Statics of Rigid Bodies

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San Fernando City, La Union




2nd Semester, SY 2021-2022


It is the process of replacing a force with its
First Law
A particle originally at rest, or moving in a straight line
with constant velocity, will remain in this state RECTANGULAR COMPONENTS OF A FORCE
provided the particle is not subjected to an unbalanced
Components that are perpendicular with one another. These
components can be determined from trigonometry.
v Fx = F cos 
3 Fy
F Fy = F sin 
F  Fx  Fy
2 2

Second Law 2 x
A particle acted upon by an unbalanced force F Fx
experiences an acceleration a that has the same x
F Fx  F d  x2  y2
direction as the force and a magnitude that is directly d d
Fy y
proportional to the force. If F is applied to a particle of y
mass m, this law may be expressed mathematically as
x Fy  F
F = ma. Fx
F Rectangular Components of a Force in Three Dimensions
Third Law z
The mutual forces of action and reaction between two Fx = F cos x
particles are equal, opposite, and collinear. Fy = F cos y
F Fz = F cos z
x y
F' y F Fx  Fy  Fz
2 2 2

Weight x
W = mg
where: g is the acceleration due to gravity (equals Unit Vector Cartesian Unit Vectors
9.81 m/s2 at standard location)
uA  k j
A  Au A i
Two vectors are added according to the parallelogram x
law. It states that “Two forces on a body can be replaced by
a single force called the resultant by drawing the diagonal Cartesian vector representation
of the parallelogram with sides equivalent to the two forces.” F = F u ; where: u is a unit vector
If the two vectors A and B are collinear, the
F = Fx i + Fy j + Fz k
parallelogram law reduces to an algebraic or scalar addition.
Subtraction is a special case of addition, where the Force Vector Along a Line
resultant may be expressed as R' = A – B = A + (–B). So the z B(xB, yB, zB)
rules of vector addition also apply to vector subtraction. F
FORCE A(xA, yA, zA)
A force is the action exerted by one body upon another. y
Characteristics of a Force
Force is a vector quantity, therefore a force is
completely described by its characteristics:
x B  x A  i   y B  y A j  z B  z A  k
1. Magnitude
2. Direction
x B  x A 2   y B  y A 2  z B  z A 2
3. Point of Application
Two separate forces equal to a single force.

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022



A F = 1500 N Fy’

A · B = AB cos 

where: 0    180 35
B 25 30
120 x
Dot product of two vectors Fx
A · B = AxBx + AyBy + AzBz Fx F y 1500
 
Rectangular component of one vector along any direction sin 35 sin 25 sin120
This component is equal to the dot product of the vector Fx  993.464 N
with a unit vector in the desired direction. Fy  731.996 N


F = 1500 N Fy’
The scalar components Rx, Ry, and Rz of the resultant R
of several forces acting on a particle are obtained by adding x´
algebraically the corresponding scalar components of the
25 30
given forces. x
Rx = Fx ; Ry = Fy ; Rz = Fz Fx’
The magnitude and direction angles of the resultant R can Fx  1500 cos 55  860.365 N
be determined from the relations
Fy  1500 sin 55  1228 .728 N
R  Rx  R y  R z
2 2 2
d. y

Rx R
x = Arc cos y = Arc cos y
R R F = 1500 N Fy
Rz x´
z = Arc cos 65
R 25 30
60 30
1. For the given force shown, determine
a. the x and y components Fy
Fx 1500
b. the x and y’ components  
c. the x’ and y’ components sin 65 sin 55 sin 60
d. the x’and y components Fx  1569.771 N
y Fy  1418.813 N

F = 1500 N

2. The x-component of the force P is equal to 450 N.
a. What is the magnitude of the force?
25 30 b. Find the magnitude of the corresponding y-component.

a. y

F = 1500 N

25 30 Solution:
Fx  1500 cos 25  1359 .462 N β
Fy  1500 sin 25  633.927 N

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


12 3 Solution:
  Arc tan  67.38;   Arc tan  36.87 In vector form:
5 4
      30.51 (5  3)ˆi  4ˆj  (5  3)kˆ 2ˆi  4ˆj  8kˆ
F  580  580
Px  P cos  ; 450  P cos 30.51; P  522.32 N 2 2  4 2  82 84
Py F  126.566ˆi  253.133ˆj  506.266kˆ
tan   ; Py  Px tan 30.51
Px Fx  126.566 N
Py  450 tan 30.51  265.176 N
Fxy  126.566 2  253.133 2  283.011 N
3. In the figure shown, the cable AB prevents bar OA from
rotating clockwise about the pivot O. Determine the n and t
5. The cable BC carries a tension of 850 N. Write this tension
components of this force acting at point A of the bar if the
as a force T acting on point B in Cartesian vector form. The
cable tension is 1200 N. t elbow at A forms a right angle.

2.0 m
O 60
B 
1.5 m
n Tn
Solution: A
T = 1200 N θ 30
β Solution:
B  O
 C
1.5 m x1 y  0.8 sin 30
x2 = 0.4 m
z  0.8 cos30
Triangle AOC
= 0.693 m
x1  2 sin 30  1; y  2 cos30  1.732
Triangle ABC
x 2  1.5  1  2.5
x2 2.5
  Arc tan  Arc tan  55.28
y 1.732
    30  25.28 Point x coordinate y coordinate z coordinate
Tt  1200cos 25.28  1082.38 N
B 1.6 – 0.4 0.693
Tn  1200sin 25.28  512.45 N
C 0 0.7 1.2
4. A cable exerts a force F = 580 N at ring A.
a. Find the component of the force along the x axis.
T  T n BC
b. Determine the component of F parallel to the x-y plane. (0  1.6)i  (0.7  0.4) j  (1.2  0.693)k
T  850
1.6i  1.1j  0.507k
T  850
1.6 2  1.12  0.507 2
T  677.7126ˆi  465.927ˆj  214.750kˆ

6. For the force F = 56 N acting on the bent pipe shown,

a. determine the magnitude of the component acting along
line OA.
b. What is the magnitude of the component that is
perpendicular to line AO?

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


F = F nBD = F
 8i  3j  6k = F  8i  3 j  6k
8 2  32  6 2 109

c. Determine the magnitude of F using dot product

FBC = F · n BC
850 = F  8i  3 j  6k · ( 0.8i  0.6j)
850 = F 6.4  1.8 ; F = 1929.187 lb
Solution: 109

8. It is desired to remove the spike from the timber by applying

force along its horizontal axis. An obstruction A prevents
Fn direct access so that two forces, one 400 lb and the other P,
are applied by cables as shown. Compute the magnitude of
P necessary to ensure a resultant R directed along the spike.
Also find the magnitude of R.

a. FAO  F nˆ AO 
1.5ˆi  3ˆj  kˆ 1.5ˆi  3ˆj  kˆ
FAO  56 
1.5 2  3 2  1 1.5 2  3 2  12

1.5(1.5)  3(3)  1(1)

FAO  56  46.857 N
b. F 2  FAO 2  Fn 2
Fn  F 2  FAO 2  562  46.8572  30.666 N Solution:

7. In the system shown, a force F acts from B to D. Find the

magnitude of F if its component along line AC is equal to
1200 lb.

1 3
Ry = Fy ; 0 P  (500)
5 5
0 P  300 ; P = 670.82 lb
2 4
Rx = Fx ; R P  (500)
x coordinate y coordinate z coordinate 5 5
ft ft ft 2
B 8 –3 0 R (670.82)  400 ; R = 1000 lb
D 0 0 6
C 0 –9 0
a. Find the unit vector acting from B to C.

. n BC   8i  6 j =  8i  6 j =  0.8i  0.6j
82  6 2 10
b. Express F in Cartesian vector form

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


9. The two structural members, one of which is in tension and 11. a. Determine the magnitude of the force F so that the
the other in compression, exert the indicated forces on joint resultant force R of the three forces is as small as possible.
O. Determine the magnitude of the resultant R of the two b. What is the minimum magnitude of R?
forces and the angle θ which R makes with the positive x

Rx = Fx = 5 – F sin 30 = 5 – 0.5F
Solution: Ry = Fy = F cos 30  4 = 0.866F  4
Rx = Fx ; Rx  4 cos 45  6 cos15
R 2 = R x2 + R y2
Rx  8.624 kN
R2 = (5 – 0.5F)2 + (0.866F  4)2
Ry = Fy ; R y  4 sin 45  6 sin 15
2R  2(5  0.5F )(0.5)  2(0.866F  4)(0.866)
R y  1.276 kN dF

R  8.624 2  1.276 2  8.718 kN 0 = 5 + 0.5F + 1.5F – 6.928

1.276 0 = 2F – 11.928
  Arc tan  8.416 or 171.584° F = 5.964 kN
 8.624
R2 = [5 – 0.5(5.964)]2 + [0.866(5.964)  4]2
10. Three forces act on the bracket as shown. R = 2.33 kN
a. Determine the magnitude of F3 so that the resultant force
is directed along the positive x' axis and has a magnitude 12. Three forces, F1 = 136 N, F2 = 250 N, and F3 = 325 N, are
of 1000 N. applied with cables to the anchor block shown.
b. What is its direction  ? a. Determine the magnitude of the resultant of the three
b. Determine the direction angles defining the line of action
of the resultant force.
y y'
F1 = 450 N

F2 = 200 N

a. F1x’ = 450 cos 75 = 116.469
F1y’ = 450 sin 75 = 434.667
F2x’ = 200 cos 30 = 173.205 Solution:
F2y’ = 200 sin 30 = 100 Position
Force x, m y, m z, m d, m
Rx’ = 1000 ; Ry’ = 0 Vector
Rx' = F1x' + F2x' + F3x' F1 OA 2.4 2.7 3.6 5.1
1000 = 116.469 + 173.205 + F3x' ; F3x' = 710.326 N F2 OB 0.6 –1.8 2.7 3.3
Ry' = F1y' + F2y' – F3y' F3 OC 3.6 –1.2 0.9 3.9
0 = 434.667 + 100 – F3y' ; F3y' = 534.667 N 2.4i  2.7 j  3.6k = 64i + 72j + 96k
F1 = 136
𝐹3 = √710.3262 + 534.6672 = 889.062 N 5.1
534.667 0.6i  1.8 j  2.7k
b.  = Arc tan = 36.97 F2 = 250
710.326 3.3
= 45.455i  136.364j + 204.545k

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


F3 = 325 3.6i  1.2 j  0.9k = 300i 100j + 75k MOMENT OF A FORCE ABOUT A POINT
3.9 Moment of a force – it is the tendency of a force to rotate the
Rxi + Ryj + Rzk = 64i + 72j + 96k + 45.455i  136.364j + body on which it acts about a given point or axis
204.545k + 300i 100j + 75k Moment arm or lever arm – it is the perpendicular distance
Rxi + Ryj + Rzk = (64 + 45.455 + 300)i + (72  136.364 from the point or axis to the line of action of the force
Moment center – it is the point where the body rotates or
100)j + (96 + 204.545 + 75)k
tends to rotate
Rxi + Ryj + Rzk = 409.455i – 164.364j + 375.545k
M O M = Fd
R = 409.4552  164.3642  375.5452 = 579.399 N
where: M = moment of the force
x = Arc cos 409.455 = 45.03 d F = magnitude of the
579.399 force
y = Arc cos  164.364 = 106.48 d = lever arm
579.399 F O
z = Arc cos 375.545 = 49.6 Varignon’s Theorem or Principle of Moments
579.399 The moment of a force about a point is equal to the sum
of the moments of its components about the same point.
13. The resultant of the three forces acting at A is 675 lb directed
downward. Find the tension in AB, AC, and AD. Principle of Transmissibility
The conditions of equilibrium or motion of a rigid body
will remain unchanged if a force acting at a given point of
the rigid body is replaced by a force of the same magnitude
and direction, but acting at a different point, provided that
the two forces have the same line of action.


It is defined as the product of their magnitudes by the sine
of their included angle. The result is a new vector acting
perpendicular to the plane of the vectors in the direction of
the right-hand rule.

A  B = AB sin  n̂
Solution: Ax Ay Az

 4ˆi  12ˆj  3kˆ 4 ˆ 12 ˆ 3 AB= Bx By Bz
TB  TB  TB i  TB j  TB kˆ A i j k
4  12  3
2 2 2 13 13 13
 4ˆi  12ˆj  6kˆ 2 6 3
TC  TC   TC ˆi  TC ˆj  TC kˆ Moment of a Force About a Point
4  12  6
2 2 2 7 7 7
6ˆi  12ˆj  4kˆ
3 6 2 
TD  TD  TD ˆi  TD ˆj  TD kˆ
4  12  3
2 2 2 7 7 7 r
O 
R  675ˆj d

4 2 3
Rx  ; 0
TB  TC  TD Equation 1
13 7 7 MO = r  F
where: r is a position vector drawn from O to any

12 6 6
Ry  F y ;  675   TB  TC  TD Equation 2 point lying on the line of action of F
13 7 7

3 3 2
Rz  Fz ; 0   TB  TC  TD Equation 3 Moment of a Force About a Line or Axis
13 7 7 z

Solve the three equations simultaneously: MOx = (r  F)· n̂Ox

TB  162.5 lb ; TC  297.5 lb ; TD  315 lb F MOy = (r  F)· n̂ Oy
M MOz = (r  F)· n̂Oz
r y

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


Scalar Triple Product 2. In order to raise the lamp post from the position shown, the
force F on the cable must create a counterclockwise moment
The triple scalar product involves the dot product of a
of 1500 lb-ft about point A. Determine the magnitude of F
vector and the cross product of two vectors. It is written as
that must be applied to the cable.
A · B  C or B  C · A
Ax Ay Az
A·BC = Bx By Bz
Cx Cy Cz

Vector Representation of Moment

MO = Mx i + My j + Mz k ; Solution:

MO  Mx  My  Mz
2 2 2

x1  20 cos 75  5.176

Moment of a Couple y  2 sin 75  19.319
x 2  10  x 2  15.176
Couple – consists of two forces that are equal in magnitude,
opposite in direction, and have parallel (non- y
collinear) lines of action. It produces a purely   Arc tan
rotational effect, and the moment of a couple is
the same about any point in the plane of the   Arc tan  51.85
couple; i.e., it is independent of the moment 15.176
M = Fd ; d  10 sin  10 sin 51.85  7.864
where: F = magnitude of the force M A  Fd ; 1500  F (7.864)
d = perpendicular distance between the F  190.747 N
3. The towline exerts a force P = 4 kN at the end of the 20-m
PROBLEMS long crane boom. If 𝜃 = 30°,
1. A 90-N force is applied to the control rod AB as shown. a. determine the placement x of the hook at A so that this
Knowing that the length of the rod is 225 mm, determine the force creates a maximum moment about point O.
moment of the force about point B. b. What is this moment?


Fn = 90 sin 40°
= 57.851 N
MB = 57.851 (0.225)
= 13.016 N-m Px

Note: Moment at O is maximum if the line of action of P

is perpendicular to the crane.
M o  20P  20(4)
 80 kN  m

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


M o  Py x  P x (1.5) 6. Two parallel 75-N forces are applied to a lever as shown.

Determine the moment of the couple formed by the two
80  4 sin 60 x  4 cos 60(1.5)
x  23.96 m

4. The 2500 N force F is applied at point A. Compute the

moment of F about point O.


d  360sin 35  206.488
M  Fd
Fy M  75(206.488)
M  15486.564 N  mm
M  15.487 N  m

Fx  (2500)  2143.732 N 7. Determine the magnitude of force F in cable AB in order to
34 produce a moment of 500 lb-ft about the hinged axis CD,
3 which is needed to hold the panel in the position shown.
Fy  (2500)  1286.239 N
M o  2143.732(1.5)  1286.239(1.2)  1672.11 N-m

5. Determine the moment of force F about point O.

M CD  CA  F nˆ CD 
CA  6ˆi
 6ˆi  4ˆj  12kˆ 3 ˆ 2 ˆ 6 ˆ
Solution: FF  F i  F j F k
6  4  12
2 2 2 7 7 7
M O  OC  F
8ˆj  6kˆ
OC  5ˆi nˆ CD   0.8ˆj  0.6kˆ
4ˆi  4ˆj  2kˆ 82  6 2
F  120  80ˆi  80ˆj  40kˆ 6 0 0
4 4 2 2 2 2
3 2 6
M CD F
5 0 0 7 7 7
M O  80  80  40  400kˆ  200ˆj  200ˆj  400kˆ 0 0.8 0.6
i j k  108 
500  F    ; F  162.037 lb
 35 
MO = 400 2  200 2  447.214 lb-ft
NOTE: The negative sign in the answer indicates that the
moment of the force about line CD is directed
from D to C.

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


8. Two parallel forces of opposite sense F1 = (125i + 200j + Solution:

250k) N and F2 = (125i  200i  250k) N act at points A a. Find the moment of the system of forces about the
and B of a body as shown in the figure. reference axes
a. Determine the moment of the couple.
Mx =  80 (3) = 240 lb-ft
b. Find the perpendicular distance between the two forces.
My =  75 (4) = 300 lb-ft
Mz =  100 (8) = 800 lb-ft

M = 240  300  800 = 887.468 lb-ft

2 2 2

b. Determine the direction angles of the resultant couple

 240 = 105.7
θ x  Arc cos
 300 = 109.8
θ y  Arc cos
 800 = 154.3
θ z  Arc cos
Solution: 887.468

a. Express BA in Cartesian vector form: 10. In picking up a load from position B, a cable tension T of
magnitude 28 kN is developed. Calculate the moment
BA = 200î 30ĵ + 60 k̂
which T produces about the base O of the crane.
0.2  0.03 0.06
M = BA  F1 = 125 200 250
i j k
= 40k  7.5i +7.5 j 12i 50j + 3.75k
M = 19.5i  42.5j + 43.75k N-m

M = 19.5  42.5  43.75 = 64.036 N-m

2 2 2

b. F = 125  200  250 = 343.693 N

2 2 2

M = Fd
64.036 = 343.693d
d = 186 mm

9. Three couples are applied to a bent bar as shown in the Solution:

a. Determine the magnitude of the resultant couple ̅̅̅̅
𝑂𝐵 = 6𝐢 + 13𝐣
b. Compute the direction angles associated with the unit
vector used to describe the normal to the plane of the 6i  5 j  30k
resultant couple. T  28 
6i  5j  30k 
6  5  30
2 2 2 31

6 13 0
𝑀𝑜 = 𝑂𝐵 × 𝑇 = 6  5  30
i j k

Mo 
 30k  390i  180j  78k 

M o   390i  180j  108k 

Mo  3902  1802  1082  400 kN-m

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022



Coplanar Force Systems a. Find the resultant force
R = Rx î + Ry ĵ where: Rx = Fx and Ry = Fy Rx = Fx = 30 cos 60 – 45 =  30 N
and the magnitude R and direction angle θ, measured from the Ry = Fy = 30 sin 60 – 10 = 15.981
x-component, are
Ry R= (30)2  (15.981)2 = 33.991 N
R  Rx  R y
2 2
and  = tan1
 = Arc tan 15.981 = 28.04
The location of the line of action of the resultant with respect to 30 y
an arbitrary reference point, say O, can be determined by
applying the principle of moments. Hence,
 θ
M OR   M O A
Non-coplanar Force Systems C
R = Rx î + Ry ĵ + Rz k̂ b. Apply the moment principle at B to solve for x
where: Rx = Fx , Ry =Fy , Rz =Fz y
R  Rx  Ry  Rz
2 2 2
Ry A 
Rx Rz x
cos θ x  cos θ y  cos θ z  Rx
M = Mx î + My ĵ + Mz k̂ C
where: Mx = Mx , My =My , Mz =Mz
M BR   M B
M  Mx  My  Mz
2 2 2
Ry x = 540 + 10 (120) – 45 (80)
Distributed Normal Loads x = 116.388 mm
1. Surface Load c. Apply the moment principle at B to solve for y
The magnitude of the resultant force is equal to the y
volume of the region between the load area and the load
surface and the line of action of the resultant force passes
through the centroid of the volume bounded by the load area A B y
and the load surface. Ry
2. Line Load C
The magnitude of the resultant force is equal to the area
under the load diagram and the line of action of the resultant
force passes through the centroid of the area under the load M BR   M B
Rx y = 540 + 10 (120) – 45 (80)
y = 62 mm
1. A couple of magnitude M = 540 mN-m and three forces 2. For the loading system shown,
shown are applied to an angle bracket. a. compute the magnitude of the resultant force.
a. Find the resultant of this system of forces. b. Determine where the resultant’s line of action intersects
b. Locate the point where the line of action of the resultant the member measured from A.
intersects the line AB.
c. Locate the point where the line of action of the resultant
intersects the line BC.

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


Solution: Apply the moment principle at point A to find the

magnitude of F2
 Fx  50 sin 30  100  85 lb
a. R x 
5 M AR   M A
0 = 80 – 60(0.375) – 21.213(0.53 – 0.375) –
 Fy  200  50 cos30  100  163.301 lb
Ry  21.213(0.65 + 0.53) – 1.125F2
F2 = 25.938
R  85 2  163.3012  184.098 lb
Find the components of F1
Rx = Fx
b. 0 = F2 + 60 – 21.213 – F1x; F1x = 64.725
Ry = Fy
0 = F1y – 21.213; F1y = 21.213

F1 = (64.725)2  (21.213)2 = 68.113 lb

 = Arc tan 21.213 = 18.15


M AR   M A 4. a. Determine the magnitude of the resultant of the two

forces and one couple acting on the I-beam.
R y x  200(3)  50 cos30(9)  (100)(6) b. Locate the line of action of the resultant force with
5 respect to the left end of the beam.
163.301x  200(3)  50 cos30(9)  (100)(6)
x = 3.121 ft

3. Determine the magnitudes of F1 and F2 and the direction of

F1 so that the loading creates a zero resultant force and
couple on the wheel. Solution:
R  5  8  3 kN
M OR   M O
Rx  5(2)  8(6)  25
3x  5(2)  8(6)  25
x = 4.333 m

5. a. Replace the loading system acting on the post by a

single resultant force.
b. Where is its point of application on the post measured
from point O?

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


Solution: R= (3) 2  (9.66)2 = 10.115 N

 = Arc tan 9.66 = 72.75


b. Find the intersection of the line of action of R with AB

4 3
M A  840  6(500)  10 sin 60(1000)  (5)(1200)  (5)(1000)
5 5
= 4700.254 N-mm

M AR   M A

Ry x = 4700.254

 Fx  40  20  (60)  70 cos 45  65.497 lb

4 3
Rx  y 9.66x = 4700.254
5 5 Ry
x = 486.569 mm
 Fy   (40)  60 \ 70 sin 45  22.503 lb
3 4
Ry  A
5 5 x Rx B

R  65.497 2  22.503 2  69.255 lb

M OR   M O
c. Intersection with line BD

4 3 4
Rx y  (40)(6)  20(5)  (60)(5)  70 cos 45(2) B  840  6(500)  4(1000)  (5)(1200)
5 5 5
4 3 = –4960
65.497y  (40)(6)  20(5)  (60)(5)  70 cos 45(2) C D
5 5 M BR   M B
x = 3.121 ft Rx
Rx y = –4960
–3y = –4960
6. a. Determine the resultant of the four forces and one couple
acting on the plate shown. y y = 1653.333 mm
b. Locate the point where the resultant’s line of action
intersect line ABmeasured from A.
c. Find the point where resultant’s line of action intersect A
x B
edge BD of the plate from A.

7. Find the x and y coordinates of the point where the resultant

of the three forces crosses the plate.


a. Find the resultant force
Rx = Fx = (5) + 10 cos60° – 6 = 3
Ry = Fy = 4 – (5) + 10 sin60° = 9.66
5 R = 25 + 35 + 40 = 100 kN

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022



R y = 25 (4 sin 40) + 35 (4) – 40 (4 sin 30) Conditions for Equilibrium

y = 1.243 m Fx = 0, Fy = 0 , Fz = 0

M yR   M y Free-body Diagram (FBD)

– a drawing that shows the particle with all the forces,
–R x = 25 (4 cos 40) – 40 (4 cos 30) known and unknown, that act on it.
x = 0.62 m
In drawing a free-body diagram of a body, certain assumptions
are made regarding the nature of the forces (reactions) exerted
8. Replace the two forces and single couple by an equivalent
by other bodies on the body of interest. Three common
force-couple system at point A.
assumptions are the following:
1. Springs
F = ks
where: k = stiffness or spring constant
ℓo s = spring deflection

s = l – lo
where l is the stretched length and
lo is the original length
2. CablesFand Pulleys
Rx = Fx = – 20 = –20 kN
3 Cables (or the like) can
Ry = Fy = – (40) = –37.947 kN support only a tension or
1 pulling force.
Rz = Fz = (40) = 12.649 kN

R= 20 2  37.947 2  12.649 2 = 44.721 kN forward,

downward, to the right
Mx 0 3. Smooth or Frictionless Surfaces
1 The action (or reaction) of the
M y A  20(1)  (40)(2)  45.298 kN-m
10 body on the other is directed
3 normal to the surface of
M z A  35  (40)(2)  40.895 kN-m contact.
10 90

M A  45.2982  40.8952  61.027 kN-m

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022



Equilibrium equations
Fx = 0; Fy = 0; M = 0
Idealization of Two-dimensional Supports and Connections
Type of Connection Reaction Number of Unknowns
1. Cable
One unknown. The reaction is a tension
θ θ force which acts away from the member in
the direction of the cable.

2. Weightless
θ One unknown. The reaction is a force
θ θ
R or which acts along the axis of the link.

3. Roller
One unknown. The reaction is a force
90º which acts perpendicular to the surface at
R the point of contact.

4. Roller or pin in confined

smooth slot
One unknown. The reaction is a force
which acts perpendicular to the slot.
90º R 90º

5. Rocker One unknown. The reaction is a force

90º which acts perpendicular to the surface at
R the point of contact.

6. Smooth contacting surface

One unknown. The reaction is a force
θ θ which acts perpendicular to the surface at
R the point of contact.

7. Smooth pin or hinge

RH Two unknowns. The reactions are two
components of force, or the magnitude and
RV direction of the resultant force.

8. Member pin connected

to collar on
smooth rod R R
or One unknown. The reaction is a force
θ which acts perpendicular to the rod.

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


Type of Connection Reaction Number of Unknowns

9. Member fixed connected

to collar on
smooth rod Two unknowns. The reactions are the
couple moment and the force which acts
perpendicular to the rod.

10. Fixed support Three unknowns. The reactions are the

RH couple moment and the two force
components, or the couple moment and the
M magnitude and direction of the resultant
RV force.

Equilibrium of a two-force body Equilibrium of a three-force body

A rigid body subjected to two forces acting at only two If a rigid body in equilibrium is subjected to forces
points is commonly called a two-force body. If a two-force acting at only three points, the lines of action of the three
body is in equilibrium, the two forces must have the same forces must be either concurrent or parallel.
magnitude, the same line of action, and opposite sense.
F1 C
F1 A O F3
B F2

Lami's Theorem
When three forces acting at a point are in equilibrium,
then each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between
the other two forces.


Fx = 0 Fy = 0 Fz = 0
Mx = 0 My = 0 Mz = 0

Supports and Connections

Type of Connection Reaction Number of Unknowns
1. Cable
One unknown. The reaction is a force which acts
away from the member in the known direction of
the cable.

2. Smooth surface support

One unknown. The reaction is a force which acts

perpendicular to the surface at the point of contact.

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


Type of Connection Reaction Number of Unknowns

3. Roller
One unknown. The reaction is a force which acts
perpendicular to the surface at the point of contact.

4. Ball and Socket

Three unknowns. The reactions are three

rectangular force components.

5. Single journal bearing Four unknowns. The reactions are two force and
two couple-moment components which act
perpendicular to the shaft. Note: The couple
moments are generally not applied if the body is
supported elsewhere.

6. Single journal bearing with

square shaft Five unknowns. The reactions are two force and
three couple-moment components. Note: The
couple moments are generally not applied if the
body is supported elsewhere.

7. Single thrust bearing Five unknowns. The reactions are three force and
two couple-moment components. Note: The couple
moments are generally not applied if the body is
supported elsewhere.

8. Single smooth pin

Five unknowns. The reactions are three force and
two couple-moment components. Note: The couple
moments are generally not applied if the body is
supported elsewhere.

9. Single hinge
Five unknowns. The reactions are three force and
two couple-moment components. Note: The couple
moments are generally not applied if the body is
supported elsewhere.

10. `Fixed support

Six unknowns. The reactions are three force and

three couple-moment components.

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


PROBLEMS 3. Find the smallest value of P for which the crate shown will
be in equilibrium in the position shown.
1. Four forces act on the particle shown. Determine the
magnitude and direction angle  of force F4 for equilibrium
of the particle.

Fx = 0] 750cos45  600cos75  1000cos60  F4 x  0 T1 W = mg
–530.330 –155.291 + 500 + F4x = 0 60 x
W = 180 (9.81) = 1765.8 N
F4x = 185.621 N T2 30
Fy = 0] P
750 cos 45  600 sin 75  1000 sin 60  F4 y  0 W
–530.330 + 579.555 + 866.025 – F4y = 0 Fy = 0] T1 sin 60  P sin 30  1765.8 = 0
F4y = 915.250 N 0.866T1 – 0.5P = 1765.8 Eq. 1
Fx = 0] P cos 30  T1 cos 60  T2 = 0
F4 = 185.6212  915.2502 = 933.883 N
For minimum P, T2 = 0
915.250 = 78.54
θ  Arc tan 0.866P  0.5T1 = 0 Eq. 2
Solve the two equations simultaneously:
2. The uniform 15-m pole has a mass of 180 kg and is supported P = 1765.342 N
by its smooth ends against the vretical walls and by the
tension T in the vertical cable. Compute the reactions at A 4. Determine the stretch in each spring for equilibrium of the
and B. 2-kg block. The springs are shown in their equilibrium

Solution: Solution:
FAC FAD = W = 2 (9.81) = 19.62 N
W = 180(9.81) 1 3 ks = 19.62
1 4 x
= 1765.8 N 40s = 19.62
s = 0.4905 m

Fx = 0] 4 FAB  1 FAC  0 Eq. 1

FV = 0] W  T  0 ; T = 1765.8 N 2
Fy = 0] 1 3
MB = 0] R A (9)  W (6)  T (8)  0 FAC  FAB  FAD  0
2 5
R A  3531.6 N 1 3
FAC  FAB  19.62 Eq. 2
FH = 0] R A  RB  0 ; RB  3531.6 N 2 5

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


Solve the two equations simultaneously:

FAB = 14.014 N and FAC = 15.855 N
FAB = 14.014 ; ks = 14.014
30s = 14.014 ; s = 0.467 m
FAC = 15.855 ; ks = 15.855
20s = 15.855 ; s = 0.793 m

5. Cables AB, BC, and CD support the 10-kg and 15-kg traffic
lights at B and C, respectively.
a. Determine the tension in cable AB.
b. Determine the tension in cable CD.
c. Determine the value of θ. Solution:

In the triangle:
cos 
  35.66


300 lb

a. FBD of Joint B θ
F y  0 TBA sin15  98.1  0 ; TBA  379.029 N R1

F x  0 TBC  TBA cos15  0 ; TBC  366.114 N F V 

 0 R1 sin 35.66  300  0 ; R1 = 514.614 lb
b. FBD of Joint C:
F H  0 R B  R1 cos35.66  0 ; RB = 418.119 lb
 F y  0 TCDy  147.15  0
TCDy  147.15
175 lb
F x  0 TBC  TCDx  0 ; TCDx  366.114 R1

TCD  366.1142  147.152  394.579 N θ RC

TCDy θ
c. tan    R2
TCDx 366.114
  21.9 F V 0  R1 sin 35.66  R2 sin 35.66  175  0
R2 = 814.799 lb

6. Two 10-in diameter pipes and a 6-in diameter pipe are
supported in a pipe rack as shown in the figure. The 10-in F H 0 R1 cos35.66  R2 cos35.66  RC  0
diameter pipes each weigh 300 lb and the 6-in diameter pipe
RC = 1080.136 lb
weighs 175 lb. Assume all surfaces to be smooth.
a. Determine the force exerted by the support on the pipe at 300 lb

contact surface B. R2
b. What is the reaction at C? F H 0
c. What is the reaction at A? RA θ
R A  R2 cos35.66  0
RA = 662.017 lb

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


7. The smooth disks D and E have a weight of 200 lb and 100 Solution:
lb, respectively. Determine the largest horizontal force P that 4ˆi  3ˆj  6kˆ
can be applied to the center of disk E without causing the TA  TA = 0.512 TA î  0.384TA ĵ + 0.768TA k̂
disk D to move up the incline. 42  32  62

 4ˆi  6ˆj  4kˆ = 0.485 T î  0.728T ĵ + 0.485T k̂

42  62  42
TC = TC ĵ

W = 3000 k̂
Fx = 0] 0.512 TA  0.485 TB = 0 (1)
Fy = 0]  0.384TA  0.728TB + TC = 0 (2)
In the triangle: Fz = 0] 0.768TA + 0.485TB 3000 = 0 (3)
0.5 Solve the three equations simultaneously:
sin 
2.5 TA = 2343.487 lb
  11.54 TB = 2474.643 lb
TC = 2701.439 lb

For maximum P, RB = 0

9. If each cable can withstand a maximum tension of 1000 N,
 FV  0 determine the largest mass of the cylinder for equilibrium.
R A  R1 sin11.54  200  0
F H 0 
R A  R1 cos11.54  0
Solve the 2 equations simultaneously:
RA = 262.005 lb, R1 = 213.929 lb

F H 0  Solution:
R1 cos11.54  P  0
 ˆi  1.5ˆj  3kˆ
P = 209.6 lb TAB  T AB
12  1.5 2  3 2
= – 0.286 TAB î + 0.429TAB ĵ + 0.857TAB k̂
 ˆi  2ˆj  2kˆ
8. A 3000-lb cylinder is supported by a system of cables as
12  2 2  2 2
shown in the figure. Determine the tensions in cables A, B,
and C. = – 0.333 TAC î – 0.667TAC ĵ + 0.667TAC k̂
3ˆi  4ˆj
32  4 2
= 0.6 TAD î – 0.8TAD ĵ
W = W k̂
Fx = 0] 0.286TAB  0.333TAC + 0.6TAD = 0
Fy = 0] 0.429TAB  0.667TAC 0.8TAD = 0
Fz = 0] 0.857TAB + 0.667TAC W = 0
If TAB = 1000 N,
286  0.333TAC + 0.6TAD = 0 Eq. 1
429  0.667TAC 0.8TAD = 0 Eq. 2
857 + 0.667TAC W = 0 Eq. 3

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


Solve the three equations simultaneously: 11. Determine the force P required to pull the 250-lb roller over
TAC = 42.904 N ; TAD = 500.479 N the step shown in the figure.
W = 885.617 N ; 9.81m = 1114.554
m = 90.277 kg

10. A container of weight W is suspended from ring A to which

cables AC and AE are attached. A force P is applied to the
end F of a third cable which passes over a pulley at B and
through ring A and which is attached to a support at D.
Knowing that W = 1000 N, determine the magnitude of P.


In the triangle:
cos 
  41.41

MA = 0] P cos 30 (9) + P sin 30 (12 sin 41.41) 
250 (12 sin 41.41) = 0

Solution: P = 168.694 lb
 0.78ˆi  1.6ˆj
AB  P = 0.438P î + 0.899P ĵ 12. A cylinder is supported by a bar and a cable as shown in the
0.78  1.6
2 2 figure. The weight of the cylinder is 150 lb and the weight of
the bar is 20 lb. If all surfaces are smooth,
1.6ˆj  1.2kˆ
AC  AC = 0.8AC ĵ + 0.6AC k̂ a. determine the reaction at support C of the bar
1.6 2  1.2 2 b. determine the tension in the cable.
1.3ˆi  1.6ˆj  0.4kˆ
AD  P
1.3 2  1.6 2  0.4 2
= 0.619P î + 0.762P ĵ + 0.19P k̂
 0.4ˆi  1.6ˆj  0.86kˆ
0.4 2  1.6 2  0.86 2
= 0.215AE î + 0.86AE ĵ  0.462AE k̂
W = 1000 ĵ
Fx = 0] 0.438P + 0.619P  0.215AE = 0
0.181P  0.215AE = 0 Eq. 1 Solution:
Fy = 0] 0.899P + 0.8AC + 0.762P + 0.86AE 1000 = 0 150 lb
1.661P + 0.8AC + 0.86AE = 1000 Eq. 2
Fz = 0] 0.6AC + 0.19P  0.462AE = 0 Eq. 3 R1
Solve for P from the three equations: P = 377.256 N

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


Free-body diagram of the cylinder 14. Spring CD remains in the horizontal position at all times
due to the roller at D. The spring is unstretched when
FV = 0] R2  150 = 0; R2 = 187.5 lb 𝜃 = 0 and the stiffness is 𝑘 = 1.5 kN/m.
5 a. Determine the smallest angle θ for equilibrium.
Free-body diagram of the bar b. Determine the horizontal and vertical components of
8 reaction at pin A.
MC = 0] T (24) + T (32) – 20(16) – R2(17) = 0
73 73
T = 3507.5; T = 104.056 lb
3 8
FH = 0] CH + R2  T = 0; CH = 15.069 lb
5 73

RC  15.0692  133.4632  134.311 lb

13. The framework is supported by the member AB which rests

on the smooth floor. When loaded, the pressure distribution
on AB is linear as shown. Determine: Solution:
a. the length d of member AB
b. the intensity w for this case.

a. Fs  ks ; Fs  15000.6 sin  ; F s  900sin

M A 0  Fs 0.6 cos   3000.6 sin  0.45cos   0

900sin 0.6 cos   3000.6 sin  0.45cos   0
Solution: 540 sin  cos   180 sin   135 cos   0
θ = 23.08°
b. Ah  Fs  0 ; Ah = 900 sin 23.08° = 352.814 N
Av – 300 = 0 ; Av = 300 N

15. The floor crane and the driver have a total weight of 2500
lb with a center of gravity at G. Determine the largest
weight of the drum that can be lifted without causing the
crane to overturn when its boom is in the position shown.

F V 0  F – 800 = 0 ; F = 800 lb

M A 0  2 
F  d   8004  0
3 
2 
800 d   8004  0 ; d = 6 ft
3 
F  dw
800  6w ; w = 266.667 lb/ft

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022




F y 
 0 T  5500cos 25  0 ; T = 4984.693 lb
For maximum W, RA = 0
M 0 


 M B  0 25001.4  8.4  W (15cos30  8.4)  0 24T  5500sin 25(25)  5500cos 25(30)  50R1  0
W = 5337.248 kN R1 = 564.037 lb

F x 0  R1  R2  5500sin 25  0
16. Determine the force P needed to support the 20-kg mass
R2 = 1760.363 lb
using the Spanish Burton rig.
18. Each of the three uniform 1200-mm bars has a mass of
20 kg. The bars are welded together into the configuration
shown and suspended by three vertical wires. Bars AB and
BC lie in the horizontal x-y plane, and the third bar lies in
a plane parallel to the x-z plane. Compute the tension in
each wire.

FBD of lowest pulley:
9P = 196.2
P = 21.8 N

17. A loading car is at rest on a track forming an angle of 25°

with the vertical. The gross weight of the car and its load is
5500 lb, and it is applied at a point 30 in. from the track,
halfway between the two axles. The car is held by a cable
attached 24 in. from the track.
a. Determine the tension in the cable
b. Find the reaction at each pair of wheels. x  600 sin 30
= 300 m

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


M y 
 0 196.2(300)  196.2(600)  1200T A  0 20. The bent rod of negligible mass is supported by a ball-and-
socket joint at A and a slider bearing at B; the rod leans
TA  147.15 N against a smooth surface at D. Find all forces acting on the
M x  0 196.2(600)  196.2(600)  1200TC  0 rod when the force P = 960 N is applied.
TC  196.2 N
F z  0 T A  TB  TC  196.2(3)  0
TB  245.25 N

19. Determine the force developed in cords BD, CE, and CF

and the reactions of the ball-and-socket joint A on the

 0.6ˆi  0.4ˆj  1.4kˆ
P  960
0.6 2  0.4 2  1.4 2
= 365.76î + 243.84ĵ  853.441 k̂
 M z A = 0] 365.76(1.2) – 1.2ND = 0; ND = 365.76 N
 M x = 0] By  243.84(1.4) – 853.441(1.2) = 0
By = 1365.505 N
 M y A = 0] Bx + ND(1.4)  365.76(1.4) = 0; Bx = 0
Fx = 0] Ax + Bx + Dx  365.76 = 0; Ax = 0

F y 0  Ay = 0 Fy = 0] Ay + By + 243.84 = 0; Ay = 1121.665 N

M Ax 0  TCE (3)  9(3)  0 ; TCE = 9 kN

Fz = 0] Az  853.441 = 0; Az = 853.441 N

M Az  0 TCF (3)  6(3)  0 ; TCF = 6 kN

M Ay  0 TBD (4)  TCE (4)  TCF (1.5)  0

TBD = – 6.75 kN

M y 0  9(4)  4 Az  TCF (1.5)  0 ; Az = 6.75 kN

F x  0 Ax  6  TCF  0 ; Ax = 0

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022



Zero-force Members 1. Determine the force in member BG and member CF of the
Zero-force members in a truss usually arise in one of two truss loaded as shown.
general ways:
1. When only two members form a non-collinear truss joint and
no external load or support reaction is applied to the joint,
then the members must be zero-force members.
2. When three members form a truss joint for which two of the
members are collinear and the third forms an angle with the
first two, then the non-collinear member is a zero-force
member provided no external force or support reactions
applied to that joint. The two collinear members carry equal

1. K Solution:

D F H J L CG By inspection of joint G,
BG = 0.
Because of symmetry, the
2. I forces in CG and CF are
C D J O equal.
FBD of Joint C:
3.  FV = 0] CG sin 60(2)  5000  0
CG  2886.751 lb
CF  2886.751 lb

2. Each member of the truss is a uniform 20-ft bar weighing

400 lb.
a. Find the reaction at the roller support.
b. Calculate the average force in member AE.
c. Determine the average force in member ED.
Method of Joints
The method of joints is based on the fact that if the
entire truss is in equilibrium, then each of its joints is also in
equilibrium. The free-body diagram of each joint is used to
obtain the member forces acting at the joint. Since the
members of a plane truss are straight two-force members
lying in a single plane, each joint is subjected to a force
system that is coplanar and concurrent; hence, only Fx = 0
and Fy = 0 need to be satisfied for equilibrium.

Method of Sections
Analyzing the free-body diagram of a part of a truss
that contains two or more joints is called the method of
sections. It is used when the force of only a few members of
a truss are to be found.

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


Solution: 13
kN RA =
Left portion of section a-a:

M I 0  a
BC  R A  0
RA RC 13
BC = kN
a. R A  RC  (400)(7)  1400 lb

b. FBD of Joint A
b. M 0 a sin 60HI  aRA  0 ; HI = 5.004 kN


F v 0 R A  400  AE sin 60  0

F V 0  R A  4  BC sin 30  CI sin 60  0
AE = 1154.7 lb CI = 2.117 kN
c. FBD of Joint I

F V 0  BI sin 60  CI sin 60  4  0

c. FBD of Joint E BI = 2.502 kN

F v 0 
AE sin 60  EB sin 60  600  0
4. The diagonal members in the center panels of the truss
EB = 461.88 lb shown are very slender and can act only in tension
F h 0  (counters). Determine the forces in the counters that are
acting under the given loading.
AE cos60  EB cos60  ED  0
ED = 808.29 lb

3. For the truss loaded as shown,

a. determine the force in member BC.
b. determine the force in HI.
c. find the force in member BI.



 MH  0  4.8(11 22  33)  2.4(11)  RF (22)  0
RF = 13.2 kips

M F 0  4.8(11)  4.8(11)  2.4(22  33)  RH (22)  0

RH = 6 kips

a. Find the reaction at A:

M F 0  2(1.5a)  4(2.5a)  R A (3a)  0

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


Left portion of section a-a: b. Force in member EH

F V 
 0 RF  4.8(2) 
BG  0

BG = 5.475 kips

Right portion of section b-b: FBD of the upper portion of section a-a:

F V 0 
RH  2.4(2)  DG  0
DG = 1.825 kips

M D 
 0 FH (6)  20(3)  0 ; FH = 10 kN

FBD of Joint H:

5. A truss is subjected to two point loads at A as shown.

F V 0  RH  FH 
EH  0
a. Find the reaction at H.
b. Find the force acting in member EH. GH EH = 14.142 kN
c. Determine the force in member EF. RH

c. Force in member EF
By inspection of Joint C, BC = 0 and CF = 0.
FBD of Joint F:

FV  0 FH   1
BF  0

BF = 14.142 kN

F H 0  1
BF  EF  0

EF = 10 kN
a. Reaction at H 6. For the truss loaded as shown,
a. determine the force in member DE.
b. Find the force in member FI.
c. Determine the force in member EI.

M G 0  RH (6)  20(6)  0 ; RH = 20 kN

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


Solution: FBD of the right portion of section b-b:

a. Force in member DE
Reaction at G: Because of symmetry, Gv = 150 kN M F 0
Gv (4)  IH (12)  0
IH = 75.93 kN

a EI

c. FBD of Joint I IH

Gv F v 0  7
DI 
EI 
IH  0
FBD of the right of section a-a:
EI = 26.421 kN

F h 0  FI 
IH  JI 
DI 
EI  0

FI = 205.356 kN


Frame – a structure that always contains at least one member
acted on by forces at three or more points. Frames are
structures which are designed to support applied loads
and are usually fixed in position.

M I 0  Machines or mechanism – frame-like structures that are not

fully constrained. They are structures which contain
3 10 moving parts and are designed to transmit forces or
Gv (16)  25(12)  75(6)  DE(6)  DE(4)  0
109 109 couples from input values to output values.
DE = 297.009 kN The forces acting on each member of a connected system

M D 0  Gv (20)  25(16)  75(10)  JI (7)  0

are found by isolating the member with a free-body diagram
and applying the established equations of equilibrium. The
JI = 264.286 kN principle of action and reaction must be carefully observed
when we represent the forces of interaction on the separate
F h 0  10
DE 
DI  JI  0 free-body diagrams.

DI = 40.708 kN PROBLEMS

b. 1. Determine the reaction at the roller F for the frame loaded

as shown.

b IH


Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


Solution: FBD of member AOB:

M A 0  BC sin 18.02(790.686)  24(250 cos 30)  0

BC = 21.244 kN

F H 0  Ah  BC sin 18.02  0 ; Ah = 6.572 kN

F V  0 24  Av  BC cos 18.02  0
Av = 44.202 kN

R A  6.5722  44.2022  44.688 kN

FBD of member AC:

3. The shipboard crane is supporting a load of 4 tons in the
 MA 0 BD sin 60(0.5)  250(0.8)  0 position shown where 𝜃 = 30°. The hoisting drum B is
operated by a high-torque electric motor.
BD = 461.88 N a. Calculate the added compression P in the hydraulic
FBD of DE: cylinder due to the effect of the 4-ton load.
M E 0  BD sin 60(0.4)  R F (0.2)  0 b. Determine the magnitude R of the additional force
supported by the pin at O.
RF = 800 N

2. The aircraft landing gear consists of a spring and

hydraulically-loaded piston and cylinder D and the two
pivoted links OB and CB. If the gear is moving along the
runway at a constant speed with the wheel supporting a
stabilized constant load of 24 kN, calculate the total force
which the pin at A supports.



d  36cos30  0.5  31.677

CDV  8  8 sin 30  0.5 cos30  11.567
CDH  8 cos30  sin 30  4  3.345
tan   ; α = 16.129°
250 700 FBD of member OA:
   18.02

In triangle ABC, ,
sin sin 60
M O 0 P cos(16.129  30)(8)  P sin( 16.129  30)( 0.5)
  180  (60   ) , β = 101.98°
8000(32.094)  0
AC 700
 ; AC = 790.686 P = 42,917.332 lb
sin  sin 60

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


F H 
 0 P sin 16.129  Rh  0 ; Rh = 11,922.474 lb 5. Determine the reactions at the supports of the compound

 0 P cos 16.129  8000  R

beam loaded as shown.
F V v 0
Rh = 33,228.049 lb

RO  11922.4742  33228.0492  35,302.246 lb

4. The two-member frame shown carries a distributed load

and a concentrated load F = 500 N. Solution:
a. Determine the horizontal and vertical components of
reaction at pin A.
b. Determine the horizontal and vertical components of
reaction at pin B.

FBD of member BC:

M B 0 6CV  150(6)(3)  800  0 ; CV  583.333 lb

M C 0 150(6)(3)  800  6 BV  0 ; BV  316.667 lb

CV F H  0 B H  0
CH CH FBD of member AB:
500 N
M A 0 M A  700(8)  12 BV  0 ; M A  5928.667 lb-ft

1.299 m
F V  0 AV  700  BV  0 ; AV  1016.667 lb

F H  0 AH  0

AH BV 6. The compound beam is pin-supported at C and supported

by rollers at A and B. There is a hinge (pin) at D. Neglect
0.75 m the thickness of the beam.
a. Determine the reaction at A.
FBD of member AC b. Determine the reaction at B.
c. Determine the components of reaction at the support C.
MA = 0] CH (1.299) – CV (0.75) – 400 (1.5)(0.75) = 0
1.299 CH – 0.75CV = 450 Eq. 1
FBD of member CB:
MB = 0] 500 (1) – CH (1) – CV (1) = 0
CH + CV = 500 Eq. 2
Solving Eq. 1 and Eq. 2 simultaneously, we get
CH = 402.635 N and CV = 97.365 N
From the FBD of member AC: Solution:
FH = 0] 400 (1.5) cos 30º – CH – AH = 0
AH = 116.980 N
FV = 0] AV – CV – 400 (1.5) sin 30º= 0 DH CH
AV = 397.365 N DH
From the FBD of member BC:
FH = 0] CH – BH – 500 = 0 ; BH = 97.365 N AV

FV = 0] CV – BV = 0 ; BV = 97.365 N FBD of left beam:

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


M 0  4 cos 30(12)  8(2)  6 AV  0 FBD of AB:


AV = 9.595 kips F V 0 AV  B V 112  0 ; CV = 42 kN

F V 0  AV  D V 4 cos 30  8  0 F H  0 AH  0
DV = 1.869 kips

F H 0  DH  4 sin 30  0 ; DH = 2 kips 8. In the special position shown for the log host, booms AF
and EG are at right angles to one another and AF is
perpendicular to AB. If the hoist is handling a log
FBD of right beam: weighing 4800 lb, compute the forces supported by the
pins at A and D in this one position due to the weight of
M C

(12)(8)  15  BV (16)  DV (24)  0 the log.

BV = 8.541 kips

  4
M B  0 CV (16)  (12)(8)  15  DV (8)  0
CV = 2.928 kips

  3
FH  0 C H  DH  (12)  0 ; CH = 9.2 kips

7. The axis of the three-hinge arch ABC is a parabola with

vertex at B. Knowing that P = 112 kN and Q = 140 kN,
determine Solution:
a. the components of the reaction at A.
b. the components of the force exerted at B on segment

= 4800 lb
Solution: x

BH BV x  12cos45  10cos45  15.556 ft


AV 1
CV tan  
FBD of AB:
  7.13
M A 0  B H (3.2)  BV (8)  112(5)  0

2BH  5BV  350  0 Eq 1.

FBD of whole structure:
FBD of BC:
M 
 0 2 Ax  15.556W  0
M C 0  140(3)  BV (6)  B H (1.8)  0

Ax  37334.4 lb = 4800 lb
3BH  10BV  700  0 Eq. 2
M C 
 0 8 Ay  Ax  (15.556  8 cos 45)W  0
Solve Eq. 1 and Eq. 2 simultaneously: 8 Ay  37335 .238  9.899(4800)  0
BH = 0, BV = 70
Ay  1272 .495 lb

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


R A  37335.2382  1272.4952  37356.917 lb
FBD of member EG: 1. Cable ABCD supports the 10-kg lamp E and the 15-kg lamp

M F 0  RD cos 7.13(2)  10 cos 45W  0

F. Determine the maximum tension in the cable and the sag
of point B.
RD  17102.817 lb

Flexible Cables with Concentrated Loads
When a cable of negligible weight supports several
concentrated loads, the cable takes the form of several
straight-line segments. Any portion of cable between
successive loads can therefore be considered as a two-force Solution:
member, and the internal forces at any point in the cable
reduce to a force of tension directed along the cable.
1. Slopes or angles of inclination are given
 Apply the equations of equilibrium at the joints

M A 0  4
TCD (4.5)  98.1(1)  147.15(4)  0

TCD = 157.296 N

F V 0  Ay 
T CD98.1  147.15  0

Ay = 92. 65 N

F H 0  1
TCD  Ax  0 ; Ax = 38.15 N

yB A y y B 92.65
 ;  ; yB = 2.429 m
1 Ax 1 38.15

T AB  92.652  38.152  100.197 N

Hence, maximum tension is 157.296 N.

2. Horizontal distance between joints are equal 2. Two loads are suspended as shown from the cable ABCD.
 Horizontal component of reactions: Hd = M2 Knowing that hB = 1.8 m, determine
a. the distance hC,
 Solve for RA using ∑MB = 0
b. the components of the reaction at D,
 Solve for RB from ∑Fv = 0 c. the maximum tension in the cable.
TA  R A  H 2
 The tensions in the cables are
and TB  R B  H
2 2

NOTE: Maximum tension occurs at the steepest segment of

the cable.

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


Solution: Solution:

Ax A


3 5
D 0  TAB (7)  TAB (1.8)  6(7)  10(4)  0
34 34
TAB = 15.938 kN

M 0  D y (10)  6(3)  10(6)  0 ;

Dy = 7.8 kN
A 3 5
F H 0  T ABx  D x  0 ; Dx = 13.667 kN A 0
TBD (3) 
TBD (7)  50(7)  P(3)  0

TCD   13.6672  7.8 2  15.736 kN If TBD = 75 lb, P = 71.982 lb

FBD of Joint B: F V 0 TBDy  A y 50  P  0 ; Ay = 57.67 lb

F H  0 TBCx  Ax  0 ; Ax = 38.587 lb
R A  T AC  38.5872  57.67 2  69.389 lb < 75 lb
6 kN

Hence, maximum P = 71.982 lb
F V 0 T ABy T BCy 6  0
3 4. If dC = 8 ft, determine
(15.938)  TBCy  6  0 ; TBCy = 2.20 kN
34 a. the reaction at A,

b. the reaction at E.
H 0 TBCx  T ABx  0
TBCx  (15.938)  0 ; TBCx = 13.667 kN
TBC  13.6672  2.2 2  13.843 kN
300 lb
2.2 h  1.8
 c ; hc = 2.283 m 300 lb
200 lb
13.667 3
Maximum tension = 15.938 kN Solution:

3. If each cable segment can support a maximum tension of

75 lb, determine the largest load P that can be applied.

Fig. 1

M E 0  300(8)  200(16)  300(24)  Ay (32)  Ax (6)  0

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


M C 0  300(8)  Ax (2)  Ay (16)  0 Ax

Solve the two equations simultaneously:
Ax = 800 lb; Ay = 250 lb TAC
R A  800  250  838.153 lb
2 2

In Fig. 1:

F V 0 Ay  E y 300  200  300  0 ; Ey = 550 lb FBD of Joint A: T AC  R A  17.5 2  132  21.8 kN

F H  0 E x  Ax  0 ; Ex = 800 lb FBD of Joint C: F H 0  TCD x  T AC x  0

RE  8002  5502  970.824 lb TCDx = 17.5 kN

F V 0  T ACy  TCDy  10  0 ; TCDy = 3 kN

5. A string supported at A and B, at the same level over a span
of 30 m is loaded as shown in the figure given below. If the TCD  17.5 2  3 2  17.755 kN
depth of the point D is 8 m from the supports, find
a. the tensions in CD, Horizontal thrust = Ax = 17.5 kN
b. the tension in DE,
c. the horizontal thrusts in the strings at A and B.
6. The cable supports the three loads shown. Determine the
sags yB and yD and of points B and D. Take P1 = 400 lb,
P2 = 250 lb.


M B 
 0 10(22)  15(10)  5(4)  Ay (30)  0
Ay = 13 kN C C 250 lb
400 lb
FBD of Joint B:

20 12
H TBC  T AB  0
0 Eq. 1
( 14  y B )  20 2 2
y B  12 2

  F  0 
14  y B yB
M D 0 Ax (8)  Ay (20)  10(12)  0 V
(14  y B )  202 2
y B  122
TAB  250  0 Eq. 2

Ax = 17.5 kN

F V 0 Ay  TDEy  10  15  0 ; TDEy = 12 kN
Multiply Eq. 1 by yB, Eq. 2 by 12 and add resulting equations:
32 y B  168
 0
TBC  300 Eq. 3
F H TDE x  Ax  0 ; TDEx = 17.5 kN ( 14  y B )2  400

TDE = 17.5 2  12 2 = 21.219 kN FBD of Joint C:

F H 0  
TCD  0 Eq. 4
( 14  y B )  20 2 2
(14  y D ) 2  152

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


 F  0
14  y B 14  y D When the supports A and B of the cable have the same
V TBC  TCD  400  0 Eq. 5
(14  y B )  20
2 2
(14  y D )  15
2 2 elevations, the distance L between the supports is called the span
of the cable and the vertical distance h from the supports to the
Multiply Eq. 4 by yD – 14, Eq. 5 by 15 and add resulting lowest point is called the sag of the cable.
20 y D  490  15 y B 1. Supports are of the same level
TBC  6000 Eq. 6 wL2
( 14  y B )  4002  Horizontal component of reactions: H 
Multiply Eq. 4 by 14 – yB, Eq. 5 by 20 and add resulting 2
 The tension in the cable is TA  
equations: wL 
 H

20 y D  490  15 y B  2 
TCD  8000 Eq. 7 8d 2 32d 4
( 14  y D ) 2  225  Approximate length of the cable: S  L  
3L 5L2
FBD of Joint D:

F H 0  12
TCD  0 Eq. 8
(4  y D )  12
2 2
(14  y D ) 2  152

F V 0  4  yD
14  y D
TCD  250  0 Eq. 9
(4  y D )  12
2 2
(14  y D )  15
2 2

Multiply Eq. 8 by – (4 + yD), Eq. 9 by 12 and add resulting

108  27 y D
TCD  3000 Eq. 10
( 14  y B )2  225
2. Supports are of different levels
Combine Equations 3 and 6: 79 y B  20 y D  826
 Horizontal component of reactions:
Combine Equations 7 and 10: 45y B  276y D  2334 x  wx 1
Use ∑MA = 0] Hd 1  wx1  1  or H 
Solve the resulting equations simultaneously: 2 2d1
yB = 8.67 ft and yD = 7.04 ft
x 
wx 2
∑MB = 0] Hd 2  wx 2  2  or H 
 
2 2d 2
Cables Subjected to a Distributed Load
Parabolic Cable
 The tensions are TA  wx1 2  H 2 and
If a cable carries a load that is uniformly distributed along
the horizontal, the curve formed by the cable is a parabola. The TB  wx2 2  H 2
shape of the curve formed by the cable is defined by the equation
wx 2 . From the figure shown, T  To  w2 x 2
wx ; where T and θ are respectively the tension and
tan  
slope at any point in the cable.

3. When the distance from the lowest point of the cable to the
chord joining the supports is known
 Horizontal component of reactions: H  wL

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


 Solve for RB using ∑MA = 0 Solution:

 Solve for RB from ∑Fv = 0
 The tensions in the cables are TA  R A  H and
2 2

TB  R B  H 2

wo L2 wo (602 ) 450
H ; H  wo
8d 8(7) 7
 wL 
T    H
 2 
Catenary Cable 2 2
 w (60)   450 
If a cable carries a load that is uniformly distributed along 60   o   wo 
the cable itself, the shape of the cable is a catenary curve. Cables  2   7 
hanging under their own weight are loaded in this way. The 3600  900wo 2 4132.653wo 2 ; wo =0.846 kN/m
tension at any point in the cable can be determined from the
equation T  To 2  w2 s 2 2. A cable supports a load of 50 kg/m uniformly distributed
T with respect to the horizontal and is suspended from the two
If c  o , the length of the cable, s, under consideration is fixed points located as shown.
w a. Determine the maximum tension in the cable.
equal to s  c sinh
x b. Determine the minimum tension in the cable.
and the equation of the curve is defined by the relation
y  c cosh
The relation of y and s is y2 – s2 = c2.
From the above equations, T = wy.
When the supports at A and B of the cable have the same
elevation, the distance L between the supports is called the span
of the cable and the vertical distance h from the supports to the
lowest point C is called the sag of the cable which is equal to
h = yA – c.

wx 2
50(9.81) x12 50(9.81) x 2 2
40  and 20 
1. Determine the maximum uniform distributed loading wo N/m 2To 2To
that the cable can support if it is capable of sustaining a x1 20  20
maximum tension of 60 kN. or 
x2 20

Eliminating To: x12  2 x2 2  0 Equation 1

And x1  x2  100 Equation 2
Solve the two equations:
x1 = 58.579 m and x2 = 41.421 m

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


wx 2 50(9.81)(58.579) 2 From the lowest point to B:

To  ; To   21039.38 N
2y 2(40) wx 2 wx 2 y
y ;  Equation 1
2To To x
Tmax  To  (wx)  21039.38  [(50)(9.81)(58.579)]
2 2 2 2
tan   Equation 2
Tmax  35612.37 N To
45(9.81) x
3. A cable is suspended and loaded as shown in the figure. tan 35 
a. Compute the length of the cable.
b. Compute the horizontal component of the tension the To  630.456x Equation 3
cable. Substitute Equation 1 in Equation 2
c. Determine the magnitude and position of the maximum 2y 2(a  1.8)
tension occurring in the cable. tan   ; tan 35 
x x
tan 35
x  a  1.8 ; a  0.35x  1.8 Equation 4
From the lowest point to A:
wx 2 459.8112  x 2
y ; a
2To 2To
aTo  220.72512  x 2 Equation 5
wx 2 20l 2 2 Substitute Equation 3 and Equation 4 in Equation 5:
y ; 2
2To 2To 0.35x  1.8630.456x  220.72512  x2
20l12 l1 26 x = 7.637 m
8 or 
2To l2 2 From Equation 3, To  4814.792 N
Eliminating To: l1  2l 2  0 Equation 1
Max. tension: Tmax  To 2  (wx) 2
And l1  l2  45 Equation 2
Solve the two equations: l1  30 ; l 2  15 Tmax  4814.7922  [(45)(9.81)(7.637]2  5877.8 N
wx 2 20(15) 2 From Equation 4: a = 0.873 m
To  ; To   1125 kN
2y 2(2)
Tmax  To 2  (wx) 2  11252  [(20)(30)]2  1275 kN
Coulomb’s Theory of Dry Friction
The maximum value of static
4. Cable AB supports a load uniformly distributed along the friction (when motion is
horizontal as shown. Knowing that at B the cable forms an impending) is proportional to the
angle θB = 35° with the horizontal, determine normal force; i.e.,
a. the maximum tension in the cable, Fmax = s N
b. the vertical distance a from A to the lowest point of the
cable. where: s = coefficient of static
Once the block starts to slip relative to the surface, the friction
force will decrease to
Fmax = k N; where k = coefficient of kinetic friction
The total force R exerted by the supporting surface on the block
is the resultant of F and N, therefore,
Solution: F
R  N 2  F 2 and tan  
At the point of impending motion,
R  N 2  Fmax 2 and tan   max
Since Fmax = s N,  s  Fmax and tan  = s, where  = angle
of static friction.

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


When a block rests on an inclined surface and is acted on Solution:

only by gravity, the resultant of the normal and friction forces a. With P = 400 lb
must be collinear. The angle between the resultant and the
normal force can never be greater than the angle of static
friction; therefore, the steepest inclination  for which the block
will be in equilibrium is equal to the angle of static friction. This
angle is called the angle of repose.
– it is a block that has two flat faces that make a small angle

with each other which are often used in pairs to raise heavy
loads.  Fy  0 N  500 cos 30  P sin 20  0
Flexible Belts N  500 cos 30  400 sin 20  0
The relationship between the tensions on the ropes for N = 296.205 lb
problems involving a flat belt passing over a fixed cylinder can  Fx  0 P cos 20  500 sin 30  F  0
be determined from the formula
T2  T1e  where: T2 > T1 400 cos 20  500 sin 30  F  0
μ = coefficient of friction F = 125.877 lb
β = angle of contact in radians Maximum friction force for impending motion:
 Direction for impending motion (or Fmax =  N ; Fmax = 0.2 (296.205) = 59.24 lb
motion) of belt relative to the drum Since the available friction force is greater than Fmax for
impending motion, the body is not in equilibrium.
b. Minimum P to prevent motion (block tends to move

The following points should be kept in mind when using the

above equation:
1. T2 is the belt tension that is directed opposite the belt friction.
Thus, T2 must always refer to the larger of the two tensions.
2. For impending motion, use  = s. If there is relative motion
between the belt and the cylinder, use  = k..
3. The angle of contact  must be expressed in radians.
4. Since the equation is independent of r, its use is not restricted  Fy  0  N  500 cos 30  P sin 20  0
to circular contact surfaces; it may also be used for a surface N = 433.013 – 0.342 P
 Fx  0
of arbitrary shape.
P cos 20  500 sin 30  F  0
PROBLEMS F = 250 – 0.94 P
1. The block in figure weighs 500 lb and the coefficient of but F = 0.2 N
friction between the
block and the floor is 0.2. 250 – 0.94 P = 0.2 (433.013 – 0.342 P)
a. Determine if the system would be in equilibrium for P = 187.468 lb
P = 400 lb. c. Maximum P for which the system is in equilibrium
b. Calculate the minimum P to prevent motion. (block tends to move upward)
c. Determine the maximum P for which the system is in

 Fy  0  N  500 cos 30  P sin 20  0

N = 433.013 – 0.342 P
 Fx  0 P cos 20  500 sin 30  F  0
F = 0.94 P – 250

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


but F = 0.2 N Solution:

0.94 P – 250 = 0.2 (433.013 – 0.342 P)
P = 333.799 lb

2. The 200-lb crate is being moved by a rope that passes over a

smooth pulley. The coefficient of friction between the crate
and the floor is 0.30. Assume that h = 4 ft and determine the
 M O  0 Fr  Tr  0 ;
force P necessary to produce impending motion.
 Fy  0  N  T sin 60  100 cos  0

 F sin 60  100 cos  0

 F sin 60  100 cos  0
2.467F  100 cos  0 Eq. 1
 Fx  0 100 sin  T cos 60  F  0
Solution: F = 66.667 sin  Eq. 2
If slipping impends: Substitute Eq. 2 in Eq. 1:
 FV  0 N – 200 = 0 2.467(66.667 sin  )  100 cos  0
N = 200 lb 164.467 sin  = 100 cos 
F = 0.3N tan  = 0.608 ;  = 31.3º
F = 60 lb From Eq. 2: F = 34.635 N
 FH  0 P–F=0 Hence, T = 34.635 N

P = 60 lb
4. Two blocks A and B, each having a mass of 6 kg, are
connected by the linkage shown. If the coefficient of static
200 lb If tipping impends: friction at the contacting surfaces is B = 0.8 and A = 0.2,
1  M A  0 200(1)  P (4)  0 determine the largest vertical force P that may be applied to
P pin C without causing the blocks to slip. Neglect the weight
P = 50 lb
of the links.
h Hence, P = 50 lb to produce
impending motion.

Value of h for which impending motion by slipping and by
tipping would occur simultaneously.
 M A  0 P h  200 (1)  0 ; where P = 60 lb
h = 3.33 ft
3. A lightweight rope is wrapped around a drum as shown in
the figure. The coefficient of friction between the drum and
the ground is 0.30.
a. Determine the maximum angle  such that the drum does
not slip.
b. Determine the tension in the cable for this angle if the
drum weights 100 N.

For block A: tan   0.2 ; ϕ = 11.31° < 30°

motion is not impending
For block B: tan   0.8 ; ϕ = 38.66° > 30°
motion is impending

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


FBD of block B: 6. How many turns of rope around the capstan are needed for

F x 0  BC cos 30  58.86 sin 30  FB  0

the 300-N force to resist the 120-kN pull of a docked ship?
The coefficient of static friction between the capstan and the
FB  BC cos30  29.43 rope is 0.20.

F y 0  N B  BC sin 30  58.86 cos 30  0

N B  BC sin 30  50.974

FB  0.8N B
BC cos30  29.43  0.8( BC sin 30  50.974)
BC = 24.353 N
T2 120
FBD of Joint C:  e  ;  e 0. 2 

T1 0 .3
F x 0 AC cos 30  BC sin 30  0
 = 29.957 rad = 1716.428º
AC = 14.060 N

n   4.77 turns
 Fy  0 AC sin 30  BC cos 30  P  0 360 360
P = 28.12 N
7. A pair of wedges is used to move a crate of weight W = 2400
5. The 200-N board is placed across the channel and a 400-N N. The coefficient of friction is the same at all surfaces and
boy attempts to walk across. If the coefficient of static the weight of the wedges are negligible. If the coefficient of
friction at A and B is s = 0.4, determine if he can make the static friction is 0.30 and the wedge angle  is 20, determine
crossing; and if not, how far will he get from A before the the force P necessary to insert the wedge.
board slips?


 = arc tan ¾ = 36.87º tan  = 0.3;  = 16.7º

Angle of friction: tan  = 0.4 FBD of crate:
 = 21.8º <  ; hence, the board slips.
F 0  R1 sin 16.7  R2 cos 16.7  0
 FV  0 RA cos 21.8  RB cos15.07  600  0

F  0 R1 cos 16.7  R 2 sin 16.7  2400  0

0.9285R A  0.9656RB  600
Eq. 1
 FH  0 R A sin 21.8  RB sin15.07  0
Solve the two equations simultaneously:
R1 = 2753.524 N and R2 = 826.097 N
0.3714R A  0.26 RB  0 Eq. 2 FBD of wedge:
Solve Eq. 1 and Eq. 2 simultaneously: RB = 371.379 N
F 0   R1 cos 16.7  R 3 cos 36.7  0
 M A  0 RB cos15.07 (3)  200(1.5)  400d  0

R3 = 3289.433 N
d = 1.94 m
F x 0  P  R1 sin 16.7  R3 sin 36.7  0
P =2757.202 N

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


8. A wedge is being forced under an 80-kg drum as shown in

the figure. The coefficient of friction between the wedge and
the drum is 0.10 while the coefficient of friction is 0.30 at all
other surfaces. Assuming a wedge angle θ of 25º and that the
weight of the wedge may be neglected, determine the
minimum force P necessary to insert the wedge.



T2 17
FBD of drum:  e  ;  e 0 .2 
T1 T1
T1 = 9.069 kN
FBD of the brake handle:
 M A  0 0.15 T2  0.3 T1  0.5 P  0
tan 1 = 0.1 tan 2 = 0.3
0.15 (17)  0.3 (9.069)  0.5 P  0
1 = 5.71º 2 = 16.7º
P = 0.342 kN
FBD of drum:

Braking torque that acts on the drum:
F x 0 R1 sin 16.7  R2 sin 19.29  0
C  T2  T1  r ; C  17  9.069
F y  0 R1 cos 16.7  R 2 cos 19.29  784.8  0 2
C = 1.784 kN-m
Solve the two equations simultaneously:
R1 = 441.183 N and R2 = 383.771 N 10. If a force of P = 200 N is applied to the handle of the bell
FBD of wedge: crank, determine the maximum torque M that can be

F y 0   R2 cos 19.29  R 3 cos 16.7  0

resisted so that the flywheel is not on the verge of rotating
clockwise. The coefficient of static friction between the
R3 = 378.176 N brake band and the rim of the wheel is 𝜇𝑠 = 0.3.

F x 0  R2 sin 19.29  R3 sin 16.7  P  0

P =18.106 N

9. The force P applied to the brake handle enables the band

brake to reduce the angular speed of a rotating drum. If the
tensile strength of the band is 17 kN,
a. find the maximum safe value of P
b. find the corresponding braking torque acting on the
drum. Assume that the drum is rotating clockwise.

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


Solution: FBD of flywheel:

 e 0.3(1.5 ) ; TA  4.1112TC
FBD of handle:

M B 0  T A (300) T C (100)  200(1000 )  0

Solve the two equations simultaneously:
TA = 616.668 N and TC = 150 N
FBD of flywheel:

M O 0  T A (400) T C (400)  M  0
M = 187.667 N-m


Center of mass – it is used to denote the point in a system of particles or physical body where the mass can be conceived to be concentrated
Center of gravity – the point in the body through which the weight acts

Centroid of Areas and Lines

x A  ∑ x ∆A or x A   x dA y A = ∑ y ∆A or y A   y dA
x L  ∑ x ∆L or x L   x dL y L = ∑ y ∆L or y L   y dL
Centroids of the Common Geometric Shapes

Shape x y Area

h h bh
Triangular area
y 3 2
b b
2 2

4r πr 2
Semi-circular Area 0
r 3π 2

r 4r 4r πr 2
Quarter-circular Area
3π 3π 4

y = kx2 h 3a 3h ah
Parabolic spandrel
O 4 10 3

 2r sin 
Circular Sector O  0 r 2

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


Shape x y Length

Semicircular arc r 0 πr

r 2r 2r r
Quarter-circular arc
h π π 2

 r sin 
Arc of a circle
 0 2r
O 

Shape x y Volume

3a 2 3
Hemisphere r
8 3

Semiellipsoid of 3h 2 2
h a h
revolution 8 3

h 1 2
Paraboloid of revolution h a h
3 2

r h 1 2
Cone h r h
4 3

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


Shape x y Volume

a h 1
Pyramid abh
h 4 3



1. Locate the centroid of the wire bent in the shape shown.

Line Length, mm x , mm y , mm z , mm
L2 L1 300 150 0 0
L2 600 300 300 0
L3 L3 400 300 600 –200
∑ 1300

xL 300(150)  600(300)  400(300)

x   265 mm
L 1300
yL 300(0)  600(300)  400(600)
y   323 mm
L 1300
zL 300(0)  600(0)  400(200)
z   61.5 mm
L 1300

2. Locate the centroid of the wire shown.

Line Length, in. x , in. y , in. z , in.

L1 4 –2 0 6
L2 6 –4 0 3
L3 4π = 12.566 0  2.546 0

L4 7.211 2 0 3
∑ 29.777
xL 4(2)  6(4)  12.566(0)  7.211(2)
x   0.590 in.
L 29.777
yL 4(0)  6(0)  12.566(2.546)  7.211(0)
y   1.074 in.
L 29.777
zL 4(6)  6(3)  12.566(0)  7.211(3)
z   2.137 in.
L 29.777

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


3. Locate the centroid with respect to the x-axis of the beam’s cross-sectional area.
200 mm 200 mm

40 mm 40 mm A1

100 mm 100 mm = 120 mm +

50 mm
x x

20 mm
20 mm
Area, mm2 y , mm A
8000(120)  2000(50)
A1 8000 120 y
A2 2000 50
y = 106 mm
∑ 10000

4. Locate the centroid of the section shown.

1 in 6 in 1 in

= +
6 in C +
• 3 in 0.5 in
1 in d x

Area, in2 y , in
18d = 6(3)(2) + 6(0.5)
A1 6 3
d = 2.167 in.
A2 6 3
A2 6 0.5
∑ 18

5. Locate the centroid of the plane area shown.

y y y
6 in 8 in 6 in
7 in

8 in

4 in
= –

12 in
12 in
10 in

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


Area, in2 x , in y , in 229.734 x = 280 (7) – 50.266 (6)

A1 280 7 10 x = 7.219 in.

229.734 y = 280 (10) – 50.266 (12)
A2 50.266 6 12
y = 9.562 in.
∑ 229.734

6. Where is the centroid of the shaded area?

Area, mm2 x , mm y , mm

A1 (rectangle) 2700 22.5 30

A2 (triangle) 1350 60 40
4(30) 4(30)
A3 (quarter circle) 706.858  12.732 60   47.268
3 3
45 mm
∑ 3343.142

Ax 2700(22.5)  1350(60)  706.858(12.732)

x   39.708 mm
A 3343.142
Ay 2700(30)  1350(40)  706.858(47.268)
y   30.387 mm
A 3343.142

7. Determine the distance h to which a hole must be bored into the cylinder so that the center of mass of the assembly is located at x =
64 mm. The material has a density of 8 Mg/m3.

Volume, mm3 x , in.

V1 192000π 60
V2 400πh h/2
∑ 192000π – 400πh

(192000π – 400πh) x = 192000π (60) – 400πh (h/2)

(192000π – 400πh)(64) = 192000π (60) – 400πh (h/2)
12288000 – 25600h = 11520000 – 200h2
h2 – 128h + 3840 = 0
h = 80 mm, 40 mm

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


Moment of Inertia of an Area
In the application of mechanics, if a load is distributed continuously over an area on which they act, the computation of the loading
distribution about an axis perpendicular to the area will involve a quantity called the moment of inertia or the second moment of the

I x   y 2 dA and I y   x 2 dA
The moment of inertia about the
pole O or about the z axis is
I O   r 2 dA

These moments of inertia about the x and y axes are called the rectangular moment of inertia while the moment of inertia about
the origin or about the z axis is called the polar moment of inertia. Since r 2  x 2  y 2 , the moment of inertia of an area is always
positive and is expressed in units of length to the fourth power.
IO  I x  I y

The Parallel Axis Theorem for an Area

The moment of inertia of an area about any axis that is parallel to the centroidal axis can be determined by the parallel-axis

I x  I x  A d 2 ; where d is the distance between the axes

Radius of Gyration

I x  kx A
or kx 

The distance k x is referred to as the radius of gyration of the area with respect to the x axis.

Moment of inertia of the common geometric shapes

Ix Iy I xO I yO IO

y yO

h xO b3h bh3 b3h
Rectangle bh3
3 12 12

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


Ix Iy I xO I yO IO

h bh 3 bh 3
Triangle xO
12 36


O  r4  r4  r4
4 4 2
Circle or or or
r d 4
d 4
 d4
64 64 32

y or yO

 r4  r4  r4
Semicircle r O xO 0.11r 4
8 8 8

y yO

r  r4  r4
Quartercircle O xO 0.055r 4 0.055r 4
16 16


1. Determine the polar moment of inertia and the polar radius of gyration of the shaded area shown with respect to point P.
y y y

a a
= –
a a A2 a
x x x
a a a a a a a a a a

a. Moment of inertia with respect b. Moment of inertia with respect to the

to the x-axis y-axis
4a(2a) 3 32a 4 2a(4a)3 32a 4
I x1   I y1  
3 3 12 3
2a(a) 3
2a 4 2a ( a ) 2a 4
I x2   I y2  
3 3 3 3
4 4
I x  I x1  I x2  10a 4 I y  I y1  I y2  32a  2a
3 3
Iy = 10 a 4

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


c. Polar moment of inertia d. Polar radius of gyration

IP = I x + I y AT = 4a(2a) – 2a(a) = 6a2
IP 20a 4
IP = 10a4 + 10a4 = 20a4 ko = = = 1.826a
AT 6a 2
2. Determine the polar moment of inertia of the area shown with respect to a) point O; b) the centroid of the area.
a) y

= + +

 (100) 4 (50)(100) 3 (100)(50) 3 = 40.468 × 106 mm4

Ix   
16 3 3
 (100) 4 (100)(50) 3 (50)(100) 3 = 40.468 × 106 mm4
Iy   
16 3 3
IO = Ix + Iy = 40.468 × 106 mm4 + 40.468 × 106 mm4
= 80.936 × 106 mm4
b) y

= A1 A2
x + + A3

 (100) 2
A1   7853.9816
A2  (50)(100)  5000
A3  (100)(50)  5000
ATotal  17853.9816
AT y  A1 y1  A2 y2  A3 y3
 4(100) 
17853.9816 y  7853.9816   5000(50)  5000(25)
 3 
y  25.6712 mm; x  25.6712 mm
d  (25.6712) 2  (25.6712) 2 = 36.305 mm

IO  IC  A d 2
80.936 × 106 = IC + 17853.9816(36.305)2
IC = 57.404 × 106 mm4

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


3. Determine the moment of inertia of the composite area about the x axis.

300(200) 3 (300)(200) 3   (75) 4 

Ix      (75) 2 (100) 2 
12 3  4 
6 4
= 798435 × 10 m

4. Determine the moments of inertia of the area shown about the centroidal x and y axes.
y yo
x A, in2 𝑥̅ , in 𝑦̅, in

𝐴1 = 5(8) = 40 2.5 4

𝐴2 = 2(5) = 10 1.9 4.3

xo Total = 30

Ax 40(2.5)  10(1.9)
x   2.7 in.
x A 30
Ay 40(4)  10(4.3)
y   3.9 in
A 30
 5(8) 3   2(5) 3 
I xo    40(0.1) 2     10(0.4) 2   192.3 in4
 12   12 

 8(5) 3   5(2) 3 
I yo    40(0.2) 2     10(0.8) 2   75.2 in4
 12   12 

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


1. The magnitude of a force is 80 kN. The coordinates of its a) When force at A is transferred to B, what is the
tail is (0 m, 4 m, 3 m) and the coordinates of its tip are (4.5 equivalent couple in kN.m
m, 0 m, 3 m,). What is the moment of this force about point b) What is the force at C.
O with coordinates (0 m, 0 m, 0 m)? c) What is the force at B.
A. 308.6 kN B. 338.8 kN-m
C. 425.9 kN-m D. 278.4 kN-m-m 5. Find the resultant of four parallel forces acting on a
horizontal bar AB with length of 11 m; 400 kN download at
2. A force of 60kN is acting horizontally, then another force the left most end, 800 kN downward at 9 m from the left end
of 50kN is acting upward to the right. If the resultant of and 300 kN upward at 11 m from the left end.
these two forces is 95.4 kN. A. 1200 kN force acting upward
a) At what angle does the resultant make with the B. 1200 kN-m couple acting clockwise
horizontal? C. 1200 kN force acting downward
A. 27º B. 32º D. 1200 kN-m couple acting counterclockwise
C. 24º D. 30º
b) At what angle does the 50-kN force makes with the
A. 60º B. 72º
C. 54º D. 48º
6. For the forces in the figure shown
c) Compute the horizontal component of the resultant?
A. 85 kN B. 78 kN
C. 88 kN D. 65 kN

68.3 N

a) Which of the following most nearly gives the

3. From the given figure shown, a force P = 100 kN is acting magnitude of the horizontal component of the resultant
at 30° from the horizontal axis. of the force system?
A. 25 kN B. 50 kN
C. –50 kN D. –25 kN
b) Which of the following most nearly gives the
magnitude of the resultant force?
A. 25 kN B. 50 kN
C. 35 kN D. 42 kN
c) Which of the following gives the angle that the
equilibrant makes with the horizontal axis.
A. –135º B. –45º
C. 45º D. 135º
a) Which of the following gives the y-component of P 7. A concurrent force system in space is composed of 3 forces
with respect to x and y axis. described as follows: P1 has a magnitude of 100 kN and acts
b) Which of the following gives the y-component of P through the origin and points x = 3, y = 4, z = 2. P2 has a
with respect to x’ and y axis. magnitude of 60 kN and acts through the origin and points
c) Which of the following gives the y’-component with x = 4, y = 1, z = –2. P3 has a magnitude of 80 kN and acts
respect to x’ and y’ axis. through the origin and points x = 2, y = –3, z = 3.
4. For the machine part shown in the figure, the load 150 kN
is acting at A.

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


1) Which of the following most nearly gives the x- x = –1, y = 5 and z = 3. P3 has a magnitude of 38 kN and
component of the resultant force. acts through the origin and point x = 4, y =1 and z = 3.
A. 142 kN B. 136 kN 1) Which of the following gives the x-component of the
C. 128 kN D. 159 kN resultant of the sets of forces?
2) Which of the following most nearly gives the y- 2) Which of the following gives the y-component of the
component of the resultant force. resultant of the sets of forces?
A. 36 kN B. 50 kN 3) Which of the following gives the resultant of the sets of
C. 42 kN D. 28 kN forces.?
3) Which of the following most nearly gives the z-
11. The coplanar force system shown consists of two forces
component of the resultant force.
and a couple. All coordinates are in meters.
A. 25 kN B. 36 kN
C. 48 kN D. 62 kN

8. From the given sets of parallel forces shown,

a) Which of the following gives the resultant force? a) Which of the following most nearly gives the resultant
A. 100 kN B. 90 kN of the force system in Newtons.
C. 110 kN D. 135 kN A. 16.8 B. 14.3
b) Which of the following gives the location of the C. 12.2 D. 13.1
resultant force from the left support? b) Which of the following most nearly gives the angle
A. 5 m B. 6 m that the resultant forces make with the horizontal axis
C. 7 m D. 8 m in degrees (positive counterclockwise)?
c) Which of the following gives the reaction at the left A. 72.4 B. 55.2
support? C. 68.9 D. 65.2
A. 55.1 kN B. 57.4 kN c) Which of the following most nearly gives the y-
C. 53.4 kN D. 52.5 kN intercept of the resultant force in meters.
A. 3.14 B. 6.38
9. The resultant of the concurrent forces has a magnitude of C. 2.46 D. 5.34
1000 kN and acts through the origin and points x = 2, y =3
and z = 4. 12. A force system in space is shown below.

1) Which of the following gives the x-component of the

resultant force?
A. 371.06 kN B. 392.40 kN
C. 410.32 kN D. 401.30 kN
2) Which of the following gives the y-component of the
resultant force?
A. 590.67 kN B. 620.23 kN a) Which of the following most nearly gives the moment
C. 583.20 kN D. 556.59 kN of the forces about the x-axis, in Newton-Meter?
3) Which of the following gives the z-component of A. 720 B. 2500
C. 2865 D. 1200
the resultant force?
b) Which of the following most nearly gives the
A. 620.23 kN B. 742.12 kN
magnitude of the resultant moment in Newton-Meter?
C. 583.20 kN D. 401.30 kN
A. 1200 B. 720
C. 2500 D. 2865
10. A concurrent force system in space is composed of 3 forces
c) Which of the following most nearly gives the
described as follows. P1 has a magnitude of 93 kN and acts
direction cosines of the resultant moment?
through the origin and point x = 5, y = –4 and z = –6. P2 has
A. cos θx = 0.251; cos θy = –0.419; cos θz = 0.873
a magnitude of 126 kN and acts through the origin and point
B. cos θx = 0.251; cos θy = –0.214; cos θz = 0.771

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


C. cos θx = 0.324; cos θy = –0.419; cos θz = 0.771

D. cos θx = 0.324; cos θy = –0.214; cos θz = 0.873

13. A simply supported beam with a span of 6.0 m carries a

vertical load that increases uniformly from zero at the left 4m
end to a maximum value of 9 kN/m at the right end. The
larger reaction occurs at the right and has a value in kN of
A. 27 B. 4.5
17. Three identical cylinders are stacked within a rigid bin as
C. 18 D. 9
shown in the figure weight of each cylinder is 500 N. There
is no friction at any contact surface.

14. A concrete block is supported by two guy wires attached to

an anchor ring as shown. Determine the following:
a) Resultant force on the anchor ring.
b) Angle of resultant force with respect to the horizontal. a) Which of the following most nearly gives the force at
c) Weight W of the concrete block with a factor of safety A, in Newtons?
of 1.25 to prevent uplift. A. 425 B. 754
C. 567 D. 289
b) Which of the following most nearly gives the force at
C, in Newtons?
A. 425 B. 354
C. 144 D. 236
c) Which of the following most nearly gives the force at
B, in Newtons?
A. 865 B. 650
C. 536 D. 750

18. From the figure shown, the spring is subjected to an initial

15. The hook is subjected to three forces A, B, and C as shown. tension of 200 N and has a spring constant of 10.2 kN/m. A
A = 35 kN, B = 45 kN. force P is applied at B and D as shown.
a) If the resultant of the forces is 80 kN and is acting along
the positive x-axis, find the angle α.
b) If α = 60°, what is the value of force C such that the
resultant of forces A, B, and C acts along the x-axis?
c) For the forces A, B, and C to be in equilibrium, what is
the magnitude of the resulting force C?

a) Which of the following is the force acting on the

A. 1.567 kN B. 1.223 kN
C. 1.687 kN D. 1.454 kN
b) Which of the following gives the force acting on AB?
A. 0.8953 kN B. 0.9047 kN
C. 0.9578 kN D. 0.7893 kN
c) Which of the following gives the value of P?
16. The force R = 600 kN is the resultant of the forces P, Q, and A. 0.9047 kN B. 1.3283 kN
50 kN. C. 0.9578 kN D. 0.7893 kN
a) Determine the value of P.
b) Determine the value of Q. 19. From the given frame shown compute the following:
c) Determine the distance x that specifies the line of action a) Which of the following gives the force F if the
of Q. reaction at B is 100kN?
A. 120 kN B. 140 kN
C. 100 kN D. 110 kN

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


b) Which of the following gives the reaction at A?

A. 156 kN B. 136 kN
C. 148 kN D. 162 kN
c) Which of the following gives the angle which the
resultant reaction at A makes with the horizontal axis
measured counterclockwise?
A. 230º B. 50º
C. 160º D. 130º

22. The beam shown weighs 30N/m.

a) Which of the following gives the tension force?

b) Which of the following gives the reaction at the
20. A rod is connected to a pin at A and a chord at B as shown. pinned support?
It holds a cylindrical drum which weighs 176 N. The drum c) Which of the following gives the angle that the
has a diameter of 2 m. reaction makes with the horizontal measured in
a) Which of the following gives the force between the counterclockwise direction?
drum and the rod?
b) Which of the following gives the force in the chord 23. The force system shown consists of the couple C and four
BC? forces. The resultant of this system is a 500 kN-m
c) Which of the following gives the reaction at the pin at counterclockwise couple.

a) Which of the following most nearly gives the value of

P in kN?
A. 230 B. 150
C. 250 D. 200
b) Which of the following most nearly gives the value of
Q in kN?
A. 240 B. 260
C. 300 D. 200
21. From the given figure shown.
c) Which of the following most nearly gives the value of
a) Which of following gives the reaction at C
C in kN-m?
b) Which of following gives the shear at a distance of 7
A. 1070 B. 1140
m. from A?
C. 1440 D. 1210
c) Which of following gives the moment at a distance of
3 m. from A?
24. A load W is to be lifted using the crane which is hinged at B
as shown in the figure. The value of x1 is 10 m, x2 is 8 m,
and h is 18 m. Neglecting the weight of the crane,
a) determine the force in cable AC.
b) determine the resultant reaction at B.

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


c) determine the largest load that can be lifted if the c) If the allowable tensile force in the cable AC is 45 kN,
maximum force of cable AC is 50 kN. what is the maximum load W that can be lifted?

25. A load of 6 kN is supported as shown. The pulley weighs

2 kN.
28. The figure shows a circular steel plate supported on 3 posts.
A, B, and C are equally spaced along its circumference. A
load W = 1350 N is at a distance x = 0.5 m from the post at
A along the x axis. Diameter of steel plate is 1.8 m.
a) Find the reaction at post A. Neglect weight of the steel
b) Find the reaction at post B. Neglect weight of the steel
c) Compute the reaction at C considering the weight of the
if it has a thickness of 16 mm and has a unit weight of
77 kN/m3.

a) Which of the following most nearly gives the reaction

at C in kN?
A. 8 B. 10
C. 9 D. 11
b) Which of the following most nearly gives the reaction
at B in kN?
A. 30 B. 32
C. 41 D. 36
c) Which of the following most nearly gives the angle
that the reaction at B make with the horizontal? 29. In the given figure, a = 1 m, P1 = 1.8 kN, P2 = 0.9 kN,
A. 21.5° B. 29.6° P3 = 0.45 kN, θ = 30°, β = 45°.
C. 24.8° D. 22.4° a) Determine the resultant of the three forces.
b) Determine the vertical reaction at B.
26. A load W = 30 kN is lifted by a boom BCD making an angle c) Determine the horizontal reaction at B.
α = 60° from the vertical axis. Neglect the weight of the
a) Determine the angle β between the cables AC and AD.
b) Determine the horizontal reaction at B.
c) Determine the tension in the cable AC.

30. A force P acting at an angle α = 45° from the x axis along

the xy plane prevents the pole weighing 375 N from falling.
The pole leans against a frictionless wall at A. Given x =
3.15 m, z = 3.15 m, y = 4 m.
a. What is the force P in Newtons?
27. The total load W is to be lifted using the mast hinged at B. b. Determine the reaction at the wall at A in Newtons.
The mast is of uniform cross section and weighs 8 kN. c. Calculate the vertical reaction at B in Newtons.
a) What is the tensile force in the cable if W = 36 kN?
b) What is the vertical reaction at B if W = 36 kN?

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


34. A cantilever truss is pin-connected at joint D and is

supported by a roller at G. Spacing of trusses is 3 m. If the
wind load is 1.44 kPa,
a. Determine the horizontal reaction at the hinged
b. Determine the stress in member AB.
c. Determine the stress in member BE.

31. A tripod supports the load W as shown in the figure.

a. Determine the maximum load W that can be supported by
the tripod if the capacity of each leg is limited to 10
kN. 35. A plane truss as shown in the figure is acted upon by 480 N
b. If the load W = 50 kN, calculate the force in the leg AD. downward load at joints C and E and a 1200 N load at J
c. If the load W = 50 kN, calculate the force in the leg AB. directed as shown.
a) Find the reaction at G.
b) Find the force acting on member AH.
c) Find the force acting on member JD.

32. Pole AB is 12 m long and its weight W = 35 kN. It is being

lifted using cables BC and BD. When the pole is tilted at an
angle of 60° from the x axis, the resultant force acts at point
a. Find the tensile force in cable BC. 36. The transmission tower is subjected to lateral forces as
b. Find the tensile force in cable BD. shown. Given a = 2.55 m, b = 1.8 m, c = 1.8 m, d = 1.5 m,
c. What is the value of the resultant acting at point A? F1 = 3 kN, F2 = 5 kN, F3 = 7 kN.
a. Find the resultant reaction at support A.
b. What is the resultant reaction at support B?
c. What is the force in member FJ?

33. The magnitude of the force acting in member BC of the

truss shown is
A. 2 B. 3
C. 4 D. 5

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


37. A three-hinged arch is shown in the figure.

a) Which of the following most nearly gives the vertical

reaction at A in KiloNewtons: 40. A suspension cable is supported at A and B 120 m
A. 31 B. 36 horizontally apart with B higher than A by 48m.
C. 28 D. 23 Concentrated loads of 100 kN, 200 kN and 100 kN were
b) Which of the following most nearly gives the total applied at a distance of 30 m, 60 m and 90 m respectively
reaction at the hinge in KiloNewtons: from A. The cable sags a distance of 30 m measured from
A. 45.2 B. 85.6 the chord AB at the point where the 200 kN is applied.
C. 54.1 D. 32.3 Compute the horizontal reaction at the supports.
c) Which of the following most nearly gives the total A. 300 kN B. 200 kN
reaction at B in KiloNewtons: C. 400 kN D. 500 kN
A. 32.3 B. 45.2
C. 85.6 D. 54.1

38. The figure shows a portable seat braced by a cable FG. The
permissible tension in the cable is 1800 N. Surface C, A, and
E are frictionless.
a. What load W can the seat safely carry?
b. If W = 1500 N, what is the reaction at C?
c. If W = 1500 N, what is the reaction at A?

41. For the cable loaded as shown in the figure.

a) Which of the following gives the value of the stress of

b) Which of the following gives the value of β1?
c) Which of the following gives the total length of the
39. A suspension cable is supported at A and B 120 m cable?
horizontally apart with B higher than A by 15 m. The cable 42. For the cable shown
sags a distance of 10 m. from the chord joining A and B at
the midspan. Compute the horizontal reaction at the
A. 1800 kN B. 1400 kN
C. 1200 kN D. 1000 kN

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


a) Which of the following most nearly gives the tension

in segment CD, in kilonewton:
A. 7.3 B. 6.8
C. 5.2 D. 6.9
b) Which of the following most nearly gives the tension
in segment AB, in kilonewton:
A. 6.8 B. 5.2
C. 6.9 D. 7.3
c) Which of the following most nearly gives the value of
h in meters:
A. 2.74 B. 2.57 46. The coefficient of friction between the 60 kN block and the
C. 2.32 D. 3.12 plane shown is 0.30. If the block is to remain in
equilibrium, what is the maximum allowable magnitude
43. The horizontal distance from A at one end of the river to
for the force P?
frame C at the other end is 20 m. The cable carries a load
A. 12 B. 18
W = 50 kN.
C. 15 D. 21
a. At what distance from A is the load W such that the
tension in segment AD of the cable is equal to that in
segment CD?
b. When the load W is at distance x1 = 5 m from A, the sag
in the cable is 1 m. Calculate the tension in segment DC
of the cable.
c. If the sag in the cable is 1 m at a distance x1 = 5 m, what
is the total length of the cable?

47. A 200 kg. crate impends to side down a ramp inclined at an

angle of 19.29° with the horizontal. What is the frictional
resistance? Use g = 9.81 m/s2.
A. 618.15 N B. 638.15 N
C. 648.15 N D. 628.15 N

44. The suspended girder shown is supported by a series of

hangers, uniformly spaced along a parabolic cable.
a. What is the tension in the cable at midspan?
b. What is the vertical reaction at support A?
c. What is the resulting sag if the maximum tension in the
cable is 300 kN?

48. A 40-kg block is resting on an inclined plane making an

angle of 20° from the horizontal. If the coefficient of friction
is 0.60, determine the force parallel to the incline that must
be applied to cause impending motion down the plane. Use
g = 9.81.
45. The idealized model for a suspension bridge is shown. The A. 87 B. 82
trusses are pin connected at D, on hinged support at C, and C. 72 D. 77
on roller support at E. The parabolic cable is supported on
towers at AC and at BE.
a. Determine the tension in the cable at midlength.
b. Determine the vertical reaction at the pin at D.
c. Determine the total vertical force at the tower at AC.
d. Determine the maximum force in the cable.

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022


49. A 40 kg block is resting on an inclined plane making an 52. The weight of the cylindrical tank is negligible in
angle of 20° from the horizontal. If the coefficient of friction comparison to the weight of water
is 0.60, determine the force parallel to the inclined plane that it contains. The coefficient of static friction between the
must be applied to cause impending motion up the plane. tank and the horizontal surface μs.
A. 36.23 kg B. 28.42 kg a. Assuming a full tank, find the smallest force P
C. 19.62 kg D. 42.46 kg required to tip the tank.
b. Find the smallest coefficient of static friction that
would allow tipping to take place.
c. If the force P = 6.5 kN initiates tipping, determine the
depth of water in the tank.

50. The uniform 50-kg plank is resting on rough surfaces at A

and B. The coefficients of static friction are shown in the
figure. A 100-kg woman starts walking from A toward B. It
is required to determine the distance x when the plank starts
to slide. 53. A 5 cm. × 5 cm. square is cut from a corner of a 20 cm ×
30 cm cardboard. Find the centroid from the longest side.
A. 10.33 B. 12.06
C. 11.32 D. 13.02

a) Which of the following most nearly gives the total

reaction at B in Newtons.
A. 680 B. 690
C. 700 D. 670
b) Which of the following most nearly gives the total 54. For the shaded area a given in the figure.
reaction at A in Newtons.
A. 758 B. 742
C. 817 D. 863
c) Which of the following most nearly gives the value of x
in meters.
A. 1.73 B. 1.85
C. 1.62 D. 1.54

51. To prevent the ladder weighing 600 N from sliding down,

the man exerts a horizontal force at C. The coefficient of a) Determine the area, in square meters.
friction at A = 0.2 while surface B is frictionless. A. 15.5 B. 39.4
a. Find the vertical reaction at A. C. 26.4 D. 44.5
b. Find the horizontal reaction at A. b) Determine the x-coordinate of the centroid, in meters.
c. Find the horizontal force exerted by the man at C. A. –0.18 B. –0.16
C. +0.18 D. +0.16
c) Determine the y-coordinate of the centroid, in meters.
A. 1.62 B. 1.45
C. 2.01 D. 1.75

55. The moment of inertia of an isosceles trapezoid with base

b = 600 mm and top a = 400 mm and depth d = 900 mm is
nearest to:
A. 50 × 109 mm4 B. 40 × 109 m4
9 4
C. 60 × 10 m D. 30 × 109 mm4

Statics of Rigid Bodies mvbmunar 022022

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