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Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut
untuk SMA Kelas XI
Penulis : Rida Afrilyasanti, Anik Muslikah Indriastuti
ISBN : 978-602-244-863-1

After learning this unit, you are expected to:
1. Identify the different characteristics of a fantasy story, including
social functions and text structures.
2. Identify some of the linguistic features of a fantasy story, namely:
adjective clauses and reported speech.
3. Understand implicit and explicit information (main ideas and
detailed information) from the texts.
4. Write a story with an appropriate schematic structure and
linguistic features.
5. Share and tell the story in focus.
A. My Initial Understanding

Look at the picture and discuss the following questions with a partner.
Remember to respect each other’s answer.
1. What can you see in the picture?
2. Can you guess what story you will
3. What kind of story will it be? Will
it be a happy, sad, adventurous, or
mystery story?
4. From the picture, can you guess
whether it is the story setting or the
character? Please describe.
Picture 3.1 The Wardrobe 1

B. Reading

Activity 1
In order to help you understand the story you will read, let’s
learn some vocabularies that you will find in the story. Read the
sentences and, based on the context, guess the meaning of the
bold printed words. Then, match the word with its meaning.

Vocabulary Items of The Lion, the witch and the Wardrobe

1. Lucy encountered the Faun Tumnus in a strange, snowy wood.
2. Tumnus was a servant of a terrible White Witch, who had bewitched
Narnia so that it was always winter and never Christmas.
3. The witch fed Edmund enchanted Turkish Delight and persuaded
him to bring back his siblings.
4. Tumnus had been jailed on treason accusations.

72 Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut untuk SMA Kelas XI

5. When the Pevensies passed a forest lamppost while hunting a
magical white deer, they returned to their former world, where time
had scarcely passed and they were once again kids.

Put a magic spell on someone or something in

order to control him/her/it.
Bewitched Broke suddenly into very small pieces.
Turkish The crime of assisting your country’s enemies or
Delight seeking to overthrow the government illegally.
A fictional creature that looks like a small man
with a goat’s back legs, a tail, ears, and horns.
A soft sweet that is usually cut into squares and
dusted with powdered sugar.

Activity 2
Now, read a fantasy story entitled ‘The Lion, the Witch, and the
Wardrobe.’ While reading, pay attention to the characters and
the events told in the story.

Structures Text Language


Orientation: The Lion, the Witch, Action Verbs

and the Wardrobe • They
explored the
During the World house on
War II, four their first
siblings, Peter, day, and
Susan, Edmund Lucy, the
and Lucy were youngest,
sent to live in
an enormous
the country with wardrobe.
Picture 3.2 The Wardrobe 2 Professor Kirke.
They explored the house on their
first day, and Lucy, the youngest,
discovered an enormous wardrobe.

Unit 3 | Fantasy 73
Structures Text Language

Being curious, Lucy stepped Past Tense:

inside the wardrobe and found She
herself in a strange, snowy wood. encountered
She encountered the Faun Tumnus. the Faun
“You are in Narnia. Let’s get going Tumnus.
before you are caught by the Witch”
said Tumnus. At his home, Tumnus Sequence
sadly told Lucy that he was a servant words:
of a terrible White Witch, who had During,
bewitched Narnia so that in Narnia, afterward etc.
it was always winter but there never
was a Christmas. Tumnus also said,
“I am a kidnapper and it is my job to
capture human beings like you, Lucy.”
Hearing that, “So, Mr Tumnus, is that four siblings,
their first day,
the reason why you asked me to
come here?” Lucy wailed. “Yes, I am
so sorry, Lucy,” Tumnus answered.
Complication Adverbs:
Then, Lucy pleaded with Tumnus to
let her go. Luckily, he agreed, so she Luckily, he
went back home shortly. agreed, so
shortly she
Lucy told her went back
siblings about
her adventure
in Narnia. Adjective
However, they Clause:
did not believe Tumnus
her. “I’ve never sadly told
heard a place Lucy that he
Picture 3.3 Tumnus and Luci was a servant
called Narnia,”
said Peter. of a terrible
White Witch,
Edmund teasingly yelled, “Come who had
on, you just went away for seconds, bewitched
not hours!” Lucy insisted that Narnia Narnia.

74 Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut untuk SMA Kelas XI

Structures Text Language

is real, but when her siblings looked Shortened

in the back of the wardrobe, they only form of
saw an ordinary piece of furniture. Adjective
Edmund teased Lucy endlessly
until he spotted her disappear inside I’ve never
heard a
the wardrobe one day. Edmund
place called
followed Lucy and found himself in
Narnia as well.
In Narnia, Edmund did not see
Lucy, and instead met the White
Witch who introduced herself as the
“You are in
Queen of Narnia.
Narnia. Let’s
The witch fed Edmund enchanted get going
Turkish Delight and persuaded him before you
to bring back his siblings. On the way are caught by
to the lamppost, which marked the the Witch”
border between Narnia and the real said Tumnus.
world, Edmund saw Lucy and was
informed about the evil the Witch. Continue to
But he kept on disbelieving. When identify the
they returned home, Edmund did not language
even tell Susan and Peter that Narnia features
really existed. of the
One day, when the four siblings fairy tale
as above.
were hiding from the housekeeper in
the wardrobe, they found themselves the words
in Narnia. Lucy took them to Tumnus’ or phrases
house, but they were unable to find using
him; instead, they found a message different
notifying them that Tumnus had colors.
been jailed on treason accusations.
When they were preparing to help
Tumnus, they met Mr. Beaver, who
said, ”You will not be unable to save
Tumnus unless you join the great
lion, Aslan, at the Stone Table.”

Unit 3 | Fantasy 75
Structures Text Language

Mr. Beaver told, “It is forecasted

that Aslan will fix all wrongs and
transform winter into spring.” He
added, “It is also foretold that the
White Witch, who only pretends to
be human, will be defeated when two
“Sons of Adam” and two “Daughters
of Eve” sit on the thrones of the castle
of Cair Paravel in Narnia.” During the
conversation, Edmund sneaked off
to meet the White Witch and told her
about the plan to meet Aslan. Sadly,
he was not rewarded, yet was treated
like a prisoner.
Soon, the kids and Mr. Beaver
could meet Aslan but when they were
setting up a camp, the witch with her
followers came. Then, Aslan and the
witch had a private conversation
apart from the kids. That night, Lucy
and Susan could not sleep and go
looking for Aslan who they found
leaving the campsite. Aslan allowed
them to accompany him, but before
they arrived at the Stone Table, he
asked the girls to keep their distance
and remain hidden. The Witch
mocked Aslan, shaved his mane, tied
him to the Stone Table and executed
him, revealing that he gave his life
for Edmund’s. Devastated, the girls
stayed with Aslan’s body all night.
In the morning, the Stone Table
shattered in two and Aslan returned
from dead, he became even more

76 Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut untuk SMA Kelas XI

Structures Text Language

Picture 3.4 Susan, Susi, and Aslan

Then, Susan and Lucy rode on

Aslan’s back to the White Witch’s
castle, where Aslan awakened many
creatures the witch had turned to
stone, including Tumnus. Meanwhile,
Peter led Aslan’s army against the
witch in a massive fight. The battle
was won when Aslan killed the
witch. The kids inherited the Narnia
thrones and grew to adulthood
while Aslan vanished. When the
Pevensies*) passed a forest lamppost
while hunting a magical white deer,
they returned to their former world,
where time had scarcely passed and
they were once again kids.
Adapted and Summarized from
Pevensies is the kingdom of Narnia’s newest dynasty following the age of
Winter, during which a single monarch, the White Witch Jadis, had reigned
for a hundred years.

Unit 3 | Fantasy 77
Activity 3
Choose the best answer to the following questions.

Access and retrieve

1. What was unusual about Professor Kirke’s house?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
2. How did the adventure begin?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
3. How could finally Lucy’s siblings find Narnia?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________

Integrate and interpret

1. Why was Edmund reluctant to trust Mr. Beaver? Why did he reveal his
siblings’ plan to the White Witch?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
2. How is Edmund’s personality? Use the information in the text to
support your answer.
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________

Reflect and evaluate

1. What are your opinions on Lucy’s decision to enter the forest by
herself? Was it prudent, brave, or foolish? What would you do if you
were Lucy? Why?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
2. Do you agree with the kids’ decision to rescue Tumnus? Why or why
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________

78 Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut untuk SMA Kelas XI

Activity 4
Read the story again and describe Faun Tumnus by completing
three ovals below. In the first oval, write the description of
Tumnus’ physical appearance. In the second oval, draw Tumnus’s
picture and in the third oval, tell Tumnus’ personality.

Tumnus’ Physical Faun Tumnus Tumnus’

Description Personality
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________

Picture 26. Three Ellipses

Activity 5
Understand the story more by putting these events in order.

Lucy met Tumnus and found out that Narnia was under the spell
of the White Witch.
Under the influence of the Witch’s spell, Edmund told his siblings’
plan to save Tumnus.
With the help from Aslan, the childern could save all creatures
from the witch’s enchantment and inherit Narnia’s thrones.
Lucy and her siblings explored the house and she found out a
magical wardrobe that led her to Narnia.

Unit 3 | Fantasy 79
One day, all of the children accidently discovered Narnia and
found that Tumnus had been imprisoned.
All of her siblings did not believe in Lucy’s story about Narnia
until one day Edmund found out himself about it.
Lucy and her siblings moved to Professor Kirke’s house in the

Activity 6
Reread “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” story. What
lessons did you learn from each characters? Discuss with three
different mates and compare to your answer.

There are many moral lessons that you can learn from the story, such as
honesty, integrity, forgiveness, courage, and self-sacrifice. The lessons are
presented by the characterization of each character in the story. Complete
the following chart with the names of the characters that best describe
the characterizations provided. You also have to provide evidence from
the story that supports each character’s characterization.

Explanation and Evidence:

Honesty and Integrity _______________________________________________
Character’s Name(s): _______________________________________________
_____________________________ _______________________________________________

Explanation and Evidence:

Character’s Name(s):

80 Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut untuk SMA Kelas XI

Explanation and Evidence:
Courage _______________________________________________
Character’s Name(s): _______________________________________________
_____________________________ _______________________________________________

Explanation and Evidence:

Self-sacrifice _______________________________________________
Character’s Name(s): _______________________________________________
_____________________________ _______________________________________________

Activity 7
Choose one of two provided answers. Then, explain your reasons
for choosing the answer.

Read each of the statements in the first column. Make a decision on

whether you agree or disagree with the statements. Compare your answer
before and after reading the story. Explain your choices and reasons
for changing/ not changing your choices. There are no right or wrong
Before Reading After Reading Your
Statement Explanation
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
You should not
believe something
unless you see it
Even if someone
has done something
wrong, you should
forgive them.
Sacrifice is a way to
show love.

Unit 3 | Fantasy 81
Activity 8
Read and understand some key concept materials given below.
You can make a study gram in your notebook in order to help
you understand more.

You have read and understand a story entitled “The Lion, the Witch
and the Wardrobe.” It is a fantasy. Fantasy are stories that include
impossible or magic systems as the components of the story.
As the characteristics of narratives texts, fantasy is also aimed
to amuse or entertain the readers and consists of orientation,
complication and resolution (Emilia, 2016). In Unit 1 and 2, we have
already learned five language features of a narrative text, namely:
action verbs, past tense, sequence words, noun phrases, as well as
adverbs of manner, time and place. In the following sections, we will
also gradually learn two other language features of a narrative text.
They are adjective clauses and reported speech.

82 Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut untuk SMA Kelas XI

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