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Problem Identified: No BM, Abdominal distention.

NURSING DIAGNOSIS: Constipation realated to decreased motility of gastrointestinal tract secondary to Extrafascial Hysterectomy with
Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy (EHBSO) as evidenced by abdominal distention, inability to pass stool, and reports of bloating.
Cause Analysis: General anesthesia slows down the digestive system, and the slower it is, the harder the stool.
Subjective: Short-term: Independent: Independent: Short-term:
“ Katong pagkaon nako After 8 hours of giving 1. Established rapport. 1. To facilitate cooperation After 8 hours of giving
sugod wa gyud ko effective nursing 2. Auscultate bowel as well as to gain patient’s effective nursing
kalibang mga 2 ka adlaw interventions, the pt. will sounds. Note abdominal trust. interventions, the pt. was
pa” as verbalized by the be able to: distension and the 2. Indicators of the able to:
patient. - Display active bowel presence of nausea and presence or resolution of - Display active bowel
sounds/peristaltic activity. vomiting. ileus, affect the choice of sounds/peristaltic activity.
-Verbalize non- 3. Assist the patient with interventions. -Verbalize non-
Reports feeling of fullness. pharmacological methods sitting on edge of the bed pharmacological methods
to stimulate the intestinal and walking. 3. Early ambulation helps to stimulate the intestinal
function and return 4. Encourage adequate stimulate the intestinal function and return
Objective: of peristalsis. fluid intake, when oral function and return of peristalsis.
- 0-1 clicks intake is resumed. of peristalsis. ( Walking, adequate fluid
-weak in appearance 5. Restrict oral intake as intake )
- PR: 66 indicated. 4. Promotes softer stool;
BP: 130/80 Long-term: 6. Provide clear or full may aid in stimulating
After 24 hours of giving liquids and advance to peristalsis. Long-term:
effective nursing solid foods as tolerated. 5. Prevents nausea and After 24 hours of giving
interventions, the pt. will vomiting until peristalsis effective nursing
be able to: Dependent: returns (1–2 days). interventions, the pt. was
- maintain a usual pattern 7.  Administer 6. When peristalsis begins, able to:
of elimination. medications: stool food and fluid intake - maintain a usual pattern
- demonstrate lifestyle softeners, mineral oil, and promote the resumption of of elimination.
changes to prevent the risk laxatives, as indicated. normal bowel elimination. - demonstrate lifestyle
of constipation Dulcolax 2 tabs changes to prevent the risk
of constipation.

7. Promotes formation or
passage of softer stool.

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