Life Processes - Revision MCQ Test-1

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1. The diagram shows the four chambers of a human heart. 1 carbon dioxide + water glucose + oxygen
2 glucose alcohol + carbon dioxide
3 glucose lactic acid
4 glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide + water

Which of these processes occur in muscles?

A 1 and 2 B 2 and 3 C 3 and 4 D 4 and 1

7. The diagram shows some of the structures in a human

lung. Where is the carbon dioxide concentration highest?

Which statement describes the direction of blood flow?

A. Blood enters P directly from the lungs.
B. Blood enters S directly from the lungs.
C. Blood passes directly from Q to P.
D. Blood passes directly from Q to the lungs.

2. The double circulation of the blood means that, for

every complete circuit of the body,
A. atria and ventricles contract alternately.
B. blood flows through the arteries and veins.
C. blood flows through atria and ventricles.
D. blood flows twice through the heart.
8. The table shows the composition of a liquid found in the
3. The diagram shows cross-sections of three types of human body.
blood vessel (not drawn to the same scale). What is
the identity of the three vessels?

In a healthy person, which structure contains this


4. Why does anaerobic respiration by yeast release less

energy than aerobic respiration?
A. Energy is lost in carbon dioxide.
B. Energy is lost in oxygen. 9. The diagram shows an experiment on the digestion of
C. Energy remains trapped in ethanol. the protein in egg albumen by protease. The protease
D. Energy remains trapped in lactic acid. was taken from a human stomach. In which test-tube
will the protein be digested most quickly?
5. The table shows the conditions in four test-tubes
containing equal quantities of starch and salivary
amylase. In which test-tube is the starch broken down

6. The list shows four metabolic processes.

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10. The diagram shows an experiment to investigate the

respiration of yeast. 14. The diagram shows the circulatory system of a

Which gas is evolved, and which new compound is

present after 24 hours?

What describes the blood in vessels X and Y?

11. What is the function of the kidney?

A. making glucose and reabsorbing urea 15. The diagram shows a plant.
B. making urea and removing salts
C. removing glucose and reabsorbing salts
D. removing urea and reabsorbing glucose

12. The diagram shows part of the trunk of a small tree with
a ring of bark removed. Removing the ring of bark takes
away phloem but leaves the xylem intact.

What is the pathway taken by most of the water

absorbed by this plant?
A. X → Y → Z
B. W → Y → Z
C. Z → Y → X
D. Z → Y → W
What effect will be removing the bark have on the two
branches? 16. Which route is taken by air passing into the lungs of a
A. alveolus → trachea → bronchus
B. bronchus → trachea → alveolus
C. trachea → alveolus → bronchus
D. trachea → bronchus → alveolus

17. The blood leaving the tissues becomes rich in

A. Carbon dioxide
13. Which blood vessel contains valves? B. Water
A. arteriole C. Oxygen
B. capillary D. Haemoglobin
C. renal artery
D. renal vein

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23. The diagram shows some of the organs of the human
18. What shows the correct translocation of carbohydrate in body. In which organs does the digestion of
a potato plant that is growing in bright sunlight? carbohydrates take place?
A. P and Q
B. P and R
C. Q and R
D. Q and S

19. The diagram shows a section through an alveolus and

a capillary. What are the oxygen concentrations in X, Y
and Z ?

24. The diagram shows the human alimentary canal. In

which structure is most glucose absorbed into the

A High Low High
B High Low Low
C Low High High
D Low High Low
25. In which list do all three blood vessels carry oxygenated
20. Which of the following is the first site for the exchange A. aorta, pulmonary artery, renal artery
of inhaled air ? B. aorta, pulmonary vein, renal artery
A. Blood capillaries of lungs C. vena cava, pulmonary artery, renal vein
B. Alveoli of lungs D. vena cava, pulmonary vein, renal vein
C. Left atrium of heart
D. Blood capillaries adjacent to body cells

21. The breakdown of pyruvate to give carbon dioxide,

water and energy takes place in
A. Cytoplasm
B. Mitochondria
C. Chloroplast
D. Nucleus

22. Which chemical reaction takes place in the stomach?

A. Proteins are digested by protease.
B. Proteins are digested into fatty acids.
C. Starch is digested into amino acids.
D. Starch is digested by lipase

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