Anova Table
Anova Table
Ayesha Syed
Business Mathematics and Statistics
Name:______________________ Section:_______________
Date:______________________ Score:________________
Assignment No. 5
Q.2: An auto parts company manufactures distributors, sparkplugs, and magnetos at two plants I
and II. Matrix X represents the production of the two plants for retailer X, Y represents the
production of the two plants for retailer Y. Write a matrix that represents the total production at
the two plants for both retailers, where
[ ] [ ]
30 50 15 25
X = I II 800 720 ¿ Y = I II 960 800 ¿
¿ ¿
25 30 10 5
Q.3: Suppose the prices of products A, B, C and D are given, in that order, by the price row
P= [ p A p B pC p D ]
If the prices are to be increased by 16%, the vector for the new prices can be obtained by
multiplying P by what scalar?
Q.4: A stockbroker sold a customer 200 shares of stock A, 300 shares of stock B, 500 shares of
stock C and 250 shares of stock D. The prices per share of A, B, C and D are $100, $150, $200
and $200 respectively. Write a row vector representing the number of shares bought. Write a
column vector the price per share of each stock. Using matrix multiplication, find the total cost
of the stocks.
Q.5: Compute 3 A−2 BC if
[ ]
−1 1
A=[0 3] [
1 −2
−2 3 0
1 −4 1
C= 0 3
2 4
Q.6: A local hospital has gathered data regarding people admitted for in-patient services. The
vector P indicates the percentages of all patients admitted to different hospital units. The vector S
indicates the average length of patient stay (in days) for each hospital unit.
( )
0.18 Obstetrical
0.10 Cardiac
P= S = ( 3 16 2 4 )
0.24 Pediatric
0.48 Other
The vector C summarizes current daily patient cost for the different hospital units:
2 x+5 y =4
8 x +3 y=7