Ufejfgl L
Ufejfgl L
Ufejfgl L
The forces acting on a
rigid body can be
F’ separated into two
groups: (1) external
forces (representing
the action of other rigid
bodies on the rigid body
under consideration)
and (2) internal forces (representing the forces which hold
together particles forming the rigid body.
V = PQ sin
This vector is directed in such a way that a person located at the
tip of V observes as counterclockwise the rotation through
which brings vector P in line with vector Q. The three vectors P,
Q, and V - taken in that order - form a right-hand triad. It
follows that
Q x P = - (P x Q)
j It follows from the definition of the vector
product of two vectors that the vector
k i products of unit vectors i, j, and k are
ixj=k , jxk=i, kxi=j , ixk=-j , jxi=-k, kxj=-i
P = Px i + Py j + Pz k Q = Qx i + Qy j + Qz k
The determinant containing each component of P and Q is
expanded to define the vector V, as well as its scalar
P = Px i + Py j + Pz k Q = Qx i + Qy j + Qz k
i j k
V = P x Q = Px Py Pz = Vx i + Vy j + Vz k
Qx Qy Qz
Vx = Py Qz - Pz Qy
Vy = Pz Qx - Px Qz
Vz = Px Qy - Py Qx
Mo The moment of force F
about point O is defined
as the vector product
MO = r x F
where r is the position
O r vector drawn from point O
d A to the point of application
of the force F. The angle
between the lines of action
of r and F is .
The magnitude of the moment of F about O can be expressed as
MO = rF sin = Fd
where d is the perpendicular distance from O to the line of action
of F.
Fy j A (x , y, z )
The rectangular
Fx i components of the
moment Mo of a
Fz k
O xi force F are
determined by
zk expanding the
z determinant of r x F.
i j k
Mo = r x F = x y z = Mx i + My j + Mzk
Fx Fy Fz
where Mx = y Fz - z Fy My = zFx - x Fz
Mz = x Fy - y Fx
Fy j A (x A, yA, z A)
P Q = Px Qx + Py Qy + Pz Qz
The projection of a vector
y A P on an axis OL can be
obtained by forming the
scalar product of P and the
O x P x unit vectoralong OL.
z POL = P
Sx Sy Sz
S (P x Q ) = Px Py Pz
Qx Qy Qz
r3 r1 A1
r2 A O
As far as rigid bodies are concerned, two systems of forces,
F1, F2, F3 . . . , and F’1, F’2, F’3 . . . , are equivalent if, and
only if,
F = F’
Mo = Mo’
F1 If the resultant force R
A3 R and the resultant
couple vector MOR are
r1 A1 perpendicular to each
r2 A O other, the force-couple
O system at O can be
further reduced to a
F2 R
MO single resultant force.
If the resultant force and couple are directed along the same
line, the force-couple system is termed a wrench.