Gifted Talented Lesson Plan

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5E Lesson Plan

Teacher(s): Danyal Smoldon

Date:4/14/ 24
Subject /grade level 5th grade
Materials: YouTube video, school provided laptops (if the school doesn’t have tablets or laptops students
will need pencil and paper)

State Standards: LS2‐5‐3.

Construct an argument with evidence that in a particular habitat, some organisms can survive well, some
survive less well, and some cannot survive at all.

Lesson objective(s):
 Students will understand and identify three organisms of their choice (at least one plant) and will
describe what environments each organism will thrive in, will survive less well, and cannot survive at
Differentiation/Accommodation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
 Identify a learner with an exceptionality within your classroom  a gifted and Talented student
 Identify 3 ways you adapt/differentiate your lesson for the students to participate and demonstrate
learning at their learning level.  While introducing the lesson I will specifically ask the student what
they know about plants/animals and the types of environments they live. Then I will move on to
critical thinking where I will ask the student what would happen to a rose bush during winter. If the
student can quickly answer the question, I will prompt the student to give an example of what would
happen to an organism in a different environment and what will happen. Lastly, I will ask the
students to write down what they think will happen if everything lived where the environment is dry
and hot.
 Also outline how your chosen strategy supports your learner with their specific exceptionality need.
 By giving a gifted and talented student these differentiations, will encourage the student to think deeper
about the lesson while also keeping them engaged and entertained with the lesson at hand.
 To grab the student's attention, I will first ask the students what they know about plants and
animals, and the type of places they live in. After the students respond I will show a PowerPoint with
pictures of different animals/plants versus different environments. From the pictures, I will ask the
students if that type of organism can survive in that environment. After that activity, we will go into
the activity where I will show them a video of organisms and the different types of environments
they live in.

 Students should be wondering why different types of plants and animals can only survive in specific

 Students will be put in groups of three, I will provide each group of students a list with a total of 6
organisms (3 plants and 3 animals) each student will pick one organism and at least one plant. Once
they have selected an organism, they will discuss what environment each plant and or animal will do
well in, not so well, and not at all. From their discussion students will break off separately and
5E Lesson Plan

research each organism. They will write 1 paragraph (5 sentences) of their findings for each
plant/animal having there be a total of three paragraphs. In each paragraph, they write about what
type of environment each organism lives in three reasons why they can’t live anywhere else and
what would happen if they did live in a different environment.

 Questions to think about

- can your organism live in Antarctica? Why or why not, and what would happen if they lived there?
-can your organism live in a tropical rainforest? Why or why not, and what would happen if they
lived there?
- can your organism live in the desert? Why or why not, and what would happen if they lived there?

 Student explanations should precede the introduction of terms or explanations by the teacher. What
questions or techniques will the teacher use to help students connect their exploration to the
concept under examination?
 By asking the students what they know about plants and animals, the type of places they live in, and
what they need to survive. Once I get a good idea of what the students know about living things and where
they live, we will play a game. I will have all the students stand up and I will label three parts of the
classroom one side will be yes, the other will be no, and the middle will be maybe. After labeling I will show
images of an organism and environment depending on the pictures the students will stand in the spot
where they think the organism can, can't, or maybe will survive. These activities will show me the students if
they have a good understanding of what types of habitats plants and or animals need to be in if they want
to survive.
 List higher-order thinking questions that teachers will use to solicit student explanations and help
them to justify their explanations.
 Describe what will happen if it starts to snow in the rainforest.
 Students will develop a more sophisticated understanding of the concept by watching videos of
different organisms in their specific habitat/environment they will have a better understanding of
how these organisms live and how taking them out of their habitat may affect their way of life.
 Vocab words all students will know are:
Polar/ Antarctica

 The gifted and talented student will know what terrains each organism belongs to. They will know
words such as
5E Lesson Plan

 Knowing these words and concepts will build the student's understanding of the different types of
environments there are on Earth and what types of plants and animals live there.

 Every student will turn in the three paragraphs they have researched about three organisms they
chose earlier.
 To further their evaluation, I will give the students a multi-choice question quiz that shows an
organism we went through as a class and give them options of what type of organism can live in
what environment.
 For the gifted and talented students, they will receive a quiz but they would have to write in what
environment the organism lives in and what reasons they can live there.

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