Cbse Class 10 Science Important 3 Marks Questions For Term 2 Exam

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CBSE Class 10 Science

Term 2 Exam 2022

Important 3 Marks Questions

Chapter 4: Carbon and its Compounds

1. What is a homologous series? List any of its two features.
2. Give reasons for the following:
(a) Element carbon forms compounds mainly by covalent bonding.
(b) Diamond has a high melting point.
(c) Graphite is a good conductor of electricity.
3. Explain why carbon atom is unable to form either cation or anion?
4. Two carbon atoms cannot be linked to each other by more than three covalent bond. Why?
5. Describe the two properties of carbon which lead to the formation of huge number of compounds.

Chapter 5: Periodic Classification of Elements

1. Elements A,B,C,D and E having atomic number: 4, 9, 14, 19, 20.
(a) Name the elements having same valence electrons.
(b) Name the elements of same period. Give reason to your answer.
(c) Name the elements of same group. Give reason to your answer.
2. (a) Newland, Mendeleev and Dobereiner gave their contribution in building Modern Periodic table.
List one merit and one demerit of their contribution.
(b) Write the Modern Periodic law.
3. In reference to Modern periodic table explain what is meant by periodic function of properties of
elements? What is the effect on the power of accepting electrons on moving from left to right in
Periodic table.
4. X and Y are two elements having atomic number 20 and 17. Write the formula of compound
formed by X and Y and also draw electron dot structure. Write the nature and bond in XY.
5. Electronic configuration of an element is 2, 8, 47.
(a) Write the group number of this element in modern periodic table.
(b) Write its name and one physical property of this element.
6. An element belongs to third period and group 13. Find its valence electrons and valency. Another
element Y has 18 neutrons in its nucleus and Mass Number 35. Write the group and period number of
element Y.
7. Write the name, symbol and electronic configuration of an element having atomic number 11.
Write the group and period number of this element.

Chapter 8: How Do Organisms Reproduce?

1. What is placenta? Write its functions.
2. What is the importance of variation?
3. Why is vegetative propagation practiced for growing some types of plants?
4. Differentiate between bisexual and unisexual flowers.
5. What is tissue culture?
6. Explain the process of fertilisation in flowering plants.
7. Name the different constituents of semen.
8. Draw a well-labelled diagram of male reproductive system.
9. What is pre-natal sex determination? Why is it banned?
10. Draw a labelled diagram of the longitudinal section of a flower.

Chapter 9: Heredity and Evolution

1. Differentiate between homologous and analgous organs, with examples.
2. Variation is beneficial to the species but not necessarily for the individual. Give three reasons to
justify it.
3. The human hand, cat paw and horse foot, when studied in detail show the same structure of bones
and point towards a common origin.
(a) What do you conclude from this?
(b) What is the term given to such structure?
4. What is genetic drift. Explain with examples.
5. Write a short note on (a) gene flow (b) Natural selection
6. Distinguish between autosomes and sex chromosomes.
7. Distinguish between inherited traits and acquired traits giving one example of each. Give reason
why the traits acquired by an individual during the life time are not inherited.
8. A cross is carried between pure bred tall plant and pure bred dwarf pea plant.
(a) What is the phenotype of F1 progeny and why
(b) What is the phenotype of F2 progeny when F1 is selfed.

Chapter 12: Electricity

1. Find a relationship between P, I and V.
2. State Ohm's law. Derive relation between I, V and R. Draw the graph between V and I.
3. What is Joule's heating effect of current P? Derive its expression.
4. What would be new resistance if length of conductor is doubled and thickness is halved?
5. Find the effective resistance between A and B.

6. Which is the better way to connect lights and other appliances in domestic
wiring and why ?
7. Show how would you join three resistors, each of resistance 9 Ω so that the
equivalent resistance of the combination is (i) 13.5 Ω, ii) 6 Ω?
8. (a) Write Joule's law of heating.
(b) Two lamps, one rated 100 W; 220 V, and the other 60 W; 220 V, are connected in parallel to
electric mains supply. Find the current drawn by two bulbs from the line, if the supply voltage is 220 V.
9. (a) List the factors on which the resistance of a conductor in the shape of a wire depends.
(b) Why are metals good conductors of electricity whereas glass is a bad conductor of electricity?
(c) Why are alloys commonly used in electrical heating devices?

Chapter 13: Magnetic Effects of Current

1. A charged particle enters at right angle into a uniform magnetic field. What is the nature of charge
particle if it experiences a force in a direction pointing vertically out of page.
2. Write the three ways to produce magnetic field.
3. What is solenoid ? Where the magnetic field is uniform in solenoid?
4. Draw the pattern of magnetic field lines due to current carrying straight conductor.
5. (a) Draw a diagram to show the pattern of magnetic field lines through and around a current
carrying solenoid.
(b) List two factors on which the strength of the magnetic field produced by the solenoid depends.
(c) What is the effect of placing an iron core in a solenoid?
6. A coil of insulated copper wire is connected to a galvanometer. What will happen if a bar magnet is
(a) pushed into the coil,
(b) withdrawn from inside the coil,
(c) held stationary inside the coil?
7. (a) Mention the factors on which the direction of force experienced by a current-carrying conductor
placed in a magnetic field depend.
(b) Under what condition is the force experienced by a current-carrying conductor placed in a
magnetic field maximum?
(c) A proton beam is moving along the direction of a magnetic field. What force is acting on proton

Chapter – 15 Our Environment

1. Why only 10% energy is transferred to the next trophic level?
2. Why is ozone layer important for the existence of life on earth?
3. What is the role of decomposers in ecosystem?
4. Draw an energy pyramid showing different trophic levels.
5. How ozone molecule is formed in the atmosphere?
6. Why natural ecosystem is more stable than artificial ecosystem?
7. Why some materials are not decomposed by the action of micro-organisms? Give any two ways in
which non-biodegradable wastes would affect the environment.
8. What is a food web? Explain with example.
9. How the components of an ecosystem are dependent on each other?

Chapter – 16 Management of natural resources:

This chapter is meant for Internal Assessment only and will not be assessed in CBSE Term 2 Exam

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