6242 Utilization of Electrical Power 6242 S 2019

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S/2019/6242 [1] Total Pages : 4

Fifth Semester
Electrical Engineering / Elect. & Elex. Engineering
Scheme July 2008
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : i) Attempt total five questions out of eight.
Hw$b AmR> ‘| go nm±M àíZ hb H$s{OE&
ii) In case of any doubt or dispute, the English version question
should be treated as final.
{H$gr ^r àH$ma Ho$ g§Xoh AWdm {ddmX H$s pñW{V ‘| A§J«oOr ^mfm Ho$
àíZ H$mo A§{V‘ ‘mZm Om¶oJm&
1. a) Write down the principle and types of Electric heating. 3
{dÚwV VmnZ, H$m {gÕm§V Ed§ àH$ma {b{I¶o&
b) Write a short note on motor enclosure. 3
‘moQ>a EݳbmoOa na g§{jßV {Q>ßnUr {b{I¶o&
c) Suggest various types of motors for the following services by
giving appropriate reason. 6
i) Paper mill ii) Crane and lift
iii) Electric Traction
{ZåZ{b{IV godmAm| Ho$ {b¶o {d{^Þ àH$ma H$s ‘moQ>am| H$mo Am¡{M˶ Ho$ gmW
i) nona {‘b ii) H«o$Z Ed§ {bâQ>
iii) {dÚwV g§H$f©U
d) Write down various methods of speed control of AC and DC
motors. Describe Ward Leonard method with the help of a neat
diagram. 8
à˶mdVu Ymam Ed§ {Xï> Ymam ‘moQ>am| ‘| J{V {Z¶§ÌU H$s {d{^ÝZ {d{Y¶m| H$mo
{b{I¶o& dmS>© {b¶moZmS>© {d{Y H$mo ñdÀN> {MÌ H$s ghm¶Vm go d{U©V H$s{O¶o&
2. a) Explain an electric drive with the help of a block diagram. 3
EH$ ãbm°H$ S>m¶J«m‘ H$s ghm¶Vm go {dÚwV MmbZ H$mo g‘PmB¶o&
b) Write down the domestic and industrial applications of electric
heating. 3
{dÚwV VmnZ Ho$ Kaoby Ed§ Am¡Úm¡{JH$ Cn¶m|Jmo H$mo {b{I¶o&
S/2019/6242 P.T.O.


c) State the various desirable properties of the materials used as

heating element. 6
VmnZ Ad¶d Ho$ ê$n ‘| à¶w³V hmoZo dmbo nXmWm] Ho$ {d{^Þ dm§{N>V JwUm| H$mo Xem©B¶o&
d) An electric toaster consists of two resistive elements each of 190 Ω
resistance. Calculate the power drawn from 250v AC 1φ supply,
when the elements are connected in i) series ii) parallel. 8
EH$ à{VamoYH$ Q>moñQ>a ‘| Xmo à{VamoYH$ Ad¶d bJo hþE h¡, à˶oH$ Ymam {dÚwV
H$m ‘mZ 190 Amo÷ h¡& 250 dmoëQ> H$s EH$b H$bm à˶mdVu Ymam {dÚwV
àXm¶ go ItMr J¶r {dÚwV e{³V H$s JUZm H$s{O¶o O~{H$ Ad¶d
i) loUrH«$‘ ‘| ii) g‘m§Va H«$‘ ‘| g§¶mo{OV hm|&
3. a) Explain the process of load equalization in brief. 3
bmoS> B³dobmBOoeZ H$s à{H«$¶m H$mo g§jon ‘| g‘PmB¶o&
b) Write a short note on group drive and individual drive. 3
g‘yh MmbZ Ed§ ñdV§Ì MmbZ na g§{jßV {Q>ßnUr {b{I¶o&
c) Differentiate between AC welding and DC welding. 6
à˶mdVu Ymam doëS>Z Ed§ {Xï> Ymam doëS>Z Ho$ ‘ܶ VwbZm H$s{O¶o&
d) Explain electric Arc welding. State various methods of arc welding
and describe any one of them in detail. 8
AmH©$ doëS>Z H$mo g‘PmB¶o& AmH©$ doëS>Z H$s {d{^Þ {d{Y¶m| H$mo {b{I¶o
VWm CZ‘| go {H$gr EH$ H$mo {dñVmanyd©H$ d{U©V H$s{O¶o&
4. a) Write a short note on electro magnetic wave spectrum. 3
{dÚwV M§w~H$s¶ Va§J ñno³Q´>‘ na g§{jßV {Q>ßnUr {b{I¶o&
b) Why is starter necessary for starting electric motors. 3
{dÚwV ‘moQ>am| H$mo àma§^ H$aZo Ho$ {b¶o àma§^H$ ³¶m| Amdí¶H$ h¡&
c) State and explain laws of Illumination. 6
àXrnZ Ho$ {Z¶‘m| H$mo {b{I¶o Ed§ g‘PmB¶o&
d) A 200 V DC shunt motor running at 500 r.p.m. takes a current of
70 Amp. The resistance of the armature and shunt field winding
are 0.2Ω and 100Ω respectively. What resistance must be placed
in series with the armature to reduce the speed of the motor to
350 r.p.m.? Current in the armature remains the same. 8
EH$ {Xï> Ymam eÊQ> ‘moQ>a 500 MH«$ à{V {‘ZQ> H$s J{V go MbVo hþE
70 Epån¶a Ymam ItMVr h¡& Am‘}Ma Ed§ eÊQ> joÌ H$s Hw$ÊS>bZ H$m à{VamoY
H«$‘e: 0.2 Amo÷ Ed§ 100 Amo÷ h¡& Am‘}Ma Ho$ loUrH«$‘ ‘| AbJ go bJm¶o
OmZo dmbo à{VamoY H$m ‘mZ ³¶m hmoJm ¶{X ‘moQ>a H$s J{V 350 MH«$ à{V
{‘ZQ> VH$ H$‘ H$aZr hmo? Am‘}Ma Ymam H$m ‘mZ pñWa ahVm h¡&
S/2019/6242 Contd.....


5. a) Compose static capacitor with synchronous condenser. 3

ñW¡{VH$ g§Ym[aÌ H$s Vwë¶H$mbr g§Ym[aÌ go VwbZm H$s{O¶o?
b) Write a short note on street lighting. 3
ñQ´>rQ> bmBqQ>J na g§{jßV {Q>ßnUr {b{I¶o&
c) Describe in brief the construction and working principle of mercury
vapour lamp with the help of a neat diagram. 6
‘H©$ar dmîn b¡ån H$s g§aMZm Ed§ H$m¶© {gÕm§V H$mo ñdÀN> {MÌ H$s ghm¶Vm
go g§jon ‘| d{U©V H$s{O¶o&
d) A plywood board 0.5m × 0.25 m × 0.2 m is to be heated from 25ºC
to 125º C in 10 minutes by dielectric heating employing of frequency
of 30MHz. Determine the power required in this heating process.
Given that specific heat of wood is 1500 J/kg/ºC, weight of wood in
600 kg/m3 and efficiency of heating process is 30%. 8
EH$ 0.5 ‘r. × 0.25 ‘r. × 0.02 ‘r. gmBO Ho$ ßbmBdwS> ~moS>© H$mo namd¡ÚwV
VmnZ Ûmam {OgH$s Amd¥{Îm 30 ‘oJmhQ²>©O h¡, 10 {‘ZQ> ‘| 25ºC go 125ºC
Vmn‘mZ VH$ J‘© {H$¶m OmVm h¡& Bg VmnZ à{H«$¶m ‘| Amdí¶H$ {dÚwV e{³V
H$s JUZm H$s{O¶o& {X¶m h¡ {H$ bH$‹S>r H$s {d{eï> D$î‘m 1500 Oyb à{V
{H$bmo J«m‘ à{V °C h¡, bH$‹S>r H$m ^ma 600 {H$J«m à{V ³¶y{~H$ ‘rQ>a h¡ VWm
Bg VmnZ à{H«$¶m H$s XjVm 30% h¡.
6. a) State Faraday’s law of Electrolysis. 3
’¡$amS>o Ho$ {dÚwV AnKQ>Z Ho$ {Z¶‘ {b{I¶o&
b) Define power factor and state the importance of improved power
factor. 3
e{³V JwUm§H$ H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{O¶o Ed§ CÀM e{³V JwUm§H$ Ho$ ‘hÎd H$mo
c) Explain the construction and working of lead acid battery with
the help of suitable diagram. 6
grgm Aåb ~¡Q>ar H$s ~ZmdQ> Ed§ H$m¶©àUmbr H$mo Cn¶w³V {MÌ H$s ghm¶Vm
go g‘PmB¶o&

Prove that, C =
P 1
d) − 1 where C is capacitance
2π fv cos 2 φ
of the equipment to give unity power factor, V is supply voltage
and P is power. 8

S/2019/6242 P.T.O.


P 1
{gÕ H$s{O¶o {H$ C = − 1 Ohm± C BH$mB© e{³V
2π fv cos 2 φ
JwUm§H$ àXmZ H$aZo dmbo CnH$aU H$s Ym[aVm h¡, V àXm¶ àUmbr H$s
dmoëQ>Vm Ed§ P e{³V h¡&
7. a) Write a short note on Anodising. 3
EZmoS>mBqOJ na g§{jßV {Q>ßnUr {b{I¶o&
b) Draw the speed torque and torque current characteristic curves
for the DC series motor. 3
{Xï> Ymam loUr ‘moQ>a H$s J{V ~b AmKyU© Ed§ ~b AmKyU© Ymam A{^bmj{UH$
dH«$m| H$mo It{M¶o&
c) Calculate quantity of steady current required to deposit 5 gm
copper from copper sulphate solution in one hour. Electro
chemical equivalent of copper is 0.3294 mg/Coulomb. 6
H$m°na gë’o$Q> Ho$ Kmob go EH$ KÊQ>o ‘| 5 J«m‘ H$m°na O‘m H$aZo Ho$ {b¶o
Amdí¶H$ pñWa Ymam Ho$ ‘mZ H$s JUZm H$s{O¶o H$m°na H$m {dÚwV amgm¶{ZH$
Vwë¶m§H$ 0.3294 {‘br J«m‘ à{V Hy$bm‘ h¡&
d) Two lamps are hung at a height of 9 m from the floor level. The
distance between the lamps is 1 m. lamp one is of 500 c.p. if the
illumination on the floor vertically below the first lamp is 20 lux
determine the c.p. of the second lamp. 8
O‘rZ go 9 ‘r H$s D±$MmB© na Xmo ~ë~ bQ>H$o hÿE h¡& XmoZmo ~ë~m| Ho$ ~rM H$s Xÿar
1 ‘r h¡& nhbm ~ë~ 500 H¢$S>b nmda H$m h¡& ¶{X nhbo ~ë~ Ho$ R>rH$ ZrMo
O‘rZ na àXr{ßV 20 b³g h¡ Vmo Xþgao ~ë~ H$s H¢$S>b nmda kmV H$s{O¶o&
8. a) Write a short note on Dry cell. 3
ewîH$ gob na g§{já {Q>ßnUr {b{I¶o&
b) Explain the concept of plastic welding. 3
ßbmpñQ>H$ doëS>Z H$s YmaUm H$mo g‘PmB¶o&
c) Draw various characteristic curves of DC shunt and 3φ induction
motor. 6
{Xï> Ymam eÊQ> ‘moQ>a VWm {ÌH$bm àoaU ‘moQ>a Ho$ {d{^ÝZ A{^bmj{UH$
dH«$m| H$mo It{M¶o&
d) Describe the working of salt bath furnace with the help of neat
diagram. 8
gm°ëQ> ~mW ^Q²>Q>r H$s H$m¶© àUmbr H$mo ñdÀN> {MÌ H$s ghm¶Vm go d{U©V H$s{O¶o&


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