DLP Organic Compounds

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Teacher Jocelyn F.

Matiga Learning Area Science

Teaching Date January 12, 2024 Quarter 2nd
Teaching Time 10:30-11:20 am Grade & Section 9-Alice Reyes

The learners demonstrate understanding of the type of bonds that carbon forms that result in
A. Content Standards
the diversity of carbon compounds.
The learners create a database of the organic compounds surveyed, indicating their structure,
B. Performance Standards
properties and uses.
C.Learning Competencies Observe the properties of common organic compounds through experimentation.
(Write the LC code for each)
At the end of the session, learners are expected to:
 determine the different properties of common organic compounds and the relationship
Specific (Daily) Objective/s: of these properties to their uses.
 explain the properties of different organic compounds through experimentation.
 appreciate the importance of some organic compounds in our daily living.



A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Definitive Budget of Work 2023-2024, page- 10
2. Learner’s Materials G9 Science – Learner’s Materials 132-135
3. Textbook pages Science 9- Learner’s Module page 132-135
4. Additional Materials from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IJPR2fMSfI
Learning Resource (LR)
5. Other Learning Materials Laptop, projector, marker, tarpapel
A. Reviewing previous Elicit: Preliminary Activities
(The activities in this section
lesson or presenting will evoke or draw out prior Prayer
the new lesson concepts or prior experiences
 Greetings
from the students)

 Classroom Rules
 Checking of Attendance)

Reviewing Past Lesson

The students will play a game entitle “Raise your Flag” the teacher will present set
of questions and the students must identify if the statement is TRUE or FALSE. If
their answer is TRUE, students must raise the green flag and red flag if otherwise.

Raise Your Flag “Green Flag or Red Flag”

1. Hydrocarbons is a large group of organic compounds composed only of
carbon and nitrogen.
2. Kerosene is an organic compound that may use as a substitute to fuel
3. Organic compounds are compounds that are primarily composed of
carbon atoms.
4. Methane is a saturated hydrocarbons that can be used as a component
for biogas.
5. Organic compounds can only be produced by living organism.

B. Establishing a Engage: Discovery Learning

(The activities in this section
purpose for the
will stimulate their thinking and
help them access and connect
The teacher will place a box in each table and inside the box are different
prior knowledge as a jumpstart
C. Presenting to the present lesson.) liquid materials. The students must guess and identify the objects hidden in
examples/instances a box using their sense of smell and sense of touch. They will ask to dip
of the new lesson
their fingers and smell the object inside.
Guide Questions:
1. What are the objects hidden on a box? What are they use for?
2. Is there something in common with those objects?
3. How were you able to identify the objects?

4. What properties of organic compounds are being observed in the


Indicator 2: Used a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner

achievement in literacy and numeracy skills.

Annotation: In this activity, students may be able to enhance their

D. Discussing new Explore: LECTURE DISCUSSION
(In this section, students will be
concepts and given time to think, plan, Organic Compounds-Chemical compounds that contain carbon and other
practicing new skills investigate, and organize
collected information; or the elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus.
#1 performance of the
planned/prepared activities Organic compounds are associated by living organism.
from the students’ manual with
data gathering with Guide

Every kind of organic compound has specific properties or characteristics.

Although these compounds may show similarities in some properties, each
of these compounds does not have exactly the same properties.

Gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil, lubricating oil, vanillin, acetic acid, and ethyl
alcohol are organic compounds with different properties. Gasoline, for
example, has a strong odor, is volatile, and highly flammable.
E. Discussing new
concepts and Properties of Organic Compounds
practicing new skills
Odor- is the smell of the compound. Every compound has its own specific
odor, they could have weak or strong odor. Most alkanes have strong odor.
Phase of Matter- is the physical state of the material. This describe the
physical property of matter whether it is solid, liquid or gas. In hydrocarbons,
the number of carbons may indicate what phase of matter is the alkanes.
Because the boiling point of most alkanes increases as the number of
carbon increases. A hydrocarbon having 1-4 carbon is a gas, 5-12 is a liquid
and solid for hydrocarbons having 16-20 carbons.
Viscosity- is a measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow. If the viscosity is high,
the flow of the liquid is slow, or the liquid is thick. Hydrocarbons such as
alkanes for example are less dense in water that is why they float, just like
what we can observe in oil spills.
Volatility- is the measure or the tendency of substance to evaporate or to
turn into gas.
Flammability- is the measure of how easily materials burn. Most alcohols
and alkanes are flammable. The high flammability is the result of their ease
of reaction with oxygen and large amount of heat given out when they react.

Indicator 1: Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum

teaching areas

F. Developing mastery Explain: Cooperative Learning: Experimentation

(In this section, students will be
(leads to Formative involved in an analysis of their The teacher will divide the class into four (4) groups, each group will
Assessment 3) exploration. Their
understanding is clarified and conduct an experiment and will be task and observe and explain the
modified because of reflective
activities)/Analysis of the properties of organic compound and relate it to their uses .
gathered data and results and
be able to answer the Guide
Questions leading to the focus
concept or topic for the day. The teacher will remind first the students to follow the procedure carefully
and the safety laboratory precautions in doing the experiment. After
conducting the experiment, students will ask to record their data and explain
their work to the class.

Materials needed:
Diesel stopwatch 3 test tube
Lubricating oil matches 3 bottle crown(tansan)
Ethyl alcohol 3 pcs. Plastic beads
3 medicine droppers 3 pcs. Of paper
3 pcs. Cotton buds 25 ml graduated cylinder
Properties of Common Organic Compounds
Viscosity Volatility Flammability
(order at (Order to (average time
Materials Odor Phase which which it takes the
materials liquid material to
takes the evaporate burn
beads to first) completely)
reach the

g oil

Determining the Odor and Phase of materials

1. Place 10mL of each liquid in the four (4) identical test tubes and
label each test tube according to the liquid it contains. Observe the
materials and write the phase and odor of the materials on the
Guide Question:
a. Which liquid material have strong odor and weak odor?
Testing the viscosity of materials
1. Fill a test tube with the first liquid, drop one plastic bead tightly with
a cork or rubber stopper.
2. Invert the test tube so that the bead falls and touches the cork.
3. Quickly turn the test tube in an upright position. Determine the
order to which liquids takes the bead to fall or reach the bottom of
the test tube. Record your data as to 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
Guide Question:
a. Why do you think plastic bead in liquid materials doesn’t reach the
bottom at the same time?
b. Which material is most viscous? What are the common uses of
viscous materials?
Testing the Volatility of the Materials
1. Using a medicine dropper, put two (2) drops of each liquid material
on the separate pieces of bond papers. Do this at the same time
and place it on the table.
2. Record the time it takes the papers to get dry. This is equivalent to
the time it takes the liquid to completely evaporate.
Guide Question:
a. Which material is most volatile? Give other examples of a
volatile materials.
Testing for Flammability of the Materials
1. Prepare four bottle crowns (tansan) and then place a cotton bud in
each crown.
2. Wet the cotton buds with10 drops of the liquid materials.
3. Ignite each wet cotton bud using a lighted match - stick.
4. Record the time it takes each cotton bud to burn completely.
5. Repeat the steps (2) more times so that you will have five (3) trials
per liquid material.
6. Compute for the average time it takes each cotton bud to burn

Guide Question:
a) Which materials are flammable? In what ways are these materials
b) Why is it important to know the properties of these kinds of organic


Indicator 3: Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and

creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills is observed as
the procedure is carried out in the simple experiment it supports students’
assumption. This experiential learning approach help also develops
students critical thinking as they laid down predictions on the experiment
conducted and how they logical answer questions based on what they have

Indicator 9: Used strategies for providing timely, accurate and constructive

feedback to improve learner performance is observed as students’
performance/presentation is assess through a scoring rubric.

G. Finding practical Elaborate: Students will watch a short- video clip of organic compounds made and produce by
(This section will give students
applications of the opportunity to expand and
indigenous people in the Philippines which up to this time used by people in their
concepts and skills in solidify/concretize their daily living.
understanding of the concept
daily living and/or apply it to a real-world
H. Making
generalizations and
abstractions about
the lesson


Guide Questions:
 What can you say about the process done in producing some organic
 How would you relate the properties of organic compound to its uses?
 Why is it important to know the properties of organic compounds?
 How beneficial are the organic compounds in our daily living?

Indicator 8: Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching strategies to

address the needs of learners from indigenous groups.

In this part of the lesson, students will be given the opportunity to reflect on the
video of how indigenous people use ancient way of producing some organic
compound such as cotton fiber that is use for textile.
Indicator 9: Established a learner-centered culture by using teaching
strategies that respond to their linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and
Evaluation: Complete the table by supplying the needed data. Write the phase of matter
(This section will provide
opportunities for concept check and the odor the materials have. Then put a check on the materials that are
test items and answer key
which are aligned to the flammable, viscous, and volatile.
learning objectives – content
and performance standards
and address misconceptions- if

I. Evaluating learning

J. Additional activities (This section gives situation
for application or that explains the topic in a new
context, or integrate it to
Create a poster that showcase the important uses of organic compounds.
remediation another discipline/societal


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
C. No. of learners who require additional activities for
D. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
H. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked and Approved by:

Jocelyn F. Matiga ROWENA M. REYES

Teacher I Head Teacher IV – Science Department

Checked by:
Annabelle F. Lagula
Master Teacher II

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