Ground Water Qualityof Sukkur 2021

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Integrated Indexical Assessment of Groundwater Quality of Sukkur City

Article in International Journal of Economy Energy and Environment · January 2021

DOI: 10.11648/j.ijeee.20210605.12


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17 authors, including:

Ghulam Shabir Solangi Nabi Bux Bhatti

Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Mehran University of Engineering and Technology


Sallahuddin Panhwar Faraz Ali Shah

Gazi University Ankara Mehran University of Engineering and Technology


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International Journal of Economy, Energy and Environment
2021; 6(5): 91-97
doi: 10.11648/j.ijeee.20210605.12
ISSN: 2575-5013 (Print); ISSN: 2575-5021 (Online)

An Integrated Indexical Assessment of Groundwater

Quality of Sukkur City, Pakistan
Muhammad Haseeb Ansari1, Ghulam Shabir Solangi1, *, Nabi Bux Bhatti2, Palwasha Akram3,
Sallah ud din Panhwar4, Faraz Ali Shah1, Shahzeb Ansari1
Department of Civil Engineering, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Campus, Khairpur Mir’s,
Sindh Irrigated Agriculture and Productivity Enhancement Project (SIAPEP), Government of Sindh, District Larkana, Pakistan
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Dr. M. A. Kazi, Institute of Chemistry, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan
Department of Civil Engineering, Balochistan University of Engineering & Technology, Khuzdar, Pakistan

Email address:
Corresponding author

To cite this article:

Muhammad Haseeb Ansari, Ghulam Shabir Solangi, Nabi Bux Bhatti, Palwasha Akram, Sallah ud din Panhwar, Faraz Ali Shah, Shahzeb
Ansari. An Integrated Indexical Assessment of Groundwater Quality of Sukkur City, Pakistan. International Journal of Economy, Energy and
Environment. Vol. 6, No. 5, 2021, pp. 91-97. doi: 10.11648/j.ijeee.20210605.12

Received: April 29, 2021; Accepted: September 3, 2021; Published: September 14, 2021

Abstract: Groundwater contamination issues are rising globally, including the Sukkur, Sindh, Pakistan. Due to gravity of the
problem and concerns of the people of Sukkur City, the present study was planned to assess the quality of groundwater of
Sukkur City based on an integrated indexical approach, i.e., the water quality index (WQI) model. The WQI was calculated
using analysis results of various physicochemical parameters of thirty (30) georeferenced groundwater samples randomly
collected from the study area. Groundwater samples were analyzed for various physical and chemical parameters such as pH,
electrical conductivity (EC), turbidity, total dissolved solids (TDS), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), total hardness (TH),
chlorides, nitrates, nitrites, etc. The observed level of pH in the groundwater samples of the study area ranged in between 7.6 to
8.8. The chloride concentration ranged between 32 to 2280 mg/l. The calcium level ranged between 8 to 440 mg/l. The
magnesium concentration observed between 32 to 1710 mg/l The total hardness level ranged between 40 to 2150 mg/l. The EC
and TDS ranged between 0.28 to 8.13 dS/m, and between 180 to 5200 mg/l respectively. The estimations of the WQI model
showed that 2% of the water samples were excellent, 52% good, 22% poor, and 24% unsuitable for drinking purpose. Overall
water quality analysis indicated that some of the areas of the Sukkur city have poor quality groundwater, thus it should be
treated before its use for domestic purposes.
Keywords: Groundwater, Physicochemical Analysis, WQI, Sukkur, Pakistan

and pure but due to increasing development and quick

1. Introduction evolution in the industries and factories creating exceptional
Groundwater is widely used around globe to accomplish environmental issues [2]. It is generally an important factor
drinking, agricultural as well industrial needs. It is reported to be considered that once the groundwater is contaminated it
that about 33% global population consumes groundwater for is very difficult to maintain its previous purity or quality
drinking, and many other purposes such as for irrigation, being served before [3]. It is an incredible need to evaluate
agriculture, and industrial purposes since there is an ease in the quality of groundwater [4]. Due to increasing number of
getting less contaminated groundwater as compared to the populations in the world and over-exposure of surface water,
surface water [1]. Thus, its quality assessment is also very the intake of groundwater is increasing day by day because it
important in order to know its suitability for various uses. plays a significant role not only for drinking but also to boost
Additionally, the groundwater in the old decades was clean up the economy and stability of a country.
International Journal of Economy, Energy and Environment 2021; 6(5): 91-97 92

Water quality assessment is essential to fulfilling the basic water including synthetic organic materials and significant
requirement of human health in providing the best quality of metals like Zn, Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, and Cr.
water [5-11] according to the standards recommended by the Groundwater quality assessment is an important part of
World Health Organization (WHO) [12]. It is additionally ecological quality and manageability in any society, such type
important that the supply of groundwater resources within the of assessment is significant toward the improvement of human
world ought to be taken into full consideration [13]. Other than health and the whole biological system of the body. To
the shortage of water resources, such as high demand of accomplish this system, water quality assessments are
groundwater assets in the parched and semi-arid areas in which generally done to examine and investigate the degree of
the wastage of water also constantly increasing with the different contaminants found in water. At present, the quality
utilization of the water and is responsible for shortage in the of the water is a significant research focused area of numerous
groundwater in future, so it is very important to study about scientists around the globe. These quality assessment tests
the control of groundwater wastage to overcome the shortage. have demonstrated to help sort the water quality of various
The key factor is that there is a risk of incredible danger of regions in a straightforward way [15].
defilement in the natural resources of groundwater which is the Literature reveals that there is a need to consider the
most important challenge of any country since at every quality of groundwater for drinking and irrigation purposes.
different location there is a different type of soil and chemical Thus, the current study has been conducted to determine the
composition in the water which greatly impact on the quality overall quality of groundwater collected from Sukkur City
of groundwater [14]. The anthropogenic components which for drinking purposes based on an indexical approach namely
mostly impact the quality and accessibility of safe drinking the Water Quality Index (WQI).

Figure 1. Google Map of the Study Area (Sukkur City).

throughout the year, summer is very hot as the temperature

reaches up to 50°C. About 551, 357 people are living in the
2. Materials and Methods Sukkur city. Most of the people of the Sukkur city (study area)
2.1. Description of the Study Area (Sukkur City) use groundwater to accomplish their domestic needs.

Sukkur is a city in Pakistan's Sindh province, situated on the 2.2. Groundwater Sample Collection and Analysis
western bank of the Indus River. It is Sindh's third-largest
metropolis, after Karachi and Hyderabad, with a total area of About thirty (30) georeferenced groundwater samples
51,65 km2. During the British era, New Sukkur was founded. (Figure 2) were randomly collected from different Union
It was also known as the "Gate of Sindh" at one time. Councils (UCs) of the study area. Properly washed half litre
Location of the study area is shown in Google Map (Figure capacity bottles were used to collect water samples from
1). Lansdowne Bridge connects the study area with Rohri hand pumps, electric motors, boreholes installed in the city.
across the Indus River. Its climate is hot, wind speed is low The collected water samples were analysed for various
93 Muhammad Haseeb Ansari et al.: An Integrated Indexical Assessment of Groundwater
Quality of Sukkur City, Pakistan

physical and chemical parameters such as turbidity, EC Table 1. Physicochemical parameters, their assigned and relative weights.
(electrical conductivity), pH, TDS (total dissolved solids), Ca Parameter WHO Standard Weight (wi) Relative weight (Wi)
(calcium), Mg (magnesium), TH (total hardness), etc. using pH 8.6 3 0.10
standard available laboratory and field methods. Results of Chloride 250 4 0.13
the water quality parameters were compared with WHO Nitrates 10 5 0.16
Nitrites 0.02 2 0.06
drinking water quality benchmarks.
Calcium 50 2 0.06
Sulphates 400 2 0.06
TDS 500 4 0.13
TH 500 3 0.10
EC 0.7 4 0.13
Mg 75 2 0.06
∑ wi 31

The second step was to calculate the relative weight that is

(Wi) by using the following equation.

Where, Wi is the relative weight, and wi is the assigned

weight of each parameter.
While in the third step, to find out the quality rating (qi)
for each parameter by dividing the concentration of each
Figure 2. Groundwater Sampling Locations. water sample with respective standards/WHO guidelines. The
result obtained was multiplied with the 100 in order to obtain
2.3. Overall Water Quality Assessment the quality rating as stated below.

The overall quality of the groundwater gathered from qi=(Ci/Si) x 100

Sukkur City was assessed using an integrated indexical
In which qi is the rating of water sample quality, Ci is the
approach, i.e., the Water Quality Index (WQI) model. The
concentration of parameter of each sample having a unit of
WQI provides a systematic analysis of determining the
mg/l, and the Si is the standard of each chemical parameter.
suitability of the water used for multiple purposes. However,
Table 1 shows the relative weights of chemical parameters
it is much hard to estimate the specific index of the
used in the calculation of WQI.
groundwater [16]. Various water quality indices such as WQI
For calculation of the WQI, the SI is first and foremost
(water quality index) and SPI (synthetic pollution index) are
calculated for each of the parameters, from which in last
found to be useful and efficient tools used to evaluate the
WQI can be obtained.
overall quality of water. At present, these indices have been
widely used by various researchers and environmentalists SI=Wi x qi
around the globe to evaluate the water quality [17-20]. Hence,
in this study, the WQI index model has been used to assess
the overall quality of groundwater in the study area. This
method was adopted by Horton [21] and developed by Where SI i is simply a sub-index of an ith parameter, qi is
Brown [22] and then developed by another researcher Cude the quality rating dependent on the concentration of the ith
[23]. It can be applied to both surface as well as to subsurface parameter, whereas n is the numbers of the parameter.
water to assess its suitability for drinking purpose [24]. In The WQI can be classified according to values such as
this study, the index was determined using analysis results of excellent water, it should be (<50), poor water in between
various physiochemical parameters as stated earlier. 100 to 200, very poor water (>200 to 300), and unsuitable for
For the calculation of WQI, three steps were followed. In drinking (>300) [25].
the first step, each of the water quality parameters was
assigned a weight which is (wi) according to the significance
of that parameter on the human health. The maximum weight
3. Results and Discussions
was assigned nitrates, while the minimum value was assigned In this study, groundwater samples gathered from various
to nitrites, calcium, sulfates, and magnesium, while pH, georeferenced locations of the study area were analyzed for
chloride, TDS, TH and EC were assigned weight in between various water quality parameters in order to determine the
3 to 4 according to their relative significance on the human overall quality of groundwater. Statistical summary of
health as described in Table 1. various water quality parameters is described in Table 2.
International Journal of Economy, Energy and Environment 2021; 6(5): 91-97 94

Table 2. Statistical summary of water quality parameters.

Parameters Permissible Limit Min. Max. Mean Value Standard Deviation

pH 8.5 7.6 8.9 7.82 0.29
Chlorides 250 mg/l 32 2280 327.73 565.94
Nitrates 10 mg/l 0 20 4.13 6.65
Nitrites 0.02 mg/l 0 4 0.34 0.92
Calcium 75 mg/l 8 440 74.47 89.77
Sulphates 400 mg/l 50 1800 348.33 400.32
Total Dissolved Solids 1000 mg/l 180 5200 998.33 1201.01
Total Hardness 500 mg/l 40 2150 378 465.52
EC 0.7 dS/m 0.28 8.13 1.56 1.88
Magnesium 50 mg/l 32 1710 303.53 376.92

The hydrogen ion concentration (pH) is a determination of UC-08, UC-02, UC-24, UC-22, UC-07, UC-03, UC-01, UC-
whether water is acidic or basic. Allowable concentration of 11, UC-21, UC-10 have an excess amount of Mg.
pH in drinking water ranges from 6.5 to 8.5. An excess Nitrites and Nitrates are some sort of salts which can be
amount of pH in the drinking water will damage the mucous natural as well as artificially present in the groundwater,
membrane and supply of the water system. In this study, pH Nitrites come from the fertilizers mainly, run-off water,
in the analyzed groundwater varied from 7.6 to 8.9 with a mineral deposits, and sewage. In the study amount of nitrites
mean value of 7.78. However, groundwater collected from in the groundwater ranged from 0 to 4 mg/l with its mean
union council (UC)-09, UC-23, UC-04, UC-13, UC-03, UC- value of 0.34 mg/l. However, nitrates amount in the
25, UC-16, UC-17, UC-14, UC-25, UC-07, UC-08, UC-02, groundwater of the study area ranged from 0 to 20 mg/l with
UC-24, UC-22, UC-07, UC-03, UC-01, UC-11, UC-21, UC- its average value of 4.13 mg/l. In this way, it was found that
10 have the desirable limit of pH and the UC-20 have pH UC-09, UC-23, UC-04, UC-13, UC-04, UC-25, UC-07, UC-
above 8.5. 24, UC-22, UC-03, UC-23, UC-01, UC-08, UC-21, UC-10
EC is a measurement of an aquatic solution of water to have the desirable limit of nitrites in the groundwater.
carry an electric current. It is used for many purposes related Whereas, UC-16, UC-17, UC-14, UC-08, UC-02, UC-11,
to the quality of water, this helps to determine and analyze UC-20 have an excess amount of nitrites in the ground water.
the mineralization, natural water changes, and wastewater. Similarly, it was found that UC-09, UC-23, UC-04, UC-03,
Also, it is used for the determination of chemical reagents to UC-25, UC-16, UC-14, UC-07, UC-08, UC-23, UC-24, UC-
be mixed in water. In this study, EC values ranged between 22, UC-03, UC-01, UC-08, UC-21, UC-10 have groundwater
0.28 to 8.13 dS/m, with its mean value as 1.56 dS/m. having desirable limit of nitrates. However, UC-13, UC-17,
However, its allowable limit for drinking water is 0.7 dS/m. UC-25, UC-04, UC-02, UC-11 have an excess amount of
In this study, water collected from UC-09, UC-13, UC-03, nitrates in the groundwater.
UC-25, UC-17, UC-14, UC-25, UC-08, UC-02, UC-23, UC- The calcium (Ca) amount ranged between 8 mg/l to 440
03, UC-11, UC-20 have a desirable limit of EC. Whereas, mg/l with its mean value of 74.47 mg/l. WHO have
groundwater of UC-23, UC-04, UC-04, UC-16, UC-25, UC- suggested the desirable value of 75 mg/l. From this study, it
07, UC-24, UC-22, UC-01, UC-08, UC-21, UC-10 have an was found that UC-23, UC-04, UC-03, UC-25, UC-16, UC-
excess amount of EC. 07, UC-08, UC-24, UC-22, UC-07, UC-01, UC-21, UC-10
TDS in the water may develop from natural sources, such have the desirable calcium level in the drinking water
as water in livestock, sewages, soil nature, and industrial whereas, UC-09, UC-13, UC-17, UC-14, UC-02, UC-11,
waste. In the study area, TDS values ranged from 180 to UC-20 have an excess amount of lime calcium in the
5200 mg/l with its mean value of 998.3 mg/l. The desirable groundwater.
limit of TDS in drinking water as per WHO is 1000 mg/l. In Chloride is the mixture of the chlorine gas with metal and
this study, it was found that UC-09, UC-04, UC-16, UC-25, some minor materials of earth crust but major dissolved
UC-07, UC-04, UC-08, UC-24, UC-22, UC-07, UC-01, UC- minerals of most natural water. There are many sources
21, UC-10 have the desirable limit of TDS in the through which chloride dissolve in water, which are heavy
groundwater. Whereas, UC-23, UC-13, UC-03, UC-25, UC- industrial waste, waste obtained from the treatment plants,
17, UC-14, UC-02, UC-03, UC-11, UC-20 have an excess Chloride can harm freshwater and lake water. In the study
amount of TDS in drinking water. area, the chloride content ranged from 32 mg/l to 2280 mg/l
The magnesium (Mg) ranged from 32 mg/l to 1710 mg/l with a mean value of 327.73 mg/l. WHO has suggested its
with its mean value of 303.53 mg/l. WHO (2006) has desirable limit of 250 mg/l. From this study, it was found that
recommended its permissible limit as 50 mg/l. In the study UC-23, UC-04, UC-13, UC-03, UC-25, UC-16, UC-17, UC-
area, groundwater collected from UC-23 and UC-01 have the 14, UC-07, UC-08, UC-23, UC-24, UC-22, UC-07, UC-01,
desirable limit of Mg, whereas UC-09, UC-23, UC-04, UC- UC-11, UC-20, UC-21, UC-10 have the desirable limit of the
13, UC-03, UC-25, UC-16, UC-17, UC-14, UC-25, UC-07, chloride in the drinking water, whereas, UC-09, UC-11, UC-
95 Muhammad Haseeb Ansari et al.: An Integrated Indexical Assessment of Groundwater
Quality of Sukkur City, Pakistan

20, UC21 have an excess amount of chloride in the drinking The Sulfate can be natural or artificial, Naturally, it
water. originates from rocks or soil. Artificially it is formed from
Total hardness is the percentage of calcium and the fertilized land runoff. Sulfur is one of the most important
magnesium present in the water. Generally, surface water as nutrients for the plant. WHO has suggested its desirable limit
compared to groundwater is softer. WHO has suggested its as 400 mg/l. In this study, the sulfate ranged from 50 mg/l to
desirable limit as 300 mg/l. In the study area, the hardness in 1800 mg/l with a mean value of 348.33 mg/l. Present study
the groundwater ranged from 40 mg/l to 2150 mg/l with its revealed that UC-23, UC-04, UC-03, UC-25, UC-16, UC-07,
mean value of 378 mg/l. From this study, it was found that UC-08, UC-24, UC-22, UC-23, UC-01, UC-21, UC-10 have
UC-23, UC-04, UC-03, UC-25, UC-16, UC-07, UC-24, UC- the desirable limit of sulfate in the drinking water, whereas,
22, UC-03, UC-01, UC-08, UC-21 have the desirable limit of UC-09, UC-13, UC-17, UC-14, UC-02, UC-03, UC-11, UC-
total hardness in the drinking water, whereas, UC-09, UC-13, 20 have an excess amount of hardness in the drinking water.
UC-17, UC-14, UC-25, UC-08, UC-02, UC-23, UC-11, UC- Analysis based on the WQI
20, UC-10 have an excess amount of hardness in the drinking Table 3 presents the classifications of the sampled
water. groundwater, based on the application of the WQI model.
Table 3. Classifications of Sampled Groundwater based on the WQI model.

Sample No. WQI=∑ Wi*qi Category of water Sample No. WQI=∑ Wi*qi Category of water
S:01 674.97 Unsuitable for drinking S:16 55.22 Good water
S:02 57.27 Good water S:17 511.12 Unsuitable for drinking
S:03 60.18 Good water S:18 101.61 Poor water
S:04 188.10 Poor water S:19 49.57 Good water
S:05 42.15 Good water S:20 42.06 Good water
S:06 147.67 Poor water S:21 39.84 Good water
S:07 113.81 Good water S:22 59.21 Good water
S:08 67.66 Good water S:23 141.28 Poor water
S:09 1379.32 Unsuitable for drinking S:24 65.16 Good water
S:10 1060.86 Unsuitable for drinking S:25 35.02 Good water
S:11 139.02 Poor water S:26 48.02 Good water
S:12 36.48 Excellent water S:27 749.33 Unsuitable for drinking
S:13 39.40 Excellent water S:28 519.19 Unsuitable for drinking
S:14 93.74 Good water S:29 138.25 Poor water
S:15 395.53 Unsuitable for drinking S:30 82.96 Good water

The WQI of Sukkur City ranged from 35.31 to 1379.47 with its mean value of 238.22. However, estimations of the WQI
revealed that 2% of the water samples were excellent, 52% good, 22% poor, and 24% unsuitable for drinking purpose as
depicted in Figures 3 and 4.

Figure 3. Overall status of Groundwater based on the WQI.

International Journal of Economy, Energy and Environment 2021; 6(5): 91-97 96

Figure 4. Overall status of Groundwater Quality based on the WQI model.

4. Conclusion
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