Invasive Cane Toad Qns

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Cane toad as a model invasive species

This table below summarises the qualities of a

species which lead it to become invasive.
Essentially most of the problems which are
caused by invasive species result from changes
to the delicate balance of inter-related species
in food webs.

Study the table, watch the two short videos on

the Inthinking Invasive species page

Qualities of invasive species Cane toad

(Rhinella marina )
Alien species have few natural predators. The poison it secretes from its glands kills
predators reducing predation.
Alien Species have rapid growth, high reproductive Females lay thousands of eggs twice a year
Aliens out-compete and displace native species. Native frogs only breed once per year.
Alien species dominate an ecosystem, change food Predatory monitor lizards, eat cane toads and
webs and reduce biodiversity die resulting in an increase in one of the lizards'
typical prey, the crimson finches.
Alien species dominate an ecosystem and cause Huge numbers are found at times of the year in
physical damage Australian towns.
Alien species have an ability to tolerate a wide The cane toad has survived the Australian dry
range of environmental conditions season and is known to swim well, and walk
long distances at night.

1. Which of the qualities in the table would help it to be a successful biological control?


2. What would the cane toad toxin do to native Australian animal preditors, like snakes.


3. Why were cane toads brought to Australia in 1935?


4. A hundred toads were introduced; how many toads are in Australia now?


© David Faure, InThinking 1

Cane toad as a model invasive species

5. What is the key to the success of the cane toad? Why did they become an invasive species?



6. Why does this give the Cane toad an advantage over native species?



7. What problems can cane toads cause for domestic animals, cat’s and dogs?


8. What effects would the arrival of cane toads have on native frogs?



9. What effects have cane toads had on higher predator populations?



10. What is the most effective localised method of reducing cane toad populations, explain you



© David Faure, InThinking 2

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