Physic Exams

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[Acceleration due to gravity =10ms-2if not given]

1. A ray of monochromatic light is incident at an angle of 30o on one face of a triangular glass prism of
refractive index 1.46. If the refracting angle of the prism is 60 o, what is the angle of incidence on the
other face of the prism?
A. 20o B. 30o C. 40o D. 45o
2. Which of the following illustrate the expansion of water between 0oC and 100oC?

3. Which of the following characteristics of waves is not true about light waves? They
A. travel with different speeds in different media
B. transfer energy from point to point
C. require material medium for their propagation
D. cam be diffracted
4. Which of the following conditions are necessary for temperature determination?
I. Good thermal contact
II. Constant heat distribution
III. Attainment of thermal equilibrium
A.I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I , II and III

5. Two identical steel balls P and Q of masses 1kg and 2kg are released at the same time to roll down a
smooth inclined plane. Just at the foot of the plane, both P and Q will have
A. the same kinetic energy
B. the same velocity
C. the same momentum
D. the maximum potential energy
6. If a rock on the ground is considered to have zero potential energy, then at the bottom of a well it will
A. zero potential energy
B. positive potential energy
C. negative potential energy
D. infinite potential energy
7. Which of the following energy resources are renewable energy sources?
A. Fossil fuel, wind and ocean tides
B. Geothermal energy, ocean tides and wind
C. Hydroelectric energy, petroleum and ocean tides
D. Nuclear energy, fossil fuel and wind
8. Which of the following statements about gravitational force is correct
A. For any pair of bodies, the bigger body exerts a greater force than the smaller on
B. The force of interaction between two bodies is greater when the bodies are far apart
C. It is the mutual force existing between any two bodies in the universe
D. It is the force which the earth exert on all bodies on its surface

9. An explosion occurs in outer space will be marked with a flash of light without accompanying sound
A. light travel faster than sound
B. sound requires a medium for its propagation
C. sound waves can not travel through the atmosphere because of it higher density
D. sound waves will totally internally reflect at the upper layer of the atmosphere
10. When a telescope is in normal adjustment, the final image is formed at
A. infinity
B. the focus of the eye piece
C. the near point of the eye
D. a distance less than the focal length of the eye piece
11. The diagram below show a ray of light incident at the interface between two media
A and B

Which statement(s) is/are true about the diagram?

I. The critical angle of medium A is θ
II. Medium A is denser than medium B
III. Medium B is denser than medium A
I. The critical angle of medium B is 90-θ
A. I and II only B. III and IV only C. II only D. III only

13. An object placed between the focal point and the optical center of a diverging lens produces an image
which is
A. virtual and magnified
B. at infinity
C. real and diminished.
D.Virtual and inverted

14. A Virtual image cannot be seen because it is formed by the

A. actual intersection of emergent rays.
B. apparent intersection of emmegent rays
C. actual intersection of incident rays.
D. apparent intersection of incident rays.
15. The diagram below illustrates a conductor on an insulator.

Which region will have the greatest concentration of charges?

16. The point on a magnet around which the magnetic lines of force are closest is the
A. magnetic flux B. neutral point C. magnetic pole D. magnetic dip
17. A person with short sight uses spectacles with a diverging lens so as to focus properly
A. near objects on the retina
B. far objects in front of the retina
C. near objects in front of the retina
D. far objects on the retina
18. An object is placed 30cm from a converging lens of focal length 20cm. If a real image which is
Formed is 8cm tall, calculate the height of the object.
A. 1cm B. 2cm C. 4cm D.8cm
19. Which of the following is the exclusive property of a transverse wave?
A. Diffraction B. Refraction C. Compression D. Polarization
20. The diagram below indicates a portion of a vernier caliper, what reading is it taking

21. The diagram below indicates a portion of a micrometer screw gauge, what reading is it taking

22. Convert 8.3 GV to it equivalent in µV

23. An ebonite rod when rubbed with fur
A. Repels electrons.
B. Attracts electrons.
C. Repels protons.
D. Repels electrons
24. The negatively charged leaves of an electroscope are observed to diverge further when a rod is
brought near the cap. This means that the rod
A. Is negatively charged
B. Is positively charged
C. Has no charge
D. Loses charge
25. The kinetic energy of a particle performing simple harmonic motion is equal to its total energy
When the particle passes through the equilibrium position because
A. It velocity when at the equilibrium position is zero
B. A particle performing simple harmonic motion has zero kinetic energy.
C. Its displacement when at equilibrium position is zero
D. A particle performing simple harmonic motion oscillates about its equilibrium position
26. The tyre of a lorry has a radius of 0.6 m. If the tyre makes 12 revolutions in 1s.
Calculate the linear distance the lorry will cover in 4s.
A. 181.0 cm B. 166.5 cm C. 60.0 cm D. 30.0 cm
27. Linear expansivity of a material is defined as the fractional change in.
A. Length of material
B. Length for a unit change in temperature
C. Temperature per unit length of the material.
D. Cross-sectional area per unit time
28. Any charge is an integral multiple of the
A. Electron charge.
B. Neutron charge.
C. Hydrogen atom.
D. Charge on a hydrogen nucleus
29. Which of the following are due to force fields.

I. Magnetic force II. Electrostatic force III. Viscous force IV. Gravitational force
A. I , II and III
B. I, II and IV
C. II,III and IV
D. I,III and IV
30. Which of the following instrument is used to detect the presence of a small
electric charge on a body.
A. Electrophorus.
B. Electroscope.
C. Galvanometer.
D. Plane proof.
31. A thermometer with an arbitrary scale, o S, of equal division registers -30o S at the ice point
and +90o S at the steam point. Calculate the Celsius temperature corresponding to 60o S
A. 25.0o C B. 50.0o C C. 66.7o C D. 75.0o C
32. A substance has relative permittivity of εr . If the permittivity of vacuum in εo, then the permittivity of
the substance is
A. εr εo B. εr/ εo C. εo/ εr D 1/ εr εo
33. A uniform ladder of mass 100kg leans at 60o to the horizontal against a frictionless
wall. The reaction on the wall is
[acceleration due to gravity =10ms-2]
500 3
A. 50 0 3 B. 500 C. D.
3 500
34. An elastic spring of natural length 12 cm has a mass of 20g suspended from its lower end
and extends by 4cm. When a mass of 100g is suspended from it without exceeding the elastic
limit the total length of the spring will be
A. 12cm B. 16cm B. 20 cm D. 32cm
34. When a spring is stretched beyond its elastic limit
I it will not return to its original position.
II it no longer obeys Hook’s Law
III it will break. Which is correct?
A. I only B. II only C. I and II only D. II and III only

35. Which of the following instrument can be used to determine the steam point of a newly constructed
Mercury-in-glass thermometer?
A. Pyrometer B. Manometer C. Hypsometer D. Hydrometer
36. Calculate the heat required to convert 20g of ice at -10oC to water at 0oC
[Specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 3.36 x 105 Jkg-1; specific heat capacity of ice = 2100 Jkg-1K-1]
A. 420.00kJ B. 7.14kJ C. 6.72kJ D. 0.42kJ
37. The dual nature of light refers to the fact that light
A. is a transverse wave
B. has particle and wave properties
C. can be split into two beams
D. can be polarized
38. Which of the following feature of the camera have their equivalence in the human eye?
I. Screen II. Aperture III. Diaphragm

A. I only B. I and II only C. II and III only D. I, II and III

39. The level of a liquid in a vessel being heated is observed to fall first before it starts rising. This is
because the
A. liquid has a higher expansivity than the vessel
B. vessel has a higher expansivity than the liquid
C. vessels first acquire the heat and expand before the heat reaches the liquid
D. liquid is a better conductor of heat than the vessel
40. What is the period of revolution of a satellite around the earth if it is 500,000km above the earth and
has a velocity of 3.5 kms-1 [Radius of the earth = 6400km]

41. Which of the following is/are the advantages fiber optic cables have over copper cable as a means of
Carrying communication signals
I. They have a higher bandwidth
II. They transmit electrical signals faster
III. They are immune to electrical interference

A. I and II only B. II and III only C.I and III only D. III only

42. The three forces in the diagram set the body O in equilibrium. What is the magnitude of F?
A. 19.21 N
B. 15.68 N
C. 22.18N
D. 9.00 N

43. A thermometer has its stem marked in millimeters instead of degree Celsius. The lower
fixed point is 30 mm and the upper fixed point is 180mm. Calculate the temperature in
agree Celsius when the thermometer reads 45mm.
A. 10.0 o C B. 15.0 o C C. 25.0 o C D. 30.0 o C
44. A wire, 20 m long, is heated from a temperature of 5o C to 55 o C. If the change in length is 0.020m,
calculate the linear expansivity of the wire
A. 1.0  10−3 K −1 B. 2.0  10−4 K −1 C. 2.0  10−5 K −1 D. 1.0  10−5 K −1

45. A ship moving northward with speed Vs is acted upon by a wind blowing due west at a speed VW.
Which of the following diagrams correctly indicates the velocity VR of the wind relative to the ship.

46. When a spring is stretched beyond its elastic limit

(I) it will not return to its original position.
(II) it no longer obeys Hook’s Law
(III) it will break. Which is correct?
A. I only B. II only C. I and II only D. II and III only
47. A train travels at 16 m/s on a level track, and then it goes down the gradient. 10 seconds after reaching
the gradient, its speed increased to 24 m/s. Calculate the acceleration of the train.
A. 1l0 ms-2 B. 2.5 ms2 C. 0.8 ms-2 D. 8ms-2 E.80 ms-2

48. What change in velocity would be produced on a body of mass 4 kg if a constant force of 16N acts on
it for 2s?
A. 0.5 ms-1 B. 2.0 ms-1 C.8.0 ms-1 D.32.0 ms-1 E. 128 ms-1
49. In a convex mirror, the image produced, irrespective of the position of the object is always
A. virtual, upright, and magnified
B. virtual, upright, and diminished
C. real, upright, and magnified
D. real, upright and diminished

50. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

A metal bar can conclusively be said to be a magnet if it

I. is attracted by a magnet
II is repelled by a magnet
III. attracts a magnetic substance

A. I only B. II only C. III only D. II and III only

51. Which of the following instruments employs the principle of total internal reflection in its operation?
A. Galilean telescope
B. Mirror periscope
C. Prism periscope
D. Sextant
52. A person with long sight uses spectacles with a converging lens so as to focus properly
A. near objects on the retina
B. far objects in front of the retina
C. near objects in front of the retina
D. far objects on the retina

53. The temperature of a solid of mass 200g increases by 10oC when it absorbs heat energy, Q. Calculat
Q. [Specific heat capacity of the material of the solid = 400Jkg-1K-1]
A. 2.3 x 104J B. 8.0x102J C. 8.0x105J D. 8.0x105J

54. An object placed between the focal point and the pole of a converging lens produces an image which is
A. virtual and magnified
B. at infinity
C. real and diminished.
D.Virtual and inverted

55. A Virtual image cannot be seen on a screen because it is formed by the

A. actual intersection of emergent rays.
B. apperent intersection of emmegent rays
C. actual intersection of incident rays.
D. apparent intersection of incident rays.

56. The diagram illustrates three forces T1, T2 and 100 N in

0 equilibrium. Determine the magnitude of T1.
T1 30 T2 A. 100 tan 30
cos 30
C. 200 sin 30
100 N D.
tan 30

57. Which of the following is the exclusive property of a transverse wave?

A. Diffraction B. Refraction C. Compression D. Polarization

58. The speed of light in air and water are 3.0x108ms-1 and 2.25x108ms-1respectively. Calculate the
critical angle for water when light travel from water to air
A. 26.3o B. 24.2o C. 45.0 o D.48.6o
59. An object is place in front of a plane mirror. If the mirror is rotated through an angle, θ, the image
rotates through an angle of
A. θ

C. 2 θ
D. 90- θ
60. Which of the following statement is not correct about astronomical telescope in normal use?
A. The final image is formed at the focus of the eyepiece
B. The distance between the lenses is the difference between their focal lengths
C. The focal length of the objective is always longer than the focal length of the eyepiece
D. The final image is formed at infinity

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