Definitions of The 21st Century Literacies

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Definitions of the 21 st

Century Literacies
The 21st Century Literacies and Skills
• 21st Century Literacy skills can be defined as “literacy skills
(that) increasingly reflect technology use and the abilities
necessary to problem-solve, collaborate, and present
information through multimedia” (Pilgrim, Jodi; Martinez, Elda
E.p.60 ,2013)

• The new literacy is heavily dependent upon a person’s ability

to decode, assimilate and distribute new information

• These skills include the ability to communicate, collaborate

with others, critically evaluate sources of information, and
think creatively.
Globalization and Multi-cultural Literacy
Globalization Global Literacy
• Is the process of interaction • Aims to address issues of
and integration among people, globalization, racism, diversity,
companies, and governments and social justice

• Aims to empower students

• Is the free movement of goods, with knowledge and take
services, and people across the action to make a positive
world in a seamless and impact in the world and their
integrated manner. local community. (Guo, 2014)
Globalization and Multi-cultural Literacy
Multi-cultural Literacy

• Multicultural Literacy consists of the skills and ability to

identify the creators of knowledge and their interests (Banks,
1996), to uncover the assumptions of knowledge, to view
knowledge from diverse ethnic and cultural perspective, and
to use knowledge to guided action that will create a humane
and just world (Boutte, 2008).

• Multicultural Literacy then, brings attention to diversity,

equity and social justice to foster cultural awareness by
addressing difficult issues like discrimination and oppression
towards other ethnicities (Boutte, 2008).
Globalization and Multi-cultural

How are Multicultural and Global Literacy


• Every classroom contains students of

different race, religion, and cultural groups.
Students embrace diverse behaviors, cultural
values, patterns of practice, and
communication. Yet they all share one
commonality: their educational opportunity
(Guo, 2014).

• Teachers should teach their students that

other cultures exist and that these deserve to
be acknowledged and respected.

• Integrating a variety of cultural context into

lessons and activities, teaches students to
view the world from many angles, creates a
respect for diversity and enables students to
learn exciting information.
Social Literacy
• Social Literacy is a students’ successful performance and
understanding of social skills, organizational skills, and
communication skills.

• It is the students’ ability to connect effectively with those around


• Social literacy spans across interacting with peers, family, co-

workers, teachers, and even people we may not have met face to

• Social literacy is so crucial in a person’s success. The ability to

communicate and voice opinions and thoughts, as well as listening
to opinions and thoughts of others, is essential in learning.
Social Literacy
How can we incorporate social literacy into the classroom?

Through blogging, students learn how to effectively use the internet and share
their thoughts and knowledge appropriately. Reading classmates blog posts and
responding helps students learn from others and gives them access to others’
ideas, as well as a chance to constructively respond.

Class website
A class website is extremely useful in teaching students how to use and navigate
on the internet. Keeping students updated on class happenings, as well as giving
students opportunity to write and contribute on the class website will teach them
useful skills in communicating on the internet.
Social Literacy
How can we incorporate social literacy into the classroom?

Video conferencing
Video conferencing has endless possibilities. Whether it is conferencing with a
professional in the community, or students from a culture across the world, it
opens up a realm of social interaction that can teach students so much about
people in the world around them.

Social Networking Sites

Social networking give students opportunities to know and learn about people all
over the world in a matter of seconds. Encouraging students to meet will help
expand their circle and learn more about diverse cultures worldwide.
Media Literacy
• Media Literacy is a 21st century approach to education. It
provides a framework to access, analyze, evaluate, create
and participate with messages in a variety of forms —
from print to video to the Internet.

• Media literacy builds an understanding of the role of

media in society as well as essential skills of inquiry and
self-expression necessary for citizens of a democracy.
Media Literacy
Media literacy is the ability to:

• Decode media messages (including the systems in which they exist);

• Assess the influence of those messages on thoughts,
feelings, and behaviors; and
• Create media thoughtfully and conscientiously.
Media Literacy
Why Do We Need Media Literacy Education?
Media literacy education provides us with the tools and skills needed
to be confident and competent media consumers. Media literacy:

• Expands the concept of literacy, as today’s messages come in many

forms and literacy can no longer refer simply to the ability to read
and write.

• Offers a solution to public health issues, such as body image issues

and substance use, exacerbated by toxic media messages.

• Empowers all people to engage in a global media environment.

Financial Literacy
• Financial literacy is the ability to understand and
effectively use various financial skills, including personal
financial management, budgeting, and investing.

• To be financially literate is to know how to manage your

money. This means learning how to pay your bills, how to
borrow and save money responsibly, and how and why to
invest and plan for retirement.
Cyber/Digital Literacy
• Digital literacy is the ability to use information and
communication technologies to find, evaluate, create,
and communicate information, requiring both cognitive
and technical skills.

• Developing your critical thinking skills is essential when

you're confronted with so much information in different
formats – searching, sifting, evaluating, applying and
producing information all require you to think critically.
• Ecological literacy is the knowledge and understanding of
how nature’s systems work, and how all living beings are
dependent on and interconnected with each other.

• To be eco literate means understanding the principles of

organization of ecological communities, constructive
collaboration between members of the community, and
using these principles for creating sustainable human
Arts and Creativity Literacy
• Artistic Literacy is defined in the as the knowledge and
understanding required to participate authentically in
the arts. (National Coalition for Core Arts Standards: A conceptual Framework for Arts Learning, 2014)

• Arts and creativity literacy help students develop design-

thinking, creativity and critical thinking—all skills said to be
important for the future workforce.

• They use arts-specific vocabulary, metaphors, embodiment,

and other more demanding ways to express themselves
through using their art.
Rodriguez, F. Jr. N.D. ED 30: 21st-Century Literacies.
Budd, R. 2021, March 12. What Does It Mean to Be 21st Century Literate?.
Bislig, C.P. 2019, December 10. Globalization and Multicultural Literacy.
N.A. 2017, April 10. Multicultural & Global Literacy.
Lewis, C. 2021, April 11. What is Social Literacy and Why is It Important.
N.A. N.D Media Literacy: A Definition and More. Center for Media Literacy.
N.A. N.D. What is Media Literacy. Media Literacy Now.
Fernando, J. 2022, August 15. What Is Financial Literacy, and Why Is It So Important? Investopedia.
Ritchie, A. 2023, January 30. Financial Literacy.
Loewus, B. 2016, November 8. What Is Digital Literacy? Digital Literacy: An Evolving Definition.
Graham, B. 2018, November 25. What is Ecoliteracy?.
N.A. N.D. Ecological Literacy.
Allam, S. N.D. Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum. Artistic and Creative Literacies.
Daniel, M. 2021, August 17. Chapter 4 Arts and Creativity Literacy. Chapter 4 Arts and Creativity Literacy

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