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Chapter 1


According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th

edition (DSM-5), autism spectrum disorder is one of the most common co-occurring

mental and neurodevelopmental disorders. The characteristic features of autism spectrum

disorder demonstrate an array of communication difficulties and recurring behavioral

patterns are symptoms that appear early in a child's development.

The complexity of raising a child has made parenting difficult. It requires a

significant amount of time, energy, and emotional strength. But for parents of autism

spectrum disorder children, the challenge is doubled. Having to care for a child with

special needs is quite demanding and stressful for families, especially for the parents

(Akturk & Aylaz, 2017). Also, parents of children with intellectual and developmental

disabilities face further adversity in coping with additional financial and emotional

burdens (Machalicek et al., 2015). Parenting the children is stressful, and taking care of a

child with special needs is often more so. Negative emotions are normal. Indeed, the

transition to adolescence generated anxiety for all mothers regardless of the child's age.

Moreover, uncertainty about the child's education, career, living conditions, and

adaptation to adulthood contributed to an intense sense of worry (Sabitri Acharya 2021).

Also, to meet the needs of a child with ASD, some family members, particularly mothers,

give up their jobs or reduce their hours of work (Morris, 2014).

Parents with children who are diagnosed with ASD may experience difficulty in

accessing services for proper assessment which causes them to be stressed, and have

anxiety, depression, and somatic complaints (Lovelace et al., 2018). Moreover, the rise of

children diagnosed with autism every year causes an increase in parents who experience

stress due to the uncertainty about their children's future. It was stated by Ventola and

colleagues (2017) that the history of ASD parenting is complicated.

However, not every family has access to a specialist or a licensed healthcare

provider, some kids may have their diagnoses delayed or not confirmed. According to the

American Pediatrics Academy, universal screening should start between 18 and 24

months of age (Christensen et al., 2016). Due to socioeconomic differences, physicians

are more likely to recommend a child for a diagnosis if they come from higher-income

families since they tend to be more accepting of mental health conditions (Houtrow, et

al., 2014). This suggests that families who have limited means may find it more stressful

to meet the additional financial, emotional, and social demands of parenting a kid with

ASD (Kerns et al., 2017).

In light of this, the focus of this research was on emphasizing the various

experiences of a select number of parents of children with ASD, particularly in the

context of the Philippines. Furthermore, it will reveal more details regarding the degree of

care that these parents give to raising their child with ASD, including particular

difficulties and their methods for overcoming them. The theoretical significance of this

topic is to formally comprehend how changes within the family structure throughout time

affect families.

Previous studies revealed that mothers of children with ASD reported elevated

problems in various areas of family life, including marital and sibling relationships and

family socialization (National Library of Medicines, 2021). The effects of symptoms on

the parents and how they raised autistic children depend on a variety of factors, including

a person's race, sex, ethnicity, and marital status (CDC, 2018). It is important to examine

the difficulties faced by parents of autistic children and their encounters with social and

behavioral deficiencies (Davis, 2018). Amid these struggles and emotional turmoil, some

parents have emerged stronger by employing adaptive coping and protective resources

like religiosity, spirituality, hope, optimism and social support (Dey et al., 2019).

Moreover, this research may provide techniques for parents to strengthen their

bonds with their children and by using coping mechanisms, caregivers may manage the

persistent symptoms of the diagnosis and talk about healthy methods to deal with

challenges with their ASD children. It is critical to talk about parents' coping techniques

and any potential problematic parenting habits related to the stress of raising a child on

the spectrum, even when they are aware of the social and behavioral deficiencies of their

child (McAuliffe et al., 2017).

According to Folkman and Lazarus (as cited in Minchekar, 2017), most coping

strategies fall into three broad categories. First category is problem-focused coping

strategy, used to tackle the problem directly. Problem-focused coping strategies are

similar to strategies used to solve problems. These strategies are often directed at defining

the problem, constructing alternative solutions, considering the alternatives in terms of

their costs and benefits and then taking actions. Problem focused strategies aim to remove

or reduce the causes of stress rather than its effects. These strategies include mainly

taking control of stressful situations by changing the relationship between us and the

sources of stress, as well as gathering the information. In the study of Tremolada (2022),

the parents adapted problem-oriented strategies for coping with their children’s condition.

Meanwhile, the study of Al-Oran et al. (2022) mentioned that previous studies showed

that emotion-focused coping was widely demonstrated by mothers. Emotion-focused

coping strategy is used to handle feelings of distress, rather than the actual problem.

Emotion focused coping strategies include avoidance or denial, distancing, minimization

of the problem, positive comparison or positive reinterpretation and finding positive

values in negative events and acceptance. Emotion - focused strategies mainly focus on

changing thoughts and feelings about the stressors. These strategies are used where the

stressors are perceived as extremely threatening and uncontrollable, and when the source

of stress is unclear or there is a lack of knowledge about how to solve or tackle the

problem., avoidance-oriented coping includes strategies such as avoiding the situation,

denying its existence, or losing hope. Parents may engage in avoidance of the issue or

focus on the positive experiences (Beighton & Wills, 2017). Research suggests that

parents do manage to cope and cope successfully with autism in certain circumstances.

According to Lampinen et al. (as cited in Balubaid & Sahab, 2017), parents who take part

in social and leisure activities experience less stress.

Furthermore, according to Del Bianco, Mazzoni, Bentenuto, and Venuti (2018),

stress and poor parenting habits are brought on by some of the signs of autism, such as

the child's inadequate

communication skills. Parents worry about their autistic children's communication

impairments and encounter challenges when they spend time with them. These symptoms

have a big impact on how parents relate to their children. There are significant variations

in how some parents demonstrate their resilience and how they manage the psychological

pain that comes with raising a child on the spectrum (DaPaz et al., 2018).

Previous studies have examined the difficulties faced by parents of children with

ASD, but they have not specifically addressed the contextual factors related to parenting

children on the spectrum or the wide range of parental experiences (Del Bianco et al.,

2018). The researchers conducted this study to emphasize the experiences of filipino

parents and bring awareness in the community of Binalonan, Pangasinan wherein the

researchers have observed the lack of inclusive education or affordable assessment and

treatment centers for children with disabilities, which can help with the parents in raising

their child and have better understanding about their child’s physical, emotional and

psychological developments. The researchers will gain a deeper understanding about

what the parents of a child with autism go through physically, socially, financially and

psychologically and their coping mechanisms while they are raising their child for the

researchers to be able to incorporate in their future programs.

Theoretical Framework

The theories used in this study are: (1) The theory of Symbolic Interactionism, (2)

Family Resilience Theory, and (3) Ecological Systems Theory is used in this study.

Symbolic Interactionism

The Theory of Symbolic Interactionism by Mead (1934), explains how interaction

between individuals creates shared interpretation and shared understanding of what

meaning is placed on experience in the context it is happening.

According to Alder-Nissan (as cited in Havens, 2021), Symbolic Interactionism is

a broad landscape of designs such as phenomenological, social semiotics, and narrative

approaches. Moreover, the basic tenets of Symbolic Interactionism include placing

subjective meaning of interactions of people occur in relation to culture and social


situations that are assigned a category within that context, interaction with others create

meaning, and meanings are continually created and revised based on social interaction

(Carter & Fuller, 2016). Symbolic Interactionism requires primary data from the social

entities in the natural world. The collected data is summarized and categorized in an

organized fashion (Salvini, 2019).

Family Resilience Theory

The Theory of Family Resilience Theory by Walsh (2016), explains how the

family deals with the adversity within the family unit. Mapsee (2022) mentioned that the

family resilience theory is appropriate to address the increase in stress parents’

experience when their children are diagnosed with ASD and ways to combat stress

related to their child’s diagnosis. Moreover, Yaacob et al. (2022) used this theory as a

theoretical framework in investigating the coping mechanisms of parents with children

having ASD in Northeast Malaysia. This theory helps to explain one’s ability to recover

or adjust or even triumph over life-related stressors and changes. Additionally, the

researchers use the term resilience to refer to capabilities or desirable outcomes in the

context of risk or adversity associated with dysfunction or adjustment to a problem

(Masten, 2018).

Ecological System Theory

Ecological Systems Theory (Bronfenbrenner, 1979) explains the broader context

in which parents raise their children with ASD. It considers the influence of various

systems on the experiences of parents from the microsystem or the family, to the

macrosystem or societal attitudes and policies. According to Begum et al. (as cited in

Saha, 2021), every behavior and attitude has an impact of micro to a macro system, for

example, family support, education and socio-economic context. Furthermore, According

to Algood et al. (as cited in Saha, 2021), individuals move through a series of life

transitions, all of which demand environmental support and coping skills, so social issues

involving parenting children with disabilities, family relations, income, health issues,

education, and so on can be subsumed under the ecological model that helps to access

factors relevant with these issues. The Ecology systems theory is applicable in

community and multicultural psychology research. It has been used to understand the

problem of people and develop treatments for those problems within their cultural context

(Suarez-Balcazar et al., 2014)

Input Process Output

1. What are the  Propose a

experiences project
encountered by the Figure 1: Research Paradigm building a
respondents in therapy
raising their child center.
with ASD?  Semi-  Public
structured awareness
2.How are the Interview through
experience affect the  Coding posting on

The Input-Process-Output (IPO) paradigm was used to emphasize the study's

method utilized in this study. By applying the IPO model to figure out the study's inputs,

draw the visual illustration, describe the research process, and state the research output by

identifying the research's expectations as well as the expected outcomes. The categories

of input, process, and output, have proven useful in guiding research design. The first part

of the research paradigm is the input from the study.

Statement of the Problem

The research study aims to explore the experience of Filipino parents in raising

their child with autism.

Specifically, the study answered the following questions:

1. What are the encountered experiences by the respondents in raising their

child with ASD?

2. How do the experiences affect the respondents?

3. How do the respondents cope with their stress?

Assumptions of the Study

1. Parents experience exhaustion due to the continuous supervision of their child.

Emotional problems such as denial, sadness, and worry. Financial problems such as loss

of income and costly medical treatment. Social problems like social isolation and

ignorance from their relatives. Psychological problems such as stress and anxiety.

2. They are affected physically by experiencing gain or loss in weight, and health

issues. Financially by reduced income, and financial strains. Emotionally by guilt, and

isolation. Psychologically by having stress, and anxiety.

3. The parents develop strong coping skills and resilience.


Definition of Terms

Autism Spectrum Disorder. This refers to a disorder characterized by persistent deficits

in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts and

restricted repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities.

Child with Autism. This refers to a young person especially between infancy and

puberty, or below at the age of 18 who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum


Exploring. This pertains to looking or searching for unfamiliar things and discovering


Experience. This pertains to a process of gaining knowledge, skill, and information.

Filipino Parents. This refers to the biological or adoptive father and mother of the

child with ASD, who are also citizens of the Philippines.

Coping Mechanism. This refers to the strategies used in the face of stress to help

manage painful or difficult emotions.


Chapter 2


Research Design

To determine the experiences of Filipino parents in raising their children with

Autism Spectrum Disorders, the researchers utilized a qualitative research design by

phenomenological approach. Qualitative research involves collecting and analyzing non-

numerical data to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences. It can be used to gather

in-depth insights into a problem or generate new ideas for research (Bhandari, 2020). It is

an approach that is used in exploring and understanding the meaning of individuals or

groups ascribing to a social or human problem (Creswell, 2014). A phenomenological

methodology, however, involves the collection of naturalistic first-person accounts of

experience, recognizing the need to account for the influence of the researcher on the data

collection and analytical process (Langdridge, 2014). According to Gasparyan (as cited in

Alhazmi and Kuffman, 2022), phenomenology hold view that human beings extract

meaning from the world through personal experience.

Population and Locale of the Study

The participants of the study are the parents of children with ASD. The sampling

technique that will be used in the study is purposive sampling. Ten (10) respondents will

be chosen from Binalonan, Pangasinan. The primary source of data for the researchers is

the one-on-one, semi- structured interview from the ten (10) parents who have a child

with ASD. The respondents were chosen and selected based on the parameters specified

in the criteria that target respondents must be: (1) Filipino citizens, (2) Parents who have

a child with ASD, (3) Must be able to speak and understand English or Tagalog, and (4)

Must be a resident of Binalonan, Pangasinan.

Data Gathering Tools

The instruments that were utilized in this study are the questionnaires and semi-

structured interviews. Semi-structured interviews are based on a semi-structured

interview guide, which is a schematic presentation of questions or topics that need to be

explored by the interviewer (Pharm, 2014). The semi-structured interview guide used

includes the interview questions that answers the experience of the parents in raising their

child with autism, how it affected them, as well as the coping mechanisms they used in

dealing with their stress. The interview guide questions were validated by two (2)

Guidance Counselor and one (1) Psychometrician.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers began this study by obtaining formal permission from the

research adviser to conduct the study entitled “Exploring the Experience of Filipino

Parents in Raising their Children with Autism”. Next, the researchers formulated semi-

structured interview guide questions that were validated by the two (2) Guidance

Counselor and one (1) Psychometricians. After that, the researchers went to the North

Central School which offers Special Education for Children. Then, the researchers

inquired about their students with special needs, specifically to children with ASD. After

ensuring the availability of target samples, the researchers asked permission to conduct

the interview.

Next, the researchers worked together with the SPED coordinator and teachers

about the available parents willing to be interviewed. The researchers were told to wait

until the available parents came. When the parents arrived, the researchers greeted the

parents and built rapport before starting to actually conduct the data gathering. Then, the

researchers provided an informed consent to the respondents to formally obtain their

permission to participate in the study. The researchers also discussed the contents of the

informed consent orally to ensure understanding.

Then, to collect the data needed to answer the problem statements of the study,

the researchers used the interview instruments which is the formulated semi-structured

interview guide validated by two (2) Guidance Counselor and (1) one Psychometrician,

the tape recordings of the people who gave their permission to be interviewed and by the

researchers. Data was gathered by reading the guide questions to the respondents.

To keep their answers, the researchers collected all the papers where the

summarized answers of the respondents were jotted down and with their permission, tape

recorded the interview. At the end of the interview, the researchers debriefed the

information about the study and allowed the respondents to ask about their requests and

concerns about their data. The researchers also gave a token to show appreciation to the

respondents for their time to participate in this study. Lastly, all the answers from the

respondents from the interviews were compiled and analyzed.

Treatment of Data

Thematic Analysis was used to analyze the data gathered from the interview.

Thematic Analysis unfolds and provides patterns identified through codes, categories,

and themes which assign the meaning of the experiences (Saldana, 2015). Thematic

Analysis is a method that has become a widely used tool for analyzing qualitative data

(Willig & Rogers, 2017).

The researchers started the analysis of data by listening to the recorded audio of

the interview and listing down their answer for each question. Next, the researchers

created a table that compiled all the answers of the respondents that answers the first

statement of the problem. Then, the researchers compiled the words or phrases that

describe the idea of each of their responses and wrote it in the codes column of the table.

After that, the researchers counted the frequency of how many times the word was

repeated. The word with the most count became the first theme. The left ideas were

compiled as the subtheme. Same process was made in the second and third statement of

the problem.

Chapter 3

Results and Discussion

This chapter interprets, presents and analyzes the data of the study. The research

study aimed to explore the experiences of Filipino parents in raising their child with

autism. Qualitative research with a Phenomenological approach was utilized to determine

the experience of Filipino parents in raising their child with autism.

The researchers gathered data from ten (10) parents who have a child with autism

and were purposely selected from Binalonan, Pangasinan using semi-structured

interviews to collect relevant information from the respondents. The researchers used

thematic analysis in analyzing the data gathered.

Theme 1: Kulang

Theme 1 presents the experience encountered by the respondents. Seven out of ten

respondents have experienced financial instability in raising their child with autism.

R1: “Mahirap, kasi walang pera, nakakatanggap siya ng isang libo gano’n sa gobyerno

pero syempre kulang.”

R2: “Syempre unang-una pera kulang kasi ako lang naghahanap buhay tapos dalawa

yung pinapaaral ko tapos yung trabaho sa bahay.”

R4: “Kahit sabihin kong may trabaho ‘yong asawa ko, kinukulang pa rin kami gaya

nitong anak ko, magte-therapy siya. Imbis sana na 2 or 3 times a week, hiningi muna

namin, once a week. Medyo kulang talaga kami sa budget kasi isa lang ‘yong

nagtatrabaho. Naggagamot sila, naggagamot ako. Kulang pa rin.”


R5: “Kinukulang no’ng bata pa ‘yong anak ko kasi hindi pa naman ako napo-promote.

Tapos noong na-promote na, nagging stable naman. Napo-provide naman ‘yong mga


R6: “Nag-resign na ako sa trabaho kasi walang mag aalaga sa anak ko eh, kailangan ng

financial talaga medyo kapos din minsan.”

R9: “Nung dati nagproblema din ako kung saan ako kukuha [ng pera].”

R10: “Very expensive, high maintenance po siya, one hour speech therapy is one

thousand(php), 6-8 years ago one hour SPED is 350(php) and occupational therapy is

450(php) per hour, its three thousand(php) a week, another one is the most expensive one

and it is medication kasi hindi siya basta basta pag naospital ang bill ay 50,000(php),

nung umpisa ang hirap pero I have a very supportive circle of family and friends, diretso

yung flow, yung supply niya ng pagkain may nagshoshoulder, everytime na maoospital

siya hindi lang ako yung nagshoshoulder they are very generous, hindi siya problema

when it comes to maintaining him, although he is very expensive because he does not eat

normal food kasi sa kanya nuggets lang hot dog lang kasi may pinipili siyang brand kasi

pag binigyan mo siya ng ibang brand ayaw niya kaya mahal and everyday meron siyang

Jollibee or Mcdonalds.”

This shows that the majority of the parents face financial difficulties, which

supports the suggestion of Kerns et al. (2017) that families who have limited means may

find it more stressful to meet the additional financial demands of parenting a kid with

ASD. Moreover, some family members give up their jobs to meet the needs of a child

with ASD (Morris, 2014).


Subtheme 1: Sapat

Subtheme 1 presents the respondents who did not experience financial difficulties.

Three out of the ten respondents stated that they are able to provide for their child's needs.

R3: “Okay lang naman. Nakakaaahon din.”

R7: “Kasi yung anak ko picky ang mga gusto niya lang is mga hotdog, itlog ganun, pero

yung mga sabaw okay namn, hindi ko alam kung paano ko siya iaano (ihandle) sa


R8: “Ay swerte ko siya. Hindi ako nauubusan ng pera.”

This indicates that only few of the respondents experience financial difficulties.

This contradicts the study of Morris (2014) that some family members give up their job

or reduce their working hours to meet the needs of their child with ASD.

Theme 2: Negative Emotions

Theme 2 presents how the experience in raising a child with autism affects the

respondents. Eight of the respondents have answered that while raising their child with

autism. They were affected and experienced negative emotions such as stress, anxiety,

depression and worry about the future or their child.

R1: “Nag-woworry.”

R3: “Nai-stress kasi pasaway. Kasi kung anong gusto nya, yun ang gusto nya pa rin. Sya

dapat ang nasusunod.”

R4: “Nai-stress. Tatagan na lang talaga ng loob.”

R5: “Nai-stress ako. Nagwo-worry ako para sa future ng anak ko. Kaya binibilin ko na

lang sa mga kapatid niya na bantayan siya at alagaan.”

R6: "Nag-anxiety ako noon.”


R7: “Nakakastress din minsan kasi hindi namin alam kung ano nararamdaman niya kasi

hindi naman niya sinasabi. Nararamdaman nalang namin kung matamlay.”

R9: “Nai-stress dati nung maliit pa siya kasi kapag nag ta-tantrums siya kailangan mo

ibigay yung gusto niya. Pero ngayon mabait naman na siya.”

R10: “Wondered of course paano pag namatay ako what will happen to my son yun yung

mga pinaka-worry ko, gusto kong maturoan siya bago ako malagotan ng hininga, it’s

more on emotional aspect yung tirada sakin na I will die early.”

This supports the statement of Ventola and colleagues (2017) that parents

experience stress due to the uncertainty about their children's future. Moreover,

uncertainty about the child's education, career, living conditions, and adaptation to

adulthood contributed to an intense sense of worry (Sabitri Acharya 2021).

Subtheme 1: Unaffected

Subtheme 1 presents the two respondents who were not psychologically affected.

R2: “Okay naman”

R8: “Wala naman."

This indicates that only few of the respondents were affected in raising their child

with autism. This contradicts the study of Akturk and Aylaz (2017) that having to care for

a child with special needs is quite demanding and stressful for families, especially for the


Theme 3: Avoidant

Theme 3 presents how the respondents used coping mechanisms to cope with

mental stress. Eight out of ten respondents used an avoidant coping strategy when they

are experiencing stress in raising their child with autism.


R1: “Nadadaan-daanan ko lang dito sa trabaho sa bahay, naghuhugas, nag lilinis pag

siya lang lagi ko iniisip mase-stress ka talaga.”

R2: “Syempre yun nga yung sinabi ko sainyo, mag libang libang ka, maki chismis ka,

manuod ng nakakatawa”

R3: “Dinadaan sa kanta at sayaw para hindi naming mapalo. Gumagaan yung loob

namin kapag sumasayaw at kumakanta. Imbis na magalit kami, nawawala na.”

R4: “Wala, sa bahay lang. Nakikipaglaro sa mga anak. Parang doon na lang umiikot.

Tatagan na lang ng loob. Hindi ako mahilig magsabi ng sama ng loob. Sakin na lang.

Nalalampasan ko kahit papaano.”

R5: “Nagba-bike.”

R6: “Nag eexercise para mawala, basketball, magba-bike ako sa bayan, magwalis walis

sa bahay.”

R7: “Iniiwasan ko,dito nagbusybusyhan , nagtatrabaho.”

R8: “I self-manage. Diyan ako magaling eh. Tapos cross stitching, nakikinig ng music,

nanonood ng nakakatawang video at namamasyal kami ng anak ko.”

Research suggests that parents do manage to cope and cope successfully with

autism in certain circumstances. Parents may engage in avoidance of the issue or focus on

the positive experiences (Beighton & Wills, 2017). Moreover, according to Lampinen et

al. (as cited in Balubaid & Sahab, 2017), parents who take part in social and leisure

activities experience less stress.

Subtheme 1: Prayer

Subtheme 1 shows that one out of the ten respondents used prayer as her coping

mechanism when experiencing mental stress.


R10: “Prayer lang.”

This indicates that although the majority of the parents are use avoidance as their

coping mechanism some parents also resort to adaptive coping where in according to

Dey et al., (2019), Amid the struggles and emotional turmoil, some parents have

emerged stronger by employing adaptive coping and protective resources like religiosity,

spirituality, hope, optimism and social support.

Subtheme 2: No coping mechanism

Subtheme 2 shows that one out of the ten respondents did not have coping

mechanisms in raising her child with autism.

R9: “Wala. Kasi hindi naman ako naaapektuhan.”

The respondent stated that she has no coping mechanism because she was not

affected by her experiences in raising her child. The respondent also mentioned that she

has a good support system which supports the study of Miranda (2019) that social support

was one of the significant mediators on the path between ASD symptom severity and

parenting stress.

Chapter 4

Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter presents the conclusion and recommendation that were derived from

the analysis and interpretations of the findings of the study.


The following conclusions are drawn based on the results of the study.

On the first statement of the problem which is the encountered experiences by the

respondents in raising their child with ASD, the result shows that the majority of the

Filipino parents who have a child with autism residing in Binalonan, Pangasinan have

experienced financial difficulties. Parents stated that their source of income was

inadequate to support their child's needs especially for therapy.

Under the second statement of the problem which is how the experiences affect

the respondents, the result shows that the majority of the Filipino parents who have a

child with autism residing in Binalonan, Pangasinan were affected psychologically and

they experienced stress, anxiety, depression, and worry.

Lastly, under the third statement of the problem which is the coping mechanism

of respondents to cope with their stress. The result shows that the majority of the Filipino

parents who have a child with autism residing in Binalonan, Pangasinan used avoidant

coping mechanisms in dealing with mental stress such as avoiding the situation and

distracting themselves in other activities.



Based on the findings and conclusions of the study the following are


To address the first statement of the problem, the researchers recommend

organizing an awareness campaign in a form of seminar in collaboration with the

Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in Binalonan, Pangasinan. This

is to create awareness about the government programs and services that they offer

specifically for person with disability. Through this, the respondents will recognize their

rights they will be able to avail and maximize their benefits from the government. This

will elevate the financial burden of the respondents.

To generate a solution for the second statement of the problem, the researchers

will propose to conduct a seminar about parenting strategies that will be held in

Binalonan, Pangasinan. This will help the respondents learn the parenting strategies that

can help them in raising their child with autism.

For the third statement of the problem, the researchers will propose to conduct a

seminar about parenting stress management to help the respondents reduce their stress

and engage in good mental health habits. This also help the respondents to adapt a

healthy coping mechanism to be a more effective parent to their child.

Furthermore, the researchers also recommend for in-depth studies about the

experiences of parents in raising their child with autism and explore their financial needs.


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Appendix A: Interview Guide Question

Name (Optional):
1.What experiences have you encountered in raising your child?
a. What physical changes have you observed since you had your child?
(Anu-anong mga pisikal na pagbabago and iyong naranasan mula nang magkaroon
kang anak?)
b. What do you feel about raising your child with autism?
(Ano ang naramdaman mo sa pagpapalaki ng anak na may autism?)
c. What is your financial experience in raising your child with autism?
(Ano ang buhay na nararamdaman niyo base sa inyong pinansyal na kalagayan sa
pagpapalaki ng iyong anak?)
d. What psychological problems have you encountered while raising your child with
(Ano ang mga sikolohikal na karanasan ang inyong pinagdadaanan habang pinapalaki
ang iyong anak?)
e. What treatments do you experience from the people around you?
(Ano ang trato ng mga tao sayo sa paligid mo?)

2. How does raising a child with autism affect you?

a. How does the physical changes you have experience affected you in raising your child?
(Paano nakakaapekto ang pisikal na pagbabago na iyong naranasan sa pagpapalaki ng
inyong anak?)
b. How does your emotion affect you in raising your child with autism?
(Paano nakakaapekto ang iyong emosyon sa pagpapalaki mo sa iyong anak?)
c. How does your financial status affect you in raising your child?
(Paano nakakaapekto sa buhay niyo ang kalagayang pangpinansyal niyo sa pagtustos at
pagpapalaki ng inyong anak?)
d. How does raising a child with autism affect you mentally?
(Kumusta ang kalusungang pangkaisipan?)
e. How does the treatment of other people affect your social life?
(Paano nakakaapekto ang pagtrato sayo ng ibang tao sa iyong buhay panlipunan?)

3. What are the coping mechanisms you use when facing challenges in raising your child
with autism?
a. What coping mechanism do you do when dealing with physical difficulties?
(Ano ang mga paraan ang iyong ginagawa upang malampasan ang mga pisikal na
b. What coping mechanism do you use when dealing with emotional difficulties?
(Ano ang mga paraan ang iyong ginagawa upang malampasan ang mga emosyonal na
c. What coping mechanism do you do when dealing with financial difficulties?
(Ano ang mga paraan ang iyong ginagawa upang malampasan ang mga pinansyal na

d. What coping mechanism do you do when you are mentally stressed?

(Ano ang mga diskarte ang iyong ginagawa upang malampasan ang mga pagsubok na
e. What coping mechanism do you use when dealing with social interaction difficulties?
(Ano ang mga diskarte ang iyong ginagawa upang malampasan ang mga pagsubok sa


Appendix B: Seminar Proposal

I. Seminar Information

a. General Topic: Parenting Strategy for Parents of Child with Autism

b. Title: Parenting Strategies in Child with Autism

c. Description: This seminar is specifically designed for parents of children with

autism for them to learn and implement positive parenting strategies to promote

connection, communication and learning.

d. Location: White Tent Plaza, Binalonan, Pangasinan

e. Date and Time: January 13, 2024 at 8:00 o’clock in the morning

f. Length of Time: 3 hours

II. Seminar Rationale

Parenting a child with autism is challenging. It requires significant amount of

time, energy, and emotional strength from behavioral management to worry about the

future of their children. It is important for parents to learn about the positive parenting

strategies to help their children have fewer behavioral problems and stronger mental


III. Objectives

The parents will learn the various parenting strategies in raising their child

with autism and will help them to get the desired behavior and allowed children to

become mentally healthier and better adjusted.


IV. Activities

Time Activity Duration Facilitator

8:00AM - 8:15AM Registration 15 minutes Dann Mauricius Z.


8:15AM - 8:20AM Exercise 5 minutes Regine C. Tolentino

8:20AM - 8:25AM Ice breaker 5 minutes Panfilo E. Cañaveral

8:25AM- 8:35AM Prayer and Opening 10 minutes Naja C. Reyes


8:35AM-10:35AM Presentation and 2 hours Abigail C. Interno

Discussion (Speaker)

10:35AM-10:45AM Open forum 10 minutes Erika Trisha M.


10:45AM-11:00AM Closing Remarks 15 minutes Fredissa Manasan

V. Instructional Support and Assistance

 Laptop

 Projector

 Microphone and sound system

 Chairs and tables

 Paper and Pen


Appendix C: Seminar Proposal

II. Seminar Information

b. General Topic: Parenting Stress and Stress Management

c. Title: Stress Reduction Technique for Parents of Children with Autism

d. Description: This seminar is specifically designed to develop an understanding

parenting stress and training of seminar attendees about stress management


e. Location: White Tent Plaza, Binalonan, Pangasinan

f. Date and Time: January 20, 2024 at 8:00 o’clock in the morning

g. Length of Time: 3 hours

IV. Seminar Rationale

Parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) experience parenting

stress having a child with atypical behavior. As stress can cause health problems, it is

important for parents to learn effective techniques on how to manage parenting stress in a

healthy way.

III. Objectives

The parents will learn different effective techniques in managing parenting stress.

IV. Activities

Time Activity Duration Facilitator

8:00AM - 8:15AM Registration 15 minutes Dann Mauricius Z.


8:15AM - 8:20AM Exercise 5 minutes Regine C. Tolentino

8:20AM - 8:25AM Ice breaker 5 minutes Panfilo E. Cañaveral


8:25AM- 8:35AM Prayer and Opening 10 minutes Naja C. Reyes


8:35AM-10:35AM Presentation and 2 hours Julius T. Balicao

Discussion (Speaker)

10:35AM-10:45AM Open forum 10 minutes Erika Trisha M.


10:45AM-11:00AM Closing Remarks 15 minutes Fredissa Manasan

V. Instructional Support and Assistance

 Laptop

 Projector

 Microphone and sound system

 Chairs and tables

 Paper and Pen

Curriculum Vitae

Panfilo Eclera Cañaveral Jr.

Address: Cabalitian, Asingan, Pangasinan

Birthday: August 09,2002

Email Address: [email protected]

Facebook URL:

Cell Phone Number: 09668238672

Birthplace: Asingan, Pangasinan

Educational Background
Level/Degree Name of School Year Graduated
Tertiary Urdaneta City University 2021-Present
Secondary Angela Valdez Ramos National High School 2015-2021
Primary Sanchez- Cabalitian Elementary School 2009-2015
Seminars/Trainings Attended
SHS Leadership training 2020
Born this way: Body Positivity and Self-love seminar 2023
Awards and Recognition
With Honor Science Technology Engneering and Mathematics 2021
With Honor Junior High School 2019
Organizational Affiliation
Bulong Science Club

Curriculum Vitae

Dann Mauricius Zamora Farnacio


Address: Alipangpang Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

Birthday: May 09, 2002

Email Address: [email protected]

Facebook URL:

Cell Phone Number: 0939408406

Birthplace: Baguio City

Educational Background
Level/Degree Name of School Year Graduated
Tertiary Urdaneta City University 2021-Present
Secondary Benigno V. Aldana National High School 2014-2020
Primary Mary Help of Christians Learning Center 2008-2014
Seminars/Trainings Attended
Born this way: Body Positivity and Self-love seminar 2023
Awards and Recognition

Organizational Affiliation
National Chaplains of the Philippines

Curriculum Vitae

Fredissa Manasan

Address: Buneg, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

Birthday: July 4, 2001

Email Address: [email protected]

Facebook URL:

Cell Phone Number: 09635064445

Birthplace: Quezon City

Educational Background
Level/Degree Name of School Year
Tertiary Urdaneta City University 2021-Present
Secondary Bestlink College of the Philippines- Senior 2017-2019
Bagong Silang High School- Junior High
Primary Bagong Silang Elementary School 2008-2014
Seminars/Trainings Attended
Born this way: Body Positivity and Self-love seminar 2023
Awards and Recognition
With Honor Science Technology Engneering and Mathematics 2019
With Honor Junior High School 2017
With Honor Primary 2013
Organizational Affiliation
Peer Counselor Club
Science Club

Curriculum Vitae

Naja Cortez Reyes

Address: Bugayong, Binalonan, Pangasinan

Birthday: June 5, 1996

Email Address: [email protected]

Facebook URL:

Cell Phone Number: 09173142465

Birthplace: Baguio City

Educational Background
Level/Degree Name of School Year
Tertiary Urdaneta City University 2020-Present
Secondary Saint Louis Center High School 2009-2013
Primary Saint Louis School Center 2003-2009
Seminars/Trainings Attended
Born this way: Body Positivity and Self-love seminar 2023

Awards and Recognition

Organizational Affiliation
Society of Medical Laboratory Scientists

Curriculum Vitae

Regine Cañaveral Tolentino


Address: Cabalitian, Asingan, Pangasinan

Birthday: September 29,2002

Email Address: [email protected]

Facebook URL:

Cell Phone Number: 09277425040

Birthplace: Asingan, Pangasinan

Educational Background
Level/Degree Name of School Year Graduated
Tertiary Urdaneta City University 2021-Present
Secondary Angela Valdez Ramos National High School 2015-2021
Primary Sanchez- Cabalitian Elementary School 2009-2015
Seminars/Trainings Attended
SHS Leadership Training 2020
Born this way: Body Positivity and Self-love seminar 2023
Awards and Recognition
With Honor Science Technology Engneering and Mathematics 2021
With Honor Junior High School 2019
With Honor Primary
Organizational Affiliation
Bulong Science Club

Curriculum Vitae

Erika Trisha Magno Veloria

Address: Banaoang Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan

Birthday: December 25, 2001

Email Address: [email protected]

Facebook URL:

Cell Phone Number: 09512828515

Birthplace: Dagupan City

Educational Background
Level/Degree Name of School Year
Tertiary Urdaneta City University 2020-Present
Secondary Daniel Maramba National High School 2014-2020
Primary Banaoang Elementary School 2008-2014
Seminars/Trainings Attended
Born this way: Body Positivity and Self- 2023
love seminar

Awards and Recognition

English for Tourism Technical Educational Skills and 2023
Professional Development Authority
Foundation of Meassage Technical Educational Skills and 2023
Practice Development Authority
Organizational Affiliation

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