Wfs Joint Newsletter Issue 1 - 7th September 2018
Wfs Joint Newsletter Issue 1 - 7th September 2018
Wfs Joint Newsletter Issue 1 - 7th September 2018
Issue 1 Friday 7th September 2018
Contact WFI: 0118 9426113
Contact WFJ: 0118 9425182
Welcome back to you all – I do hope you had a lovely Summer and managed to make the most of the
beautiful weather. The children all look lovely and smart in their new/fresh uniforms and they all seem
happy to be back at school and we trust you are all happy for us to have them back! We have missed them
all – the buildings have been very quiet over the holidays without them!
A very big welcome to all our new families joining us in EYFS this week and the new families joining across
the schools. A big welcome to our new staff; Mr David Howells (our new caretaker - more to follow), Miss
Sam Harrison (Teacher in Simon Class), Miss Niamh Howlett (TA in Donaldson class), Mrs Watkins, Mrs
Wilks and Miss Keskin (Lunch Time Assistants) and to our student Miss Kayleigh Phillips working in Year 1
with Miss Wakeham.
(Warning to all new families – I have a very silly sense of humour and tend to over-use exclamation marks
so I hope you weren’t hoping for a serious tone to my newsletters – you will be disappointed!!)
Our new children in FS2 – Donaldson and Milne classes have had their first visits with us this week and
have had a wonderful time in their lovely small groups – all of them are confident and happy to come to
school with very few tears! The teachers have been busy in the afternoons with Home Visits which are
really useful for us and ensure a positive start for your child so if you haven’t managed to arrange one yet –
please see Mrs Finn in the office. Our new FS1 (Nursery) children in Carle class will be starting on Monday
– welcome to you all!
New FS2 parents - don’t forget to join us for coffee on Monday after drop off in the staffroom – a chance to
meet each other, ask any questions and maybe share tissues and tears (or happy smiles of relief...?!)
As mentioned above we have a new caretaker who is very tall and very lovely! He has worked tirelessly
without a break all through the summer holidays making the school look great – not even having a chance
to move into the bungalow fully yet! There are a few jobs that have been more difficult and expensive for
him to tackle and one of those is the pedestrian gate to the playground in the corner (which is out of
action) and the rest of the fence. We have just received a quote to replace this which is a scary £16,000 so
we are planning an alternative which will of course takes longer so please bear with us!
Barbara Hunter
Executive Headteacher Westwood Farm Schools
Please continue to support the school and our pupils and residents with considerate and safe parking. It
continues to be a problem for some so we continue to ask for your co-operation with this. It upsets our
local residents if parents and carers park across their drive if they need to get out – please think of all of
this when you are thinking of where to park. Thank you for your support.
Tilehurst Beavers
If your child may be interested in joining Beavers, 79th Reading Beavers are holding an open evening on
Tuesday 18th September from 5.45-6.45pm at 79th Reading, Armour Road, Tilehurst RG31 6JH. Further
information is available by contacting Kim Williams by email on
Diary Dates
We will only be sending the termly and yearly (when completed) dates out in the newsletter at the
beginning of each term and not always on a weekly basis. We would please urge you to use the website for
any changes to dates and extra ones are added there all the time. If you have any difficulty in access to our
website or the Internet, please ask one of our lovely ladies in one of the offices who will provide you with a
printed list.