Application Form For Admission To Studies For Foreign Applicants
Application Form For Admission To Studies For Foreign Applicants
Application Form For Admission To Studies For Foreign Applicants
2. Personal details
Surname/Family name Chowdhury
First/Given name(s) Abu sufian
Sex männlich
Date of birth 12.03.1995
Place of birth Bangladesh
Nationality/Nationalities Bangladesh
3. Correspondence address
c/o Sadrul islam chowdhury
House number/Street/Road etc. House- focus 45,Block A,North baluchor
Postcode/Zip code 3100
Country Bangladesh
E-Mail [email protected]
Specify the field/subject(s): Science Group.
Name of qualification/position of employment/placement Higher Secondary Certificate.
Pass? yes
3rd apprenticeship/study course/work placement - from
12/13 to 12/17
Name and place of institution (in the original language in latin
National University, Gazipur.
Specify the field/subject(s): Physics
Name of qualification/position of employment/placement Bachelor of Science
Pass? yes
Do you wish to apply for admission to a preparatory German language course (DSH course)
in preparation of the degree course for which you are applying with this form?
Documents to upload
Please send your uni-assist applicant number not later than 31 December to Prof. Dr. Seidel:
Please also send your uploaded documents as certified copies (Diplomas, transcripts etc.) via
post to uni-assist until 31 December.
Yes, I accept the Terms and Conditions in their current version as well as uni-assist's privacy
I confirm the accuracy of the information provided and I assure that it is my intention to
apply for the selected courses of study.