CL O-Ops005
CL O-Ops005
CL O-Ops005
P. M. B. 21029, 21038, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria
Requirement Assessment
2. Does each training course contain –
(a) Course outline?
(b) Detailed syllabus covering the Requirements of the Nigeria Civil Aviation
Regulations Part dealing with Crew Member and Flight Operations Officer
qualifications: Commercial Air Transport
(c) Are properly qualified instructors available to meet training objectives and needs?
(d) Examinations covering the requirements of the Nigeria Civil Aviation Regulations
Part dealing with Crew member and Flight Operations Officer qualifications:
Commercial Air Transport
(e) Completion standards?
(d) Specimen record forms?
(f) Documents and certificates?
(g) AUTHORITY approval process where required?
(a) A written training programme acceptable to the Authority that provides for initial,
transition, difference, and recurrent training, and upgrade training as appropriate,
for flight crew members for each type of aircraft flown by that crew member?
(b) Does this written training include both normal and emergency procedures training
applicable for each type of aircraft flown by the flight crew member?
(c) Is the number of training hours specified for each curriculum segment?
(d) Is the number of training hours realistic for the degree of complexity of the
individual training modules?
(e) Are adequate ground and flight training facilities provided?
(f) Are minimum crew complement and minimum crew qualifications for specific types
of training specified?
(g) Are maximum numbers and qualifications of persons to be carried on training
flights specified?
(h) Are the minimum qualifications and experience and training requirements for
training and check pilots specified?
(i) Are specific flight time limitations for pilots engaged in flight training and checking
(j) Is Command responsibility during training and checking flights, including (if
applicable) route checks and licence renewal proficiency tests specified?
(k) Are adequate numbers of ground and flight instructors and check pilots available to
ensure adequate training and flight testing of flight crew members?
(l) Is there a current list of the following items to meet the training needs for each type
and variation of aircraft flown or intended to be flown -
(i) approved training materials?
(ii) approved equipment?
(iii) approved Training Devices?
(iv) Approved Simulators?
(v) Other required training items?
(m) Is there a record system acceptable to the Authority to show compliance with
appropriate training and currency requirements?
4. Do the training syllabuses for cabin crew members meet the applicable requirements
of The Civil Aviation (Operation of Aircraft) Regulations Part dealing with Crew member
and Flight Operations Officer qualifications: Commercial Air Transport –