Transport in Plants and Animals

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Transport in

Plants and
General Biology II
Transport in Animals
• constant supply of oxygen and nutrients.
• Get rid of waste products.
• Simple Animals like sea anemones and worms
can do this by diffusion.
• Large Animals need a transport system.
Transport in Animals
1) Open Blood System
– Blood does not flow through blood vessels
– Blood is pumped out by the heart into large
spaces in the body cavity where exchange of
materials takes place between the blood and the
– Then blood returns to the heart.
– Examples: insects and snails
Transport in Animals
• Types
2) Closed Blood System
– blood flows through blood vessels
a) Single Circulation – blood passes through
the heart once.
• Heart pumps deoxygenated blood to the
• Oxygenated blood is carried to the
• Deoxygenated blood returns to the heart.
• Example: Fishes
Transport in Animals
• Types
2) Closed Blood System
– blood flows through blood vessels
b) Double Circulation – blood passes through
the heart twice.
• Pulmonary circulation
– Heart pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs
– Oxygenated blood returns to the heart.
• Systemic circulation
– Heart pumps oxygenated blood to body tissues.
– Deoxygenated blood returns to the heart.
Heart Gills

Body Heart Heart



1 2 3
Human Circulatory System
Main functions
• To deliver food, nutrients, and oxygen.
• To collect metabolic wastes such as, carbon
dioxide, excess water and salts, and nitrogenous
• To protect from foreign bodies.
Main Parts
• Heart – pumps blood
• Blood Vessels – carries blood
• Blood – delivers and collects materials, and
Pathways of Blood
• Vena cava – takes blood into the right atrium
• Right Atrium – receives blood from the vena cava
• Tricuspid valve – controls flow of blood from the right atrium to the right
• Right Ventricle – pumps blood to pulmonary artery
• Pulmonary valve – controls flow of blood from the right ventricle to the
pulmonary artery
• Pulmonary Artery – carries blood to the lungs
• Capillaries – exchange of gases between the blood and the alveoli.
• Pulmonary Vein - carries blood from the lungs
• Left Atrium – receives blood from the pulmonary vein
• Mitral valve – controls flow of blood from the left atrium to the left ventricle
• Left Ventricle – pumps blood to aorta
• Aortic valve – controls flow of blood from the left ventricle to the aorta
• Aorta – large artery that takes blood away from the left ventricle to the rest
of body
• Arteries – carry blood to arterioles.
• Arterioles – carry blood to capillaries.
• Capillaries – exchange of materials between the blood and the cell.
• Venules – carry blood to veins
• Veins – carry blood to vena cava H V

Pathways of Blood



An impulse can be felt over an artery that lies near

the surface of the skin. The impulse results from
alternate expansion and contraction of the arterial
wall because of the beating of the heart. When the
heart pushes blood into the aorta, the blood’s impact
on the elastic walls creates a pressure wave that
continues along the arteries. This impact is the
pulse. All arteries have a pulse, but it is most easily
felt at points where the vessel approaches the
surface of the body.
1. Explain why arteries have thick wall?
2. Aside from thick wall, what increases the
blood pressure in the arteries?
3. Explain why blood does not flow backward?
4. What happens to the blood as it passes
through the capillaries.
5. What are the pathways of blood in the blood
Table 2. Comparison of Arteries and Veins
Arteries Veins
Conducts blood away from Conducts blood toward the
Direction of blood flow
the heart heart

General appearance Rounded Irregular, often collapsed

Pressure High Low
Wall thickness Thick Thin

Relative oxygen Higher in systemic arteries Lower in systemic veins

concentration Lower in pulmonary arteries Higher in pulmonary veins

Present most commonly in

Valves Not present limbs and in veins inferior to
the heart
Choose the letter of the correct answer,
• A – if the statement is related to artery.
• B – if the statement is related to vein
• C – if the statement is related to capillary
• Multiple answers are possible.
• 1. Carries blood away from the heart.
• 2. Without muscular wall.
• 3. Blood pressure falls.
• 4. No pulse
• 5.With large lumen
Components of Blood
• Plasma
➢ plasma proteins (albumin and antibodies)
➢ food molecules
➢ waste products (urea and uric acid)
➢ hormones and salts
• Blood Cells
➢ Red Blood Cells/ Erythrocytes
➢White blood Cells/ Leucocytes (lymphocytes and
➢ Platelets/ Thrombocytes
Components Features Functions

Protection from
With dissolved infection, delivers
Plasma substances food, hormones and
salts , collects waste

Disc –shaped Delivers oxygen,

RBC Without nucleus collects CO2

Irregular shape Protects from foreign

WBC With nucleus bodies

Platelets Without nucleus For blood clotting

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