Sefie2018 Article HydrogeochemistryAndGroundwate

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Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:397


Hydrogeochemistry and groundwater quality assessment

of the multilayered aquifer in Lower Kelantan Basin, Kelantan,
Anuar Sefie1,2 · Ahmad Zaharin Aris2 · Mohammad Firuz Ramli2 · Tahoora Sheikhy Narany2 ·
Mohd Khairul Nizar Shamsuddin1 · Syaiful Bahren Saadudin1 · Munirah Abdul Zali3

Received: 23 December 2016 / Accepted: 14 May 2018 / Published online: 23 May 2018
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

Continual expansion of population density, urbanization, agriculture, and industry in most parts of the world has increased
the generation of pollution, which contributes to the deterioration of surface water quality. This causes the dependence on
groundwater sources for their daily needs to accumulate day by day, which raises concerns about their quality and hydrogeo-
chemistry. This study was carried out to increase understanding of the geological setup and assess the groundwater hydro-
geochemical characteristics of the multilayered aquifers in Lower Kelantan Basin. Based on lithological data correlation
of exploration wells, the study area can be divided into three main aquifers: shallow, intermediate and deep aquifers. From
these three aquifers, 101 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for various parameters. The results showed that
pH values in the shallow, intermediate and deep aquifers were generally acidic to slightly alkaline. The sequences of major
cations and anions were N ­ a+ > C­ a2+ > M ­ + and ­HCO3− > C
­ g2+ > K ­ O42− > C
­ l− > S ­ O32−, respectively. In the intermediate
aquifer, the influence of ancient seawater was the primary factor that contributed to the elevated values of electrical con-
ductivity (EC), ­Cl− and total dissolved solids (TDS). The main facies in the shallow aquifer were Ca–HCO3 and Na–HCO3
water types. The water types were dominated by Na–Cl and Na–HCO3 in the intermediate aquifer and by Na–HCO3 in the
deep aquifer. The Gibbs diagram reveals that the majority of groundwater samples belonged to the deep aquifer and fell in
the rock dominance zone. Shallow aquifer samples mostly fell in the rainfall zone, suggesting that this aquifer is affected
by anthropogenic activities. In contrast, the results suggest that the deep aquifer is heavily influenced by natural processes.

Keywords Hydrogeochemistry · Multilayered aquifer · Sequences of major ions · Hydrochemical facies · Seawater remnant

Introduction and ensure food security (UNESCO 2012). Availability and

quality concerns pose a challenge to groundwater manage-
Groundwater plays a significant role in providing water sup- ment, as groundwater acts as a complement to surface water
ply for drinking, crop irrigation, industry, and construction, resources (Van der Gun 2012). In recent years, the issue
with an estimated 2.5 billion people relying on it globally of groundwater quality degradation has been gaining atten-
(Connor 2015). It also serves to maintain the ecosystem tion worldwide, owing to development of agricultural lands
and massive urbanization and industrialization. Currently,
* Ahmad Zaharin Aris groundwater quality assessment is increasing as the levels of
[email protected] societal development and understanding of the importance
of groundwater resources for daily life grow. It has been
Hydrogeology Research Centre, National Hydraulic discovered that various natural processes, such as dissolu-
Research Institute of Malaysia, 43300 Seri Kembangan,
Selangor, Malaysia tion–precipitation (Amiri et al. 2015), oxidation–reduction
2 (Rao et al. 2012), adsorption–desorption (Isa et al. 2012),
Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty
of Environmental Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, and physical processes including evaporation, mixing, and
43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia dispersion (Polemio et al. 2006), as well as anthropogenic
Environment Section, Department of Chemistry, activities, determine the groundwater chemistry (Giridharan
46661 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia et al. 2008).

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Owing to high permeability and hydraulic conductivity The aim of this study was to understand the geological
values of unconsolidated materials, many coastal aquifers setup and to assess the groundwater hydrogeochemical char-
are highly vulnerable to anthropogenic activities, such as acteristics of Lower Kelantan Basin using classic integrated
agricultural activities and unregulated groundwater abstrac- hydrogeochemical methods, which can lead to better under-
tion (Chidambaram et al. 2009). This has led to serious threat standing of the hydrochemical system in the study area, and
to groundwater quality, particularly via seawater intrusion, to utilization and management of groundwater resources that
water–rock interaction, weathering of silicate, dissolution of is more effective.
carbonate, and inflow of contamination from anthropogenic
sources in the study area (Sheikhy Narany et al. 2014). Sev-
eral studies have indicated the roles of the oversaturation Materials and methods
of groundwater, high permeability, rapid urbanization, and
agricultural activities in coastal areas to the deterioration of Study area
groundwater quality (Park et al. 2005; Ferguson and Glee-
son 2012; Idris et al. 2016). A recent study by Narany et al. Lower Kelantan Basin is located in the northeastern part
(2017) has shown the impact of intensive human activities of Kelantan State, Peninsular Malaysia. The study area
and deforestation in Lower Kelantan Basin, in the form of comprises the Kota Bharu, Bachok, Pasir Mas, and Tumpat
increasing nitrate contamination in the shallow aquifer over districts; lies between the latitudes of 5°53′N–6°14′N and
25 years, from 1989 to 2014. longitudes of 102°7′E–102°28′E; and covers about 880 km2.
Thus, systematic and continuous monitoring of ground- The area is bordered by the South China Sea to the east and
water quality is very important, particularly where high-den- the Golok River Basin to the west. The Quaternary deposits
sity populations are situated over coastal aquifers, owing to of coastal aquifers are quite complex because of the deposi-
the high vulnerability to saltwater intrusion, human activi- tional environment and composition of the aquifer (Ahamed
ties, and impacts on climate change of these areas (Keesari et al. 2015). The study area is a low elevation coastal plain,
et al. 2016). Lower Kelantan Basin is the biggest ground- which is characterized by surface elevations that vary from
water abstraction area and one of the largest agriculturally a few to 150 m (Bosch 1986). The entire population in the
active region in Malaysia (MWA 2011). Approximately 75% study area totaled up to 624,000 people (DOS 2010).
of the Lower Kelantan Basin population relies on ground- The study area is mainly drained by four major rivers,
water to meet their daily needs. In 2012, about 160 million namely, Kelantan, Pengkalan Datu, Kemasin and Semerak
liters per day (MLD), or 40% of the total state water usage Rivers. The Kelantan River is about 350 km long and has a
came from groundwater sources. Groundwater consumption basin that covers about 85% of the area of Kelantan State.
has increased significantly over the years and is expected All the river systems flow northwest before discharging
to continuously increase by 2.5% a year (Wan Mohd Zamri into the South China Sea. The study area comprises differ-
et al. 2012), owing to the high demand for domestic and ent types of land use: urban, industrial, rural, and intensive
industrial water supplies. However, the situation is becom- agriculture area, with sampling well screen depths rang-
ing more critical as groundwater resources are the sole water ing from about 3.0 to 127.5 m. The land use is predomi-
source for treated and untreated water. This is due to limited nantly agricultural, representing 35.9%, followed by cleared
surface water sources, many of which are exposed to severe land, built-up area, peat swamp, and forest (Table 1). The
sedimentation and high turbidity, such as rivers damaged
by logging and sand mining activities in the upstream area
(Ahmad et al. 2009). Table 1  The percentage of various land use type. Source Modified
A thorough understanding of the hydrochemical process from Ministry of Agriculture (MOA 2010)
is very important for the protection of groundwater resources Land use type Area ­(km2) Percentage (%)
and their effectiveness. It is also crucial for sustainable
Paddy 315.90 35.90
groundwater management (Tizro and Voudouris 2008). A
Mixed agricultural 249.09 28.31
study by Samsudin et al. (2008) combined hydrogeochemi-
Other crops (fruit) 75.73 8.61
cal analysis and a geophysical survey to delineate the salin-
Rubber 53.48 6.08
ity of groundwater aquifers along the coastal area of north
Coconut 47.49 5.40
Kelantan. The results indicated that the fresh water and
Cleared land 46.88 5.33
saltwater interface in the intermediate aquifer was located
Built-up area 43.57 4.95
as far as 8 km from the coast. The sulfate concentration of
Peat swamp 41.47 4.71
the second aquifer was relatively low compared to those of
Forest 6.34 0.72
the current seawater composition, which suggests that the
Total 879.95 100.00
brackish water is probably from ancient seawater.

Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:397 Page 3 of 15 397

dominant agricultural land uses are paddy cultivation, other Geological setup, groundwater sampling
crops (fruits), rubber, coconut, and mixed agriculture such and analytical procedures
as tobacco and vegetables.
The study area is in the equatorial region, and has a hot Geological data from 37 exploration wells were utilized to
and tropical climate with a mean temperature of 27 °C. The construct a geological cross-section and geological model.
average annual evapotranspiration rate is about 1510 mm. The model helps in understanding the subsurface condi-
The rainfall is prominently characterized by the northeast tions of the study area (Fig. 2). Exploration well data were
monsoon, which starts in October and usually lasts until mainly obtained from the Minerals and Geoscience Depart-
March and brings heavy rain and strong wind to the coastal ment (MGD), the Public Works Department (PWD), con-
area. The average rainfall during the northeast monsoon tractors, and consultants’ reports. Samples obtained from
is approximately 900 mm, accounting for 34% of the total the exploration wells during the drilling works were geo-
annual rainfall. The driest months occur from February to logically logged, while formation samples were taken for
April, and the average annual rainfall for 1989–2012 was grain size analysis. Geophysical gamma-ray logging data
about 2,646 mm/year (MMD 2012). were used to produce a more accurate delineation of the
lithological boundary (Bachik 1989). The lithology data of
the exploration wells were correlated to those of other wells
Geological and hydrogeological settings that had similar lithological characteristics to interpolate the
subsurface structure for the geological model. These data are
Lower Kelantan Basin consists of quaternary alluvium of important for segregating the groundwater aquifer types and
marine and fluviatile origins, which are not always possible assisting in the hydrogeochemical interpretation.
to differentiate (MacDonald 1967). The quaternary alluvium The groundwater sampling for primary data was carried
is formed of various layers of sand and gravel, which make out from 2009 to 2014. On the other hand, the secondary
up the productive aquifers (Ang and Mohamad 1996). The data of groundwater quality during the period 1989–2012
clay layer on the top can be up to 8 m thickness and disap- were obtained from the MGD. After the conceptual hydro-
pears towards the coastal area. The alluvium is overlying geological layer was defined and built, groundwater sam-
intrusive bedrock in the northern part of the study area. pling wells were categorized based on the screen depth, i.e.,
Meanwhile, sedimentary or metasedimentary bedrock gener- whether it was located in a shallow, intermediate or deep
ally occurs in the southern and western regions, and consists aquifer. In this study, groundwater samples from 101 sam-
mainly of shale, sandstone, phyllite and slate (Bachik 1989). pling wells were collected and analyzed for various param-
Noor (1980) concluded that Kelantan River Basin is an eters (Fig. 3).
extensive plain with highly transmissive but anisotropic The primary groundwater samples were collected after
aquifers, which are largely unconfined and highly variable pumping for 15–20 min or at least three times the well’s
horizontally and vertically because of depositional pro- volume using a portable pump (Sundaram et al. 2009). The
cesses. The permeability ranges from 28 to 337 m/day, with in situ measurements were made immediately using a port-
an average specific yield of 0.06. The river discharge has able multiparameter instrument (YSI 556, USA). The sensor
diluted the salinity effect of the groundwater in the lower for each parameter was calibrated using standard solutions.
reaches of the Kelantan River. The environmental isotope Among the in situ parameters measured were pH, electrical
data collected from wells showed high tritium values in the conductivity (EC), and total dissolved solids (TDS). The
shallow aquifer, suggesting that the groundwater contains samples were collected into two 250-mL polyethylene con-
very recent water derived from local recharge (Mohamad tainers for each sampling location. One container remained
1983). Meanwhile, low tritium values observed in the inter- unpreserved for anion analyses. The other container was
mediate and deep aquifers suggested that the groundwater for cation analyses and thus was filtered through a 0.45-µm
comprises old water components and can be considered a membrane filters (Milipores) and acidified with ­HNO3 to
single system, as shown by the similarity of the environ- pH < 2 to stop bacterial growth and metal oxidation (Appelo
mental isotopic data. However, these aquifers seemed to and Postma 2004). All the samples were kept at 4 °C and
be recharged through normal down-gradient water move- transported to the laboratory for analysis.
ment originating from the shallow aquifer. Because none Major cations, namely, C ­ a2+, ­Mg2+, ­Na+, ­K+, ­Fe2+, and
of the three sub-systems (shallow, intermediate, and deep 2+
­Mn , were determined using Inductively Coupled Plasma
aquifers) varies significantly during the dry and wet periods, Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) via a NexION® 300 (Perki-
they retain low, stable isotopic levels and remain regionally nElmer, USA). Meanwhile, major anions, such as ­CO32−,
interconnected; therefore, they represent a single system. ­H CO 3−, ­C l −, ­S O 42−, and N
­ O 3−, were measured using a
The general groundwater level of shallow aquifer and its DX-500 Ion Chromatography (IC) system (Dionex, USA).
flow are in the northeast direction (Fig. 1). All the water sampling procedures and analyses followed

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Fig. 1  Groundwater level of shallow aquifer in the study area

those written by the APHA (1995). The chemical analyses Results and discussion
were carried out at the Chemistry Department Laboratory
in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Reliability of the chemical Geological setup
analyses was evaluated via calculation of charge balances
between cations and anions, wherein the ionic balances Based on the lithological data correlation of the exploration
were within ± 5% (Hem 1989) and was determined using wells, three major aquifers were recognized; shallow, interme-
the following calculation (Freeze and Cherry 1979). diate, and deep aquifers (Fig. 4). Therefore, all 101 sampling
(Σcations − Σanions) wells were divided into three aquifers, depending on the screen
Ionic balance (%) = × 100. depth. The shallow aquifer had 64 wells, the intermediate aqui-
(Σcations + Σanions)
fer had 14 wells, and the deep had aquifer 23 wells.
The saturation indices of groundwater samples were
determined using the geochemical modelling program Geochemical evaluation
PHREEQC (Parkhurst and Appelo 1999). Hydrogeochem-
ical data were analyzed using graphical and ArcGIS 9.3 Shallow aquifer
software to summarize the groundwater type and prepare
spatial distribution maps. Meanwhile, descriptive statisti- The measured pH values ranged from 5.88 to 7.70, with
cal analysis was performed using XLSTAT 2014.5.03. an average of 6.88. This acidification was likely due to

Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:397 Page 5 of 15 397

Fig. 2  Cross-section line of exploration wells

oxidation of iron sulfide (in the form of pyrite) and organic ­ a+ concentration varied from 2.75 to 43.63 mg/L, whereas
matter decomposition (Mokhtar et al. 2009). Pyrite ­(FeS2) the ­Cl− concentration value ranged from 2.75 to 64.30 mg/L.
can only be formed in inundated sediments (Shamshud- The range of C ­ O32− and H
­ CO3− concentrations was between
din et al. 2013), suggesting that the area was previously 0.50 and 8.33 mg/L and 4.33–245.00 mg/L, respectively. The
inundated by seawater (Suswanto et al. 2007). The EC and ­SO42− and N ­ O3− values ranged from 0.50 to 67.97 mg/L and
TDS values ranged from 29 to 793 µS/cm and from 19 to from 0.12 to 40.00 mg/L, respectively, whereas the concen-
489 mg/L, respectively. However, some groundwater sam- trations of ­Fe2+ and M­ n2+ ranged from 0.01 to 17.59 mg/L
ples in the shallow aquifer had high values of EC and TDS, and from 1.36 to 30.30 mg/L, respectively. The source
as shown by well stations KB 38, NW 10, NW 17, and NW of ­Ca2+ could be Ca-plagioclase feldspar, amphibole and
19, probably owing to contamination from sewage leakage hornblende minerals (Thivya et al. 2015). The dissolution
and fertilizer application (Lim et al. 2017). of micaceous, pyroxene or amphibolite minerals and mica
The ­Ca2+ and ­Mg2+ concentrations ranged from 0.45 to as well as the alteration of clays, dissolution of dolomite
73.34 mg/L and from 0.11 to 26.01 mg/L, respectively. The and magnesium calcites, and fresh water–seawater mixing

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Fig. 3  Location of groundwater sampling wells and geology of the study area (Modified from MGD 2008)

are the main source of ­Mg2+ (Back et al. 1993; Appelo and 6724 mg/L, respectively, with averages of 1,498 µS/cm and
Postma 2004). 907 mg/L. The high variation in EC and TDS values was
associated with saltwater that was entrapped in the alluvial
Intermediate aquifer layer during the Holocene transgression period. The con-
centrations of ­Ca2+ and ­Mg2+ showed large variations, from
The pH values in the intermediate aquifer ranged between 1.54 to 151.46 mg/L (well station KB 34) and from 1.31 to
6.30 and 8.15. The EC and TDS values ranged from 74 158.50 mg/L (well station KB 34), respectively. Meanwhile,
to 11,416 µS/cm (well station KB 34) and from 77 to the ­Na+ and ­Cl− values ranged from 5.16 to 125.29 mg/L

Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:397 Page 7 of 15 397

Fig. 4  Geological fence dia-

gram of Lower Kelantan Basin

and from 2.14 to 3515.15 mg/L, respectively. The high val- aquifers could have resulted from the oxidation of organic
ues of ­Na+ and ­Cl− in the intermediate aquifer were prob- matter and the dissolution of carbonate matrix minerals
ably due to the presence of ancient seawater (Karanth 1987; (Sprinkle 1989; Appelo and Postma 2004; Jeevanandam
Samsudin et al. 2008). et al. 2007; Prasanna et al. 2010). The higher values of
The concentrations of ­CO32− and ­HCO3− ranged from ­HCO3− in coastal areas have an almost similar trend with the
0.50 to 6.00 mg/L and from 30.00 to 457.11 mg/L, respec- ­Mg2+ and C ­ a2+ concentrations. S ­ O42− ranged from 1.45 to
tively, whereas the concentration of S ­ O42− ranged between 3.81 mg/L, with the primary source the oxidation of pyrite,
1.25 and 15.50 mg/L, with an average of 3.17 mg/L. The which affected the mixed fresh water–seawater in the aquifer
­NO3− concentration ranged from 1.86 to 26.68 mg/L, with and dissolution of sulfate-bearing minerals (Back et al. 1993;
an average of 6.15 mg/L, and about 14% of the groundwater Suratman 1997; Lakshmanan et al. 2003; Jeevanandam et al.
samples exceeded 10 mg/L of ­NO3−. The ­Fe2+ and ­Mn2+ 2007). The S ­ O42− values, particularly in the intermediate
contents ranged from 1.93 to 59.59 mg/L (well station KB aquifer, were quite low compared to those of the present sea-
31) and from 0.01 to 1.26 mg/L, respectively. water composition, indicating that the intermediate aquifer
was influenced by ancient seawater trapped during sediment
Deep aquifer deposition (Samsudin et al. 2008).
The values of N ­ O3− in deep aquifer ranged between 0.88
In the deep aquifer, the pH values ranged between 3.67 and 4.29 mg/L, and higher ­NO3− values were found pre-
and 8.30, whereas the EC and TDS values ranged from dominantly in the shallow aquifer of the eastern and central
61 to 1351 µS/cm and from 62 to 853 mg/L, respectively. parts of the study area. The elevated values of N ­ O3− could
The ­Ca2+ and ­Mg2+ concentrations ranged from 1.24 to be due to the direct leaching of agrochemical fertilizers and
42.00 mg/L and from 1.16 to 25.67 mg/L, respectively. The leakage from the sewage systems (Fig. 7) (Suratman 1997;
­Na+ and C
­ l− values ranged from 5.93 to 1,830.58 mg/L (well Cheong et al. 2012). The F ­ e2+ and M­ n2+ contents in the
station KB 34) and from 2.43 to 354.86 mg/L, respectively. deep aquifer ranged from 0.06 to 1.72 mg/L and from 0.06
The possible sources of ­Na+ were seawater, dissolution to 1.09 mg/L, respectively. The higher values of EC and TDS
of sodium-bearing minerals, Na-plagioclase from granite in the intermediate aquifer, i.e., within 8 km of the coastline,
weathering, agricultural fertilizer, K-feldspar, and micaceous compared to those of the shallow and deep aquifers were due
minerals (Appelo and Postma 2004; Kumar et al. 2009). to the remnants of ancient saltwater (Samsudin et al. 2008).
Generally, the pH values in the shallow, intermediate and Acidic and anoxic conditions increase the dissolution
deep aquifers were acidic to slightly alkaline. Figures 5 and of Fe(II)-bearing silicates, siderite (­ FeCO 3) and mag-
6 show the spatial distributions of pH and EC in the different netite (Fe(II,III)-oxide) (Appelo and Postma 2004). The
aquifers, respectively. chemistry of F ­ e 2+ is similar to that of M
­ n 2+, yet oxida-
In deep aquifer, the C ­ O32− and H ­ CO3− concentrations tion reactions of ­Mn are much slower, thus ­Mn2+ exists

ranged from 0.50 to 1.34 mg/L and from 1.79 to 82.00 mg/L, longer in oxygenated waters than ­Fe2+ does (Back et al.
respectively. The C­ O32− and H ­ CO3− in all the groundwater 1993). The main sources of ­F e 2+ and ­M n 2+ are Fe(II)

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Fig. 5  Spatial distribution of pH in groundwater samples in a shallow, b intermediate and c deep aquifers

Fig. 6  EC distribution of groundwater samples taken from a shallow, b intermediate and c deep aquifers

and Mn(II)-bearing minerals (magnetite, ilmenite, pyrite, Hydrochemical facies

and siderite) and the dissolution of amphiboles, pyroxene,
biotite, and clay minerals. This indicates that the ­F e 2+ Hydrogeochemical facies analysis is an important method
and ­M n 2+ in the groundwater aquifers were from natu- for determining groundwater type based on major ions (Piper
ral processes and not from anthropogenic activities. The 1944) and reflects the chemical reaction process when water
comparison of hydrochemical parameters in the different passes through pore spaces and rock fractures (Gnanachan-
aquifers is shown in Table 2. Figure 8 shows the spatial drasamy et al. 2014). The sequence of the major cations
distribution of F­ e2+ in the different aquifers. The hydro- was ­Na+ > ­Ca2+ > ­Mg2+ > ­K+ and of the anions ­HCO3− >
geological profile along E–E′ in relation to EC and water ­Cl−> ­SO42− > C­ O32−. The major groundwater facies in the
types of the study area is shown in Fig. 9. shallow aquifer were Ca–HCO3 and Na–HCO3, indicating

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Fig. 7  Spatial distribution of ­NO3− in a shallow, b intermediate and c deep aquifers

Table 2  Comparison of hydrochemical parameters for the different aquifers of the Lower Kelantan Basin
Parameters Unit Shallow aquifer Intermediate aquifer Deep aquifer
Range Average SD Range Average SD Range Average SD

pH – 5.88–7.70 6.64 0.38 6.30–8.15 7.02 0.49 3.67–8.03 6.49 0.94

EC µS/cm 29–793 195 166 74–11,416 1498 3143 61–1351 301 354
TDS mg/L 19–489 142 102 77–6724 907 1819 62–853 219 220
Ca2+ mg/L 0.45–73.34 14.86 16.05 1.54–151.46 21.77 38.61 1.24–42.00 12.19 12.44
Mg2+ mg/L 0.11–26.01 3.74 4.43 1.31–158.50 20.30 40.84 1.16–25.67 7.56 7.80
Na+ mg/L 2.75–43.63 12.10 8.81 5.93–1830.58 239.03 515.10 5.16–125.29 24.73 31.88
K+ mg/L 0.87–15.02 4.42 3.17 2.48–47.77 10.90 12.50 3.75–32.43 9.14 6.59
CO32− mg/L 0.50–8.33 0.96 1.60 0.50–6.00 1.46 1.72 0.50–1.34 0.59 0.17
HCO3− mg/L 4.33–245.00 57.05 62.69 30.00–457.11 119.57 127.00 1.79–82.00 46.55 19.22
Cl− mg/L 2.75–64.30 15.43 12.46 2.14–3515.15 414.51 977.38 2.43–354.86 62.12 101.24
SO42− mg/L 0.50–67.97 10.95 11.06 1.25–15.50 3.17 3.76 1.45–3.81 2.02 0.63
NO3− mg/L 0.12–40.00 7.12 7.71 1.86–26.68 6.15 6.85 0.88–4.29 2.19 1.01
Fe2+ mg/L 0.01–17.59 3.17 3.70 1.36–30.30 10.38 8.55 1.93–59.59 15.04 12.76
Mn2+ mg/L 0.01–1.26 0.16 0.19 0.06–1.72 0.33 0.42 0.06–1.09 0.29 0.24

SD standard deviation

fresh water and mix-water types, respectively. Na–HCO3 and during ancient marine transgression (Samsudin et al. 2008).
Na–Cl are the main water facies in the intermediate aquifer, Figure 10 shows the water-type distribution and Piper trilin-
suggesting mixed-water and saltwater types, respectively. ear diagram of the shallow, intermediate, and deep aquifers
Meanwhile, Na-HCO3 was the dominant water facies in the of the study area (Fig. 11).
deep aquifer. The Ca-HCO3 in the shallow aquifer may be
associated with calcite dissolution of seashell fragments Saturation index (SI) and mineral equilibrium
from fluvial-marine deposition (Appelo and Postma 2004).
Weathering of plagioclase feldspar minerals from schist Saturation index (SI) and mineral equilibrium calculations
and ferruginous shale bedrock could be the cause for the are essential for assessing and estimating the presence of
Na–HCO3 water type in the deep aquifer (Srinivasamoor- mineral reactivity in groundwater systems without having
thy et al. 2011). Groundwater samples in the intermediate to gather solid-phase samples or examine the mineralogy
aquifer were dominated by the Na–Cl type, indicating the (Deutsch and Siegel 1997). The SI results revealed that
effect of intruded seawater (Aris et al. 2007) that was trapped for, Fe(OH)3, goethite, hematite, and manganite, SI > 0.

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Fig. 8  Fe2+ distribution of groundwater samples in a shallow, b intermediate and c deep aquifers

Fig. 9  The geological profile in relation to Electrical Conductivity, EC (µS/cm) and water type of the study area (the cross-section line E–E′ is
indicated in Fig. 1)

Fig. 10  Spatial distribution of groundwater types in a shallow, b intermediate and c deep aquifers

Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:397 Page 11 of 15 397

Fig. 11  Piper trilinear diagram SA

of the shallow (SA), intermedi- IA
ate (IA) and deep aquifer (DA)
80 80

60 60


40 40

20 20

Mg SO4

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20







Ca Na+K HCO3+CO3 Cl

SI > 0 illustrates that the water is oversaturated with respect dolomite, gypsum, and halite minerals (Table 3), as the
to a specific mineral. Therefore, the SI of the water in all SI ≤ 0.
the aquifers indicated oversaturation with Fe(OH)3, goe- The existence of water samples in oversaturated states of
thite, hematite, and manganite. However, the water indi- Fe(OH)3, goethite and hematite suggests an abundance of
cated undersaturation of the anhydrite, aragonite, calcite, iron-bearing minerals in the aquifer, because of weathering

Table 3  Saturation indices of minerals in different groundwater aquifers using PHREEQC

Parameter Shallow aquifer Intermediate aquifer Deep aquifer
Range Average SD Range Average SD Range Average SD

Anhydrite − 5.94 to − 2.01 − 3.63 0.75 − 5.09 to − 3.33 − 4.21 0.43 − 4.94 to − 3.73 − 4.29 0.35
Aragonite − 2.3 to 0.92 − 0.81 0.61 − 1.55 to 0.59 − 0.68 0.61 − 3.76 to − 0.58 − 1.24 0.77
Calcite − 2.16 to 1.06 − 0.67 0.61 − 1.41 to 0.73 − 0.53 0.61 − 3.61 to − 0.43 − 1.10 0.77
Dolomite − 4.57 to 1.81 − 1.64 1.06 − 2.3 to 1.33 − 0.93 1.13 − 7.01 to − 0.83 − 2.10 1.49
Fe(OH)3 − 0.62 to 3.79 1.36 0.89 0.18 to 3.65 1.86 0.82 1.14 to 4.17 2.50 0.80
Goethite 5.27 to 9.68 7.25 0.89 6.07 to 9.54 7.75 0.82 7.03 to 10.06 8.39 0.80
Gypsum − 5.72 to − 1.79 − 3.41 0.75 − 4.87 to − 3.11 − 3.99 0.43 − 4.72 to − 3.51 − 4.07 0.35
Halite − 9.63 to − 7.14 − 8.47 0.54 − 9.42 to − 3.91 − 7.38 1.78 − 9.20 to − 5.95 − 8.13 1.05
Hematite 12.54 to 21.36 16.51 1.78 14.15 to 21.09 17.52 1.64 16.08 to 22.12 18.8 1.60
Manganite 0.32 to 6.83 4.43 1.42 1.77 to 6.85 5.29 1.28 − 6.13 to 5.73 3.44 3.20

SD standard deviation

397 Page 12 of 15 Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:397

processes and aerated zones formed by the variability in the fell in the evaporation dominance zone, an indication that
water table (Singh et al. 2015). The undersaturated state of the water was influenced by fossil seawater, probably trapped
calcium-bearing minerals may be attributed to the weather- during sedimentation in this area (Samsudin et al. 2008).
ing of calcite and dolomite minerals. The SI is important in The groundwater samples that fell outside the diagram may
water chemistry, particularly regarding calcium carbonate, have been influenced by anthropogenic activities (Srini-
as its solubility equilibrium is directly associated with scale vasamoorthy et al. 2008). The geochemical variations and
formation on equipment and incrustation of well screens, mechanisms in the aquifer system can also be understood
filter sand, and water taps (Larson et al. 1942). The SI can by plotting ­Ca2+ versus ­Mg2+, ­Ca2+ + ­Mg2+ versus ­SO42− +
also provide information about water–rock reactions, water ­HCO3− and C ­ O42− (Aghazadeh and Mogaddam
­ a2+ versus S
hydrochemistry, and rock mass composition (Drever 1988; 2011) (Fig. 13). The groundwater samples mostly fell on
Yidana et al. 2010). the ­SO42− + H­ CO3− side, indicating that carbonate dissolu-
tion was the main factor influencing the hydrogeochemical
Hydrogeochemical process processes in the study area. Meanwhile, the excess C ­ a2+ and
­Mg could have resulted from reverse ion exchange pro-
The geochemical reaction mechanism in the aquifer between cesses (Varol and Davraz 2014).
groundwater and lithology, and understanding the water
source (Vasanthavigar et al. 2012) can be derived using a
Gibbs diagram (Gibbs 1970). Gibbs diagrams were formed Conclusions
by plotting a ratio of major cations (­ Na+ + K­ +)/(Na+ + K­ +
2+ − −
+ ­Ca ) against TDS and a ratio of major anions C ­ l /(Cl + Studying groundwater hydrogeochemistry is challenging
­HCO3−) against TDS and include three main zones: pre- in multilayered aquifers, such as Lower Kelantan Basin,
cipitation, evaporation, and rock dominance. In this study, which consists of shallow, intermediate, and deep aquifers.
the majority of samples from the shallow, intermediate, and Groundwater facies change from fresh water (Ca–HCO3) in
deep aquifers fell in the rock and rainfall dominance zones the shallow aquifer, to saline water (Na–Cl) in the interme-
(Fig. 12), which indicates that the weathering of rock-form- diate aquifer, and finally weathering of plagioclase feldspar
ing minerals and rainwater infiltration into the aquifers were mineral (Na–HCO3) in the deep aquifer, which indicates that
the main factors contributing to the groundwater chemis- seawater intrusion mostly affected the intermediate aquifer
try (Todd 1980; Gnanachandrasamy et al. 2014). However, in Lower Kelantan Basin. Based on the Gibbs diagram, most
some groundwater samples from the intermediate aquifer of the water samples were in the rock and rainfall dominance

Fig. 12  Gibbs diagram show the mechanism governing the hydrogeochemistry of water a major cations versus TDS and b major anions versus
TDS from shallow aquifer (SA), intermediate aquifer (IA) and deep aquifer (DA)

Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:397 Page 13 of 15 397

(a) ◂ Fig. 13  Relationship between a ­Ca2+ versus M

­ g2+, b ­Ca2+ + M
­ g2+
4 versus ­SO42− + H
­ CO3− and c ­Ca2+ versus S
­ O42− of groundwater sam-
ples from shallow (SA), intermediate (IA) and deep aquifers (DA)

3 Carbonate zone, which indicates that dissolution of rock-forming min-

weathering erals and rainwater infiltration are the main factors gov-
erning the groundwater chemistry. The hydrogeochemical
analysis results revealed that the EC, TDS, C ­ a2+, ­Mg2+,
Ca2+ (meq/L)

+ + −
2 SA ­Na , ­K , and C ­ l had higher concentration values in the
Silicate IA intermediate aquifer owing to ancient seawater influence.
weathering DA
However, the results of the descriptive statistical analysis
revealed a high average concentration of nitrate in the shal-
low aquifer, which indicates the vulnerability of the shallow
aquifer to contaminate via anthropogenic activities, such as
intensive application of fertilizers in cultivated lands. This
0 study provides and contributes to the comprehensive under-
0 1 2 3 4
Mg2+ (meq/L)
standing of hydrogeochemistry in the study area. Based on
the study’s results, it is recommended that local authorities,
(b) water operators, and related agencies stringently monitor
groundwater abstraction, groundwater quality, as well as
4.5 agricultural activities in this area to ensure the sustainability
of this invaluable resource for future use.

3.5 Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the Ministry of

Natural Resources and Environment (NRE) for providing research
Ca2+ + Mg2+ (meq/L)

3 funds to this study under the National Water Resources Council

(P23101110117300). The authors also wish to thank the Miner-
2.5 SA
als and Geoscience Department of Malaysia for allowing the use of
2 their groundwater quality data and assistance during the collection of
DA groundwater samples from their monitoring wells.

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