Upper Intermediate Test 5-6A

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English File 3rd edition Upper Intermediate test 5-6A

GRAMMAR 5 Sam usually / use to goes to work by bus, but

1 Complete the sentences with the correct he decided to walk today.
form of the verbs in brackets. 6 Clara and Tom used to be / being a couple,
Example: If I was rich, I would travel (travel) but they’ve split up now.
around the world. 7 I’m not used to / didn’t use to speaking so
1 I’d never have got to the airport on time if much English – it’s tiring!
I _____ (take) the bus. 8 I can’t get used to / be used to this new
2 We could have finished much earlier if we operating system. I prefer the old one.
________ (have) fewer breaks. 9 On a free afternoon, I often / ’m used to
3 You ________ (not crash) the car if you drive to the coast and do some surfing.
hadn’t been using your phone. 10 My mother would / use to always bake cakes
4 I wouldn’t eat there if I ________ (be) you. on Saturdays when I was young – I loved it!
The service is awful. 11 You’d know what to do if you were listening /
5 Trevor ________ (not go) on the trip if ’d listened to her instructions properly.
he’d known how much it was going to 12 I wouldn’t go / wouldn’t have gone to his
cost. leaving party even if he’d asked me.
6 If you ________ (spend) less on clothes, 13 I’d help you fix your bike if I’d known/ knew
you might be able to rent a nicer how to do it.
apartment. 14 You’d be able to enjoy the sun today if you’d
7 Do you fancy ________ (go) for a walk in done / ’d have done your work yesterday.
the park? 15 We’d have cleaned / ’d clean the house if
8 You should practise ________ (speak) you’d told us you were coming today.
English whenever you get the opportunity. 16 You wouldn’t be so hungry now if you’d
9 The shop assistant refused ________ eaten / ’d have eaten a good breakfast.
(give) me a refund. 16
10 I can’t remember ________ (have) a doll 3 Complete the sentences with the correct
when I was a little girl. form of one of the verbs.
11 You’d better ________ (ring) Darren and be live come buy stop not start have
tell him we’ll be late. not be play
12 Have you tried ________ (sleep) on the Example: I wish my hair was longer.
other side of the bed? 1 I wish you ________ so tall – I can’t find
13 We can’t wait ________ (see) your new clothes to fit you.
house. 2 I bet you sometimes wish we ________ in a
14 My boss makes me ________ (work) at bigger house.
the weekend sometimes. 3 I’m so thirsty. I wish we ________ some
15 No-one forgets ________ (see) Venice for water when we were in that shop.
the first time. 4 I wish you ________ singing that tune – it’s
16 Could you let me ________ (speak), starting to drive me mad!
please! 5 My girlfriend has always wished she
16 ________ a musical instrument.
2 Underline the correct word(s). 6 My History of Art course isn’t very good. I
Example: I used to / ’m used to eat junk food, wish I ________ it.
but now I eat very healthily. 7 I wish that taxi ________ soon! They said
1 Did you use to / used to do much sport at they would send one straight away.
school? 8 Do you ever wish you ________ more time
2 Driving on the left was weird at first, but I use to spend with your family?
to / ’m used to it now.
3 We would / used to be very good children 8
most of the time.
4 I wasn’t used to / didn’t use to eat fish at all, Grammar total 40
but I have it occasionally now.
English File 3rd edition Upper Intermediate test 5-6A
VOCABULARY 5 When it’s really hot in summer, I just sleep
4 Complete the words in the sentences. under a ________.
Example: Harry felt homesick when he went pillow sheet duvet
away on his own for the first time. 6 If you eat too much late at night, it will
1 Mark had been unemployed for three ________ you awake.
months and was d_____ to find a job. stay keep make
2 I was s________ when I heard that he’d 7 My uncle gets up very early but he
died. He was so young! sometimes has a ________ in the
3 I was very o________ when Mary said she afternoons.
couldn’t understand my accent. dream yawn nap
4 We were so g________ when Barry 8 You don’t need to worry about ________ –
offered to help us clear up the mess. that alarm clock’s incredibly loud.
5 I get really n________ before giving a oversleeping having a siesta keeping
presentation, but I’m OK once I’ve started. awake
6 They must have been d________ when
their house was flooded a second time.
6 Underline the correct word(s).
7 I was so o________ with emotion I burst
Example: You look very chic / fashionable, as
into tears.
the French would say.
8 I’ve been digging this garden for hours.
1. I love the architecture / graffiti in Rome –
I’m completely sh________!
there’s so many beautiful buildings.
9 An e________ is an extra piece
2. My aunt once visited a psychic /
performed when the audience calls the
psychologist to try and contact my dead
performer back.
10 A f________ is a long thin metal
3. Baristas / Macchiatos make your coffee in
instrument that you blow into.
a coffee shop.
11 A s________ is a female singer who sings
4. Carlo is one of the best chauffeurs / chefs
very high.
around – his restaurant is always booked
12 Jazz and soul are examples of two
different musical g________.
5. Hélène Grimaud is performing Brahms
13 The person who directs an orchestra is
Piano Concerto / Symphony n.1 tonight.
called a c________.
6. I’ve sent Janet some flowers – a lovely
14 A c________ looks like a very big violin.
bouquet / croissant of roses.
14 7. The facts in that article are absolutely
5 Complete the sentences with the correct astonished / astonishing!
word(s). 8. I find dealing with large groups of children
Example: My dad snores so loudly that he very stressing / stressful.
keeps everybody awake at night. 9. I felt inspired / inspiring to paint a picture
yawns snores oversleeps after going to that exhibition.
1 Why are you ________? Are you tired or 10. We were infuriating / infuriated by the
just bored? rude staff at the customer service desk.
snoring napping yawning 11. I think the instructions for this camera are
2 I didn’t hear you get back last night, I was a bit confused / confusing.
________ asleep. 12. We were so embarrassed / embarrassing
fast deep fallen when we realized we hadn’t left a tip for
3 I use a special ________ that gives my long the waiters.
neck enough support. 12
duvet blanket pillow 7 Complete the sentences with the
4 I used to suffer from ________. I would lie correct form of the word.
awake for hours every night. Example: disappoint
insomnia jet-lag nightmares It was very disappointing that he didn’t come.
English File 3rd edition Upper Intermediate test 5-6A
It always disappoints me when people behave 10 Match the words with the same sound.
like that. bass guitar saxophone yawn log alarm
You’ll be disappointed when you hear the pillow
results. Example: orchestra yawn
1 photograph ________
frustrate 2 awake ________
1 Isn’t it ________ when you can’t open the 3 cacophony ________
plastic packaging on something? 4 encore ________
2 You must have felt very ________ when 5 guitar ________
they didn’t believe you.
3 These questionnaires really ________ me
because none of the answers are right for Pronunciation total 20
G, V, and P total 100
4 The thunder was so loud it ________ the
Read the article about music and mood. Five
sentences have been removed. Which
5 Speaking in public is ________ for some
sentence A-F fits each gap (1-5)? There is
one extra sentence you do not need to
6 Dan looked completely ________ when
you asked him to hold your baby!

Music and Mood
The helpful effects of music on mental
health have been known for thousands of
Vocabulary total 20
years. Ancient philosophers from Plato to
Confucius sang the praises of music and
used it to help deal with stress. (----- 1 -----)
8 Match the words with the same sound.
Military bands use music to build
amazed proud devastated astonished
confidence and courage. Sporting events
refuse stunned
provide music to build up enthusiasm.
Example: ashamed amazed
Modern research carried out by several
1 gutted ________
psychologists supports what most people
2 confusing ________
believe about music benefiting mood and
3 down ________
4 delighted ________
5 grateful ________
Because of our unique experiences, we
5 develop varied musical tastes and
9 Underline the stressed syllable. preferences. (----- 2 -----) Babies, for
Example: o|ffen|ded example, love lullabies. Maternal singing is
1 de|vas|ta|ted particularly calming, even if a mother has no
2 dis|a|ppoin|ting formal musical talents. Certain kinds of
3 des|pe|rate music make almost everyone feel worse –
4 o|ver|whelmed even when they say they enjoy it. A study of
5 ho|rri|fy|ing 144 adults and teenagers who listened to
6 ar|chi|tec|ture four different kinds of music showed that
7 phi|lo|so|phy their emotions changed according to the
8 or|che|stra music. Grunge music, which has a lot of
9 in|som|ni|a guitar and drums, for example, led to
10 hy|po|chon|dri|ac significant increases in negative emotions
such as sadness, tension, and fatigue across
the entire group, even in the teenagers who
English File 3rd edition Upper Intermediate test 5-6A
said they liked it. In another study, college stress. Calming background music can help
students reported the opposite when they patients in hospital feel less bad-tempered.
listened to pop, rock, classical music, and It can also help elderly patients in nursing
oldies – songs from more than 15 years ago. home who are very ill feel calmer. Music,
They said it helped them feel happier and wisely chosen, lowers stress hormone
more optimistic, friendly, relaxed, and calm. levels. (----- 5 -----) Knowing that certain
Everyone who has learned the alphabet kinds of music can reduce stress is one
knows that it is easier to memorize a list if it thing. Being attentive in choosing what kind
is set to music. Scientific research supports of music to listen to is another. So, choose
what many people believe – that pairing your music as carefully as you choose your
music with a musical rhythm improves food and friends.
learning and helps people to remember
things. (----- 3 -----) First of all, it can be used
as a reward when someone behaves in the A Music helps decrease worries in the
required way. For example, for paying elderly, new mothers, and children too.
attention to homework for ten minutes, a B And in modern times, shopping malls play
child can be given the opportunity to listen music to attract customers and keep them
to music for five minutes. Second, it can be in the store.
used to help increase attention to “boring” C This can be used to help children and
academic tasks such as memorization, using teenagers with attention problems in
songs, rhythms, and dance or movement to several ways.
enhance the interest of the lists to be D However, it’s difficult to explain how
memorized. Instrumental music is great for exactly it works.
improving attention and reasoning and for E On the other hand, parents of teenagers
students, playing background music is not know that certain kinds of music,
distracting. Lastly, music can be used to help particularly at high volumes, can cause
organize activities – one kind of music for stress.
one activity (studying), another for a F Despite these differences, however, there
different activity (eating), and a third kind are some common responses to music.
for going to bed.
Reading total 10
Many people find familiar music comforting
and calming. In fact, music is so effective in WRITING
reducing anxiety, it is often used in by You recently attended a concert in your
dentists or by doctors just before town. Write an email to your friend
performing an operation to help patients telling him / her about the concert.
cope with their concerns. (----- 4 -----) Any Write 140-180 words. Include the following
kind of relaxing, calming music can information:
contribute to calmer moods. It is often • tell him / her what kind of music was played
combined with cognitive therapy to lower at the concert
anxiety. Some studies suggest that specially • explain why you like that kind of music
designed music, which includes certain
• say whether the concert was as good as you
tones, can help improve symptoms in
had hoped it would be.
anxious patients even more than music
without these tones; listening to this music Writing total 10
without other distractions (not while
Reading and Writing total 20
driving, cooking, talking, or reading)
promotes the best benefits.

Since ancient times, it has been known that

certain kinds of music can help soothe away
English File 3rd edition Upper Intermediate test 5-6A

1 Listen to five people talking about what
they would do if they found a wallet.
Choose from the list (A-F) what each
speaker says annoys them. Use the
letters only once. There is one extra letter
which you do not need to use.

A I would call the police.

B I would take it and use the money.
C I would leave it on the ground.
D I would put it back on the ground after
looking at it.
E I would leave a note about the wallet near
where I found it.
F I would give it to the police.

Speaker 1 []
Speaker 2 []
Speaker 3 []
Speaker 4 []
Speaker 5 []

2 Listen to a man talking about an explorer

and his achievements. Underline the
correct answer.
1 Sir Ranulph Fiennes had a medical problem
the first / second / third time he tried to
climb Everest.
2 The thing that Sir Ranulph was most afraid
of while climbing Everest was getting lost /
being up very high / feeling too cold.
3 From the top of Everest, Sir Ranulph felt he
could almost touch the moon / stars /
4 When he reached the top of Everest, Sir
Ranulph felt proud / terrible / worried.
5 At the top of the mountain, Sir Ranulph
took photos of the other people there / a
flag / the view.

Listening total 10

Test total 130

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