Pir00089-B 00 2019 Eng Low Catalogue Piron

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Ovens and accessories for the world of
professional cooking
1. Who we are pag. 5

2. Modus operandi pag. 6

3. Our experience pag. 7

4. Technologies pag. 9

5. Product lines pag. 10

Galilei Plus pag. 14

Galilei Plus KT pag. 16

Galilei pag. 18

Caboto pag. 20

6. Accessories pag. 29

At Piron, we believe in the value of people.
We believe in those who, like you, take
passion and art into the kitchen in order to
create quality gastronomic experiences.

Who we are
A history of excellence

Piron is an Italian company

that designs and manufactures
professional ovens.

Founded in 2006, today, the company sells all over the Piron has always been synonymous with reliability and
world thanks to the experience and expertise of its competence, accompanied by constant attention to
founders, who are the engines and soul of a productive results and for the needs of each of its customers.
reality. Over the years Piron has been characterized by
great technical and design skills, the ability to listen to
the needs of the market, sales support , creativity and
great passion.

Piron is an ambassador of Made in Italy. We have

chosen to work without compromise, ensuring its
customers high-quality components and a wide range
of products to meet different cooking needs.

Modus operandi
How a Piron product comes to life

Research and development Production

It is the breeding ground of ideas, Piron’s bet on the It takes place through the lean manufacturing
future. The department’s work is constantly focused on system, adopted by Piron and all its suppliers and is
innovation, so that technology may be the means to characterized by high-level components.
more efficient performance and results.

Technical department Sales Network

It is the heart of the products design, composed of a It responds to all market needs and ensures to provide
team of well prepared and experienced professionals. each one of our customers with the most effective
The technical department is the place where the oven solution for the development and growth of their
is planned in all of its details and functionalities, being business.
then ready to become the concrete answer to a very
specific need.

Prototyping Market
Is a vital step, an established and indispensable praxis. Piron's solutions meet end-users. The market
Through the prototyping phase, each new Piron represents the end point, but also a restart because it
product is subjected to rigorous durability tests and is is precisely from the interactions with the users that we
continuously improved, under the supervision of our withdraw new ideas for our continuous research
technicians and our corporate chef.

Our experience
Ovens for gastronomy, pastry and bakery

Chef and gastronomy Bakery and Pastry

We work alongside international chefs and, guided For pastry and bakery we have designed ovens that
by their experience, we create ovens that can support guarantee uniform and standardized results.
their professionalism, creativity and talent. We have studied the specific characteristics o a wide
variety of products, so that we can meet the needs of
the professionals, achieving the best results.

Snack bar Food producers

We set out to design ovens suitable for snack bars, but We know how important uniform results and
able to go beyond mere regeneration or finishing. standardized cooking are, especially when the oven is
We wanted a flexible instrument, capable of intended to work long hours and at full load.
responding to multiple needs: also cooking or grilling. For those who make cooking their own business, we
So that even a small catering business has its own have created technologies that can meet the demands
space for creativity and freedom. of regeneration through immediate commands and
functions simple and targeted.

The result of our research

We invest in research because we believe in the

future. We have an entire department dedicated to
the development of innovative technologies, with the
aim of bringing the future into your daily life.

Sator Steam
The Sator Steam technology generates steam up to
100% saturation in the chamber through the creation
of a fine water mist.

Optimal Climatic
This is a system that extracts the excess humidity,
maintaining the desired humidity level required.

Reverse Air flow

Using multiple fans with auto-reverse, Reverse Air Flow,
intensifies the air flow in the cooking chamber of the
oven, guaranteeing a golden uniform result.

Range Comparison





Steam cooking. Hybrid control: Chimney regulation.
Mixed cooking . manual and digital.
Convection cooking.

GN 1/1
EN 600x400

Width (mm)
780 mm 3 fan speed. Single point core probe.

Steam cooking. Hybrid control: Chimney regulation.

Mixed cooking . manual and digital.
Convection cooking.

GN 1/1
GN 2/3

Width (mm)
3 fan speed. Single point core probe.
540 mm

Steam cooking. Manual control.

Mixed cooking .
Convection cooking.

GN 1/1
EN 600x400

Width (mm)
3 fan speed.
780 mm

Convection cooking. Digital control.

Manual control.

Width (mm)
800|750|600|550|480 mm


The manual control allows the chef to
use the functions simply and intuitively

Cooking chamber in high resistance

Steam and convection cooking.
stainless steel AISI 304.

Universal container rack for

GN 1/1 Manual control or hybrid manual
EN 600x400 pastry EN 600x400 and for
and digital control.
gastronomy GN 1/1.

3 fan speeds for the user to select the

correct airflow.

Standard model
Manual Control


Steam percentage regulation. Set different fan speed Regulation of cooking time. Regulation of cooking chamber
(3 different speeds available). temperature.

Plus / KT model
Hybrid control


Steam percentage regulation. Set different fan speed Regulation of cooking chamber Regulation of cooking time.
(3 different speeds available). temperature.


(Optimal Climatic) Set core probe temperature.
Chimney regulation.
(3 different positions available).

Galilei Plus
The first combi oven with manual control and core probe

Product code PF7720

N° trays 20
Compatible trays GN 1/1
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 940x1000x1930
Space between trays (mm) 67
Power (kW) 36
Voltage 400V 3N~
Core probe
included Weight (Kg) 250
N° servings 130 - 200

Price € 11.900,00

Product code PF7716

N° trays 16
Compatible trays EN 600x400
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 940x1000x1930
Space between trays (mm) 80
Power (kW) 36
Core probe Voltage 400V 3N~
Weight (Kg) 250
N° servings 110 - 170

Price € 11.900,00

Product code PF7710

N° trays 10
Compatible trays EN 600x400 / GN 1/1
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 780x850x1200
Space between trays (mm) 80
Power (kW) 15,7
Voltage 400V 3N~
Core probe
included Weight (Kg) 125
N° servings 90 - 150

Price € 4.400,00

Galilei Plus
The first combi oven with manual control and core probe

Product code PF7706

N° trays 6
Compatible trays EN 600x400 / GN 1/1
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 780x850x830
Space between trays (mm) 80
Power (kW) 10,5
Voltage 400V 3N~ / 230V 1N~
Core probe
included Weight (Kg) 110
N° servings 60 -110

Price € 3.550,00

Product code PF7704

N° trays 4
Compatible trays EN 600x400 / GN 1/1
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 780x850x640
Space between trays (mm) 75
Power (kW) 7,8
Core probe Voltage 400V 3N~ / 230V 1N~
Weight (Kg) 90
N° servings 40 - 80

Price € 3.300,00

General technical characteristics.

Hertz 50/60 Hz Control hybrid manual and digital

Temperature 30 - 260 °C Fans inversion Reverse Air flow
Water connection ● Steam cooking Sator Steam
Fan speed 3 Chimney regulation Optimal Climatic
Core probe ●


Reversible door Option wheels for trolley ovens

Product code PP7720L - PF7716L - PF7710L - PF7706L - PF7704L Product code PP7720_RT - PF7720L_RT0 - PF7716_RT - PF7716L_RT

Galilei Plus KT
Simplicity and efficiency in only 54 cm of width

Product code PF1550

N° trays 10
Compatible trays GN 1/1
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 540x860x1160
Space between trays (mm) 80
Power (kW) 15,3
Voltage 400V 3N~
Core probe
included Weight (Kg) 130
N° servings 80 - 150

Price € 5.100,00

Product code PF1555

N° trays 5
Compatible trays GN 1/1
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 540x860x760
Space between trays (mm) 80
Power (kW) 7,6
Core probe Voltage 400V 3N~ / 230V 1N~
Weight (Kg) 90
N° servings 30 - 80

Price € 4.000,00

Product code PF1565

N° trays 5
Compatible trays GN 2/3
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 540x680x760
Space between trays (mm) 80
Power (kW) 5,8
Voltage 400V 3N~ / 230V 1N~
Core probe
included Weight (Kg) 70
N° servings 20 - 50

Price € 3.900,00

Galilei Plus KT
Simplicity and efficiency in only 54 cm of width

General technical characteristics.

Hertz 50/60 Hz Control hybrid manual and digital

Temperature 30 - 260 °C Fans inversion Reverse Air flow
Water connection ● Steam cooking Sator Steam
Fan speed 3 Chimney regulation Optimal Climatic
Core probe ●


Reversible door
Product code PF1550L - PF1555L - PF1565L

The combi oven with manual control, easy and intuitive

Product code PF8410

N° trays 10
Compatible trays EN 600x400 / GN 1/1
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 780x850x1200
Space between trays (mm) 80
Power (kW) 15,7
Voltage 400V 3N~
Weight (Kg) 125
N° servings 90 - 150

Price € 3.800,00

Product code PF8406

N° trays 6
Compatible trays EN 600x400 / GN 1/1
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 780x850x830
Space between trays (mm) 80
Power (kW) 10,5
Voltage 400V 3N~ / 230V 1N~
Weight (Kg) 110
N° servings 60 -110

Price € 3.100,00

Product code PF7404

N° trays 4
Compatible trays EN 600x400 / GN 1/1
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 760x720x570
Space between trays (mm) 75
Power (kW) 6,3
Voltage 400V 3N~ / 230V 1N~
Weight (Kg) 55
N° servings 40 - 80

Price € 2.000,00

The combi oven with manual control, easy and intuitive

General technical characteristics.

Hertz 50/60 Hz Control manual

Temperature 30 - 260 °C Fans inversion Reverse Air flow
Water connection ● Steam cooking ●
Fan speed 3


Reversible door
Product code PF8410L - PF8406L - PF7404L


Digital or Manual controls:
precision and practicality

Cooking chamber in high resistance

Convection cooking.
stainless steel AISI 430.

Trays and grills: EN 600x400, GN 1/1,

Electromechanical control:
GN 2/3, GN 1/2, 480x345, 430x325 and
digital or manual.


Digital control TIMER


Direct commands and display for

control of the cooking process: effective
management with enhanced ease of



A simple and intuitive control to manage the different

functions and set the correct cooking parameters.
Maximum results with maximum ease of use.




Light on
Fan on
HUMIDIFIER Circular heating element + fan on
BUTTON Grill on

Convection ovens

Product code PF8004D

Control digital
N° trays 4
Compatible trays EN 600x400 / GN 1/1
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 800x760x540
Space between trays (mm) 75
Power (kW) 6,5
Voltage 230V 1N~ / 400V 3N~
Weight (Kg) 55
Fans inversion Reverse Air flow
Humidification adjustable
Grill -
Plug in -
Automatic side opening (PF8004L)
€ 2.000,00 (PF8004L)
N° brioches per tray 12x4

Price € 1.870,00

Product code PF8004

Control manual
N° trays 4
Compatible trays EN 600x400 / GN 1/1
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 800x760x540
Space between trays (mm) 75
Power (kW) 6,5
Voltage 230V 1N~ / 400V 3N~
Weight (Kg) 55
Fans inversion Reverse Air flow
Humidification manual
Grill -
Plug in -
Automatic side opening -
N° brioches per tray 12x4

Price € 1.650,00

General technical characteristics. * only digital versions.

Hertz 50/60 Hz Cooking phases 3*

Temperature 30 - 260 °C Insertable recipes 99 *
Top to bottom opening standard Pre-heating up to 260 °C *

Convection ovens

Product code PF8003D

Control digital
N° trays 3
Compatible trays EN 600x400 / GN 1/1
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 800x760x460
Space between trays (mm) 75
Power (kW) 3,3
Voltage 230V 1N~ / 400V 3N~
Weight (Kg) 50
Fans inversion Reverse Air flow
Humidification adjustable
Grill -
Plug in -
Automatic side opening -
N° brioches per tray 12x3

Price € 1.590,00

Product code PF8003

Control manual
N° trays 3
Compatible trays EN 600x400 / GN 1/1
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 800x760x460
Space between trays (mm) 75
Power (kW) 3,3
Voltage 230V 1N~ / 400V 3N~
Weight (Kg) 50
Fans inversion Reverse Air flow
Humidification manual
Grill -
Plug in -
Automatic side opening -
N° brioches per tray 12x3

Price € 1.370,00

General technical characteristics. * only digital versions.

Hertz 50/60 Hz Cooking phases 3*

Temperature 30 - 260 °C Insertable recipes 99 *
Top to bottom opening standard Pre-heating up to 260 °C *

Convection ovens

Product code PF7604D

Control digital
N° trays 4
Compatible trays EN 600x400 / GN 1/1
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 750x720x540
Space between trays (mm) 75
Power (kW) 6,3
Voltage 230V 1N~ / 400V 3N~
Weight (Kg) 55
Fans inversion Reverse Air flow
Humidification adjustable
Grill -
Plug in -
Automatic side opening -
N° brioches per tray 12x4

Price € 1.680,00

Product code PF7604

Control manual
N° trays 4
Compatible trays EN 600x400 / GN 1/1
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 750x720x540
Space between trays (mm) 75
Power (kW) 6,3
Voltage 230V 1N~ / 400V 3N~
Weight (Kg) 55
Fans inversion Reverse Air flow
Humidification manual
Grill -
Plug in -
Automatic side opening -
N° brioches per tray 12x4

Price € 1.460,00

General technical characteristics. * only digital versions.

Hertz 50/60 Hz Cooking phases 3*

Temperature 30 - 260 °C Insertable recipes 99 *
Top to bottom opening standard Pre-heating up to 260 °C *

Convection ovens

Product code PF7504

Control manual
N° trays 4
Compatible trays EN 600x400 / GN 1/1
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 750x720x540
Space between trays (mm) 75
Power (kW) 6,3
Voltage 230V 1N~ / 400V 3N~
Weight (Kg) 52
Fans inversion -
Humidification manual
Grill (PF7504G)
€ 1.400,00 (PF7504G)
Plug in -
Automatic side opening -
N° brioches per tray 12x2

Price € 1.200,00

Product code PF4003

Control manual
N° trays 3
Compatible trays 342x242 / GN 1/2
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 480x550x430
Space between trays (mm) 70
Power (kW) 2,5
Voltage 230V 1N~
Weight (Kg) 21
Fans inversion -
Humidification -
Grill -
Plug in ●
Automatic side opening -
N° brioches per tray 4x3

Price € 785,00

General technical characteristics. * only digital versions.

Hertz 50/60 Hz Cooking phases 3*

Temperature 30 - 260 °C Insertable recipes 99 *
Top to bottom opening standard Pre-heating up to 260 °C *

Convection ovens

Product code PF6204D

Control digital
N° trays 4
Compatible trays 430x325 / GN 2/3
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 600x680x540
Space between trays (mm) 78
Power (kW) 3,1
Voltage 230V 1N~
Weight (Kg) 37
Fans inversion Reverse Air flow
Humidification adjustable
Grill -
Plug in ●
Automatic side opening -
N° brioches per tray 9x4

Price € 1.200,00

Product code PF6204

Control manual
N° trays 4
Compatible trays 430x325 / GN 2/3
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 600x680x540
Space between trays (mm) 78
Power (kW) 3,1
Voltage 230V 1N~
Weight (Kg) 37
Fans inversion Reverse Air flow
Humidification manual
Grill -
Plug in ●
Automatic side opening -
N° brioches per tray 9x4

Price € 870,00

General technical characteristics. * only digital versions.

Hertz 50/60 Hz Cooking phases 3*

Temperature 30 - 260 °C Insertable recipes 99 *
Top to bottom opening standard Pre-heating up to 260 °C *

Convection ovens

Product code PF5804D

Control digital
N° trays 4
Compatible trays 442x325
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 550x600x540
Space between trays (mm) 75
Power (kW) 2,8
Voltage 230V 1N~
Weight (Kg) 27
Fans inversion -
Humidification adjustable
Grill -
Plug in ●
Automatic side opening -
N° brioches per tray 6x4

Price € 1.050,00

Product code PF5804

Control manual
N° trays 4
Compatible trays 442x325
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 550x600x540
Space between trays (mm) 75
Power (kW) 2,8
Voltage 230V 1N~
Weight (Kg) 27
Fans inversion -
Humidification (PF5804U)
€ 800,00 (PF5804U)
Grill -
Plug in ●
Automatic side opening -
N° brioches per tray 6x4

Price € 740,00

General technical characteristics. * only digital versions.

Hertz 50/60 Hz Cooking phases 3*

Temperature 30 - 260 °C Insertable recipes 99 *
Top to bottom opening standard Pre-heating up to 260 °C *

Convection ovens

Product code PF5004F

Control manual
N° trays 4
Compatible trays 480x345
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 600x600x540
Space between trays (mm) 75
Power (kW) 3,3
Voltage 230V 1N~
Weight (Kg) 37
Fans inversion -
Humidification € 970,00 (PF5004U)
Grill -
Plug in ●
Automatic side opening -
N° brioches per tray 9x4

Price € 865,00

Product code PF5004P

Control manual
N° trays 4
Compatible trays 480x345
Outside dimensions (WxDxH)(mm) 600x600x540
Space between trays (mm) 75
Power (kW) 3,3
Voltage 230V 1N~
Weight (Kg) 37
Fans inversion -
Humidification manual
Grill ●
Plug in ●
Automatic side opening -
N° brioches per tray 9x4

Price € 1.030,00

General technical characteristics. * only digital versions.

Hertz 50/60 Hz Cooking phases 3*

Temperature 30 - 260 °C Insertable recipes 99 *
Top to bottom opening standard Pre-heating up to 260 °C *

Accessories studied to optimize your kitchen

Professional provers
Piron’s provers maintain the dough in a controlled temperature and
humidity environment.

Condensation hoods
Our innovative and patented Piron condensation system aspirates steam
and fumes coming from the door and the oven exhaust. This improves
the air quality in your kitchen without having to install a fixed hood
aspiration system.

Racks and supports

Our racks and supports, in stainless steel, permit the use of both GN 1/1
and EN 600x400 trays.

Trays and grills

Piron has a wide variety of trays and grills for many types of cooking
needs. Our professional accessories are available in the following
dimensions: GN 1/1, GN 2/3, GN 1/2, EN 600x400, 480x345, 442x325 and
342x242 mm.

Optional kits
Choose your installation, tray support or stacking kit: a customized
solution for your every need.

PIR00089-B - Rev 2019/00 - EN
time without notice.
binding. Piron Srl reserves the right to make changes at any
The data shown in this document is to be considered non

Piron Srl
Via Belladoro, 25
35010 Cadoneghe (PD) Italy

Tel. +39 049 9624228

Fax. +39 049 8877433
[email protected]

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