Antennas Theory Design

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Radiation Mechanism:
When electric charges undergo acceleration or deceleration, electromagnetic
radiation will be produced. Hence it is the motion of charges, that is current is the
source of radiation. Here it may be highlighted that, not all current distributions will produce a strong
enough radiation for communication.
Antennas radiate or couples or concentrates or directs electromagnetic
energy in the desired or assigned direction. An antenna may be isotropic or
non directional (omni-directional) and un isotropic or directional. High gain and Directivity are the
basic requirements for the
transmitting antennas. Whereas low side lobes and large signal to noise ratio
are key selection criteria for receiving antennas. Antenna may vary in size
from the order of few millimeters (strip antenna) to thousands of feet (dish
antennas for astronomical observations)


Under time varying conditions, Max wells equations predict the radiation of EM
energy from current source (or accelerated charge). This happens at all frequencies, but is
insignificant as long as the size of the source region is not comparable to the wavelength. While
transmission lines are designed to minimize this radiation loss, radiation into free space becomes
main purpose in case of Antennas. For steady state harmonic variation, usually we focus on time
changing current For transients or pulses, we focus on accelerated charge The radiation is
perpendicular to the acceleration. The radiated power is proportional to the square of

IL or Q Where,
I = Time changing current in Amps/sec L = Length of the current element in meters
Q= Charge in Coulombs V= Time changing velocity

Transmission line opened out in a Tapered fashion as an Antenna:

a) As Transmitting Antenna: – Here the Transmission Line is connected to source or
generator at one end. Along the uniform part of the line energy is guided as Plane
TEM wave with little loss. Spacing between line is a small fraction of λ. As the line is
opened out and the separation between the two lines becomes comparable to λ, it acts like an
antenna and launches a free space wave since currents on the transmission Line flow out on the
antenna but fields associated with them keep on going. From the circuit point of view the antenna
appears to be a resistance Rr, called Radiation resistance.
b) As Receiving Antenna –Active radiation by other Antenna or Passive radiation from distant objects
raises the apparent temperature of Rr. This has nothing to do with the physical temperature of the
antenna itself but is related to the temperature of distant objects that the antenna is looking at. Rr
may be thought of as virtual resistance that does not exist physically but is a quantity coupling the
antenna to distant regions of space via a virtual transmission line.

Antenna as a a) Transmission Mode b) Receiving Mode

Reciprocity-An antenna exhibits identical impedance during Transmission or Reception, same
directional patterns during Transmission or Reception, same effective height while transmitting or
receiving. Transmission and reception antennas can be used interchangeably. Medium must be linear,

passive and isotropic (physical properties are the same in different directions.) Antennas are usually
optimized for reception or transmission, not both.
a) A current flowing in a wire of a length related to the RF produces an electromagnetic field. This
field radiates from the wire and is set free in space. The principles of radiation of electromagnetic
energy are based on two laws.
(1) A moving electric field creates a magnetic (H) field.
(2) A moving magnetic field creates an electric (E) field.
b) In space, these two fields will be in-phase and perpendicular to each other at any
given moment. Although a conductor is usually considered to be present when a moving electric or
magnetic field is mentioned, the laws governing these fields do not say anything about a conductor.
Thus, these laws hold true whether a conductor is present or not
c) The current and voltage distribution on a half-wave Hertz antenna is shown in Figure below. In view
A, a piece of wire is cut in half and attached to the terminals of a high frequency (HF), alternating
current (AC) generator. The frequency of the generator is set so each half of the wire is one-quarter
wavelength of the output. The symbol for wavelength is the Greek letter lambda (D). The result is the
common dipole antenna.
-A current flows in the antenna with an amplitude that varies with the generator voltage. A sine wave
distribution of charge exists on the antenna. The charges can reverse polarity for every half cycle. The
sine wave variation in charge magnitude lags the sine wave variation in current by one-quarter cycle.

Antenna Parameters:

Schematic diagram of basic parameters

d) At a given moment, the generator's right side is positive and its left side is negative. A law of
physics states that like charges repel each other. Consequently, electrons will flow away from the
negative terminal as far as possible while the positive terminal will attract electrons. View B of Figure
1-1 shows the direction and distribution of electron flow. The distribution curve shows that most
current flows in the center and none flows at the ends. The current distribution over the antenna is
always the same, regardless of how much or how little current is flowing. However, current at any
given point on the antenna will vary directly with the amount of voltage that the generator develops.
The duality of an antenna specifies a circuit device on one band and a space device on the other hand.
Figure below shows the schematic diagram of basic antenna parameters, illustrating dual
characteristics of an antenna. Most practical transmitting antennas are divided into two basic
classifications, HERTZ ANTENNAS (half-wave) and MARCONI (quarter-wave)
ANTENNAS. Hertz antennas are generally installed some distance above the ground and are
positioned to radiate either vertically or horizontally. Marconi antennas operate with one end
grounded and are mounted perpendicular to the earth or a surface acting as a ground. The Hertz
antenna, also referred to as a dipole, is the basis for some of the more complex antenna systems used
today. Hertz antennas are generally used for operating frequencies of 2 MHz and above, while

Marconi antennas are used for operating frequencies below 2 MHz All antennas regardless of their
shape or size, have four basic characteristics: reciprocity, directivity, gain, and polarization.
Isotropic Radiator: An antenna does not radiate uniformly in all directions. For the
sake of a reference, we consider a hypothetical antenna called an isotropic radiator having equal
radiation in all directions.
Directional Antenna: A directional antenna is one which can radiate or receive
electromagnetic waves more effectively in some directions than in others.
Radiation Pattern:
The relative distribution of radiated power as a function of direction in space (i.e., as function of and)
is called the radiation pattern of the antenna. Instead of 3D surface, it is common practice to show
planar cross section radiation pattern. E-plane and H-plane patterns give two most important views.
The E-plane pattern is a view obtained from a section containing maximum value of the radiated field
and electric field lies in the plane of the section. Similarly, when such a section is taken such that the
plane of the section contains H field and the direction of maximum radiation. A typical radiation
patter plot is shown in figure below. The main lobe contains the direction of maximum radiation.
However, in some antennas, more than one major lobe may exist. Lobe other than major lobe are
called minor lobes. Minor lobes can be further representing radiation in the considered direction and
require to be
HPBW or half power beam width: Refers to the angular width between the points at which the
radiated power per unit area is one half of the maximum.

Radiation Pattern
Similarly, FNBW (First null beam width) refers to the angular width between the first two nulls as
shown in Figure below. By the term beam width, we usually refer to 3 dB beam width or HPBW.

RECIPROCITY (In terms of picture representation): Is the ability to use the same antenna for both
transmitting and receiving. The electrical characteristics of an antenna apply equally, regardless of
whether you use the antenna for transmitting or receiving. The more efficient an antenna is for
transmitting a certain frequency, the more efficient it will be as a receiving antenna for the same
frequency. This is illustrated by figure 13(view A). When the antenna is used for transmitting,
maximum radiation occurs at right angles to its axis. When the same antenna is used for receiving
(view B), its best reception is along the same path; that is, at right angles to the axis of the antenna.

Reciprocity of Antenna. POLARIZATION:-


a) As Transmitting Antenna: – Here the Transmission Line is connected to source or generator at one
end. Along the uniform part of the line energy is guided as Plane TEM wave with little loss. Spacing
between line is a small fraction of λ. As the line is opened out and the separation between the two
lines becomes comparable to λ, it acts like an antenna and launches a free space wave since currents
on the transmission Line flow out on the antenna but fields associated with them keep on going. From
the circuit point of view the antenna appears to be a resistance Rr, called Radiation resistance. b) As
Receiving Antenna –Active radiation by other Antenna or Passive radiation from distant objects raises
the apparent temperature of Rr. This has nothing to do with the physical temperature of the antenna
itself but is related to the temperature of distant objects that the antenna is looking at. Rr may be
thought of as virtual resistance that does not exist physically but is a quantity coupling the antenna to
distant regions of space via a virtual transmission line.

Derive the Friis Transmission Formula. Usefulness of the aperture concepts can be well illustrated by
deriving an expression called Friis Transmission formula. This formula gives the power received over
radio communication circuit. Let the transmitter T feed a power P1 to a transmitting antenna through
a communication circuit with waves from transmitting antenna arriving at the receiving antenna by a
direct path of length ‘r’ antenna of effective aperture Aet. At a distance ‘r’ a receiving antenna of
effective aperture A er intercepts some of the power radiated by the transmitting antenna and
delivers it to the receiver R.
Example5: Determine the electric field intensity at a distance of 10 km from a dipole antenna of
directive gain of 6 dB and radiating power of 20 kW

Example1: Two similar dipoles having length 3 cm used as transmitting and receiving antennas. Find
the power received by the receiving antenna, if it is placed at a distance of 10 m from the transmitting
antenna, which is radiating 15 W average power at f = 1 GHz.
Calculate the physical height of a half wave dipole having antenna Q of 30 and bandwidth of 10MHz

(a)The radiation resistance of an antenna is 72  and loss resistance is 8 .
Determine its directivity if the power gain is 16.
(b)A dipole having a length 3 cm is operated at 1 GHz. The efficiency factor K=0.6.
Calculate the: Radiation resistance, Antenna gain and effective aperture.

Self impedance and mutual impedance of an antenna

Self-Impedance: -Represents the inherent impedance of an individual antenna, independent of any
interaction with other antennas. It accounts for the antenna's resistance (energy dissipation) and
reactance (energy storage and release)
-It influences factors like power transfer, reflection coefficient, and radiation efficiency. Self-
impedance depends on the antenna's geometry, material properties, and operating frequency. It is
typically characterized by its magnitude and phase angle, often plotted as a Smith chart.
Mutual Impedance: -Represents the coupling effect between two or more antennas placed close
together. It arises from the electromagnetic fields generated by one antenna inducing currents in the
other, affecting each other's impedance.
-Mutual impedance can be resistive (affecting power transfer) or reactive (causing phase shifts). It
depends on the distance, orientation, and relative currents between the antennas. In antenna
arrays, it plays a vital role in determining the array's radiation pattern and overall performance.
The significance of gain of an antenna:
Although the gain of the antenna is closely related to the directivity, it is a measure that takes into
account the efficiency of the antenna as well as its directional capabilities.
If the efficiency is not 100 percent, the gain is less than the directivity. Thus, the gain
G = kD (dimensionless), where k = efficiency factor of antenna (0 < k < 1), dimensionless
This efficiency has to do only with ohmic losses in the antenna. In transmitting, these losses involve
power fed to the antenna which is not radiated but heats the antenna structure.
An antenna has loss resistance 25 ohms, power gain of 30 and directivity 42. Calculate the radiation
resistance. Determine the electric field intensity at a distance of 10 km from a dipole antenna of
directive gain of 6 dB and radiating power of 20 kW

-For the power gain: convert power gain and directivity to linear scale: The given power gain and
directivity are in dB (decibels). To perform calculations, we need to convert them to linear scale. Use
the following formula: linear value = 10(dB value / 10) = power gain linear = 10(30 /10) = 1000
-For the directivity: directivity linear = 10(42 /10) = 16641.16
-The radiation resistance (Rrad) is related to the loss resistance (Rloss), power gain (G), and directivity
(D) by the following formula: Rrad = (GRloss) / D Rrad = (1000 x 25) / 16641.16 ≈ 1.58Ω
The principle of dielectric lens antenna: In this, outgoing wave front is delayed by the lens material.
When the feed antenna is kept at the focal point of the lens antenna, the spherical wave fronts are
collimated forming a plane wave front.
Effective aperture: is defined as the area over which the antenna extracts electromagnetic energy
from the traveling electromagnetic waves. It is also be defined as the ratio of power received at the
antenna load terminal to the power density of the incident wave. Ae = (Power Received)/(Poynting
Vector of incident wave) = W/P
Collecting aperture: is the collective term representing the sum of effective, scattering and loss
apertures. i.e. Ac = Ae + As + Al
Physical aperture: denotes the actual physical size (cross section) of the antenna. It is the physical
cross section perpendicular to the direction of propagation of incident electromagnetic wave
The end-array and broad-side antennae arrays
-End-fire array is defined as an array in which the principal radiation direction is along the array axis.
i.e., maximum radiation is along the axis of the array
-Broadside array is defined as an array in which the principal radiation direction is perpendicular to
the array axis
A uniform linear array contains 50 isotropic radiator with an inter element spacing of λ /2 . Find the
directivity of broadside forms of arrays.


Principle of pattern multiplication:The total field pattern of an array of non-isotropic but similar
sources is the product of individual source pattern and the pattern of an array of isotropic point
sources each located at the phase center of the individual source and having the same relative
amplitude and phase, while the total phase pattern is the sum of the phase patterns of the individual
source and the array of isotropic point sources.
The radiation pattern of an isotropic point sources of same amplitude and opposite phase that are
λ /2 apart along X-axis symmetric with respect to origin

Normalized total field of two element array of isotropic point sources of same amplitude and
opposite phase that are λ /2 apart is

The radiation resistance of an Oscillating Electric Dipole:

Steps involved to derive the radiation resistance of an oscillating electric dipole
-Model the dipole: Consider a small, thin dipole with equal and opposite charges separated by a small
distance. Represent its movement using an oscillating current source.
-Calculate electric and magnetic fields: Apply the laws of electromagnetism (Maxwell's equations) to
derive the electric and magnetic fields generated by the oscillating dipole at a specific point in
space. This involves using retarded potentials or other mathematical techniques.
-Determine Poynting vector: Calculate the Poynting vector, which represents the energy flow of the
electromagnetic field at any point. This involves multiplying the electric and magnetic field vectors.
-Integrate power over a sphere: Integrate the Poynting vector over a sphere surrounding the dipole
to obtain the total power radiated per unit time.
-Define radiation resistance: Divide the total radiated power by the square of the current amplitude
in the dipole. This ratio defines the radiation resistance, representing the equivalent resistance that
would dissipate the same amount of power as the radiating dipole.
Example4: Calculate the radiation resistance of current element of length λ /20

Characteristics dipole and loop types of antennas:

Dipole antenna:
- A dipole antenna is a simple linear conductor, typically made of two metal rods arranged in a straight
line. It primarily radiates electric fields. It has a figure-eight radiation pattern, meaning it radiates
strongest in directions perpendicular to the axis of the dipole. Dipole antennas are commonly used for
radio and television broadcasting, as well as for amateur radio applications
-Loop antenna:
A loop antenna is a closed loop of conductor, typically circular or rectangular. It primarily radiates
magnetic fields. It has a doughnut-shaped radiation pattern, meaning it radiates strongest in the
plane of the loop. Loop antennas are often used for directional receiving, such as in radio direction
finding and amateur radio contesting.
Yagi-Uda antenna operating at a frequency of 200

The antenna parameters element lengths and spacing are given in terms of wavelength, so an antenna
for a given frequency can be easily designed. The lengths of various antenna elements are related to
the frequency (f=106 MHz) is as follows

Materials: Aluminum tubing or rod with a diameter of around 8-10 mm, Balun for impedance
matching (optional), Coaxial cable (e.g., RG-58), Connectors (e.g., UHF), Mounting hardware
(boom, brackets, etc.). Design parameters: Operating frequency: 200 MHz, Wavelength (λ): c/f ≈ 1.5
meters (c= speed of light). Element lengths: Reflector: 0.495 λ ≈ 0.7425 meters (slightly longer than λ).
Driven element (dipole): 0.473 λ ≈ 0.7095 meters (slightly shorter than λ). Director: 0.440 λ ≈ 0.66
meters (shortest element). Element spacings: Reflector to driven element: 0.125 λ ≈ 0.1875 meters.
Driven element to director: 0.125 λ ≈ 0.1875 meters. Boom length: The boom should be longer than
the total span of the elements for proper mounting and stability. Consider a length of around 1.5-2
A dipole antenna can be formed from a 2 wire open circuited transmission line of 73Ω and the
effective area of a half wave dipole operating at 1 GHz

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