SS3 Physics

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NAME:________________________________ CLASS:SS 3

1. Which of the following pairs of physical quantities is made up of vectors? A. speed and
displacement B. mass and force C. displacement and acceleration D. momentum and
2. The knowledge of surface tension is applied in the following areas except in A.
manufacturing of rain coats B. production of palm oil C. floating of a needle on water D.
washing of plates with soapy water
3. A body is projected vertically upwards with a speed of 10 ms from a point 2m above the
ground. Calculate the total time taken for the body to reach the ground. [g = 10ms ] A.
1.00s B. 2.00s C. 2.18s D. 3.00s
4. A car starts from rest and covers a distance of 40m in 10s. Calculate the magnitude of its
acceleration A. 0.25ms-2 B. 0.80ms-2 C. 3.20ms-2 D. 4.00ms-2
5. The period of a simple pendulum X is 5s. What is the period of a simple pendulum Y
which makes 50 vibrations in the same time it takes X to make 20 vibrations? A. 12.5s B.
2.5s C. 2.0s D. 1.2s
6. Alcohol of mass 21g and density 0.7g cm is mixed with 10g of water. Determine the
density of the mixture [density of water = 1.0gcm ] A. 0.775gcm-3 B. 0.875gcm-3 C.
0.780gcm-3 D. 0.880gcm-3
7. A device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy is A. a dynamo B. an
electric motor C. an induction coil D. a transformer
8. The S.I unit of power is A. N B. Pa C. W D. J
9. A screw-jack has the distance between its successive threads as P and the length of its
2 πr 2 πr 2π
tommy bar as r. Its velocity ratio is given by the expression A. B. C. D.
p p rp
2 πr
10. Heat transfer by conduction is similar to wave motion because A. there is increase in
temperature B. transfer of materials is involved C. charged particles vibrates at right
angles D. no transfer of materials is involved
11. The temperature at which the water vapor in the air saturates the air and begins to
condense is known as A. dew point B. critical point C. boiling point D. triple point
12. The change of state from solid to liquid occurs A. at constant temperature B. when
temperature is lower than the boiling point C. when temperature is just near freezing
point D. when temperature is equal to the boiling point
13. Which of the following types of thermometers can be used to measure a range of
temperature from -50°C to 50°? i. Clinical ii. Mercury iii. Alcohol-in-glass A. i only B. ii
only C. iii only D. i and ii only
14. A body of mass M kg rests on a plane inclined at an angle θ to the horizontal. The
component of the weight of the body parallel to the plane is A. Mg sin θ B. Mg cos θ C.
Mg tan θ D. Mg sec θ
15. A quantity of water at 20 C is mixed with another quantity of water at 70 C. The final
steady temperature of the mixture is 40 C. Determine the ratio of the mass of the cold
water to that of the hot water A. 7:2 B. 3:2 C. 2:5 D. 1:2
16. A car traveling at 30m/s overcomes a frictional resistance of 100N while moving.
Calculate the power developed by the engine. [1 hp = 0.75 kW] A. 0.23hp B. 0.40hp C.
4.00hp D. 4.40hp
17. The quality of a note depends on its A. frequency B. pitch C. overtones D. amplitude
18. A transverse wave can be distinguished from a longitudinal wave by A. diffraction B.
reflection C. refraction D. polarization
19. Refraction of lights differs from reflection in that, in refraction i. at least two media are
involved ii. there is a change in the direction of the ray iii. the speed of the ray changes.
Which of the statements above is/are correct? A. i only B. i ad ii only C. ii and iii only D.
i and iii only
20. The functional difference between a lens and a mirror is that a lens A. reflects a beam of
light while a mirror refracts it B. refracts a beam of light while a mirror reflects it C.
absorbs incident rays while a mirror transmit them D. transmits incidents ray while a
mirror absorbs them
21. A fish inside a pond appears to be at a depth of 1.5m when viewed vertically from above.
The refractive index of the water in the pound is 1.3. Calculate the apparent displacement
of the fish A. 2.50m B. 1.95m C. 1.50m D. 0.45m
22. An observer hears an echo 1.26 seconds after blowing a whistle near a cliff. calculate the
distance of the observer from the cliff. [speed of sound in air = 330ms ] A. 104.4m B.
207.9m C. 415.8m D. 523.8m
23. An object is placed in front of two plane mirrors inclined at 60 to each other. Determine
the number of the images formed A. 2 B. 3 C. 5 D. 7
24. An ammeter can be adapted to measure potential difference by using a A. shunt B.
multiplier C. rheostat D. resistance box
25. The region around a magnet in which magnetic force can be expressed is known as A.
declination B. flux density C. field D. flux
26. In an ac circuit when the supply voltage frequency is equal to the resonant frequency, the
current A. leads the supply voltage by 900 B. lags behind the supply voltage by 900 C.
leads the supply voltage by 450 D. is in phase with the supply voltage
27. A ball falling through a viscous liquid is acted upon by A. upthrust only B. upthrust and
the ball's weight C. the ball's weight and viscous force D. upthrust, the ball's weight and
viscous force
28. When an elastic material is stretched by a force, the energy stored in it is A. kinetic B.
potential C. thermal D. electrical
29. When the linear momentum of a body is constant, the net force acting on it A. is zero B.
increases C. decreases D. remains constant
30. If no net force acts on an object, the object maintains a state of rest or constant speed in a
straight line. The above is a statement of Newton's A. first law of motion B. second law
of motion C. third law of motion D. law of universal gravitation


1. A particle is projected horizontally at 10m/s2 from the top of a tower 20m high. Calculate
the horizontal distance travelled by the particle when it hits the level ground. [g= 10m/s 2 ]
2. (a) Explain how a gas can be made to conduct electricity.
(b) Name the electric charge carriers in gases.
3. A metallic bar 50 cm long has a uniform cross-sectional area of 4.0cm2 . If a tensile force
of 35 kN produces an extension of 0.25 mm, calculate the value of Young modulus.
4. A tennis ball projected at an angle 0 attains a range R = 78. If the velocity imparted to
the ball by the racket is 30 ms , calculate O. [ g = 10 ms2 ]

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