Brampton Bulletin: Hildren N EED

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Brampton Bulletin

B r a m p t o n P r i m a r y S c h o o l S t r i v i n g t o R e a c h t h e B e s t Week ending: 14.11.11 Autumn Term: Issue 9

Inside this weeks issue: Children in Need Anti bullying Forthcoming Dates Year 6 visit Europa School Voluntary Fund Week 1 Menu Governors News Basic Maths Skills Gold Book Entries Weekly Attendance And finally Ear-rings

To raise money for Children In Need, School Council have decided to organise some fundraising events. These will take place on Friday 18th November. We thought it would be fun to have a funny hair or hat day. You may wear a wig, have your hair in a funny design (NO SHAVINGS) or wear a funny hat. All we ask is that you make a small donation for Children In Need. We will also be having a cake sale at playtime. All cakes will cost 10p so please bring in some extra money for the cake sale. If anyone could donate some cakes for the sale, please give them to your class school council rep (reception to give to teacher) from Monday 14th November. Last year we raised over 300 for Children In Need so lets see if we can do just as well this year! Thanks from Brampton Primary School Council Anti Bullying Next week is anti-bullying week. This years theme is about verbal bullying. All classes will be tackling the subject throughout the week and will be exploring and challenging the behaviour associated with bullying. To mark the occasion and to demonstrate that Brampton will not tolerate bullying, all children are allowed to wear blue jeans, blue trousers or blue skirts as well as their usual Brampton school jumper on Monday 14th November.
Brampton Primary is a restorative school where the initial response to conflict is to find a solution where things are put right, the victims needs are met whilst also meeting the needs of the wrong doer and meet all the schools responsibilities.

Forthcoming Dates: Monday 14th November Anti Bullying Week Tuesday 15th November 12.30 FOB AGM Thursday 24th November Year 5 to Science Museum Friday 25th November Mayor Opening Infants Monday 28th November Peter Pan to whole school Friday 9th December CRIBs Christmas Play Tuesday 13th December Infant concert Wednesday 14th December Infant Concert Friday 16th December Candlelight Carols End of term

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Brampton Bulletin

On Tuesday 1st November, year 6, five members of staff and a very kind helper parent, Mrs Hogben, went to Europa at Bexley Grammar School. Europa is an imaginary French town it could be any town in France though. The year 12 students and their teachers made stalls to represent shops and market squares and then furnished them with pretend and real objects. On arrival, we filled in our passports with name, place of birth, hometown, colour of hair and eyes. We read the French and we wrote in French when possible. We were given pretend credit cards and we used these to buy objects in the town. There was a station, travel agents, post office, pharmacy, bakers (boulangerie and patisserie year 6 should be able to tell you the difference!), post office, clothes shop, florists, fruit and vegetable stall and, last but not least, the very popular ice cream stall! At the end, we returned any non food items we had bought, ready for the next school to use. We also watched a French puppet shop, performed by year 12 students: Boucle dOr et Les Trois Ours (Goldilocks and the Three Bears). There is a link to this story, and several others, in the MFL room on our Fronter site. All our pupils enjoyed trying to use the French they know in this fun, practical environment and it was lovely for the staff to see what they had remembered. We have benefitted greatly from our links with Bexley Grammar, as part of their outreach programme into local schools. They sent us materials in preparation for todays visit, which we can keep, and each child was given a booklet of useful shopping phrases and a bookmark today. Additionally, both last year and this, we were successful in our bid to have a member of their MFL staff come to Brampton to teach a year 6 class fortnightly. 6M will be starting their lessons with Miss Cox soon. Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) are taught very differently nowadays compared to when the majority of staff and parents (or at least those of us over thirty!) were at secondary school. There are five strands to MFL teaching: Oracy, Literacy, Knowledge about Language, Language Learning Strategies and Intercultural Understanding. These are all interconnecting and several strands may be covered in one lesson. Oracy has far more importance than it used to, and teaching has moved away from text book learning. With regard to Intercultural Understanding, we have already achieved the Intermediate level of the International Schools Award for this and we are currently linking every class to a school in a contrasting locality in Britain, or to a school abroad. Miss Carter is working very hard on this. Mrs. Jackson School Voluntary Fund Each year we ask parents to make a donation to our School Fund. Contributions are volunatary but we are extremely grateful for them since the money goes to purchase those extras which enhance the childrens learning such as extra sports coaching and costumes for school plays etc. This year we asked for an annual contribution of 5 per family. Some families have been very generous and sent in more and we are very grateful to them. If you would still like to make a donation please send it in an envelope to the school office (cheques payable to Brampton Primary School.)

Issue 9

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Monday Meat Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Chicken Tikka with Rice

Lamb Tagine with Soy and Ginger Rice Chicken with noodles. Jacket Potato with Salmon Noodles cheese beans or tuna crunch Potato & Vegetable Layer Plum Crunch cake Apple Crumble & with ice cream Custard

Roast Pork with Beef Stew & Homemade Apple Dumplings with Sauce & Roast Mash Potato Potatoes Cheese & Leek Pie Tomato & Basil with Roast PotaPasta toes Potato Farls with Baked Beans Jelly with Fruit Wedges Fruit Cookie & Yoghurt

Fish or alternative Vegetarian

Lemon & Herb Crusted Fish with Chipped Potatoes Vegetable Korma with Chipped Potatoes Carrot Cake


A choice of salads, seasonal vegetables, fresh bread, fresh fruit platter, fruit yoghurt, milk and drinking water are also available daily. Peanut Allergies Please can we remind everyone that we are a Peanut Free school in our cooked meals and we ask parents not to put any nuts or items containing nuts in their childs packed lunches. Thank you Governor News Our Governing Body held its first termly meeting of the new academic year this week. Governors welcomed Rev Charles and Mr Vadukul to their first meeting and elected Mr Raggett and Mrs Riley as chair and vice chair. They received a head teachers report as well as reports from the sub committee meetings. School assessment data from Raise On Line and work towards Governor Mark was discussed. Basics Maths Skills Teaching Last Friday our junior teachers started a new arrangement to teach Basics Maths skills. This is where children practise the rules and application of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We have been teaching Basic Maths skills for a while but within a class setting where there can be a wide range of ability. Staff wanted to improve the teaching of basics skills so it is tightly focussed on the areas causing difficulty. Therefore we are trialling teaching children in groups according to the skill level they are working on. The sessions are for about 40 minutes on Fridays and for most children will mean they will be working in smaller groups than in their usual class and they will benefit from more 1:1 teaching. We have kept the children in their class or year group age where possible. We hope this will be enjoyable, ensure further success, build confidence and lead to rapid progress.

BRAMPTON GOLD BOOK Striving to Reach the Best Every week we print the names of those children who have achieved in either their work, conduct or behaviour around school and have been entered in the Gold Book. They have been mentioned in Mondays celebratory assembly. After 3 mentions children receive a bronze certificate, 6 mentions for a silver, 9 mentions for a gold, 12 mentions for a Super Gold and 15 mentions for a Platinum certificate, 18 for Diamond, 21+ for a Head teachers Award and 24 for a Special Head teacher Award and Badge.
RB Lewis Abba RB Jessica Hinxman RBAlice Pearce RB Chloe Davidson RJ Leila Burstow RJ Olivia Costi RJ Elliott Cooley RJ Oliver Tampling RJ Kyle Wilkinson RJ Olivia Bundock RJ Francisco Cardoso RJSamuel Regan 1W Finley Broad 1W Sahil Chowdhury 1W Macey Wade (Bronze) 1BMolly Bailey 1B Daniel Balade 1B Chloe Boyns 1B tommy Brimble 3WMillie Arthurs 3W Annabel Black 3WKofi Boadu (Gold) 3W-Molly Lane (Gold) 3WMolly Lucking 3WBradley McConville 3W Kier Patching (Gold) 3W Joseph Cachia 3W Harry Callaghan 3WBilly Peto 3WHDylan Suggars 3WHJessica McTaggart 3WHHolly Sugden 3WH- Hollie Beesley (Gold) 3WH Jack Kyne (Gold) 3WH Lucy Tolfrey (Gold) 3WH Emily McLaggan x 2 (Gold) 3WHHarriet Thomas (Gold) 3WH Sonny Wade Unfortunately there is not enough space to mention the childrens achievements here but if you are interested to see your childs mention please pop in and ask to see it.

Weekly Attendance

Week ending 5.11.11 RB: RJ: 1B: 1W: 2B: 2PW: 3W: 3WH: 4C: 4H: 5B: 5C: 6S: 6M: 98.3% 97.7% 95.7% 97.7% 98% 100% 100% 96.7% 97.3% 93.1% 92.7% 98.7% 97% 95.7%

School Office For reasons of confidentiality, please knock and wait for a response before entering the office. If another parent/visitor is in the office or the office staff are on the phone, could you please wait outside. And finally.......Ear-rings Please can we remind parents that as part of our Home School Agreement earrings must not be worn in school. If the ears have recently been pierced they need to be taped at all times and will be unable to partake in PE lessons. Remember if you like what were doing tell us and others! If you dont, please help us improve! School Office; 020 8303 2873 Fax; 020 8298 0286 Email:[email protected]

Well done to 2PW, 3W & the other classes above 96.1%

Our School total was 97%!

Raffle Prize Winners The winners in this weeks draw for a treat with Miss Fisher were Joseph Cachia in 3W and Saif Nabi in 2B. Well done to them for showing the appropriate behaviour.

Were on the web!

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