BSBSTR801 Innovation Research Report v1.0
BSBSTR801 Innovation Research Report v1.0
BSBSTR801 Innovation Research Report v1.0
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Creative thinking includes the process of innovative Design Thinking is a human-centered approach to
problem-solving — from analysing the facts to innovation that draws from the designer’s toolkit to
Current Form of Innovation Thinking brainstorming to working with others. Examples of integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of
these skills include analytical skills, innovation, and technology, and the requirements for business success.
Evaluating a current process and offering To explore important future alternatives for your
suggestions on how to improve it organization, product, services and process.
Researching other ways to market a product and
To ascertain which among these possible futures appear
leading experiments on new marketing channels
to be more desirable than others, and why.
Current Innovation Practice Developing an innovative way to reach out to
prospective clients To seek means by which the probability of their
Identifying a unique opportunity to promote the occurrence could be enhanced through appropriate
company brand and developing a strategy to do decisions and actions.
Innovators envision future possibilities, explorative Design Thinking and Futures Thinking are complementary
disruptions and wild new ways of product/service to each other. Futures Thinking paves the way for
developments. They think years into the future and quality long-term strategy. Design Thinking paves the
then apply it to the here and now. Begin with way for user-centric products and services. Insights
Potential Future Form of Innovation envisioning new ideas farther into the future, beyond from Future thinking can be employed in Design
Thinking the boundaries of your own thoughts and limiting Thinking. Same way Insights from Design Thinking can
beliefs. Then ask yourself: How can I make this future be employed in Futures Thinking.
a reality? When you broaden your thinking, you open
up your mind to much bigger possibilities.
Innovation 4.0, co-innovation, is where organisations The primary strengths of co-innovation can be
develop an innovation ecosystem to evaluate and summarized as follows:
converge ideas that are generated through all useful
•Generating a continuous flow of ideas across boundaries,
sources such as internal R&D, collaboration, open
space and time.
sourcing, co-creation with customers and partner
organizations, and the like to develop implementable
innovation plans (Gobble, 2014, Govindarajan, 2016, •Developing a large pool of knowledge by sharing IT-
Lee et al., 2012, Ramaswammy and Ozcan, 2014). The supported data analytics (Kim, Trimi, & Chung, 2014).
Potential Future Innovation Practice co-innovation platform is the hub of innovation web
with numerous nodes and networks of smart
innovation sensors. •Creating a new innovation culture through shared vision
and goals (Kramer and Pfitzer, 2016, Porter and
Kramer, 2011).
A – Adapt
M – Modify
E – Eliminate
R – Reverse
2. Brainwriting Synectics
A brainwriting activity is typically most effective in a Synectics is a creative idea generation and problem solving technique
group setting. Start by writing a topic on a piece of that arouses thought processes that the subject may not be
paper. Then, pass the paper around the group so that aware of. It is a manner of approaching problem-solving and
everyone has a turn to write on it and contribute their creativity in a rational manner. The credit for coming up with the
ideas to the central topic or question. The ideas of one technique which had its beginning in the Arthur D. Little
group member can inspire the ideas of another, or Invention Design Unit, goes to William J.J. Gordon and George M.
1. Nine windows technique: When you’re looking for Accept Mission is a brainstorming software tool designed to help you
ways to break out of a mindset and spark gather, organize and implement new ideas within your company.
innovation, use nine windows. It features a dashboard that provides graphs to clearly convey
information on the state of different innovation suggestions and
2. Nominal group technique: A structured Idea Box is an idea management software package that allows
method for group brainstorming that encourages you to collect ideas, discuss them and analyse them more
contributions from everyone. efficiently. By providing employees with the mobile application,
they can quickly add them to the idea discussion from their
phone. As a manager, you can arrange and update ideas in the
discussions using the drag-and-drop graphic user interface.
1. Appreciate new ideas. Random Words creative technique encourages your imagination
to create different perspectives and new angles on your idea or
When someone comes up with a new idea that’s not quite
the problem you are facing. It is by far the simplest of all creative
ready, thank them, add information, and invite them to
techniques and is widely used by people who need to create new
keep thinking
ideas (for example, for new products).
Creativity is often a result of limitations. Try asking Brain shifter is one of creative techniques that is similar to mind
Techniques to Facilitate questions like “How can we … do x and y ?” where x is mapping, but you should act as if you were someone else. The
Thinking the idea and y is the constraint. purpose is to create new ideas that you never thought about
before. Get in to character by changing your mindset and try to
think like another person. E.g imagine that you are a doctor, a
lawyer, a kid or why not a Batman? Start to write your ideas on
post-its thinking as your ‘superhero’. If you use the method in
group, you can give the roles to each other before the session.
First principle thinking is a mental model that can be Innovation mapping means taking on opportunities in market
used for problem-solving by breaking things down to segments that appear unattractive to some. This idea generation
the most basic level. This thinking tool is based on the approach is based on the concept of disruptive innovations.
idea that all complex problems can be reduced to more
specific, fundamental parts. Using first-principles
thinking, you identify the underlying causes of a Disruptive innovations reduce the products to their basic features
Currently non-customers
Incentives are a model that can be used to encourage Another approach that can be a fun way of encouraging new ideas,
desired behaviour. Based on a cause and effect particularly for product development, your team brainstorms
concept, people will be more likely to act if they are different ways to bring two unrelated item or ideas together in a
given an incentive to do so. The incentives can be forced relationship.
monetary, such as a bonus or commission, or non-
monetary, such as recognition or privileges.
The forced relationship encourages innovative thinking and the
potential for creating new products.
“Innovation is work. It requires knowledge. It often requires great ingenuity. There are clearly people who are more talented
innovators than the rest of us.
“To succeed, innovators must build on their strengths. Successful innovators look at opportunities over a wide range. But then
they ask, Which of these opportunities fits me, fits this company, puts to work what we (or I) are good at and have shown
capacity for in performance?
1. Fear
The single biggest reason why most organisations and individuals do not achieve their full potential is fear of failure. There are
no guarantees that any new idea will work. We must accept failing is an important part of learning, development and progress.
Issues That Impact Forms of
innovation Thinking 2. Lack of leadership
Innovation must be led from the top. Often, trustees, chief executives and directors do not support or are not in agreement
as to the strategic importance of innovation as a business driver and what it would look like for their organisation.
Consequently, they continue to do what they have always done.
1. Unclear Direction
One of the most frustrating barriers to creativity is unclear direction. Without a starting point or a finish line, energy that
could be spent imagining new concepts is instead applied to figuring out mundane details. The flip side of promoting
Issues That Impact Creativity autonomy and self-motivation is to provide clear objectives, clarity around goals and metrics, and outlined boundaries.
2. Inadequate Resources
Businesses big and small can suffer from a lack of resources. The lack of human power needed to accomplish a task in a
given timeframe. The need for the latest software that can make or break a design project. A facility that that is not set up
According to Clifton, four types of people drive innovation: inventors, entrepreneurs, extreme individual achievers in their
fields (such as the arts, entertainment, or sports), and super mentors.
Innovation Drivers
2. Managers matter
Let's not forget that creativity needs action to become innovation. Companies must do more with their employees'
creativity than just acknowledging that an employee has a good idea. That's why managers matter.
Innovation Enablers
2. Smart funding and entrepreneurial culture development
the difference between capturing an opportunity and losing ground
with incentives that reward smart risk taking, timely decision making, and positive business impact
to have more resources and options to evolve the organization and make good on opportunities