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Proposal for 12-Week’s Work, Including Business and Data Understanding for NHS Forth Valley

A Report to the Board of Upstarts Inc.,


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University of StirlingMANP005 Assignment - Individual Report -


Executive Summary

As a regional healthcare provider, NHS Forth Valley has to react to changes in the healthcare industry, in which

disruptive innovations can be potential challenges. As a solution to this, NHS Forth Valley joined up with the

Upstarts Inc. consultancy company, focusing on cutting edge innovations in the healthcare field. The proposed

project endeavors to integrate Data Analytics Technology and Chatbot to support patient care, reduce

operational costs, and to sustain the competitiveness of the healthcare setup. The driving force of the project

as such is an endeavor of NHS Forth Valley in remaining its progressive tendencies in healthcare delivery.

Through the adoption of novel technologies, NHS Forth Valley strives to maximize productivity and resource

use, while at the same time guarantee the provision of individualized health services to the population.

Upstarts Inc. who is the leader in such enhancement and innovative proficiencies brings along their expertise

to support the Forth Valley region of the NHS in accomplishing these pursuits.

The project objectives include preparing the data manipulation strategy, data mining target, and strategic KPIs

that provide the business with expected competitive advantage. The execution plan covers the data

preparations such as data cleaning, identification and setting of the goals as well as ensuring that the KPIs are

in line with NHS Forth Valley's vision for a more efficient healthcare system. There will be different resources

used, such as about data analysis tools, how to visualize data, project management platforms, and methods of

communication to make the project succeed. It describes the project conditions, assumptions, and limitations

such as the project closing date, data security challenges, or risks of regulatory breach. Confirmed approach is

consisting of data understanding, data preparation, modeling, optimization, deployment, observing, and


This project will rely on regression analysis and NLP/NLP to formulate patient outcomes and unstructured text

data analysis. Risks, e.g. technical issues and data security questions, will be solved through the preventive

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measures and contingency recovery programs. This portion highlights the impact of Data Analytics and

Chatbots to better and patient care. Ensuring ethic was followed and profiting from opportunities, project was

aim to improve patients lives and being part of sustainable health organization of NHS Forth Valley hospital.

Table of Contents

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Justification of the study.................................5
Description of project objectives.....................6
Description of data manipulation plan.............6
Determining data mining goals........................7
Business success criteria.................................8
Tools used and relevant literature....................8
Assessment of the current situation................9
Inventory of resources......................................9
Risks and contigencies....................................9
Requirements, assumptions and constraints..10
The project plan..................................................11
Data Understanding...........................................12
Description of the data....................................13
First exploration of the data............................13
Assessment of the quality of data..................13
Data quality report.............................................13
Methodology ans analysis................................13
Limitations for research work..........................14
Introducing and addressing the key ethical issues..14
Addressing key risks ans sustainability issues......14

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Background of Study

NHS Forth Valley, as a regional health care provider, is having a daunting experience to withstand the

disruptive innovations that the health care sector is encountering. The organization is presently dealing with

the priority issues of innovation that it can sustain and also harness the opportunities that will foster patient

care, streamline operations and stay competitive (Ade, Joseph and Francis, 2020). Aware of the future

potential of machine learning that may include Data Analytics and Chatbots, this health board is ready to

leverage the upcoming solutions to the benefit of patients and stakeholders. NHS Forth Valley was aware of

this imperative and after deliberation had come to the conclusion of seeking Upstarts expertise- a consultancy

well acclaimed for their capability of disruptive solutions implementation.

We at Upstarts Inc. couple our expertise in the field with prospective technology ventures to introduce novel

and innovative solutions tailored for healthcare needs. Leveraging Data Analytics and Chatbot Technology is

the core competency of Upstarts Inc. as it has all the required skill set and expertise to fuel innovation and

change within NHS Forth Valley's healthcare resources. In close collaboration with Upstarts Inc., (Singh et al.,

2022). NHS Forth Valley aims to leverage the technology to simultaneously deliver personalized healthcare

services, improved internal coordination and continued leadership in the healthcare market. Therefore, NHS

Forth Valley will be working together whereas aiming to discover new methods which will coincide with the

health system's strategic goals that subsequently will be contributing to the healthcare progress.

Justification of the study

One the crucial motivations for this project that is integral for NHS Forth Valley to retain the image of an

innovative leader in healthcare applications. Since the situation in healthcare is changing faster and

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constantly, Edinburgh NHS Forth Valley should comprise the leading edge of technology development in the

benefit of the society (Tang et al., 2022). If new technologies are adopted, it will create a strategic path for the

organization to smooth the processes, increase the resource allocation and thereby improve patients’status.

Innovative technologies such as Data Analytics and Chatbots enable NHS Forth Valley to transform traditional

health care processes into automation which help decrease the administrative tasks and in return produce

more efficiency in the work flow. Through fastening the processes, time and resources will be saved as much

as the updated ones that will be focused on the delivery of individual approach which is more effective

concerning the services (Mehmood, 2021). Additionally, through this technology utilization NHS Forth Valley

can reduce and optimize resource allocation i.e. analyzing wide range of data in real time to make educated

decision on staffing, inventory and analyzing the demand of patients. Ultimately, leveraging of disruptive

approaches is meant to improve patient care by using the latest technological advances to create treatment

regimes that are individualized and integrative. Also, the solutions help to facilitate communication between

the care providers and the patients (Alzoubi et al., 2021). Not only does getting involved with Upstarts Inc.

bring a lot of benefits to the NHS Forth Valley, but it also establishes a powerful link between the NHS and

another industry sector, delivering external expertise, unique skill sets, and advanced innovation tools, and

using them in the constant search for even more relevant solutions to various problems.

Description of Project Objectives

The healthcare innovation project aims to trial technology and implement either Data Analytics or Chatbots

and enterprise conversational AI advancements with NHS Forth Valley. The aim of this program is channeling

the protagonist of the data based insight and the top-edge AI technology to ignite innovation and brings about

the fundamental changes in the organization.

Specific objectives include:

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1. One key component will be to set an efficient and thorough data manipulation plan.

2. Development and in the goals of Data Mining

3. The Development of Empirically Substantiated Success Patterns

Plan of Data Making Strategy

The implementation of the plan encompasses the critical element involving the design of a powerful data

manipulation program. With this plan, I will have a guide to help me achieve the data capture, processing, and

analysis of data in order to derive golden nuggets from the obtained data. Key components of the data

manipulation plan include:Key components of the data manipulation plan include:

Identifying Relevant Data Sources

Cleansing and Preprocessing Data

Implementing Data Transformation Technique

Applying Data Mining Techniques

By writing an extensive data manipulation scheme to guarantee data use efficiency and efficacy, the project

will lead to innovation with the use of data resources and prompt more indepth decision making within NHS

Forth Valley (Alsafadi and Altahat, 2021). This is the plan that shall determine the direction the advanced

solutions will take whether in the area of Chatbot or Data Analytics.

Determining Data Mining Goals

Pinpointing data mining goal becomes the focal point of the project, as it helps to shape forthcoming data

analysis process and adjust the project based on the initial goal. Key aspects of determining data mining goals

include: Key aspects of determining data mining goals include:

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1. Identifying Specific Objectives

2. Defining Outcomes

3. Goals of the project should match with the project purpose

Business Success Criteria

Setting out the business success criteria before the start of the project is significant for the assessment of

project progress and impact on NHS Forth Valley so that it contributes to the provision of concrete means of

alleviation. Key aspects of establishing business success criteria include:Key aspects of establishing business

success criteria include:

Stipulating the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The teams will continuously engage with the stakeholders in order to put into place the necessary

performance indicators that are matched to the strategic objectives of the NHS Forth Valley (Alghababsheh et

al., 2022). Rather, specific KPIs may display a development in operational efficiency, a financial savings, the

scores of patient satisfaction, or other indicators used to judge the success or the result of the project.

Setting Measurable Targets

The next step is to establish KPI(s) and set objectives for the disruptive solutions which would probably be in

metric that the team can measure. This sort of goals allows stakeholders and the community to monitor if the

impact of the project has reached its set goals and check what has been achieved to date.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Over the project life cycle, the project team will monitor the progress and conduct evaluation against the KPIs

(Key Success Criteria) to ensure that business objectives are reached. Through this monitoring, the precision

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and nakedness with which implementation is followed to enable intervention in case of delays or efficacy is


This approach ensures that targets like the rationale or the main objective are addressed within the

introduction for stakeholders to have an all-around understanding of the mission in driving the innovation

within NHS Forth Valley (Alsafadi and Altahat, 2021). Establishment of a precise objective of data mining and

generating set criteria of organization's business success give foundation of purpose fo the campaign and

parameters of its evaluation.

Tools Employeed and Its Impact on the Research Findings

The second part of the report is about evaluating the current state, studies the inventory of resources,

necessities, assumptions, and constraints, and considers risks including contingency plans and summaries of

relevant literature. Different tools and techniques will be properly structured and apply mainly from the

literature and industry recommendations.

Assessment of the Current Situation

Conducting a comprehensive and precise analysis of the setting within NHS Forth Valley is the crux of the

matter and being able to understand where and how our organization stands in the field of healthcare

innovation. This evaluation features data collection concerning the current status of various parameters,

including processes used, technologies, and pending problems.

1. Processes

The evaluation will focus on the existing workflow, work protocols as well as procedures. There is also a direct

relationship between attention deficit disorder and an increased risk of developing psychiatric disorders. This

University of StirlingMANP005 Assignment - Individual Report -


includes how healthcare is provided at the bedside level, how data management is done, and how decisions

are informed at different levels.

2. Technologies

Getting to know the technical infrastructure and technological systems currently in use in NHS Forth Valley is

as important as anything else. It is about looking at all the software systems there are already in place,

hardware equipment, databases and all sorts of technology assets that are used in the delivery and

management of healthcare.

3. Challenges

The point of this is to establish the difficulties that make NHS Forth Valley. This will help to find out are the

points of improvement. For example, these challenges could include the occurrence of process inefficiencies,

incapability to use certain technologies, security of data, meeting the requirements of regulations or

difficulties in adopting innovation.

At this stage of the assessment project team will be aware of the existing capabilities and areas in need of

improvement within NHS Forth Valley. Thus, they will be able to pinpoint the strongest and weakest points

and also come up with a list of opportunities and threats NHS Forth Valley faces when it comes to innovation

in healthcare. This knowledge will be used as a basis of adopting a precise approach of dealing with the

problems in details and improving the effectiveness by utilizing the source of strength.

Identifying risks and contigencies

Risk assessment and backup plans that are closely linked together make up an essential part of the process of

project planning. This cycle entails envisioning and devising preventive measures against threats that could

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disrupt plans and develop approaches to alleviate the impact of such threats. Key aspects of risk identification

and contingency planning include:Key aspects of risk identification and contingency planning include:

1. Technical Challenges

There are technical challenges, including compatibility issues, software bugs, and infrastructure failures that

can pose to the project implementation. The project team can identify and explore risks early on. They can

develope mitigation plans that possible include, conducting deep testing, employing redundancy measures

and seeking experts advice.

2. Data Security Concerns

Indeed, given that patient data is saved system privacy and data security problems pose a major threat to

success of the given task. Risks may involve such incidents as data breaches, accessing data without

authorization or non-compliance with some regulations. Contingency solutions may consist of implementing

highly-effective encryption algorithms, restricting access, and altering data to preserve the privacy of sensitive


3. Resource Constraints

Resources constraints such as financial challenges, human resource challenges often affect the project's

timeline and delivery. Inbar comes down to relocating the resources, getting more of funding and personnel or

changing the project scope in such way that honourable objectives are achieved within the constraints of the


4. Unforeseen External Factors

The changing landscape of regulation and the uncertainty of the market would pose threats of the success of

the project that is external factors. On the other hand, external factors such as regulatory changes, market

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fluctuations, and geopolitical events may pose risk. Contingency plans will probably include an early

monitoring of the external environment, keeping the doors of communication with stakeholders easily

reachable and having with you a plan B or C always on the run in case the setting changes.

The risks should be scrutinized and mitigation plan created by project management team on proactive basis to

prevent possible threats which may hinder the smooth progress and the leadership of the project to success.

Utilization of Various Tools and Techniques

Selection of several Way watching Method and Techniques.

In developing any project, I’ll utilize plethora of resources including data analysis tools, project management

techniques, and communication methods to enhance my success. These tools and techniques are indeed of

great importance in that they help to cut down the number of things to do, foster collaboration and,

inevitably, this leads to more creativity within the NHS Forth Valley.

1. Data Analysis Tools

Data analytics is the most valuable asset which will be used from time to time with various tools to draw

useful information from the available data. Something to note here would be, for instance, the use of

statistical software packages like R, Python with libraries including Pandas and NumPy, or commercial analytics

platforms like Tableau and Power BI. This food offers the project team a way of looking at, visualizing, and

analyzing data to help them uncover correlations, patterns, and trends on which they can make practically

important decisions.

2. Data Visualization Tools

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Visualizing the data by any means is a vital task for providing the information in an easy to understand mode.

Different tools like Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, BigQuery or open-source libraries such as Matplotlib and

Plotly will be used to design the images which will be interactive and educative. Visualizations are capable of

communicating the findings clearly with the stakeholders and making data- based decision-making simple.

3. Project Management Platforms

Proper project management always functions as the primary tool to track the project to accomplish the

specified time frame and budget. An application like Asana, Trello, or Microsoft Project' will serve the purpose

of a plan, track, and coordinate project tasks, milestones, and resources. These platforms where team

members share projects, distribute the work, and at the same time evaluate the progress bring teamwork to

the next level.

4. Communication Technologies

Good and effective communication is the must element for building collaboration and as a result everybody

knows about the intention of projects and it is progress update to someone.Communication technologies such

as email, video conferencing tools like Zoom or Microsoft Teams, and collaboration platforms like Slack or

Microsoft Teams will be utilized to facilitate communication among team members, stakeholders, and external


Requirements, Assumptions, and Constraints


Schedule of Completion: The project is expected to be completed within 12 months from the start date, with

milestone reviews every quarter.

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Comprehensibility and Quality of Results: The results should be presented in a clear, understandable manner,

ensuring they align with NHS Forth Valley's strategic objectives.

Data Security Concerns: Data security protocols must be strictly followed to protect sensitive patient


Legal Issues: All data used in the project must be obtained legally, adhering to relevant regulations such as



The availability of necessary data sources required for analysis.

Sufficient budget allocation for implementing the project.

Stakeholder cooperation and support throughout the project lifecycle.


Ethical constraints regarding data privacy and confidentiality.

Technological constraints such as the processing power and storage capacity for handling large datasets.


NHS Forth Valley Business Terminology include;

Patient Care Delivery: Processes and procedures involved in providing healthcare services to patients.

Operational Efficiency: Maximizing output with minimal input, optimizing resource utilization.

Strategic Objectives: Long-term goals and priorities guiding organizational decision-making.

Data Security:Measures taken to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access or disclosure.

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Regulatory Compliance: Adherence to laws and regulations governing healthcare practices and data


Data Mining Terminology

Data Manipulation: The process of transforming raw data into a format suitable for analysis.

Data Mining Goals: Specific objectives guiding the data analysis process.

Business Success Criteria: Metrics used to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the project.

Data Visualization: Presentation of data in visual formats to aid understanding and decision-making.

Modelling Techniques: Algorithms and tools used to analyze and interpret data.

Project Plan

Overall Project Plan:

1. Data Understanding: Assess current data sources and gather relevant data for analysis.

2. Data Preparation: Cleanse, preprocess, and transform the data for analysis.

3. Modelling: Apply selected data mining techniques to derive insights and develop models.

4. Evaluation: Assess model performance and refine as necessary.

5. Deployment: Implement the solution within NHS Forth Valley's healthcare ecosystem.

6. Monitoring and Maintenance: Continuously monitor performance and update as needed.

Timetable for Completion

- Start Date: May 1, 2024

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- Data Understanding: 2 months

- Data Preparation: 2 months

- Modelling: 3 months

- Evaluation: 1 month

- Deployment: 2 months

- Monitoring and Maintenance: Ongoing

Data Understanding

Description of the Data

Format: Structured data stored in databases and electronic health records.

Quantity: Several datasets with thousands of records, including patient demographics, medical history, and

treatment outcomes.

Fields:Include patient ID, age, gender, diagnosis, medications, procedures, and outcomes.

Surface Features: Data is predominantly numeric and categorical, with some text fields.

First Exploration of the Data

Data Mining Techniques: Descriptive statistics, data visualization, and clustering analysis.

Results: Initial findings reveal correlations between certain patient demographics and medical outcomes,

suggesting areas for further investigation.

Section of the report on the quality of the data helps unveil several central elements. For the matter of

completeness, the initial goal is to design an algorithm that takes into account all the important aspects of the

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patient's condition and also ignores the outliers and missing values. Lastly, regarding the accuracy of data, it is

compliant with high standards for the most part, having some errors at times that would demand for

conducting the data validation processes to ensure reliability. Among all the missing values, the most common

occurrence happens in fields that are not mandatory, emphasizing the fact that to antidote this it is important

to deal with it too during the preprocessing. In the data quality report, the verification implies the deficits with

both completeness and the correctness, as well. The logging of NSF which is characterized through imputation

of missing values and validation of incorrect data entries is a measure that has been proposed to address the


Methodology and analysis

Chosen modeling techniques involve the use of regression analysis that facilitates forecasting of patient

outcomes as well as Natural Language Processing for amalgamating unstructured text data from the patient

records. Test design for evaluation calls for screens to apply a split-test evaluation approach and validate its

performance against unseen data; meanwhile A/B testing should be used to compare the effectiveness of

different intervention techniques.

Regarding how the model will be built, the process involves using Python program language with libraries such

as Scikit-learn and TensorFlow for model development process, and working with the domain experts to make

sure that the model accuracy and relevance will not be compromised. The model validation is carried out by

employing performance metrics such as Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1-Score, on a continuing bases mode

after the deployment to detect any performance degradation.

The recognition of a mission worth is subjected to the availability of resources and data. However, there is the

probability that other relevant point analysis of the research may be missed. Risks are related to the

occurrence of crises at development stage and cyber-security breaches that join the system and this should be

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detected on time by developers and solved. They can also damage the aegis of patients. The opening line

should be about providing an answer to that particular ethical question, which needs to be done keeping in

mind the patient confidentiality and privacy, yet using data analytics and chatbot technologies to improve

healthcare. To solve this problem, measures such as strong data security, clinical trials consent, and system

compliance regular audit are important.

Firstly, finding and solving the leading risk and sustainability problem, which is safety of data against data

security breaches that may provoke a case of privacy violation and a damage to reputation. Mitigation

strategies are meant to be preemptive n disaster recovery protocols, which may be used in conjunction with

the regular training of staff on cybersecurity awareness. In contrast, premium facility and improved patient

care get the prominent attention through implementation of the innovative technology solutions that

ultimately make a difference for patients and stakeholders. This in turn strengthens the NHS Forth Valley's

competitive positioning. Advice for the successful implementation of novel solutions involves establishing a

link between healthcare professionals and data scientists and taking a constant approach to learning and

development of workers to improve data competency as well as technological proficiency on an institutional



Data Analytics and Chatbots containing state of the art technologies are among the key disruptions that can

disrupt the present NHS Forth Valley healthcare delivery and uplift its lives. Through the observation of the

ethics guidelines, recognizing the main issues, and the application of opportunities, Upstarts Inc. can bring

about the successful introduction of innovative approaches with the consequent betterment of the patients’

lives and sustainable purpose of the healthcare organization.

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