MBA, Class of 25 - Div A, B, C - STM - CH 12
MBA, Class of 25 - Div A, B, C - STM - CH 12
MBA, Class of 25 - Div A, B, C - STM - CH 12
Keys to Good Strategy Execution
• Founder or • Commitment by
strong leader • Strong the firm to
with strong Culture ethical behavior
Why Corporate Cultures Matter to the Strategy Execution Process
• A culture that is well matched to the chosen strategy and the requirements of the
strategy execution effort focuses the attention of employees on what is most
important to this effort.
• Culture-induced peer pressure further induces personnel to do things in a manner
that aids the cause of good strategy execution.
• A culture that is consistent with the requirements for good strategy execution can
energize employees, deepen their commitment to execute the strategy flawlessly,
and enhance worker productivity.
Healthy Cultures That Aid
Good Strategy Execution
Unhealthy Cultures That Impede
Good Strategy Execution
Changing a Problem Culture:
The Role of Leadership
• A strong, out of sync, or unhealthy culture must be changed in order to
execute strategy successfully.
• Competent leadership at the top is necessary for culture-change efforts
to succeed.
FIGURE 12.2 Changing a Problem Culture
Making a Compelling Case for
Culture Change
• Selling the change
• Explain why and how certain behavioral norms and work practices are obstacles
to good execution of strategic initiatives.
• Explain how new behaviors and work practices will produce better results.
• If the need for cultural change is due to a change in strategy, cite reasons why the
current strategy has to be modified.
Substantive Culture-Changing Actions
• Replace key executives who are resisting or obstructing needed organizational and
cultural changes.
• Promote individuals who support cultural shifts and can serve as role models for the
cultural behavior.
• Appoint outsiders with the desired cultural attributes to high-profile positions.
• Screen all candidates for positions carefully, hiring only those who appear to fit in
with the new culture.
• Mandate that all personnel attend culture-training.
• Design compensation incentives that boost the pay of teams and individuals who
support culture change.
• Revise policies and procedures to drive cultural change.
Symbolic Culture-Changing Actions
• Good
• Good business
• A thorough implementation
judgment in
analysis of the of the
deciding what
situation corrective
actions to take
A Final Word on Leading the Process of Crafting and Executing
• It is difficult to separate leading the process of executing strategy from leading the
strategy process.
• Crafting, implementing, and executing strategy is a continuous process that requires
much adjusting and fine-tuning of the strategy to fit changing circumstances.
• The tests of strategic leadership are whether the firm has a good strategy and
business model, whether its strategy is competently executed, and whether the firm
is achieving its performance targets.
• If these three conditions exist, then the firm has good strategic leadership and is a
well-managed enterprise.