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IELTS Listening Practice Test 50 (P955)

SECTION 1 Questions 1-4 Complete the schedule below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Example: Globetrotters Language School
Class Schedule
Chinese Level: Advanced Level: Advanced Days: 1_____________evenings Japanese
Level: 2______________
Days: Tuesday and Thursday mornings Level: 3_______________
Days: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings French Level: Intermediate Days: Friday 4________
Questions 5—8 Complete the information below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE NUMBER for each answer. Tuition information
One week 5 $_____________ Four weeks 6 $ ____________
Six weeks 7 $ _____________ Twelve weeks 8 $ ___________
Questions 9 – 10
Complete the sentences below Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer
9. Students can register for a class by visiting __________________
10. _______________________ is in charge of student registration.
SECTION 2Questions 11-15
Label the map below.Write the correct letter; A—J, next to
questions 11—15.
11. Harbor View Bookstore
12. Pear Café 13. Souvenir Store
14. Art Gallery 15. Harbor Park

Questions 16 – 20 Complete the sentences below Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Harbor Park
16. The park was built in ______________. 17. A ______________ stands in the center of the park.
18. Take the path through the_____________. 19. In the middle of the garden is a__________________ .
20. A ___________________takes you down to the harbor and a view of the boats.
SECTION 3 Questions 21-24 Complete the information about the archives. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer. Welcome to City Archives
The following people may use the archives:
▪ University students with a valid 21_____________ ▪ City residents with payment of 22_____________
▪ All others: Special permission from the director is required.
Days: 23 ____________ through _______________ Hours: 9:30 A.M. until 24 ________________P.M.
Questions 25—30 What can be found on each floor1 of the archives building? Write the correct Utter, A-G next to questions 25-30.
A. nineteenth-century documents B. maps C. personal papers D. photographs
E. books about the city F. newspapers G. information about the woolen mill
Floor of the building
25. basement _____ 26. ground floor _____ 27. second floor _____
28. third floor _____ 29. fourth floor _____ 30. fifth floor _____
SECTION 4 Questions 31-33 Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Historical Uses
of Wind Power
Ancient China Windmills were used to 31___________
Ancient Persia Farmers used wind power to 32_____________
The Netherlands People used windmills to 33____________
Questions 34 – 40 Complete the chart below Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer
Wind Power
Advantages Disadvantages
Unlike oil and coal, wind power does not cause 34__________ The cost of the initial investment is high.
There are limited supplies of oil and coal, but wind is The 37___________ of the wind is not
a 35____ constant.
It 36_________ to generate electricity with the wind. Wind turbines are usually located far
from 38___________.
Wind turbines do not take up much land Wind turbines may spoil 39___________
Wind turbines are as 40__________ as a high-speed car.

Test 58

Reading Passage 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.
The Evolution Of Language
A. Language everywhere changes over time; it has to. A central reason that necessitates modification is to allow for developments in
our world to be expressed. For example, the technological revolution alone has been responsible for the addition of a plethora of
words to our vocabulary: hard drive, software, modem to name just a few. The Japanese writing script katakana, which was originally
introduced in the 9th century as a means by which Buddhist monks could correctly interpret Chinese pronunciations, is now most
commonly used to embrace foreign words for which there is no original Japanese character; pizza or hamburger for example.
Likewise, the western world’s exposure to and familiarity with foreign cultures now means that words such as sushi, nan bread, and
kebab, for example, are used by diners regularly.
B. However, the expansion of our vocabulary is just one element involved in how and why language evolves. Given the variation of
dialects or regional accents present in most language systems, it is clear that an individual’s interpretation of what is correct and
commonly used will vary quite dramatically since this perception is based upon a combination of factors including the age,
educational level and region of the country a person is from. As we go about our daily lives and interact with others from different
backgrounds and experiences, the language we hear is often taken on board and incorporated into how we communicate ourselves.
Many phrases with American origins are now commonplace in British English for example, due to the frequency with which they are
heard on television and in the movies.
C. Changes in language are often driven by the young and many such changes are commonly considered by older people to be a
disintegration of standards rather than an evolution and an improvement. Let’s consider an Americanism commonly used by
youngsters in all pans of the English speaking world. Used as an alternative to “Tom said…” it is now commonplace to hear “Tom
goes, the pay rise was unacceptable.” or, “Tom was all, the pay rise was unacceptable.”; much to the horror of many traditionalists.
However, this modification could also be considered to be adding to and not detracting from our ability to communicate effectively.
To illustrate, let’s consider the original phrase “Tom said”; it is used solely to show’ the listener that we are reporting the words of
Tom, while the modern variation, “Tom goes” has the same meaning. However, if the speaker chooses instead to use the latter phrase,
“Tom was all”, they are also able to convey the message that Tom had an emotional reaction to the situation they are reporting,
therefore a much more effective method of communicating information has been created, some may say. However, should the now’
commonly used texting abbreviations such as ‘gr8t’ (great) and ‘l8r’ (later) become permanent replacements of the original words, it is
likely that even the most liberal amongst us would be horrified.
D. Variations on the language are usually more readily accepted into informal language before them being absorbed for use in formal
writing. Examples of words that we now commonly use, but were once considered incorrect, are ‘pea’ and ‘hopefully’. Let’s take pea;
it derived from the word ‘pease’, which is an uncountable noun has the same form regardless of whether one or more pease were being
spoken about. However, this was commonly overlooked and misunderstood, and through error, the singular form of the vegetable
became ‘pea’. More recently ‘hopefully’ was considered by many to be an inappropriate alternative to ‘I hope’; at best only accepted
in informal use. The word hopefully is now’ fully acceptable in both informal speech and formal writing.

E. Some people believe that traditional usages of language are always more superior and refined than modern variations even when
the reasons behind the rule were dubious in the first place. For example, it was once seriously frowned upon to split an infinitive in a
sentence and even today it is considered grammatically incorrect to do so. To demonstrate, let’s consider the following sentence: ‘The
examiner asked me to quietly leave the room’; this was considered incorrect as the word ‘quietly’ splits the infinitive of the verb ‘to
leave’. The origins of this rule hail back to the 17th century when scholars believed that the English language should be adapted to
follow the rules of Latin; then considered the perfect language. Since splitting infinitives in Latin is impossible, it was decided that
splitting infinitives in English, even though possible, was not acceptable, Given those initial motivations behind the rule were
questionable and the clarity of the meaning of the sentence is not compromised in the ‘incorrect’ form, it could be argued that this
grammar rule is a prime example of an unnecessary sanction which is likely to be abandoned in the future.

F. As language evolves, changes in grammar structures that would confuse the actual meaning of the sentences are unlikely; however,
the meanings of words are often modified or altered beyond recognition by different generations and can be easily misinterpreted by
other social groups. Take, for example, the modern version of the word ‘bad’ meaning ‘great’ when used in contemporary slang. Many
slang words remain dated in the era in which they are developed, for example, words like ‘to beef, meaning to complain (introduced in
the 1920s) are not only dated but may not even be understood in a modern context, while others such as ‘guy’ become absorbed into
mainstream language. Who knows what future generations will add to the ever-changing environment of communication?

Questions 1-4

Reading Passage 1 has six paragraphs A-F.

Write the correct number i-viii in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.

Choose the correct heading for paragraphs B, C, E and F from the list of headings below.

List of Headings

i. Historical acceptance of change

ii. The Generation Gap

iii. Influences on speech

iv. Ancient writing in Asia

v. Cultural evolution and its impact on language

vi. Slang expected in the future

vii. Questioning logic

viii. The lifespan of vocabulary

Example: Paragraph A; Answer: v

1. Paragraph B

2. Paragraph C

Example: Paragraph D; Answer: i

3. Paragraph E

4. Paragraph F
Questions 5-10
Do the following statements reflect the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1?


YES, if the statement reflects the claims of the writer

NO, if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN, if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

Write the correct answer YES, NO or NOT GIVEN in boxes 5-10 on your answer sheet.

5. If language were static, it would negatively affect our ability to incorporate other cultures into our own way of life.

6. The language we grow up knowing and that we adopt through new experiences have equal effects on the way we speak.

7. English used in Britain has changed more than American English over recent years.

8. Some older variations of language are more expressive than more modern forms.

9. All modern adaptations of language are suitable for mainstream use.

10. All word usage has changed over time due to misunderstandings of meaning.

Questions 11-13

Complete the summary of paragraphs E and F with the list of words A-H below.

Write the correct letter A-H in boxes 11-13 on your answer sheet.

Some grammar rules such as avoiding 11. ____________ are deeply entrenched in history and were created by academics who wished
to perfect the English language. It is likely, however, since they do not impact on the 12. ______________ of the sentence that such
rules are likely to be 13. ______________ in the future. In the same way, many contemporary words in common usage today are
likely to become defunct.

A. Slang

B. Split infinitives

C. Grammatically incorrect

D. Meaning

E. Recognition

F. Disregarded

G. Misinterpreted

H. Confusion

Reading Passage 2

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.

Water Hyacinth: Beautiful Yet Destructive

A. Despite possessing vibrant purple flowers and being attractive to the eye, the water hyacinth has often been referred to as the most
problematic aquatic plant in the world’s waters. Due to its aesthetic appeal, water hyacinth, which is native to South America, has
been distributed to many different regions and now thrives in the southern states of the USA and many subtropical and tropical
locations. It has also been observed to be relatively tolerant of cooler climates and is routinely sold as an ornamental plant for
domestic use in a number of horticulture centres.

B. Though the hyacinth species is distinctive in appearance, another aquatic floating plant – water lettuce – is sometimes mistakenly
identified as water hyacinth. Water lettuce, however, does not have the same attractive flowers, has larger leaves and is less tolerant of
cooler climates. Water hyacinth has rounded waxy, green leaves which grow up to around 6 inches in width and floating leaf stems
which grow up to 12 inches in length. Flowers are typically between 2 to 3 inches in width and as many as 15 flowers, each purple on
the outside and containing a yellow centre, may grow from each plant.

C. Many of the problems associated with the water hyacinth are due to its incredible growth and reproduction capabilities, which have
made it difficult to control and allow it to quickly dominate the environment in which it grows and spreads. Its growth patterns are
characterized by a rapid formation of an impenetrable vegetation mass; botanists say that one plant can produce around 5000 seeds
and in one study two plants were observed to produce 1200 plants in as little as 4 months. Following nature’s usual pattern, water
hyacinth seeds are distributed outside of the immediate area by birds, fauna, wind and water currents, facilitating growth in
surrounding areas previously free of the plant.

D. Domination of environments by water hyacinth populations has a number of negative implications. For humans, difficulties may be
faced in getting boats through areas of rivers and lakes where the plant is present and fishing and swimming opportunities may be
limited. However, the implications for the ecosystem of the immediate environment may be of even greater concern. The density of
the mass of water hyacinth populations can prevent adequate amounts of sunlight and oxygen reaching the water: as a result,
significant numbers of fish may die, other species of plant growing below water level are compromised and the ecosystem of the
immediate area can, therefore, become unbalanced. Furthermore, the conditions created by the presence of water hyacinth, while
detrimental to most forms of life, are perfect for encouraging the growth of deadly bacteria often found in poorly oxygenated areas of

E. In the southern states of the USA, in Florida in particular, water hyacinth is now under maintenance control. The plant population
can be limited in a number of ways: including the use of herbicides, clearance equipment, and bio-control insects. However, efforts to
minimize the population of water hyacinth need to be continual and consistent; experts warning that unless control methods are
upheld, the problem can easily reoccur. Some say inattention for as little as twelve months would allow numbers to quickly return to
infestation level; hardly surprising given that the species is known to be able to double in as little as 12 days.

F. Water hyacinth is thought to have been introduced into Africa in the 1800s; its presence at Lake Kyoga was first identified in 1988
and at Lake Victoria in 1989. In the mid-1990s, water hyacinth was estimated to dominate 10% of the latter lake’s waters. However,
by 1998, the plant was almost completely eliminated from East African waters; this being achieved predominantly by the use of bio-
control insects, in this case, snout beetles, a type of weevil which feeds only on the water hyacinth species of plant. Tens of thousands
of the weevils were distributed throughout the lake areas of East Africa, their habit of feeding on the leaves and laying their eggs in
the plants’ stalks eventually causing the plants to die and sink to the bottom of the lake. In addition, the plant population was removed
using mechanical clearing equipment and by hand with the help of a machete.

G. Despite the earlier success, however, negative repercussions of human activity have caused the return of water hyacinth to East
African waters. Uganda’s Lake Kyoga has recently once again experienced problems with the infestation. Sewage and agricultural
waste making their way into the waterways and thereby creating an excess of nutrients in the water has been the main contributing
factors to the re-emergence of water hyacinth. In addition, high levels of nitrogen in rainfall, which enter the water cycle from the
smoke created by wood-burning cooking fires used in the region, also serve as nutrition to the increasing plant population. Restriction
of human activity on lakes such as this, caused by the infestation of water hyacinth has enormous implications; villages such as
Kayago, which is close to the lake, are often almost completely dependent on fishing activity for their economy and food source.

H. While the infestation of water hyacinth in Lake Victoria at the time of writing stands at 0.5%, far below the 10% level experienced
in the middle of the 1990s, experts fear that growth could once again become out of control. The main concern is that, as a result of
changing weather conditions, the activity of the snout beetle weevils may be less effective than in the past. The region around Lake
Victoria has experienced an extended period of drought and while the water hyacinth is capable of living and reproducing both in
lakes and surrounding dry land, its predator, the snout beetle can only survive on water. Plant populations growing in lakeside
locations are therefore under limited threat from the insect brought in to control them and are consequently able to reproduce in
relative freedom.
Questions 14-18Reading Passage 2 has eight sections A-H.Which paragraph contains the following information?Write the correct
answer A-H in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.

14. Why the use of bio-control insects may be less successful than the first time.

15. The implications of reducing commitment to control of plant populations.

16. The problems of water hyacinth cause other species of plants and animals.

17. How human activity has contributed to the problem

18. Reasons water hyacinth is found in many parts of the world

Questions 19-23

Classify the following features as characteristics of

A. Water hyacinth

B. Water lettuce

C. Both water hyacinth and water lettuce

D. Neither water hyacinth nor water lettuce

Write the correct letter A, B, C or D in boxes 19-23 on your answer sheet.

19. has aesthetically pleasing purple flowers.

20. does not thrive well in colder temperatures.

21. has leaves which are on average 2-3 inches in diameter.

22. is commonly found in water.

23. produces flowers made up of more than one colour.

Questions 24-26

Do the following statements agree with the information given in reading passage 2?

In boxes 24-26 on your answer sheet write:

TRUE, if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE, if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN, if there is no information on this

24. The presence of dense water hyacinth populations can encourage the development of certain harmful forms of life.

25. The current problem of dominance of water hyacinth on Lake Kyoga is less serious than in the 1980s and early 1990s.

26. Sewage and waste created by farming have had more of an impact on the return of the water hyacinth population in Uganda than
nitrogen-rich air.

Reading Passage 3

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 below.

A. Psychometrics involves psychological and educational assessment of the subject by way of measuring attitudes, personality,
abilities, and knowledge. The field has two primary focuses; the creation of measurement instruments and procedures and
development and enhancement of existing methodology employed.

B. The concept of psychometric testing introduced long before the establishment of IQ testing and other current methodologies, was
first explored by Francis Galton who developed the first testing procedures supposedly related to intelligence; however, his
measurement tools were in fact based upon physical and physiological benchmarks rather than testing of the mind itself.
Measurements included the physical power, height, and weight of subjects which were recorded and results used to estimate the
intelligence of subjects. While the approach was not successful, the studies conducted by Galton were to influence the work of future
researchers. Approaches to measurement of intelligence, which is defined as the mind’s relative ability to reason, think, conceptually
plan, solve problems, understand and learn, were later developed by pioneers such as Charles Spearman. Significant contributions to
its early development were also made by Wilhelm Wundt, L.L. Thurstone, Ernst Heinrich Weber, and Gustav Fechner.

C. The most well-known traditional approach to the development of psychometric instruments to measure intelligence is the Stanford-
Binet IQ test, originally developed by French psychologist Alfred Binet. Researchers define intelligence as separate to other attributes
such as personality, character, creativity and even knowledge and wisdom for their assessment. Intelligence testing methods are not
intended to determine a level of genetic intelligence separate from and unaffected by the environment to which the individual has been
exposed to in life; rather measure the intelligence of an individual appears as a result of both nature and nurture. Psychometrics is
today a useful and widely used tool used for measurement of abilities in academic areas such as reading, writing, and mathematics.

D. IQ tests are commonly used to test intelligence, though some believe that this testing is unfair and not truly representative of the
subject’s intellect as individuals may excel in different areas of reasoning. Psychologist Howard Gardner, working on this assumption,
introduced the concept of an individual cognitive profile in 1983 in his book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences.
He holds that one child may perform excellently in one aspect, yet fail in another and that their overall performance in a number of
intellectual areas should be considered. Gardner first identified seven different types of intelligence, these being; linguistic, logical-
mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal and intrapersonal. In 1999 after further research he added the 8th
element to the equation; naturalistic intelligence, and at the time of writing is investigating the possibility of a 9th; this being
existential intelligence.

E. The first intelligence as defined by Gardner in the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, linguistic intelligence, relates to an individual’s
ability to process and communicate written and spoken words. Such people are said to excel at reading, writing, story-telling, learning
a foreign language and the memorizing of words and dates. The logical-mathematical category is related to a person’s ability to reason
logically, think scientifically, make deductions and perform well in mathematic calculations. Spatial intelligence is related to vision
and spatial judgment; such individuals have been observed to have a strong visual memory and the potential to excel in artistic
subjects. Those exhibiting a leaning towards the third classification, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, often learn best by physically
practising an action rather than by reading or seeing.

F. Musical intelligence, as the name suggests, relates to ability in defining differences in rhythm and tones; individuals possessing
musical intelligence are often able to sing, play musical instruments and compose music to a high standard. Since a high level of
audio-related ability exists, many in this category are said to learn well in a lecture situation where they are required to listen
attentively to information. Interpersonal intelligence relates to an individual’s ability to communicate and empathize with others;
typically extrovert, they learn well through discussion, debate, and interaction with others, The last of the 7 original categories
identified by Gardner, intrapersonal intelligence, fit the opposite description of interpersonal intelligence; such individuals working
best independently. According to Gardner they are capable of high levels of self-reflection and are often perfectionists.

G. A number of psychometric experts, however, oppose Gardner’s view and have reservations about the validity of his theories.
Firstly, some detractors disagree with the overall definition of intelligence used in Gardner’s theory. They hold that some categories
such as interpersonal or intrapersonal intelligence relate more to personality that cognitive performance. The more recently identified
naturalistic intelligence, which relates to an affinity to the natural world and an ability to nurture and cultivate, has been dismissed
completely by many as no more than a hobby. Doubts have been raised that others, such as musical intelligence, are in real talents. A
final criticism attached to the theory is that some believe that the intelligence cannot be treated as separate entities as some individuals
may perform equally well in what could be considered diverse areas; linguistic and logical-mathematical for example. Gardner,
however, maintains that his theories are sound since an identifiable and separate part of the brain is responsible for controlling aspects
related to each of the different types of intelligence,
H. Despite the criticism received from some of his contemporaries, Gardner’s theories are well respected and often applied in the
world of education as a tool for identifying children’s differing abilities and potential career paths. For Instance, those showing
linguistic capabilities are said to be ideal in roles including writing, politics, and teaching; logical-mathematical thinkers suited to
careers in science, mathematics, law, medicine and philosophy. Those exhibiting spatial intelligence are said to be suited to a career
such as art, engineering or architecture; while individuals with a leaning towards bodily-kinesthetic intelligence may excel in areas
such as athletics, dancing or craft-making. Strengths in the area of musical intelligence are said to often lead to success as a singer,
conductor or musician. Those displaying strong interpersonal skills have been recognized as often making effective politicians,
managers, diplomats and social workers; while those showing a dominant intrapersonal intelligence are said to be better suited to
professions involving more self-reflection and lower levels of interaction with the outside world such as writing, philosophy or

Questions 27-31Reading Passage 3 has eight paragraphs A-H.Which paragraph contains the following information?Write the
correct letter A-H in boxes 27-31 on your answer sheet.NB. You may use any letter more than once.

27. Physiological evidence from Gardner that his intelligence theories are sound.

28. Aims of intelligence testing

29. Initial failure in successful measurement

30. How high-level social skills are linked and classified as interpersonal intelligence.

31. Differences in opinions on what constitutes talent or intelligence

Questions 32-37Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 3?

In boxes 32-37 on your answer sheet writeTRUE, FALSE, NOT GIVEN, if there is no information about this

32. Early studies into intelligence were misguided and have had no impact on today’s methods.

33. Research into IQ is designed to determine the level of intelligence an individual is born with.

34. Howard Gardner has confirmed 9 different types of intelligence.

35. Spatial intelligence has been linked to creativity.

36. An individual may demonstrate high levels of intelligence in contradictory areas.

37. Those demonstrating intrapersonal intelligence always make bad managers.

Questions 38-40Choose the correct letter A, B, C, or D.Write your answers in boxes 38-40 on your answer sheet.

38. Some believe that IQ tests do not correctly estimate an individual’s intelligence because

A. the tests are based on physical and physiological benchmarks.

B. some people may perform badly on the day of the test.

C. while people may have weaknesses in one area they may have strengths in others.

D. the tests do not accurately assess the person’s ability to reason, think and solve problems.

39. The intelligence, as classified by Gardner, relating to an ability to memorize items seen is

A. linguistic intelligence.B. logico-Mathematica! intelligence.

C. spatial intelligence.D. bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.

40. The harshest criticism of Gardner’s theory has been focussed on

A. interpersonal intelligence.B. intrapersonal intelligence.

C. musical intelligence.D. naturalistic intelligence.

Task 1 bar chart The bar chart shows the percentage of young people in higher education in 2000, 2005 and 2010.

Phân tích
• Dạng bài: Biểu đồ cột (Bar graph) • Đối tượng đề cập: Phần trăm của người trẻ theo học đại học
• Thì sử dụng: quá khứ đơn (2010, 2005 và 2010)
Dàn bài chi tiết
Mở bài Giới thiệu biểu đồ.
Đoạn tổng Số liệu của quốc gia B khá ổn định, trong khi đó số liệu của các quốc gia khác tăng trong toàn bộ giai đoạn.
quát Quốc gia D có số phần trăm người trẻ theo học đại học cao nhất.
• Vào năm 2000, tỷ lệ đào tạo sau đại học của nước A khoảng 35%, thấp hơn 10% so với nước D.
Thân bài 1 • Sau đó, tỷ lệ này của nước A được tăng lên đến 48% vào năm 2005 và tăng tiếp đến 57% vào năm 2010, trong
khi tỷ lệ này ở nước D tăng lên đạt 60% vào năm 2010.
Tỷ lệ người trẻ tuổi học tiếp sau đại học ở nước B gần như không thay đổi khi phần lớn ở mức 40% mặc dù có
Thân bài 2 giảm xuống đến 38% vào năm 2005.
Tỷ lệ này ở nước C tăng từ 41% đến 48% trong khoảng 10 năm này.
Task 2 news Some people think news has no connection to people’s lives. So then it is a waste of time to read the newspaper and
watch television news programs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Phân tích
• Chủ đề: news.
• Keywords: more common, everyday life, waste of time, read newspaper, watch television news programs.
• Dạng bài: Opinion essay – Đưa ra ý kiến cá nhân về một vấn đề đưa ra ở câu hỏi.
• Hướng dẫn tiếp cận: Với dạng câu hỏi này, người viết có thể đưa ra quan điểm của mình theo
các hướng: hoàn toàn đồng ý / hoàn toàn không đồng ý / chỉ đồng ý/không đồng ý một phần.
Cấu trúc bài viết

• Paraphrase lại đề bài: 1 câu.

Mở bài
• Thesis Statement (Giới thiệu nội dung chính của toàn bài): Trả lời trực tiếp câu hỏi của đề bài.

Tại sao news có liên quan đến cuộc sống con người
Thân bài 1 • Lý do 1: con người có interests đến những lĩnh vực khác nhau → sẽ luôn thích đọc tin tức về lĩnh vực mình quan

Tại sao đọc báo hoặc xem các chương trình thời sự là tốn thời gian.
Thân bài 2 • Idea 1: không giúp chúng ta đưa ra quyết định tốt hơn trong cuộc sống.
• Idea 2: con người bị thu hút quá nhiều bởi những tin tức giật gân , gây sốc.

Kết bài Paraphrase lại Thesis Statement và nêu lại quan điểm.
1. Categorized: phân loại. 2. Sport-minded: quan tâm thể thao.
3. Capture attention: thu hút sự chú ý. 4. Disproportionately: không đều.
05/3/2010 Task 01: Line graph The graph below shows the percentage of people in different age groups in one city who attended
music concerts between 2010 and 2015
Phân tích
• Dạng bài: Biểu đồ đường (Line graph)
• Đối tượng đề cập: Phần trăm số người ở những nhóm tuổi khác nhau
• Thì sử dụng: quá khứ đơn (2010 – 2015)
Dàn bài chi tiết
Mở bài Giới thiệu biểu đồ.

• Trừ nhóm tuổi từ 55 đến 64 có xu hướng ít hứng thú với các buổi nhạc hội thì ba nhóm tuổi còn lại đều có xu hướng
Đoạn tổng
tăng số lượng người tham gia các buổi nhạc hội.
• Nhóm tuổi có số lượng người tham dự nhạc hội nhiều nhất là nhóm tuổi từ từ 16 đến 24.

• Nhóm tuổi trẻ nhất bắt đầu với 40% vào năm 2010, sau đó tăng đến 55% vào năm 2011 và tiếp tục tăng lên đến 70%
vào năm 2015.
Thân bài 1
• Nhóm tuổi từ 25 đến 44 dù có điểm khởi đầu cao hơn nhưng sau đó lại giảm xuống 40% trước khi phục hồi lại số liệu
gốc vào năm 2012 rồi tiếp tục tăng đều đến 53% vào năm 2015.

• Tỷ lệ phần trăm của nhóm tuổi từ 45 đến 54 tuổi giảm từ 40% xuống 32% trong khi nhóm sau 75 tuổi tăng lên gấp đôi
đạt mức 20% từ năm 2010 đến năm 2011.
• Trong năm 2012, tỷ lệ phần trăm của cả hai nhóm tuổi này đều lần lượt giảm xuống 30% và 10% trước khi tăng lên lại
Thân bài 2
50% và 20% vào năm 2015.
• Nhóm tuổi từ 55 đến 64 có một sự tăng nhẹ về tỉ lệ phần trăm số người đến tham dự nhạc hội từ năm 2011 đến năm
2013 rồi sau đó giảm dần xuống 23% vào năm 2015.

Bài mẫu
The line chart illustrates changes in the percentage of concert goers (1) by age group in a particular city from 2010 to 2015.
Overall, people aged 55 to 64 years-old showed decreasing interest in music concerts over the period, whereas the opposite was true
for the other age groups. Additionally, going to concerts was most popular amongst young people aged 16 and 24 over the entire
research period.
At 40% in 2010, the percentage of the youngest age group grew to 55% in 2011, and then continued to rise to 70% in 2015. The figure
for those from 25 to 44 years old, despite having a higher starting point(2), dipped to 40%, before recovering to its initial value(3) in
2012 and rising steadily to about 53% in 2015.
Regarding the 45-54 year-olds and the over-75 year-olds, from 2010 to 2011, the figure for the former dropped from 40% to 32%,
while that of the latter doubled to 20%. However, by 2012, these figures had both fallen to 30% and 10%, before rising again to nearly
50% and 20% respectively. Meanwhile, there was a slight rise in the percentage of 55 to 64 year-old concert goers from 2010 to 2013,
followed by a gradual decrease to around 23% by 2015. (208 từ)
(1)Concert goer: người đi dự nhạc hội (2)Starting point: xuất phát điểm (3)Initial value: giá trị ban đầu
Task 02: Work. Some people argue job satisfaction is more important than job security. Others believe a permanent job is more
important. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Phân tích
• Chủ đề: Work.
• Keywords: job satisfaction; job security; more important.
• Dạng bài: Discussion Essay – Đưa ra ý kiến về 2 vế của một vấn đề và đưa ra ý kiến cá nhân.
• Hướng dẫn tiếp cận: Với dạng câu hỏi này thường có 2 đoạn body; mỗi body sẽ đề cập một vế.
Quan điểm được đưa ra ở mở bài và kết bài.
Cấu trúc bài viết

• Paraphrase lại đề bài: 1 câu.

Mở bài
• Thesis Statement (Giới thiệu nội dung chính của toàn bài): Trả lời trực tiếp câu hỏi của đề bài.

Thân bài Những lý do vì job security quan trọng hơn.

1 • Lý do 1: ổn định kế hoạch tài chính. • Lý do 2: dễ xây dựng lòng tin với cấp trên.

Thân bài Nhược lí do vì sao job satisfaction quan trọng hơn.

2 • Idea 1: cải thiện năng suất công việc và tinh thần làm việc. • Idea 2: giảm tỉ lệ nghỉ việc.

Kết bài Paraphrase lại Thesis Statement và nêu lại quan điểm.
1. Credibility: độ tín nhiệm. 2. Organizational commitment: sự gắn bó với tổ chức.
3. Work stress or burnout: áp lực công việc và sự quá tải, kiệt sức. 4. Turnover rate: tỷ lệ nghỉ việc.

Bài mẫu
While some people say job satisfaction is more essential than job security, there are those who claim that a permanent job is of greater
significance. This essay discusses both sides of the argument and why I believe job satisfaction plays a more important role than job
On the one hand, some people believe a permanent job is more important because of the stability and credibility(1) it brings. In terms
of finance, workers with a permanent job know their exact monthly income, and thus are in full control of their financial plan. As a
consequence, they will no longer have to worry about
short-term financial problems, such as bills and debts, and can focus on other important matters like their career path. In addition,
staying loyal to one job results in higher credibility, as many employers view prioritizing job security as an indicator of organizational
commitment(2). Gaining the trust of the employer opens many opportunities for promotion and additional perks, be it bonuses or extra
days off.
On the other hand, there are several reasons why job satisfaction is believed to be more important than job security. A worker gains
satisfaction when his needs and desires are fulfilled. For example, Google provides a gym, climbing walls, and video gaming
machines in most of its offices to suit the different needs and desires of its employees. Once satisfied, workers are less likely to suffer
from work stress or burnout(3), enhancing
productivity and employee morale. As for employers, keeping their employees satisfied is an effective way to reduce turnover rate(4).
A person who is satisfied with their job is less likely to be job seeking, and making it easier for companies to recruit and retain
talented employees.
In conclusion, while some people believe job security plays a more significant role because of financial stability and work credibility,
I believe the importance of job satisfaction exceeds that of job security, as satisfied employees are more likely to be more productive
and committed to the organization. (332 từ)

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