Water Quality Delta

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Evaluation of surface water quality using the water quality index (WQI) and
the synthetic pollution index (SPI): a case study of Indus Delta region of

Article  in  Desalination and Water Treatment · June 2018

DOI: 10.5004/dwt.2018.22407


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4 authors:

Siyal A.A Ghulam Shabir Solangi

Sindh Agriculture University Mehran University of Engineering and Technology


Pirah Siyal Babar Muhammad Munir

University of Sindh Mehran University of Engineering and Technology


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Desalination and Water Treatment 118 (2018) 39–48
doi: 10.5004/dwt.2018.22407

Evaluation of surface water quality using the water quality index (WQI) and the
synthetic pollution index (SPI): a case study of Indus Delta region of Pakistan

Ghulam Shabir Solangia,*, Altaf Ali Siyala, Muhammad Munir Babara, Pirah Siyalb
U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Water (USPCAS-W), Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro,
Pakistan, Tel. +92 3013617394; email: [email protected] (G.S. Solangi), Tel. +92 3353340405;
email: [email protected] (A.A. Siyal); Tel. +92 3013504344; email: [email protected] (M.M. Babar)
National Centre of Excellence in Analytical Chemistry, Jamshoro, Pakistan, email: [email protected]

Received 3 December 2017; Accepted 21 April 2018

Under changing climate scenario, groundwater aquifers in the Indus Delta, Pakistan are spoiled due
to seawater intrusion, and thus people living in the deltaic area are compelled to use contaminated
water of surface water bodies for their daily domestic needs. The present study was thus carried out
to assess the water quality of the surface water bodies using numerical indices, that is, the water qual-
ity index (WQI) and the synthetic pollution index (SPI). Fifty water samples collected from natural
lakes, ponds, and depressions were analyzed for different physicochemical parameters using stan-
dard methods. The physicochemical analysis revealed that most of the sampled surface water bodies
contained unsafe water for drinking as well as for irrigation purposes. The WQI identified that water
of 82% of water bodies was unfit for drinking purpose while remaining 18% was classified as very
poor. Whereas SPI revealed that water of 2% of surface water bodies was moderately polluted, 20%
severally polluted, and remaining 78% was unfit water for drinking purpose. The study highlights the
significance of using WQIs for evaluation of water quality for domestic use and a healthy ecosystem
in the similar deltaic areas of the world.
Keywords: Physicochemical parameters; Water pollution; Surface water; Water quality; Indus River Delta

1. Introduction essential to assess the quality of water before use for vari-
ous purposes [4,5].
Freshwater is a vital resource for the existence of life
The quality of water based on individual water quality
and healthy ecosystem on the planet of Earth. Rivers, lakes,
parameter is not readily understandable [6]. Often, it is dif-
glaciers, and aquifers are the primary sources of freshwa-
ficult to interpret the results when various water quality
ter [1]. Water contamination is a global environmental
parameters are analyzed for the assessment of water quality,
issue, limiting sustainable socioeconomic development
since each parameter may show different quality class [7].
and establishing adverse impacts on the human health [2].
Hence, there is a need to interpret the results in a simple and
Water quality concerns until the current past were disre-
object-oriented manner by combining a complex data set into
garded since the supply of good quality water was suffi-
a single term. The suitability of water for domestic purpose
ciently accessible, and the adverse impacts of some substan-
is described in terms of water quality index (WQI), which is
tial metals on public health were not fully comprehended
widely used to reflect the overall impact of water pollutants
[3]. However, due to the discharge of untreated industrial
on the quality of water [8]. It describes the quality of water in a
and domestic waste into the surface water bodies, it is now
single and simple reproducible dimensionless term [9]. It con-
verts several data from various sources and combines them to
* Corresponding author. build up an overall status of a water system [10,11] which can

1944-3994/1944-3986 © 2018 Desalination Publications. All rights reserved.

40 G.S. Solangi et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 118 (2018) 39–48

be of extraordinary help in the choice of suitable water-treat- quality status of surface water bodies in the Indus Delta using
ment method to address the issue of contamination [12]. numerical indices, that is, weighted arithmetic WQI and the
Several WQIs have been developed throughout the globe synthetic pollution index (SPI). A detailed analysis of mul-
which can quickly and proficiently assess the overall qual- tivariate statistical techniques, such as factor analysis (FA),
ity of water within a specified area [6]. Initially, Horton [13] principal component analysis (PCA), and Pearson correlation
introduced the WQI, and subsequently, other ideas were pro- analyses were also used to uncover the latent information
posed as improvements to the original method [12]. Around of various water quality parameters [18,21]. The outcome of
the globe, several researchers have developed and used WQIs the study provides guidelines to the policymakers and local
with some statistical variations of different physicochemical communities of the river delta for efficient utilization and
parameters [14–16]. Hoseinzadeh et al. [8] applied three stan- management of water resources.
dard WQIs such as National Sanitation Foundation WQI,
river pollution index, and forestry water pollution index to
evaluate the quality of Aydughmush River, Iran. The indi- 2. Materials and methods
ces were estimated using results of physical, chemical, and
2.1. Description of the study area
biological parameters of river water collected from eight dif-
ferent locations for a period of 1 year. Hoseinzadeh et al. [17] The Indus River forms a shape of the delta as soon as it
determined the water quality of 50 wells in Rumeshgan site approaches the Arabian Sea (Fig. 1). The River Indus Delta
of western Iran using two numerical indices such as WQI and is reported as the seventh largest delta of the world, which
nitrate pollution index. Results were delineated through geo- provides a home for 97% of Pakistan’s mangrove forests [22].
graphic information system contour mapping. Also, differ- It stretches in Sujawal, Thatta, and Badin districts of Sindh
ent ordinary kriging models such as spherical, exponential, province of Pakistan, however, most of the area lies within
Gaussian, linear, and circular models were used to estimate boundaries of Sujawal and Thatta districts. The active Indus
suitable locations for new wells containing minimum harm- Delta covers an area of about 0.6 million hectares along the
ful pollutants in the study area. Popovic et al. [7] applied the coastal line of about 250 km [23]. The climate of the area is
water pollution index to access the ecological status of Sava dry and tropical, and on average it receives about 220 mm
River, Serbia based on the analysis of physical, chemical, and of rainfall [23], while temperature ranges between 23.8°C
biological parameters. Hoseinzadeh et al. [18] used multi- and 28.7°C [24]. Southwesterly gusty winds blow during the
variate statistical techniques such as factor, principal compo- summer, while northeasterly winds blow during the winter
nent, and cluster analyses to evaluate the quality of rainwater and have a significant impact on the erosion of coastline.
in the city of Khorramabad, Iran. Agriculture and fishing are the main resources of earning for
It is reported that in most of the areas of the Sindh prov- most of the inhabitants of the Delta. Due to seawater intru-
ince of Pakistan including the Indus River Delta, the ground- sion into the delta, its freshwater resources are contaminated,
water is not suitable for drinking purpose [4,19]. Hence, peo- agricultural lands are degraded, mangrove cover, and its eco-
ple usually use surface water to accomplish their domestic system is severely affected. As a result, many people have
water demand. Natural wetlands, lakes, ponds, irrigation migrated, and many villages are abandoned.
canals, and natural depressions are the primary sources of
fresh surface water in the Indus Delta. These freshwater 2.2. Water sampling and analysis
sources are exposed to a variety of pollutants originating
from the point and nonpoint sources such as domestic and The surface water samples were collected from 50 differ-
industrial sewage, agricultural and industrial wastes which ent surface water bodies, namely, lakes, ponds, canals (except
are difficult to control, evaluate, and monitor [20]. The water irrigation channels), and natural depressions located in the
quality of any specific area either surface or subsurface is Indus Delta (Fig. 2). The locations of surface water bodies were
ascertained by the chemical, physical, and biological param- recorded using the handheld Garmin GPS (62s) [5]. Water sam-
eters of water [12]. The concentration of such parameters ples were gathered in 1-L plastic bottles following standard
beyond permissible limits is hazardous for human health as methods of water sampling. The water samples were ana-
well as for agricultural produce. lyzed for different physicochemical parameters, namely, tur-
The surface water in the Indus deltaic area of Sindh prov- bidity, electrical conductivity (EC), pH, total dissolved solids
ince of Pakistan is being used for different purposes, such as (TDSs), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), total hardness (TH),
drinking, raising animals, fishing, and irrigation. However, chloride (Cl), alkalinity (Alk), and arsenic (As) using standard
the quality of surface water bodies is deteriorating under methods and compared with water quality standards set by
changing climate due to decline in river and canal flows in World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agriculture
the delta, the disposal of untreated industrial water in canals Organization (FAO) for drinking and irrigation purposes,
at upstream, low rainfall and high evaporation rates in the respectively. Water quality parameters, namely, turbidity, EC,
area. It is also reported that in many parts of the Sindh prov- hydrogen ion concentration, and TDSs were observed in situ
ince including coastal areas, drinking water resources are [7,25] using turbidity, EC, pH, and TDS meters, respectively.
deteriorating due to elevated concentrations of arsenic [19]. Calcium, magnesium, hardness, chloride, and water alkalinity
The literature reveals that the applicability of WQIs for sur- were determined in the laboratory through standard methods
face water quality assessment has so far not been investi- [26], whereas arsenic was determined using Merck arsenic kit.
gated thoroughly in the Indus river delta. Keeping in view All the standard methods were followed from water sample
the gravity of the problem and the importance of water qual- collection, preservation, transportation, and analysis of water
ity, the present study was conducted to evaluate the water samples in the laboratory.
G.S. Solangi et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 118 (2018) 39–48 41

Fig. 1. Location map of the study area (Indus Delta).

2.3. Water quality indices chloride, alkalinity, and arsenic for 50 surface water bodies
of the Indus Delta. Following three equations were used for
WQIs provide an overall picture of the suitability of water
calculation of WQI [12]:
for various purposes. However, it is difficult to simplify the
quality of ground or surface water to a specific index [21].
However, the WQI and the SPI are reported as very useful
Qi =
(V o
− Vi )
× 100 (1)
and efficient tools for assessing the quality of water [27,28].
Currently, these indices are being used by many researchers,
− Vi )
water managers, and scientists around the globe. Hence, in
the present study, quality of surface water bodies of the Indus where Qi, Vo, Vi, and VS are the subindex of the ith parameter,
Delta was assessed by the applications of these two numeri- observed value, ideal value, and standard value for each of
cal indices. the ith parameter. The ideal value for the hydrogen ion con-
centration (pH) was taken as 7 and, for other parameters, Vi is
2.3.1. Arithmetic WQI equal to zero [11,12].

An arithmetic WQI method initially proposed by Horton

[13], developed by Brown et al. [29], and then by Cude [30] Wi = (2)
was used in the present study for assessment of water quality. VS
Weighted arithmetic WQI requires less number of parame-
ters in comparison with all water quality parameters used for where Wi is the unit weightage of the ith parameter which
the particular purpose [1,31]. It can be applied to assess the was determined as a value inversely proportional to the stan-
suitability of both surface as well as subsurface water from dard value (VS) suggested by WHO standard for each of the
the perspective of human consumption [1]. In the present observed physicochemical parameter [12]. However, K is a
study, the index was mathematically calculated using results constant taken as unity for all the observed physicochemical
of analysis of physicochemical parameters, namely, turbidity, parameters [12]. Then, WQI based on simple arithmetic aver-
hydrogen ion concentration, calcium, magnesium, TH, TDSs, age was developed using Eq. (3):
42 G.S. Solangi et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 118 (2018) 39–48

relations. In the first step, the constant of proportionality (K)

was determined using the following approach:

K= (4)
 n 1
∑ 
 i =1 Si 

where Si is the standard level for the ith parameter and n

denotes the number of parameters. In the second step, the
weight coefficient (Wi) was calculated using the following

Wi = (5)

Finally, the SPI was computed using the following


SPI = ∑ × Wi (6)
i = 1 Si

Fig. 2. GIS map of water sampling locations.

where Ci is the observed concentration for each of the deter-
mined physicochemical water quality parameters.
WiQi Based on the computed levels of the SPI [32,33], drinking
WQI = ∑ (3)
water is classified into five categories as described in Table 2.
i =1
∑ Wi
i =1
In the present study, two numerical indices such as the
WQI and the SPI were used for validation of the results.
Another fact is that both indices are not straight distinctly
Calculations of unit weightage (Wi) based on the constant
identical, for example, classification criteria for both indica-
(K), and standard values (VS) are summarized in Table 1.
tors is different, and the correlation between both of them is
Based on the calculated WQI, the water quality is classi-
not straightforward.
fied into different categories [1] as given in Table 2.

2.3.2. Synthetic pollution index 3. Results and discussion

To determine the suitability of surface water bodies in the 3.1. Physicochemical analysis of surface water bodies
Indus Delta, the SPI [21,32] was also computed. The index
The statistical summary of the physicochemical analysis
was calculated using results of physicochemical water quality
of surface water bodies of the Indus Delta in the form of min-
parameters, namely, turbidity, hydrogen ion concentration,
imum, maximum, average, mode, standard deviation (SD),
TDSs, calcium, magnesium, TH, chloride, alkalinity, and
and the confidence interval (CI) is summarized in Table 3.
arsenic. The index was computed using the following three
The turbidity of surface water is fluctuated from 1.15 to
129 NTU with a mean value of 15 ± 6.41 NTU. The highest
Table 1 turbidity of 129 NTU was observed in the surface water drain
Calculation of unit weightage of surface water bodies of the In- located in the union council (small administrative unit) of Kar
dus Delta Malik, district Sujawal. About 38% of the sampled surface
water samples had turbidity values within a safe limit, 62% of
Parameter Standard Unit
value (Vs) weightage (Wi)
Table 2
Turbidity 5 NTU 0.2 Different categories of drinking water based on the computed
Total dissolved solids 1,000 mg/L 0.001 WQI and SPI
pH 7.5 0.133
Range Water Range Water
Calcium 75 mg/L 0.013 of WQI classification of SPI classification
Magnesium 50 mg/L 0.02
0–25 Excellent water <0.2 Suitable for drinking
Total hardness 500 mg/L 0.002 26–50 Good water 0.2–0.5 Slightly polluted
Chloride 250 mg/L 0.004 51–75 Poor water 0.5–1.0 Moderately polluted
Alkalinity 200 mg/L 0.005 76–100 Very poor water 1.0–3.0 Severally polluted
Arsenic 10 µg/L 0.1 >100 Unfit for drinking >3.0 Unfit for drinking
G.S. Solangi et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 118 (2018) 39–48 43

Table 3
Statistical summary of various physicochemical parameters of surface water bodies

Parameter Minimum Maximum Mean Mode SD CI

Turbidity (NTU) 1.15 129 15 4.55 23.4 6.41
Electrical conductivity (dS/m) 0.6 60 15 30.2 15.07 4.14
pH 7.62 8.64 8.0 7.8 0.28 0.08
Total dissolved solids (mg/L) 378 38,272 9,590 19,328 9,657 2,650
Calcium (mg/L) 24 100 45 – 27.94 7.67
Magnesium (mg/L) 55 305 76 – 79.73 21.88
Total hardness (mg/L) 68 1,354 368 – 361.91 99.33
Chloride (mg/L) 440 17,406 2,197 – 3,300.1 905.72
Alkalinity (mg/L) 44 292 44 – 60.07 16.49
Arsenic (µg/L) – 25 4 – 7 2

the surface water samples had turbidity values higher than the highest concentration was observed in the union council of
safe limit of 5 NTU described by WHO for drinking purpose. Kar Malik, district Sujawal. Only a single surface water body
The EC is the main parameter [34] which provides a pri- (natural lake) had a TDS concentration less than 500 mg/L,
mary indication of suitability of water for drinking and agri- while rest of the analyzed surface water bodies had the high-
culture purposes [35]. The EC values of the collected sam- est concentration of dissolved solids. The water with TDS
ples fluctuated from 0.6 to 60 dS/m with an average value concentration more than 500 mg/L becomes unsuitable for
of 15 ± 4.14 dS/m. The highest conductivity of 60 dS/m was drinking purpose [42]. The TDS concentration in drinking
observed in the surface water drain located in the southeast water beyond the permissible limits gives an unpleasant taste
part of the delta. The study revealed that only one surface to water, causes gastrointestinal irritation in the human body
water lake located in the union council of Ladyoon had EC [35]. As indicated by FAO [38], the water having TDSs under
value within safe drinking water quality guidelines, while 450 mg/L is considered as good, and that with more than
rest of the 49 surface water bodies had EC values beyond the 2,000 mg/L is considered as unsatisfactory for irrigation pur-
drinking water quality standards. The highest values of EC pose also [43]. Hence, under this criterion, the water of 64% of
were observed in those water bodies which are near to the the sampled surface water bodies of the study area had TDS
Arabian Sea. It might be due to the high surface evaporation concentration higher than 2,000 mg/L, hence, are not suitable
rate, low rainfall, higher abstraction than recharge, leaching even for irrigation purpose.
of pollutants, lithology of the subsoil strata, and intrusion The chloride concentration was higher than the safe limit
of saline water from the Arabian Sea into the delta. The EC of 250 mg/L described by WHO for drinking purpose in most
is also an important indicator for assessing the suitability of of the sampled water bodies of the study area. Its concentra-
water for irrigation purpose as the concentration of total salts tion fluctuated from 440 to 17,406 mg/L with an average value
is also estimated from EC of water [36,37]. According to the of 2,197 ± 905.72 mg/L. The highest chloride concentration was
FAO [38], the water having EC of less than 0.7 dS/m is con- detected in the natural lake located in the union council of
sidered suitable for irrigation purpose, while water having Gaarho, district Thatta. The higher concentration of chloride
EC greater than 3.0 dS/m affects the water uptake capability increases the corrosive nature of water, adversely affects the
of most of the plants and thus decreases crop yield. From this human health, and causes eye and nose irritation, and stomach
perspective, about 66% of the sampled surface water bodies problems [35]. The higher concentration of chloride in most of
of the study area had EC values higher than 3 dS/m and water the surface water bodies of the study area can be considered
could be considered unfit even for the irrigation purpose. as an indication of entry of highly saline water into the water
The pH is a scale normally used to evaluate the acidity bodies [44]. The irrigation water having chloride concentra-
or alkalinity of water. Most of the aquatic creatures have a tion between 70 and 350 mg/L causes problems to plants, and
restricted range of hydrogen ion concentration (pH), that is, severe problems are likely to occur if it contains chloride con-
6–8 [39]. The surface water of the study area was normal to centration greater than 350 mg/L [45]. Based on this criterion,
slightly alkaline in nature having pH value between 7.62 and the most of surface water bodies had higher chloride concen-
8.64 with a mean value of 8.0 ± 0.08. For regular irrigation, the tration and could not be used for agriculture purpose.
pH values should be between 6.5 and 8.5, while pH values The calcium concentration in the surface water bodies
greater than 8.5 increase the soil sodicity hazards [40]. varied from 24 to 100 mg/L with an average value of 45 ±
The TDSs are a measure of total dissolved organic and 7.67 mg/L. According to WHO [46] guidelines, maximum
inorganic materials in water [41]. In the sampled surface allowable limit of calcium for drinking purpose is 75 mg/L.
water bodies, the concentration of TDSs ranged between 378 The magnesium concentration in the water bodies ranged
and 38,272 mg/L with a mean value of 9,590 ± 2,650 mg/L. from 55 to 305 mg/L with an average value of 76 ± 21.88 mg/L,
The lowest value of TDS was observed in a natural lake whereas its allowable limit for drinking water is 50 mg/L.
located in the union council of Ladyoon, whereas the Severe problems are likely to occur if calcium and magnesium
44 G.S. Solangi et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 118 (2018) 39–48

concentrations in water used for irrigation purpose are fairly with calcium (0.52) and magnesium (0.62). Calcium is
greater than 200 and 60 mg/L, respectively. However, 51% moderately correlated with magnesium (0.55) and TH (0.76).
of the sampled surface water bodies of the study area had A strong correlation was found between magnesium and TH
calcium and magnesium content beyond the safe limit, hence (0.98). However, a weak correlation was observed among
could be categorized as unsuitable for drinking and irriga- most of the analyzed physical and chemical water quality
tion purpose. parameters.
The analysis of the water samples revealed that 49% of
the sampled surface water bodies of the study area had TH 3.3.2. FA and PCA
values greater than 300 mg/L and were falling in the cate-
gories of hard to very hard. The TH expressed regarding The multivariate statistical tests such as FA and PCA were
calcium carbonate (CaCO3) ranged up to 1,354 mg/L with an used to analyze the water quality data. FA was conducted to
average value of 368 ± 99.33 mg/L, whereas the maximum extract latent information such as a matrix and factor loadings
threshold limit for TH in drinking water is 500 mg/L [46]. [18] shown in Table 6(a). Extraction sums of squared load-
The presence of higher concentrations of hardness in water ings indicated the eigenvalues of factor variables are greater
causes poor lathering with soap and deteriorates the qual- than 1. Extraction sums of squared loadings for first, second,
ity of clothes [35]. In some of the surface water bodies of the and third components were 26.92%, 25.79%, and 15.30% of
study area, alkalinity values were also higher than the safe the variance, respectively. Also, the PCA was applied to the
limit of 200 mg/L and fluctuated between 44 and 292 mg/L. normalized dataset [48] of physical and chemical parame-
The arsenic concentration in the 10 (20%) out of 50 sam- ters of water samples. The results of the PCA are described
pled water bodies located in the union councils of Mureed in Table 6(b) and Fig. 3. The first three components together
Khoso, Darro, Khan, Tar Khawaja, Kinjhar, Darya Khan explained 68.01% of the total variance. The first component
Soho, Bijoro, Jar, Karampur, and Uddasi were above the per- that explained 26.92% of the total variance was largely a func-
missible limit which ranged from 10 to 25 µg/L. This shows tion of chemical parameters including magnesium, TH, chlo-
an alarming situation for the local communities who use such ride, and calcium. The second component with 25.79% of the
toxic water for their domestic and agricultural use. Arsenic- variance was mainly a function of TDSs, EC, and calcium.
contaminated water adversely affects the human health, The third component explaining 15.30% of the variance was
causes heart, liver, ocular, and neuropathies diseases [47]. mainly a function of water alkalinity, arsenic, and calcium.
Overall, PCA revealed that each component was a mixture of
chemical factors.
3.2. Analysis of water quality in terms of WQI and SPI
WQI-based results are depicted in Table 4. The table 3.3.3. Correlation between WQI and water quality parameters
shows that only nine (18%) surface water bodies are clas-
sified as very poor with a WQI level between 76 and 100 The correlation between the computed values of the
[1,12], while rest of the 41 (82%) surface water bodies lie in WQI and different water quality parameters [50] was tried
the category of unfit for drinking purpose with a WQI value to establish. Strong relationships between WQI and EC, and
exceeding 100. TDS with a coefficient of determination of R2 = 0.98 and 0.99,
However, the results based on the SPI are also depicted in respectively, were found as shown in Figs. 4 and 5, respec-
Table 4. It indicates that 10 (20%) of the studied surface water tively. Thus, it is evident that EC and TDS were the most
bodies are classified as severally polluted with a SPI between affecting components for the calculated estimates of the WQI
1.0 and 3.0, only one (2%) as moderately polluted and rest of for surface water bodies of the Indus Delta. However, fair
the 39 (78%) sampled surface water bodies lie in the category and weak relationships were observed among most of the
of unfit for drinking purpose with SPI value exceeding 3.0. water quality parameters and WQI.
The correlation between computed numerical indices
(WQI and SPI) was also developed and found a significant
3.3. Multivariate statistical analysis
trend between these numerical indices with a coefficient of
The multivariate statistical techniques such as Pearson determination of R2 = 0.75 with regression Eq. (7).
correlation, FA, and PCA were applied using the SPSS soft-
ware. These techniques are used worldwide [18,48] for eval- SPI = 1.0623*WQI – 0.0136 (7)
uation of the quality of surface and groundwater. Those are
reported very useful for assessing the variations caused by
natural and anthropogenic factors [21,49].
4. Conclusion

3.3.1. Pearson correlation of water quality parameters The present study revealed that most of the sampled
surface water bodies of the Indus Delta contained unsafe
Pearson correlation method [18] was applied to analyze water for drinking as well as for normal irrigation
the relationship between various physicochemical water purposes. However, those water bodies can be used
quality parameters. Table 5 describes the correlation coef- for promoting biosaline agriculture and other related
ficients of various physicochemical parameters of surface agricultural practices in the study area. The WQI identified
water bodies of the delta. It portrays that EC is strongly cor- that water of 82% of water bodies was unfit for drinking
related with TDS (0.99), fairly correlated with chloride (0.62), purpose, while remaining 18% was classified as very poor.
calcium (0.54), and magnesium (0.55). Chloride is correlated Whereas the SPI revealed that water of 2% of surface water
G.S. Solangi et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 118 (2018) 39–48 45

Table 4
Classification of sampled surface water bodies based on the WQI and SPI

Sampling stations Sampling date Source WQI Water SPI Water

Latitude Longitude value class value class

24°09′45″ 67°54′10″ Jul. 30, 2017 Wari sea creek 2,750 UF* 255.25 UF
24°22′24″ 67°57′11″ Jul. 30, 2017 Goongani lake 98.3 VP* 2.87 SP*
24°27′04″ 68°01′26″ Jul. 30, 2017 Mureed Khoso natural lake 453.2 UF 306.5 UF
24°12′27″ 68°05′37″ Jul. 30, 2017 Ladyoon lake 84.0 VP 2.91 SP
24°15′01″ 68°04′16″ Jul. 30, 2017 Chach lake 1,764.5 UF 0.42 UF
24°47′30″ 68°11′14″ Jul. 30, 2017 Darro wetland 811.6 UF 104.4 UF
24°49′45″ 68°13′29″ Jul. 30, 2017 Thari lake 97.0 VP 2.6 SP
24°09′39″ 67°27′09″ Aug. 08, 2017 Kori creek 3,936.6 UF 611.7 UF
24°09′08″ 67°31′14.9″ Aug. 08, 2017 Tikka lake 1,565.3 UF 15.27 UF
24°14′33″ 67°36′39″ Aug. 08, 2017 Ochitonatural canal 99.3 VP 2.4 SP
24°24′05″ 67°45′ 03″ Aug. 08, 2017 Mahar lake 294.4 UF 611.4 UF
24°27′01″ 67°51′29″ Aug. 08, 2017 Kotri Allah Rakhio Shah natural lake 88.0 VP 2.94 SP
24°33′26″ 67°52′55″ Aug. 08, 2017 Pir Patho natural lake 312.2 UF 13.25 UF
24°18′57″ 68°28′04″ Aug. 08, 2017 Haji Hassan Samejo natural lake 281.7 UF 103.8 UF
24°17′52″ 68°26′43″ Aug. 08, 2017 Allah Dino Samejo natural lake 99.12 VP 2.85 SP
24°09′23″ 68°29′29″ Aug. 11, 2017 LBOD drain 4,349.4 UF 126.2 UF
24°11′16″ 68°26′23″ Aug. 11, 2017 Kar Malik lake 2,466.7 UF 114.6 UF
24°28′12″ 68°12′51″ Aug. 11, 2017 Begnalake 308.3 UF 291.2 UF
24°33′22″ 68°07′26″ Aug. 11, 2017 Kinjhar natural lake 974.6 UF 297.3 UF
24°36′35″ 68°17′46″ Aug. 11, 2017 Darya Khan Soho lake 1,278 UF 815.7 UF
24°15′19″ 68°05′33″ Aug. 11, 2017 Jahan Khan natural lake 1,021.3 UF 162.9 UF
24°25′5″ 68°06′59″ Aug. 11, 2017 Kothi natural lake 215.0 UF 254.5 UF
24°11′45″ 67°50′14″ Aug. 11, 2017 Jani Shah sea creek 1,472.0 UF 509.3 UF
24°09′11″ 67°45′26″ Aug. 11, 2017 Jani Shah subcreek 4,719.0 UF 132.4 UF
24°13′03″ 67°54′41″ Aug. 11, 2017 Jani Shah subcreek 3,876.0 UF 213.8 UF
24°30′58″ 67°25′06″ Aug. 18, 2017 Patianisea creek 3,854.2 UF 295.3 UF
24°31′20″ 67°21′44″ Aug. 18, 2017 Patiani subcreek 3,401.3 UF 366.6 UF
24°29′45″ 67°20′51″ Aug. 18, 2017 Patiani subcreek 3,492.2 UF 417.5 UF
24°30′25″ 67°21′36″ Aug. 18, 2017 Patiani subcreek 3,260.0 UF 464.6 UF
24°30′59″ 67°22′21″ Aug. 18, 2017 Patiani subcreek 3,370.4 UF 529.5 UF
24°45′10″ 68°04′57″ Aug. 18, 2017 Bijoro lake 185.4 UF 254.7 UF
24°39′40″ 68°17′07″ Aug. 23, 2017 Mehar Shah lake 89.2 VP 0.99 MP*
24°36′11″ 68°12′46″ Aug. 23, 2017 Jar lake 351.1 UF 2.85 SP
24°33′52″ 67°49′56″ Aug. 23, 2017 Karampur lake 150.3 UF 712.8 UF
24°34′26″ 67°45′39″ Aug. 23, 2017 Kalmati lake 707.3 UF 2.93 SP
24°37′32″ 67°46′50″ Aug. 23, 2017 Zangyani lake 298.5 UF 117.3 UF
24°08′31″ 67°25′36″ Aug. 23, 2017 Hajamro sea creek 3,144.6 UF 427.6 UF
24°10′27″ 67°25′02″ Aug. 23, 2017 Hajamro subcreek 3,220.1 UF 519.3 UF
24°12′29″ 67°22′27″ Aug. 23, 2017 Hajamro subcreek 3,242.2 UF 641.5 UF
24°11′34″ 67°22′11″ Aug. 23, 2017 Hajamro subcreek 3,263.3 UF 824.5 UF
24°09′16″ 67°24′04″ Aug. 23, 2017 Hajamro subcreek 3,253.1 UF 977.5 UF
24°39′15″ 68°08′42″ Aug. 28, 2017 Jar lake 317.3 UF 916 UF
24°38′26″ 68°07′05″ Aug. 28, 2017 Sujawal lake 95.5 VP 2.98 SP
24°37′02″ 68°01′06″ Aug. 28, 2017 Jati lake 88.7 VP 2.76 SP
24°43′14″ 67°57′59″ Aug. 28, 2017 Kalan Kot river lake 806.5 UF 570.1 UF
24°21′09″ 68°06′03″ Sept. 02, 2017 Uddasi lake 431.3 UF 162.9 UF
24°19′35″ 67°40′40″ Sept. 02, 2017 Gaarho lake 1,260.4 UF 91.7 UF
24°42′21″ 67°52′32″ Sept. 02, 2017 Kalan Kot lake 783.4 UF 152.7 UF
24°40′29″ 67°56′11″ Sept. 02, 2017 Aaghmini lake 153.3 UF 224.0 UF
24°14′56″ 68°19′56″ Sept. 02, 2017 Jati surface drain 6,685.3 UF 230.5 UF
UF*, unfit for drinking; VP*, very poor; SP*, severally polluted; MP*, moderately polluted.
46 G.S. Solangi et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 118 (2018) 39–48

Table 5
Pearson correlation coefficient matrix of water quality parameters

Parameter Turbidity EC pH TDS Cl Ca Mg TH Alk As

Turbidity 1.000
EC 0.215 1.000
pH −0.012 0.111 1.000
TDS 0.215 0.990 0.111 1.000
Cl −0.066 0.621 −0.191 0.623 1.000
Ca 0.030 0.538 −0.192 0.537 0.521 1.000
Mg 0.004 0.555 −0.056 0.556 0.623 0.553 1.000
TH 0.009 0.016 −0.088 0.016 0.470 0.759 0.984 1.000
Alk 0.010 0.381 −0.262 0.382 0.467 0.146 −0.205 −0.158 1.000
As 0.186 −0.346 −0.387 −0.346 0.067 −0.124 −0.147 −0.157 0.109 1.000

Table 6(a)
Results of factor analysis and variances [18]

Component Initial eigenvalues Extraction sums of squared loadings

Total % of variance Cumulative % Total % of variance Cumulative %
1 2.692 26.921 26.921 2.692 26.921 26.921
2 2.579 25.789 52.709 2.579 25.789 52.709
3 1.530 15.300 68.009 1.530 15.300 68.009
4 1.103 11.028 79.038
5 0.700 7.001 86.039
6 0.663 6.628 92.667
7 0.430 4.299 96.966
8 0.303 3.034 100.000
9 3.169E−5 0.000 100.000
10 4.857E−17 4.857E−16 100.000

Table 6(b)
Matrix of water quality factor loading for surface water samples
(varimax and Kaiser normalization and extraction method)

Variables Components
1 2 3
Tur −0.019 0.202 0.303
EC 0.005 0.946 0.118
pH −0.156 0.273 −0.758
TDS 0.005 0.947 0.119
Cl 0.633 −0.434 −0.022
As −0.159 −0.546 0.535
Ca 0.575 0.419 0.370
Mg 0.957 −0.044 −0.095
TH 0.978 0.041 −0.014
Fig. 3. Three-dimensional plot of all variables of components 1,
Alk −0.194 0.070 0.635
2, and 3.
G.S. Solangi et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 118 (2018) 39–48 47

WQI — Water quality index
SPI — Synthetic pollution index
WHO — World Health Organization
FAO — Food and Agriculture Organization
LBOD — Left bank outfall drain
EC — Electrical conductivity
Tur — Turbidity
TDSs — Total dissolved solids
Ca — Calcium
Mg — Magnesium
TH — Total hardness
Cl — Chloride
Alk — Alkalinity
Fig. 4. Correlation between WQI and electrical conductivity. As — Arsenic
SD — Standard deviation
CI — Confidence interval
FA — Factor analysis
PCA — Principal component analysis
SPSS — Statistical Package for the Social Sciences

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