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Observational Study Medicine ®

Comparison of duplex ultrasound and

hemodynamic assessment with computed
tomography angiography in patients with arterial
thoracic outlet syndrome
Talal A. Altuwaijri, MDa,*

Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) presents with a variety of neurovascular symptoms, and its diagnosis cannot be established purely
on the basis of clinical assessments. Computed tomography angiography (CTA) is currently the most useful investigative modality
for patients with suspected vascular TOS. However, CTA facilities are limited, and CTA itself is an expensive and a resource-
intensive technique associated with risks such as radiation exposure and contrast toxicity. Therefore, a screening test to identify
the need for CTA may facilitate clinical management of patients with suspected TOS. Data for patients with suspected arterial TOS
who underwent duplex ultrasound with arterial hemodynamic assessment (HDA) (pulse-volume recording and Doppler arterial
pressure measurement) at King Saud University Medical City Vascular Lab between 2009 and 2018 were collected. The sensitivity,
specificity, positive and negative predictive values (NPV), and area under the curve for duplex ultrasound and arm arterial HDA with
CTA were reviewed. The data for 49 patients (mean age, 31 ± 14 years) were reviewed, of which 71% were female. The sensitivity,
specificity, positive predictive value, and NPV of duplex ultrasound were 86.7%, 49.3%, 26.5%, and 94.6%, respectively. For
arm arterial HDA, these values were 73.3%, 78.9%, 42.3%, and 93.3%, respectively. The combination of arm arterial HDA with
duplex ultrasound scores yielded sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and NPV of 93.3%, 42.3%, 25.5%, and 96.8%,
respectively. The combination of duplex ultrasound with arm arterial HDA showed higher sensitivity and NPV than either test alone.
The specificity of arm arterial HDA was significantly higher than that of the other measurements. When suspected, arterial TOS
could be ruled out using duplex ultrasound and arm arterial HDA. These 2 investigations may help determine the need for CTA.
Abbreviations: CTA = computed tomography angiography, HDA = hemodynamic assessment, MRA = magnetic resonance
angiography, NPV = negative predictive value, SCA = subclavian artery, SCV = subclavian vein, TOS = thoracic outlet syndrome.
Keywords: arterial hemodynamic assessment, computed tomography angiography, duplex ultrasound, thoracic outlet syndrome

1. Introduction traumatic events such as whiplash or a fall, or functional fac-

tors such as repetitive use injury in athletes and musicians.[6]
The term thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) was first used by TOS is characterized by the presence of distinct symptoms,
Peet and colleagues in 1956 to describe a spectrum of condi- including upper-extremity pallor, paresthesia, weakness, mus-
tions resulting from compression of the neurovascular bun- cle atrophy, and pain.[7] Although TOS is suspected on the
dle exiting the thoracic outlet.[1,2] Compression of the brachial basis of clinical examination, the scope for differential diag-
plexus, subclavian artery (SCA), or subclavian vein (SCV) nosis is wide, necessitating accurate diagnostic evaluation.
results in neurogenic, arterial, or venous TOS, respectively.[3] Direct imaging techniques are often used to elucidate the
Neurogenic TOS is the most common form and constitutes underlying location and structure of compression. However,
over 95% of all TOS cases; venous TOS is found in 2 to 3% of such diagnostic testing methods often yield equivocal or neg-
TOS patients; and arterial TOS is a less common form found in ative findings in cases of neurogenic TOS due to the lack of
<1% of all TOS patients.[4] TOS is also more commonly diag- apparent or radiologically identifiable structural causes, mak-
nosed in females, and patients are usually aged 20 to 50 years ing neurogenic TOS a diagnosis of exclusion.[8,9] Assessment
at diagnosis.[5] for vascular TOS more often results in direct identification
The underlying causes of TOS can be multifactorial and of stenosis or occlusion of the SCA or SCV.[10–12] The stan-
may be related to congenital factors such as a cervical rib, dards for reporting vascular TOS proposed by the Society for

The authors have no funding and conflicts of interest to disclose. permissible to download, share, remix, transform, and buildup the work provided
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Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, How to cite this article: Altuwaijri TA. Comparison of duplex ultrasound
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. and hemodynamic assessment with computed tomography
angiography in patients with arterial thoracic outlet syndrome. Medicine
*Correspondence: Talal A. Altuwaijri, Department of Surgery, 2022;101:36(e30360).
College of Medicine, King Saud University, P.O. Box: 7805 (37),
Riyadh 11472, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (e-mail: [email protected]). Received: 2 December 2021 / Received in final form: 19 July 2022 / Accepted:
20 July 2022
Copyright © 2022 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative ORCID:
Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License 4.0 (CCBY-NC), where it is MD.0000000000030360

Altuwaijri • Medicine (2022) 101:36Medicine

Vascular Surgery indicate that imaging results should be con- aneurysmal changes with remarkably high sensitivity and
sidered for the diagnosis of either arterial or venous TOS.[13,14] specificity.[28,29] However, this technique is operator-dependent,
In either case, early diagnosis is critical for timely interven- requires experience, and challenged by patient’s body habitus,
tion, since long-term compression can result in disability and and even healthy individuals may show a certain degree of
permanent structural defects. arterial compression during the exaggerated positions com-
Several modalities are frequently utilized for diagnosis of monly employed in ultrasound testing, with almost 30% of
patients who exhibit symptoms of TOS, including plain radi- the healthy population demonstrating significant changes in
ography, nerve-conduction studies/electromyography, ultraso- Doppler waveforms in stress positions when compared with
nography, computed tomography angiography (CTA), dynamic those in a neutral position.[30] Hemodynamic assessment is
CTA, magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), and digital also useful since arterial TOS can cause significant differences
subtraction angiography.[8,13] Plain chest radiography is the (>20 mm Hg) in arterial blood-pressure readings between both
most useful technique for an initial assessment and to identify arms or during stress-position assessments,[8] and identifica-
or rule out bony anatomical abnormalities or defects, such as tion of these differences can bolster the evidence for arterial
the presence of a cervical rib, first-rib anomalies, fracture cal- TOS. However, since arterial TOS does not necessarily cause
luses, congenital osseous malformations, and focal bone lesions pressure differences in some cases, the rate of false-results
that may compress the thoracic outlet.[15] Electrophysiological in arterial TOS diagnoses using this method requires further
tests, such as nerve-conduction studies or electromyography can evaluation; nevertheless, both duplex ultrasound and hemo-
help establish a diagnosis of neurogenic TOS.[8] Newer imag- dynamic assessments are readily available, non-invasive, safe,
ing techniques, such as MR neurography and diffusion tensor and relatively inexpensive.
imaging, are also emerging as useful diagnostic tools for neu- Considering the limitations and challenges inherent in the
rogenic TOS. MR neurography facilitates non-invasive visual- adjuvant imaging modalities currently used for diagnosis of
ization of nerve morphology and signaling in peripheral nerves, arterial TOS and the challenges in identifying the index tests
while diffusion tensor imaging assesses central nervous system with the highest diagnostic accuracy,[26] a better understanding
abnormalities.[16,17] of the utility of the more readily available diagnostic methods
For vascular TOS, duplex ultrasound is typically the initial and their combinations for accurate assessment of arterial TOS
imaging test. CTA and MRA can provide anatomical details in is important to ensure timely diagnosis. Thus, the accuracy of
unclear cases,[18] while digital subtraction angiography allows duplex ultrasound and Doppler arterial HDA alone or in com-
accurate evaluation of the vasculature around the thoracic out- bination was compared with the accuracy of CTA in suggesting
let. However, digital subtraction angiography is invasive and the diagnosis of arterial TOS.
associated with the risk of contrast toxicity[19]; therefore, it is
usually performed when therapeutic intervention is planned.
The American College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria 2. Methods
state that CTA and MRA are appropriate tools for diagnosis
of vascular TOS.[14] CTA provides superior analysis of the vas- 2.1. Patients
cular anatomy with respect to other structures, for example, Data from patients with symptoms suggestive of arterial TOS
the course of the nerves cannot directly be seen on a CT scan (claudication, hand pain, pallor, coldness, paresthesia, and/or
and has to be inferred from other surrounding structures.[20] In digital ischemia) at King Saud University Medical City between
contrast, MRA is more effective for the assessment of soft tis- 2009 and 2018 were reviewed. Duplex ultrasound assessment
sue structures, particularly the presence of accessory muscles of blood flow in the SCA and SCV, arm arterial HDA, and con-
(scalenus minimus, subclavius posticus, duplicated omohyoid trast-enhanced helical CTA were performed for each patient.
inferior belly, or pectoralis minimus muscle), muscle hypertro- The tests were performed on the left and right upper limbs
phy (omohyoid inferior belly, pectoralis minor, scalene, or sub- for each patient. The study was approved by the institutional
clavius), and fibrous bands.[18,20,21] To this end, CTA and MRA review board for Health Sciences Colleges Research on Human
can be performed concomitant with postural maneuvers to facil- Subjects, King Saud University College of Medicine (approval
itate diagnosis in patients with dynamically acquired compres- number: E-21-5911). The need for informed consent was waived
sion.[7,20,22–24] However, MRA cannot always distinguish between due to the retrospective nature of the study.
physiological and pathological compression of vascular struc-
tures. Additionally, MRA results do not always correlate with
patient symptoms and are associated with a high false-positive
rate of venous compression in asymptomatic populations.[25,26] 2.2. Duplex ultrasound imaging
Encouraging results from CTA have identified this imaging Duplex ultrasound imaging to examine the blood flow through
modality as the most appropriate technique for identification of the arteries and veins was performed using an ultrasound
arterial or venous TOS, as evidenced by the correlation between Phillips Epic 7-Color Doppler (Philips Medical Systems, Best,
significant SCA stenosis on dynamic CTA and thoracic outlet Netherlands), a 12-5-MHz linear transducer, and an 8-5-MHz
symptomatology.[27] curved transducer. The instrument utilized a constant angle of
Although the field of imaging-based diagnostics is rapidly 60°, sample volume size of 1.5 mm, DR-56, wall filter of 60 Hz,
evolving, these diagnostic imaging tests remain resource-inten- and frame rate on medium mode. These ultrasound scans were
sive. CTA is costly, resource-intensive, and not available in all performed with the patient in a sitting position in B-mode and
settings. Additionally, the technique is associated with radiation pulsed wave Doppler with the 12-5-MHz linear transducer and
exposure and contrast-related risks. Finally, CTA evaluations 8-5-MHz curved transducer.
only include the patient’s anatomy, precluding dynamic and Duplex ultrasound evaluations were performed with the
functional assessments of blood flow through the thoracic out- patient’s head rotated toward the contralateral side and the
let. Thus, other less invasive and more readily available diagnos- arms in a neutral position. In this position, the proximal SCA
tic techniques may be useful to rule out a diagnosis of arterial was examined anteriorly via the supraclavicular region, and the
TOS or strengthen the need for further diagnostic assessment. distal portion of the SCA was examined via the infraclavicular
Duplex ultrasound is a readily available and frequently region. Subsequently, the ultrasound examination was repeated
employed technique in cases of suspected vascular TOS, and with the arm in a hyperabduction stress position (180°). The
this imaging modality is considered an excellent initial assess- SCA was examined for thrombosis, stenosis, aneurysm, and
ment tool. Duplex ultrasound is often used for assessment post-stenotic dilatation. In addition, the artery diameter and
of the presence of thrombosis, compression, stenosis, and peak systolic velocities were recorded, and the waveform was
Altuwaijri • Medicine (2022)

analyzed. The findings obtained on both sides were compared. presence of notation of stenosis, aneurysmal changes, thrombus,
The SCV was similarly examined for evidence of thrombosis. or post-stenotic dilatation was considered suggestive of arterial
The duplex ultrasound scan suggested a diagnosis of arterial TOS; the presence of SCV thrombosis suggested the presence of
TOS if there is a presence of an aneurysm, thrombus, symptomatic venous TOS.
positional compression, stenosis, or post-stenotic dilatation was
identified. During the stress position scan, a reduction of more
than 2 mm or 30% in the SCA diameter was considered suggestive 2.5. Statistical analysis
of arterial TOS. Additionally, a 2-fold increase in the peak systolic All analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics for
velocity from the neutral position, flow reduction/occlusion, or the Windows, Version 26 (Chicago, IL). CTA scan results were used
presence of SCV thrombosis also suggested the diagnosis of arte- as a reference; that is, positive CTA scan results were indica-
rial or venous TOS. Additionally, a difference of more than 20% tive of a true-positive result and negative CTA scan results were
in the peak systolic velocity between both upper limbs indicated a indicative of a true-negative finding. Duplex ultrasound and
higher possibility of a positive arterial TOS finding. arterial HDA results were considered false-positive if the val-
ues indicated a positive result while the CTA scan result was
negative. A false-negative result was indicated when the test
2.3. Arterial HDA results were negative while the CTA scan result was positive.
Arm arterial HDAs were performed using calibrated instru- On the basis of these measurements, the sensitivity, specificity,
ments. Pulse-volume recordings and Doppler arterial pressure negative predictive value (NPV), positive predictive value, and
measurements were conducted using the Nicolet Vasoguard false-negative rate were calculated. Missing data were treated
Pressure machine (VIASYS Healthcare, Conshohocken, PA) with multiple imputation under the missing-at-random assump-
with a 7.5-MHz transducer. The pressure-cuff size was 10 cm tion. McNemar’s test was performed to compare the sensitiv-
for arm measurements. Bilateral upper-limb brachial artery ity and specificity of different investigation modalities, and all
pressure was measured in patients in the neutral position by reported P values were 2-tailed. The cutoff P value was 05.
using the pulse waveform. An initial difference of more than Cochran’s formula was used for sample-size calculation based
20 mm Hg between both sides was suggestive of arterial TOS. on a confidence level of 95%, ±5% precision, and the incidence
These measurements were then acquired in a hyperabduction of arterial TOS. Lastly, the distribution of continuous variables
stress position (180°) with the head rotated to the contralateral was assessed using D’Agostino’s K-squared test. Variables that
side. The pressure recording and the waveform were noted. A followed a normal distribution were assessed using paramet-
drop of more than 20 mm Hg in the brachial artery pressure ric tests, whereas non-normally distributed data were assessed
(especially with flattening of the waveform amplitude) suggested using non-parametric tests.
a positive diagnosis of arterial TOS.

3. Results
2.4. Computed tomography A total of 49 patients were enrolled. The patients’ mean age
Contrast-enhanced helical CT was performed using a 64-row mul- was 30.8 ± 13.8 (range 6–65) years, and 35 (71.4%) patients
tidetector CT scanner (LightSpeed VCT; GE Healthcare, Chicago, were female. The resultant dataset included the 98 limbs of
IL) with a slice thickness of 0.625 mm, pitch of 1.375, and field of 49 patients who underwent duplex ultrasound and CTA. Arm
view of 50 cm. These scans included both shoulders and yielded arterial HDA was performed in 45 patients (86 limbs). Table 1
images encompassing the C6 level to the mid-chest region. A total shows the frequencies and percentages of positive and nega-
of 120 mL (60 mL per position) of iodinated non-ionic contrast tive results for each of the test categories and their respective
material was utilized. Iodixanol iodine (320 mg/mL) was injected subcategories.
in the lower limb vein at a flow rate of 4 mL/s, and the scan timing On the basis of these results, aggregate scores for each of the
after injection was based on a preliminary test bolus. test categories (duplex ultrasound, arm arterial HDA, and CTA)
CTA was performed with the patient in a neutral position were computed (Fig. 1). For these scores, a positive result for any
(arms at sides) and in a dynamic stress position (arms hyper- of the subcategories indicated a general positive result for the
abducted to 180° and in external rotation). The images were test. The duplex ultrasound test yielded 53 positive limb results,
evaluated for the degree of arterial compression at the thoracic while CTA indicated only 19 positive results. Furthermore, arm
outlet following the hyperabduction stress maneuver in com- arterial HDA showed 26 positive results.
parison with the arterial dimensions in the neutral position. After computing these aggregate scores, the sensitivity, spec-
The degree of stenosis was determined according to the SCA ificity, positive predictive value, and NPV were computed by
diameter reduction. A diameter reduction of more than 2 mm or comparing the result of each vascular laboratory test and their
30% was considered suggestive of arterial TOS. In addition, the combination with the CTA scan results. Therefore, the results

Table 1
Positive and negative results of the different diagnostic tests.
Test Subcategory Positive, n (%) Negative, n (%)

Duplex ultrasound (n = 49) Thrombosis 0 (0) 98 (100)

Stenosis 15 (15.3) 83 (84.7)
Aneurysm 1 (1) 97 (99)
Significant change in size >2 mm or 30% 11 (15.3) 61 (84.7)
Significant change in PSV (2× increase or flow reduction/occlusion) 46 (52.9) 41 (47.1)
Change in arm arterial pressure (>20 mm Hg) (n = 45) 26 (30.2) 60 (69.8)
CTA scan (n = 49) Thrombosis 1 (1) 97 (99)
Stenosis 6 (6.1) 92 (93.9)
Aneurysm 9 (9.2) 89 (90.8)
Change in size 14 (17.1) 68 (82.9)
CTA = computed tomography angiography, PSV = peak systolic velocity.

Altuwaijri • Medicine (2022) 101:36Medicine

Figure 1. Number of positive and negative results for limbs tested for arterial thoracic outlet syndrome with computed tomography angiography, duplex
ultrasound, and arm arterial hemodynamic assessment. CTA = computed tomography angiography, HAD = hemodynamic assessment, TOS = thoracic outlet

of the duplex ultrasound and arm arterial HDA as well as with surgical findings suggestive of SCA compression and sur-
their combination in comparison with CTA were considered gical decompression, including scalenectomy and cervical rib
(Table 2). A total of 86 limbs were assessed by all 3 tests and or first rib resection. Follow-up showed clinical improvement.
were included in the analysis.
The combination of duplex ultrasound and arm arterial HDA
exhibited better sensitivity and NPV than either test alone. The 4. Discussion
area under the curve for the combination was 0.74, suggesting The combination of duplex ultrasound and arm arterial HDA
that this combined approach had acceptable discriminative pre- results showed a higher sensitivity and NPV than either test
diction ability (Fig. 2). Although no significant differences were alone and was most successful in identifying true-positive cases
identified in terms of sensitivity, the specificity of the combined in comparison with the CTA results. This analysis indicates that
approach was significantly lower than those of the 2 tests indi- duplex ultrasound may be used in combination with arm arte-
vidually. Moreover, the specificity of arm arterial HDA showed rial HDA to reliably rule out the need for CTA in patients with
higher statistical significance than the specificities of duplex symptoms of arterial TOS. Although no differences in sensitiv-
ultrasound alone or the combination of duplex ultrasound and ity were observed among duplex ultrasound, arm arterial HDA,
arm arterial HDA (Table 3). and their combination, the specificity of arm arterial HDA was
Finally, the test results for limbs that showed positive results the highest, and the specificity of the combined approach was
on CTA (n = 19) were assessed. Of these, 19 limbs underwent significantly lower than that of each individual test.
duplex ultrasound, while only 15 underwent arm arterial HDA. Although the diagnosis of arterial TOS is initially based on
The combination of duplex ultrasound and arm arterial HDA clinical findings, imaging studies are required to eliminate the
exhibited the highest sensitivity of 93.3% (Fig. 3). Furthermore, possibility of other conditions with similar presentations and to
the combination of duplex ultrasound and arm arterial HDA specify the site and etiology of the compression, its grade, and
showed a lower false-negative rate than the results of either of any predisposing anatomical factors. While CTA is often the
the 2 tests individually (Table 4). investigation of choice for such diagnoses, it is not as safe and
As regards limbs showing positive results for arterial TOS convenient as HDA and duplex ultrasound since CTA exposes
on vascular lab studies and/or CT angiography with no other patients to radiation and potential contrast toxicity and is more
test (e.g., Raynaud’s tests, MRI) suggestive of another diag- expensive.
nosis (e.g., Raynaud’s Phenomenon, neurogenic TOS), surgical This analysis of patients who showed positive findings sug-
supraclavicular decompression was performed for 15 limbs gestive of arterial TOS on CTA revealed that the combination

Table 2
Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV for duplex ultrasound, arm arterial HDA, and their combination in comparison with CTA.
Test/combination TP, n TN, n FP, n FN, n Sensitivity, % Specificity, % PPV, % NPV, %

Duplex ultrasound 13 35 36 2 86.7 49.3 26.5 94.6

Arm arterial HDA 11 56 15 4 73.3 78.9 42.3 93.3
Duplex ultrasound + arm arterial HDA 14 30 41 1 93.3 42.3 25.5 96.8
CTA = computed tomography angiography, FN = false-negative, FP = false-positive, HDA = hemodynamic assessment, NPV = negative predictive value, PPV = positive predictive value, TN = true-negative,
TP = true-positive.

Altuwaijri • Medicine (2022)

Table 4
Sensitivity and FNR for duplex ultrasound and arm arterial HDA
of limbs showing a positive CTA result for arterial TOS (n = 19).
Test/combination TP, n FN, n Sensitivity, % FNR, %

Duplex ultrasound 16 3 84.2 15.8

(n = 19)
Arm arterial HDA 11 4 73.3 26.7
(n = 15)
Duplex ultrasound + arm 14 1 93.3 6.7
arterial HDA (n = 15)
CTA = computed tomography angiography, FN = false-negative, FNR = false-negative rate,
HDA = hemodynamic assessment, TOS = thoracic outlet syndrome, TP = true-positive.

of duplex ultrasound and arm arterial HDA was the most sensi-
tive (93.3%) and yielded a lower false-negative rate than either
of the 2 tests individually, although the differences were not
statistically significant. The frequencies of true-positive (14 of
15) and false-negative (1 of 15) cases as well as the sensitiv-
Figure 2. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for duplex ultra- ity (93.3%) and false-negative rate (6.7%) of the combined
sound with arm arterial hemodynamic assessment score versus computed approach support our conclusion that this combination may
tomography angiography. be a preferable investigational line for the evaluation of the
presence of arterial TOS in suspected cases. This combination
of tests is particularly warranted in cases where CTA is not
Table 3 available or for screening cases that require further investiga-
Comparison of the sensitivity and specificity of different tion by CTA.
diagnostic techniques by using McNemar’s test. Duplex ultrasound is considered an excellent initial imaging
test for the diagnosis of suspected vascular TOS, and its use is
P value for the P value for the supported in the reporting standards issued by the Society for
Test/combination difference in sensitivity difference in specificity Vascular Surgery.[13,14] Duplex ultrasound also has the advantage
Duplex ultrasound vs .317 <.001 of allowing assessments of dynamic blood flow.[21] Additionally,
arm arterial HDA a recent report indicated that identification of compression of
Duplex ultrasound vs .317 .025 the SCV or SCA via duplex ultrasonography can also facili-
duplex ultrasound tate the diagnosis of neurogenic TOS,[31] further supporting the
+ arm arterial HDA use of this imaging modality. However, the high false-positive
Arm arterial HDA vs .083 <.001 rates obtained in duplex ultrasound dynamic analysis indicate
duplex ultrasound the need for updated ultrasound diagnostic protocols.[30] On
+ arm arterial HDA the other hand, significant (>20 mm Hg) differences in arterial
pressure during stress positioning can also support the diagno-
HDA = hemodynamic assessment. sis of arterial TOS, and this relatively quick and simple method

Figure 3. Sensitivity and negative predictive value for each test and their combination in comparison with computed tomography angiography results (n = 86).
HAD = hemodynamic assessment, NPV = negative predictive value, TOS = thoracic outlet syndrome.

Altuwaijri • Medicine (2022) 101:36Medicine

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