Warlock Patrons

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Warlock Otherwordly Patron Spectral Tentacle

Your patron is a legendary leviathan, a titan of the seas who is Large primordial, not aligned
ancient beyond reckoning. Krakens are bent on the Armor Class 10
destruction of civilization, and you are no exception. Krakens Hit Points 70 (14d8)
who forge pacts are usually worshiped as gods by a Speed 0ft.
congregation or cult. Their powerful telepathic abilities allow
them to reach into the minds of their faithful and speak to
30 (+10) 6 (-2) 10 (0) 2 (-4) 10 (0) 2 (-4)
Expanded Spell List
Your patron lets you choose from an expanded list of spells Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened
when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are Senses passive Perception 10
added to the warlock spell list for you. Languages Can understand any language spoken by
the summoner
Kraken Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st absorb elements, create or destroy water
Slam. Melee weapon attack: +12 to hit, reach 15 ft.,
2nd gust of wind, pass without trace one target. Hit: 20 (3d6 + 10) bludgeoning
3rd call lightning, water breathing damage. If the target is Large or smaller, it is
grappled (escape DC is equal to your spell save DC).
4th control water, ice storm Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and
5th awaken, maelstrom the tentacle cannot attack another creature.
Crush. A target that is grappled by the tentacle must
Gift of the Deep make a Constitution saving throw, taking 9 (3d6)
Starting at 1st level, your patron bestows upon you the bludgeoning damage on a failed save or half as
martial tenacity of ancient sea creatures. Whenever you make much on a successful one.
a melee weapon or spell attack, you can use your bonus Fling. One Large or smaller object held or creature
action to have a tentacle apparition lash out at a creature grappled by the tentacle is thrown up to 60 feet
within 10 feet of you dealing bludgeoning damage equal to and knocked prone. If a thrown creature strikes a
your warlock level. solid surface, the target takes 3 (1d6) bludgeoning
damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If the
Leviathan's Fury target is thrown at another creature, that creature
Starting at 6th level, you can use your reaction to surround must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or
yourself in lightning energy. Until the start of your next turn, take the same damage and be knocked prone.
any creature that hits you with a melee weapon or spell attack
takes half of the damage they deal to you as lightning
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you
finish a short or long rest.
Primodial Deterrence
Starting at 10th level, your worst fears are an inconvience.
You are immune to being frightened. Additionally, if you are
restrained or grappled, you have advantage on any check
made to end the effect.
From the Depths
Starting at 14th level, you can call on creatures of the deep to
assist you in combat. As an action, you can summon a
spectral tetacle as detailed below for one minute. The
tentacle appears in a space that you can see within 60 feet of
you. You can use your bonus action to command it to take
take an action, otherwise it does not act.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you
finish long rest.
Serpent Invocations
Warlock Otherwordly Patron Aspect of the Sea
Your patron is a cunning naga, or serpent god. Serpents live Prerequisite: Kraken patron
to bend others to their will, and like you are bent to the will of
your patron, you may bend others to your will. Powerful You have the survival insticts of the ancient leviathans. You
nagas may choose to make pacts with mortals, and the Yuan- are proficient in the Survival and Nature skills if you aren't
ti serpent gods can imbibe there powers upon whomever. already, and always know which way is north. Additionally,
you cannot be lost at sea except by magical means.
Expanded Spell List
Your patron lets you choose from an expanded list of spells Bite of Dendar
when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are Prerequisite: Serpent patron
added to the warlock spell list for you.
Your poison damage ignores resistance. If a creature is
Serpent Expanded Spells immune to poison damage, your poison damage effects it as if
Spell Level Spells it had resistance instead.
1st command, entangle
Embrace of the Deep
2nd beast sense, spike growth Prerequisite: Kraken patron, 5th level, Eldrich Blast cantrip
3rd plant growth, stinking cloud
You can channel the raging tides of the sea through your
4th dominate beast, freedom of movement eldritch blast. When you hit a creature with that cantrip, you
5th contagion, geas can cast tidal wave as a bonus action using a warlock spell
slot. However, the spell must be centered on a creature you
hit with eldritch blast.
Ophidian Aspect
At 1st level, you are imbued with the poisonous venom of Servant of Sseth
serpents. You are resistant to poison damage, and you can Prerequisite: Serpent patron, 5th level, Pact of the Chain
choose to have a cantrip you cast deal poison damage instead feature
of its normal damage type.
When you use your Pact of the Chain feature to have a
Poison's Disciple Poisonous Snake familiar, you can use you action to
Starting at 6th level, when you deal poison damage to a transform it into a Giant Poisonous Snake for one minute.
creature, the target is marked by you until the end of your The snake can attack normally on its turn during this
next turn. The marked target is poisoned and you have transformation. Once you use this invocation, you cant use it
advantage on attack rolls against it. A creature ignores this again until you finish a long rest.
effect if the creature can't be poisoned.
Sinister Charmer
Toxicofera Prerequisite: Serpent patron
At 10th level, your exposure to poison has made you immune
to it. You are immune to the poisoned condition and poison You are proficient in Persuasion and Deception skills if you
damage. Additionally, when you are subject to poison are not already. Additionally, you may add double your
damage, you can use your reaction to regain hit points equal Proficieny Bonus when making an ability check with these
to half the damage dealt. skills.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you
finish a short or long rest. Slarkrethel's Trident
Prerequisite: Kraken patron, Pact of the Blade feature
The Serpent's Slumber You can create a gleaming, silver trident using your Pact of
At 14th level, you can target a number of creatures equal to the Blade feature. The trident pulses with static lighting
your Charisma modifier that you can see within 60 feet of energy. When you hit a creature with it, you can expend a
you. Each target must succeed on a Constitution saving spell slot to deal an additional 2d8 lightning damage to the
throw or fall into a magical sleep and be unconcious for 10 target per spell level, and the creature cannot take a reaction
minutes. A sleeping target awakens if it takes damage or if until the end of your next turn.
someone uses their action to shake or slap it awake. The
magical sleep has no effect on a creature immune to being
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you
finish a long rest.

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