Dopis 143

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UNIT 4 (list)


to inspire somebody with something (vzbuditi kaj pri komu)- make somebody want to do

inspiring (lecturer) (navdihujoč)- exciting and encouraging you to do or feel something

awe-inspiring (osupljiv)- impressive; making you feel respect and admiration

inspirational (navdihujoč)- providing inspiration

inspiration (to do something) (navdih za kaj)- a feeling of enthusiasm you get from someone or
something, which gives you new and creative ideas

inspiration for something (osnova za kaj; model za kaj)- being the source of the ideas in a book,
work of art or action, or act as a model

to perspire (znojiti se)- to sweat

to perspire profusely (močno se znojiti)- to sweat very strongly

perspiring (ki se znoji)- sweating

perspiration (znoj)- sweat

to respire (dihati)- to breathe

respiration (dihanje)- breathing

respiratory (dihalni)- relating to breathing

to observe something (opazovati kaj)- to watch something closely

observation (opazovanje)- the act of watching somebody or something closely

an observatory (vesoljska opazovalnica)- a building from which scientists can watch the planets,
the stars, or the weather

a canal (kanal)- a long, narrow stretch of water that has been made for boats to travel along or to
bring water to a particular area

the Panama Canal (Panamski prekop)- the canal through Panama that connects the Atlantic and
the Pacific Oceans

a vessel (plovilo)- a large ship or boat

blood vessels (krvne žile)- arteries, veins, and capillaries

an ewl (šilo)- a small pointed tool used for making holes, especially in leather

to enable somebody to do something (omogočiti komu kaj)- to make it possible for somebody to
do something

D) ADVERBS (prislovi)


bitterly (bridko)- in a way that shows feelings of sadness or anger

to weep bitterly (bridko jokati)- cry in a way that shows feeling of sadness or anger

bitterly disappointed (globoko razočaran)- extremely disappointed

bitterly ashamed (popolnoma osramočen)- extremely ashamed

bitterly cold (mrzlo)- very cold


reluctantly, hesitantly (nejevoljno, zadržano)- in a way that shows hesitating


deeply (globoko)- very strongly; very firmly

deeply religious (globoko veren)- firmly believing in God

deeply rooted (customs/ideas) (globoko zakoreninjeni) (običaji/ideje)- difficult to change because

it has existed for a long time

to breathe deeply (globoko vdahniti)- using all of the air in your lungs
to sigh deeply (globoko zavzdihniti)- let out a deep breath, as a way of expressing
disappointment, tiredness, or pleasure

exhale deeply (globoko izdihniti)- breath out the air from your lungs with all your strength

to sleep deeply (globoko spati)- to sleep in a way that makes it difficult for you to wake up

to think deeply (temeljito razmisliti o čem)- to think carefully about all the aspects of something


heavily (močno)- very strongly

rain heavily (močno deževati)- to rain very intensively

to drink heavily (močno piti)- to drink large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time

to smoke heavily (močno kaditi)- to smoke a large number of cigarettes in a short period of time

to be bleeding heavily (močno krvaveti)- to lose a lot of blood in a short period of time

heavily armed (police) (močno oborožen)- carrying a lot of weapons

a heavily pregnant woman (visoko noseča ženska)- a woman whose baby is nearly ready to be

rely heavily (on somebody) (močno se zanesti na koga)- to completely trust somebody and
believe that they will do what you want them to do

to be heavily criticised (doživeti ostre kritike)- to get a lot of negative publicity in the media

to fall heavily (on the ground) (s hrupom pasti na tla)- to fall on the ground causing a lot of noise


continuously (neprestano; neprenehoma)- happening or existing for a period of time without

interruption; constantly

stir continuously (neprestano mešati)- stir or mix something for a period of time without

anxiously (nestrpno)- wanting to do something or waiting for something with great excitement

anxiously wait/ask/look for something (nestrpno čakati na kaj)- waiting for something/asking for
something/looking for something with great excitement


worriedly (zaskrbljeno)- showing concern about something; constantly thinking about your
problems or the unpleasant things that might happen in the future

glance worriedly (at somebody) (zaskrbljeno opazovati koga)- to look at somebody with concern


desperately (brezupno)- without hope

desperately want something (močno hrepeneti po čem)- want something really strongly

look desperately (for something) (obupno iskati kaj)- look constantly for something because you
really want to find it

D.9) POLITELY (vljudno)

politely (vljudno)- in a friendly manner

rudely (nesramno)- in an unfriendly manner


gradually (postopno)- slowly; after a certain period of time

gradually improve (postopno se izboljšati)- improve after a certain period of time


eerily (skrivnostno; čudno; vznemerljivo)- strangely or mysteriously; with excitement

eerily quiet (čudno tiho; skrivnostno tiho)- strangely quiet


frantically, hurriedly (mrzlično)- done in a hurried way and in a state of excitement or confusion

E) VERBS (glagoli)

to wander (pohajkovati)- to walk slowly around or to a place, often without any particular sense
of direction

to stroll (sprehajati se)- to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way

to limp (šepati)- to walk slowly or with difficulty because one leg is injured

to exclaim (vzklikniti)- to say something suddenly and loudly, especially because of strong
emotion or pain

to cry (zavpiti)- to shout loudly

to call out (zakričati komu kaj)- to shout, to speak loudly

to ponder (pretehtati kaj)- to think carefully about something, especially for a noticeable length of

to wonder (spraševati se o čem)- to think about something and try to decide what is true, what
will happen, what you should do

to consider (pretehtati kaj)- to think about something carefully, especially in order to make a
to stare, to gaze (buljiti)- to look at somebody or something for a long time

to glare, to glower (prežeče gledati)- to look at somebody or something in an angry way

to notice (opaziti)- to see or hear somebody or something

to spot (opaziti)- to see or notice a person or a thing, especially suddenly or when it is not easy to
do so

to make out (razločiti koga ali kaj)- to manage to see somebody or something or read or hear
something; to distinguish
1. Complete with Present or Past Participles!

1. (search) for her gloves, Sheila dug through the entire wardrobe.

2. (blind) by the sun, the driver didn’t see the stop sign.

3. (whistle) a song, the new maid danced through the house with the mop.

4. (prepare) by the chef himself, the dinner will be a real treat.

5. (sit) in the shade, the guerst ate cake and drank coffee.

6. (sing) by him, every song sounds just wonderful.

7. (misuse) as a refuse dump, the place became more and more shabby.
8. Though (bear) in England, Agatha Christie spent most of her childhood in the
United States.

9. The child sat at the desk (paint) a picture.

10. (drink) one litre of water, she really needed to go to the toilet.

11. (lose) ten kilogrammes, Anne finally fit into her favourite dress again.

12. (run) from the dance hall, Cinderella lost her shoe.

13. (finish) her phone call, she went back to work.

14. (leave) the party too early, we couldn’t see the fireworks anymore.

15. (park) the bus, the driver searched for the ticket machine.

16.→ (brush) his teeth, the boy was allowed to watch a few more minutes of
17. ................... (surprise) by a sudden storm, the traveller had to seek shelter under a tree.

18. (leave) the party too early, we couldn’t see the fireworks anymore.
19......................... (sit) on their beds, the children watched the thunderstorm.
2o. .............................. (find) the secret island, the children started searching for the treasure.
21. ..........................(feel) ill, Sam left school early.

22. ............................... (impress) by Daniel’s work, the teacher gave him the highest score.
23. ................................... (not study) hard enough for his exam, Ryan couldn't pass the exam.

24. ........................... (not receive) all the applications yet, the boss doesn't want to hire anyone.

25. .................................................................... (steal) two years ago, the golden ring was found.

27. ...........................................................................(hear) the good news, her sister wanted to cry.

28. ............................................................... (not want) to lose my passport, I gave it to my father.

29 ...........................................................(tell) to do the dishes, John entered the kitchen furiously.

30. ................................ (visit) England before, the guide knew where to accommodate the guests
in a good hotel.

2. Complete with Present or Past Participles!

14. (search) for her gloves, Sheila dug through the entire wardrobe.

15. (blind) by the sun, the driver didn’t see the stop sign.

16. (whistle) a song, the new maid danced through the house with the mop.

17. (prepare) by the chef himself, the dinner will be a real treat.

18. (sit) in the shade, the guerst ate cake and drank coffee.
19. (sing) by him, every song sounds just wonderful.

20. (misuse) as a refuse dump, the place became more and more shabby.

21. Though (bear) in England, Agatha Christie spent most of her childhood in the
United States.

22. The child sat at the desk (paint) a picture.

23. (drink) one litre of water, she really needed to go to the toilet.

24. (lose) ten kilogrammes, Anne finally fit into her favourite dress again.

25. (run) from the dance hall, Cinderella lost her shoe.

26. (finish) her phone call, she went back to work.

14. (leave) the party too early, we couldn’t see the fireworks anymore.

15. (park) the bus, the driver searched for the ticket machine.

16.→ (brush) his teeth, the boy was allowed to watch a few more minutes of
17. ................... (surprise) by a sudden storm, the traveller had to seek shelter under a tree.

18. (leave) the party too early, we couldn’t see the fireworks anymore.
19......................... (sit) on their beds, the children watched the thunderstorm.
2o. .............................. (find) the secret island, the children started searching for the treasure.
21. ..........................(feel) ill, Sam left school early.

22. ............................... (impress) by Daniel’s work, the teacher gave him the highest score.
23. ................................... (not study) hard enough for his exam, Ryan couldn't pass the exam.

24. ........................... (not receive) all the applications yet, the boss doesn't want to hire anyone.

25. .................................................................... (steal) two years ago, the golden ring was found.

27. ...........................................................................(hear) the good news, her sister wanted to cry.

28. ............................................................... (not want) to lose my passport, I gave it to my father.

29 ...........................................................(tell) to do the dishes, John entered the kitchen furiously.

30. ................................ (visit) England before, the guide knew where to accommodate the guests
in a good hotel.



1. ANIMAL KINGDOM (kraljestvo živali): ANIMAL CLASSES (skupine živali)

a) mammals (sesalci)- Mammals are warm-blooded animals (toplokrvne živali) that drink
their mother's milk. Their body is covered in hair (telo je prekrito z dlakami). These are:
tigers, wolves, foxes, cats, dogs, other animals, and people.

b) amphibians (dvoživke)- Amphibians are animals that can live on land and in water, so they
first breathe with gils (najprej dihajo s škrgami) and later they develop lungs (kasneje razvijejo

c) reptiles (plazilci)- Reptiles are cold-blooded animals (hladnokrvne žvali) that lay eggs,
so their babies hatch from eggs (mladiči se izvalijo iz jajc). They have got dry skin (suha koža), a
tail (rep), and scales (luske). These are: snakes, lizards (kuščarji), and other reptiles (drugi

d) fish (ribe)- Fish live in water, so they breathe using gils (dihajo s pomočjo škrg). Their
babies hatch from eggs and their body is covered with scales (luske). They have also got a tail
(rep) and two fins (dve plavuti). These are: goldfish, tuna, sharks, and whales (kiti).

e) arthropods (insects) (členonožci)- These are insects such as a ladybird (pikapolonica),

a dragon fly (kačji pastir), and a fly (muha).

f) birds (ptiči)- Their babies hatch from eggs and their body is covered in feathers (perje).
They have also got a tail (rep) and two wings (dve krili). These are: a parrot, a tucan, and
a swallow (lastovka).

2. ANIMAL BODY PARTS (deli živalskega telesa)

horns (rogovi)- a cow (krava), a bull (bik), a goat (koza)

a tail (rep)- a cat, a fish

a shell (oklep, hišica)- a turtle (želva), a snail (polž)

feathers (perje)- a bird, a parrot (papagaj)

a beak (kljun)- a bird, a parrot (papagaj)

fur (kožuh)- a rabbit, a bear (medved)

wool (volna)- sheep

a trunk (slonji rilec)- an elephant

claws (kremplji)- a cat, a tiger

paws (tace, šape)- a dog, a bear

fins (plavuti)- fish, a shark (morski pes)

a snout (gobec, gobček)- a bear, a fox

scales (luske)- a fish, a lizard

whiskers (brčice)- a cat, a lion

wings (krila)- birds, a parrot (papagaj)

a mane (griva)- a horse, a lion

3. Tvori množino samostalnikov! (PLURAL)

1 child- 2.............................................................................................................................................

1 leaf- 2...............................................................................................................................................

1 travel- 2............................................................................................................................................

1 mass- 2.............................................................................................................................................

1 study- 2............................................................................................................................................

1 strawberry- 2....................................................................................................................................

1 tooth- 2.............................................................................................................................................

1 cross- 2.............................................................................................................................................

1 day- 2...............................................................................................................................................

1 body- 2.............................................................................................................................................

1 key- 2...............................................................................................................................................

1 child- 2.............................................................................................................................................

1 road- 2..............................................................................................................................................

1 trouser- 2.........................................................................................................................................

1 fish- 2...............................................................................................................................................

1 loaf- 2...............................................................................................................................................

1 baby- 2.............................................................................................................................................

1 woman- 2.........................................................................................................................................

1 country- 2.........................................................................................................................................

1 cloth- 2.............................................................................................................................................

1 egg- 2...............................................................................................................................................

1 cross- 2.............................................................................................................................................

1 car- 2................................................................................................................................................

1 man- 2..............................................................................................................................................

1 glass- 2.............................................................................................................................................
B) Dopolni manjkajoče edninske ali množinske oblike!

a dog
a bus
a tooth
a potato
an igloo
a fox
a loaf
an idea
an apple
an ostrich
a bear
a mouse
a roof
a try
3. Tvori množino samostalnikov! (PLURAL)


1 child- 2.............................................................................................................................................

1 leaf- 2...............................................................................................................................................

1 travel- 2............................................................................................................................................

1 mass- 2.............................................................................................................................................

1 study- 2............................................................................................................................................

1 strawberry- 2....................................................................................................................................

1 tooth- 2.............................................................................................................................................

1 cross- 2.............................................................................................................................................

1 day- 2...............................................................................................................................................

1 body- 2.............................................................................................................................................

1 key- 2...............................................................................................................................................

1 child- 2.............................................................................................................................................

1 road- 2..............................................................................................................................................

1 trouser- 2.........................................................................................................................................

1 fish- 2...............................................................................................................................................

1 loaf- 2...............................................................................................................................................

1 baby- 2.............................................................................................................................................

1 woman- 2.........................................................................................................................................

1 country- 2.........................................................................................................................................

1 cloth- 2.............................................................................................................................................

1 egg- 2...............................................................................................................................................

1 cross- 2.............................................................................................................................................

1 car- 2................................................................................................................................................
1 man- 2..............................................................................................................................................

1 glass- 2.............................................................................................................................................

B) Dopolni manjkajoče edninske ali množinske oblike!

a dog
a bus
a tooth
a potato
an igloo
a fox
a loaf
an idea
an apple
an ostrich
a bear
a mouse
a roof
a try

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