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Nadwa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (Islamic Education Journal)

Vol. …, No. ……..

ISSN 1979-1739 (p), 2502-8057 (e)
DOI: 10.21580/……..

Title of Article
The title should be simple, readeable, concise, informative, creative
and attract reader. The title consisting of a maximum of 100 characters
(including spaces) for running headers should also be provided. The
title is typed in bold, use capital letters for each beginning of a word,
except for conjunctions and prepositions. (Book Antiqua, 13pt).

Author Namem
A list of all authors, as well as corresponding addresses, and e-mail
address should be provided. Addresses should contain all
information necessary for an effective mail delivery. E-mail should
also be provided to speed up communication between readers and
authors. This information will be published unless authors request
otherwise. (Book Antiqua, 11pt).

Article History: Abstract:

Submitted: An abstract should accompany each manuscript; it
..-..-…. should be completely self-consistent (i.e., with no figure,
table, equation or reference citations), not exceeding
..-..-…. 200 words, containing the importance of the topic, the
gap between theory and practice or between reality and
Published: expectation, or lacks studies, objectives of the present
..-..-…. study, method, findings, and conclusion and written as a
single paragraph. (Calibri , 10pt).

Keywords: Keywords contains basic words in the study,

can be drawn from the research variables, characteristics of
the subjects, and the theory of the referenced (minimum
three words or combinations of words, written in
alphabetical order). (Times New Rowman, 10pt)

ISSN 1979-1739 (P) ; ISSN 2502-8057 (E).
Nadwa: Journal of Education and Teacher Training, Vol 14, No. 2 (2020).
© 2020 Nadwa : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam | UIN Walisongo.
Accredited by Ristekdikti based on Decree No. 51/E/KPT/2017
Author Name, Author Name, Author Name.

Introduction (Verdana, 11pt)

The introduction should consist of the background of the
study, research contexts, and research objective. All
introductions should be presented in the form of paragraphs,
not pointers, with a proportion of 20-35% of the whole article
length. It also discusses the problem, the most important gaps
by including previous research, research questions, hypotheses
and literature review preferably within the last 10 years. (Book
Antiqua, 11pt)

Method (Verdana, 11pt)

Method contains the identification of the variables, the
research subjects, research instruments, research design, data
sources, data collection and methods of research including used
data analysis techniques with a proportion of 10-15% of the
total article length. It also provides background information
about the academic setting in which the study has been
conducted. (Book Antiqua, 11pt)

Results (Verdana, 11pt)

Results show exposure data analysis, consisted of
descriptive statistics, test results of the assumptions and results
of hypothesis testing are presented sequentially or integrated
with a proportion of 15-20% of the total article length. Use only
horizontal lines when using tables. Put table number and the
title of the table with italic style on top of it. (Book Antiqua,

Discussions (Verdana, 11pt)

Discussions contain an explanation of the results of research
associated with the results of previous studies, critically
analyzed and linked to relevant recent literature. It should be
written with a proportion of 20-30% of the total article length.
(Book Antiqua, 11pt)

Conclusion (Verdana, 11pt)

It answers from the research objectives written concise,
clear, and compact based on the results of research and
discussion. It should be written with a proportion of 5-10% of
Nadwa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Title of Article ....

the total article length. It also contains the shortcomings of the

research, and also recommendations for future research. (Book
Antiqua, 11pt)

Data Presentation
a. Figure
The presentation of the figures must be on a grayscale, and if the
color has not been on a gray scale, preferably when printed is
adjusted in a gray scale. The hands must be numbered within one
spaced distance. The title must be brief (not in the image itself) and
illustrative. Pay attention to text writing, illustrations must be clear,
avoid using symbols and abbreviations. Letters must be easy to read,
clearly, and in proportional size. Numbers must have a brief
description in the main text. For the purpose of the layout, please
provide additional high-resolution numbers (≥300dpi) additional
separately at .tif / .jpg / .jpeg in certain folders other than the script.
And vice versa, do not mention the position of the image / Missal
table: "Image below" or "table as follows" because the position will
be rearranged in the layout process. Don't put the box around the
There is a high variation of leaps produced in races based on their
respective age groups presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1
Components of Good Teaching (Font Cambria, 10 pt)

b. Table
The order of the tables is determined by the presentation of the
text. Create a footnote in lowercase letters to the table. Use caution
when use tables. Ascertain that the data in the table does not
duplicate the findings provided elsewhere in the article.

Table 1.
Percentage of Religious Knowledge in Hish School
(Font Cambria, 10 pt)

Nadwa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Author Name, Author Name, Author Name.

No Gender Percentage
1. Male 45%
2. Female 55%
Total 100%

When writing the quotations that exceed four lines in length,
place them in free text blocks and delete the edet marks. Quotes
should begin on a new line, with the entire left margin jutting quotes.
How to write + a quarter of an inch (6 letters) from the beginning of
the first line. If you include a few paragraphs. After the lid, quotations
must be written. When quoting two or more paragraphs, use the
block quote format, even if the quoted section is less than four lines
in length. Each paragraph's first distance is included plus a quarter of
an inch.
Some mosques tend to place ablution places for women and
women's toilets far from the entrance and prayer places, this makes
it difficult for women because they have to remove their socks,
headscarves, gloves. One student of the Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK)
"I have the experience of praying at the Baitul Mukminin mosque,
Pango. When I wanted to take ablution water, I thought the place to
take women's ablution was right in front of the entrance. It turned out
that it was for men and the place for wudu for women was at the back,
which is a bit far from the mosque. It was very troublesome for me
because I had to take off my socks, take off and put on my hijab, and
there were no sandals available. It is very different from the Omani
mosque where the place of ablution is connected to the prayer room so
that women do not need to open and put on socks and headscarves.” 1

References (Verdana, 11pt)

The author is responsible for ensuring that each reference in the
article is included in the reference list, and vice versa. It is not
recommended to use references from Wikipedia, personal

Interview with interview with Universitas Syiah Kuala Students on July 25,

Nadwa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Title of Article ....

blogs, or other non-scientific websites. All records must be

quoted, with anonymous quotations included in footnotes. It is
recommended to create a reference or bibliography in Teabian
style using reference management software such as Zotero,
Endnote, or Mendeley (Author-date). Generally refers to the
Chicago Style of Referencing. References come in a variety of
forms. (Book Antiqua, 11pt)

Note (Book Antiqua, 9pt)
Abd al-Ḥ ayy al-Farmawī, al-Bidāyah fī al-Tafsīr al-Mauḍū’ī.

Translated by Surya A. Jamrah (Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada, 1996),

'Aṭā’ bin Khalīl, al-Taysir fī Uṣūl al-Tafsīr (Beirut: Dār al-Ummah,
2006), 9.
Muḥ ammad Ṭ āhir bin ‘Āshūr, al-Taḥrīr wa al-Tanwīr (Tunisia: Dār
al-Tūnisiyyah li al-Nashr, 1984), 1-10.
Thomas S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1996), 111.
Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall, al-Quran al-Karim: Roman
Translation of The Holy Qur’an with Full Arabic Text. (Lahore: Maktabah
Qāsimiyyah, 2011), 10.

References (Book Antiqua, 11pt)

‘Āshūr, Muḥ ammad Ṭ āhir bin. al-Taḥrīr wa al-Tanwīr.
Tunisia: Dār al-Tūnisiyyah li al-Nashr, 1984.
al-Farmawī, ’Abd al-Ḥ ayy. al-Bidāyah fī al-Tafsīr al-Mauḍū’ī.
Translated by Surya A. Jamrah. Jakarta: PT
RajaGrafindo Persada, 1996.
Khalīl, 'Aṭā’ bin. al-Taysir fī Uṣūl al-Tafsīr. Beirut: Dār al-
Ummah, 2006.
Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996.

Nadwa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Author Name, Author Name, Author Name.

Pickthall, Muhammad Marmaduke. al-Quran al-Karim:

Roman Translation of The Holy Qur’an with Full Arabic
Text. Lahore: Maktabah Qāsimiyyah, 2011.

Journal Article
Footnote (Book Antiqua, 9pt)
Imam Sutomo, “Modification of character education into akhlaq
education for the global community life.” Indonesian Journal of Islam and
Muslim Societies Vol. 4, no. 2 (2014): 291–316.
Abdullah Aly, Muhammad Thoyibi. “Violence in online media and its
implication to Islamic education of Indonesia.” Indonesian Journal of Islam
and Muslim Societies Vol. 10, no. 1 (2020): 177–198. https:// doi :
10.18326/ijims.v10i1. 177-198.
Muhammad Haris Fauzi, Yuyun Affandi, and Arikhah Arikhah,
“Survivor of Sexual Violence in Quranic Perspective: Mubā dalah Analysis
toward Chapter Joseph in Tafsir al-Azhar.” Sawwa: Jurnal Studi Gender 15,
no. 2 (2020): 173–92. https://doi.org/
Paul John Frandsen, “The Menstrual ‘Taboo’ in Ancient Egypt.”
Journal of Near Eastern Studies 66, no. 2 (2007): 81–106.

References (Book Antiqua, 11pt)

Ali, Abdullah, Muhammad Thoyibi. “Violence in online
media and its implication to Islamic education of
Indonesia.” Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim
Societies Vol. 10, no. 1 (2020): 177–198. https:// doi :
10.18326/ijims.v10i1. 177-198.
Fauzi, Muhammad Haris, Yuyun Affandi, and Arikhah
Arikhah. “Survivor of Sexual Violence in Quranic
Perspective: Mubādalah Analysis toward Chapter
Joseph in Tafsir al-Azhar.” Sawwa: Jurnal Studi Gender
15, no. 2 (2020): 173–92.
Frandsen, Paul John. “The Menstrual ‘Taboo’ in Ancient
Egypt.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 66, no. 2 (2007):
81–106. https://doi.org/10.1086/

Nadwa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Title of Article ....

Sutomo, Imam. “Modification of character education into

akhlaq education for the global community life.”
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies Vol. 4,
no. 2 (2014): 291–316.

Online Articles or News

Note (Book Antiqua, 9pt)
Liz Stark, “Education Department investigating 5 states for potential
civil rights violations for prohibiting school mask mandates.” CNN Politics,
August 30, 2021. https://edition.cnn.com/2021/08/30/politics/education-
Rizki Fachriansyah, “COVID-19 crisis opportunity for education
reform in Indonesia.” The Jakarta Post, August 13, 2021.

References (Book Antiqua, 11pt)

Fachriansyah, Rizki. COVID-19 crisis opportunity for
education reform in Indonesia.” The Jakarta Post,
August 13, 2021.
Stark, Liz. “Education Department investigating 5 states for
potential civil rights violations for prohibiting school
mask mandates.” CNN Politics, August 30, 2021.

Nadwa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Author Name, Author Name, Author Name.

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Title of Article ....

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