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E-ISSN : 2962-1658

International Journal of Volume 3, Number 1 , June , 2024

Multidisciplinary Sciences and Arts https://doi.org/10.47709/ijmdsa.vxix.xxxx

Role of Micronutrients (Vitamins & Minerals)

Labia Arif, 2Muhammad Hamza, 3Esha Iqbal, 4Zain Kaleem
1, 2, 3, 4
Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences MNS University of Agriculture Multan
[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]

Micronutrients are essential nutrients. Micronutrients are needed mostly below
Corresponding author: 100 milligrams per day for human nutrition, although macronutrients are needed
Muhammad Hamza in grams daily. Essential nutrients cannot be produced in human beings and,
Article History: therefore needed by the diet. Micronutrients play a fundamental role in digestion
Submitted: xxx and tissue maintenance but effects in inhibiting or medication of sickness which
Accepted: xxx is not caused by lack of nutrients cannot be predictable from increasing the
Published: xxx consumption. Medical insufficiency of nutrients is unfamiliar in industrialized
Keywords: Microelements, nations i.e. High consumption of micronutrients such as folic acid and b-carotene
Vitamins, Minerals, Folic acid, is linked with a high threat of long-term illnesses for example cardiovascular
Pyrithiamine, B-carotene, Anti- disease, and inferior threat of congenital heart disease and cancer at different
vitamins, Macrominerals places. Above 2 billion persons in both developing and industrial Countries are
disturbed by deficiencies. The actions or absorption of vitamins is slowed down
by Anti-vitamins i.e., enzymes that use vitamin B1 are suppressed by
Brilliance: Research of Pyrithiamine. Biotin absorption is inhibited by avidin, although by cooking it is
Artificial Intelligence is licensed inactivated. In the human body four main basic elements (O, H, C, and N) by
under a Creative Commons weight, are often not involved in the tilts of main minerals. For plants, nitrogen is
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 a “mineral" because it is normally involved in manures. 96% of the weight of the
International (CC BY-NC 4.0). human body is composed of these elements, and the remaining percent is
composed of trace elements and macrominerals. Phosphorus, Calcium, sodium,
potassium, and magnesium (macro minerals, microelements) are the five main
elements in the human body. Sulfur, manganese, molybdenum, copper, iodine,
selenium zinc, chlorine, cobalt, and iron are microelements, with specific
biological functions in the human body. The current review analyzes the different
methodologies for the study of nutritive consumption of micronutrients and will
reflect the indication of the valuable influence of the supplements of
micronutrients on health.


For energy production, immune function, and blood clotting, Vitamins are compulsory. Vitamins have a major impact on
our overall health and they have many benefits. Vitamin A has a fundamental role in the regulation of cells and the growth
of tissues and differentiation. Biotin's role as enzyme cofactors or their precursors and coenzymes. Biotin is a B
vitamin found in many foods Important for energy metabolism and healthy skin, hair, and nails. When you eat food, you
need energy. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are converted into energy with the help of Biotin. Vitamin D delivers
hormone-like functions. It regulates the metabolism of minerals for the bones. It helps in calcium absorption in the gut.
Vitamin D also prevents hypocalcemic tetany (a lack of parathyroid hormone (PTH)). It maintains phosphate
concentrations and adequate serum calcium to allow regular bone mineralization. Vitamins E act as antioxidants (Bender,
2003), and cell oxidation is inhibited by free radicals in the human body. In several biological organizations, Vitamin C
has essential functions. It includes the synthesis of hormones, neurotransmitters, collagen, and cytochrome. For DNA
synthesis and growth of cells, Folic Acid is Vigorous, especially during pregnancy [1]. It is found in legumes, leafy
greeneries, and fortified foods. Deficient intake of vitamins can affect clinically vital diseases, yet too much intake of
water-soluble vitamins is unlikely to do so. Vitamins B1 and B2 transform food into energy. Thiamin has several roles,
and vitamin B2 also called riboflavin, helps to maintain proper eyesight. For the proper functioning of the immune system,
it acts as an antioxidant. Vitamin B2 is essential for healthy skin and hair.
Minerals represent around 5-6% of the total body weight. Minerals are naturally found in a variety of animal-based foods
and plants, Minerals play a significant role in normal growth, fluid balance, bone strength, and numerous further
processes. Micronutrients can be synthesized in the laboratory [2]. Minerals are categorized as. Macro minerals or
microminerals. The requirement of Macrominerals is greater than 100 mg per day. It includes phosphorous calcium,
sodium, magnesium chloride, and potassium. The richest elements in the human body are hydrogen, Oxygen,
carbon, and nitrogen. They make up around 96% of the weight of a human body. As a cofactor in many enzyme reactions
Zinc is involved, and it has many other roles, as well as the promotion of organ regeneration. Magnesium has a major role
in neuroendocrine system control. It is also involved in Active transport and calcium metabolism. Potassium is essential
307 | P a g e
E-ISSN : 2962-1658
International Journal of Volume 3, Number 1 , June , 2024
Multidisciplinary Sciences and Arts https://doi.org/10.47709/ijmdsa.vxix.xxxx

for the homeostasis of organisms, muscle contraction, and nerve function [3]. Starchy vegetables like winter squash
are a rich source of potassium. Sulfur is Present in proteins and contributes to various biochemical processes Minerals
play a key role in osmoregulation and transpiration. They are important for muscle contraction and the transmission of
nerve impulses. They also serve as structural elements of soft tissues. Some micronutrients also help in preventing and
fighting disease.
Micronutrients are required only in small amounts in the human body (in milligrams or micrograms) while they are as
important as the macronutrients. Several diseases are caused by micronutrient deficiencies and have an important effect
worldwide [4]. Around 2 billion persons of all ages in both industrialized and developed countries are affected due to
micronutrient deficiencies. 10% of all deaths in kids are linked with Micronutrient deficiencies. Hence it disturbs the
individuals involved in the child welfare system. Micronutrient deficiency might lie hidden and frequently, the signs and
symptoms of this Deficiency develop late in the sickness and are frequently irreversible [5]. The essential Micronutrients
such as zinc, calcium, Vitamin A, and iron, deficiencies can cause infections like intestinal worms. Some vitamins for
example work as cofactors or coenzymes in many metabolic procedures [6]. The human body cannot synthesize
micronutrients, thus, they must be delivered into the diet in sufficient quantities. If the Micronutrients source is not
adequate its deficiency is more likely to cause diseases. Vitamin K is essential for clotting. Its deficiency is common in
children. When there is a lack of ability to form blood clots it leads to excessive bleeding. Lack of Vitamin A can cause
blindness. Iodine deficiency can lead to poor Embryonic Stage. Deficiency of Iron can lead to anemia. Anemia is a
condition in which the blood is not capable of carrying the required oxygen to the tissues, which results in death [7].
Around 40-60% of babies in developed countries suffer from mental disabilities because of iron deficiency. Deficiencies
of Mineral can lead to immunodeficiency disorders and osteoporosis. Lactating women, pregnant women, and young
children, mostly have a greater need for vitamins and minerals so they are most exposed to the harmful consequences of
deficiencies [8]. Prolonged shortages of a balanced diet can cause heart diseases and strokes. Prolonged storage of foods
and liquid refreshment usually disturbs the components of foods, as well as micronutrients.
Single management of three or more dissimilar micronutrients is known as multiple micronutrient (MMN) supplements
[9]. The formation of several micronutrients or a single micronutrient (iron, iodine, folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin A,
zinc, vitamin D,) in the form of tablets, capsules, or syrup is involved in Micronutrient supplementation. Lesch-Nyhan
syndrome contains micronutrients inserted in a food base. It gives energy, protein, and necessary fatty acids, and is
frequently given in 20–50g/day amount. In Low- and middle-income countries small quantities of Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
are projected for use as home fortifications to fulfill nutrient deficiencies in the home-grown diet [10]. For example,
NutriButter provides 110–150 kcal/day. During central processing, the nutritional value of regularly used foods is
increasing on Large-scale fortification [11]. The preparation of adding micronutrients to foods planned for definite
subcategories of the population is known as Targeted fortification [12]. Directed fortification does not consist of balancing
foods fortified at the domestic level. For their well-known ingestion in target populations, rice, salt, oil, flour, Wheat, and
milk, sugar, are frequently designated as means of transportation for large-scale fortification. In conclusion, Minimum
Navigation Performance Specifications (MNPs) are used to add micronutrients to foods commonly when cooking meals
at the domestic level [13].
Inadequate supply of micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, can have profound effects on human health. In various
biological procedures, as well as metabolism, immune function, and regeneration these essential nutrients play a
fundamental role. A deficiency in micronutrients can cause a variety of health complications, including decreased growth
in children, immunocompromised, increased weakness to infections, and cognitive impairment. For example, iron
deficiency can result in anemia, while inadequate intake of vitamin A can lead to vision problems and compromised
immune response [14]. Pregnant women and teenagers are particularly vulnerable to the significance of micronutrient
shortages, which can have long-lasting effects on their health and well-being. Addressing inadequate micronutrient intake
through dietary diversification, nutrition fortification, and supplementation programs is essential to prevent and mitigate
the adverse effects of these deficiencies on public health. The effects of an inadequate supply of micronutrients, such as
vitamins and minerals, can vary depending on the specific nutrient and the severity of deficiency [15]. However, common
effects can include impaired maturation, immunocompromised, improved weakness to poisons and diseases, cognitive
impairment, anemia, and various other health problems [16]. Micronutrient deficiencies can have significant
consequences for individuals' overall fitness and health, especially in susceptible populations such as youngsters,
expectant women, and seniors [17]. While micronutrients are essential for maintaining health, consuming them in
excessive amounts can also have adverse effects on the body [18]. The effects of high intake of micronutrients can vary
depending on the specific nutrient and the level of excess intake. For instance, too much intake of fat-soluble vitamins
(A, D, E, and K) can lead to poisonousness. Hence, fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the human body and can accumulate
over time. Symptoms of vitamin toxicity can include nausea, vomiting, headache, and in severe cases, organ damage [19].
Likewise, unnecessary intake of certain minerals like zinc, selenium, and iron can cause harmful symptoms for example
gastrointestinal upset, organ damage, and impaired absorption of other nutrients [20]. Therefore, it's important to consume

308 | P a g e
E-ISSN : 2962-1658
International Journal of Volume 3, Number 1 , June , 2024
Multidisciplinary Sciences and Arts https://doi.org/10.47709/ijmdsa.vxix.xxxx

micronutrients within recommended levels to maintain optimal health and prevent the negative consequences of
overconsumption [21].
The lack of micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, has important effects on overall health and happiness. Some
common consequences of micronutrient insufficiencies are given below:
1. Weakened Immune Function: nutrients like vitamin, E C, and zinc deficiency can impair immune function, increasing
susceptibility to infections and illnesses. Several micronutrients play vigorous roles in supporting the immune system.
2. Decreased Growth and Development: For normal growth and development, especially in children Micronutrients are
necessary. Deficiencies in nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin D, and zinc can lead to stunted growth and delayed
development [22].
3. Vision Difficulties: A deficiency of A Vitamin is an important reason for unnecessary sightlessness in the universe.
Vitamin A Deficiency can lead to, dry eyes, night blindness, and ultimately damage the eyesight.
4. Anemia: Anemia results in weakness, exhaustion, and reduced physical routine due to deficient oxygen transport in
the blood [23]. In the whole world, the most common micronutrient deficiency is Iron deficiency which can lead to
5. Weakness of bone: For healthy bones Calcium and vitamin D are essential. Insufficient intake of vitamin D and
Calcium can lead to bone weakness, increased risk of cracks, and illnesses like osteoporosis [24].
6. Intellectual disability: vitamin B is needed for brain fitness and cognitive role. Insufficient intake of these
Micronutrients can damage memory, concentration, and overall mental skills.
7. Chronic Diseases: Micronutrient deficiencies have been linked to a bigger risk of chronic disorders for example,
cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease [25]. Antioxidants (e.g., vitamins A, C, E, Lycopene, and Selenium) help
protect against cellular injury and infection and reduce the danger of chronic diseases.
Addressing micronutrient deficiencies through a balanced diet, supplementation when necessary, and public health
interventions like food fortification can help moderate these adverse effects and progress complete health outcomes.
➢ Retinol: 900µg for men, 700 µg for women
➢ L-ascorbic acid: 90 µg for men, 75 µg milligrams for women
➢ Calciferol: 15 µg micrograms (600 IU) for adults up to age 70, 20 µg micrograms (800 IU) for adults around 70
➢ Vitamin K1: 120 µg for men, 90 µg for women
➢ Alpha-tocopherols: 15 mg
➢ Thiamin: 1.1 mg for women, 1.2 mg for men
➢ Pyridoxine.5 mg for women around 50, 1.7 mg for men around 50
➢ Iron:18 mg for women, : 8 mg for men
➢ Pyridoxine: 1.5mg for women around501.7 mg for men around 50
➢ Selenium: 55 micrograms for me
➢ Magnesium: 310-320 mg for women, 400-420 mg for men
➢ Riboflavin: 1.1 mg for women,1.3mg for men
➢ Cobalamins: 2.4 micrograms
➢ Niacin: 14 mg for women, 16 mg for men
➢ Folate:400 micrograms
➢ Calcium: 1,000 mg for grown person up to stage 50, 1,200 mg for adults over 50
➢ Zinc: 8 mg for women, 11 mg for men


The lack of nutrients diseases can be prohibited in the next ways:

• The nutritional value of food can be lost by prolonged cooking and undercooked food. Preserving root vegetables
and fruits for a long time finishes their nutritive value .Avoiding this can stop deficiency diseases.
• Eating humble, such as soybeans groundnuts, pulses Broccoli, or any of the cruciferous vegetables etc.
• The nutritional value of food can be increased by Fermentation and incubation process.

Vitamins and minerals are important in the maintenance of tissue function and metabolism, but special effects in handling
diseases that are not because of lack of nutrients cannot be predictable from growing the consumption. There is an
extremely combined scheme to regulate the change of micronutrients in disease, and this determines exactly how essential
the body observes the nutrients. For the normal working and growth of the body Vitamins and minerals are necessary
309 | P a g e
E-ISSN : 2962-1658
International Journal of Volume 3, Number 1 , June , 2024
Multidisciplinary Sciences and Arts https://doi.org/10.47709/ijmdsa.vxix.xxxx

substances. . The quantitative and qualitative necessities of human nutrition are satisfied by Micronutrients and are used
up in adequate amounts. Macrominerals and trace minerals are two essential minerals of the body. Trace elements are
necessary in small amounts but they do not indicate that they have little importance to the body. Deficiencies disturb
around 2 billion persons of all ages in both industrial and developed Countries. Supplements that are given or suggested
should be taken for a suitable time to achieve an evident result on physical comfort. Insufficient intake of Micronutrients
can cause a range of fitness difficulties, and damage memory, concentration, and general mental capacities.
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