than the old volume.
Therefore, the correct answer is Answer C.
B. 5 percent
Additional Complicating Factors
C. 10 percent Charles’ Law was used above assuming that the gas is ideal. If
the gas is not ideal, other methods can be employed to account
D. 50 percent for non-linearity and pressure effects on density such as the Non-
Ideal Gas Law, density tables, or other such techniques. In actual
E. 100 percent applications, remember that the composition of the gas can
change and affect these calculations. FC
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