Volcanic Activity محاضره 4و5
Volcanic Activity محاضره 4و5
Volcanic Activity محاضره 4و5
What is a volcano?
any hill, mound or sheet of igneous material made up of lava flows, pyroclastic rock
volcanism - manifestation at the surface by way of the release of a solid/liquid/gas
Average production of lava
o 2 km3 per year (land)
o 20 km3 per year (ocean floor)
Important to realize that not all volcanoes are similar to Hawaii!!
something to melt
source of heat
o effusive ==> lava flows
o explosive ==> pyroclastic deposits (tephra)
o intrusion ==> forcible entry of magma into or between rock formations or lay
Most volcanoes are formed at destructive plate margins, where oceanic crust
sinks below the continental crust because oceanic crust is denser than its
continental counterpart. Friction will cause the oceanic crust to melt, and the
reduced density will force the newly formed magma to rise. As the magma
rises it pushes through the continental crust, erupting as volcanoes. For
example, Mount St. Helens is found inland from the margin between the
oceanic Juan de Fuca Plate and the continental North American Plate.
Perhaps the most conspicuous part of a volcano is the crater, a basin, roughly
of a circular form, within which occurs a vent (or vents) from which magma
erupts as gases, lava, and ejecta. A crater can be of large dimensions, and
sometimes of vast depth. Very large features of this sort are termed calderas.
Some volcanoes consist of a crater alone, with scarcely any mountain at all;
but in the majority of cases the crater is situated on top of a mountain (the
volcano), which can tower to an enormous height. Volcanos that terminate in a
principal crater are usually of a conical form.
Volcanic cones are usually smaller features composed of loose ash and cinder,
with occasional masses of stone which have been tossed violently into the air
by the eruptive forces (and are thus called ejecta). Within the crater of a
volcano there may be numerous cones from which vapours are continually
issuing, with occasional volleys of ashes and stones. In some volcanoes these
cones form lower down the mountain, along rift zones.
Volcanoes are usually situated either at the boundaries between tectonic plates
or over hot spots. Volcanoes may be either dormant (having no activity) or
active (near constant expulsion and occasional eruptions), and change state
Volcanoes on land often take the form of flat cones, as the expulsions build up
over the years, or in short-lived cinder cones. Under water, volcanoes often
form rather steep pillars and in due time break the ocean surface in new
The type of volcanic eruption Is often labeled with the name of a well-known
volcano where characteristic behavior is similar--hence the use of such terms
as "Strombolian," "Vulcanian," "Vesuvian," "Pelean," "Hawaiian," and others.
Some volcanoes may exhibit only one characteristic type of eruption during an
interval of activity--others may display an entire sequence of types.
" awaiian" eruptions may occur along fissures or fractures that serve as
linear vents, such as during the eruption of Mauna Loa Volcano in Hawaii in
1950; or they may occur at a central vent such as during the 1959 eruption in
Kilauea Iki Crater of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. In fissure-type eruptions,
molten, incandescent lava spurts from a fissure on the volcano's rift zone and
feeds lava streams that flow downslope. In central-vent eruptions, a fountain
of fiery lava spurts to a height of several hundred feet or more. Such lava may
collect in old pit craters to form lava lakes, or form cones, or feed radiating
" hreatic" (or steam-blast) eruptions are driven by explosive expanding
steam resulting from cold ground or surface water coming into contact with
hot rock or magma. The distinguishing feature of phreatic explosions is that
they only blast out fragments of preexisting solid rock from the volcanic
conduit; no new magma is erupted. Phreatic activity is generally weak, but can
be quite violent in some cases, such as the 1965 eruption of Taal Volcano,
Philippines, and the 1975-76 activity at La Soufrière, Guadeloupe (Lesser
The most powerful eruptions are called "plinian" and involve the explosive
ejection of relatively viscous lava. Large plinian eruptions--such as during 18
May 1980 at Mount St. Helens or, more recently, during 15 June 1991 at
Pinatubo in the Philippines--can send ash and volcanic gas tens of miles into
the air. The resulting ash fallout can affect large areas hundreds of miles
downwind. Fast-moving deadly pyroclastic flows ("nuées ardentes") are also
commonly associated with plinian eruptions.
Volcanic eruptions are one of Earth's most dramatic and violent agents of
change. Not only can powerful explosive eruptions drastically alter land and
water for tens of kilometers around a volcano, but tiny liquid droplets of
sulfuric acid erupted into the stratosphere can change our planet's climate
temporarily. Eruptions often force people living near volcanoes to abandon
their land and homes, sometimes forever. Those living farther away are likely
to avoid complete destruction, but their cities and towns, crops, industrial
plants, transportation systems, and electrical grids can still be damaged by
tephra, lahars, and flooding.
Volcanic activity since 1700 A.D. has killed more than 260,000 people,
destroyed entire cities and forests, and severely disrupted local economies for
months to years. Even with our improved ability to identify hazardous areas
and warn of impending eruptions, increasing numbers of people face certain
danger. Scientists have estimated that by the year 2000, the population at risk
from volcanoes is likely to increase to at least 500 million, which is
comparable to the entire world's population at the beginning of the seventeenth
century! Clearly, scientists face a formidable challenge in providing reliable
and timely warnings of eruptions to so many people at risk
Since the year A.D. 1500, more than 300,000 people have died from volcanic
activity. Most people were killed by only a few eruptions. For example, the
huge explosive eruption of Tambora volcano in 1815 killed more than 90,000
people, primarily by starvation because the eruption destroyed crops and
farmland. In the 20th century, eruptions at Mont Pelée and Nevado del Ruiz
volcanoes killed more than 50,000 people. These examples demonstrate the
importance of knowing the type and location of hazards associated with
currently active and potentially active volcanoes. Plannng for these hazards
ahead of time can prevent future volcanic activity from becoming a disaster.
Volcano Country Year Lahar Tephra Landslide Tsunami
Iceland 1783
Nevado del
Colombia 1845 1,000
Papua New
Ritter 1888 3,0002
Papua New
Lamington 1951 2,942
Nevado del
Colombia 1985 >23,000
Mount 1991-
Philippines >5008 300
Pinatubo 1996
Table notes
1. Merapi, 1672; one source gives total of 3,000 fatalities and another
gives total of 300
2. Ritter, 1888; landslide triggered a tsunamis that killed "hundreds" and
perhaps as many as 3,000 people
3. Awu, 1892; source descriptions suggest 25% of these fatalities may
have been caused by lahars
4. Santa María, 1902; one source suggests "hundreds" of fatalities were
caused by collapsed houses from the weight of tephra, and several
thousand more people died from malaria outbreak
5. Taal, 1911; perhaps 20% of these fatalities were caused by tsunamis
from explosive activity in the crater lake
6. Rabaul Caldera, 1937; sources suggest 50% caused by pyroclastic
flows, 40% caused by tephra, 5% caused by tsunamis, 5% caused by
exposure or starvation
7. Agung, 1963; perhaps more than 1,500 fatalities occurred, 14% caused
by tephra, 14% caused by lahars
8. Mount Pinatubo, 1991; post-eruption lahars have caused many more
deaths and destruction to farmland and communities than the Jun 15,
1991 eruption
Types of Volcanoes:
Central Vent Volcanoes
1. Stratovolcano (Composite Cone):
conical-shaped volcano
lavas interbedded with pyroclastic deposits
ex. Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Fuego, Guatemala
2. Shield:
broad, gently sloping volcano
generally composed of overlapping, interfingering basalt flows
ex. Hawaii, Galapagos, Iceland
Volcanic Plains
1. Flood Basalt
extensive flat-lying sheets of lava
typically erupted from linear fissures
ex. Columbia Plateau, Deccan Trapps
2. Ash-Flow Plain:
ex. Yellowstone, Ngorongoro
3. Basaltic Plains:
ex. Snake River Plain
Science has not yet been able to predict with absolute certainty when a
volcanic eruption will take place, but significant progress in judging when
one is probable has been made in recent time.
Forty eight hours later, bang on time, the volcano erupted spectacularly. It
was Popocat?etl's largest eruption for a thousand years and yet no one was
Gas Emissions
As magma nears the surface and its pressure decreases, gases escape. This
process is much like what happens when you open a bottle of soda and
carbon dioxide escapes. Sulfur dioxide is one of the main components of
volcanic gases, and increasing amounts of it herald the arrival of more and
more magma near the surface. For example, on May 13, 1991, 500 tons of
sulfur dioxide were released from Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines. On
May 28--just two weeks later--sulfur dioxide emissions had increased to
5,000 tons, ten times the earlier amount. Mount Pinatubo erupted on June
12, 1991. On several occasions, such as before the Mount Pinatubo
eruption, sulfur dioxide emissions have dropped to low levels prior to
eruptions. Most scientists believe that this drop in gas levels is caused by the
sealing of gas passages by hardened magma. Such an event leads to
increased pressure in the volcano's plumbing system and an increased
chance of an explosive eruption.
Ground Deformation
Swelling of the volcano signals that magma has accumulated near the
surface. Scientists monitoring an active volcano will often measure the tilt of
the slope and track changes in the rate of swelling. An increased rate of
swelling--especially if accompanied by an increase in sulfur dioxide
emissions and harmonic tremors--is a high probability sign of an impending
Volcanic activity
Dormant volcanoes are those that are not currently active (as defined above),
but could become restless or erupt again.
Extinct volcanoes are those that scientists consider unlikely to erupt again.
Whether a volcano is truly extinct is often difficult to determine. For example,
since calderas have lifespans sometimes measured in millions of years, a
caldera that has not produced an eruption in tens of thousands of years is
likely to be considered dormant instead of extinct. Yellowstone caldera in
Yellowstone National Park is at least 2 million years old and hasn't erupted
for 70,000 years, yet scientists do not consider Yellowstone as extinct. In fact,
because the caldera has frequent earthquakes, a very active geothermal
system, and rapid rates of ground uplift, many scientists consider it to be a
very active volcano.
Mauna Loa
Mauna Kea
Mount Erebus
Mount Fuji
Mount St. Helens
References used :
Tilling, R.I., 1989, Volcanic hazards and their mitigation: Progress and
problems: Review of Geophysics, v. 27, no. 2, p. 237-269.
Simkin, T., and Siebert, L., 1995, Volcanoes of the World: Geoscience Press,
Inc., p. 165-176